Women BAD!

Women BAD!
Liberals BAD!
Videogame is being taken over by SJW!

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Jimmy Soitron

Anti-SJWs are truly loathsome.


why do you keep making these Jeremy

if white men are so superior, why don't they make their own games?

Jeremy "Two Dads" Hambly

>muh SJW
>has a gay pride state puff marshmallow man in the background

good summary of the problem and why you are more likely to pull an Etika yourself soon.

Multiple videos a day
Starts every fucking video with a mini channel update

that's based and red pilled

he's right though

What did he mean by this

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you can be red pilled and gay, user

I hate SJWs but I hate him even more. he thrives on political drama. what a piece of shit human being.

This but unironically.

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this but unironically

>piece of shit
i think he's alright. he was physically assaulted and banned from his favorite game community. he is justifiably salty.

It's all true, but it doesn't stop that fag from being a complete fucking grifter.

>Videogame is being taken over by SJW!
Well he's not wrong about this part. Game devs are fucking terrified of these people. Their families get harassed and shit.

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Jeremy a good boy. A little braindead at times. But he a good boy.

Was he justified in accusing people of being pedophiles?

If he hates degeneracy why is he obese?

All true.

I'm Jeremy and I think I'm pretty cool.

Did they turn out to actually be pedophiles?

Idk why you posted a picture of this guy. He uses kotaku articles as source documents

Everyone on the left is a pedophile

no but i haven't heard about that