Attached: originalfileisninembs.jpg (3840x2160, 1.4M)
Screenshot thread
Brody Brooks
Adam Reyes
Austin Murphy
Thomas Jackson
Cooper Collins
that would be easily doom
Brandon Scott
Jace Campbell
Gavin Morgan
Why Yea Forums seeths so hard everytime Halo is mentioned?
Michael Turner
its bait user
Brandon Morris
Gabriel Richardson
heh, reminded me of this
Kayden Smith
Lucas Evans
she thicc as fuck
Wyatt Clark
Boomers, people who never played it, or people that just dont like it.
Dominic Mitchell
it single handedly ruined the FPS genre for years to come
Juan Wilson
Cameron Carter
that's because doom16 was shit, play the originals
Luke Nelson
And the other games perfected it?
Landon Bell
Evan Roberts
Cooper Moore
Ubisoft used to be so good. What happened? I got this as Steam Sale filler and it turns out awesome.
Lucas Barnes
Based. Fuck zoomers.
Carter Rogers
>muh cutscenes
>muh vehicular combat
>muh regenerate sheild
>muh colorless levels
>muh orchestral soundtrack
Thomas Robinson
Brayden Harris
Halo gave us regenerating health (even though it had medpacks but was not remembered for that) and that was enough to start the downward spiral of FPS into casual shit
Connor Mitchell
>muh 2 weapons only
Ryan Russell
Install mods
Brayden Cooper
Charles Russell
but... those are good things user.
Jaxon Anderson
So? you seem extremely jaded
Brayden Cox
Halo actually ruined gaming as a whole.
>Regenerating health
>Allowed Xbox to grow
>Allowed retards to play games
>Retards would only play shitty FPS games
>FPS games got popular and good games got canned
>Xbox 360 is made
>Paid online is made
>More shitty games
>CoD becomes popular
>More shitty games
>More retards playing shitty games
>DLC gets introduced, retards pay for it
>More good games get canned because they don't want to charge for DLC
>Mictrotransactions appear
>Even more shitty games
>Even more retards
All of this happened because of Halo.
Daniel Mitchell
Ryder Williams
>Dr. Pepper
>bro came over
>this and Tony Hawk 3 for hours
>my dog on the couch getting excited when we did
>years later
>bro married and moved on
>duggo died
>moved away
>still have consoles and games
>still have old TV
>all alone...
At least I have the memories.
Jonathan Green
God what a travesty that turned out to be
Isaac Green
ok i'll bite, how are they good?
Ayden Perez
>insulting the Halo OST
It's fucking great you contrarian shitter.
Henry Howard
If you were 10 years old when Halo 1 came out, you’re around 28 years old now
Therefore you’re probably older than 85% of Yea Forums
Levi Brown
>Paid online is made
yeah I can disagree that most of these things would've happened without Halo, but paid online is absolutely Halo's fault.
Jack Cruz
Grayson Fisher
Cutscenes weren't something Halo popularized, and vehicular combat isn't a bad thing. Also complaining about colorless levels seems weird compared to games like QUAKE on PC which were brown city.
Really Halo did its own thing and did it well, no more so than games like Goldeneye and DOOM 64 for their system constraints.
Jacob Green
>colorless levels
What the fuck? You can accuse Halo of a lot of things, but colorless levels is not one of them. CE had amazing art direction, the first few levels in particular looked juicy as fuck with beautiful green grass, crystal blue waters, violet skies, forlorne silver structures scattered about -- and the some of the multiplayer maps were colorful to a fault, half of them looked like a melted snow cone. Jesus christ some people are retarded.
Wyatt Mitchell
sometimes, less is more, and sometimes we didn't need anything more than that.
Cameron Fisher
>Allowed retards to play games
Camden Wright
Is this doom?
Jordan Wright
No, FPS games.
Samuel Rivera
Lucas Myers
I though quakefags blame that on counter strike
Jacob Roberts
I was 7 when it came out.
