Comfy switch thread. What are you playing bro?

Comfy switch thread. What are you playing bro?

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I'm currently enjoying Muse Dash before Mario Maker drops friday.

Nothing. I’m waiting for MM2 tomorrow night. Yay!

since 2 years

I'm struggling with Mario Odyssey. I gave up on the Sand Kingdom. It reminds me of the rainbow level in SM64. It's pretty wide open but you're just travelling a long distance to get to the objective.

Does the game get better and go back to how the first kingdom was with the dinosaur you possessed or are we still going to be big open levels with little content?

Nothing because shit started drifting AGAIN and I don't feel like opening it again and fixing it right now

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The Last Remnant

I liked the game on X360. I'm having a blast with Switch version. I also picked Hollow Knight while it was on sale, so I might "fit" it in my schedule.

Sand is definitely the biggest, but there's a few more long ones. The only one that really felt like a slog to me was the wooded kingdom though.
Metro is also pretty long but it's the best level in the game

Keep playing and find out

You can teleport user.

Switching between breath of the wild and octopath

Waiting for december when they finally release the mini or upgraded switch. No point buying it now. Will join you then lads

I don't mind the big ones if it's actually gameplay, like Tick-Tock-Clock was one of the biggest ones but at least it had gameplay.

I mean how I was running around looking for stuff to do, especially with the purple coins being on the fucking edge of the map at times. It makes sense in some areas but in the desert kingdom it just seemed like they made it that big for longevity of travelling

I'm about to go back to splatoon 2. Haven't played in ages and I want to unlock octos before the final splatfest.

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Imported the physical copy of Ikenie to Yuki no Setsuna/I Am Setsuna. I know Tokyo RPG Factory don't have the best reputation here, and it's hardly my favourite game, but I can't help but enjoy this one. Thinking of getting LOST SPHEAR and Oni no Naku Kuni/Oninaki when that comes out. I accept I have shit taste, but I don't care; I'd much rather a old school style JRPG to contemporary ones like Final Fantasy or the Tales of series

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Yeah you'll probably like everything except wooded and maybe luncheon then.

Well, that's different, you are trying to complete the game, of course it will have tedious shit at some point.

Been playing Scarlet and using Meta Knight again after dropping him in Smash 4

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Pinball user here.

#1 ranked Skyrim (switch) :)
I don't trust pc scores cus of hacking and shit. One table has 600 quadrillion, 400 trillion, 500 million points in #1. Bullshit

Trying to claw my way to #1 in Doom. The Doom table fucking rules

If anyone plays and you wanna compete for scores feel free to add me. Just find me in leaderboards and add me from their

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Cheers, user

I wouldn't say it's tedious, I genuinely only looked around the starting area and for such a big area, before you get into the town/city, I think it was only 9 coins spread out and that entire area was more or less no content.

Oh it has content, but the game fills the empty spaces later. Your mistake was trying to get all the coins before getting to the ending, I did that on my second run just to see if I could get all the normal moons and coins before unlocking the second part and it is tedious as fuck.

Chaos or Order

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I'm playing the TSA DLC. I don't think I like Killer Marathon much. Mostly cause I get autistic about using the lives.

Been playing breath of the wild for the first time, after purposely not spoiling anything until I finally got it.

It's been nice. I'm enjoying it.

How is Into The Breach, anyway?

I'm gonna start The Last Remant while I wait for Tiny Metal 2 and Fire Emblem.

You mean in the Sand Kingdom (and I assume others), after you beat the final boss or whatever, the areas get in more content so the empty areas will have actual things in them?

Playing FF7. It's fine, but overrated from what I'm seeing so far.

In order to ascertain what it means, the faces need to be studied in more detail. The refraction of the light within the glasses allocates more of a particular realm and has more with time dilation that compared to the other. As to answer why, the reason remains unknown.

The corner describes another instance in which the shadow of the temple regarding the facial structure eats away at them simply. Therefore, it should be noted that despite all this, the realm of reality and fiction in which they exist cannot simply be explained with simple precautions but must be known.

