SGDQ 2019

SGDQ - Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon

Now: The Legend of Zelda Randomizer
Later: Deltarune Any% NG+ Race

Full Schedule:

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Other urls found in this thread:

>paths diverge immediately

great race

Good morning anons! If you haven't already get up and stretch your muscles!

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fucking kill me

>both have died in first three minutes

great runners


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>race is over within 3 minutes

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>Have to run randomized version of zelda instead of some other game
Are they this desperate to play it safe for donations

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This is dumb

a randomizer run that isn't random, what is the point?

hey OP, wasn't it Now, Next and Later?

they suck

Who’s the girl?

>these are the best players in the world

Are they on the same seed? I missed that detail.

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>Randomizer tournament

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This is probably fun on its own. I don't think it worls in a marathon though.

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are you not watching the run, user?

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Yes. It's hard to do a reliable race when everyone's on a different seed. Though that would be more interesting to watch.


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>These two faggoys arguing about the tier list

>there's people watching this who don't know the very basic concepts of zelda 1

>bragging and playing up winning a randomizer tournament as if it isnt just fucking rolling the dice

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what the fuck is this randomizer shit?

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Can someone explain to me why these announcers are fucking shouting where items can be found when someone finds them? There's no way the other player isn't hearing that shit.

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Poor DS Dad, he doesn't deserve to sit next to a fuckin furry. Wonder how he felt about that....

whats this fucking esports commentary
theyre both doing totally different things

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Nah, I prefer seeded runs as long as the runners don't know it. The first year Issac Rebirth happened, they didn't do seeds and it was retarded.


can we get some hoype?

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Since this is randomised, isn't this just a sort of fast let's play?

I love furry porn but I hate fursuiters. I should probably neck myself either way though.

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This commentary is cringe

>five minutes in
>one guy has bow, quadruple defense, and a triforce piece
>other guy has nothing

i fucking LOVE races

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I have won the randomizer championship set on the moon against king random himself ruler of the randomizer kingdom
So suck my cock which is in the size range of 3-7 inches

Still looking for anons to chime in about Punch-Out!! (Wii)'s tier. Unique tier like ARE YOU SSSHITTING ME / ELDER GOD or SSS ? Crystal glitched didn't have much response so I put it in B, anons think that's too high?

SSS: Punch-Out!! (Wii)
S/S: Split/Second
SS: Rygar / Titanfall 2
S: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier // Chasm: The Rift
A: The Hobbit // Tony Hawk // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM
B: Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN // Metroid Prime // Skylar and Plux // Kirby Air Ride // Kirby 64 // Ape Escape // Crash Bandicoot 3 // Punch-Out!! (arcade) // Pokemon Gold
C: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark // Slipstream // Pokemon Crystal
D: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey // Uncharted: Drakes Fortune // Monster Boy // The Textorcist
F: Super Mario Bros 2 // Ducktales 2
ZZZ: Borderlands 2
Ω: Metroid Prime 2

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I like fursuits, but fucking hell, theres a time and a place.

Whens doom(2016)

Why is it always tomber cringe games that have been ran to death?

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fuck i forgot edobese was commentating

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>I love furry porn
Seemingly 99% of it is drawn by people with no artistic skill in crayon. How anyone can bother sifting through the for "the good stuff" is beyond me.

run invalidated, who the fuck cares?

SSS for punchout is fine. Post real estate is going to be limited as the event goes on.

FUCK DIO gently
And most of all:
*dabs at 400mph*

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>Good morning anons! If you haven't already get up and stretch your muscles!
but it's 7:32 pm.

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reminder: he was on the gdq staff

just put this in F tier, randomizer runs are fucking not speedrunning and just streamerbait garbage.

They already ran Doom

just Elder God works, the other is still a bit long but it's not a generic SSS

what happened to Metroid Prime 2? Also I would go C for Crystal Glittched

what the fuck is even happening

SSS for character limit also Crystal Glitched was C as well honestly, just mark them as +G% and -G% for glitched and not glitched

punchout is worthy of unique, he went above and beyond the call of duty and shouted a bad word to top it all off

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I missed Punch Out. Where can I watch it?