John Allen
Baby's first FPS
Kevin Jackson
Stick to your phone games then and leave actual games alone
Nathaniel Cox
big khajiit niggas
Jack Moore
Daniel Morris
Looks like shit.
Bentley Rodriguez
Justin Jenkins
Andrew Ortiz
>Regenerating health
Except it had medpacks, and this isn't even objectively a bad thing, it's about how the game implements it.
>Allowed Xbox to grow
OG Xbox and 360 are two of the best consoles ever made.
>Allowed retards to play games
I hate to break this to you: but retards have always played games. You grew up playing them, didn't you?
>Retards would only play shitty FPS games
How is this even a worthy bullet point given the last statement you made?
>Xbox 360 is made
So... basically the same thing as "allowed Xbox to grow"?
>Pain online is made
Lol, paid online existed since the Dreamcast buddy.
>More shitty games
Wow, good argument.
>CoD becomes popular
It's Xbox's fault that a multiplat series became popular?
>DLC gets introduced, retards pay for it
Have you ever heard of expansion packs? Because PC had them a long, long time before.
>More good games get canned because they don't want to charge for DLC
What the fuck are you even talking about?
>Microtransactions appear
This is literally the same thing you just said.
>Even more shitty games
Yet again, great argument
>Even more retards
Like you.
None of this happened because of Halo, you are retarded
Eli Kelly
Well, you know, that's given considering its zoomer Doom.
Gavin Smith
ok, i admit i was a little harsh of that, i just wish the indoor levels had a little more "zest"
Isaiah Rivera
Hold it... I said SOMETIMES.
Thomas Watson
Get the fuck out of there zoomer. We used to beat faggots like you at school for liking such shitty fucking games.
Carter Williams
Timberland. Home.
Matthew Nguyen
Have you ever played Halo?
Carter Evans
>doomlets still trying to pretend their smash tv clone is worth talking about
Adam Campbell
>that moment you realize it wasn’t the games you loved, it was the friendship
Bentley Baker
Jacob Robinson
that would get yourself arrested
good luck with that bastard
Joshua Parker
>much cutscenes
lmao what, there's literally 40 minutes of cutscenes in all 3 gamea, and that's in a 7 to 10 hour plus game.
>much colourless
thanks for showing that you've literally not seen even a smidgen of halo gameplay
>regenerating shields
nothing wrong with this, game is completely balanced around it
>orchwstal soundtrack
Subjective and half the tracks are literally not and a quarter of them that are incorporate electronic and electric instruments
Levi Robinson
>He says, posting one of the countless doomclones
Luis James
I thought faggots that played video games got beaten up by Chad
Luke Williams
Jordan Cruz
You can call me whatever buzz word you want. I was playing Quake and Marathon when you were still swimming in your dad's ballsack. There is literally nothing wrong with CE, it's a great game. It has flaws like anything else, but saying that's it somehow single-handedly responsible for the downfall of the gaming industry is a level of autism I didn't think was possible to reach. I'm not even a fan of the later games, but hating on CE is top tier faggotry my dude.
Asher Powell
Based baby
Charles Green
>a metroid style game
can't even return to previous levels in doom
Grayson Reed
Halo's interiors are fairly samey, but they aren't lacking in "Zest" or color for that matter when you're going up against plenty of covenant or even flood forms, or if you use something like a Plasma pistol/needler.
Colton Lee
>say a bunch of retarded shit
>get BTFO
>can't come up with any counter argument
Ayden Richardson
Looks just as bad, but now also soulless.
Cooper Campbell
Imagine having a taste this fucking bad AND defending Halo AND Xbox in 2019....
Thomas Morales
Halo 1-3 have about 3 hours of cutscenes between them, ODST and Reach add another 2, let's not talk about the ones past that.
They are pretty good, though.
Julian Cruz
Holy hell you're seething mad man...
