>Objective: Stop Brexit
Objective: Stop Brexit
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>tfw looking forward to seeing virtual placeholder John Cleese getting dumpstered for saying that London isn't an english city anymore
I want them to go full balls to the wall crazy with this. Greatest radicalization tool for the right.
>saying that London isn't an english city
He's right
i doubt it, ubisoft is pretty much fenceshitting on this whole thing. just look at far cry 5 and division 2. they get whit all the time for not being wole enough but at this point nobody cares about journocucks.
Not with this.
They are pushing it as full propaganda.
>ubisoft is pretty much fenceshitting on this whole thing
Reminder that brexit means brexit
what if it's about resisting the eu which has invaded bongistan after brexit and put it under martial law?
Delusional. Brexit won't happen, and nothing will be done about it by the people.
'ate queers
'ate pikeys
'ate pakis
'ate transsexuals
'ate homosexuals
'ate rugby
'ate catholics
'ate gypsies
'ate seagulls
'ate lefties
'ate muslims
'ate cider
'ate frenchies
'ate huns
'ate the EU
Love football
Love me wife
Love pints
Simple as
Why do americans care so much about european sovereign politics and why do they think a country leaving the union = nazism ?
Americans are so retarded they actually think it's a left/right political issue
Acceleration is literally the best strategy the right has come up with in years.
The worst part is your average American's pro-Scottish independence stance because of their 'ancestry' and they watched braveheart once. Or lefties outside of Scotland talking like nationalism is a right-wing thing.
>Why do americans care so much about european sovereign politics
As if yuropoors don't voice their opinions on every single thing America does on a daily basis
Pic related is Londonistan remainers. Maybe Ubisoft is onto somdyhing trying to capture this audience.
Do we get emotional enough to make a fucking game portraying republicans as the 4th reich?
>Why do americans care so much about european sovereign politics
Europeans never shut the fuck up about american politics nobody here actually cares about any of you
Don't ever post here again
I mean the wolfenstein devs are swedish so
>Before: Lets join the EU to improve our shitty lives and economy
>Now: Lets leave the EU to improve our shitty lives and economy
Ubisoft's a French company
Looking forward to the breakup of the union and laughing at england burning burning to the ground.
Wolfenstein new blood. Kill entire generation of people born from Nazi WW2 victory that had nothing to do with getting rid of Small Hat tribe or shitskins.
>Americans who think Brexit falls into their babbys first politics literally binary political system of right team vs left team
That pic sums of britain pretty well. Did you anons though that british soldiers who show "patriotism" or "nationalism" are put under watch for being racist nazis?
Go get arrested for having a spoon outside your kitchen you buck teeth prolapsed asshole having loser.
Americans literally don't care. British people will be a minority in their own country in 20-30 years.
someone obviously just watched (>implying they read) V for Vendetta, Brexit is probably just used for marketing
Ahhh yes the European political spectrum consisting of:
>Leftist Light
>Extreme Left
and my favorite
>Actual fucking Nazi's
It's more that we see being ruled by shady unelected unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels as a bad thing
>people claim to work towards goals that improve the lives of everyone in order to gather support for their own policies
What a shocker!
Brexit is barely politics. More like a trade deal.
I still find it weird they foreigners care enough to protest and call for impeachment. Don't get me wrong I make fun of bong leaders like May and I don't care about Euros doing vice versa but protesting on the streets because a foreign leader is doing stuff in his own country is bizarre, why would they even care its not like it affects them in the longrun.
We think it's more so ridiculous that you've voted to leave the UK and the government is trying everything in their power to not allow it
>we need a referendum!
>T-the people actually regret voting leave!
It pretty easily can be but i cant blame you for feeling confused, i watched one of your parliament "discussions" and it was a fucking mess of people more concerned with slinging zingers at each other and howling like monkeys instead of debating. Ive seen more civilized debates in uganda
I don't understand how you people can use a single city like London as a way to represent the entire country
>Before: The EU is here to help cooperation between countries and to establish economic growth
>Now: Here, take this boat of two millions Africans, and by the way your gun laws are not good enough ban the slingshots too
>Ireland leaves uk
>Wales leaves uk
>Scotland leaves uk
>England cries itself to sleep above Muhammad's kebab shop and then votes for the tories again
It's amazing how awful England is in every way possible, couldn't even get fucking Brexit right and now it's going to destroy the UK.
It's just virtue signaling and attention whoring. Take a look at those people, they don't give a single shit if what they're doing accomplishes anything, they just want to post online about what a brave thing they did
Is it really surprising to anyone that a game made by Frenchies is taking a fat shit on the Brits?
Americanism, that's how
Ah yes the always united anglo saxons who have never had insane conflicts amongst themselves on their rainy little island
Don't you know that when the people vote for something that you don't want, you're supposed to keep holding the same referendum over and over until you get the outcome you want
>The five people we polled in inner-city London said the vote was confusing!
>Anarchists wish for more government overreach
hol up
don't worry everyone hates the rest of england too
Well they're both shitty countries so who cares.
Anarchists and Antifa are modern day brownshirts for Rothschild banking firms and corporate tech giants.
>I don't understand how you can use the most densely populated and historically significant city in our tiny country as a sample for the rest of the country
Don't act like you retards don't do the exact same thing with NYC or LA
old people must have been on to something when they said social media was ruining people, that was until they also started using it
>muh immigrants
I feel sad for you brits, you won't even get your Brexit and yet your entire finance industry basically collapsed anyway
You do this shit all the time to us burgers. Fuck off and pay your cuck tv tax and then get arrested for having a spoon outside your kitchen.
Yeah it's almost like it's a massive ongoing issue
Isn't there a thing in the UK now about throwing milkshakes at brexit nazis?
Why can't brits revolutionize against their tyrannical government already? What kind of fucked Stockholm syndrome do bongs have where police arrest them for social medis posts?
Call me politically un-saavy or whatever but what IS the problem with a second referendum? If people voted for something, shouldn't they vote for the same thing... twice?
Ah don't worry everyones going to abandon england to deal with that shit anyway lol
Mob Rule Good
Democracy is bad because mouthbreathing retards are the overwhelming majority and thank the fucking lord we (America) have a Constitutional Republic.
>I don't understand how you people can use a single city like Chicago as a way to represent the entire country
It scares me that people like you are allowed to vote and don't even understand voting in the first place.
yeah but they didn't have any third world subhuman trash multiplying at an alarming rate in the old days
>What's the problem with double jeopardy? If you were found not guilty once, won't you just be found not guilty again the second time?
speaking of France, another one of their famous buildings just burned down
Ok so brexit means brexit.
What does brexit mean?
I'll just gather a granny gang and fight the police.
What is the point of referendum when you repeat it to achieve YOUR result?
Why not vote three, four or one billion times?
Oh wait, we already had that with EU voting in other countries.
its usually used to get a more desired result as demonstrated with other leave attempts were the EU dragged out the process with multiple referendums until they got the stay vote and just stopped
That gives precedent to repeat the vote until a specific turnout in your favor happens
Then they can just say yep that's the one that counts we'll go with that
Several countries actually joined the EU as a result of those tactics
Cause all the people who didn't vote because they never thought Brexit actually would happen will now vote stay
See now here is the problem with people who go "but muh demoracy", they will NEVER admit that a second vote might have a different result, implying that the public voting body really has no fucking clue on what it wants to do
Sweden voted to change the side of the road they drive on years back. Everyone voted no. Government was like fuck you, we're doing it anyway. Now accidents between international drivers went down, roadside safety went up, and no one really gave a shit after a couple of months.
it means brexit
if you can hold a vote enough to change the result of the vote, then maybe more than just a vote should be considered in the result since the voting body clearly is loose with what it wants
You mean the Notre Dame ? It's old shit.
except immigrants wont stop, youll get them in bigger droves, except this time instead of eastern europeans youll get more pakis, have fun nigel and remember capitalism is a realistic thought that infinite growth is possible
why stop at a second vote? have a third or fourth
It should never have been held in the first place considering nobody fucking understands it
I too yearn for the return of feudalism where men were men and serfs weren't men
>voter fraud doesn't exist
>the government isn't continually mass importing foreigners 99% of whom are guaranteed to vote one way
no, this happened just a day ago twitter.com
Then make me your king you fucking bootlicking statist.