It's 9:33 am here

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should i watch Prime 2 just to see /ourgirl/ get BTFO?

fucking let's play

I missed everything except Pokemon and this, anything note worthy?

based and heavenpilled

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>Edobean announcing

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It's like Kevin Smith and downie had a love baby

This magic sword could be a game changer

Level 6 is brought to you tonight by McDonalds, I'm Lovin It

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Anyone here like wristwatches

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>ESTIMATE 1:00:00

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Randomizer was the worst thing to happen to speedrunning.

Zallard1 did a blindfolded Punch-Out Wii run, and there's a reason it's at the top of the tier list going around.

>get two days off in a row starting today
>4 hour long Normie-mon garbage and a bunch of other uninteresting garbage
Can't wait for RE2 and SH3 to wash away the garbage

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Note the onions, in his native habitat

Prime 1 should be A.

>Commentators calling out item locations
why even bother tilting the TVs away from each other if they're gonna do this.

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you didn't miss anything, don't worry
all bland runs

Fuck off toxic assholes this is fun.

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what a bitch

There's even a donation from a fellow tranny that says the clarice meme "girl", and then the couch and him proceed to repeat it like drones

True insanity
Also he fucks up and dies twice and resets the console to load a savegame
He also goes 20 minutes over estimate

SSS looks a lot cleaner for the tier list. Crystal glitched didn't have a response because nobody cared. It was just the first few minutes of the game then 10 minutes of trying to do an easy mon dupe glitch. 1 frame trick my ass.

SSS+S Tier for Punch Out. It was already SSS before the thing happened.

Put both Crystal runs on C. Glitchess was too long but Glitched wasn't really notable, so I can't put it above Glitchless.

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>anything note worthy?

>taking days off for this shit

Just push down the glitched run to C, it wasn't really better then the glitchless one.

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wow, randomizers really are esports. time to invest.

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>another race

Fuck this I’m going to watch brote play kingdom cum deliverance and then go to bed.

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how do I make money off of GDQ?

>races until RE2

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>then 1:30:00 of bing bing wahoo

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Nope they make my arm feel funny. I only ever had a shitty digital watch back in like 2008

I recognize the headphones they're using, they're soundproof so the runners are fine

Runners are wearing headphones and probably can't hear them.

At some point you have a big enough list of artists you like to fill the night and then you search like one or two tags you like beyond that maybe. Good ole monosodium glutamate has decent quality in the first place though I M O. Maybe I don't have any taste in the first place though.
Why else would I be watching this randomizer speed run.

I'm just happy that boring ass 3 hour Pokemon run is over with. That announcer was so damn annoying.

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But the LoZ randomiser race last AGDQ was great.
Would agree this isn't a great run to watch though.

be Uyama

I actually think it's funny how esports this commentary is

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>Randomizer race
I have no idea what the fuck is even going on

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>tfw prepared some sushi and chilled a honey beer for re2 while pokeshit was on
Its gonna be comfy

be the CEO of MSF

I didn't take days off for it. My days off just happened to land on the event. If I took days off for this garbage,I would've at least looked at the schedule first.

These men are shouting 4 feet behind them. There's no soundproof headphones that can stop that.

i was kind of looking forward to this

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as opposed to edobean?

it was 3 and a half
might as well just say it was 4h

A lot of opinions on Punch-Out. How's this for a unique that fits with the tier list theme? Also adjusted Crystal glitched down to C.

SSS!!: Punch-Out!! (Wii)
S/S: Split/Second
SS: Rygar / Titanfall 2
S: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier // Chasm: The Rift
A: The Hobbit // Tony Hawk // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM
B: Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN // Metroid Prime // Skylar and Plux // Kirby Air Ride // Kirby 64 // Ape Escape // Crash Bandicoot 3 // Punch-Out!! (arcade)
C: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark // Slipstream // Pokemon Crystal (glitchless) // Pokemon Crystal (glitched)
D: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey // Uncharted: Drakes Fortune // Monster Boy // The Textorcist
F: Super Mario Bros 2 // Ducktales 2
ZZZ: Borderlands 2
Ω: Metroid Prime 2

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I wasn't there to watch it. This is the first time I'm watching a Zelda randomizer at all.

