Why is nobody talking about this game?
Why is nobody talking about this game?
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cuz it's not out yet
Why does this game not have any r34 yet? It's bing bing, there should be some by now.
because despite the fact that it comes out in 2 months, we've only seen 2 trailers of it and the treehouse segment. there really hasn't been any promotion for this game
It's the next Wonderful 101
Nintendo is getting really lazy with the advertising of Astral Chain. Fucking Garbage Sword and Shield is getting way more attention, if they don't fix it it'll bomb
That's why.
Who the fuck owns consoles anymore.
I hope so. Such a godlike game.
We're two months away from the drop of an original IP that receives no marketing. I'll probably end up getting it, but there's nothing to discuss.
Like a whole shitload of people. What a stupid question.
Cuz they haven't release a dubbed or subtitled version of that direct like vid with info.
they know that it's a niche game and that anyone willing to buy it already knows about it. on the other hand, pokemon is a huge seller to kids, parents and it will probably get a big nostalgia sales boost from soilent enthusiasts as well.
it's a handheld
because its for the fucking switch. action games at a steady 23 fps running at a fine 720p*
*Up to 720p but morsly 480p
But what type of advertising you want? Tv ads?
W101 at least capped at 60fps
Most Switch exclusives run at 60 fps, why do people post about things they don't know anything about?
>sound selection again instead of the full OST
i seriously fucking hate this shit
Nintendo hasn't bothered advertising it. At least Ultimate Alliance 3 got that Best Buy demo a few weeks ago and Fire Emblem Three Houses is getting new info almost constantly now.
Expect actual discussion when the game comes out. Unless Nintendo releases more, it'll be dead until release.
Fanart when?
I can only get so hyped. Game’s coming out soon so I’ll just not think about it until then.
when you draw some you lazy piece of shit
They are advertising it...in Japan, with this.
Is basically an Astral Chain direct.
only marios runs at 60 because they were refining that fucking game for a year
This is why.
I think I might play her as she is, without customization.
>110k copies sold worldwide
Looks like V's gameplay from DMC5. Would give the game a try if it ever comes out on ps4 or pc. or maybe when the switch is worth its price for me.
There better be a "hime cut" option...
Because Zoomers don't remember it's got art from the Video Girl Ai guy.
where can I preorder that version of the game?
No, nearly every Nintendo multiplayer game runs at 60 fps, Dong Freeze and Bayonetta 2 are 60 fps, Travis Strikes Again is 60 fps. Games made exclusively for Nintendo's consoles are usually 60 fps.
Wonderful 101 was a special case, it literally had EVERYTHING against it. This time Astral Chain has many advantages over it.
I don't remember a single game as optimized on release for PC than Metal Gear Rising and it's from Platinum so I definitely think it'll run well.
the only place i found that had it was gamestop
Astral Chain is on a very popular platform, it would have to be objectively terrible to sell less than half a million.
damn, not in the US they don't o well maybe I can buy a steelbook case somewhere
Pretty sure all Platinum games run at 60? Pretty sure a lot of Switch games run at 60?
Low quality bait still got me I guess
Based mini-Funko Link
it was on amazon.it a couple weeks ago
Was the only a collectors edition for this game for the EU and JP?
This game is coming out in August 30 and I am sure nothing else big is coming out that week, this gane will do well.
But then you don't get to see her turn evil
I'll play her brother some other time then
because is just another platinum shovelware that is going to be forgotten in less than two months
europe, australia, japan
japan is not getting the shikishi though
Yeah there's technically nothing else in August, but it's at the tail end of August and there's a fucking shitload of releases for September.
cry more
It's not Smash, e-ecelebs, trannies, Tifa's tits, forced/fake outrage, Cyberpunk, or console/platform war faggotry. That said, I'm excited for Astral Chain. I think I'm more excited for it than Bayonetta 3.
>Would give the game a try if it ever comes out on ps4 or pc.
it's a nintendo owned ip like Wonderful 101 was
Because US doesn't get a LE, just like Bayonetta 2 and that pisses us off
Alright so someone give me the details and correct my misinformation.
>5 Astrals/Chimeras
>5 weapons
>Character customization(scales to your twin Akira)
>*Includes clothes
>Also toliet saves
Anything else?
I hope it's an actual success although honestly, I'd rather they port W101 to the Switch and it actually sells so it can get the recognition it deserves as well as a sequel.
But this game is cyberpunk.
W101 flopped so hard that a port can't be justified.
It’d be worth it just to fill out the library.
generic face
You are just desperate for it to stop being a flop.
I'd argue that it being a flop justifies a port simply by virtue of Nintendo wanting to try recouping development costs.
Fuck scalpers.
