What does the doug button do?

What does the doug button do?

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It Dougs.


What's so funny

damn that show was cringy

A lot.

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>FASTER - to move faster.
I don't understand.

I was always pissed because of the last command under the doug section. It says you'd use the doug button to hit turbo, but that's literally what the faster button should do.

That's quite an updoug for a manual with simple game

What's updoug?

Attached: doug-Press the Doug button to doug.png (320x288, 7K)

Using context clues, probably doug

What is Updoug™?

it's the button

Roger did nothing wrong


Its when you hit the doug and up button at the same time idiots

Up + Doug bro, you gotta learn how to do combinations of you wanna get good in the game

there is no Up button

It complains about movie games.

fuck you faggot it was charming

I pressed it once and got Doug'd on. I never pressed it again.

I miss 2011 period bootleg threads. Too lazy to download a bunch of funny images to create a whole thread, but those were hilarious.

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Ya gotta have to updoug bro

I kinda had the hots for his artsy sister

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It sneeds


That show fucking stank

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i'm all about those threads where we used to mirror game covers. Red a deR and NapoopaN TotalliatoT

Not much bro, wbu?

Nothing much

Did they fuck?


twice per episode