Who /pinstripegang/ here?
CTR Thread
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im the speed champ alright
>Yeah, yeah, ya beat me fair and square.
>That purple suit color.
What's that yearly event called where a bunch of artists draw Coco?
Coco is made for big white relics.
Any Gearybros here?
Any Krunkheads?
Man, why does no one like Krunk or Geary? Seems all the attention goes to the Norms and Nash.
>buy this game expecting my skill will come back to me
>get thrashed and caught on every corner
>Any Gearybros here?
>Any Krunkheads?
Who the fuck plays as these characters? I've seen zero of them online.
you just have to keep playing user
takes time to trigger how good you were at the original
I played a Gearybro a few hours ago, he was incredible.
What skins are you guys really wanting to be added?
>Coco Cortex
>Sheriff Cortex
>Gladiator Tiny
>obj_motherfucker Brio
Biker Crash
Also Jetpack Crash, and Evil Crash.
> not wanting obj_motherfucker as its own character
for shame, user
for skins, I kinda wanna see a Nash skin w/o his laser helmet
Sphinx Cortex
Aku Crash and Uka Cortex
I just don't think the Lab Assistant will get in. If he doesn't, I'd like a skin of Brio dressing up as him, that way I can at least pretend.
Also, a skin of Nina, but looking normal and nice, like how Twinsanity said Nina was actually a very sweet girl before Cortex fucked her up.
I play only as based crash
sometimes coco
Retro render skins
The "retro" skins in PS4 Nitro Fueled are pretty bad.
redpill me on time trials
mandatory to be number 1 or at least stand a chance in online race
That's because they try to copy the polygon look of the PS1 game.
I want skins modeled after the official renders themselves. Big eyed, smooth crash. Pale, horrifying Cortex
Backup your save if you're playing on PS4, there's a bug that might crash the game and corrupt save data when doing time trials.
Post your aesthetics
>have patchy wireless connection
>lose internet ANYWHERE during the game, even in singleplayer
>"no wumpa coins, update available"
>quit out of the game to download said update
>there is none
>still have to manually quit out and restart the game for each time it does this
Skeleton Crash from CTTR
>goth coco
>goth nina
>sprite wheeled kart
I don't have ps+ to back up my save. Should i not do the time trials then?
Rusted N.Tropy
Scientist Nina
Wrestler Outfit for Crunch
Clown Norms
Retro Skins for everyone
>Mascot Crash
>N-Tranced Coco
>N-Tranced Crunch
>Caesar Cortex
>Pirate N. Gin
>Unarmored N. Tropy
>Redhead Nina
>"Willy Wombat" N. Trance
>wireless internet
>online gaming
You can only pick one.
I don't play online, because I'm not literally twelve.
I remember my mum didn't want me playing the boss level against him in the original crash bandicoot game since he had a gun and she's a massive libtard
I love knowing that he ended up with Crash's gf and that basically makes
>Him the Chad
>Tawna the Stacy
>Crash the incel reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Ripper too deserves more love. he's cute
If she hates guns, wouldn't she want you to kick the gun-owner's ass?
I think the unlock system in this game is heavily flawed.
It's practically impossible to ever unlock anything in singleplayer.
>restarting races doesn't give anythng
>time trials, and adventure mode have you restarting races constantly
>when you finally do get it, you get 20 coins as a reward
>cheapest thing to unlock is 1500 coins for a character while skins are almost 3000
>tfw gave up time trials due to this
>another track based on Crash 1 levels, like the rope bridge ones
>a track based on Future Frenzy/Gone Tomorrow
>a proper track based on the indoors portions of the Warped Egypt levels
>the monkey from Warped
>the warthog from Crash 1
>maybe one additional item based on something from Warped
>bigger crate hitboxes and a juicier crate breaking sound effect
Agreed. If you want a workaround, go to Skull Rock's Crystal Challenge on Hard, do nothing, mash A every 55 seconds. Gets you about 15 coins a minute, or 900 coins an hour. Requires like no attention, do it while you watch TV or some shit.
>yfw the Spyro grand prix track is Tree Tops
I'm expecting a speedway
Crunch bringing a cake with him in twinsanity is the best joke in the series
It would be acceptable, but I enjoy Magic Crafter's style more. It'll probably be something shitty like a mash of Spyro 2 levels.
It'll be a track like MK's Baby Park, taking place on a fat log of shit sliding out of Hunter's asshole.
If you expect anything but Artisans Homeworld your setting yourself up for disappointment
we basically have tree tops in the form of thunderstruck anyway
Papu is the only ctr character with no legendary skin and all 3 of his exotic skins are ugly as shit, what should his legendary skin be?
Does the difficulty setting effect all the races in adventure mode like the relic races for example?
To people who didn't play CNK, Nash just looks like a fairly standard Crash character yet stands out for not being a mammal. Norms seem to be popular among the people who did play CNK, probably because of the interesting bit of characterization they got compared to the other bosses.