I only knew the guy for Zitman
Is that a children's story book or something, old man?
You can still order it for 79,99€ at Gamestop, that's what I did a couple hours ago.
git gud
you snooze, you lose
There's a collectors edition of this game coming to Europe and Japan only? Well that sucks.
because its not bing bang wahoo
I think people are hype for it, Switch fags who actually care about quaity games and not these ports and indies are sitting on it. I think a lot of people are sold on what they saw plus it being platinum so are already convinced on buying it, I know I am.
Cuz it's copraganda
>Shitty Switch JRPG
That's why
Hundreds of millions of people
>Nintendo exclusive
>bing bing woohoo
>every platform other then switch
>bing bing woohoo never ever
Look at that fivehead
Inferior cop girl.
>Has to wear spats and bare her legs to get peoples' attention, exposing weak points
>Pic related actually covers up properly in case of combat, still draws the eye to her thick thighs
>Also, wears a cool hat while twincop doesn't
But she is not playable, what is the point?
>Platinum Games
That's why, for me.
Because of the following:
- The game looks like a God Eater inspired run-of-the-mill mission-based hack n slash, and to make things worse it has pointless exploration/"investigation" segments that'll get old very fast when you replay the missions.
- The MCs are soulless player avatars instead of memorable characters with their own personalities and quirks, and the other female characters look just as bland.
- The setting/aesthetic looks like just another generic apocalyptic future with modern anime characters, and both God Eater and Code Vein got that covered.
- Masakazu Katsura's realistic drawing style hasn't been in fashion for decades, and it makes fan artists' job much harder than if they were more simple and easy to the eye (Many of the characters in Astral Chain look needlessly complex from a design point of view because Katsura's muh realism).
- Nintendo sucks at marketing third party games, and Pokemon coming soon means they've little to no incentive to put AC in the spotlight.
I can't say it's a surprise Japan (and the otaku, who make the porn) doesn't really care about it.
Why you hate them?
OPINIONS, the post.
Also, how the fuck is his artsyle "realistic"?!
Get mad.
Platinum literally said they have a working build for Switch.
Then why don't release it already so those fucking crybabies stop?
How the fuck is it bait? All footage of Astral Chain, even direct gameplay, has been 30 fps
Now leave this site. You've misused our words. You no longer have the right to be here
Nier: Automata's horribly lazy gameplay development and poor balance. I don't have faith they can make an actual good game from a gameplay standpoint. They're very flashy and if you're more of a casual(nothing wrong with that) that just wants a fun, flashy experience, they're great at that. Kamiya has always had a knack for edge and dramatic flair and style and that continues to show with his presence at Platinum Games. But he's gotten lazier over time and casualized the gameplay and decided balance isn't worth the effort.
It'll definitely sell more than W101 seeing as it isn't releasing on a dead platform. I hope it does well, niche games like XB2 have also done really well and I hope this follow suit
I heard the game is linear and level based like Bayonetta.
Why the fuck would they do that? The game clearly works better with a hub based open world setup
For the last fucking time, Kamiya is not directing this, he is just the supervisor, AKA: we only put his name for PR.
>The game looks like a God Eater inspired run-of-the-mill mission-based hack n slash
how the hell is this god eater inspired? the only similarity they share is a somewhat anime art style the combat is a far cry from god eaters.
>Masakazu Katsura's realistic drawing style hasn't been in fashion for decades, and it makes fan artists' job much harder than if they were more simple and easy to the eye (Many of the characters in Astral Chain look needlessly complex from a design point of view because Katsura's muh realism).
you fucking wot m8, how the hell are the characters anymore complicated than any others and how does that affect whether or not fan art is made of the game
>Nintendo sucks at marketing third party games, and Pokemon coming soon means they've little to no incentive to put AC in the spotlight.
They literally put this thing in their e3 presentation and gave it time in the treehouse afterwards, they're doing about as much marketing as they have for something like luigis mansion, the only thing that remains to be seen is the tv commercials.
Because even if they got a build working, Nintendo as the publisher might not want to print copies and manufacture cartridges for a game that there might be zero(relevant) interest for. A smart middle ground Nintendo could take, even if it would disappoint physical media purists but allow W101 to live on a relevant platform would be to put out a digital only release on their Eshop and sell it for like 30-40$, something reasonable.
I wasn't speaking to his personal involvement as much as his brand of flash-over-substance being a prevalent theme at Platinum. Kamiya's design philosophy is apparent with the studio itself.
But there is a hub based open world. You do investigations and sidequests in the city, and you go to certain points or the chimera world to do main story missions
It's not. Watch the Tree House gameplay. The devs said it falls between Bayonetta and Nier Automata.
It's not open world? That's misleading as fuck if true, the advertisements build a strong impression that you'll have a city to explore between levels.
