What level is your badge mother-fucker?
What level is your badge mother-fucker?
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1 because I'm not a fucking goyim lmao.
how did you level up so quick? i thought you could only get 1k max per day
25 and I'm at lvl 38 from 30 steam account lvl
I got an insane amount of points for having almost all the tf2 and binding of isaac rebirth achivements
did you have to buy anything though?
It gave me 16000 free shits, probably mostly from BOI, TF2, and a shit ton of other games ive bought over the years.
The fuck I have every boi achievement and I didn’t get shit
sucks for you then, I could get more tokens by using all my boosts but I'm lazy and I want to save some
I haven't bought anything yet today
This is all I get.
do all those points turn to coins?
it turns into "boost" which once used turns into coins yes, but i cant fit all these into my boost because it all ran out for some reason
mine says the same thing and i have no idea how to upgrade it. this shit is a mess. anyone know if you can use mutiple 5 off things? i want arma 3 but only have like $2 in my wallet
already spend all my store credit from cases and shit to rise the boost limit, im even tempted to preorder the new doom now just for the free levels, but bethesda shit drops in price kinda fast
0 I'm not spending any money on this shit sale.
There have been weekend sales better than this garbage.
the event is so glitched. Some users who haven't spent any money started with 100k+ capacity
Level 1. I spent the rest of my coins for a discount on Yakuza Kiwami 2.
I think the token system bugged for me and went past the cap when it started because I had a shitload of points to spend
>already level 400
I don't plan on using the badge unless I guarantee 50 levels or something.
that's because they spent money on the lunar sale, capacity is based on that too
it's based on total steam spend, but weighted more to more recent purchases, yeah.
>pick pig
>worst team, no chance for free games
>barely get any points
>probably only will be able to get the 5buck discount once
>the discounts all fucking suck ass
an hero?
Honestly I much prefer this $5 thing. There's games that barely go on sale at all that the $5 is much better than the nothing i'd get otherwise. Seriously FFX HD NEVER goes on sale for less than fucking $25 so this is at least another $5 off.
Or will be if I can get it I guess. Reinstalled starbound for the first time in years.
I could've got a few of the £5 off things but raising this badge raises your steam level, I've gone from about 15 to 103 in less than an hour
I'd get it but I'm already 206, and as far as I know, the increased drop rate on booster packs stops accumulating after 150 so getting it would do nothing for me.
If any of you drooling retards give a single fuck about this stupid nuSteam badge and profile shit, you need to go have a word with yourself
>hurr durrr why do you care about free money?????
>total steam spend
the change over from USD to AUD must've fucked that then I got 700 something, same garbage happened with the lunar sale
is right shit event is lame
>free money
I've spent about $2,000 USD on steam total, and got 2000 coins, I also haven't bought anything on steam in about 6 years though.
>not caring about the extra booster packs you can get
it's not free money, per se, but I've gotten over $147 from JUST booster packs because of my level.
How on earth are people getting enough capacity to redeem their achievement boosts, I've got a few games with achievements waiting to be redeemed but I'd need to spend a shitload of money to be able to have the capacity to hold all those points.
Also does anyone know if the points that get "thrown away" when you don't have enough capacity are gone for good?
no, all we know is they stay unredeemed until robably the last day of the sale where you might either lose them or just be able to use them for tokens without using it on boost
I don't understand any of the fucking rules
it's just wales that spent a shitload on the lunar sale or right before this sale.
>getting enough capacity
you get capacity based on how much money you've spent, seems to be a dollar per point, with higher multipliers added to each dollar depending on how recent the purchases are based on some basic testing.
You can get achievement points from games multiple times. I have completed about 8000 "drink soda" quests in starbound.
god damned welsh motherfuckers.
There’s 5 numbers to juggle, most of them mean jack shit except capacity. It’s tied to how much you’ve spent and the worst part is that it goes down when you boost
Does your capacity increase whenever you complete those game quests or do you stop getting rewarded points if you hit your cap
doesn't increase capacity but I can't imagine the capacity won't increase back to it's regular cap every day.