You clearly enjoy making your country more tyrannical.
And look at the result of it, England going haywire while EU just stares at them
>people vote for a change you don't want
>actively kneecap the process of enacting this change
>act like it's still up in the air as to what happens
>spend all your time debating if it's going to happen rather than working out how
>then, when everybody is fed up
>ask them if they want it to continue
>Voting is inherently democratic
>why stop at a second vote? have a third or fourth
well yeah, have a third or fourth. You are the one vying for a democracy, you should believe in the will of the people to consistently vote for what they want.
If you believe the people to be so uncertain, unstable, and unpredictable that they can't choose A twice instead of A once and B once, then why are you so confident that the first choice is absolutely certainly what is best?
That IS what you are afraid of right? That people might change their mind?
>demanding another vote because you didn't get the result you wanted
I remember when Obama made a public statement about how a votijg place couldn't ask if you were a citizen
And people still tried to pretend this wasn't trying to get illegals to try and vote
>*ngland before brexit
>authoritan shithole
>no one cares
>*ngland after brexit
>authoritan shithole
You can always trust ubishits to twist the facts and make post-brexit country racist, despite that pretty much the same people remain in power.
daily reminder britain is fucked either way, if britain leaves the EU they will become like portugal, if they stay they become like greece, have fun
Yeah we should keep taking people to court over the same accusations until we get a guilty verdict too
Can someone please post that QT pro-Brexit protestor.
nope, you can just look at polls for that or the last euro MEP election where the brexit party cleaned up after only existing for a month
at least for the EU germany gives them money
>>voter fraud doesn't exist
not in any meaningful capacity it doesn't.
It's nice to see that conservatives on both sides of the pond love to cry about voter fraud and muh illegals stuffing ballots without any evidence
What people are afraid of is governments importing enough counter-voters to get their results idiot.
Might as well go feudal.
Yeah it does. I mean I am not American and also I agree with you that it's weird but on the other hand, the US is so powerful that its leader has great influence, even if indirect, in almost every country on earth.
Blame the media. They report all the same anti-Drumpf outrage fuel that the American media does.
It's the best way to get clicks and views, unfortunately.
Yeah and people in Athens Greece use fucking flame barrels to keep warm because they can't afford heating. But OH HO HO GIBS GIBS GIB MONEY FROM GERMONEY!!! I can't wait for Europe to implode as I laugh and watch from afar in Burgerland.
They could literally just post direct quotes from Trump and the effect would be the same.
Please address the statements and questions
Are you afraid that people might change their mind? Are you saying that a democratic process is inherently unstable if invoked twice? Do you believe that the voting body can be trusted to have chosen the right choice first, if they choose the other choice second or third?
Wouldn't Brexit be the thing that DedSec would want? Since it is globalist trashbins who want to push these Orwellian surveillance programs to begin with?
>A liberal shithole with the majority voting remain.
>Right wing deportation squad the instant Brexit happened.
oh the other hand, I don't recall any actions Trump has taken that has had an obvious negative outcome for the UK, can any bongs state what he could have possibly done to even justified what people were doing in that pic
You still need to turn their brains into sewage first, before those quotes become enraging.
it cant implode, there will be civil war in america before anything happens to EU
>importing counter-voters
you're saying that I, an American, can just go over to the UK right now and vote in the referendum?
They ran out of history to burn in the middle east
Globalist authoritarianism is strangely absent from the series
as likely as you having sex
Civil War in America will happen over democrats removing the electoral college but maybe you are right with Europeans being so fucking cucked and pathetic they will never have the balls to overthrow or even fight bsck their corrupt government.
I don't live there so I don't give a fuck at all. Why does watch dogs have a franchise when every single game they've released is complete cookie cutter 4/10 shit thats so bad it's not even shilled by game "journos"
>’ate queers
It's sort of implied though given that we all know it exists as a product of the same people at the top.
whatever you say
shady unelected unaccountable bureaucrats in London on the other hand
>Why do americans care so much about european sovereign politics
Because we see what your are doing with the whole "greatest rwellian social experiment" thing and can imagine ourselves in your place since we come from the same roots.
> and why do they think a country leaving the union = nazism?
Because the real consequences of the EU breaking down is a divided Europe based upon the old imperial system. This is why you see so many European governments try to curb the rise of nationalism.
They don't need to remove it. All of the major swing states and Texas will be blue in the next 20 years. Demographics are everything and we lost that fight in 1965. On the bright side the collapse of a 150 year old party system should be fun to watch.
At least you are able to look those in the eye and call them a cunt
not as corrupt as the US government, plus EU doesnt have to die for israel
But what IS brexit?
Senpai the people in the pic are the same sort of people who participate in gay pride marches. For them the justification is that they get a chance to go outside dressed up like demented clowns.
For myself, the brewing US-China trade war or US-Iran actual war can turn out to have bigger consequences (for me) than anything a local policitian will come up with in the coming year.
Try calling the Queen or the members of the House of Lords Cunt
And Africa isn't a black continent, it belongs to white people now. Why? I say why not. It's time for open borders gentlemen. Let's all share with one another :^)
Yeah you do. You have to pay your taxes to fund the people who run you over with vans.
Unironically based.
oh right I forget, people just use protests as an excuse to be degenerates, sometimes I actually wonder if the world would benefit from a third world war just due to the fact that things have gone to shit so fast nobody has time to deal with petty bullshit. Would I be a sociopath for thinking like this.
>we want sovereignty by becoming slave of either USA or Saudis
What is wrong with the damn bongs?
>a divided Europe based upon the old imperial system
>different nations with different cultures, history, and people having their individual sovereignty back
God forbid
so do you, except even more, you are the blackest pot calling a kettle black
>blue texas
Im pretty sure texas would secede from the US entirely and die for its own beliefs first. Remember TRUE Texans are very real.
lol is the plot literally
>You have to help the establishment by overthrowing the peoples democratic decisions
they think its the 19th century and they still have an empire
You smug faggots are going to get a really rude awakening in 30-40 years when you're just as culturally enriched as us, we tried to warn you but your heads are too far up your asses
You sound like a classic Dem party hack who thinks race matters more than class interests
Enjoy losing elections for the next 20 years
They only comprehend politics at an emotional level, like most people here
>first referendum
>people vote based on their interests and opinions
oh shit! Leave won!
>que months of remoaner media propaganda
>doomsday prophets on every channel crying about UK becoming a third world country
>brexiteers slandered as racists and populists or deluded old men
>second referendum
>clearly the goym will vote in their interest this time! They were just confused before, but the issue has become so much clearer now that we've educated them!
I'm really don't mind being a part of the EU, but I loathe their tactics and the tactics of EU supporters in general. And I think it will ultimately backfire, as more people come to see it as a tyrranical superstate willing to ruin entire countries rather than let them escape from it's influence
Why aren't true Texans doing anything about the hordes of Africans and Honduran shitskins swarming the border then?
Texas is Mexican now.
Deal with it
Muslims are a worse plague than Mexicans. Though our problems are similar, you have a much more dangerous one to deal with.
>Game or movie features London
>It's portrayed as majority white with a small but vibrant Caribbean black minority
Why do they always do this? Why do they fear showing London as 43% white with a majority "Asian" population?
>Implying it doesn't
Its whites versus everyone else. Never forget that.
>Enjoy losing elections for the next 20 years
Democracy won't fix this, that much I'm certain of.
I wonder if they fullet retard make Brexit Russia's doing, because I heard May and some other br*t politicians talk about that.
I completely agree with you, I'm just answering this guys question.
You think I like seeing Europe get flooded with muslims and africans? Look at people like Tommy Robinson and tell me that he isn't a microcosm of what's happening to Britain and British males.
Actually, I kind of do like it. Poland, Hungary, Italy, and Britain all want to leave the EU. Southern and far western countries are draining the EU dry. They are entering a monetary and banking crisis, and If things go south in the middle east they will also have an energy crisis.
I can't wait to see it all burn. Maybe then Europe will release the absolute extent of what they have wrought upon themselves.