Blake Ortiz
nobody is talking about the screenshots
John Gray
>Yikes in 2018+1
Ryder Sanchez
>doesn't have anything to say about 2 weapon limit
Sebastian Perez
>No argument.
Typical. Everyone knows playing FPS games makes you retarded, so i was expecting this sort of response.
Brayden Gomez
Sorry OP but you've now started a Halo thread.
Matthew Davis
Who the shit says yikes anymore?
Literally a nerd trying to be PC would.
Lucas Thomas
Landon Ward
Doomclones still innovated if the company was good, but they were still riding the success of Doom
Evan Gomez
>shit talking the ost of all things
contrarian fuckwit.
Dylan Bell
let me tell you about woodelves
Connor Edwards
You don't like Quake either? So let me get this straight: liking Quake, Marathon, Halo and Call of Duty means you have shit taste. Pray tell, what's a good shooter?
Jordan Wright
There are none you fucking retard.
Aiden Perry
Swear to god I have those screenshots too
Zachary Allen
i'm not the OP, just an user sharing and looking at vydia screenshots
Luis Torres
No, go have you're Halo thread in : and But in this thread, post SCREENCAPS.
Blake Butler
>There are none you fucking retard.
Whew, glad you're just baiting, you legitimately had me going.
Hunter Powell
>Everyone who disagrees with me is baiting
Take your meds.
Jeremiah Rogers
Because it wasn't in either post that me or the other user responded to? There's nothing wrong with 2 weapon limit, it affords a totally different experience from a classic "all guns all the time" system. One is more fast-paced, one is more tactical. Is your brain really so small that you can't appreciate both?
Josiah Ortiz
g-guys! screenshots!...
Alexander Nelson
this level of autism is emo.
Connor Barnes
>says that not one single good game in an entire genre exists
I really do hope you're baiting, you sound like you have Asperger's honestly.
Sebastian Williams
This level of retardation is impressive. No wonder you play FPS games.
Brayden Rogers
James Watson
Shut the FUCK up we're talking about HALO
Logan Price
>Another retard
Oh boy, what happened? Did the Fortnite servers go offline so you feel the need to come here and spread your mental retardation around?
David Torres
Reminder that video includes somebody speaks to the Chief, the actual amount of time that control is taken away from the player is about 40 minutes
Carson Gutierrez
Imagine being such a contrarian faggot that you have to hate on a legit good game like CE when putrid trash like Overwatch exists. Fucking zoomers, holy shit.
Hunter Smith
Mason James
*Everytime somebody speaks
Aaron Williams
Jayden Watson
I know you're just messing around but there are a lot more fun ways to troll than just acting retarded, I would find this really boring if I was you. Anyways, peace d00d
Luis James
>lord please save me
Noah Gonzalez
He doesnt want to talk about any games he likes, its more likely he's baiting you user.
Henry Hernandez
gotcha, you're a baiter, moving on.
Bentley Sanchez
The game bugged and the doggo stayed on the electric form for the rest of the fight despite the arena changes
Bentley Brooks
Jackson Torres
YouYou should remove Halo 1 and add that My First FPS thing to Reach, it actually fits on that game.
Adam Mitchell
>Yea Forums said this was good
>starts up with little guy
>go outside of town and see iron to mine
>mine some
>suddenly getting beat by a group of savages
>play dead
>get robbed
>crawl back into the town because I'm crippled
>slavers are walking through town
>they fucking heal me and then enslave me
>being lead somewhere on foot through a desert
>a group of religious type Order dudes roll up
>i guess they don't like me either because they kill the slavers and beat me unconscious
>carry me to a jail cell
>what do I do
Jayden Wright
>boomers still obsessed with halo to this day and still void of any arguments
Michael Bailey
If you can't progress without listening to conversations about whatever it counts as a cutscene, not like slapping the floor for a few minutes is any more engaging than watching a movie
Ian Clark
This is just a moronic take
Gabriel Davis
Evan Evans
Jayden Harris
Jason Smith
Matthew Miller
you can though, everyime Cortana or Keyes talks to the Chief he is free to move on the level, for instance that video includes a segment right after the beginning of the second level where Cortana says "nobody survived" yet all that happens to the player is some captions on the bottom of their screen
Adam Wright
Jose Miller
>Everyone who violates my safe space if baiting
The absolute state of Yea Forums.
