What game is Chad playing?

What game is Chad playing?

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Yu-Gi-Oh! GX - Tag Force Evolution

god i wish that dog were me

He isnt, hes banging the girl you always think about

100% orange juice

The game of life and he is winning.

Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel

An Emulator

>banging girls
Yeah I doubt it.

He's learning about Cubism while playing Taimanin Murasaki


He's literally holding a PS4 controller you retard

Castlevania Circle of the Moon

Chad doesn't play video games you retard

whatever sports game happens to be the most popular in your country

Nah, look at that face, it's the face of a boy that likes to be spoiled, trust me I know gay stuff.

>t. never met an actual chad
Yes, some absolutely do lmao

Steam Grand Prix, as Team Corgi


Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

what is he doing with that controller then

He's literally playing fucking nothing. This photo serves no other purpose than to show off how hot his body is, but he has cute dog so he has a soft side too, but he totally still plays games ladies so don't expect you can tame his wild heart without a fight. The only difference between him and any instagram thot is that he's smart enough to turn the console on so the controller lights up.

god i wish that were me


This. And probably Fortnight, because it's free.


Jesus Christ, I actually played that shit.

probably FIFA

Brawlhalla. He plays Roland.

Pokemon Sword


>tfw Germans can get a tiger on the field in 15 mins after the new patch

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Sitting on my dick game

Your Crush's Heart. Apparently he's really good at it.

Posing to get a hot gamer chick.

Im playing
SMB3 mix rom hack

and I just finished link between worlds also on an emulator

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That's called your projection, he married his high school sweetheart

That doesn't contradict anything he said.

>makes up some retarded assumption about him being gay because you're gay and lonely
How about no

if he were a real gamee he'd either be playing on pc with proper controller settings, or he'd have unplugged the cable inside the controller, so that the stupid ass light stays off and the battery lasts longer

Good call hiding what appears to be very your ugly face

The game of sucking Brad's dick in the gym bathroom for some roids needles.