What is the point of a vote if you're just going to hold it again and again until you get the result you want?
Why should any self respecting person agree to go through the entire voting process again because the government doesn't agree with the outcome?
It is more like
>leave wins in a tight race
>Tory heads resign
>nobody wants to oversee the shitshow
>it turns out tha the leave capaign was lying 24/7
>EU doesnt give a shit abou the UK and is not giving up anything
>remainers say "we told you so"
Leavers be like
>not a single person in the establishment parties wanted brexit to happen
>politicians actively fuck up leaving
>all to stay in an unaccountable political and financial agreement ruled by germany
But the anti-brexit crowd is the resistance, goys, honest.
>Caribbean black minority
>In Britain
You know for all their talk about being enlightened people who include all cultures, these hacks can only seem to create black character number #59830
America isn't even a real country
>no borders
>no law
>no leaders
One of your supposedly most important politicians has been dead for 6 months and nobody gives a shit and is completely fine with pretending she is alive to maintain the stays quo
Because in real life they're very segregated and you can go to areas that are 99% white or 99% muslims or 99% africans.
>Why do americans care so much about european sovereign politics
Welcome to what Americans have been experiencing for the past four decades.
Name a single white no go zone
>it belongs to white people
Literally, Chinese.
Uh-huh. Cruz was fucking lucky and he shouldn't expect 2024 to be the same. If any of you retards cared you'd have done something before this was terminal.
Eastern Germany
You either dont know or understand what a True Texan is. They are spics, they are niggers, they are asian, white. They are registered citizens of the state. Some of them are even in the Rangers. GTFO with the fear mongering
>no borders
>no law
>no leaders
What did this third worlder mean by this?
Simple as.
>EU doesnt give a shit abou the UK and is not giving up anything
They wouldn't fight tooth and claw for the most unreasonable leave deal if they didn't give a shit. They know it's in their best interest for the UK to crash and burn so they can threaten other member states with the same if they dare try to leave.
>No you can't leave, you need me to exist
>what do you mean you used to be sovereign? That doesn't matter, you're a vassal of the european empire now
>don't try to leave, you wouldn't want to end up like the brits would you?
Shit's fucked up. I liked it better when it was just about mutually beneficent trade.
>lets just return back in time to the period where china wasnt a super power and brazil and india were not fledgling super powers
I think the people you're responding to would have a panic attack if they knew that the hordes of mocha-skinned mystery meats are not only going to integrate into the United States, they're probably going to be proper "Americans" by their second or third generation, give or take a couple "heritage" traditions.
I think that's the most fearful thing for these people; it's not the end of their culture, it's just the end of white people. The country is going to get browner and nothing's going to really change.
retard burger here
can anyone explain to me why leaving the EU is a big deal? what effect would this have on the average citizens?
also who the fuck came up with the word "brexit"
>They wouldn't fight tooth and claw for the most unreasonable leave deal if they didn't give a shit. They know it's in their best interest for the UK to crash and burn so they can threaten other member states with the same if they dare try to leave.
By unreasonable demands you mean, following the same deals that other non EU countries have? The issue is that the UK is cockblocking every attempted deal by opposing one of the many parts of it, be it EFTA, Swiss Kind of thing or a simple FTA
>Shit's fucked up. I liked it better when it was just about mutually beneficent trade.
So, never? Because when the European Coal and Steel community was founded, it was literally about cooperation to strenghten peace.
Its either being a slave to
>usa (which is a vassal state to israel)
They just want freedom, like we all do, but our world has turned too tiny for freedom, and now "alliances" are mandatory to survive.
I mean
You have no meaningful borders
You have impotent law enforcement
Your "leaders" just do as they are told
And at the moment your Supreme Court literally has a dead judge so your "leaders" need not even exist
I dont believe the hispanic or asian parts. Ive heard both communities and individuals speak very highly of Trump. Oh wait this is a majority graph... does it represent the popular vote or the other votes?
I don't think a war would be the solution, wars just end up with the winning party becoming the next group of degenerates. What is needed is the direction that a war brings, without the war itself. Maybe a cause, like space colonization.
In a multicultural society, the races fight over resources and power. Don't you realize that the races have vastly different interests and values from each other?
These people have a different culture, traditions, holidays, IQ, voting patterns etc. These people are not American, and when all the whites move due to an overbearing system there will be noone to save you in a border or coastal state.
What do you think is going to happen when there is no more money in the system to handle these people? Have you ever heard of the term, Balkanization? Enjoy your Democrat run shitholes, you tepid Civic Nationalist.
Name a time when you did NOT need an alliance to survive
Fellow burger here. Ignoring Rothschild medis propaganda the actual effect will be Bongland will be self governing again and the ehole EU house of cards will collapse because if Bongland leaves successfully so will Greece, Italy, Spain, portugal, Hungary and Poland.
Go outside retard. Do you see third generation spics integrating? No they are still in ghettos
Why does that food look good?
Bongs can't do food
I played the new hitman 2 mission yesterday and all the black (or Indian I guess) people looked identical
>can anyone explain to me why leaving the EU is a big deal?
first and foremost Britain does not have an economic system in place to otherwise support their people without outside help
what fields they had such as agriculture and whatnot have been compromised in efficiency or are simply insufficient even at peak
that in of itself causes a lot of problems
second, U.N.. collaborators are doing everything in their power to not let them
Popular vote. Shade shows how extreme it is one way or another. Look at the top for a key.
>why do they think a country leaving the union = nazism ?
Because we went to war over secession and the anti-secession side won.
Would mean U.K. citizens and EU citizens can no longer freely travel into each other's territory, it would mean that the U.K. would need to renegotiate all of its trade deals with the EU.
It would also mean that the EU no longer has any political authority over the U.K. and can no longer dictate the way they conduct their politics or trade any more, and the U.K. would no longer be obligated to pay into the EU budget.
>and when all the whites move due to an overbearing system
The whites aren't moving, user. They're hunkering down, getting settled in for the long siege with gated communities and gentrified neighborhoods. They're not going anywhere.
it doesn't "belong" to chinks, user
belong implies that they don't already own it :^)
MEGA sounds catchier than MAGA
EU is the only way Europe will stay relevant on the global stage
Too bad Europeans would rather lose 50 euros if it means their neighbors lose 100€
A hundred or 2 more years ago, yeah you can say
>but there were already alliances and trade back then
But not to the level we have now, globalism has tied us all together along with modern medicine and technology. If you wanted to fuck off to somewhere else all you had to do was go, but we are too tightened up now.
National data pulled from Edison Exit Polling.
>EU is the only way Europe will stay relevant on the global stage
Some of the largest economies on earth don't just go away if they stop coordinating economic policy, user.
>they aren't moving
>they are moving into gated neighborhoods
Retard. Enjoy being Brazil 2.0
Imagine being such a retarded fuck you think that you benefit in any way from importing billions of illiterate Arabs.
>ablublublu the wealth of the elite
Go fuck yourself, tool.
Imagine being British and unironically arguing against democracy. Why do so many British people hate Britain so badly?
I don't think that is true. For some maybe, but most flight coming out of states like California are middleclass/upperclass white Americans. Same thing in places like New Jersey.
If you care about anecdotes, even my liberal acquaintances have or are planning on moving because they admit the system they're working for isn't working for them.
I'll look forward to asians turning further right as the left continues to eschew meritocracy.
There's a world of difference between, "they're moving into the new gated community 5 miles down the road" and "they're moving to some nebulous promised land of Whiteness that /pol/yps always prophesize will happen when the Critical Mass is reached."
Not him, but Denmark has literally never been a vassal to anyone before the EU. We've lost (and gained) territories in war and we've been occupied for short periods, but in over 1100 years of history we've never willingly given up our sovereignty to another ruling power.
There's a reason Denmark only joined the EU with a bunch of membership reservations that they've continuously failed to have us remove, even though they bring back the referendums every 15 years.
imagine if Hillary won the election, and a few days before the inauguration the GOP senate said "you know, maybe people changed their minds about this whole woman for president thing, let's do it again"
I can tell you the difference between the western black and the southern black. Both are points of immigration. True Texans are all races. The disappearance of the anglo-white race has always been known. Whites are outnumbered by every race put together. The US also used to be isolationist. Your gif would be more effective if you started the timeline there... or better yet, before America was colonized.