All the grand prix badges look like shit. All badges have looked like shit ever since they outsourced the work.
I'd say level 1 badge was the least worst looking one so I'll probably stay there, but the emoticons and backgrounds look like shit as well.
No fucking clue. I apparently have a 4k capacity but could only redeem 765 for some reason.
I just want to get coupons but how I do it is buried in the Risk manual that is this event.
scroll down, fucktard.
>Need to boost your team minimum 1k points every day to be counted as active participant and enter the wishlist draw
>My dumbass self blew all my boosts to level up the badge
>Capacity at 0 now
I fugged up
>boost 1k points every day
where does it say that? I'm about to just uninstall all this shit if that's the case, my capacity max at start was 489 and after one boost it's down to 400-something so it's literally not been possible.
Nevermind, I misread the part that says you can boost your team up to 1000 points each time
Idk how either so dont feel like you're the only retard
>epic shill mad because he doesnt have the 14 year steam badge
I don't understand how this even works. I logged to steam, joined team, had no nitro points, nothing to do, just set goals on doing some shit on games I don't even have installed.
Honestly, previous year events were better.
I've only used my free points.
Capacity will go up again at daily reset, don't worry.
What PROFILE level yall at now because of this badge (and what lv was it before)
how many free points did you have wtf
When is the reset time? I got like 60k points from tf2 but i cant redeem them, says i have to buy games or wait till tomorrow, when is "tomorrow"
10am Pacific standard. Or 6pm Universal time.
Was 92, 106 now. Still got a bunch of games Im gonna buy, just need to get off work
it made me throw away my csgo points when i tried to redeem them. It's fucking annoying that it doesn't just save them. How do you redeem all the points without buying something?
What was meant by this?
you are all retarded, you can only redeem 100 points per day unless you buy stuff. you wont get all ur free points from games, its just a bait for you to spent money
You increase capacity when you spend money.
wait until the next race to redeem your points
but then how do people like exist if they've only used free points and not spent anything? This whole thing doesn't make sense. Can I ever get back the cs points once I've thrown them away?
I'll just buy the badge.
They're lying to you.
I've been doing the quests for like stardew etc and it's not showing up for points which sucks.
I only get 99 tokens per boost what the fuck?
Because they STARTED with that much free points and capacity based on shit they bought before the sale begin
About 13700.
You start with more free points depending on how much you've spent on your account since it was made where more recent purchases are worth more. Lunar tokens from new years also adds extra points in this sale.
So how did I get my badge to 470 without buying any games today then?
0 points, 0 tokens, absolutely nothing. Best shit about last category, shows 0 games available.
I hate this year event.
how though
Haha faggot needs rope for his neck
15 years on steam
3k+ games
Only 4k capacity (according to the grand prix page, but it only gave me 700 capacity first day. Glitched shit)
It's not fucking fair.
1000+ games on my account.
Same here. It has the nerve to embarrass me by saying I have 4k capacity for pissing away money on games I've not played, but only gives me 765. Bullshit.
Anybody know if I can idle multiple games at once? I have 3 open but don't want to waste my time if they don't register as being 30 minutes each.
Sure but your capacity won't go up either way
I'd redeem them one after the other, so I'd only get a couple of thousand each time before cashing out.
Is there a reason my capacity is below what steam says it should be (4k) or is it peak steam programming again?
Is this shit supposed to level you up so much? Why did I start with so many boosts but my friend had barely any?
Yeah the reason is steam sucks.I had the same.
This. And here is the kicker, everyday the cap will reset to the initial value. You'll have the meagre 1k capacity, while others can turn 40k+ points into tokens everyday.
>buy valve index for over $1000
>recepit says i'm getting tokens in grand prix for it
>event begins
>get nothing from my $1000+ recent purchase
>receipt no longer mentions it
Wait what?
So I should spend my 30k tokens fast?
it's a bug. I suspect it has something to do with trading. Accounts that spent money on items before the sale received a high cap. Some accounts even had a negative capacity because they exclusively sold items in the days leading to the sale.