>No Kamiya
>30 FPS
>that fucking AWFUL generic shonen anime artstyle with Ninja Turtles cell shading when Platinum is known for making crazy unique looking characters and artstyles
>Linear and level based, when the investigations and RPG mechanics clearly work better with a hub-based game world
>they've done absolutely nothing to display the combat depth. Most enemies seemingly cannot be juggled or staggered. and I haven't seen any actual combos
I'll get it because I'm trusting them after W101, but holy FUCK it reeks of Korra and Ninja Turtles.
>Masakazu Katsura's realistic artstyle.
>Realistic artstyle.
I think west games with "muh realism" have corrupted your perception.
>how the fuck is his artsyle "realistic"?!
Look at the characters' bodies' proportions and compare them to the ones you can usually find in modern anime. Notice the smaller heads, eyes and less exagerated facial features, etc.
Don't shot the messenger for stating the obvious.
I'd love if the japanese fan artists directed more attention towards this game and showered it with doujins, but it's sadly not the case and I can see why it hasn't happened.
I'm not calling it false or not, but can we get a source on that 30 fps claim? Has Platinum said anything?
It's like Bayonetta in terms of progression.
>no kamiya
did you even watch the reveal trailer
user, seriously, your perception of "realism" is fucked up.
Yes. Did you? Kamiya is not working on the game.
The Treehouse gameplay ran at 30fps, unfortunately. At least the game looks visually impressive for a Switch game to make up for it, and there weren't any noticeable frame drops in the treehouse footage
If the levels are good and have interesting scenario design then I won't necessarily mind this, there are advantages to cutting open world padding and fluff. Will wait and see.
Kamiya is a "supervisor" to all games he is not involved in. It's a marketing gimmick.
I hope you enjoy repeating the same fucking "eagle eye scan" investigation sections every time you replay a stage
>muh 60 FPS
Seriously, fuck you, you are as annoying as the realismfags and portfags.
bullshit, most of the big games they're known for(nier, bayo, vanquish, MGR) have had realistic art styles, you do have examples like W101 and mad world but the majority of their no license deal games including canceled projects use a realistic art style.
Are you even sure that the investigation segments take place during actual levels and aren't just hub world activities preceding a level?
Does the game have directional attacks or pause combos? Do different weapons have different movesets?
Not sure, yes, and yes
>It's bing bing, there should be some by now.
Most nintendo franchises get no porn to compensate for Pokemon, Mario and Zelda.
Bayo, Vanquish, and MGR are all heavily stylized realism. Bayo for example has an extremely light cell shading. "Artstyle" is a spectrum
Why is NoA so fucking allergic to CE boxes?
I can't wait for this game, I'm way more hyped for it than I am Bayonetta 3
Does this game have actual weapon movesets, or is it just like turtles where you have 4 or 5 premade skills that are slapped on a cooldown?
I'm not sure how you can even be hyped for Bayo 3 when we STILL haven't seen anything besides a logo
True, Arms got robbed
FE Echoes SoV was good
>Devil May Cry 5 was announced and released in the fucking span between Bayo 3's announcement teaser and now
there was a teaser trailer too where bayonetta fucking died
From the treehouse footage, each of the five weapons have their own movesets and skill trees that you can upgrade.
60 fps unlike those other things is relevant because it dictates play quality and responsiveness. If the environments were bland but the gameplay 60 fps that would be preferable to compromising performance in a linear action game.
They did this with the Resident Evil games in PAL territories, all for £30. I'd actually buy this, though. I don't need a copy of RE4 without motion controls.
ARMS actually has a fucking lot of porn for a single game
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they just can't get the game playable on switch. Having replayed it recently that game looks like fucking ass and the framerate dips constantly, it's not a solid 60, not even close. If the Switch is weaker than the WiiU I wouldn't put it out of the question that W101 just can't run on it.
Also there would probably be some big issues with all the dual screen gimmicks. The built in picture-in-picture mode takes up too much screen space and a few of the segments are nearly unplayable that way.
I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
how did MGR and vanquish have stylized realism? They were realistic looking games with cool character and enemy designs, platinum isn't known for it's artstyles it's known for it's gameplay and putting out solid games that usually don't sell too well.
You know what I mean, and its complexity makes things harder for the fan artists because the source material isn't as easy to adapt while trying to remain somewhat on model unless you're very talented.
E.g. The more simple the source's material' style the easier for the artists to adapt it to their own styles and kinks = more fan art.
Dying as we learned from Bayo 2 is not that big a deal and you just need someone with 24 hours to spare to take a trip to hell. They might pull a GoW3 and have you start in Hell though, since that part was barely represented in Bayo 2.
