An autopsy after Desmond Amofah's death revealed a colon that was 5-6 inches in diameter and 8-9 feet long...

>An autopsy after Desmond Amofah's death revealed a colon that was 5-6 inches in diameter and 8-9 feet long. A normal colon is only 2-3 inches in diameter and 4-5 feet long. The autopsy also revealed stool that had been in the colon for 4-5 months and would have certainly presented a tremendous toxic load on the Internet personality’s physiology.

>This same autopsy performed after Amofah’s death purportedly revealed that the YouTube content creator’s colon weighed 42 pounds at the time of his death. 37 pounds of this was dried fecal matter and only 5 pounds was living tissue.

>Allegedly, this extreme constipation was a result of his drug usage, particularly opioids.

> A former close friend of Amofah’s has claimed that he possessed very little control over his bowels, and that he would often accidentally defecate himself around her.

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Other urls found in this thread:



>no source



>Etika dies due to Toxic load

Etika was a Yea Forums approved youtuber and smash personality and was therefore board culture. You are exactly right in thinking Yea Forums is a Nintendo board and mods are Nintendo fans. Get used to it newfags. Sorry your fat cuck nonbinary snoyboy Jim Sterling never got a sticky but there's no need to seethe this hard about it.


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ok I believe you

did water go up his anus when he jumped?

Pasta with dick size when? They say you get a boner when you die.

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Less e celeb shit and more game idea talking

[Citation needed]

RIP my nigga

Damn you JUST made this thread with phillip seymour hoffman but suddenly put a youtube zoomer in the OP and you rake in the rustles from these fucking newfags


>Yea Forums approved

I know this is bait but come on

dang it bobby

Fuck off Bobby no one cares about final fantasy stop linking to that thread

>A nigger manchild that shits himself is a Yea Forums icon
It's so fitting hahahaha

that boy aint right

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God dangit Bobby.

>shit taking is good for you

No it isn't you pro-shitting faggot. Keeping it in rises your testosterone levels and decreases your dopamin receptor sensitivity so you're less likely to procrastinate. Once I went shit-free for two weeks, I never went back. Etika probably killed himself precisely because HE DID take shits. Keeping them in would have solved all his problems.

baka he shouldn't have shoved those watermelons up his ass on stream

Shut up Bobby.

>Gets a sticky when the most other youtubers get are "this isn't Yea Forums fuck off"
Yeah I'm thinking that's pretty conclusive evidence of Yea Forums approval. 98.

Was he doing that thing where you put opium tablets in your ass?
I think I saw it in Trainspotting

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t. americlap


*kills a man*

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nice broscience, my man

The fate of all nintendies.

>i maek up thing of internat! Bery funni :DD

Well, is not strange coming from a Smashfag

>extreme constipation
>he would often accidentally defecate himself
So which one is it?

>dead nigger thread

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wait in the truck Bobby


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honestly i hate this user
he's just going there like "hurr I'm on your side, i'm mocking off e-shills everyone knows"

So he was full of shit

drugs are for pozzed normies. no

why the fuck did he do it?

Pretty hot
Did he wear diapers in public?

So he was LITERALLY full of shit?

Dang it son.

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>Nin 10 yr olds aren't the worst gaming fanbase in existance
This is like undisputable evidence.

fucking kek

maybe he just liked things up his ass

>extreme constipation
>very little control over his bowels
at least make it believable you retards...

Zoomers really did take over this board. I’m getting too old for this place anyways

Literally who is this?

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>implying that the jannies and mods represent Yea Forums