No, you don't have to spend the tokens but you should boost until it says you have 0 boosts remaining.
Ah yes I have done so. Thanks.
I really don't get any of this.
I have an odometet capacity of 116217, and I was able to use like 20 boosts immediately.
65 Path of Exile acgievements gave me something I guess, but despite launching other games I can't claim those for more achievement rewards.
And doing the repeat objectives only sometimes count?
I can't decide if I wanna level my badge or save 10€(nothing).
Aldo I have 117 boosts remaining but I can't(be bothered to) get the points to use them I guess.
how to get more boosts, boost god.
fall for gabe's tricks and spend all your money to get 5 bucks discount
>says to play game with achievements for 30 minutes
>plays for 30 minutes
>nothing happens
It's a bug. Some people got lucky. Some got screwed. And a few got an insane amount of capacity points like pic related.
Launch a game you have 100% achievements unlocked or have many achievements on, idle it for 30 minutes and you should be able to claim tons of points. I got like 40k each from TF2 and age of empires 2
How did you get the capacity to hold those points tho?
My badge is at 595. I only bought Sekiro and Shadow of the Tomb raider and launched csgo and that was enough to launch me that far.
It's free to level up, dumb kike
If any of you drooling retards give a single fuck about this stupid X shit, you need to go have a word with yourself
what game is the loli is good badge from?
thank you, sir
>Own +250 games
>Have completed almost all of them
>Should have like 40k boost points
>Have 0, FUCKING 0
>Interested only in the $5 discount
>Tempted to just neck it because Steamjews fucked me yet again
>mfw i read every starting letter of my post
>mfw no face
>You can earn tokens by completing Quests in the Grand Prix Summer Sale event
That must have confused quite a lot of people.
>Complete Quests to fill your Boost Meter with points and Nitro, then Boost your team to earn tokens.
The first sentence was bullshit; this is what you have to do.
you could have get discounts with that points but you are spending them for shiny faggotish badges. how retarded a person need to be to do this this? did your mom give her credit card to buy games anyways zoomfags
I already own all the games I want because I'm not a child
It's 5 fucking dollars, who cares
oh i see you are not a child anymore. did you turn 14 this year?
Lmao surely they're going to revert this
>not caring about every penny of your hard earned money
geez summerfags
>brainlet doesn’t consider that many people don’t want to spend money at all or don’t give a fuck about a measles 5 dollar discount
100 nice even number, im spending the rest on Discounts.
It's giving discounts for free!
How have you done this? Just redeemed all the coupons at once?
How can I upgrade my boost meter capacity?
Buy things from the sale.
I exchanged point for discounts but it didin't take away my points :P
wtf I would have to spend more than 200$ to have this capacity
fuck this jewish game
oy vey just buy it goy
Based Pavel. If you get a ban feign ignorance and tell them you did no wrong.
Is there any coordination going on with team Corgi?
Besides chance lol to win free games and bragging rights, is there any other incentive to be in the winning team?
Anyone that's not a steam newfag had 100k minimum from the get go
Except when it decides not to work. It's telling me I have a 10k capacity from past purchases yet I only have access to 2.5k.
Play a game for 30 minutes
I refuse to play this stupid "game" for Valve's entertainment and money.
Fuck, this is confusing
So, here if user claims his 2200 points, the other 23k are lost forever?
Can he get them again for Hotline Miami the next day?
time to blame the Chinks steambros
ita all their fault because this sale it total shit
I had like 70k from Rabi Ribi and only got 2.5k, the rest was lost
I purchased a game before joining a team, did that count towards boost meter?
How the fuck do I even know for sure.
you get points by unlocking achievements?
how do i know what games are counted? only those in the QUest page?
>have 20 gorillion points
>only have like 3k capacity
>have to give up pretty much all of my points to redeem any
>other people started out with hundreds of thousands of capacity for no explained reason]
this event blows
all of them, but don't do play the ones with 100%
Play a game for 30 minutes
I just got over 20k points for idling Dark Souls for 30 min. I have all achievements in it.
how do i unlock my 37k points from terraria achievements
So, do you get points for each match? Is there a limit?