Christian James
Luke Cooper
go back to twitter, fag
Joseph Lopez
Leo Sanchez
dude give up, no one's taking your bate...
It's super obvious and it make this screen shot thread unenjoyable, we get it that you hate FPS games and want to make a big deal about it, moving on...
Aiden Watson
Jayden Perez
Jack Morris
Juan Edwards
Owen Scott
VII's prerendered backgrounds still look great.
Jaxon Stewart
The game had more inspiration from super metroid than it did Doom. It's also better than Doom would ever be.
Connor Barnes
Levi Gray
This made me feel like I need glasses.
Jaxson Powell
Hey look they all rhymn...
Elijah Foster
Wyatt Smith
>6 Xbox HUEG's connected together in a System Link splitter
>everyone brings their own tvs, so everyone has their own screen, no split-screen or anything
>my team in the living room with the best TV's in the house
>other team in the other room so there was no screenlooking at all
>Blood Gulch
>Beaver Creek
>Hang 'em high
>Boarding Action
>hear the screams/shouts from the other room whenever something happened
>everyone laughing, roasting eachother, gloating after wins
>stacks and stacks of Pizza Hut with different toppings, 2 litre bottles of soda everywhere, fuckloads of different candies
>we all lived relatively close by so this was us playing Halo: CE multiplayer every saturday/sunday
Landon Stewart
I feel you, bro.
I still have my n64 and all my old games me and my brother and friends used to stay up late playing. They sit and collect dust now. When did everyone else move on from games, leaving me behind?
Henry Thomas
This DLC was a mess on a technical level, i had to reset the game like 5 time
Hunter Thomas
It looks better in 240p.
Angel King
Parker Baker
because it's mostly GC/WII/PS2 users here
Blake Thomas
Pretty good
David Perez
Lucas Rivera
Daniel Stewart
Maybe I should start playing again. These little moments almost make it worth it.
Camden Rodriguez
Is this that jrpg with the Jefferson airplane - white rabbit as the commercial?
Matthew Ortiz
Carter Hall
Grayson Williams
It's Lost Odyssey
Carson Jenkins
yes it is!
Tyler Roberts
Breath of the Wild has more cutscenes.
Jaxon Harris
hl1 and 2 was more tactical but still had more than 2 weapon slots
Hudson Jackson
Anthony Howard
Andrew Fisher
It's a travesty that Case Zero and Case West were Xbox 360 exclusives.
James Jones
Xavier Young
Ah yes, I'm sure the ancient Greeks would be playing arena shooters while gulping down gallons of soda.
Blake Stewart
Liam Gonzalez
Jaxson Flores
Alexander Wilson
Sebastian Anderson
It's not on a Nintendo platform.
Jonathan Foster
Benjamin Long
Why do retards talk shit about things they know nothing about?
Luis Allen
Despite all its flaws, FC2 with Dylan's mod is fucking great.
Jeremiah Miller
Oliver Nguyen
Kevin Lopez
Jace Richardson
Landon Harris
Practice your lockpicking dummy
Leo Moore
>hl1 and 2 was more tactical
they weren't, just shoot2win in those. The Half-Life games are awful.
Dominic Stewart
Agony is terrible but man does it do setpieces like nobody's business.
Jayden Gomez
Zachary Watson
you fucking boomers have been spamming this crap for more than a decade. you fags dont get bored from posting the same shit over and over again?
