Should Xenoblade 3 drop the britbong voice actors...

Should Xenoblade 3 drop the britbong voice actors? I mean they're funny and kind of give those games an unique charm but they're also very amateurish.

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they need to hire actual actors instead of random britsh cunts off the street

actual actors give good performances, even if they're not established VAs. go down to your local acting theater and have a look at the talent there; they'll be cheaper and you'll get more out of them than the failed actors who became VAs

Shulk and Fiora were actually decent. Everyone else in 1 sucked

Males was good. Everyone else in 2 sucked

They're all professional actors with an actual acting education and experience in television and theater.
Fuck off with your Hollywood garbage, one franchise can be untainted.

>not watching movies/series and playing games with their original dub

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>implying half the actors in XB2 had any experience whatsoever
how the fuck can you listen to Skyla Bennet and think she has a modicum of talent, let alone WE'LL SHOW EM A THING OR THREE

Both of these games have good voice acting, the second game just has really poor voice direction that holds it down (at least in the main game, I feel like they fixed up for the DLC because that dub ended up being pretty damn good).

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XB1 dub was perfect barring Fiora's awful mess of a VO

DON'T play it in english,
Which actors didn't have any experience?

>Xenoblade 1
Don't do that

I did that and it's leagues better than the bong acting regardless of what your brainlet mind wants to believe.

As usual, it's probably because of the voice director.
But hiring people that didn't have much experience for the main characters wasn't really a good idea, especially when the VAs for the antagonists are John Schwab, David Menkin and Corey Johnson who are all excellent compared to the main 2

Pyra/Mythra VA is my wife

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No way fag

Bigger question is will Nintendo actually not be lazy and actually fix the lip flaps to match the English dub voices?

No, give me muh nah doh.

Playing JRPGs in any other language than Japanese is getting the sub-par experience anyways. The pacing of the cutscenes, the facial reactions, everything is tuned to the Japanese dialogue first, which is why English dialogue will ALWAYS be awkward in JRPGs, since the amount of time it takes to say things in different languages is completely different.


Adam Howden literally carries the first game with his performance. I do feel like the 2nd game's choice to hire bong actors was just because "lol dude 1 did it (because NoA had no fucking intention of ever localizing it) everyone will love it if we do it again".

Pretty much and unfortunately plenty of dumb idiots fell for it. Who cares for good voices when you can have quirky accents, nevermind that the first game had good voices that HAPPENED to be accented.

azurda is the red dude in new londo
they're both bitches

I'm a bong so the accents aren't quirky to me. Most of the VA work in 2 is fine.