Drake has peaked my interest to the extremes. Which game should I get to get the most out of it? I have PS4.
Which game has best multiplayer? How does customization work (if there is any)?
Drake has peaked my interest to the extremes. Which game should I get to get the most out of it? I have PS4.
Which game has best multiplayer? How does customization work (if there is any)?
>Which game should I get to get the most out of it? I have PS4.
Extella is literally your only option and it's just a mediocre musou. There's not that many Fate games to begin with, let alone any good ones.
There isn't
You get costumes, that's it.
Extella and Extella link are on PS4
Link has Drake but the story is ass
Drake is in Extra but she's an enemy
Drake is in FGO but you have to roll her and you get NTR'd in Agartha
As a Drakefag myself, she also has like no merch
>Drake is in Extra but she's an enemy
Not to mention, the first enemy servant you face and hardly gets any screentime.
Just "play" the Fate VN. There's links everywhere and it's good.
just roll her in FGO
So FGO is some gacha shit? Is it good?
>gacha shit
>Is it good
Depends on what you consider a good one
no it plays like ass and the gacha is very predatory.
No, no gacha game is ever good. The exploit you worse than a Morongo casino.