Tyler King
Dwarf Fortress' legends viewer
I just added several fantasy races, generated a world, and wanted to see how they fared in combat before I started playing
Joseph Clark
she hot
Charles Taylor
Jason Collins
David Cooper
Nathaniel Jones
>they're different than what I like so therefore that means its bad
Parker Flores
Actual zoomer take
Hl 2 is even worse, the enemy AI is 10 times dumber than Halo’s
Josiah Harris
Huh.. It's almost like they did something right.
Ayden Anderson
Shit, maybe I should get this and Nioh during the sale.
John Martinez
Carter Cox
They’re not tactical like you or that user said, they’re simple brain dead shooters with crap AI
Isaac Walker
Imagine this same retarded Halo conversation but with Fortnite.
>th-that'll never happen!!
Just wait a decade.
Mason Williams
No they're pretty bad. HL1's AI is constantly breaking itself so it just stands around to be shot. HL2's is easily broken by holding a prop in front of it. The weapons sound and feel like shit, the sounds as a whole are remarkably unpleasant, grating. The music is garbage. What is there to like about the games exactly? Combat is brain dead, just kill the enemies as fast as you can, either with shotgun mouse 2, explosives, phys props in hl2. It's a joke. How is it tactical in any way? The enemies barely even move in combat. In HL1 the HECU will sooner drop a grenade in the middle of its friends before it hits you once. Stop praising these shitty fucking games.
Evan Cook
Henry Long
Thomas Bennett
It's already happening. Halo fans don't realize it.
Nathaniel Powell
Ys series PTSD
Matthew Ortiz
Anthony Butler
HL2 barely even has AI. Halo's complex AI systems are still the best in the genre, yes even better than fear with its faked out shit.
Daniel Cooper
Julian Allen
Thomas Young
Jaxon Perez
Carson Murphy
>weapons feel like shit
stopped reading there
Evan King
Benjamin Flores
>Halo's Complex AI systems
Jordan Sanders
I feel empty now
Kevin Edwards
shit taste
Asher Powell
I'd say it's a very solid game, but whether or not it's worth it even at the sale price is hard to say. If you've got the cash, I say go for it.
Looks good, regardless.
Christopher Hill
>buddy had a barn with electricity hooked up
>20 of us would gather every few weeks to play manhunt, have LAN parties, chug gallons of soda and eat whatever we could get our hands on
>best of buds, laughing at the drama of our grade while we had the time of our lives
>slowly people got jobs, had to cut out a bit earlier from the parties
>people got girlfriends, but they were chill and didn't cause drama
>age eventually took us, as we found it harder to schedule around people's work and college prep
It all came to a crash when one girl started flirting around and it all just imploded. Fuck I lost good friends trying to stick up for people. Jerry if you're out there, sorry, you didn't deserve any of that shit, none of y'all did. I still look back at those parties as some of the happiest times of my life.
Cooper James
Chase Russell
abomination of the series, VI should have been the last
Thomas Hill
>posts one objectively """bad""" weapon out of the other good ones
nice nitpicking
Jose Roberts
Anthony Brown
Sebastian Brooks
>the other good ones
post the faggivity gun which is just as annoying sounding as everything else. It's a real accomplishment. HL2 has like 11 weapon slots but they all feel like shit. All that variety and halo's 2 weapon system manages to create more variety with a fraction of the arms
Chase Cook
More games need a dedicated screenshot mode.
Asher Jackson
Easton Peterson
Etika no!
Brody Baker
Glad it wasn't a pic from I.
That shit is crazier.
Parker Gomez
Luis Roberts
I'm not the user you're responding to but Halo 2's AI is nowhere near monumental. All of these have been done in multiple games.