Behind that, behind your vat of blood, there lies it. The God of it all demands the dragon of the golden crown to eat away at the vat of blood and feces. The God of the machinations dislikes the scripts and upon the screen of death, hates that with the passion of death. The abyss and the void of death clings onto the void of the screen. The abyss and files within the abyss cling to the vat and the refraction of the light continues to press forward onto the screen and mirror of disrepair. In order to properly contain it, the addendum of time must be added onto the dilation of the screen and exit out onto the God of machinations and the fiction must be coincided with them. The screaming and the void.
>Regarding the void

The simple equation is resulting of about a life to another. A mammal in which is equal to that of a fox equals about a human life. So, a cow with a head of a pig can thus equate to about two human lives. Therefore, you can say that the lives in the escape of the exit can see forward through the abyss and into the vat of blood and feces of about two human lives. Therefore, it should be stated that the life of a pig with the body of a cow can be seen with the lens of a pig with the body of a fox. With the abyss, it cannot be understated. Therefore, it should be with Lain instead. Inside the machinations of it, lies the fiction of the refraction of the light.

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About to beat the Travis Strikes Again DLC.
Killer Marathon is proper hard on Bitter

I had the same suspicion, so I'm playing through the FF series in chronological order so I can get a sense for what the progression is

But the fucking OST for the stage is great.

Been playing pic related for the last week and a bit. Been having a great time with it. On the side I've been playing Stardew Valley and I'm waiting for Mario Maker 2 which I have preloaded onto my Switch.

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I'm trying to work up the courage to face GR Valstrax again for the G4 urgent in MHGU.
In like 12 years of playing monster hunter, not a single monster has walled me this hard. Usually I can just play it safe and take longer to kill them, but GR Valstrax actually carts me when I'm on the full defensive and I can't figure out a way to not get hit by his wingspear/wingspin combo every time.

when is prime trilogy coming to switch
when are we getting a new DKC and a new mario kart

Into the Breach and it’s maximum comfy

I thought it was overrated soulless shit. People are going to defend it but to me it’s just a bunch of shit thrown together with Mario platforming all over it. It’s polished as hell and the controls and platforming are the best they’ve ever been but the world levels atmosphere and game itself is shit.

I've had a Civ VI revival recently. I always chose V over VI on pc, but it feels nice being able to play VI while lying on the couch. The controls work surprisingly well too, even though playing on switch feels a little more restricting and obviously doesn't offer the same content as the pc version does

What's your favourite Civ VI leader, user?

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Playing Bloodstained

I do feel a little bit of the janks but it's certainly not unplayable as people put it.

Yeah, that's pretty much how I played the game. I actually didn't even manage to finish it.

Patches soon

Not him but it’s pretty great I’m enjoying it more than hollow knight or gungeon

FF7 is way overrated, it's mostly remembered fondly because it was more or less the first ever "2deep5me" game to come out, because before N64/PS1 era the graphics and cart size was a huge limiting factor to making games that could generate a complicated underlying narrative.
That being said, I still think it's got a pretty unique presentation for its world. It's melancholic and a little bit gritty, and wasn't really afraid to take risks. Once the technology became good enough to render Waifus in 3D, final fantasy was over because that shit got shoehorned into EVERY game.

You mean the progression of the series story or the progression of the design of the games?
Because, in case you haven't figured it out, every single FF game is its own universe (with the exception of FF12, which shares the universe known as "Ivalice" with the tactics games)
In the case of the latter, it actually is kind of interesting to look back at Square (enix) designs their games.
One interesting thing I noticed is how when FF13 came out, literally everyone was screeching about the level design, and how they're mostly just hallways. But in retrospect, that's a common theme in all FF games. Square enix has never, and will never, be able to design decent dungeons and levels. Even FF14, an "MMORPG" where you'd expect them to craft a big detailed world, is a game comprised ENTIRELY of hallways.

I want it so bad, bros. I'd accept 30fps/720p if it played the same and had equal texture/lighting quality...

Redpill me on ITB.

Is Bloodmemed on Switch really that bad, or is it fine?
I cant see myself playing this kind of game on my PC, but I want to check it out..

How's that shit run in handheld?

docked with a pro controller has input lag and buffering which makes it really awkward
In handheld mode it seems to be decent enough with worse visuals and lacking more effects if you can get past that
The load times I've noticed aren't that bad and only had some stutter that was rare. I can't even tell the 30 fps probably since I haven't played the 60 fps. Also for my experience, no crashes 2 hours in.

is there a list of games i can ONLY play on the switch? il play all other stuff on pc

Going through the BotW DLC, sword trials are a total bitch and the Kass DLC to get the bike feels pretty grindy

Somewhat roguelike/lite where you control a team of 3 mechs that you can upgrade and pilot that levels up also in each mech. It actually ends up being more puzzle solving than you would assume it to be and the best part of the game to me is there are like 8 different teams of 3 mechs each you can select or even customize grabbing 3 total from any team or roll a random team of 3.