You heavily overestimate the size of the real economies of european nations
>5 miles down the road
Lmao look at thisYou are moving half a state away. Texas is bigger than half the countries in Europe.
Tru, Italy and Spain are true juggernauts of world politics on its own
You fail to realize the EU's economic mass is divided almost exclusively between the U.K., Germany, and France.
Even taken individually, they've all got massive markets.
Nobody knows.
because it's not?
You joke, but there's no context where Italy isn't hugely influential in the Mediterranean.
That alone makes them globally relevant.
You are too right friend
The only jargon i used was True Texan. You seem upset.
The best argument against democracy is in fact the British people. Turkeys that would vote for Christmas, the lot of them.
True Texan isn't jargon retard
Your country only exists because you seceded from the brits though
What did the leave campaign lie about?
the US government has freely done like 100 tyrannical acts but gun fetishists think that the next time they're totally going to rise up and overthrow the oppressors
fucking frenchmen armed with safety vests managed to make the government back down while americans with their body weights in propellant are getting boiled like frogs
I wonder
That have zero growth and are all heavily based on financial elements.
Those are the good guys btw
The Magna Carta holds a lot of weight in the British consciousness as a significant achievement.
Accepting that it was a mistake and King John should have just been deposed is a tough pill to swallow
Are you actually going to try and do the "I-It wasn't 350 million it was 250 million if you factor in the rebates" thing?
The best place to do your job as a propagandist these days is as a game developer.
You don't even have to be good at your it, you can abuse diversity hiring laws to be guaranteed a job if you're female or a minority.
Affirmative action needs to go, we need equality of opportunity not equality of outcome.
yurop should combine to form a european man, except a cool refined one and not a slavish interchangable consumer-drone one
This. So much this
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
love from Australia mate
No lol
Also this whole thread
>list of links of fullfact articles from 2016 and "muh bus"
>The only jargon i used was True Texan. You seem upset.
Don't pretend that the argument isn't your blind adherence to civic nationalism. Altruism like yours is literally going to balkanize the country. You just have to look at California to understand that it is a prototype of a failed state. Identity politics will never go away until whites are gone.
Does being born in a barn make a rat a horse? These people will never be "texan". In fact, many of them want to "Make Texas Mexico Again." There is no fear mongering here, only the future which you choose.
>PR line summing up the setting means they actually feel like this
Were you expecting England to just depose the King and go full democratic republic in the 1200s?
>tfw when we'll finally see the breakup of the EU and a return to nation states and an end to economic and cultural globalism
>tfw this enfeebling peace will finally be erased as competition between great powers return as it was in the 19th century
>tfw nationalism and empires are going to be back in style
>tfw we might see the return great wars where men prove themselves on the field of battle and the weak members of our species is pruned
>tfw we'll be great again
What a time to be alive.
has any other game booty-blasted Yea Forums this hard?
Kinda funny to see you Yea Forums edgelords pretend Brexit is a good thing. Good job finding yourself on the side of 70 years old fucks who are out of touch with reality while the British economy plummets. AT LEAST WE TRIGGERED THOSE LIBRULS LOL EPIC PEPE MAGAAAAA
>i didnt know that
>i play True Texan as a grand political card
Cmon now friend
What is the point of Brexit? It's not going to make all the civilization-destroying vermin magically disappear off the island.
Why isn't leaving a massive neoliberal political union that seeks further integration and federalisation a bad thing?
London is a lost cause. It's better to just forget about it and move on.
>"yes, just give up, goyim. You're losing, so what's the point"
so you're saying that britain should fragment until they're basically a few hundred thousand villages?
I can't wait to die in a trench choking on poison gas
There's virtually no where to go. We can bicker and complain all fucking night and day about who is the whitest or other retarded banter but it doesn't make one fucking difference if just about every white nation is being destroyed by feces folk.
>can't believe you Yea Forums edgelords still support the vote that we have been deliberately fucking up for the past 3 years. Can't you see that I'm going to ruin the economy if you don't vote right the second time?
No replace the king obviously
>so you're saying
No dipshit.
We're not on channel 4.
Look up the word jargon idiot
>We're not on channel 4.
True, channel 4 has quality control
No. The nation-state is generally a good thing. We just shouldn't be part of a pan-European political union
>Fellow burger here
Should have stopped reading here because lol at mutt knowledge of EU. Greece wont leave because they get gibs and their debts guaranteed by EU, Italy's Five star movement and Lega Nord have dropped exiting EU after seeing what a shit show brexit has been. Spain is pro EU and Eastern Europeans like Poland are the most pro-EU countries in the Union. Tbh I'd hope that Hungary would leave EU but they won't.
Those wars are what propelled mankind into the modern era. There is nothing that advances humanity more than warfare. The strong take the resources from the unworthy and wipe them out.
Leaving a union that assures the closest thing Europe has seen in history to political stability and its incredible economic benefits is a pretty bad thing my epic pede keker top triggerer friend!
But, you know, you can pretend you'll regain your "sovereignty" by leaving a union that actually lets you influence things in an interconnected world, as you watch the value of your isolated currency decline further and further. GOT THOSE LIBS!
what's the difference between a british isles nation state and a europe nation state?
>We're not on channel 4.
It's poof ya bloody yank
>Tbh I'd hope that Hungary would leave EU but they won't.
I guess money is a more powerful incentive than political ideals.
>my arbitrary limit for a union is better because better.
Nice argument you retarded nationalist wannabe.
Size of government
But the UK is no nation state. Its a union of several nations, unless Scots, Welsh, English, Londoners, Northerners and Irish are the same
>'ate cider
wtf cider is as norf as you get
I'd laugh but I've heard that joke before.
Consider the possibility people oppose the EU because it's totally unaccountable to the citizens of member countries.
South Koreans friend. My argument is to disprove your statements that has turned into "True Texan is civic Nationalism and personal insult". I know why California is fucked and it goes farther back than "experiment state" and could more accurately be described "Gold". I dont want to see California fail, in fact there is still hope.
It's miles better than hordes of le meme intellectuals paying Youtube Sceptics to talk about SJW's for hours on end and never really enacting any real change.
Because it's predicated on a shared identity.
No one thinks of themselves as 'european.'
>tfw nationalism and empires are going to be back in style
Lol, you'll just get nuclear holocaust'd nowadays if you try start any empire.
If you've ever read the Turner Diaries, it's what the edgy kids on /pol/ say they want. Can't have their neo-feudal fash utopia without a nuclear war wiping out the 99% of humanity that's degenerate.
>No one thinks of themselves as 'european.'
No, I think myself as EVROPAN
Are you actually trying to imply that the current state of peace has more to do with the European Union than with things like American global hegemony, nuclear weapons and mutually assured destruction, NATO and the Soviet Union collapsing/not being a viable threat?
The British Isles generally share a similar culture and language and history.
See above
The UK is a nation state, you can have nations within a nation state.
Buddy, there are lots of countries in the world who don't have nukes that are ripe for subjugating.
We did it all through the cold war once already.
China is already back at it with the belt and road initiative and its various development funds.
>Because it's predicated on a shared identity.
Except that the English still would leave the EU even it it meant losing Wales, Scotland and the five counties. There is no British identity
>No one thinks of themselves as 'european.'
A big part of the youth does. Nobody cares about the youth tho
Thanks to Capitalism and free-trade its much easier to just trade with people to get resources, rather than fucking invading places, killing thousands for your LARPy empire or whatever.
firstly, people do
secondly, britain literally is composed of 4 different regions, one of which tried to secede less than a decade ago (and was shot down with the reasoning that they would then have to reapply for the EU rotflmaowecadc)
Yes and now that we're in the modern era nobodys going to begin wars anymore. Everybody has decent living standards and technological advancements are happening faster than ever, though clearly too much time on /pol/ has warped your mind.
>American global hegemony, nuclear weapons and mutually assured destruction, NATO
There hasn't been a conflict between EU members but there has been conflict amongst European countries not in the EU despite those things. Even NATO members have had conflict. It's only sensible that a political and economical union puts a greater stop to conflict than whatever the yanks are doing or just a military alliance.
