So what shall it be? Do you join the unity? Or do you die here? Join. Die. Join. Die

So what shall it be? Do you join the unity? Or do you die here? Join. Die. Join. Die.

Attached: master.png (803x414, 491K)

Kys crippeled fag

What in the god damn is this game?

Boku no Pico.

dude mutants are sterile lol
bottom text

Zombies ate my neighbor

This is why fallout 1 is superior to 2. The Enclave is such a shitty villain compared to the Master.

The Master had a vision. A flawed vision, but definitely better than "hurr durr let's genocide all the things because slight mutations in dna duuurrr"

Too bad fallout 2 retconned the whole mutants being sterile thing.

There's literally an entire Yea Forums board devoted to the second one.

Were you not able to make him kill himself?

Is Fallout 1 a good place to start for someone who never played a crpg before? I played jrpgs my life and want tp try crpgs as I'm finding fewer and fewer jrpgs that hold my interest. Saw the classic Fallout collection on Steam for $4 or so, seemed like a good deal but wasn't sure.

I'm not sure actually.
I played through it when I was a stupid kid easily enough, and I wasn't too into CRPGs at the time, so you shouldn't have too much trouble if you put some thought into your character.

No, it's pretty hard at the start and the interface is shit.

Well I got an RPG with armor piercing rockets and a turbo plasma rifle

Fallout 1&2 are only for those who love the genre already, not for starters. What personally got me into cRPGs was Divinity Original Sin 1, so I would recommend that as a starting point. But if you're interested in the more DnD strict type of cRPGs, then Baldurs Gate 1 or 2.

This is on the money

The interface is really dated, the combat is slow and you'll have to quickload a lot but it's definitely playable. Once you get some levels and gear the combat will be much easier. If the game interests you and you have some patience, give it a try.

Thanks for the replies. I'll buy the collection but try some other stuff. I'll look into Divinity Original Sin like the one user suggested.

>You hab no benis, gill yours elf :DDDDDDD

Only the women are sterile. And only after extensive research into the matter. But all the Master needed to do was ask a female super mutant.

He wasn't messing around. You might think that he is overconfident in his ability to kill you but the single purpose of the unity was to avoid a second apocalypse.

where is this from?
what context is this discovered in?
did some super mutants rape a human or something?