Santa Papu and Millionaire Papu.
It's going to be Sumo Wrestler according to the in-game files.
Sumo Papu
Sorry, I only play as the best character in the game.
It does.
Do you think Crunch will be brought back in future titles now that he's finally been in a good game for once?
I do too but it seems Yea Forums messed up your post
Let me fix that for you
>popular character, such as crash or autists main pick, coco
>has 8 skins
>other characters have as little as 3
Wrath of Cortex wasn't that bad, just a bit underwhelming
Why did they change Norm so much? In CNK he had black eyes and he seemed deeply uninterested and uncaring of anything that wasn't his books. Now he's happy-go-lucky and smug.
What's crunch's relation to crash and Coco anyway? Brother? Friend? Technically adopted?
I agree
It was fucking ugly though
Adopted sibling, yes.
This game seriously needs remappable inputs or at least better control schemes.
Seriously. Wrath of Cortex was probably the ugliest Crash game ever if you don't count Crash Boom Bang.
Adopted. He was the super soldier Crash was supposed to be, but has mellowed out considerably since breaking out of Cortex's control.
wouldn't it be funny if he gave you a big sloppy kiss as a joke and got his slobber all over your face and in your mouth haha
I for one, liked N-Trance'd
WOC's plot could've been really great.
If they go back to that, they should cut Cortex out entirely and have N. Trance be controlling Crunch. Cortex shouldn't be a main character anymore past Warped, that game was the perfect conclusion for him.
Quite honestly fuck his boss battle in wrath of cortex.
Cocojam this year being cocojam4
Just play gba for that
Do not lewd the kangaroo
Also skin with his arms free when?
Mario Kart 8 shits all over this atrocity
I hate the broken hitbox water fight
well as you said
>popular character
Crash Boom Bang at least has the excuse of being a DS game.
What the fuck is this?
It probably wouldn't be nearly as bad if it weren't for the fucking mouth part. It's like they didn't know how to make it move so they just painted the whole thing that skin color.
>with his arms free
They can't do that, he'd be too powerful
>watching caddicarus video on WoC
>he calls every level beautiful (even the bland, featureless rolling levels)
>he praises the music for every level
WOC Cortex is honestly more ugly than any of the Radical redesigns. What the fuck is this?
I even like the music but why?
Where are the images usually hosted?
best song in the remake by far, the energy is perfect
Holy shit so it wasn't just me who suffered through the water boss for some inexplicable reason. I died so many damn times to that fight.
>watching caddicarus and not square eyed jak
keep telling yourself that. Im sure it helps the pain. .
Sad as it is, he's probably the best-looking one in that room.
>Already has great handling with his arms tied
So he's limiting himself for the sake of everyone else?
Wizards and Lizards tho
Tell me that's not some of the best Crash music ever
Pinstripe x Tawna is OTP
I really liked Gold Rush.
Of course he is.
I'm back to getting 300 coins per race, so I guess the weekend bonus is false
bread cocoa deprived
Adopted, but from what I understand none of the Bandicoots are actually blood related.
Now that I think about it, he's the only mutant that doesn't wear any pants, isn't he?
you have a daily multiplier for like 5 or 6 races, then you go back to earn 40 coins
Easy access for auto-footjobs
Any good streamers speedrunning this game? Hypnoshark and Natty have garbage quality and awful commentary, but all of the casual streamers are trash at the game.
For the Megumi friends ITT:
>only 1 (one) week until we can play as Megumi
For everyone else:
>get better taste
They ruined the sewer level. Ican't do the shortcut anymore or slide up the walls.
>yfw you realize you have to do all the Nitro Kart time trials as well as all of the originals for N. Trophy
I was so ready to unlock my boy
Not what I was thinking, but sure I guess.
Pretty much all the time trial records are currently held by non-anglos.
>they should cut Cortex out entirely and have N. Trance be controlling Crunch
Honestly that wouldn't make sense. Brio and Cortex are the only one capable of making mutants, and the former has no interest in world domination. Trance is a hypno specialist, not a biologist.
yea everyone,trust us you don't wanna get on Megumi's bad side
you basically have to hit ramps perpendicular now, angles seem to really take a cut out of the 'sweet spot' area at the top of the ramps
dancing trophy girls in the slide colleseum intro
I've seen 1 Geary and 2 Krunks online, they DNF the whole lobby everytime.
Nobody who can actually drive plays balanced or handling characters.
N. Tropy hasn't been too hard at all for TT but then I got to Tiny Temple and suddenly he is a UFS god wtf
you basically have to hyperdrive through the whole fuckin map after the USF ramp towards the end. I don't think theres any other way to do it without airbreaking still havent challenged oxide there yet
>race my absolute fucking hardest
>perfect boost around every turn
>constantly have 10 wampa fruits
>STILL can't break 4th place online
Seriously when the hell are they going to add ranked matchmaking? I'm so frustrated.