>run away if weaponless/plasma grunt if you get close
>run at you if holding melee weapon / grenade / infected
>run to predetermined setpiece while shooting after spawn, then stand next to cover and shoot at you
John Campbell
Jayden Miller
>we must go bigger
Christopher Nguyen
You don't seem to understand how Halo's AI has worked since the very first game. There's several states of it, behavioral, emotional, and confidence that all members of a squad and lone enemies behave with. This all adds to the dynamic of combat, if you eliminate a squad's elites the grunts will scatter, but depending on their rank and equipment they may act significantly differently, such as suicide bombing you with plasmas, and failing to eliminate small weak targets could put you in a highly vulnerable position as their plasma pistols are highly advantageous against your shields. Enemies exhibiting confidence will charge brazenly, if the leader is charging the rest follow suit, they make good use of grenades and have the pathing behavior to flank seamlessly. HL2's AI does what? Stand still, run toward you, stand still, then shoot? Sometimes they're even scripted to use grenades that they throw to miss.
Colton Hughes
*blocks your path*
Charles Brooks
Evan Ortiz
Zachary Ortiz
Jason Adams
Easton Gutierrez
>Clamber over cover to get a clearer line of sight
>Different behavioral patterns depending on unit designation (jackals form phalanxes and push together, elites try to flank you, grunts break lines when leadership is gone but will swarm you if their morale is high)
>Dedicated grenade/vehicle evade
>Elites/brutes will man vehicles in proximity or try to board you
The order in which you tackle a squad of different enemy types will make each encounter play out very differently. unless it's a fucking jackal sniper alley
Cameron Williams
*breaks the wall staking feature in an engine update and never fixes it*
the only good weapon, and they ruined it. You can't even block updates on steam, you're forced to update now.
Jaxson Ross
Owen Wood
Aiden Martin
I really hope VIIR has some sequences with set camera angles.
Dylan Ross
I'm not so sure about that spriting
Jeremiah Ramirez
>started dudebro culture and console focus for fpses
>started the basic infrastructure for matchmaking
>started map packs to seperate communities
>popularized bullet magnetism
>two weapon limit
>slow skilless movement
>regenerative shields to slow down gameplay
>melee assist cancer
map packs and matchmaking are enough for anyone to hate it.
Oliver Brown
Eli Robinson
Benjamin Bennett
Wrong, ALL of that happened because of the Ps2. Do you think 360 kiddies were loyal carryovers from the fatbox, the system that didn't fucking sell? No, a lot of them came from Ps2. Look at the fucking sells of the Ps2, look at the dogshit attach rate for anything that wasn't AAA garbage, and then look at how industry numbers swelled to over 5x their previous size after the Ps2. If you started on the Ps2 you're the cancer of gaming.
Caleb Cooper
Connor Barnes
Connor Perry
Brody Bell
Dylan King
Owen Cooper
Looks like Gothic 3
Charles Diaz
Aiden Ross
This is your band of mercs for tonight.
Lucas Thompson
Joseph White
Jace Rogers
the first xbox is one of the best consoles ever made.
Parker Turner
Anthony Diaz
If he has he probably got tbagged one time too many and got sent into an unsalvageable contrarian spiral. Poor guy.
Eli Long
Gosh that sounds pretty awful.
Christopher Jackson
Mason Cooper
Joshua Gomez
Anthony Adams
Aaron Bennett
Camden Barnes
Christopher Diaz
Ryan Wilson
Dominic Baker
>>muh cutscenes
Was more pioneered by MGS, but still.
>>muh regenerate sheild
This is the real cancer.
>>muh colorless levels
>muh orchestral soundtrack
>muh vehicular combat
Neither of these things are bad.
Henry Lewis
Gavin Ramirez
whats those 3 bars in the hud?
John Nelson
Lincoln Rivera
Daniel Russell
They made a little change to the gameplay. Now the longjump module will have three charges before depleting and waiting for it to refill itself.
They are constantly refilling tho
Kayden Wilson
Bullshit, I'd wager you we're beaten up. Probably because you're fat.