>If the Switch is weaker than the WiiU
are you retarded?
Exactly, and that's the problem.
you don't see how saying the models are too complex for artist to adapt and then saying the artist will adapt it to their own art style is completely contradictory?
I wasn't really into Bayo 2 anyway. By the time I got a Wii U, I had already heard all the praise Super Best Friends gave Wonderful 101, so I just got that instead and didn't touch B2 until it was on Switch
I really only want Min Min and maybe Twintelle. I know there's a lot for Ribbon Girl and a weird amount of Helix
If this turns out to be true I'll skip on getting a Switch again.
>buying consoles and expecting all games to be 60fps
Nintendo of America never treated the following games with respect:
Astral Chain
What do these there games have in common?
there's probably a difference between getting the soul knocked out of your body and your body being destroyed, jeanne had somewhere to return to but if bayo gets wrecked like she did in the trailer it might be more complicated.
Anime games?
My theory is the game will be about the seals separating purgatorio from paradiso and inferno are weakened once every millions years during the blue moon, half of bayonetta gets dragged to paradiso and the other half of bayonetta gets taken to inferno. Some deus ex machina allows her to stay alive and be rebuilt with two distinct playstyles/movesets that oscillate and eventually combine during the finale.
This is the only Switch exclusive I'm actually interested in, so if it's confirmed to be a slideshow I'm calling it a hard pass.
Tell me to the face that the common public will care about that. They won't, they will only care if is "too hard" and that is why they put a literally called "journalist mode".
NoA has always been retarded with new IPs and non-bingbingwahoo franchises that don't sell themselves.
aren't twitch streams limited to 30fps inherently though?
No, twitch can do 60fps streaming
americans have no taste
The youtube stream was at 60fps. Even games like Luigi were running at 60. It was only the AC segments that halved
Since we're basically having a platinum thread anyway, I got some questions to ask. Why is Bayo 2 considered mechanically weaker than Bayo 1? Besides no infinite climax, a complaint often levied at it is that it's more easy and casual mode, but as I'm playing through it now on Infinite Climax, I find opponents like the Lumen Sage and Soths very exhausting fight, as their attacks are almost spontaneous and with little tells. Or is that the complaint is that the game is designed only for a casual playthrough and then falls apart at higher levels? Either way I'm enjoying Bayo 2 a lot, but I just finished chapter 10 the Depths, and that whole level was so exhausting that it just made me want to take a break for a while.
Has been a thing since the PS2, Xbox and gamecube. Hell, even some 5th gen games like F-Zero X and Wipeout ran at 60 fps. The idea that consoles are a poor shitters replacement for a computer is a phenomena that started in the 7th gen. There's nothing stopping any console game from running at 60 fps, besides developer priorities. You don't need PS4 level power to obtain 60 fps.
NSIC requires more intricate enemy design to make sure all enemies can be beaten without witch time, which manifests in a greater general encounter polish and better reactive gameplay
2 keeps witch time for all difficulties and it's required to damage certain bosses in any meaningful way. Juggling got nerfed and umbran climax removed any reason to do executions.
They're both excellent games and 2 seems like the better game if you only beat each once on normal difficulty.
The common public aren't aware or thinking about Platinum games so that point is irrelevant.
>Or is that the complaint is that the game is designed only for a casual playthrough and then falls apart at higher levels
Bingo. Bayo2 is a good game but I wouldn't no life it doing pure platinum runs like I did with Bayo1, it just isn't as fun for that.
you know what killed 60fps gaming or should I say gaming that actually feels smooth to play, going from CRT TVs to Digital TVs
Considering CRT TVs ran in interlaced mode the console was actually rendering 30fps while the phosphor persistency made it look as smooth as 60fps. Now that digital TVs run in progressive scan it's become a problem because consoles could never hit 60fps.
I haven't played Bayo 1 too much since it was suggested that Bayo 2 is actually an easier introduction to that gameplay loop so I'm trying to exploit Bayo 2 as much as possible before playing Bayo 1 again, but it seems to me like the game flips a switch difficulty wise from hard to IC. You get witch time permanently on, but there are a lot more hard to read animations like the shotgun demon niggas projectile path tell almost blending in with the level environment and just entire attacks where you can't even read what is happening until after it happened.
To be fair I've only had this problem with the hell chapters, which the game only gives you 4 chapters to play with these enemies types and whose coloration blends in a lot with the level environment. I don't have these problems with the Nu-angels or the OG ones they reintroduce in later levels.
People were talking about it when the e3 gameplay was shown and when that other video a few days ago was shown. You don't need constant threads everyday.
Its treehouse vids are among the most viewed ones, together they have like 700+K views.
>how the hell is this god eater inspired?