As far as I understand, the bug happens if you do all the time trials, including Retro Stadium. It's an extra track and the game can only handle 31, so it just corrupts everything when you do 32 time trials. Poor programming
I just don't want them to overuse Cortex. He's done. Use one of the many other villains you could repurpose for a new game.
You just probably dropped your boost pad boost or bluefire despite doing boosts.
The game in general needs more Nitro Kart nostalgia pandering. I'm hoping we get a CNK campaign as dlc eventually
God, Dingodile's CNK design was atrocious.
>you see THAT character being played by someone in the lobby
>you instinctively just KNOW they're going to DNF everyone
who comes to mind Yea Forums
If i don't touch retro stadium i should be fine?
Yeah, I figured that one out, still gotta get it down. He maintains USF all the way to the temple, which is a lot further than I anticipated
am i the only one maining pura? Or is turn characters only for beginners
It's just a shitty model. His design itself is fine
Nope, didnt touch retro tracks at all, but did like more then 5 time trials and it crashed after doing an online game.
N Tropy obviously
Turn characters are basically shit because air braking makes the handling stat meaningless, and on basic tracks like Coco Park speed characters are objectively unbeatable.
Retro Coco
Is he unlocked when you beat the Tropy ghosts or Oxide ghosts?
Tiny wears a tiny loincloth
Tropy ghosts
>mfw i got the switch version and don't have to worry about corrupted saves
I always lose USF after the starting line, that wide turn to the left. I can't get around it with speed characters
Censored game.
I main Polar
How's the online userbase on switch anyway? I know it's lower than ps4 but it might be higher than xbox
The acceleration characters work best for me, they fit perfectly. Plus Acceleration class has the best characters.
>N. Trance
Oh, well that's not that bad. I usually beat his ghosts first try but I'm not that great anyway. I'm stuck at a point where I'm way better than six players but get curb stomped by that one guy
make of that what you will
freind of mine who got the switch version says the online has more issues that Ps4 dose
Crunch with elemental skins like his boss fights.
Yeah, but that's still something. Ripper Roo has no shame.
Zem or Small Norm
I really don't know why
The shark guy
>can't even unlock the Tropy ghosts themselves let alone beat them
That's the normal bonus, it's X5. The weekend bonus was X10.
How many DLC tracks are there going to be? I figured there'd be four, for an additional DLC cup in the arcade.
best grill
What is the point of having to unlock them first? I've done some time trials and will have a faster time than Tropy the first time, but then I have to do the trial again
It's just poor game design that might end up being changed since it's technically a quality of life fix.
at least 6 grand prixes have been datamined so we are probably getting at least 6 tracks
>jump online to get my hour of x10 multiplyer in
>finally get tiny arena
>place 2nd
>68 coins
fuck this gay shit I just want unlock shit for playing without having to wait another 24 hours
I don't think so buddy
>you see that character being played
>you just know they'll be in dead last
Who is it?
3 that we know of but they said there going to be one each GP. so depends on how many GP there end up being.
at least make ghosts selectable in the results screen
>still relatively new at the game
>can only play well with roo but apparently speed characters are the best
Shit, should I just start practicing with speed characters now or improve my base skills?
For me? It's Crunch Bandicoot.
There are already some leftover tracks not playable in the arcade cups, so with 6 new tracks that'd potentially make for two extra cups?
>Coco's midriff
how can i unlock N tropy if the time trials will corrupt my save? Fucking fix this shit Actijews!
Shit, that gave me a thought. If they're adding more tracks, won't that add the save corruption glitch to Switch/Xbox?
Improve your base skills. The kind of character you're playing means nothing if you aren't good at the game.
Someone who is good at the game and plays a Handling character will best someone who's only okay at the game, regardless of what character they use. CTR is skill-based.
If he's so crazy how does he know how to drive.
Ha, I didn't even consider that. Nobody escapes N.Tropy's grasp.
Play with balanced characters. they're all around best racers, like crash or N-word cortex.
It's weird, how can it have taken almost a week to fix that?
Skins for Crash that aren't rehashes from N.Sane.
He's a mad genius
Manually upload your save to cloud every time you progress. Sure its a hassle, but at least you get minimum to no damage when the corruption triggers.
two-toned tummy is a cheap power move on your part but ill raise you
If they don't know the exact trigger for it wouldn't they have to manually search through all the game code relating to the time trials and saves?
You only need ps plus to back up your saves to the cloud. You can plug any usb stick to your ps4 and back them there for free.
do you have to go to your storage each time for that?
I thought cortex was the mad genius
Unfortunately, yes.
Who is this and why is he so angry? Also what’s wrong with his lower jaw
That's Crash in Skylanders Academy, I think.
Cortex is a mad scientist, but a huge moron. Ripper Roo is pretty damn smart, but chooses to be a masochist.
He should lay off the caffeine
Spoonfeed me how to do this i'm retarded...
