

Attached: Etika-picture-5497.jpg (644x360, 25K)

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>this thread has been pruned or deleted

They knew he was mentally unstable for a while. Why did no one help him?


Is this the nextgen Harambe meme?

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who the fuck is keemstar? I thought it was his friend

Are you referring to every politician ever? We still don't know.

Am I supposed to be outraged by this? Why post this.

If 5 OP is a faggot

I fucking hate how nothing could be done in this situation for him
I don't want sane people to be able to be held against their will by mistake but I also want people like Etika who clearly have severe mental issues and no support system to get the help they need
It's just fucked that so many people look at his death and say "nothing we could do, the system is clearly fine"

fuck that

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I like how Mods made a sticky only to immediately delete Etika threads.

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He's an e-celeb who famously told people to call Alex a "stupid nigger".
Oh, and he also hosts a Youtube news show.

He said in his final video "I'm sorry" that he refused help in every instance

Because fuck the mentally ill(including trannies and jannies)

he killed himself because he's black?

His fans and family did try and get him mental help but he took the easy way out instead of facing his problems. Why I don't feel sorry for him.

I had no idea who this was until today when my mom called me and asked me if I knew who he was because she saw it on the news.

reminder that the mods gave him a fucking sticky but didn't for totalbiscuit

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>that last pannel
The absolute state of jojofags.

>and no support system to get the help they need
he had access, not many people can say the same.
This why I don't feel bad for him or boogie.

kek what a bitch

Etika always seemed like a pretty nice guy.

Yeah, he was a loud nigga who'd say stupid shit, but deep down he seemed like a pretty good guy who just wanted others to be happy.

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I guarantee every single piece of shit sociopath making fun of his death is white. Fucking bitches.

you people will look really dumb when his stream goes live and it was all a publicity stunt

The dude shut down a new york city block, had a swat team bust into his apartment, and punched a cop. A person with that many infractions should not be allowed to refuse help
Obviously not everyone should be able to be institutionalized but Etika clearly needed it.

or aniki


U.S. mental health system is in shambles, that's why.

>someone perfectly recreated those shitty thumbnails

rip in rip nintendo nigger

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