God this guy is such a fucking cunt edge lord hope Kazuya kill this mf next game

God this guy is such a fucking cunt edge lord hope Kazuya kill this mf next game

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>killed his father
>will kill his son
Why is Kazuya so based and redpilled?

Kazuya is one of the most based mfs out there I mean he smashed this

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Heihachi was right all along
took Jin in
Jin goes DEVIL modo
Hei tries to kill him "lol NOPE"
Kaz wants to Kill Jin despite Jin doing literally nothing to him but just EXISTING
Jin stomps BOTH easily and leaves to start WW3 so he can save mankind and wipe out these annoying fucks
Hei dead because kaz is fucking stupid

Jin was fine up until T6 really and even then he is kinda justified Kaz is more of an Edge lord than Jin hopefully Jin will kill Kaz and himself and end the Mishima bloodline and curse, too bad about poor Xia though I guess they'll hook her up with somebody else

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Jun is pretty ugly by Tekken standards, Heihachi and Jin did way better with there women, Kaz literally got a pity fuck.

The reason Jin became an edgelord in the first place was because of his dad and grandfather, though.

>chad that bends the world over and fucks it when it suits him
>btfo True Ogre, his dad, heihachi and Jinpachi without bitching out and using devil form like his dad
Jin is BASED

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Jun is the best waifu Cope

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Reminder that Paul won Tekken 3 and probably would've won Tekken 2 and should be the main character

His biggest mistake was trusting Azazel, he ruined the world and did not got rid of the Devil Gene.

Tekken 8 is Paul versing aliens that he challenged.

Paul beat Ogre not true ogre, sucks that he got reduced to a fucking meme tekken 5 onwards though

Paul was a close main character until 5 where he turned into a retard comic relief, in 4 he was just depressed that Ogre and transformed and Jin won the tournament, but he was still himself.

Someone should put Miguel's sisters church being bombed in the background

Reminder that Jin has still 50% of Kazuya Devil Gene in him and Kazuya wants to return to be whole except in command.

>Jin did way better with there women
Jin is a virgin

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>tekken """""""lore"""""""

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Go back to /pol/ Zoomer frog

Why do we have 0 backstory between jun and kazuya and the conception of there edgelord son.

Miss that game :(

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The fucked because jun tried to help him and he basically completely forgot about her after he got fucked up in TKOFT 2

Heihachi treated Kaz like shit instead of explaining to him the story of his mother. He’s at fault.

For some reasons the canon explained it poorly or Harada will retcon it hopefully not (Tekken Motion and 2 Manga discuss more this relationship) Jun wanted to help Kazuya into getting rid of his Devil Gene also via Angel who was actually what was left of Kaz. good side, they failed but weakened Kazuya for Heihachi to defeat.
After that Kaz. 50% Devil Gene tried to possess Jin, but Jun repelled him however it would try and succeed later.
Kazuya merged with his only 50% of his Devil Gene which caused him lose all of the good that remained in him, which explains why he doesn't care about Jun in Tag 2 but laughes when he finds out his mother wanted to kill him.

Put him in Smash Bros. Wouldnt need to deal with no voice actor, has demon powers, and Sakurai would be able to make a moveset wthout copying ps all stars

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Kazuya already knew the story. That's why he was threatening Heihachi as a kid. Heihachi knew that the only way to deal with it was to kill Kazuya anyway, but he couldn't. He didn't expect Kazuya to survive the fall off the cliff.

The story has it setup where hes going to kill Kazuya next game.

Why wont harada give us story dlc? The main plot was half baked as fuck and rushed
my fucking ass.

Why does he keep staring at his hand? What's on his hand?

He somewhat expected to as he found Lee and sent him to train alongside Law and Paul to be a rival for him.
Too many events left, Julia vs someone, Armor King vs Marduck, Lei vs Chloe, Anna vs Nina, what happened to the missing char and etc.

hes already been the unbeatable mary-sue for this long, so they might as well finish as they started

>Brother is a Paul fan
>sighs in disappointment every time he wins and Paul jumps and falls on his face like a retard

I guess this is sad.

Because hardly anybody cares enough about the story to buy DLC for it and most people still playing would rather they work on literally anything else, especially when the game is lacking so many features.

He's nervous.
Sorry buddy, but i'm gonna be the strongest in the universe and that's all what i care about.

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what a fucking puto

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