What's your ideal JoJo game do you have in mind?

What's your ideal JoJo game do you have in mind?

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Heritage of the Future 2

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Jojo tactics RPG where your gang goes on an epic journey with lots of twists and surprises around the world toward the big bad

2d fighter by arcsys, not a tagfighter though.

2d fighting game that resembles street fighter in terms of gameplay, with a strong focus on slow neutral. Would also take a DBFZ/MvC type of game if not that.

JoJo looks so fucking dumb, I will never read this shit

7th stand user

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God Hand with stands

A game entirely focused on Diamond is Unbreakable, with a lot of new content to the story.

>Morioh is completely explorable, it's filled with NPCs and every single one of the locations in the manga can be found
>game has its own climate and time mechanics
>While in free roam, the player can talk to NPCs and find random events from time to time
>every time a fight happens, the game will change to a 2d-perspective
>the player can either use Josuke, Okuyasu, Koichi or Rohan to explore the town, this will drastically change the dialogues between NPCs and random events
>while Morioh's default sky color is yellow, it can be customed to any kind of color
>characters can hang out in free roam and do a bunch of different activities together (such as eating at the italian restaurant, have a chat in Café Deux Magots, having friendly battles, shooting at cans with spheres with the help of their respective stands, etc.)
>scenario would be full of different easter eggs
>Rohan can actually attack innocent pedestrians, but if he does it in excess he will be automatically beaten by either Josuke or Jotaro and would be unable to be used for a couple of minutes
>to move faster, players can use motorbikes, bicycles or Rohan's car
>several musical pieces from the anime returns, with a notorious emphasis on Morioh-Cho Radio
>multiple new stand users are detected

What do you think?

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>reddit: the anime


I'm such an ironic weeb, I love watching and fapping to JoJo! *does jojo pose* It's not gay at all, it's manly.

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i love this, i would play the shit out of rohan just so i could kidnap people and read through their dirty laundry
>stumble upon kira randomly
>game ends abruptly

Dishonored inspired multi-purpose stand powers, complete with summoning and interacting with things via the stand itself.
Hitman inspired open ended levels where the target is a powerful stand user boss and there are no guards.
Melee combat with fluid platforming options. Somewhere between God of War 2018 and Kingdom Hearts 2 in complexity. No RPG elements or QTEs however.

Basically the game should be about creative use of powers with the environment to fight powerful bosses.

All of y'all just wanting animu fighter #3821 are boring, as much as I love Capcom's JoJo.
An SRPG could be cool if it's like Into the Breach rather than Disgaea.

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Heritage for the Future 2 based on part 5

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An action game, of course. Fighting games are cancer

>googled this
What the fuck.

A platinum game wouldn't be half bad but I'd have to wonder what part it could be based on to make the most sense.
I did get a pretty big JoJo vibe whenever I Trunks'd bosses in MGR or finished off enemies in Bayonetta
also fighting games are NOT cancer
w-what's going on in that image? Is Abbachio ok?

>googling that


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fucking this
just get arcsys to make it

I'd love to have an actual jojo series be a game, part 6 would be perfect for it cause I wanna see part 7 animated in like 5 years. Making it an action rpg would probably end up being shit, so something like a beat em up DMC type game could be sick with the different stands. Also how fucking good is part 5 bros?

God Hand, but with stands

a game about dead man's question or a 3d version of that diavolo game

Take W101, but insert stands. Final boss is Made in Heaven Requiem

5 is one of the most flawed parts but also one of the most objectively kino parts. Even if you don't like it, the messages it conveys and it's underlying themes are some of the best of any part, only eclipsed by part 7.

If you're watching the anime wait now, wait for the final episode. There's another fight after the main bad guy. It's probably my favorite fight in the entire series.

Why do I see this thread keep popping up? Is it the same person asking each time?

I'm at the start of part 3 where they're still trying to get to Egypt and I'm not nearly as hooked as part 2. Does it get any better guys?

An interactive experience of the story of any part
All star fighting game bullshit is for brainlets who have no idea what makes Jojo great

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depends on what you like, if you like characters then part 4 will be really good

Yes. Especially Polnareff fights (he gets a lot because he's basically the protagonist of the part).

*Zipper Man


>where they're still trying to get to Egypt
That's 3/4th of Part 3.

Part 3 is easily the most tiresome "villain of the week" part of all JoJo. It doesn't help how Kakyoin, Abdul and, to some degree, Iggy are given poor or barely relevant screentime.

Sweet! I'm looking forward to watching part 3 and 4 after 5, and yeah I know there's tie ins but I can't stop watching 5 now, and I already knew a little about who polnareff was.

Oh shit I'm up to episode 12 with the Empress. I'm quite into the characters but the story feels like it's slowed down heaps.
That's the aspect of it that's getting to me. Part 1 and 2 felt like a proper series whereas Part 3 is like anime He-Man so far.

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You've ruined a couple of kino moments by knowing that Polnareff and Koichi don't die. But other than that I suppose you're fine.

After watching part 3 (at least) I'd recommend reading part 7.

JoJo dating sim

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I want to become Joseph's stepfather

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Just make a JoJo game in the soul Calibur engine already for fucks sake

Why the fuck would you watch 5 first

Why were the colors in EoH so fucked? Did they accidentally swap P1 and P2's colors?

The only answer is a Heritage to the Future 2 that focuses on a different part.

Fuck these massive crossovers like ASB and EOH where they can only get the main crews and villains in and even then sometimes can't even get all of them. I want my deep cut fanservice like having all the anubis wielders playable

Neon gyro really grinded my gears in particular, I think it was based off a jump cover but cmon its fucking ugly, like any other color palette

>skipping parts

I think the best would probably be a fighting game maybe like ASB and heritage combined somehow. What i really think would be cool though is a mortal kombat style customization system, like imagine if you could make a custom palette for your character and make like slight alterations to their outfits? Would be a buy from me.

I just don't get it though, his B color is the right one, just like everyone else that has the wrong colors.

Literally who does this? I will never understand it.

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Going from part 3 to part 7 has literally no downsides. It's completely removed from the first 6 parts, but it is important to have seen parts 1-3 to truly appreciate it. I agree with you though, skipping parts is dumb.