Remember when Jannis sticked up a thread for Etika and not for Aniki or Total Biscuit?

Remember when Jannis sticked up a thread for Etika and not for Aniki or Total Biscuit?

Attached: body-found-etika-manhattan-bridge-new-york-city-youtube.jpg (1600x900, 108K)

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the jannies must be zoomers.

Because they were fucking shit compared to Etika, no offense to them. I'm 28 btw.

Jannis/mods are fucking zoomers

neither aniki nor total biscuit were nintendies

thats because they said ecelebs arent video games.
(in other words, they just liked the guy.)

I remember when creating an e-celeb thread was an instaban

They made a sticky for Aniki when oldfags mod came in and fucked dumb jannies

They love Nintendo and all its influencers. Faggots. RIP Etika.

Attached: hmmm.jpg (1864x1443, 658K)