What are some good v

What are some good v

Attached: 1547803564416.jpg (1080x1062, 132K)

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I got some v for you right here

Attached: D9iMktkWwBIbY7w.jpg (2048x1485, 416K)


This person has balls the size of small basketballs + a dick that would instantly make most people on /fit/ get to their knees and cry in impotent rage.
All that equipment, and all they want to do is get fucked in the ass instead.
Life is a joke, and you're all a bunch of clowns for taking it even remotely seriously.

i hope this is copypasta because if you're having an existential crisis over some trap balls you got issues no amount of therapy can repair

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jesus christ how disgusting

I think I'm gay now

I dont say this often but, cope.