Simple hack n slash combat system, mission based structure, probability-based resource collecting and crafting, generic customizable avatar MC, apocalyptic setting with non-human and beast-like enemies, consumable items and a limited number of tries per mission ala MonHun/God Eater etc.
>how the hell are the characters anymore complicated than any others
Human characters' body proportions and features and the level of detail on clothing.
>and how does that affect whether or not fan art is made of the game
It requires extra work from the fan artists to depict the game's characters while somewhat remaining on model, besides the realistic (for modern anime standards) aesthetic clashing with the fan artists' styles (which are usually much more appealing and exagerated).
>They literally put this thing in their e3 presentation
A fleeting affair that loses relevance each passing year as the gaming industry continues going downhill.
>and gave it time in the treehouse afterwards
And so they did to Devil's Third.
Treehouse's coverage doesn't amount to much to the general public.
>they're doing about as much marketing as they have for something like luigis mansion
Which is sad for Luigi's Mansion 3' sake.
Look, if you have a better explanation or reasons as to why haven't the japanese made fan art and porn please post it.
>What's Splatoon?
>What's Xenoblade?
>What's Metroid?
>What's Kid Icarus?
>What's every single game featured in SSB?
Xenoblade 2 already has more porn than all those but pokemon.
Getting into Smash is like gaining pornographic immortality.
I really want Morrigan Aensland in Smash exactly for that reason
>Simple hack n slash combat system, mission based structure, probability-based resource collecting and crafting, generic customizable avatar MC, apocalyptic setting with non-human and beast-like enemies, consumable items and a limited number of tries per mission ala MonHun/God Eater etc.
so you're gonna throw out a bunch of general terms that relate to a bunch of games and claim it's copying just one game while ignoring things like the capture mechanics and chimeras that make it different from the others?
>Human characters' body proportions and features and the level of detail on clothing.
bayos legs are long as fuck but she got plenty of fan art
>It requires extra work from the fan artists to depict the game's characters while somewhat remaining on model, besides the realistic (for modern anime standards) aesthetic clashing with the fan artists' styles (which are usually much more appealing and exagerated).
fan artist are not required to copy a model 100% and usually they don't, they put their own spins and like you said adapt things to their art styles so it doesn't matter if the games art style is the sistine chapel or a stick figure.
>A fleeting affair that loses relevance each passing year as the gaming industry continues going downhill.
and it's somehow nintendos fault? it's still the premier place to show off your games and they gave it a slot.
>Treehouse's coverage doesn't amount to much to the general public.
it shows nintendos making an effort for the game
>Which is sad for Luigi's Mansion 3' sake.
and apparently every other game announced at e3 since you decided it doesn't amount to much.
>Look, if you have a better explanation or reasons as to why haven't the japanese made fan art and porn please post it.
why is that the metric for whether or not a game is being marketed well and has interest?
>God Eater
You got me. This looks nothing like God Eater whatsoever.
>Pokemon coming soon
Pokemon is fucking months after AC
Say that to FE.
because we only have a couple trailers and gameplay demos so far.
>things like the capture mechanics and chimeras that make it different from the others?
Two gimmicks that don't override the overall similarities.
>bayos legs are long as fuck but she got plenty of fan art
Bayonetta plays on the amazon fetish (and is dressed like a dominatrix), besides sexy poses and personality, wearing sexy alternate clothes and shit.
AC's MC looks like a half-asian chick with no personality, style or any quirk that could make her stand out (besides the bike shorts which are rather wasted on that common ass).
>so it doesn't matter if the games art style is the sistine chapel or a stick figure
It does, specially when the source material characters look like quasirealistic hapa teenagers in futuristic armored suits instead of more iconic or attention drawing characters like the ones that usually inspire the most doujins.
>and it's somehow nintendos fault? it's still the premier place to show off your games and they gave it a slot.
Of course not (If anything Nintendo is doing more than either Sony or MS to promote japanese games), but E3's growing irrelevance adds to the game's lack of visibility among japanese gamers.
Japan cares mostly about the TGS and cares little about the E3 unless we're talking about a game from an already established franchise (E.g. Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, etc).
>why is that the metric for whether or not a game is being marketed well and has interest?
Because there's a direct correlation between marketing budget and resulting popularity among the masses, and AC (or any japanese game with an "anime" aesthetic) not getting even a couple of doujins is probably a very bad sign regarding its popularity in Japan.
>setting/aesthetic looks like just another generic apocalyptic future
I don't think you know what apocalyptic means
Sorry buddy, nobody wants to make porn of a board of wood. Smash is a porn saint but not a miracle worker.
>most switch exclusives run at 60 fps
>lists 2 wii-u games
Obvious bait, but i'll byte because i'm okay with keeping the thread alive if there's a possibility of more interesting posts.