Will the games change tomorrow? Fuck this TF2 shilling.
Every achievement on every game stacks up in points. The more rare achievements only give more points. Even the 100% ones are worth.
Don't bother, idle in a game with achievements and you get 100x more points than this shit
>Only 500
Fucking why?
fuck this gay ass shit event i just wanted to get trading cards like all other sale events
So the total amount of people winning in this lottery is 10200 (600*12 daily winners and 3000 GP winners). There are 90 Million active steam users.
The chance of winning is about 0.01%
Why are you idiots even participating in this?
sssshhhhhh goy
why? they worth almost nothing
You don't have to download each game to idle it.
Google idle_master_extended, download it and make a shortcut for steam-idle.exe.
Open properties and add steam id of the game you want to idle to the end of the Target field.
For example "...\idle_master_extended\steam-idle.exe 339340" where 339340 is the steam id for RE0.
Then just run it and wait 30 minutes.
It's pointless since most people can only get points from one game a day before hitting the cap
I don't understand this stupid event
Wait, what the fuck?
>I'm not a fucking goyim
Wait doesn't everyone have 150k+ odometer capacity?
Mine's literally the same. I've opened a support ticket since nobody on the forums knows what's happening. Will likely get blown off though.
I've reread the rules and can't find the bit that says "we take away capacity for no fucking reason".
Wait how in the fuck does this badge give so much XP?
Is it intended? My level is fucking skyrocketing
me neither but i did zero work and got 2 more showcases on my profile. can't wait to see all my friends list clue in on the easy steam levels, i went from 12th to 3rd for steam level and i bet those autismal fucks put me right at the bottom by the time this is done
When you boost, you lower your boost total capacity by 1000. You cannot upgrade the capacity except through purchasing games. You only get 100 capacity per day if you're a poorfag, that is what "wait until tomorrow" means.
everyone is gettin it yep
someone didnt think this through
>150 badge levels or $5
Not a hard choice.
how does the race with your friends thing work?
What are badge/account levels even useful for?
All I know is that Yea Forums shits on people with levels above like 50.
Additional friend slots every 10 levels
Higher chances of booster packs dropping the higher your level is
Most importantly more free card booster packs to sell.
Other than that you also get more showcases to put memes in.
same as me bro
fuck steam and fuck the fat jew Gabe
What category did you file it into?
Don't expect them to give a shit and even reply desu.
And I can see them fixing the badge XP tomorrow, letting the users that got it keep their levels but completely shit on us
how the fuck do you get auto points from past games? how does it work?
5€ discount vs 15000 exp, what's more valuable if boosters can be sold over time?
How do you open a steam sale ticket? I can't find the proper category.
>380 games
>can only get 100 tokens
They aren't that common so if you don't care about ricing out your profile it's probably better to take the $5, especially if you don't already have a high level.
Up to you
the 5 dollar discount can be spent immediately and stacked up to 45 dollars off
The booster packs drops are totally random with varying prices and can be quite infrequent depending on your level
This shit is the worst summer sale minigame ever, the system is too fucking convoluted and the rewards are seeing a bar moving to the right also there's no trading cards
Atleast the boss clicker and alien defense had some gameplay
I legitimately can't be fucked to read any of these retarded rules for a god damn sale minigame.
What's the bare minimum I have to do to get a badge? To get a chance to win games?
Its the same for me too
I had 2k, now I have 0
Shits broke
Play them for atleast 30 minutes during the event
>he picked anything but team birb
I never had anything in the first place.
The boost is supposed to go down I think, you used yours up
I have discovered a fcking gold mine, for driving over each mushroom I am getting 50 points of boost, with this level I can get several thousands in 5 minutes.
Soon I will have games worth thousands of dollars
Thanks gave
I thought I could do the same, but apparently I only have 100 capacity.
Doesn't work unless you already spent hundreds of bucks, the cap will fug you
I opened it under account date. The contest says capacity is based on account activity so it was the best fit. Any sales section opened to a blank page.
