Remember when Jannis sticked up a thread for Etika and not for Aniki or Total Biscuit?
Remember when Jannis sticked up a thread for Etika and not for Aniki or Total Biscuit?
Andrew Hall
Other urls found in this thread:
Nolan Murphy
the jannies must be zoomers.
Julian Green
Because they were fucking shit compared to Etika, no offense to them. I'm 28 btw.
Adrian Martin
Jannis/mods are fucking zoomers
Wyatt Cook
neither aniki nor total biscuit were nintendies
Luke Allen
thats because they said ecelebs arent video games.
(in other words, they just liked the guy.)
Alexander Williams
I remember when creating an e-celeb thread was an instaban
Chase Jenkins
They made a sticky for Aniki when oldfags mod came in and fucked dumb jannies
Jackson Ross
They love Nintendo and all its influencers. Faggots. RIP Etika.
Ethan Green