>"Humanity’s last chance against an interdimensional invasion is a special living weapon called the Legion. As a rookie officer in the elite police task force Neuron, you and your Legion will work together to solve cases and save humankind."
And as for solutions for the lack of porn, if you're so pressed by it I suggest leading by example by drawing or comissioning art and posting it here and on 2chan.
The Wii-U is similar in power, that's why I said Nintendo consoles. The Wii U games actually load faster and run more stable on Switch.
>Two gimmicks that don't override the overall similarities.
similarities many games share but somehow make it so AC is copying GE
>Bayonetta plays on the amazon fetish (and is dressed like a dominatrix), besides sexy poses and personality, wearing sexy alternate clothes and shit.
and to the same extent it can be claimed that the female twin plays to the woman in uniform fetish
>It does, specially when the source material characters look like quasirealistic hapa teenagers in futuristic armored suits instead of more iconic or attention drawing characters like the ones that usually inspire the most doujins
doujins are extremely rare for even extremely high selling and popular IPs even japanese ones, it's also a completely separate thing from just regular fan art which you were talking about before. and doujins are still subject to the artist personal art style meaning the designs can again be as "quasiealistic" as it wants and the artist could still make it more in his style.
>Of course not (If anything Nintendo is doing more than either Sony or MS to promote japanese games), but E3's growing irrelevance adds to the game's lack of visibility among japanese gamers.
there's an entire world outside of japan to market to and e3 is still considered important in terms of seeing new games to that outside world.
>Because there's a direct correlation between marketing budget and resulting popularity among the masses, and AC (or any japanese game with an "anime" aesthetic) not getting even a couple of doujins is probably a very bad sign regarding its popularity in Japan.
again with the switch from fan art to doujins, like i said doujins are rare for even extremely popular ip's, they have the world to pick from and just because a brand new ip doesn't automatically get one it doesn't mean the marketing is failing or no one is excited for the game.
Because it's yet another shitty game made by Platinum.
I just got it from amazon uk. I think they just recently added it.
meant for
LOL no.
They better not be pulling some Nero bullshit with Bayo 3. The moment these games stop starring Cereza is the moment I'm done.
We know its good because platinum but the world is too boring.
>all these clueless idiots
Is the Shikishi board just a print?
LOL yes.
>God eater
You are insane, this is more a resurrection of an old PS2 game called Chaos Legion.
>randomly trying to promote Xenoblade 2 in a non-Xenoblade thread
Don't give Xeno shill any replies, folks
But you are the only one replying about xenoblade 2.
Why not? Even if it leads to new gameplay styles? Bayonetta is already pretty well represented through the first two games.
>Even if it leads to new gameplay styles?
Just give that to Cereza. Why would you need to invent a shit new character?
lmao so obvious. Don't you have hourly porn threads to spam?
>more platinumshit
will either be revengeance-tier good or a forgettable clone like the others
how do you know they would be shit? Not that I particularly care, I'm just not that invested in the plot of Bayonetta.
Because it is on the shitty Switch and looks terrible on it. Its really sad that platinum action games that interest me, like Bayo 3, are stuck on a console, and the lowest spec one to boot.
>you need to create a new character (read: the old character but no personality) to have a new gameplay style
Why do people think this?
Who are you quoting?
>how do you know they would be shit?
Because that's literally the only way for it to go? That's why every single "successor" character is either utter shit or just a watered down version of the OG. Like Nero.
>similarities many games share but somehow make it so AC is copying GE
Yes, and it's not only AC. The influence of Monster Hunter (and therefore God Eater, its first anime ripoff) reached at least a few ttiles outside of its franchise, hence why AC has the features I listed instead of resembling more something like Bayonetta or MGR:R.
>and to the same extent it can be claimed that the female twin plays to the woman in uniform fetish
Yeah, but as a package Bayo wipes the floor with them by several miles (Amazon, leather-looking dominatrix clothing, high heels, glasses, impetuous sexy personality and dominant but flirty behaviour, prominent cleavage and DAT ASS, sexy posing including contorting her body during certain attacks, seductive voice, older sister/motherly allure and a long etc).
>doujins are extremely rare for even extremely high selling and popular IPs even japanese ones
Ok, point taken. Why is there no lewd japanese fan art then?
>Chaos Legion.
Now there is a very obscure game, why it never took of? It was a Capcom game.
the guy claiming that You can't give new gameplay to Bayonetta
Who said that?
Bayonetta isn't really made to be sexy. She's made to be an over the top "what if we turned a bunch of feminine/supermodel concepts into a super hero". Displaying her sexuality on her sleeve is just an inherent part of her extravagant femininity
>Yes, and it's not only AC. The influence of Monster Hunter (and therefore God Eater, its first anime ripoff) reached at least a few ttiles outside of its franchise, hence why AC has the features I listed instead of resembling more something like Bayonetta or MGR:R.