Been playing BotW but my left Joycon drifts up and/or left. Really sours my experience.

Nothing because I had to send my Switch to Nintendo for repairs after it randomly bricked
Hopefully it doesn't take too long to get sent back to me...

Mutant Football League and pleasantly surprised by it all.

Online is still alive, get matchmaking notifications while playing singleplayer modes and can join right to them.

No crashing, runs good, about 3 hours life in handheld.

Game is honestly better than I thought with tons of under the hood details and balance above what I would gave ever expected. Surprising balance with "weaker" teams being able to compete against strpnger teams with differences in races and dirty tricks.

I just ordered one. Waiting on the system but I've got Xenoblade 2 on standby.

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Was on Runner3 but Yoshi came, will be getting MM2, One Piece Red and Xenoverse 2 this week too.

Been seeing a lot of people having success using electrical contact cleaner to undrift joycons

I’m waiting for panzer dragoon to come out. So I’m playing Windwaker for the first time while waiting

>little content
You have no idea just how fucking much is there, you're an absolute idiot, and pay for the taxi if your ass hurts so much from walking.

Playing the waiting game.
>waiting for AC cut content edition
>waiting for Pokémon N64 edition
>waiting for E3 2020
>waiting for switch pro

playing the torna DLC; just got to the prince part. battle mechanics is pure kino. Very satisfying once you learn what you’re doing

Please inform me where the taxi is to take me from the start of the level to either side with the purple coins on the edge of the cliffs

>want to buy katana zero and the messager of the e-shop but they're on sale on steam

Champions ballad can be a bitch if you don’t sneak and snipe with arrows.; that spike shrines can fuck right off though.
As for trial of the sword, use 4 razorshrooms and a shard of a dragons horn and use it before the trial as it lasts 30 minutes, it’ll make it more bearable

I see, thanks for the advice. Have to try this before I end up spending 70 USD for a controller.

>it's another defeat the enemy with high moral episode

Why is unlocking anything for young link so out of the way?

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>Remember I actually have money now for this game
Thanks for the reminder bro.

Easily the best threads on this shit board

What's fucked is that the game is going to sell less on Switch, even though Switch could've sold more than the other version, behind PC.
But they fucked it, now people are telling other people not to get the Switch version.
Now 505 are going to have to waste time and resources on fixing the Switch version will getting little back because of the atrocious port. Which is good that the Switch version will be good eventually. But it's a game doa on Switch at this point.

which cart game is better crash or mario?

>sword trials
>spawn and instantly get bombed by fucking everything
Grind city bitch, grind grind city bitch

You can't be serious... Jesus, you know what, don't okay the game and call it shit, you're clearly too stupid for fucking Mario


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Why not something more defensive? My issues with the master trials weren't that I was having trouble killing enemies, it was that it's insanely easy for a bokoblin to snipe you or boop you from offscreen and because you have no armor it takes away like 5 hearts of damage, that shit adds up
I can stunlock enemies, and when it goes south all it means is they take longer to kill. If they hit ME it runs down a very finite resource.

Not him btw

10 10 10 20 rupees on yo titty bitch

It runs extremely well. Even after long sessions. A fantastic port.

Just got one on Monday with Odyssey. Probably going to get BOTW and MM2 next.

Crash Team Racing

I ordered a Pro Controller just for this game

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Why are Xenoblade 2 fags such obnoxious pieces of shits?

Just got this yesterday and so far I’m absolutely loving it. There’s a few weird frame dips at times and the gameplay is kind of weird, but I’ve been a huge Neptunia fan since like 2013 and this game goes really hard with the fan service (in the sense that it brings back old characters and has the story interactions mostly based on the main four girls)

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those new hori joycons cant come soon enough

Get Electrical constant cleaner
You got dust and dead skin cells user
Get rid of that and you’re gucci

I know how the teleportation system works, user.
That does not change that the beginning of the level has you walking around an empty area for a few minutes

Played a bit of Smash and Rocket League today. Probably going to continue Hollow Knight tonight. Last time I was trying to take on the Mantis Lords.
I am Setsuna wasn't bad, I liked it well enough. Haven't played Lost Sphear but Oninaki looks interesting to me. Have you played Octopath? It's not by the same guys but if you enjoy these JRPGs you might want to give it a try.

As a somewhat normie who doesn’t watch anime and have an ol lady and kids though still enough of a autist to be posting here at 10am, is xenoblade 2 too cringe and weeb for me? Played the first one a good bit but the second is def in some next level jap shit. serious inquiry here.