>huge moron
I wouldn't argue that, I'd say it's moreso that Cortex doesn't think very far ahead, and he lets his emotions get the best of him. In all three Naughty Dog games, Cortex is the engineer of his own downfall, and ultimately it's his shortsightedness and arrogance that causes him to lose every time. He constantly underestimates his enemy, and even in Warped it's implied he's way too tired and frustrated to go all out on you in his final boss fight.
He's very smart, but he's too arrogant and stubborn and hateful for his own good.
Eww. Crash isn’t allowed to have an angry face.
it's cannon that Ripper roo has a doctorate in psychology
That’s not crash. That a crasified crunch
Need cute fanart of psychologist ripper with cortex
>wario is the best Mario character not made by original developer
>trance is best crash character not made by original developer
>both do hypnosis
Settings, application saved data management, saved data in system storage, copy to usb storage device. If you're using extended storage, then you'll have to disconnect that first.
He needs more fanart in general
Aside from the Grand Prix, did they mention they’d be adding new costumes? Karts?
Genuine question, why is everyone playing Coco?
Too realistic. It’s creepy ddesu
aside from the PS4 exclusives the Grand Prix are the only ones so far
Ripper Roo spin-off game when?
her type is the best for speedruning in the original game, that stuck.
Because I like Coco
She’s in the best category. But if you want the shitposters response, waifu furbait
Its the lines. Stay on the slow lane buddy. BANDICOOT POWER! And along being cute with nice stats.
She's currently the only female avaliable
Do you even U-turn?
>secretly want them to add microtransactions to encourage supporting the game longer
Double coin prices
Yeah for me it's between this or the dumb noises Fake Crash makes
Lets all take to twitter and harass beenox for micro transactions
When does the PC version come out?
acceleration as the lowest powerslide angle
just kidding its because she's cute as fuck
She's cute and funny
Oh stop it.
ill meet you there user!
I was expecting much worse for responses
But aren’t speed characters currently the best?
for worse go to >/trash/
Yes, but they actually require skill due to poor handling
Id argue that this game's meta is to avoid walls thus making high turn characters are top tier in this game.
no idea for this game, but I mean she was the best in the original
It seems they made turning more stiff. Handling characters might actually be viable now.
Alternatively I could just wait five minutes
Not really, genuine questions are answered with genuine answers
you gain so much more maneuverability when youre in the air an thats not even considering air breaks
Wasn't that mainly because you need the acceleration in the hubs. Doesn't matter that much in races because the AI doesn't fuck you with weapons as much as humans
please don't lewd coco. I'm on nofap day 8.
Fuck that, gave me Spyro 2 hubs or Fireworks Factory or some shit.
What's the fastest offline coin farm?
Skull Rock Crystal Challenge, hard mode. Don't do anything, just start it and mash continue every minute so it restarts. You get 15 coins per restart, which evens out to about 900 coins an hour.
I know this probably won't happen but if they bring back Nina as DLC, I really fucking hope they don't use her personality from CTTR and the other Radical era games. She was so much better as a mostly silent and cool character instead of an unlikable brat
i'm just looking forward to seeing spyro & crash characters in the same place
but user
It has already been confirmed that Pasadena, Von Clutch, and Nina are coming back in a Grand Prix.
Okay but it's still pretty slow since i need 2000 coins in an hour before i go somewhere, damn
With based trump hair plz
I just got 60 for doing Cortex Castle in adventure mode on medium even though I just got first online in a near filled lobby and got 45
This is the strangest ship
Try day 39, rookie
They want to fuck her.
Yeah the coin system is broken like that. It needs a fix
Okay, this is based as fuck.
Where my NORMIES at?
Me. I love how condescending Gearys icon is.
Her face was on a banner in Cortex Castle and one of the devs confirmed a CTTR related Prix will happen at some point.
But anyway I like her personality in CTTR (ignoring the meh movie references and sexual dialogue) she's very dorky and tries a little too hard to be dark and cool which I love. They just need to fine tune it a bit but they got 4 or so months so I'm not too worried.
Why the fuck did you faggots pick Slide Coliseum, the most boring track in the game
There it is
This is the first time I've actually seen dingodile as an actual kangaroo. My brain always saw croc
Only grill
At least until the Nitro Squad drops.
But it's still a sausage-fest at a whopping 6:25 ratio.
Come to think of it, Coco, Tawna, and the Trophy Girls are the only females in the entire Naughty Dog Crash games.
Even enemies are male or indistinct.
I guess you can bump it to 7 if you count Polar's mom in Crash 2.
best soundtrack alone would have me choose it
Geary is just a worse Clank.
Fuck me people are good at this game. Even doing my best I just barely manage to make top 3 online,and have yet to actually come in first.
I haven't played the original since I was a kid though so that might have something to do with it. Or maybe I'm just shit.
