The 1st beta is almost up!
>Did you get in?
>Was it fun?
>How big was the beta map?
>Have you read the manga?
Genshin Impact Thread
barely anybody got in so I dunno what you expect, is beta access under NDA?
Nope baby. I just wanna discuss the game and the lore a bit.
>Anime graphics
>Anime combat
>Musou gameplay
Ew, how about no.
Glad we all agree the anime graphics look amazing, but the gameplay is just typical chink ripoff shit. There has never been a good chink game. Stop shilling you yellow fucks. Everyone here knows you've infested Western websites because your own websites are awful and inferior and chinks LOVE Westerners but hate to admit it.
I like cute anime girls and action rpgs but I don't play gacha or mobage. Should I care about this?
What do you almost up? It's not up yet?
Is there really no limit to what China is allowed to do?
Not even Nintendo, known to DMCA people as soon as they even mention them, could move a finger against a company that decided to make an MMO pretty much made of asset flips stolen from BOTW?
But it is not a mmo.
Okay, now address everything else in the post
It's expensive as shit to bring things between countries and china is a shithole that will just throw the case out or ignore it completely.
There really isn't. The game is basically just BOTW except anime, and some less than stellar climbing anims.
It is a company based in China and they give a fuck about Japan's copyright.
Mind you, Japan was at first like this. The amount of art and music ripped from films and other western art creations was alarming. Kojima is a good example.
>Japan was at first like this
>Kojima is a good example
Retard, it was pretty much standard practice in the vidya industry to do shit like that, not just Japan.
The first few times will be plagiarism but soon it'll become a genre and people will complain if you don't copy the previous examples of it.
Honestly I wouldn't have called it plagiarism if they hadn't copied every fucking enemy (including their camps and stuff!) and reskinned it. If it had some of the core elements while differentiating a lot, I would've probably seen it as fishy but as something that was more inspired, instead of a plain ripoff
Its literally a single player "MMO", empty open world 10% the size of BOTW with linear dungeons. Its kingdoms of amalur 2 with character switching
And here come the crying nintendo babies screeching about the game again. Did nintendo trademark a certain art style of texture that the game is using? Sure, parts of it look looke a blatant rip off but things like this aren't new, even for china or the usa or even japan for that matter. Did you cry when japan blatantly started stealing western music to put in their games(Dragon Ball z Budokai series)? Or are you not old enough to know about it? Nothing even looks like a stolen asset because it actually looks better, graphically, that BotW does. The devs are probably just going out of their way to make it look as much like BotW as possible because thats what chink knock offs do. This isn't anything like their unironic splatoon copy-paste either.
>unironically hoping for nintendo to sue them
Kek, good luck with that.
Nigger they stole every single visual effect in the game.
Even if this game had nothing to do with BOTW in gameplay and look, finding out you stole another company's assets is grounds for a criminal lawsuit.
>Nothing even looks like a stolen asset
But all the environment textures, plus every single shader effect (sword swings, enemy hits, character 'auras', etc) is lifted from the game.
The climbing, with terrible animations that don't fit the models, also show they stole that.
This isn't a "Muh China dindu nuffin" scenario, this is just the umpteenth example of China doing whatever the fuck they want unpunished.
It should piss you off regardless of some idiotic console war living rent free in your head.
I'm sorry user, I just didn't see the light. Copying enemies, enemy camps and style while replicating climbing, gliding, etc. all directly from BOTW's own methods of doing it is obviously not stealing. Please don't get into the music argument, as the western gamers favorite "Doom" is very well known for having ripped off a certain band.