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He was, but randomizer is shit too.

>punchy run

go into work tomorrow and beg for your vacation hours back

Ah I liked those, I have one from the 80s that still works perfectly, there are thousands of them all over ebay pretty cheap

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>that donation segue
Now this is esports

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Funny in that "it's funny how seething this makes me" sense, right?

>Metroid Prime 2
Anytone got a link to this run? I wanna see it burn

play the game music/sounds at max volume and you're set
seems okay, user


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Lack of zelda, great shame.

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I'm honestly falling asleep, and I hate the fact Deltarune is next because it's essentially going to be a Let's Play.

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It reminds me of e3
you know, like that one time there were two fortnite autists playing the mobile comand and conquer game and there was an obnoxious sports-style announcer

I dont get why they think its anything but cringe

There's a pretty great randomizer run by Andy from a few years ago for LttP. I'd suggest it over this, there's great banter and all sorts of fun shit in that.

neither do i, they need to stop doing this shit. races are already a fucking snoozefest, let alone randomizer races

Only good announcer was Aprilcake.

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I like it, thematic but not too long.

Thanks for your diligent work user.

Are there no tricks in Deltarune?

>10 hour absolute BING BING block
>all the survival horror stuff starts at like 6 am
Fuck these fags. Excuse me I have a date with a glass pipe.

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op here can someone else take the thread making torch i gotta go do some work.

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Randomizers are only entertaining for runners who knows the ins and outs. It's a mess for the audience to keep up with.

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I like SSS!! because it's the title of the game. Here's hoping more people play it cause it's legit one of my favorite games. Also be sure to check out Luigi's Mansion 3 by the same devs later this year.

Bloodborne chokefest at GDQ when

it wasn't bad in any interesting way, just long and boring

>you are now reminded of that pretend announcer from that died out arena shooter that flopped

at least we have based re2 and sh3 later

I'll look into it. Right now I'm watching the good runs I missed last night.

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It would be easier if it was just one guy and none of this retarded esports commentary.

that's good megumin-user
thank you for all your hard work

Here's a bunch of edits one guy did during the whole Tifa tit debacle.

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Not him but I doubt it. A lot of the time is going to be scripted events and dialog I bet.

That zeus toast guy is attending again? How many times does that phony need to get blown the fuck out before he slinks back into his stream hole?

Go Zelda

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Just look at kemono stuff from nips

literally every time the dude who ran bloodborne ran it at GDQ he has choked immensly

races are good if you know the run and can appreciate what's going on

randomizer can be good if its a solo runner with good commentary like ALTTP randomizer by andy so they can explain what's going on and what they expect in detail

a randomizer race is absolute ass since most of the time runners are doing different shit at the same time, so commentary is split up and incomprehensible

case in point: that fucking mess of a 4 way FF randomizer race last gdq

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I like the boomerang...

aye, I'll do it

>survival horror stuff
Its literally just RE2...
SH is LITERALLY a 15 minute run at the absolute most (UFO ending)

Thats it for survival horror

>edobean is my favorite announcer
gee I wonder why she chose to read that one

Agreed. I understand these guys like to do this race stuff on speedrunslive every week or whatever, but it's really not engaging as a race for the audience, and it's a race to begin with so it's also lame.

>we have a random donation here
>edobean is the best, thinnest announcer ever. POYO
>awww what a coincidence

>based flat chested slut keeping track of the best runs to watch on vod
thanks megumin, you little cum dumpster

Glorious user, thank you.


>4 way FF randomizer race last gdq
oh god oh fuck i forgot about that one

which one?

>black haired zelda
A Hilda is fine too.