Hes a dingo and a crocodile though
Futanari Nina is still a female dammit
N Tranced Coco
Best fetish
Its actually 10
>Trophy Girls (4)
>Madame Ambery
but you are right about no female enemy NPCs
Nvm i didnt read ND
>forgetting unnamed women in Moulin Cortex
>and Coetex's mother
All I want
The ONLY THING that HAS to be in the Spyro grand prix
Is a kart body called "Trouble Trolley".
All these sound good.
The Christmas Cup should be a ton of fun.
Lets be real, N. Tropy players are a lot of hot air. They can master time trials, but online, they have to deal with 7 other players, and a plethora of items coming at their ass. They aren't prepared for that shit.
I only bothered counting females that we've seen
Also bold of you to call me out for missing females when you didn't mention Cortex's sister(s)
>still outruns your warb orbs
Push, nothing personal, you little skunk
they said In the Naughty dog games.
Nina,Madame Ambery, Pasadena and trash panda are post Naughty dog.
I do think any Crash 4 has to be about Cortex being stuck in a cloud of depression. Maybe have Nina trying to snap him out of it before Uka Uka just disintegrates him.
They only have to outrun everyone for half a map and they're free man
Good to hear, also some of her dialogue in CTTR was pretty good but I just didn't like her character in it.
trials and N. Trophy show you all the best shortcuts, I'd say anyone trying to git gud should do trials just to learn the maps. There were shortcuts being used I didnt even know existed
I always saw him as a brown crocodile Primarily. Don't ask me why.
Post yfw you defeated this Gasmoxian speednigger's Final challenge
I mean if you want to split hairs there are women park goers I'm CTTR
Also cortex never had any sisters confirmed. Nina's last name is Cortex so that would be a brother or a male cousin that had Cortex's uncle on the same family tree.
Keep at it. I usually have the opposite problem where I can’t lose unless I get totally screwed in the first lap. Usually finish half a lap before second place does
what does the letter N stand for?
>went full autism mode and unlocked N. Tropy and all the good shit to show off with
>save corrupted
also I wish the hovercraft had wheels so I know when to time a perfect boost
and are the relic races easier on easy mode? I might do it just for the platinum paint job
I'm glad post ND Crash added in more girls but I wish there were more female villains besides Amberly.
Unless Yaya is actually evil or something.
Europoor with Switch here, I got the game two days ago, been playing mostly single player but couple of hours in multiplayer have been stable so far. Hard to say anything about playerbasee this early in the game's life cycle, but I'm quite certain it's best on PS4.
We'll just have to see to Beenox's credit they gave way more personality to the bosses in the new cutscenes so I have no doubt they'll do Nina good.
The production bible (I think) said he had 20 brothers and siblings but never mentioned the exact ratio for all we know sisters couldve been a majority.
Uh nina
Neo, obviously
Why do people drawing ps1 characters playing ps1 draw the ps1 controller incorrectly?
just started my jouney after N. Trophy's
The production bible isn't a very reliable source, since every post-ND game contradicts it.
Eh... Nina is neutral at best. I don't really see her as a villain to Crash and is more going along with her Uncle Cortex.
No wait, I was wrong: it's nerd.
Because he gets to be in agood game
>you little skunk
>there’s also a skunk Crash skin
It’s Tropy user, please
>implying she's not really his daughter
Fair enough hell Crash 3 contradicts Neo's reasons for villainy with the introduction of Uka Uka.
Nina has the potential to be full villain its just a shame all the games she appeared it just fucked up hard (Minus Twinsanity)
She's actually retconned out of the series
I miss dorky titans/mutant N. Gin, he is too evil now ;_;
only 6 more plat relics
he was always evil.
>blocks ur path
>It is stated in the BradyGames Strategy Guide for Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex, that a "freak accident" blew up Cortex's whole family when he was a young child, which would've included his sibling, however, judging by Nina's age difference, the sibling, in theory, would've had to survived with little enough damage to have a child later on in his/her life. Cortex must have known that his sibling was alive after the explosion because, in Twinsanity, this is not the first time he met Nina. As previously stated above, Nina may be Cortex's daughter and not his niece.
Actually, there is no proof that Uka and Cortex have been in cahoots the whole time. Uka says that Cortex has failed him twice in Warped; this could easily mean he failed by letting Crash get the Crystals in 2, and then failed again by letting Brio destroy the Cortex Vortex.
I always assumed Cortex had his own intentions until he fell in that cave at the beginning of 2, where he found the crystals as well as began communing with Uka Uka.
I always thought "twice" referred to the second and first game.
Why does everyone hate Crash Bash?
I think most people are supposed to assume that, and ND probably meant that.
Hyper Spaceway style track where you go through portals.
>first portion is the Artisan homeworld
>second portion is Autumn Plains
>final portion is Super Bonus Round
just got my first one on Slide Coliseum, made it by less than a second
>that slow turn Roo has as an idle animation
Who’s everyone
everyone who has a brain......that work
Does the music seem too quiet for anyone else? I feel like I can't hear anything when racing but the karts
They confirmed new karts and skins each prix.