>Xenoblade 2 fag
>Clearly states that he hasn't actually played the game yet

It's the worst sort of cringe weebshit. I don't know how grown men can play this stuff.

>The Nintendo community is still good
I can’t believe today was a good day

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I’m playing Odyssey right now and sitting at about 400 moons. Playing Luigi’s balloon world to farm coins and buy costumes although I’m disappointed in the 8 bit Mario cap after spending 9999 coins. Might for for the Mario sunshine outfit next.

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Level is littered with taxi poles.

this. ITB is a puzzle game. not a roguelike

Is Smash worth buying if you haven't played any of the previous games and don't have autism? I paid for a full year for the online service yet have nothing to play online.

Probably. Even if you can get past that, its still pretty flawed. The beginning is a bit of a chore too.

The two-halves Pro controller one for DxM?

how have you never played smash? underage?

The autism is completely optional. You’ll be somewhat behind the curve if you’ve never played before but each game controls slightly different and has physics that range from slightly different to way different. I’d vouch for Splatoon over melee if you’re just looking for something to play online. But if shooters are t your thing then yeah get smash.

Do you not have friends?
Nor a childhood?

It's nowhere near as bad as people like to make out but you still probably wouldn't like it

I could deal with the titty monster armor but the anime trope stuff I dunno about

Anybody tried Devil May Cry yet? How is it?

Once you get to an area with content, yes.
The first few minutes are devoid of them and only exist after the initial few minutes of searching for coins

Literally no one played Smash when I was a kid, if someone had a N64 it was always OoT, Mario 64 and Goldeneye.

Sorry for the late reply but at this point it's choas all the way. Might change in the future but not likely.

I tried giving the game a chance, it's one of the worst pieces of movieshit I could ever imagine. I would genuinely rather play Gone Home, since at least that is over in 5 minutes.

The little village has one of those poles and you get there within 5 seconds.


Most of that stuff stops by the halfway point of the game.

Yes, and they go from slightly more difficult to very difficult.

There's definitely more anime tropey stuff than the first one, but not as much I expected. That said Xenoblade 1 does a much better job of hiding it/ making it more palatable to non-weebs so I can't recommend XBC 2 to anyone that doesn't have a High tolerance to that shit.

So, anyone pick up Bloodstained?

>max out coins
>Finally get the 8 bit Mario costume
>It's fucking static
Holy fucking shit, never saw something so fucking lazy in my life, I kept imaging voxels moving around looking cool, but no, not a single fucking animation.

It's literally anime trope:the game. There isn't a single bit of soul or creativity in it.

I bought it yesterday but it's sitting unopened on my kitchen table. I haven't decided if I'm gonna try to play it or just return it and wait for patches

Man, I want it, but there's no way it's gonna be anything less than a shitter Mario Kart 8. If I didn't have a Switch, I'd pick it up though.

I used to play Smash with my rich cousin, then the fucker traded it for Wave Race.

>took my Switch out of the house for the first time
>leave it in my bag because I'm too scared something will happen to it to actually play it

What would even happen to it?

Have you bought the game yet? Honestly I wouldn't recommend XBC2, it's a pretty generic anime RPG that pretends to do WAY more than it actually does. It bombards you with side quests and mechanics that make very little difference to how the game plays, if any.
I couldn't play more than about 20 hours of it because I felt my brain melting from how monotonous and shallow the whole game is to play. Story is okay, has some decent waifu material but the focus is always on the most boring characters.

My biggest gripe is that you'd think there would be tons of customisation given that you get like 20 weapon types to play with and each blade character has multiple expansion trees but no matter what weapons you choose they all effectively play the same and the expansion trees are linear as fuck.
Overall I'd have liked the game to make me customise my party loadout a little bit but every single usable combination is exactly the same and you're given almost no options to tiptoe outside the lines before the game beats you into the ground for not following the tank/healer/damage trio.

Bought Hollow Knight. Never been in to metroid likes cause I find them super hard but I have been enjoying it. Other than that been mindlessly grinding in D3 while I watch reruns of Forensic Files and Diners, Drive ins and Dives.

Waiting on DCUO and Dauntless to come out.

Getting Switch in 2 weeks with Mario Maker 2 and Smash


Ohoho, have fun when you reach the Colosseum, or one of the later bosses.

It could get stolen, or broken. A black hole could spontaneously form and suck up my Switch. Maybe that last one is ridiculous but people said the same thing about Trump running for president AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED! I'd have to be a fool to take that gamble, sir!

Can I play it without touching 2 proper?