Since the 90s
>Russia invades Georgia
>Russia invades Ukraine
>US invades Iraq
>US + Allies invade Afghanistan
>Pakistan and India are constantly "at war"
>Turkey invades Syria
>Lebanon War
>Yemen War
I will meet you halfway, it is NOT jargon, but it IS hard for SOME people to understand. Especially people who have never experienced it.
Brit here, it literally is.
>people do
No. They don't. Even people who want to remain in the EU don't feel European.
>There hasn't been a conflict between EU members
The vast majority of which are coincidentally NATO members
>Even NATO members have had conflict
What was the last full-scale conflict that a NATO member has had?
thanks for the upboats, redditor
Brit here, you're retarded and it's literally not. George Galloway and the Communist Party of Great Britain and Jeremy Corbyn are massive supporters of Brexit and leaving the European Union
>What was the last full-scale conflict that a NATO member has had?
Turkish Invasion of Cyprus, Greece openly supported Cyprus.
I thought this was a fucking joke. This is actually real. Honk fucking honk
>everybody has decent living standards
well, except most of africa, south america, china, india, parts of eastern europe, all the young first world generations who seem to be facing ridiculous competition for jobs and housing...
quintessentially british
Turkey partially occupying Cyprus isn't a full-scale conflict between Greece and Turkey. Cyprus isn't even a NATO member lad.
Why do Britcucks call Pakis "Asian"
You need a quick crash course on why people pursue protectionism user.
Don't mind me, just helping out.
TLDR: even if you are literally the worst at producing a certain kind of thing, it's investing in that industry even at the expense of producing your comparative advantage because certain kinds of industries lead to technological and infrastructure development that will allow you to buy out firms in other countries and effectively control them by the fucking balls.
IE even if people trade in a free market, it will ultimately result in centres of power revolving around one or a handful states that control the rest. These economic empires inevitably lead to security competition, which inevitably leads to protection.
IE protectionism is inevitable, one way or another. It's just a matter of when it's going to be used.
>The vast majority of which are coincidentally NATO members
Like I said, it is only logical that a political and economical union is greater integrating and peacemaking force than just a military alliance.
>What was the last full-scale conflict that a NATO member has had?
Greece vs Turkey. They are engaged in a cold war at this very moment. There hasn't been this kind of conflict between EU members because it would be stupid.
Retards none of those countries have modern living standards nor are they fucking European which was the point
>Turkey partially occupying Cyprus isn't a full-scale conflict between Greece and Turkey.
Yes it was, Greece suffered thousands of casualties during the conflict.
EU will absolutely destroy britcucks
I didn't mean brits, I meant europeans in general
and nationalists always come up with appeals to collective identity as to why unification wouldn't work, but all their countries used to be a bunch of different identities that were forged together by time and effort
>aha so you just want NIGGERS everywhere
the difference is that europeans are cool and everyone else sucks
maybe they won't suck in the future and we'll all run around space as part of nation earth but for now it's true
>Objective: Survive
Gee I wonder, maybe it's because Pakistan is in Asia. Are all Americans as stupid as you?
And what have any of these wars accomplished for mankind?
>the Middle-East doesn't exist
>Arabs don't exist
You fucking idiot
Because calling them Pakistani instead of lumping them in with everyone from the Indian Subcontinent would point out their overrepresentation in crime, particularly fucking little girls
Because the first vote has caused your country to self-destruct at an alarming rate and it's obvious for everyone to see.
It's been 3 years and NOTHING has been done to alleviate this let alone get a favourable deal going.
Meanwhile all of your social institutions that exist to provide for the middle class have been stripped further of their already meager budgets to fill the pockets of your amoral "politicians" and the rich, but it's fine cos they ain't lefties. Why would they be? It's not profitable.
Anglos might be the most retarded people on the planet. All this is happening and they continue to cling to nationalism and "MUH IMMIGRANTS ARE CAUSING THIS!!!".
There's a reason the empire is no more. Holy fuck. lmao
wtf i hate brexit now
>it is only logical that a political and economical union is greater integrating and peacemaking force than just a military alliance
Probably yeah, that's not what you're arguing though. You're saying that the EU is responsible for the period of peace, which is wrong. NATO has helped much more than the EU.
>Greece vs Turkey.
Again, that wasn't a full-scale conflict. It was the Turkish occupation of a non-NATO country
Irrelevant. The fighting was limited to Cyprus and it was the Turkish occupation of Cyprus. It was not a full-scale conflict, but a limited one.
How exactly are the police going to be a threat in this game?
>new jewbisoft game
>new outrage bait
At this point i'm convinced Ubisoft has a clause that states that every game they make has to be marketed with some kind of polarizing bait that gets people talking and then ends up being literally nothng.
>Actually defending this
Its fucking disingenuous and could refer to anyone from a kike to a Jap. Everyone who doesn't live in your shitty dystopian hell can see that its a blatant attempt at shifting public perception on who commits these crimes.
But literally every Brit knows what "Asians" are in their statistics, the only people who get confused are people not living in Britain
London coppers are actually armed to the teeth. Which makes sense considering it's like 60 percent non-english at this point.
George Galloway is a fucking weirdo
Communists are irrelevant as always
As for Corbyn, this isn't the 80s anymore you fucking idiot, he wants at the least close alignment with the EU now for worker protections
How could you be so fucking dumb?
>all the leading brexiteers are Jacob Rees-Mogg, Bill Cash, Mark Francois, Boris Johnson
>all the remainers are lefty twats
>but no, it isn't a left right issue
You're clearly thick as pig shit.
>I didn't mean brits, I meant europeans in general
No you didn't you weaselly little fuck, don't try and change it because you got called out. It's obvious from the context of the discussion that the other user was talking about Brits and whether Brits feel European and that you were clearly talking about Brits. Nowhere in your post did you specify Europeans in general.
Fucking this
Opinions of brexit itself aside,
...Wouldn't the cancelation of the Brexit an this point prove beyond any doubt that voting doesn't matter and decisions made by the will of the people don't mean a thing?
How is rebelling against brexit about people rising up against the powers when it was the people who wanted and voted for it in the first place?
>babbys first politics literally binary political system of right team vs left team
So, like Britain's political system?
And how many "limited" conflicts with thousands of casualties EU members have fought vs how many NATO members have fought among themselves?
>George Galloway is a fucking weirdo
Amazing. Truly a stunning argument. "I don't like the people you bring up so it doesn't count :(((("
Fuck off, mouth-breather
I did and I'm not going to have a fruitless argument where I try to somehow prove my intentions to someone who has already made up their mind
>50 wh*toids failing to stop one (1) BLACK BVLL with a knife
No, the reason neither party wanted it to happen or to be responsible for it is because it's not possible to deliver any actual implementation of brexit without making a majority of the population unhappy
libshits only care about democracy when the vote goes in their favor.
otherwise they'll constantly cry about revotes and make up some shit about voter fraud and hackers
Yeah. The reason why the negotiations with the EU keep stalling is because they desperately try to negotiate a leave that would appease both the leavers and remainers, but britain is obviously in no position of power in the negotiations.
I suspect they keep stalling because neither of the big parties wants to be the one held responsible for the inevitable outcome.
>Ooooh it might seem complicated but if i take all of the things and make them simple for my american brain it's simple again :)
None, but if I had to guess I'd imagine it has more to do with the fact that it's not the cold war anymore and Greece isn't ruled by a violent autocratic military government
No, it would be pretty fucking easy to give the EU an ultimatum way fucking earlier:
3 months to put something together or no deal.
May knew full fucking well that the U.K. was losing its leverage every fucking second the negotiations went on.
cider's a birds pint
Wasn't the referendum a glorified opinion poll to begin with?
I agree at this point it's an extremely bad look to cancel, but it's an extremely bad look already anyway.
As for the voting question: should votes matter or should only informed votes matter? And should people be allowed to vote for their own destruction?
Why are britcucks so afraid of voting about leaving the EU again?
>give the EU an ultimatum
An ultimatum of what? What's the threat? The EU already said that they may as well fuck off with no deal. Aside from the mountain of debt the UK still owes the EU, the UK has literally no bargaining chip.