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>name that sound!
>[no answer from commentators]
So what was the sound?

only fun to watch randomizers are ALTTP and OOT

>no zelda randomizer royale
why even live

one I saved this month

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I think they're running the same exact "seed". or basically the same item and design arrangement. So it's still a race, it's just both players have to figure out where shit is with speedrunning tactics.

There's a trick that makes the game run 2x faster if connected to a monitor with a refresh rate above 60hz, but it's banned apparently. Would've actually been interesting

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>4 way FF randomizer race
Absolute chaos, and the announcers were talking about it like everybody already knew everything about the game and would chuckle to themselves when something unusual happened.

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I dont know what i hate more:
trannies or attention-whoring roasties

>64 player zelda randomizer w/ dubstep
would watch desu

is doctors without borders a good cause?

Yeah the first Zelda is ugly there I said it. Now crucify me.

I didn't even hear it

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we need 3 koreans to cast it

no, they're literally people smugglers

Depends on your political affiliation.

Yes. It's much better than the cancer awareness bullshit during winter GDQ. Doctors without Borders actually does something worthwhile.

lawbreakers, that was it I think
the fucking game that CliffyB tried to make

one attempts to become the other for the purpose of attention-whoring so take your pick.

>Right you are, Ken

Will the six hour chrono trigger run be comfy?

Eh...... yes and no.

On paper, they do good work. It's just medical professionals helping people all over the world.

In practice, there's a shit ton of political fuckery.

>original zelda

it's good for the exploration/"ground breaking" nature.

none of its positive aspects are displayed in a speedrun like this. shit gameplay and boring cookie cutter dungeon screens. fuck this run

Yes they work in really life threatening circumstances. Like war zones. That being said I have never donated a dime.

In any case, it's better than IRC, a charity literally donated to illegally smuggling refugees.

Since it is a randomizer the exploration is back in

>6 hour "speedrun"

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exactly what i was thinking

anything longer than 30 minutes* is a bore and shitpost fodder for the thread

*there is rare execptions

It never is

That depends entirely on the runner, the couch, and if the crowd and announcer don't fuck it up.

are you just pretending to be stupid

>"Hi GDQ last year my entire family died of cancer...."
>Audience applauds speed run trick

Literally all of those big name "charities" and "humanitarian organizations" are just a cover for shady shit like slave trading, drug smuggling and/or prostitution

The only real "helpful" ones are comprised of like 8 hippies each that spend their student loan money on a one way ticket to africa and they get killed by locals or die of malaria

No. Chrono Trigger is overrated garbage.



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I watched the 9 hour FF9 speedrun in one Saturday. It was amazing and dat nostalgia. I hope it's similar.

Go speedrun your life

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The music is iconic though.

i mean unless you live in the third world, they do absolutely nothing that will affect you. your time and money is better spent on a local charity/cause. no matter how "good" a big charity is, if its large enough, more of your money goes to funding the bureaucracy that keeps the charity going and less goes to making stuff happen. your money is always better spent on a smaller/more efficient charity (assuming its not a scam, which is definitely a possibility)

dude this is still a little better than the 4 hour pokemon run

straight up race is better than randomizer shit imo

No Grand Theft Auto 5 Online this year?

But its done relatively quick


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i already am

it's a 100% run and i'm living it to the fullest

The pure bewilderment from everyone watching that live was hilarious

Still no fucking idea what it is.

Pick all three

thank you user

Why is this shit on? Where is Deltarune?

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>announcer says literally anything
>couch guys lose their shit in laughter

this shit is so fucking fake

you are posting on a turkish basket weaving forum, you have already failed

For anyone who wanted to see Punch-Out!! here's a direct link to the time it starts.

if they repeat that shit like last time where the audience screeches "WONDERSHOOOOOOOOOT" constantly, then no, it will fucking suck

>go mode

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The Sunshine race should be good right??

