Why do white people make this face?
Why do white people make this face?
Jews aren't white, Jamal.
>he doesn't do the mayo masquerade
I want to finish inside Alanah.
Bogs jr?
Alanah nudes fucking WHEN
Many men have, including blacks
t. anglo trying to disassociate from his genetic brothers (jews and anglos both come from Central Asia)
Alanah fucking sucks and brings nothing to the table at Funhaus. She ain't funny and ain't as qt or smol as Elyse.
Ashkenazi jews are white.
I think all her holes clogged already, user. She’s a legit coal burner too.
She has some imbalance that causes her to be extremely devoid of energy like 24/7, she apparently passes out frequently and falls out of bed and shit.
Think about taking advantage of her in one of those semi lucid states.
Yeah she seemed pretty out of it during the 24/7 games done slow stream
Races are not mutually exclusive. There are black Jews in Ethiopia.
for the same reason black people do this:
genetics i guess
Probably iron defecient
Big aussie boobies
I want to bang her
Me too bro
I despise nu-Halo but her reaction to the teaser was really heartwarming and makes me yearn for that feeling of genuine awe and excitement again
shes always wearing leggins which made me never look at her boobs
quite an impressive set - heary heary
That reaction made me want to date her and not just fuck her
Please post it.
>want to watch new Funhaus video
>they bring a shitskin editor that always adds some nigger rap in their videos and doesn't understand even pop-rock references
>day ruined
more like why white males are consuming a lot more onions?
is it cheaper than water?
She just covers her mouth and kinda tears up.
Nothing to see
So the holocaust was white genocide then?
>Ashkenazi jews are white
Is Lawrence /ourguy/?
she do porn?
Go to bed Lawrence.
What exactly did he mean when he blurted out "child porn" for no reason at all?
dunno but he ain't wrong
Jewish is also an ethnic group, or rather several. Sephardim, Ashnekazim, Mizrahim, are all genetically distinct from the non-Jewish populations around them. They as a group have moved around a lot, supposedly originally being Hebrew from Judea and mixing with various populations around Central/Eastern Europe in the case of the Ashkenazi.
funhaus is soi incarnate
Fucking this, Funhaus went straight downhill as soon as Alanah joined. She's nowhere near as funny as Elyse and she has that stupid accent. Would still cum inside, though
This nigga def wants to go balls deep in alanah
>loves anime/hentai
>loves alcohol
>most importantly, loves vidya
Absolutely. 10/10 would get a beer with
I hate this guy in FH videos more than Alanah
wtf I love Alanah now
of course he is. That should have been obivous from the start
She's definitely not as funny as the rest, but she interestingly is better when with the editors, like in sundered or that bike zombie game everyone hates
>is also the second most aggressive SJW behind James
>obsessed with "hot takes" that are just stupid
>unironically clickbaits on their vidya news channel despite making fun of clickbait for years
Nah he's a fag. Adam and Bruce are the best followed by Elyse and the rest suck.
why do you guys care if she fucks black guys? so what? what's wrong with that? genuinely don't get it.
>boss of funhaus
>tallest of the group
>always the funniest in videos
>has a hot 23 year old gf even though he's pushing 40
Bruce is the ultimate chad
>tallest of the group
I'm always surprised by that
She is literally dating a buff white dude.
Quite based, Autumn is hot as shit
What face? They all make a different face
>Autumn is hot as shit
Debatable, attractive, but definitely debatable.
niggers are gross. Used goods is gross. Goods used by niggers are irredeemable
Nice face, better body. What more do you need?
I've seen far better and with better personalities.
>she mounted Bruce on the first date
You're not going to cum inside her personality