I voted Leave.
This country deserves to burn at this point.
>or should only informed votes matter
Who the hell decides who an informed voter is?
>What's the threat?
Withholding all the cakes that Boris said France is buying
>we'll keep revoting until you get it right goddammit
That's not how democracy works schlemil.
why did they not tackle him, do brit police have some weird regulations or is their something else going on in the video that prevented them from subduing him
brexit keks know that vast majority would vote stay this time after all those lies farage and his crooks said last time
You say this, but half our country seems to think the exact same way. Brexit voters are accused of being racist xenophobes meanwhile a dedication to free market capitalism is literally enshrined the EU constitution
whole countrys down the shitter anyway
might as well leave
let nature take its course , maybe the hard times will create something better
>The EU already said that they may as well fuck off with no deal
Now that their financial institutions have already consolidated any risk that would result from a no deal, no shit they have.
> the UK has literally no bargaining chip.
Not any fucking more they don't.
It's like Greece waiting 4 years before they decided they don't want any more austerity.
Well the krauts already have you by the fucking balls, so it doesn't matter what you want any more.
>Ubisoft game gets announced
>Pretend to be political
>/pol/ gets outraged
>Game gets released
>It's fuck nothing
This happens every fucking time I swear to fucking god. Either we get newfags every single fucking year or /pol/fags are the most retarded people on this planet. I wouldn't be surprised if either or both were the case.
>or no deal
Yeah that's one of the options that makes a majority of the population unhappy. I distinctly recall, back during the vote, leavers saying that remainers were arguing in bad faith when they warned of the possibility of a no deal brexit. They said OF COURSE there would be a deal, there's no way we would ever leave without a deal!
And I see no reason to believe May could've gotten a deal that was even moderately better, the EU never really had a reason to give Britain anything better.
Ubisoft have perfected the clickbait angle of vidya marketing.
And right-wingers only care about democracy as long as it's somewhat in place and until they've undermined it enough to where they can outright kill any political dissenters.
The right is a disease and only exists to benefit its leaders by betraying the people of their country. They exploit the middle class and poor after getting them to side with them and it keeps happening. A real tragedy.
>Wasn't the referendum a glorified opinion poll to begin with?
Why do people keep saying this? No, the referendum was not a "glorified opinion poll". It was a referendum, and because of the way UK Law works referendums aren't legally binding decisions, that doesn't mean they're not carried out by the government.
>should votes matter or should only informed votes matter?
How are you going to decide who an informed voter is?
>And should people be allowed to vote for their own destruction?
It depends what you mean. If you think "decision not going the way I like it" is the complete destruction of all British people then yes.
>Yeah that's one of the options that makes a majority of the population unhappy.
Source or gay.
Or just one revote with the ACTUAL plans that will be implemented as the choices, and no aggressive misinformation campaign.
>we want all the advantage of being in the EU without any of the responsibilities of being in the EU
>we also want the authority to change the deal any time we want
>if you don't accept we make the same offer every 6 months
I mean, i understand that this would make everyone in the UK happy, but you can't blame the EU for not accepting such a suggestion.
Fuck off
And if leave wins again, we'll have a third vote.
Ahhh the streets of Islamabad.
Considering the fact that UKIP just got the most votes in the last election, I really don't think it's necessary.
Utter rubbish
*Brexit party
Not ukip, fuck.
Ukip tanked.
What does that do? The EU is just waiting and they'll keep waiting.
The UK has no bargaining power here and your politicians behave like actual animals who would rather play the blame game than try to figure out obvious day one problems like Ireland existing.
Nobody objects to sovereignty, its more that your country is a joke.
No leftist has ever killed political dissenters.
Famines and mass executions happen all the time, comrade!
The polls before Brexit said 52-48. Two and a half years of anti-Brexit propaganda and they've only gained 4%.
It's a literal training exercise. Those are Police recruits, the people that run the curriculum and employment of new Police Officers are basically ultra liberal HR cucks that genuinely teach you to not get aggressive, not arrest and to not confront people. The issue is that loads of weak and cowardly people get accepted because recruitment is now looking for 'friendly' and 'welcoming' over 'confident' and 'Physically robust' then these snowflakes get taught in the new methods of being little bitches and the result is some truly awful Policing.
The current system is designed such that only few people can be informed to begin with and only if they're willing to sacrifice all of the little free time they have. Unless you're rich and then you're most likely conservative anyway cos that's where the people are who work to make you richer. And they get the populace to rally behind them and help out too.
>It depends what you mean. If you think "decision not going the way I like it" is the complete destruction of all British people then yes.
I think your collapsing economy is the most important indicator, but sure it's also somewhat sad to see people uniting to vote against their interests.
Trying to not be done by the CPS for racism.
There's also the problem with the Ireland border since Ireland isn't leaving the EU and they don't want to shut down the border with Ireland
That depends. Will the second vote also just be leave/remain with no details on how leaving will actually work? Will it also be sold on blatant lies and have foreign entities engaging in targeted disinfo campaigns? If so you could perhaps justify a third vote.
But if the second vote is actually honest, unlike the first one, there shouldn't be any need.
They got more votes than any other individual party because it got the lion's share of the leave votes, but the remain votes were split between multiple parties, who collectively received more votes. So it's not really that simple.
First of all archive shit nigger so you don't have to go on shitty websites.
>1,021 adults took part in the survey
The people oppose a hard brexit. What happened to The Will of the People™?
>an online poll
>only a narrow majority
No one over 50 is participating in online polls.
Take that narrow 'majority' and shove it up your ass.
Are you implying that isn't a large enough sample size? Because it unarguably is.
And if they don't get their own way, they commit terror attacks; killing innocent people. Irish people are fucking disgusting.
I've always really enjoyed the Watch Dogs games, so I'm looking forward to this one. Even over this short decade where it sometimes feel like "nothing really happened", they paint a clear picture of where we were at, technologically and socially.
Fighting against an omnipresent surveillance system like CTos is also kind of ironic, considering how deeply Ubisoft monitor the play experience of their games.
They still prefer a hard brexit over remaining.
>split between multiple parties
Which you can't confidently say are all remain votes.
Why not hold a vote to see if that's true? Surely you have nothign to be afraid of? : )
where are the british people?
>Cleese comes to my country for the first time in his last ever tour
>I'm too much of a poorfag to see him in person
It fucking hurts. Zoomers will never understand.
>when Yea Forums is so dumb that they take EU election results as representative of anything
"....quintessentially British."
>I think your collapsing economy is the most important indicator
Then yes, absolutely. If you're going to try and stop people from making economically damaging decisions democratically then you might as well advocate for dictatorship. By that logic you'll have to stop people from voting against immigration, because immigration is economically beneficial but many people don't like it because of the cultural impact it has on the country.
10/10 argument
And if leave wins again, we can have a third vote just to make sure.
Serious question here from an ignorant american;
Are British people really so naive that they think they can just vote for some random party with no chance of winning and have any impact? A two party system isn't ideal but if you don't vote for one of the two most popular parties you might as well throw your vote in the trash because whatever party has the slightest majority on average will end up getting disproportionately massive power. Your election results are so insanely disjointed with how you vote, surely you guys realize this isn't working right?
I mean, look at this shit.
You're the most retarded being to have ever walk the earth. Those problems have existed since before Brexit how coincident that you didn't mention the utter clusterfuck of labor government and the fucktard placea that voted them in (Rotherham)
I don't have any fucking confidence in you queers running a fair referendum a second time.
No. That's part of what makes it complicated.
>implying any of the nations you just listed are first world
>Are you implying that isn't a large enough sample size?
>Because it arguably is.*
This is without getting into an argument of sample bias, which you can hardly account for on an online poll.
>Are British people really so naive that they think they can just vote for some random party with no chance of winning and have any impact?
Most of the time it's not about actually winning seats, it's about taking enough seats from the ruling party to force them into concessions. That's what happened in 2015, UKIP won fuckall seats but they scared the Tory party enough into running a referendum
You mean you don't have confidence that your side won't be able to cheat again?
Like what do you think that entire Cambridge Analytica scandal was about
In a multi-party system you can end up with a goverment ruled by a coalition of parties who threw their seats together to get a mjority.