Why are people asking about Deltarune? It's not on for 38 more minutes.

fucking kek i had forgotten about that

Soon fluffybun

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It all depends on the donations reading, the run and runner alone are really comfy


>espurts wannabe announcers
>being fake

I got a white chocolate magnum ice cream bar its yummy

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Did they reach the incentive goal?

one path has many stops, and time enjoyed is never time wasted ed boy


>bing bing wahoo
>1 1/2 fucking hours
What do YOU think, einstein?

Fuck you that was the one crowd spam that was actually good
Especially since it killed Lavos

Does DWB actually treat wounded ISIS freaks? I've seen that said around here but I haven't seen proof so idk what to believe.


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this was so jarring to see live

in a few minutes

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why is one player stuck in the Virtual Boy world

what is this garbage run? and why is it a race?

>enjoying crowd shouting under any circumstances

you're a long way from reddit, friend

yo this is the first time I participate in a Yea Forums thread about agdq, why are the soiboys always screaming about some fucking orb whenever it appears on the screen? I've been watching the streams for a few years but never questioned it until today's super mario bros 2 stream

Where the fuck did this retarded ORB meme come from in the first place

This is fucking stupid

This is so funny hah hah hah hah hah

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but bethesda's e3 conference was epic!

What should I practice drawing while watching SGDQ?


it's a black male thing

Expect the last hour to have the announcer yelling "OH GUYS WE'RE SO CLOSE TO 1000000000000 LETS DO IT WOOOOH DONATION TRAIN CHOO CHOO HYYPE"

did this faggot just learn the term red herring or something


Theyre gonna be doing the orb thing for bonesaws jak and daxter run arnt they...


A N O N Y M O U S 3 0 0 0 D O L L A R D O N A T I O N


crap for money laundering!

>$3000 blank donation

SMB3 originally but got resurrected and beaten alive to death at Celeste last year

>$3,000 anonymous donation with no comment

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It was an indie game last AGDQ the runner asked for everybody to scream ORB everytime he got one, and the audience kept screaming on the other runs

Love me some Zelda, get fucked Zoomshits.

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draw their mascot, Velocity

>anonymous 3000 dollar donation...
so which one of you retards was it?

totally legit 3k anonymous "donation"

>there's a xx% chance this item is in this dungeon!!!
I'm glad speedrunners hate RNG so the made a run that is exclusively RNG. Fucking tards, Zelda 1 too who the fucked approved this?

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>my week old daughter named zelda

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When do I sleep?

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hello newfag

>oh wow did he get THE RAFT in LEVEL 8?!?!?!?!?

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Fuck off Robin Williams's daughter is named Zelda.

I'm going to donate under the name Etika. Tell me what to write Yea Forums.

it's legit money laundering

God I hate the gdq crowd.
Shouting orb visibly disturbed the WW runner last time, and he had to spend over 6 hours getting screamed at

>this cringe meme-casting.
Make it stop!!


Why are their mouths open?

the entire time


kill yourself

Sleep once Divekick starts then wake up for Glover.

and he cringed so hard he killed himself

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>It's a large "anonymous" donation episode

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close mouth exe has stopped working

user, haven't you read the news, he already did

No. It'll be the same shit that is going on now and has been going on since the Crystal run. A commentator that won't shut up, a couch that won't stop trying to push memes and all around non-stop screaming and pure cringe.

Could be funny to pretend you're a zombie during the horror block but not many people are gonna see it I guess.

all that shit during the WW run is so goddamn terrible
it would be great for just putting on and listening to but the screeching audience, jesus fuck

until castlevania

Greetings from NY. When I saw this randomizer was going to be in this years SGDQ I literally jumped for joy. Best of luck to the runners, donation goes to winners choice.

"It should have been steve"

all of it

did I stutter, user?

Then stay there

y ZFG1 and not Clint Stebens

This is like one massive inside joke.

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hold onto your seats, folks. its about to get crazy.

How does this man make u feel Yea Forums

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This shit is more about RNG shit or actually player skills?

finally a decent race a GDQ

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so fucking corny

Everything is crazy if you yell loudly enough.