Again you're taking general gameplay elements an claiming the game is a ripoff because it contains those elements when other games unlike MH and GE also contain those same elements, also you realize MH was initially a ripoff of phantasy star which is a very anime game?
> Yeah, but as a package Bayo wipes the floor with them by several miles (
to you, there are those out there who care more for the woman in uniform look than the dominatrix look
>Ok, point taken. Why is there no lewd japanese fan art then?
i don't know, it's not something i've looked into but why is lewd fan art your metric for interest in a game?
You might be able to play on PC via Yuzu (Switch Emu) but not on the launch date.
You may be right on the visual side of things but I think the gameplay looks great. I like the spacial awareness you need with the legion and the chain, and how you need to attack certain parts of enemies to do extra damage. It's got ARPG elements but I'm fine with that; Platinum not using the Bayo template over and over is a good thing (despite W101 and TFD being fantastic while doing just that).
It's based on a light novel. Might have rights issues. Still a nice game with simple but cool mechanics.
That's question about why can't there be a new character, not a statement declaring that Bayonetta cannot receive new abilities. You seem confused user.
Nope. He's completely right. The claim was they need to make a new character if they want new gameplay styles. Maybe don't be an ESL
Right, this isnt DMC5
Nintendo does it again making another qt black chick unlike the racist westerner "AAA" games doing afro blacks over and over
I swear to god, if the girls doesn't have long hair options...
Why ask? He obviously he is.
You can't actually source that and are getting caught up in projection, no need to get upset over such a triviality. Asking why can't there be new characters isn't some attack declaring Bayonetta can't get new abilities, get over yourself.
I can already tell this game threads will be nothing but shitposting.
lemme guess that edition is europe only right?
>an claiming the game is a ripoff
I've never made such a claim, just that the game's inspired by GE.
>to you, there are those out there who care more for the woman in uniform look than the dominatrix look
That's right. You know what would help? Knowing japanese artists who hold a special liking for futuristic uniformed chicks (I know of the policewoman moe but it seems to be focused on female detectives and comtemporary officers)
>why is lewd fan art your metric for interest in a game?
Because a game's popularity increases the likelihood of it getting a sequel, and AC being an anime themed niche game means in order to drive the japanese audience and the local anime fans to buy it en masse you either need the game being outstanding, belong to an already established franchise (not possible being the first game) or having enough shine, style or eyecandy (Either by its visual fidelity or things like fan service) to immediatly stand out and bring people's attention. And also because i have a dick.
There's nothing to talk about. It comes out in like a month.
Yeah. Japan has one also. NA got the shaft on this one and Links Awakening.
cause I'm ready.
Where's my Zetman legion
Hopefully we get an English version of this around early August to generate some hype.
Idk, why should I be interested in it?
What is Nintendo of America's problem?
toy link is CUTE!
Why do this feel like this is more of PC/PS4 player mad that it's not on their console?
Resting, so when the game comes out we can shut up any shitposters with JUSTICE.
collector's editions are a waste of money. Only cool thing you ever get is an artbook, but you'll only look at it 2 or 3 times then it collects dust.
>- Masakazu Katsura's realistic drawing style hasn't been in fashion for decades
Fuck off
tell that to the 3 fallout 4, 3 xenoblade 2, 2 yakuza 6, and 4 fallout 76 collector editions i've flipped in the past couple of years.
i love scalping
Astral Chain is as close as you're gonna get to a Jojo game where you can actually do stand things with your stand.
I got a voucher ready and waiting for it.
Gonna be more of a JoJo game than EoH
>astral chain inspired by god eater
Play more games retard
Judge Dredd would be...disappointed because the law breaker is still alive!
>I've never made such a claim, just that the game's inspired by GE.
again because of extremely general gameplay terms found in many games before GE
>That's right. You know what would help? Knowing japanese artists who hold a special liking for futuristic uniformed chicks
your point? my point was you're making assumptions that x is better than y based of your personal preference.
>Because a game's popularity increases the likelihood of it getting a sequel
and the only thing that determines this is how many lewds are made of the game and not the actual sales.
>and AC being an anime themed niche game means in order to drive the japanese audience and the local anime fans to buy it en masse you either need the game being outstanding, belong to an already established franchise (not possible being the first game) or having enough shine, style or eyecandy (Either by its visual fidelity or things like fan service) to immediatly stand out and bring people's attention.
and since apparently the game can't be the first it needs to have porn in order to succeed? Also you seem to think this game is being marketed as a weeb game and not as an action game, it has a anime art style but that doesn't mean it's an "anime themed niche game."