That can be a clusterfuck but it's sumething i would vastly prefer over americas system of choosing between aids or cancer.
You can't possibly mean that. And how do you know the voters were equally distributed among ages, classes and geographic locations?
>Are British people really so naive that they think they can just vote for some random party with no chance of winning and have any impact?
As long as you can gain seats or even if you have blackmail potential, smaller parties DO HAVE AN IMPACT because that has an outcome electorially. Even in the graph you posted, you can see how important the SNP might be.
The U.K. isn't like the U.S. There are a lot of regional strongholds for third parties that we don't really have a comparison for in the states.
It really burns you to live in a democracy where the majority doesn't agree with you, huh?
You forgot about lefty game journos (as in all of them) orgasming from killing Drumpf fantasies.
You can tell everyone caught up on Ubi tactics since there are barely any threads until shills will go all out a month before release.
Haha talk about Opposite Day!
Not if if it's an honest proposal and not just a political play by someone trying to stay in power.
Sure they have existed before. But why double down further into that direction? Fucking off out of the EU isn't going to fix your shite policies.
Oh, Uncle user!
I think cambridge analytica didn't have anything to do with actual vote counts.
the ((((journalists))) generally end up being assblasted because jewbisoft never commits enough to the bait.
They aren't happy until you get a cutscene where the PC punches trump in the face, turns to the camera and screams BERNIE 2020
>Futuristic London
>Most people aren't Muslims
Why is Ubi whitewashing London?
based and norfpilled
>farage and his crooks
The only deception he is doing is pretending to be a nationalist and not another cucko-lite
Meanwhile EU
>no we are just an economic union
>no, no army is planned
>no, Turkey and Africa is not planned as part of EU
>EU stays neutral from members inner politics
EU was fine before the migrant crisis. Germany is trying to destroy europe for the third time in 100 years.
>Defending Leftist terrorists
I also think that if you honestly believe campaign finance violations are all that remainers are guilty of, you're fucking dreaming.
You hear about shit like this literally every single election.
>immigration is economically beneficial
Maybe if you don't have a welfare state.
It's not, it was founded by the Romans. The entirety of that island is nothing but a bunch of mongrels that stole everything from the mainland.
It's depicting a future where those evil nazis deported all the PoC, why wouldn't it be all white?
Daily reminder. Boris is going to become leader. We'll have a no-deal. You can't stop the will of the people :-)
we tried to prevent the disaster that brought us to the clownworl we live in today.
i fore one am perfectly happy if we just destroy everything this time. fuck you.
there's no way the world would be worse off if hitler had won.
you chose this future.
But there's still tons of non-whites. The nationalists aren't doing a very good job.
Why not have a multi-party system that actually works, then? Trying to have a multi party system in a first-past-the-post government is fundamentally retarded. Multi-party systems actually work well and how you seem to want them to in countries with proportional representation.
I hope you can do a granny-only run
Obviously the evil white people kept a few around to oppress for fun.
>Implying I was
Fuck the IRA.
Britbongs have a general dislike to "things that actually work". Amerifats inherited that trait.
Adopt the metric system already btw
>Multi-party systems actually work well
Good one.
Multi-party systems almost always result in a single party acting as a senior partner in pretty much every ruling coalition.
Even with a welfare state immigration is stuff overall a net benefit right? I don't think I've ever seen any serious economist say otherwise.
Yes, the party that got the most votes by the people has the most say in a coalition, that's how democracy works.
why do you roleplay as if you were actually there in 1939, fucking cringe
>"we" tried to prevent the disaster
>"we" just destroy everything this time
>"you" chose this future
you're a literal neckbeard living off of neetbux and/or mommy, none of this shit matters to you, nor will you ever have any impact on it whatsoever
unironically have sex
They do not want to be called racist for deporting a black female robotics engineer with history of violence against police.
The trick is that any economist who says otherwise is instantly dismissed as not being serious, of course.
If they got the most votes, they wouldn't need a coalition, dipshit.
IE the CD in Italy was consistently the only relevant party for about 60 years while averaging about 30 percent of the vote.
>Objective: Disarm the population
>Objective: Censor speech
>Objective: Hack the election to elect marxist ideology
>Objective: Turn UK into a police state
>Objective: Revive Lenin
>Objective: Drop the Tsar Bomba on non communist countries
>Objective: Escape the Brittish Gulag
>Objective: Survive the famine
>Objective: Eat your babies.
>Objective: Die.
It's "beneficial" in the sense that it makes money go around. The fact that money just changes hands from taxpayers -> state -> immigrants -> housing and service cartels doesn't benefit anyone except the people that offer these services. It's no surprise that the politicians pushing for immigration are almost always tied to businesses that benefit from the process.
>why do you roleplay as if you were actually there in 1939, fucking cringe
>you're a literal neckbeard living off of neetbux and/or mommy, none of this shit matters to you
user, not everyone is the exact same as you, even if they do use the same website
what's that thing on the left's name, she's cute
>If they got the most votes
*if they got the majority, I mean.
You can have a party that's incredibly unpopular in a multiparty system that still gets the most votes in an election all of the time.
>tfw born, bred and work in London
I actually couldn't believe they had the balls to imply Brexit would cause an Authoritarian state when it already is
Why are French fucks so mad?
Fuck off obsessing over the UK you astro turfing mong
Well can you link me to any economist who says otherwise?
>hiring passive weaklings to protect the streets instead of making sure the physically and mentally capable guys aren't going to abuse their power
Jesus Christ the fact that this is becoming the mindset across developed nations is ludicrous
Isn't that was a parody? I'm pretty sure that was a comedian hosting the show. And Middlesex sounds like fake place, but I can't be sure with bongs.
Protip: You can't
t-there's totally tons and tons of totally smart and legit science dudes that agree with all my dumb opinions. Just trust me, man. I could totally give a source but... uh... wait I got it; all the economists secretly agree with me, but they're too scared to say their true feelings! Yeah, that's a good one
Because their country is full of Muslims.
His name is Puro, user.
The whole Brexit angle was just popped onto the game as marketing wank. London was chosen a long time ago before anyone even talked about leaving the EU
Really makes you think.
>Terry Gilliam became British because he hated the US
>Now probably regrets his decision
>infiltrated and influencing every school and media
british intelectuals
jesus christ my grandad talks exactly like this
ah well, the world's a place of missed opportunities already, one more's no strife
But this games made by ubisoft
I don't know. Maybe culture thing. We in Russia call arabs asian too. And Chinese and japs "far east asian".
Except that bingo card is specifically for when a soldier matches more than a couple of the descriptors you melt.
The UK is still better than the US. Our country isn't full of violent niggers with guns.
I live in London and its only bad in pockets, I barely see them up in central london, its mainly east and parts of south where they all live
its bad up north in places like Birmingham though
Protip: claims of academic consensus are usually bullshit, and it's always better to look at the individual reasons people list for their position than some vague aggregate of authority opinions.
The opinion of the group is always dumber than the opinion of the individual in real intellectual work, PRECISELY BECAUSE academics usually can't find consensus.
Immigration crisis was never applicable to the UK in the same way it did mainland Europe you mong, and if you think that the French are going to stop the migrant camps at calais when we leave, I've got a bridge to sell you.
>Sure we started a war that decimated most of Europe along with allowing the Soviet access to Eastern Europe, but its your guys fault we destroyed Europe because you punished us for the last time we destroyed Europe due to the fact you were hostile due to the fact the first major action our new empire did was antagonize a war after hundreds of years of us doing nothing but starting major wars.
Why do Kraut lovers deceive themselves into thinking Germans are somehow not Jewish servants. Any time Europe went through some sort of near catastrophic event, a Kraut played a major role in it if not was the main reason for it.
We'll see how long that lasts.
>that Wyoming
The Man Who Killed Don Quixote was bretty gud.
I hope he keeps making movies.
Go get shot while on holiday in Vegas or when picking up your kids.
T. 56%
No, but the guy who stabs you will get less time in prison than you will for saying edgy shit on Yea Forums.
You can't wear certain colours in New York because it triggers gang nigs and they murder you. Talk about a shithole of a country.
