It's okay if you don't like me, user. You're STILL breathtaking ^-^
It's okay if you don't like me, user. You're STILL breathtaking ^-^
so he long until it's revealed he cheated on his wife or raped kids and then everyone either pretends they always hated him or pretend it didn't happen?
Oh hey, it's le Reddit man.
>it's revealed
be the change you want to see in the world
You mean you?
>revealed he cheated on his wife
well he would have to be married first
Based Keanu here to filter out the fucking losers (people who hate keanu)
monster characters in final fantasy is breath taking
Are we supposed to hate Keanu now because he's popular?
celebrity worshipping is pathetic
Pretty much, thats the contrarian nature of you failed NEET incel virgins.
>well his wife would’ve been alive first
Who do you worship?
Wow, how impressive!
There's a difference admiring a celebrity and worship. It's not like we're a bunch of women and he's Oprah.
not really faggot
You literally want to be praised for not liking any celebrities as if that somehow makes you better than others.
nobody is whorshiping him you contrarian edgelord, doesnt mean we cant like him
I really don't
>Putting words into others' mouths
ima put my dicc in yo mouth nerd
I like Keanu.
I don't like the internet collectively deciding to suck his cock nonstop for whatever reason.
>OMG it's Keanu I mist buy this game
How is it? Being retarded and all.
I just always see it as a bad sign when hollywood big names are connected to a video game.
imagine being so insecure you making up other's flaws
Literally typical Yea Forums contrarionism. There's nothing wrong with liking a celebrity.
>implying being a contrarion isn't a flaw
I too worship nobody, because I'm an intellectual who thinks solely for himself.
>hating Keanu because hes a good person
Usually just there to draw in new audiences. I don't mind Martin Sheen being Illusive man in Mass Effect, it's one of the best performances in the series. But usually celebrities are distracting and only there so they can have that name in the marketing campaign.
Considering how much life has screwed him over I think he's allowed a transgression or two, as long as they don't involve diddling
Who even is this? I've never heard of him.
He's the one to dodge all slandering attempts
>his not yet born child dies
>the love of his life dies
>his best friend dies
>cannot form long term intimate relationships anymore
>cheated on his wife
Yes user, we know you're real cool for not caring about hollywood celebrities and not being able to name a single top 40 artist, it's a great replacement for character
Here is the original.
I love you Keanu but please, t-shirt with blazer is just not acceptable
Man, I love how awkwardly he speaks. There isn't a single bad thing about him except he supposedly fucked a tranny, which is disgusting. I hope it's not true.
you're an edgy little faggot and no one likes you
>Fucks a tranny
I really like Keanu and I have absolutely no interest in this mediocre looking cinematic bullshit game, even if he's in it.
Man of Tai Chi is a good-ass movie.
It is now
In what world is an open world game like this "cinematic"?
What the fuck did Fortnite and Minecraft do to kids brains?
>does nothing wrong
>everybody around him dies
as my uncle once said
some people are just unlucky
*screams and throws panties*
I was gonna buy the game before he was ever considered.
Literally all I've seen of this game is fucking cutscenes and scripted shit like takedowns and AI partners falling you around and talking. RPG elements don't change that. It just looks like Borderlands but with a more serious tone and without the shitty artstyle. I'm 28, I don't give a shit about fortnight and Minecraft.
This is stupid as fuck
>He hoverhands people to not kill them
Holy shit. It all makes sense.
Raping kids has Resetera approval so he'll be fine
Imagine how mad Kojima must be
damn Keanu, you just make my heart skip beats and shit. how you do it senpai?
Like a day later he tweeted that he is feeling down kek
What a hack
>Lived in SFV my whole life
>Already didn't have shit to care about
>Randomly met up with Keanu a few times at a deli (he eats bigass sandwiches and makes public appearances all the time)
>Already liked the guy because he's cool
>He still hasn't had a controversy bigger than becoming a huge success thanks to The Matrix
>Suddenly he appears at E3 and now he's this giant meme because he acts like he normally does in real life
If only God could simply strike either myself or all of these people down with lightning and fire.
He's absolutely playing up to it, though.
/// U w U ///
Not Keanu but the God worship which is so fake and artificial is annoying.