I don't watch Clint. That's it

Woahhhh such a tight race

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I haven't played Deltarune because it looked like incomplete Tumblr shit. Should I spoil it by watching the run?

you wouldn't stand a chance against either of them

Pretty much, they are making everyone smell their farts and the audience has to pretend they get all their inside jokes because they YELL REALLY LOUDLY

>cant even throw on GDQ as some comfy easy listening/watching anymore because it has turned into a personified twitch chat/esports hybrid
fucking god damn this is so awful

RNG. Only skill is knowing where chests are and what items you need to do what.


>scripted rando race

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Nintendo games are truly the lowest point of the marathon.

then why are they so close?

Theres some skill to randomizer but in the end it is 100% RNG.

don't bother playing, it's fucking trash just watch the stream

>your country
>favourite game made after 2008


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it is incomplete tumblr shit. It's literally a demo. Can't believe they're running it.

dragon's dogma

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Hilda is very pretty

Plants vs Zombies

cringe commentary

Then you've got to literally route yourself from where you went. There is a general path people will take that have a lot of chests, but say someone decides to check a place early and gets super lucky with an item that opens up a lot of routes in a weird place.

They win.

Yakuza 0

What kind of person do you have to be IRL to pay to go to this event, sit in an audience theater of however many and scream twitch memes out loud while you watch autists and trannies speedrun games as the commentator and couch try to artificially drum up hype by literally just screaming?

How's this scripted?

Red Dead Redemption


Super Mario Galaxy 2

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A literal demo got in but not runescape

I was looking forward to this run but the commentators completely ruined it

Oh my god these announcers acting like they're narrating some sport event.

Binding Of Isaac

it's times like this that make me proud to be a gamer

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I know the runners are with game audio only but those guys are screaming so much it feels they are spoiling the path to the runners

S rank

This but also the kind of person that pays for a sub just so they can talk in chat.

>Cuckrune up next

Rate this race!

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That whole time the commentators were rooting for fred lol

Demon's Souls

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not a speedrun/10

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I hate video games


S tier, easily

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why do we gotta wait for the loser to finish?
just mercy unplug

Ending was nice, but the commentary completely killed all enjoyment. 3.5/10

>you share the board with this many canadians
I mean this was known since /vint/ but still. fuck.

Is there a US version of that gif?

Binding of Isaac


they are
fred was going through the same path jam did just like minutes before and the loudmouth guy screamed out ohhhh freds only going to see a heart here!

SS rank

C honestly

>SMB browser game dead

How long until Nintendo starts to pay attention to GDQ's use of romhacks and flashcarts?



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10/10 great run but fred dont know how to found that zelda.

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S but it's taking the loser to long to finish, so A

Should've just mercy killed this guy as soon as the other ended, enjoy the next 20 mins

speedruns are not esports/10

Pretty confident they headphones don't noise cancel enough so definitely

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imagine chocking this hard

ArmA 2

and now fred's stuck in the maze of randomized shit

B or C

End this shit already

4/10. Race was fine but awful commentary.

i am literally shaking

C. Race was neat, especially at the end, but commentary killed it.

That's an intentional design choice by the community.


A tier at best

>its an audience cheers for the guy who lost out of pity episode

obnoxious loud and uninteresting

No clue. Dannebrog is superior to The Stars and Stripe anyway

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Boomer guys on the couch overhyping this run. C tier only because of how close it was.

P4 Golden

>Racists almost everyday
Is SGDQ suddenly based now?

Path of Exile


mercy unplug

S run fuck the people saying that the commentary is bad

This was a good run. 8 triforce pieces/8


>Mario Sunshine
>Big The Cat 2P1C
feels good to be a night owl holy shit

B i guess

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Yeah guys let's cheer for the guy that's last in the race and already lost, that won't make him feel bad at all nor pressure him more!