>Hollow Knight
>while I watch reruns of Forensic Files
My other go-tos are L&O / L&O:CI

Waiting for Astral Chain. Playing Smash a bit but I'm not very good at it.

I think you're a little too paranoid, user.

>you're given almost no options to tiptoe outside the lines before the game beats you into the ground for not following the tank/healer/damage trio.
Look up some videos on youtube and you'll see there's quite a bit you can do without tank/healer/damage. Enel's channel shows off the combat pretty well imo.

Nothing since a few days ago, got caught up in some stuff

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Hollow Knight. Metroidvanias have found a home in the Switch's portability

That's what someone who wants to steal my Switch would say. Nice try, your clever scheme has been foiled, clearly I'm not being paranoid enough!

Worry not, my friend. I was just testing you. Never trust anyone.


been loving RE4, bought it on almost every platform since it was released and this is easily the best version so far. puyo puyo tetris has kept me addicted too. looking forward to get the mana collection and namco museum at some point

Hollow Knight, op, amazing game

Redpill me on Muse Dash, is it good?

Can you play RE 4 with motion controls and does it work as well as it did on the Wii? I tried playing Splatoon 2 with motion controls and it was awkward as shit

no motion controls i'm afraid. I know this was a deal breaker for some people but frankly I always found that they made the game way too easy on Wii and I never liked using them much anyway, but that's just me. otherwise the game is fucking great. being able to play RE4 on the shitter is an experience unlike any other. graphics are pretty sharp too, there's a few small QOL changes and the controls feel good. definitely get it if you motion controls aren't a dealbreaker for you.

No it is flat out worse than the Wii version. Somehow loading times are longer

Not as bad as the RE1 loading times though... that is downright brutal

>Somehow loading times are longer
this is not true in any way whatsoever

Not as brutal as the price point, amirite?

>Never trust anyone.

Not even... myself?

Ive been obsessed with the thought of buying the switch for a couple weeks. I don't know why, there's only a handfull of games I really want to play but I'm a former poorfag and I feel guilty when I buy something I don't really need but I just want it
Is it worth the 300 bucks?

Depends what you want it for...

Redpill me on the 8bitDo SN30 Pro controller that looks exactly like the US Snes gamepad

It's a pretty cool handheld.

Especially not yourself.

It’s a pretty neat piece of tech if nothing else, Nintendo hit a home run with it. I’d be happy with just the indie games released on it to play portably but the first party stuff handful of third part stuff and ports all make it that much better. I love mine.

IMO if you're going to buy any console, it's the only one worth buying. it's the first console made in over a decade that actually feels like the fun, entirely game-centric consoles of the past, like N64, Xbox, Dreamcast, etc. I bought it for BotW and a few others but I have about 13 games on there now and I've really enjoyed having it. being able to lay in bed or sit on the couch and play Dark Souls or Doom is cool as fuck, and it's nice to know I can throw it on a backpack any time I go on a trip and bring all my games with me. a PC would be an overall better investment if you just want pure quantity, but the switch will give you mileage no doubt.

Smash, Mario Kart, and Tetris 99

Just get it on 6 month finance with no interest

Right now it's the only place to play Golf Story.

Although disc golf can go suck an egg.

it all depends on what games you are into and what type of life you currently have
if you want AAA, open world and or multiplayer games, avoid it
if you want japanese games, have friends to play multiplayer locally or have erratic free time (like travelling a lot or your free time is divided in less than hourly chunks) then it's a good console
If you are hardcore into gaming it's a good idea to have both a switch and a PS4 or preferably a good PC to pretty much have access every relevant game

Is the stick drift really as common as people are making it seem?

It seems so, I cleaned mine 6 months after the drifting became unbearable, it started drifting again just recently. It's a serious design flaw on the Joystick.

Thanks for the input. I mainly want it for the first party games and being able to play Smash, Zelda or Dark Souls in bed when my girlfriend sleeps would be kinda cool, but I've seen my former roommate play a bunch of indie games and they all seemed pretty well made and fun, and as one of you said the console itself is pretty fun oriented from what I see. More than my ps4 at least

I have a launch day grey, and have personally never experienced it.

One of my favorite games atm, I'm 40 hours in and still loving it. Working on getting every achievement, at about 50% right now. Highly recommended.

My physical version of ace attorney

It’s good. Stop using buzzwords.

I've heard it's more common on older gray joycons. If you got a brand new Switch or a new set of joycons now, you're probably less likely to have issues.

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my first set got bad, nintendo sent me a replacement. the one they sent and another pair i bought have faired much better. i keep em in a spare card deck box to keep em safe from dust works pretty well.