Crash Bash was great and pure kino
I actually like the Skylanders retcon that the natives of the island are helpful surfer dude types and that Papu Papu is the obly one with any real malice.
I thought the same thing
Funny enough if the game takes place in 1996 (same year as the release date) then Nina could have easily been born in 1990 sent to boarding school or whatever and be a teenager by the time Twin-sanity happens.
Now I gotta watch the other episode. I only watched the first one.
>Yaya Panda is part of a secret Chinese government plot to train super soldiers.
>used to play crash bash with friend's older sister
I want to go back
Who else here thinks Papu Papu is C U T E now?
There's just not a lot of variety to the minigames.
I want a remake, but I also want it improved.
I had 3 big norms in one lobby and they all got podium each time
That was in the Skylanders game, actually. As far as I know only Coco and Crash show up in the show.
Shit, I had a problem like this with Future Frenzy in N Sane Trilogy.
Tried to get all the gems, DLC level included, before getting the last on-disc crystal and facing Cortex/Uka for the final time, but since the game registered as me having all crystals, it locked out all levels for the boss fight, locked out the last boss fight since I hadn’t grabbed the 5th of the Cortex hub’s 5 crystals, and autosaved, so I was trapped in the hubworld.
Isn't it the same model from the N. Sane trilogy?
I like it. He reminds me of Israel Kamakawiwoʻole.
I always hoped the natives would get fleshed out a bit more. I dig the mutants, but too many just turns the setting into Sonic world.
What’s the point of costume specific podium animations if there’s no online winners circle?
>It's a "only get hit by an item at the start of the race, but that item already destroys your chances of catching up" episode
Crash Bash: Boom Banged will have Boom Bang content too
local and single player
Learn to drift. I've never not been able to catch back up to top four no matter how many items fuck me
Maybe Grand Prix will add one?
How would that work without a touchscreen? Also, Crash Boom Bang is even worse.
What I wonder the most is point of decals at all, it's not like even you get to focus to admire them.
You can see em on the online starting line
They appear on different parts of the kart too but I mostly make them make the color scheme I’m using at the time
I hope, would love online cup races
5 more relics
>ngin labs is hard as balls
>cortex castle easy as shit
I still can't get over how difficult papu's is
this would make a great map, along with High Road
>finish online battle
>no rewards
>High road
>Holes that you have to hop over
>Icy tiles on tight turns
>Those madlads doing entire laps standing on the ropes
Are online battles fun? I’ve been playing only races
No rewards for dead last.
They should've used the CNK podium theme for the CNK characters (not including Crunch or N. Trance).
>thicc pura
They’re pretty solid. Too short though.
fuck, I forgot there is a battle mode
It's alright
Our team wins tho
How the hell do I NOT jump over the usf pad in Polar Pass?
Take the ramp from the right side.
powerslide from the right side, don't jump
Oh, OK then. I've just gotten times with no coins because I got trounced.
>sticker pack of numbers is worth twice the price of a sticker pack of nitro/tnt icons
Probably, didn’t get a good look at him when I played through it
What did he mean by this?
He's a cool dude.
I'm glad they hiked up his pants/skirt, tho.
Didn't want to be staring at that ass-crack all race long.
cant believe that we get a new track, karts, characters und challenges in a week
i hope they keep those updates up for atleast 2- years
Based J(uw).Cortex
Influenced by Big Norm, its only natural.
what kind of challenges
I hope they fix sewer speedway and undo the jewey shop design
Coco Jam
>Coin bonus? Shut it down
>game crashed
>still have savedata
Thank you.
Fucking why.
Bikini and BDSM Coco.
I want Tiny to squish my puny cock
Fucking perfect
Warthog obsticles
BDSM Roo when?
It's supposed to be '15 coins' below but oh well
challenge idea: defeat easy AI driving backwards
and more coco tummy
Here's the rest of the characters:
Baby T. - Speed
Baby Crash - Turning
Baby Coco - Turning
Spyro - Balanced
Ripto - Balanced
Hunter - Speed
Elora - Acceleration
N. Brio - Acceleration
Koala Kong - Speed
Komodo Moe - Turning
Fasty the Porcupine (generic porcupine enemy from N. Sane Trilogy wearing sneakers) - Speed
King Chicken (Stew's alter ego) - Speed
Nina Cortex - Acceleration
Pasadena O'Possum - Speed
Ebenezer Von Clutch - Turning
Willie Wumpa Cheeks - Acceleration
Anything past Fasty is just planned stuff that might be worked on if the game succeeds financially as they all would require new models made from scratch.
The team jokingly hopes it won't so they don't have to model Von Clutch nor Willie. They really hate them.
Speaking of finances, that's where the elephant in the room comes in: Microtansactions are in. Coming alongside the first Grand Prix is a new premium Pit Stop called V.I.Pit Stop.
