Is he /ourguy/?

Is he /ourguy/?

Attached: henry.png (232x223, 118K)

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The driver? He drives


Attached: eternal lonliness.jpg (4750x4750, 3.83M)

Fuck off, Henry.

He would be if he was on team birb and not corgi, but he is a based lad.

I mean, its not even a contest.

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>Making another thread
Henryfags literally can't cope and just take the L.

>Oh, man... he's just like me!

How can Honry stand a chance?

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Fucking based

I'd rather play VN's for the rest of my life than play Gothic

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>tfw you make a Strawpoll and botfag it
>still lose to Henrychads
Can Marloniggers get any more pathetic?

Thats because you're a degenerate weeb

>They're not friends on steam anymore
Uh oh, Marlonfags, looks like your sissy tactics of """trying to make up""" didn't work.

im just chilling playing games while you're all busy getting salty over literally nothing. still fuck marlon and all the fucking weebs.

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>all that DLC

Stop giving that weeb attention. He lost.

it's artifically inflated by retarded devs making literally owning the game a dlc. i do not buy dlcs, so fuck off

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Henry, you're pretty based, but I have a question:
Tits or Ass?

Henryfags are schizos. Imagine my shock.

Based. Keep the weebs and trannies in check for all of us.

god bless you henry

For the uninitiated

Attached: henry.jpg (1350x786, 230K)

Yes. It's been a while since a Chad graced this board.

He's absolutely based. He's been vindicated.

>reposting your shit here
Fuck off Marlon go back to twitter and discord

>chad henry asserts his dominance over the virgin marlon
>henry threatens marlon, marlon only responds with a wimpy "ok" and leaves

marlonfags BTFO
>when M*rlon loses his own strawpoll
The people have spoken

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By the end of today Marlonchads will of had sex, go to the gym, and come home from work while Henryincels spend all day seething over a video game like the sad neets they are.
Larp as le sad man all you want, you'll never have sex.

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He then posts it on twitter for all his tranny friends to brigade henry. Dickless (literally) coward.


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Nice fantasy. Go dilate.