D from me

And unlicensed capture devices

please say you're a girl

Didn't the commentators cause Jam to turn around and head south at the end or did I imagine that?

shit/10 cunt literally just won cause he got lucky also
>randomizer speedruns
kys tier

That's like your opinion my guy

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S-tier, fun race, fun game, fun commentators

Just kill it now, its pathetic at this point

Path of Exile

mmm id say either dmc5, RE2 or bloodborne

Starcraft: Remastered!

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Go back to watching ASSFAGGOTS, you zoomer.

>"le gg's everybody"

3/10 Randomizer races are not entertaining. The commentators mimicking professionals is like an irritating parody of what announcing is supposed to be.

>le ggs

Just fucking pull him off the couch it's over time and we need to move onto the next run. Fuck Fred.


Monster Hunter Generations and World

8/10. close race but Fred didn't have the luck of running by Zeldas room before Ganon.

B: Commentary was good, run was boring and not a speedrun

>c-can we get some hype?

The commentary was the most american thing ever.

Is the SMW run going to be good?


New Zealand

I fucking hate the "everyone is a winner" mentality

>kys tier
these are called tranny-tier m8

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had pits but not the kind i want 1/10

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Randomizer speedruns are not that interesting to watch, but on a technical level it tests your ability with the game overall, rather than your ability to execute a previously memorized speedrun

run on par with Glitchless/Glitched runs of Crystal
shit honestly, C

est time was 59 and he ended at 53 tho

Hollow Knight

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A Tier close race, randomized good to confuse the casuals, esports commentary so cringe it's funny

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>this music

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Hollow Knight

Wow, great contribution to the thread.

>another 2+ hours of fucking races
god WHY

a crowd saying "hype" unenthusiastically from a distance sounds a lot like booing


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literally how is that a race or any sort of competition with these dudes literally screaming everything going on in the background ?(1 foot away)

>people standing around where people need to walk

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so RE2 is a race?

It's a draw between Zelda Breath of the Wild and Xenoblade Chronicles 2

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I misread the schedule. I thought I was playing video games during deltarune and back in time for zelda randomizer. Turns out I missed zelda and I'm just in time for the thing no one gives a shit about. Kill me.


Cant wait for the super mario sunshine

noone really thinks that, even as kids people can recognize that they lost, or won. No one even the most pathetic touts or glorify winning a participation trophy.

Everyone's all over the place on this one. Updated for B tier.

SSS!!: Punch-Out!! (Wii)
S/S: Split/Second
SS: Rygar / Titanfall 2
S: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier // Chasm: The Rift
A: The Hobbit // Tony Hawk // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM
B: Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN // Metroid Prime // Skylar and Plux // Kirby Air Ride // Kirby 64 // Ape Escape // Crash Bandicoot 3 // Punch-Out!! (arcade) // Zelda Randomizer
C: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark // Slipstream // Pokemon Crystal (glitchless) // Pokemon Crystal (glitched)
D: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey // Uncharted: Drakes Fortune // Monster Boy // The Textorcist
F: Super Mario Bros 2 // Ducktales 2
ZZZ: Borderlands 2
Ω: Metroid Prime 2

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Fuck this garbage ass remix. I'll take a fucking lame ass guitar cover over this shit

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they need a Sandman to come in and unplug losers

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>time for tumblrshit

Time for a break.

What does "Claire A vs. Leon A" even mean, the two routes played simultaneously or some shit?

c at best

the crowd shouts were initially only because of enthusiasm in the earliest basement GDQs

Now they've got signs they use to tell the audience what to do, it's boring

>fucking sunshine race
JUST GIVE ME THE HORROR GAMES FUCK. honestly i like sunshine but races just bore the fuck out of me

Zelda Randomizer was at least an A.

bid war between the two

All these tumblr/reddit faggots shitting up the board, yikes


Sunshine races are fucking great, actually watch one

How can that Pokemon run be a C while Mario 2 was an F? Did something interesting happen in it?

>another 50k for that starcraft remastered incentive!!

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>Ω: Metroid Prime 2

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can we please merge S/S tier and D tier together into just D tier?

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