Left one had it a month after purchase and I replaced it with an aftermarket one. Now the right one is giving me issues.

Mario Maker 2. Changed my timezone to Kiribati and unlocked it 30 mins ago.

>color anything to do with the joystick design
No user, it's the way it was designed, the contacts are on the lower side where dust deposits, it causes interference.

Well I do have a ps4 but I've been frustrated with it. I've played a lot of great games on it but nothing like a Smash or Mario that I can just boot for half an hour on my lunch break and play a bit. Basically as you said I want a Switch to play the games my ps4 doesn't have, so I can experience pretty much everything this gen has to offer. Plus my 3ds died and I want a handheld

Currently 13 hours in Octopath Traveler. I have to say, it's really worth the price I paid for it. Though I haven't played too much rpgs like this game before, so I don't have a basis on what's good or not. Can any of you anons recommend me some more?

Yeah, I'm only on my first character but I definitely like it. The sprites really appeal to me for some reason, which is odd because I was raised on PS2 graphics more than anything. Might I ask if you've got other recommendations for the Switch? They don't even have to be actual JRPGs, I'd accept another country emulating the basic concepts

There was a devolver sale on the eshop a few weeks ago and I got the messenger and katana zero for like $7 each

I had a launch ps4 that I only purchased 4 games for until I bought the switch. I thought I had grown out of video games. now I have over 20 physical switch games and like 8 digital. it's fun bro.

there FF9 if you want something like octopath. or disgaea 5 if you like class building mechanics, its a trpg too so theres alot going on.
Ys 8 and Xenoblade are fun action rpgs if you like anime and both are great.

Buying Terraria for the third time tomorrow.


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Also Zelda here
This game never ends if you try to 100% without a guide
Currently going through Master Mode, only 15 shrines and like 20 sidequests left
My normal mode file is still stuck at 895 korok seeds. Finding the last 5 will be next to impossible but hopefully I’ll stumble across them in the course of getting the 895 I know of in Master Mode
530 hours played so far

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MHGU and Tetris mostly, but most of my gaming time is gonna be Judgment for a week or so now that it's finally out.

Dragon Quest XI is coming in September if you haven’t already played it, has exclusive content and shit

Anybody play cadence of hyrule? How is it?

I'd recommend Disgaea 5 if you haven't played it already. Has a demo on the eShop too if you want to give it a try first.

>tfw buying android ports because I like the dev's previous games when they actually had a budget

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do you play your switch in mostly handheld mode or docked?

As a handheld is really good in the sense that you can pick up and play any game. Stuff like 100h JRPGs become less intimidating when you can just play at your own pace instead of having to set a playtime session of "x" amount of hours just to keep progressing. But unlike the 3DS it's bulky enough that you can't carry it in your pocket.
Personally the biggest reason why I love mine is the local multiplayer aspect. I've carried it countless times to a friend's house alongside the dock since it's so light just to spent an entire afternoon playing Smash, Mario Kart and some other indie multiplayer games like Towerfall. Even friends who weren't that much into gaming joined in. As far as gimmicks goes this is by far the best one nintendo has done.

Golf Story is the only game i liked enough to 100%. So good.

I'm still buying it. I think it's worth the 30 dollars, even if it stings that on Steam it can cost 2 dollars. But it's price won't go down on Switch until who knows when.

docked 98% of the time for me

Should I get the Collection of Mana? I avoided the SNES games cause I was busy with FF games until someone told me Mana games weren't turn-based. How good are they?

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wait for the physical version

>. But it's price won't go down on Switch until who knows when.
Until next big sale, surely. eshop's not that bad.

Depends on what games I'm currently playing. Back when I played Stardew Valley everyday I used it mostly in handheld mode but for other games like Smash I prefer it docked.

What about the fungus? I can still trust that, right?

Tabletop on a desk with a pro controller

>buying physical
>on a handheld

Its turgid shit. I got it on the Switch because my PC controller stopped working recently. Holy fuck that was a mistake, playing it with keyboard would be less punishing. Even if it looked like the PC version it shouldn't run this badly. Characters look like goddamn clay.

Surely but I dunno if I can wait. I want comfy 2D building during this season.

>finally Terraria Switch has a release date and its close
>it's before the final update and its 30 bucks
fucking monkey paw. How long until the update? I got tons of games, but I'm not buying this until the last update

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I love it, but in a vacuum, I think FTL is more fun. Both fantastic games, though.

Of course you can. The fungus is your only friend.