No they won't give a shit. Any response I get will prob tell me that I filed it in the wrong area and offer no direction where to go. Even the blowhards on the steam forums are clueless as to why they're getting shafted.
how much coins can i get from a game that has like a 30 achievements? because idk if downloading them and letting them run in the backgroud is worth it
retard, you still have a boost cap
>3 different types of currencies
>Nobody understands how each of them work
>People are given random amounts at the start
>Some get enough to level up 30 times, other get fuck all
>Teams are not automatically assigned, so everyone selects the same
I never fucking though I would miss cards, but they're better than this mess.
So it says in the odometer the max points I can earn is 0?
wtf, this shit's confusing
I had 2500 tokens yesterday, I got the badge for 100, then It dropped to 858
are all the backgrounds and emotes permanent or what? I dont want to waste coins on something thats going to disappear in a week
imagine if EGS did a shit like this, there would be 10000 hate threads right now
but its OK when Valve dos it
>have a 24k cap
>spend all my boosts
>refund a game
>somehow one of those things literally reset my cap to 0
Fuck this bugged piece of shit
Some 16-20k for 30 achivos.
But do you have the capacity to back it up?
boost meter capacity doesn't reset every day, just so you know
>doing all this ridiculous convoluted shit just to upgrade your meaningless consumer cuck level so that Gaben can more effectively fuck you in the asshole
you goys are pathetic lmao
You sure you didnt use yours capacity?
h-have sex
Not to mention that you have a boost cap that seems to go down with every use and nowhere in the faq mentions that but apparently its supposed to go up every day
>clicking a few buttons in the span of several seconds is too convoluted for you to understand
Yeah it's steam community items.
You can also just pick them up for cents from the market later.
nice digits, also i have 1k capacity i think, how do i get it bigger? does the boost get transfered to another day or is it gone?
>too stupid to play cookieclicker
I expect nothing less form Yea Forums
How do you even have more points than capacity?
Shits fucked, yo.
The red number is supposed to be your capacity (your cap)
It will, else no team will get to second place even
You consume 1000 cap per boost. If you boosted 24 times, you should have 24k golden coins and 0 capacity.
This shit is just way too confusing. Who thought it was a good idea to make summer event that plays like a fucking grand strategy game
Whatever you say, chinkster.
>how do i get it bigger
Spend money. 1 dollar = 100 capacity
Everything that wasnt used transfers to the next day.
oh thats probably it
so can i buy game for a 60 bucks get boost then immediately get a refund?
They'll take back shit that you bought with tokens. It's in the FAQ
No. Rules say doing shit like that will result in whatever you buy with tokens getting removed from your account.
>Have 600+ games on account
>Got hundreds of achievements
>only get 4000 starting / 2300~ daily because I didn't buy shit in the lunar sale
bravo valve
One full 45 discount is 135 000 tokens, right?
Im not sure if the coupons stack, but if they do, go for it
45$, Yes.
€45 actually. But cool.
It's nice that I'm getting a little bit back from my Index purchase, which seems to be why I have such a stupid high capacity.
I'm doing it for the $5
I've harvested like 40000 crops and nothing shows up.
i think its kinda dumb that i have to start up all my old games that i already finished just to get the achievements counted
Literally just use SAM
Wait, you're telling me i have to boot up every one of my games that I've got achievements on to raise my cap?
I played TF2 for like 1.5 hrs on 2fort and got 15k points. I was hard carrying tho.
yeah what's the deal with this. I'm not reinstalling all my old shit, i just want a free 5 bucks
The fastest game/method to farm point, Yea Forumsros?
Really curious.
i already have the achievements, i have only played one game 'recently' so i have to go and install shit and sit in them for 30 mins
you have to buy games with money to raise your cap, for me its 1$ canadian = 100cap increase
I mean use it to log 30 minutes or however much time is needed to have the game appear as 'recently played'.
The program tricks Steam into thinking you have the game open, you know.
well thanks for telling me about that, guess i should have known someone was trying to tell me something but who knows with this place
I don't blame you.
What do I do with 137k tokens?
if not for discount then level for sick card drops for more steam dollars