An E-celeb cheating on his wife isn't videogames

>An E-celeb cheating on his wife isn't videogames
>An E-celeb killing himself is videogames. In fact it's so videogames we need to sticky the thread

WTF is wrong with mods? Why can't they moderate this place properly instead of ERPing in their nintendo circlejerk discord servers.
inb4 this thread gets deleted

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Mods are fags. Its a proven fact.

Mods suck Nintendo cock bro

The thought process is it's better to have one containment thread than have the board flooded with 100 different posts.

Stickies are containment threads.

complaining about it isn't vg, kys

Its awful and hypocritical

actual retards.
>one containment thread vs 100 threads because all of Yea Forums is underage

>WTF is wrong with mods?
virtue signalling cause hes a nigger and it looks good for 4chans ad sponsers

Mods are niggers/faggots/trannies/babies insert buzzword here

>TotalBiscuit didn't get a sticky
>Projared didn't get a containment sticky, instead it was a sticky saying e-celebs are Yea Forums tier garbage
>Aniki didn't get a sticky until 3 other boards did
>Mods keep up Sony hate threads, while 404ing Nintendo hate threads
The absolute STATE

I'm a nintendo shill redditor cuck and even I think eceleb threads don't belong here

>TB dies
>all threads get deleted, no sticky
>Etika dies

4channel has been co-opted and you'll all just screech about /pol/lacks even though they speak the truth

Keep seething snoys. This place is owned by us nintenbros.

This. OP’s just trying to get Yea Forums street cred by bitching about niggers and mods

They stickied it because the e-celeb loving zoomers have been spamming the threads for days now, so they figured it was easier to just keep it all in one thread and let it run it's course.

>Containment thread within a containment board

Big brain

>TotalBiscuit didn't get a sticky
Yes he did. it was gay.

Literally who is the nigger in the sticky and why is it a sticky?

No he didn't.

TB was a fag
Etika was based

It’s smash related. This is a smash board.

>bu-but stickies are containment threads
Absolute state of the anons sucking off the mods, if they're containment threads, why are the mods selective with what is contained, and what gets deleted and redirected?

its a sticky because its a nigger


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It's been proven Jared's ex was lying and exaggerating only to end his career.
A clmeback is possible for him.
There's no comeback for Etika

Who fucking cares? Would you really prefer three dozen Etika threads clogging up the catalog like yesterday?

Etika was an oldfag who posted here for years

gas mods
then why didn't projared get a sticky?

Etika killing himself is more serious than someone cheating, he was a good streamer and he will be missed.

>An E-celeb cheating on his wife isn't videogames
>An E-celeb killing himself is videogames.

It's well known that sexual themes are frowned upon in videogames while violent themes are encouraged and honored.

the fuss over projared wasnt as big
people almost never bring it up now but this etika shit will last fucking forever i bet

I'd prefer it if the mods had some consistency instead of being selective with what they choose to pin, because that shows a bias.

At the end of the day, moda can do whatever the fuck they want and completely disregard rules.

This website isn't a government website or something. I don't know why people are getting so triggered over that shitty sticky. Just ignore it.

Since this thread is shit anyways,

TotalBiscuit was more video games than this fucking streamer faggot, and he didn’t get a sticky.

>nintendo guy gets disgraced and gets mass negative coverage
>"i-i-i-i-it's n-not videogames"
>nintendo guy khs gets mass sympathy coverage
When are we getting a nintendo board?

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don't forget you couldn't talk about the resetera pedo ring either, probably because the mods are all moot's old SA buddies and pedos too

the Sticky was made to stop endless threads about him

You are part of the problem op

>dey can do wat dey want
Basic bitch response, not an argument.

Like that stops people
I mean, if it does, why didn't TotalCancer and ProJared get a sticky?

>Killing himself because can't accept reality

More like faggot

"e-celebs aren't vidya" only seems to apply to people who try to give actual game reviews and industry criticism, faggots who just scream at the camera are openly encouraged.

Who the fuck is this bloke literally never heard of him?

A man died dude have some respect

he never cheated on his wife because it was a open relationship

Stickies don't really curtail thread spamming. You would know this if you weren't retarded.

smashtard nig

A faggot died

Nintendo fans

I’ve been banned multiple times for talking shit about Nintendo

ProJared is cringe, Etika is based. RIP Desmond

And yet the second anything Nintendo happens, a sticky pops up. The sticky does nothing besides advertises the mods bias towards Nintendo though since Banjo flooded the board for 2 days.

Did FF7 R Tifa get a sticky? That sure got a lot of threads to warrant "containment".

remind me , how much do tranny jannies get paid?

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I think the most comedic thing is that TB didn't get a sticky when he died despite all the bitching about it.

Pretty much this. There's a Nintendo bias on this board.
>e-celeb bad
>Nintendo e-celeb sticky

>a retarded nigger who's only merit was attention whoring deserved an sticky

I'm too old for this board

why not just make an eceleb board? just call it /incel/ - internet celebrities like an user in another thread suggested

The mods just didn't want to look at Jared's cock.

I'm so out of the loop that I dont even know who that guy is

Come on, man. Etika is dead and all you can do is post shit about video games? You heartless cunt.

You fucking cunt. ETIKA IS DEAD.

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t. mod
fuck off faggot

They do it for free (while taking their job very seriously.)

You're posting on it right now :)


>some faggots being unfaithful is more important than someone fucking dying
Seriously, what's wrong with you?

>a man
No, a negro died

are you kidding, no one even knows who this nigger is

it's some dumb fag that's only good at screaming at nintendo directs

Mods have been antagonistic against the userbase of this site for a long time.

Not only is it not videogames, it has nothing to do with the board or the site as a whole.

Fuck i hate smash.
Without it’s Nintendo characters it would just be seen as a meh fighting game change my mind.

By talking shit do you really mean posting the exact same “hilarious” anal vore pictures that have been spammed ten million times

Neither one is video games

Literally who

Based and FPBPpilled.

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Doesn't Tojo pay those blokes minimum wage or something?

I normally get threads that would clog up the board getting stickies, but yeah I don't get the projared thing.

they stickied this shit because you retards can't fucking stop making eceleb threads even when you're told it's against the rules

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So are we allowed to make all kind of e-celeb threads now?

No one of sound mind gives a fuck.


then delete them you lazy shits
that's literally your free job


No one of sound mind posts on Yea Forums either.