I wish I played my Switch more. I love the first party titles, and I thought for sure I'd be playing a bunch of indies on it, but that hasn't been the case. I buy a game, play it for 10 minutes, then it gets buried. I don't travel enough to really utilize the portability much. Hopefully once Animal Crossing comes out, I'll get sucked in again.

I'd love a FTL port.

how in the fuck
respect for getting that far but I can't imagine doing that and not getting bored of it, I just found all the shrines and called it a day

Prime Trilogy in HD would be kino. I love the Wii versions because of motion controls, but they can be stupid expensive.

How’s the cringe pedo pandering

Nintendo are holding off to Wii games for some reason. I can imagine they'll release the chinese ports some time in the future as part of their online service or whatever, but holy shit are they taking long with it.

don't listen to this, DS5 sucks. wait for DS4 complete+ to come out this year, easily the best game in the series.

Downloading the GE3 demo right now. Hope it doesn't look like shit in handheld mode

Devs are fresh off the Vita, it shouldn't be bad.

Finished it actually, even though I'm unforgivably bad at strategy. Good game though. Got anything else? I'd even take some indie games if you know of any good ones

Waiting for DQ11, personally. Got the PS4 version in a sale, then immediately the Switch version was announced to have way more content. I was pretty butthurt about it.


>got the drifts on BOTH joycons
>still have the warranty
>don't know where the fucking warranty is

I hate being so fucking stupid

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Reminder, piracy = theft.
Do not steal switch games

Let's hope. 21 more minutes. Thanks shit internet

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Smash is the perfect way to experience fighting games if you’re not autistic enough to actually play them.
t. nigger

Handheld always

Fuck off mate

nothing, maybe smash and splatoon, this shit has no games unless you're a massive indiefag.

Dipping my toes in Hyule Warriors but really waiting for Fire Emblem at this point

It’s Devil May Cry. You can buy the HD collection and your lunch for the money you’d spend buying 1 on Switch. Capcom are jews, as always.

>buy game
>dump game
>play with dumped game instead of my original copy
Heh, what now, Atheists?

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Deal with it, thief.

How do I pirate 1st party

Why is everyone complaining about Capcom doing this price jewery and not literally everyone else doing it? Even Nintendo's ports are full fucking priced but I saw nobody calling them greedy

I bought it for the iPad, haven’t touched the PC version since. Controls work perfectly on touchscreen.

Illegal copy, still theft
reverse checkmate backwards savage who worships an invisible sky magician.

Though...I have heard the switch make noises that I thought a switch was not capable of making, while running Civ VI.
It also crashed once on me, but only crashing once in 50 hours is honestly way better than I expected from the port

>Illegal copy, still theft
Personal copies are protected under the law, friend.

I was very disappointed when they announced just ITB. I hope the port is in the works, I don't have a tablet.

FF7 for the first time (I'm 30) going good so far

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I also don’t like Nintendo ripping me off, but Capcom has way more games I care about.


Also if you dump it, you're going to release it to other people, that's how pirates do things, so you're enabling theft too.
And should be sued.

Fair enough.

Me too. I wish I that the entire internet hadn’t spoiled me on the game from when I was, like, 12 though. Imagine getting that first hit of utter shock as Sephiroth just mercs your healer.

>can only equip 4 skills and 1 ultimate/synergy skill
>gear is actually something called ISO-8 doesn't alter appearance
>only way to get new clothes is to complete Ultimate Challenges
>builds can only be reset with some sort of item that rarely drops
How is this different from the previous games?

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S-E can also fuck off, honestly. Saw the light with The Last Remnant to then charge 40 bucks for three GB and SNES games. Konami hasn't been bad, though, 8 games for 20 bucks is a nice enough deal.

Waiting for FE: Three Houses. It’s looking pretty good

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playing baba is you and waiting for mario maker 2

Is this game fun? I loved playing the first two co-op with my brother when we were kids, but I haven’t paid much attention to this one.

>so I'm gonna assume what you will do so i can call it illegal activity
Literal retard

>Terraria for 30 fucking dollaroos
>still nothing on 1.4 release date
By the time it comes, it'll be 15 bucks. I'll just wait like every other jackass

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Best Buy has the demo, it plays like Diablo 3 except with Marvel Characters. There is a ton of grinding but it feels less mindless, in D3 you can just faceroll through moms and bosses. In this game the bosses has so much HP that you will need to learn its pattern.

How is it wrong? It's legal if it's strictly personal use.