It's content never changes as it features everything available up to date at any time. Obviously it costs real money to buy anything in it, but none of the current content available on the regular Pit Stop is featured in it.
It'll launch with a Boss Pack featuring unlockable Ripper Roo, Papu Papu, Komodo Joe and Pinstripe Potoroo, multiple packs containing the pro costumes (x number of Tokens in Adventure) of some characters, sticker packs and the big deal at launch being unlockable N. Tropy.
The new content being added as Grand Prix are released will also be available there as instant unlocks without the need of grinding, for example Tawna and her costumes.
Other than that there are multiple costumes in the works, including Evil Crash for Fake Crash, Mutant series designs and even Carbon Crash.
oh shit my sides
So.. Thunder Struck?
>Libtard logic
If you ignore the person with a gun, eventually they go away, right?
Maybe with your valuables and your virginity, but still.
Guys, I may have a accidentally broken the world record time in Polar Pass. I was just practicing the track for fun and finished it in 2:14:00:
I searched for a world record time on youtube just out of interest and the one claiming to be WR is 2:14:83:
But I have a hard time believing this is really WR since I used an acceleration character and not speedy. Rev up those sub 2:14 times guys, I know you have them.
>unoriginal bosses
>furshit designs attract horny faggots
>no magic system or real combat
>basically just one long FMV
holy fuck this series sucks
sauce me up or you're bullshitting
I can only do so much on Snapchat I’m at work
>t. Dirty phoneposter
Belly Dancer Coco.
>two tone tummy is canon
Based Beenox
ITT: Retard rants about a wrong game (again)
It's okay user
Fucking goddammit I just wanted to play a new kart racer not get a fetish for bandicoots
Mained him in CTR so of course I'm using him in NF.
Any word on current bugs and planned features?
>caring about incest
sorry pal but the ones with a shit genetic pool are humans
every online race
>perfect start
>precise drifting and boosting
>1st in seconds
>clock during a long jump
>rest of the race is chasing the others
>end race 4th at best
i'm a bit mad
The team is hard at work trying to fix the save data corruption thing going on with the PS4 version.
There are plans to add Cup mode to online, but that's about it.
>Anthropomorphic animals
Though i question crash's thinkability. I swear he's getting stupider instead of goofier.
>already have all the tracks
>already have all the character models
>already have all the assets
>already have all of the music, voice actors, base code, items, and basically everything but the hubworld and cutscenes done
I'm just a slightly upset she isn't barefoot.
I know this feel all too well
It sucks to know that I at least have some sort of skill, but can't use it because people are item shitters every fucking round.
shes got some baps
Post that webm with Penta on Tiny Temple
Wild she have humanoid feet or paws
Bombs, potions, tnt, akku, and turbo are the ONLY items that should be in the game
Prove me wrong
>b-but it's a kart racer! you should have been prepared for items!
So, we are getting Crash Bash remaster soon right? It would be great to play it again with modern graphics
Keep missiles and I agree with you.
as someone who main polar, I wish I could trade 2 bars of acceleration for 2 bars of speed.
Soon lad, probs gonna be dlc after the grand prixs
either Paid dlc or whole new game
Just main speed on all but 2 tracks i believe, possibly 3
Penta Penguin or Dingodile
I wouldn't be surprised if it's what they are saving Fake Velo for
She has humanoid hands so probably humanoid feet
I think Evil Crash has toes?
I thought the tummy and mouth tone were also different colours, like Crash. Now Beenox proved I've been drawing it canonically wrong the whole time :(
Just got N Tropy lads
At times like these, I like to imagine a Bullshit Combo Counter.
I would count how much BS can happen in a short span of time and the higher it goes the more amusing it becomes until it reaches the point where it's just absurd and I laugh it all off.
tick tock tick tock
help me understand because I guess im retarded
how the FUCK does the shop work? the main items are either coco princess skin or the summer bundle thing with dingodile skin etc. JUST THOSE TWO. SWITCHING BETWEEN EACH OTHER EVERY DAY.
as for the daily characters, its just big norm and small norm. ive never seen Geary or Krunk.
I'm never going to get N Tropy lads
*teleports behind ur save file
Quick thread what are the top 5 tracks WITHOUT any blue fire pads?
You have 6 hours to beat all of Oxide's ghosts or I will corruspt your save!
Tiger temple
The Summer Bundle is the season deal, you dingus.
It'll be replaced by Trophy Girls in a week.
>China track
>add China panda character
>Coco in China dress
you drew this?
Papu pyramid
Classic mode is broken. If you play good and drift boost shit 1st AI player will make enourmous difference and its nearly impossible to win.
If you play dumb and dont do power boost AI doesnt make huge difference but you still lose .
I have video proof even though i beat N.trophy times AI still beat me by seconds . Especially broken on 3rd island
>first match online ever
>40 coins
>Fasty the Porcupine (generic porcupine enemy from N. Sane Trilogy wearing sneakers) - Speed
I'm pretty sure we cleared up the fact that classic is normal, but where's the vid?