>voted to leave the UK
Sasusga septic education
I like how this post completely glosses over the fact that bongs and yanks fought on the same side as the soviets and then didn't do jack shit about the iron curtain.
None of those studies have anything to do with Britain
>T. 56%
Why do you subhuman retards use racial purity as an insult as your nation rapidly sinks beneath a sea shit colored humanoids? You do know the USA took a century to get that nonwhite, while you're country is letting in MILLIONS of them a year, and that they reproduce like 5x more than the average europoor/brit? You are literally going extinct.
>flood city 300km from your border with Somalis.
20 years from now their rape-spawns will be considered 100% European and allowed to move with no limit to new yet-not-demolished nesting ground.
Yea Forums is anonymous, you retard.
The only way to avoid a border in ireland is to annex it.
I just bought Arma 3 with the hope there was a scenario for that and I'm once again disappointed
Wales voted to leave too you mong.
>while you're country is letting in MILLIONS of them a year
Net migration to the UK was 283,000 last year
>B-b-but New York
Oh you mean the city with lower murder rates than London?
>can't wear certain colours
You can't even be present in certain neighborhoods.
>no, the anti fascists are the true fascists
and once the UK leaves the EU, London will shit on Wales so hard that it rather joins Scotland or Ireland.
Wait wrong file
Probably because you destroyed Europe to such as high degree that starting another war off the bat would have been impossible especially when the general public didn't want another one, plus the Soviet would still have not have the needed justification to be in Eastern were it not for the fact the krauts wanted to please the jews and decimate Europe again.
>Oh you mean the city with lower murder rates than London?
Yet still cooperates with police investigations.
You're only anonymous to other users, not to administration.
Can't wait to leave this shitty union, goodbye EU you will not be missed
It'll take centuries for the UK to get even remotely to the mutt status the USA is today, especially if they manage to close their borders again.
>amerimutts still delusional
You're right. They're subhuman Bolshevik wannabes.
It shows the rate being above NY's right there user.
Most likely it will average out and still have NY on top for the year however, that article it being somewhat disingenuous.
That's only for illegal shit like posting CP which will get you in trouble in the US too.
>demanding another vote because what you were promised was in fact all lies
Anons asked for academics who were critical of immigration, I provided.
The discussion wasn't about the U.K.
>London is fine as long as you don't go there in February or March
I love that the "higher murder rate than NY" thing has become such a meme when the entire claim was based on statistics over a single month
The funniest part is the if the UK leaves with no deal, they still have to make seperate legal and trade negotiations with every single EU member individually.
No Deal really just means you won't make an umbrella deal and opt for making 20 individual deals.
Germany and France's military train with broomstick and are very underfunded, the UK would btfo the (((eu)))
Not him, but isn't "biracial" the fastest growing ethnic group in the UK?
It shows the rate surpassing New York for a month, overall New York's rate was higher
Jesus Christ I love his movies but holy shit what a cuck.
No it isn't
Who is demanding a second referendum again?
>NATO members invading each other
That's so dumb i can see it in a ubisoft game.
t. non-white by 2100
If you fall off a bridge you really shouldn't spend your time mocking the guy who jumped first my guy, especially since he should have served as an example.
For now.
Five eyes is still in effect, you bet your ass if we ever pass a law requiring Yea Forums to cooperate with intelligence investigations, they're going to send you downriver.
I know, that's what I just said user.
your grandads a farkin legend mate
Yeah, it's not the right-wingers with their private businesses and lobbyist buddies pushing policies that disempower the middle and lower classes and the social institutions that benefit them while handing all the power over to mega-corporations and giving them tax cuts.
It's actually the LEFT somehow muh dude...
oops i'm retarded
>They wouldn't fight tooth and claw for the most unreasonable leave deal if they didn't give a shit.
It's only 'unreasonable' because of thersea may's redlines, if she backed down on those we could have had a better deal
It's both.
The republicans didn't design the TTP.
The republicans didn't bail out big business during the obama administration.
Establishment politics is all about selling out the country for fucking money.
>Anarchists and Antifa are modern day brownshirts
No need to compare them to nazis when the actual anarchist and communists have left a much bigger bodycount than the nazis ever could have dreamed of in the last century.
You're aware that eurosceptism across the EU has gone down since the UK made a shitshow of their exit, right?
>muh House of cards any day now
Right and I bet you're still expecting bloodborne to come out on PC lmao
Thats mostly because their ideology didnt demand a world war that they lost after a few years
Don't worry, us burgers are going to get the highscore once it's time for nuclear armageddon.
>EU funded polling says people love the EU
based af
t. useful idiot
Money for the NHS, funding communities with the money we'd save from paying the EU, having a better deal out then in, German car manufacturers begging Germany for a good deal with the UK, the UK holding all the cards, the breaking point poster.
>NI is a leech
>Scotland is a poor Leech
>Wales voted in favour for Brexit
Absolute state of burger education, fuck off Google shill
>those kill counts
I am calling bullshit on this, especially since it likely factored in disease
lmao projecting much?
>still can't refute
Always beware the eternal Kraut
>fight wars to safe your jewish overlords and secure israel
>''akshually y-you're the real shabbos goy''
>150,000,000 Injuns
I doubt there were that many in the entirety of the Americas, let alone British North America.
Brexshitters on damage control that they no longer have a majority.
The EU had a very specifiy set of rules (just as they have rules for literally everything) for a smooth exit.
The EU isn't fighting tooth and nail, they are simply unwilling to give the UK a favourable deal considering the UK has literally nothing to offer at the table.
What you're saying is absolutely correct, but the democrats aren't "the left" at all. They belong to lobbyists and big corp just like the republicans. They're only relatively to the left of the republicans because the republicans are cartoonishly ultra-conversative evangelical retards. Doesn't mean they're not morally bankrupt in their own right, just less so overall.
The US doesn't have a real leftist party because US politics have been determined by corporate interests and not those of the populace and it's been that way since WW2 at least.
You will never escape the hell of corporatism by betting on the right.
why would you want to fuck a commie, its basically sticking you dick in crazy which makes 3D even worse
(((who))) could be behind these slanderous posts of lies
>The US doesn't have a real leftist party
And the UK doesn't have a real right wing one
>tfw out of reach of immigration and assorted city bullshit
Are literal Nazis rightist?
nice crocodile tears lmao get a load of this BTFO'd nazi-loving CUNT
Third position actually. Neither leftist nor rightist.
not all heroes wear capes
The government has handled this fucking up all on it's own, and if you blame May for being a remainer, then take issue with the fact that the first leadership election we had was filled with leavers who all managed to utterly fuck up promoting brexit, probably because not a single one of the spineless fucks had any semblance of a plan
>dude who needs to plan out what leaving a union we've been integrated with for 40 years means before the vote lmao, we'll just tell them what they want to hear and think about brexit after the vote lol
Tories are doing nicely lining rich people's pockets and taking from the average person. Traiterous and right-wing enough for my taste but I'm not British and they seem to have a thing for masochism.
>hehe you fought against us so your jews despite the fact we declared war on you along with our ally attacking you first which was after we started a war with several other nations who were more then happy to not start a war with us so long as we didn't take territory from another country
Also kraut lovers just love to ignore the fact that it was due to them that jews were able to justify having their own shithole, its really convenient that they let that one guy into the government Nazis claimed was controlled by jews along with allowing him more power after the Reichstag's just conveniently caught on fire followed by the presidents death. I don't know about you but that sounds like it was all planned knowing full well krauts can't seem to contain their blood lust.
OUR attempt at creating a socialist society won't regress into an authoritarian regime!
Not unless the US gets wind of it, yeah.
>n-not real socialism
Can I side with The System instead and fuck the peoples? No? Didn't think so.
>farage wouldn't lead us patriots astray, h-he drinks pints and smokes like me and me m8s
>the previous Labour government
Fuck off tory scum, its been over a fucking decade since they had a taste of power.
Not everything is the fault of glowniggers, user.
Marx might've just been wrong.
>tfw capitalism kills as many people every few years purely by neglecting to provide basic needs for survival to them
Britain is comprised of 3 nations you fucking mong.
>people still struggle with the difference between Great Britain and the United Kingdom