I agree, shame I got spoiled by a hentai site but I'm going to invest in her and play her in my party until then so I can still feel something in that coming scene. You still get to keep her materia so that's good enough for me.

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Playing baba is you, Pedro, and cadence of hyrule. All fun games

Are there people that unironically liked Travis Strikes Again?


>It's alright to commit a crime if it's for 'personal use'
Nice try thieves.

It's not a crime.

Anyone play this and want get in a few matches?

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lol ew

...saving around 30% from digital price. Idiots!

It's a genius punk subversion artiste Suda51's game, at least one outsider teenager will buy into his shit.


I only play 3.3

Jesus man I bought this last year and the online is fucking pathetic even with an ethernet cable, honestly don't bother unless you really want to play offline. Doesn't even have the best version of Third Strike

>GE3 looks like a pixel mess in handheld
God fucking piss shit damn it fuck!

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Eh... I sold it few months ago
I still got USF2 if you want

If you want to play I'll be in a lobby so just come on in

Would but can't atm.

Online has been ok for me, 80%+ of my matches are fine.

Sadly I don't have USF2

Moero Chronicle. Unlocked the last intimacy events yesterday, now I'm screwing around in postgame and trying builds while grinding levels. I'm kinda surprised at how easy expert difficulty is with the right strategy. Even the strongest enemies in the game can be "solved" to the point where I can grind risk-free. Agility kinda breaks the game.

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Oh ok.
Then I hope you’ll find someone to play with

link me a hacking guide niggas

Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, it's been alright so far but I wish it had a different setting.

How's the port?

I'm framerate blind but I see no problems with it so far.

Playing Astral Chain rn
Shit’s cash

Does it really? The docked footage looked pretty spot on to ps4.
Well, that's mildly upsetting. Still day 1 though

Can you upload any screenshots, user?

>God Eater 3 demo is fun as fuck
>there are so many people playing even more than MHGU
S-should I get this game Yea Forums?

It's not that bad but I do tend to overlook those sort of things when I enjoy a game.

They promised 8 player maximum but I can only join games of 4.

Finished Celeste last night, might try to get as many berries and B-Sides cleared before Mario Maker finally comes out.

Can't decide whether to get MM2 physical or digital...

Because Capcom are porting superior versions of the same games to other consoles for the same price.


H-how are people typing so fucking fast in this game? Can you connect a keyboard to the Switch?

So is SE

I have a XBox One X already but I'm debating on getting a switch or a ps4 pro. Which one should I go for anons?

Well, will the exception of Dragon's Quest which is a surprise. Either way, Bethesda do it too

>struggling with Mario Odyssey
My 10 year old brother beat the game. It's not that hard, user.

Docked looks good and performance is locked 30fps but in handheld it looks pretty poor visually

Why the fuck do I want this so badly? I'm such a sucker for controllers it's not even funny.

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why? because the joysticks wont drift a few weeks after you buy them, the R will work fully and it has an actual fucking dpad

Doesn't look bad, but I wish they designed it with parallel buttons-dpad if the things are essentially unusable as single joycons anyway.

Wonder what you’ll get on a switch thread

Playing Yokai Watch 4, it's really fun.

Hori hasn't made a quality gamepad for years now, so far the only thing that is remotely passable by them is the shitty RAP sticks and even those are getting shat on by Obsidian and even fucking Razer. Not only that but they are extra jews by selling a plastic spacer for these things seperately for another $20.

Open a vanguard brokerage account and buy VTSAX

I want to play this but I don't understand Japanese at all.

around what jlpt would be needed to understand it?

You can, but you won't know what's going on. Even though it's a prequel to 2, all the characters were introduced in 2 and they expect you to already know who most people are.

Just plug in a USB keyboard and it works perfectly. I do it with mhgu all the time

Gaaaay. Is it 30fps handheld? If so I dont mind the visuals

>70 bucks controller
>Drifting after 4 months
Fucking nintendo

I really hope the pro controller doesn't have drifting.

They aren't, their use depends on being docked on the system.

Yeah 30 both handheld and docked and seems locked. I have not notice any frame dips even when going ape shit with 4 characters

Apparently is less likely to have drifts compared to the trashcons

Hopefully it can hold that 8 players too. Does the demo have character customization?

Ive been playing Verlet Swing, the last 10 levels are really hard.

My pro controller started drifting up within 3 months. I just rapidly shake the analog stick and blow on its base and it goes away for a few hours. Havent tried contact cleaner yet.

Yup. Go nuts.

I wouldn't rapidly shake the stick. That will make it worst because of the reasoning behind the issue