Keep trying with different tracks and characters, i got 20 at first but it suddenly boost up to 300 on the second match
>no Hog
I honestly have no fucking clue how the coin payout works online. When I was playing yesterday, I finished a race in 6th place and somehow got more coins that a previous race where I finished in 1st.
Him and Oxide are the only ones i have left. N.Tropy would be done by now if it wasn't for this
Classic is not normal . They likely made a script to act depending on player's behavior. I will upload later on just saved locally on my PS4.
Show us the video
>There are plans to add Cup mode to online
You'd think it would be a launch feature.
Tiny Arena
nice work!
>try doing n. tropy
>really easy at some tracks
>nearly impossible at others
Was she hot?
Who here has actually been affected by the save corruption bug?
race 2 I got the normal multiplayer amount
I did not finish but still 2nd kek
we dont know yet, but we have to complete challenges in order to obtain said rewards
>hope you enjoy these crystal challenges
Did everyone already stop playing, I keep getting lobbies with like three actual humans
I have yet to see another N. Tropy online. Shitton of Crunch players for some reason though.
I don't wanna believe it, but I do
fuck off
The target audience for this is ironically too casual for it.
Papu's Pyramid
Assembly Lane
Android Alley
Clockwork Wumpa
Blizzard Bluff
In no particular order, although Android Alley is probably my favorite track in the game.
>drop potion in a shortcut
>hit it next lap
saw two Tropy players yesterday, even one with the legendary skin too
but both fuckers quit after i showed them who the better Tropy was
>drop potion
>it hits me a second after
Change your language you degenerate
Her little laugh is adorable
I beat the ai in most races by like 15+ seconds i classic, only losing time due to bs item usee by the ai. Especially in the purple gem cup. Was using Crash as well. DidntDidnt even struggle with CTR tokens and still maintained a good lead
Seriously git gud, drift like no tomorrow and maintain sacred fire or usf if track has it. Use shortcuts
Just fuck bs item use and is the thing that is stalling my hard run at the moment as the ai just constantly fuck me with missiles or worse bombs when i overtake them
Classic is just medium difficulty though, i had no more trouble with it.
Beaten Classic, then easy and medium. Just git gud
>leave a red potion
>see it coming next lap and dodge easy
>leave a green potion
>hope someone hit it last lap because fuck I'm going too fast to tell
>playing easy after classic
I don't understand how they just didn't have proper matchmaking from the start, that would both keep casuals in their fun containment games without disheartening them and tryhards in their own serious games without boring them.
Everybody would have been content.
>throw potion
>it lands right in front of you
Imagine spending $40 on a racing game that doesn't even let you finish the 2nd lap of a race.
That's what 95% of the people who bought this feel like.
Kart racers, let alone ones featuring cereal box mascots are aimed at children and manchildren. The problem is that CTR is loved by CHADS who shit on said audience.
It's like paying to be bullied in school lmao.
>boost pads dotted with Nitros and potions
>going too fast to properly analyse which angle will get me through
>doing my daily coin grind
>doing alright, never manage to get 1st place, just 2nd or third
>finally, blizzard bluff
>breeze through it like a mad man
>finally get 1st place
>40 coins
Why not? I breezed through it, and allowed me to practice more for medium and hard without ai shenanigans
>got good as a child
>children today refuse to get good
Not my problem, lol
I haven't played classic but I assume it's medium level
Must suck for other kart racers ot having such a high skill ceiling.
Like items help but it is grest knowing that unless you are good it is hard af to catch up. Its a great mix of arcade racer and simulation racer
It is, just no customization or swapping racers
So it actaully makes it a tiny bit more difficult as some tracks i would have killed having someone else besides a balance character for plat relics
It's what all kart racers should be but Nintendo is the equivalent of a socialist baseball teaming handing out participation trophies when it comes to competition and because MK is the grandaddy everyone just emulated that. Items are a good equalizer but they shouldn't supercede skill. In MK if you get fucked by items you're probably not catching back up until you get items to fuck people up yourself. In Crash I can ALWAYS fight my way back up to at least 4th through sheer racing skill
Good luck getting more than 100 coins anywhere else, loser.
>decided to get plat relics in nitro kart tracks on hard
>end up getting four lat relics
>stop going for plats and swap back to time trails
Are the rest of nitro kart track plat relics easy enough that you dont need to get all boxes and can even fuck up once and still get it? I like the challenge and is why i love time trails and even though i already all oxide times, i still lpve trying to beat my times.
Hell i even checked if times changed on other difficulties and easy is even more of a joke
>based and mitsuyoshi-pilled
>tfw completed Adventure
Until the coin rewards get patched for single player I'm done with the game. It was pretty fun.
>this guy actually drew this
This is now a RIDGE RACER TYPE 4 thread.
>cocos losing animation literally has her doing an ahegao, all with tongue hanging out
Sneaky devs did that on purpose.