That's a lot for a small altercation.
This gonna be good
What do you do?
>August 30th
>Go pickup my pre-order of Astral Chain Collector's Edition
>$100+tax but I think it's worth it
>3+ month wait finally over
>Come home
>Turn on Nintendo Switch hooked to my 65" TV
>Game starts, looks amazing
>5 minutes in
>Joystick starts to drift
>Get killed several times because my character moves to the left randomly
>Impossible to play
>I throw the Switch against the wall and breaks
It's not fair bros
>Joystick starts to drift
Yeah I'm getting mad about my right joycon doing this shit
So is there customization confirmed? Are there other outfits?
>my point was you're making assumptions that x is better than y based of your personal preference
I'm not since taste is subjective, but when it comes to a game's commercial success, something (for example certain or a combination of features/quirks on the main characters) that is more popular is more likely to sell than otherwise.
>and the only thing that determines this is how many lewds are made of the game and not the actual sales
Fan art, specially of its lewd variety, is an indicator of anime styled future sales. It's of course not the only one, but it's one you can easily see because the production of lewds serves not only a gauge of how passionate can people get from it but it also works as promo material among audiences which are well known for their horniness such as anime games' target demographics.
>it needs to have porn in order to succeed?
It's not a absolute necessity, but given the kind of audiences that might buy the game (Anime fans) it would be foolish to assume lewd fan art wouldn't help greatly to increase its visibility and the 'word of mouth' effect (E.g. You can safely bet on Atelier Ryza selling well above the game's original expectations thanks to the highly positive reaction from anime fans to its MC). Yes, fan art is free, but buying games with your dick is real and can make a huge difference when it comes to niche titles.
>it has a anime art style but that doesn't mean it's an "anime themed niche game."
It's a third person hack n slash with anime characters that doesn't belong to an existing franchise and that not many people seem to care about. It even has very few threads on here, the most popular weeb imageboard.
What kind of sales can you honestly expect when neither the japanese public or western weebs seem to really give a shit?
I'm worried that there will only be one attack button and it won't have the depth of the good platinum games like bayo 1 or w101
> are well known for their horniness such as anime games' target demographics.
>It's not a absolute necessity, but given the kind of audiences that might buy the game (Anime fans)
again why is this an anime game, why is it only targeting japs and weebs? because of the art style or because you say it is?
>and that not many people seem to care about. It even has very few threads on here, the most popular weeb imageboard.
by your metrics which are how many lewds are drawn of it, as another user pointed out the treehouse videos on the game were some of the most popular on youtube. also Yea Forums isn't exactly a good metric to gauge how popular a game is since the only games/topics that get multiple continuous threads varies from day to day, the last few days had several battle network threads but there hasn't been one all day that doesn't mean there's no interest in the series.
Is you nigtarded?
no matter how good it is I doubt it could be a big success
it's too complex and "weird" for normies, the most "complex" thing normies will like is mashing buttons randomly to kill everything on screen like dmc5 so they feel they're doing awesome
>why is this an anime game, why is it only targeting japs and weebs?
Because the anime aesthetic and teenage MCs atracts anime fans (both japanese and western), and that in combination with not belonging to an already established franchise scares normies (Who can't justify to their friends enjoying something that could be deemed as weebish unless it already has a 'cult following' status of some kind).
>by your metrics
My metrics are anything that denotes popularity.
Derivative works/porn being made of a game is one of them, just like the amount and the length of the threads discussing it, which increase or at least keep the game's visibility either directly or indirectly.
Lack of derivative works and people positively talking about the games or its elements is most likely not a good sign.
But that's enough talk, enjoy the rest of the thread.
Did you even watch a single gameplay vid?
I don't get framerate fags
Bloodborne is easily one of the best games of the generation and it's 30fps
that actually sounds pretty good
how do the controls and combos work?
it's hard to tell by just looking at a stream
I can't stand katsura's artstyle. There's just something about it that put me off from reading I's or zetman.
Plus there's this really weird filter over the game that just makes it look like a mess.
Watch DNA'2 and come back.
>it's hard to tell
What's hard to tell, are you just blind or something?
Bloodborne is good despite being at 30 fps. It's performance cripples the overall quality of the game, and it more accurately runs at 24 fps since it's so poorly optimized, which is probably From's fault for bad priorities and programming.
>Because the anime aesthetic and teenage MCs atracts anime fans
but that doesn't make it an anime game and it doesn't mean it's the market they're targeting
>Derivative works/porn being made of a game is one of them,
seems to be the major one for you
>just like the amount and the length of the threads discussing it
which again my argument debunks by Yea Forums's very nature and the example i gave