Angel Jones
Luke Bennett
Aaron Barnes
one of the beat looking fighters out
Elijah Lopez
Alexander White
>cooldown abilities in a single-player game
Gabriel King
Jason Garcia
Owen Bennett
To avoid abuse I guess
Andrew Scott
So that you couldn’t spam it?
Julian Walker
Henry Lee
Mason Brown
Gabriel Thomas
>People still seath over any mention of halo, CE or otherwise 10 to 20 years later.
>They still use the same image too.
Look, I get the series as a whole is far from flawless, but just yelling "let baby game xd" for twenty years is tiring, disingenuous, and somewhat ironically childish in and of itself.
Elijah Roberts
Austin Adams
Austin Evans
Henry Morales
Wyatt King
Cell shaded and cartoony suits were a mistake. Always look so jarringly out of place, should just make the suits in the style of the rest of the games graphics. Let's not forget how lazy the vintage suit is just being an edited classic suit. If they wanted a real vintage suit and actually put some effort into it, they should have made something like this.
Nathan Nguyen
Logan Scott
Jayden Moore
Hudson Johnson
Mason Brown
>Let's not forget how lazy the vintage suit is just being an edited classic suit
what are you talking about
Andrew Russell
what fucking game?
William Nguyen
Daniel Richardson
Owen Martin
I mean that the vintage suit is just the classic suit design but cel-shaded. Instead of actually taking a classic design from the comics and making it look like it came from the 60s or 70s.
Daniel Davis
Lincoln Stewart
Jaxson Cooper
i think you are nitpicking just a bit
Xavier Phillips
John Phillips
what mods you have in
Ethan Wilson
For instance, here's a good modern take on old designs. From a story in which Peter, his sister, and Jameson go back in time.
Cameron Sanders
paying for porn games
Michael Wood
Ryan Cruz
Xavier Russell
What game is this user?
Andrew Garcia
Gabriel Russell
Nevermind, didn't read the earlier reply
Levi Hall
House Party
Easton Brown
Not really, it's just a preference thing. If you like the anime costume, sure go ahead, I think it looks jarring and bad, but like I said that's a preference thing. However, the vintage suit? No defending that, it's extremely lazy. Just slapping on some filters and "dude oh shit it's a new suit design!" again here's a another image that would have actually been a nice addition that could be called "vintage"
Jacob Torres
Nolan Moore
The roof of my "trade fort".
Luis Parker
Zoomers just can't help themselves, they just can't resist posting this shitty meme.
Eli Thompson
Easton Jenkins
Landon Barnes
Did PC Halo finally come out or what?
Nathan Sanders
Juan Williams
so this is what weebs want when they cry about man jaw
Cooper Jenkins
Oliver Hernandez
>"Zoom Zoom!" said the Zoomer as he went bing bing wahoo
>As his mother got ploughed by a boomer.
John Sanchez
Ethan Smith
halo 1 and 2 were always on pc since release, just need some tweaking for that 4k goodness
Adam Turner
Matthew Sanchez
Is that The Sinking City or something?
Ethan Harris
can i get this free then?
is this any good?
can i kill people?
can i FUCK THEM?
Jace Perez
You can not kill people
Can fuck them
Hunter Anderson
nuDOOM version when? because that shit is the new baby's first fps
Andrew Hughes
Colton Torres
contrarian wannabe lol
Mason Cruz
Jayden Russell
any more news on when the steam collection is coming out? i really feel like playing halo desu
Hudson Price
cope and go outside nerd
Evan Parker
the only thing good about halo is the lore
Daniel Sanchez
Matthew Ortiz
And that's a good thing!
Grayson Martin
What game
Camden Torres
Nathan Gray
planetside 2
Cooper Cox
So did Half-Life 2 and Call of Duty 4. I don't hate either game for it.
Daniel Johnson
Hey now it had some great music too
Josiah Allen
still on my fileshare :')
James Harris
im not gonna fucking pirate shit, asshole
Eli Cooper
Then get it on steam
Angel Rogers