Shadowbringers in 3 days yo.
Shadowbringers in 3 days yo
Other urls found in this thread:
I cannot wait for this new upcoming video game releasing soon.
Man, with news of Etika's death I don't think I'll be able to play for a week.
I've gotten literally every bit of prep done that I care to do and am just stuck here shitposting for the next three days. I'm going to die.
So will we be able to download the patch as soon as maintenance starts
>last thread got autosaged 50 posts in
A few hours in. Then trannies will start posting data mines for ecred
Is it possible for me to get my pyros weapon in two days, having never done Eureka before?
Can we talk about how god-tier the ost for this game is? It's refreshing to play a fantasy mmo with actual range and experimental tracks.
And here I am, still all the way back just after getting Cid his airship back in ARR. I'd be a bit more gung-ho in playing through the story to catch up, but considering Squeenix doesn't have any copies of the collector's edition available, I'm a little less hyped than I otherwise would be.
And before anyone says it, I know it's a waste of money, but I like collecting shit like that figure and the art book. Bite me.
not enough wow posting for the jannie to not realise its not a wow thread
Show some respect for Etika you fucking weebs.
Not until 5 or 6 hours later.
It's the one mmo I havent muted
I can't play till I build a new PC. This sucks.
Absolutely, if you don't half-ass it.
Your weapon will likely be subpar, though. Light grind would take longer than 2 days.
I still can't believe what they did for Lakshimi's battle. They even make the characters bollywood dance. Yoshida's a madman
Go jump off a bridge loser.
Use your PS4pro
Why the hell would I own that garbage?
>People are excited to raid
>In ESO and Final Fantasy XIV
I seriously do not understand
Are you ready for levelling roulette?
They already hold the record for most unique tracks in a single video game, and it's just going to keep on growing as the game continues. Too bad cutscenes will still use the same five songs over and over.
goddamn I'm tired of reading about this shit - it feels like this has been 'about to release' for fucking half a year now
To play video games
8 man content is not raiding.
Why do people do such inane things for attention?
Just close 4channel nigga hahahaha
nothing more depressing than a 60yo asian man trying to dress like is 19
remind me again why not-Yda is suddenly a nation's leader
Reminder to do MSQ first as everything is locked behind it.
>They already hold the record for most unique tracks in a single video game
That actually belongs to Runescape.
>remind me again why not-Yda is suddenly a nation's leader
It was her turn.
I tried. I really tried to do it before the new expansion, but I could only bear to get my elemental level to 24.
The Eureka dream is over, along with any hopes of ever getting the armour.
Fuck the weapons though.
remember to log out inside the rising stones
I would play it if it wasnt fucking €40 + sub + €35 for the new expansion.
She totally earned it bro. Remember all that time where she was not fighting for Ala Mhigo before Stormblood? Remember that time she was angry the dirt poor farmers that have been beaten and broken beyond belief didn't want to fight? Remember that time the resistance leader just handed her the title of leader for no particular reason?
She was the best fist clencher
Tell me what he did for the community.
Did you try doing actual research before shitting out that post of yours
How do we fix clipping
What, is the content going away when Shadowbringers releases? I'm so fucking far behind in the story because I get so easily distracted and play so seldom, so I have no idea what you're even talking about.
>lyse, I'm dying. someone must replace me as the resistance's leader
>okay, I'll go ge-
>it's you
>what? I'm not ready to lead anything.
>you must. it's your destiny.
>uh, alright then.
>well we liberated ala mhigo. I guess that means it's up to me to fix it since I'm the resistance leader, though I'm not really cut out for this.
>it's okay, you'll do fine, lyse.
>uh, alright then.
>several fuck ups later
>holy shit, I'm so bad at this.
>don't worry lyse, you're doing fine.
>well alright
I personally think she's just a figure head and Naago is really leading.
I checked on steam you autistic sperg.
Its €40 for base+stormblood.
Its €35 for shadowbringers.
And add a sub ontop of that.
What exactly will be in the patch notes
Short hair and swim suits only.
The angels graze in the meadows of excess,
They must needs go that the devils drive!
god her render and character model are so awful, literally every default NPC hyur female looks better
Not him but it's still 40 + sub
It's not going away but there will be a lot fewer people to group up with to do it since they'll all be getting whatever shiny glowy stuff shadowbringers has.
Shadowbringers comes with Stormblood retard
Yeah I know. He posted something stupidly inaccurate.
Pay my sub for me and I'll make a bunny girl on your server and play with you!
Not on steam, retard.
Its two separate fucking entities.
The "Complete Edition" bundle only comes with FFXIV and Stormblood.
Oh, it'll still be there, but it'll just be horrendous if you want to get any of the gear from it, since the most expedient (still slow) way of progressing them is doing group content, like FATEs or trains.
If you want to do Eureka just for the story, it'd still be fine; just run in once a week and smash out your challenge logs.
I prefer lionboys, sorry.
I don’t know she’s pretty hot to me
LOL you get what you deserve faggot
That's 100% okay and I support your choice!
You got proven wrong and you sperg out.
Oh, gotcha. Yeah, I'm at that point for the entire game since I just don't dedicate anywhere near enough time to get to current content. In situations like that, FCs are the only way to go, and it's kind of hard to find one if you don't already know someone in/running one. Sure there are FCs that invite people all the time, but they don't always end up being a good fit.
Retard, please read.
>>>>>Playing on Steam
Ah, so you ARE retarded.
how does it feel being fucking retarded?
It won't "unlock" prior expansions until ShB's release date. You only need the Starter edition and ShB. Don't buy it on Steam.
>just started hw
>everyone and their mother is getting ready for ShB
H-have fun guys
I'm a woman (female).
Advertising was a mistake
I want to EB Lyse!
Because her dad and sister were well-known and well-liked resistance heroes, so she makes a good figurehead while Raubahn does all the real work
>tfw ingame model has no tits because unique model was apparently too much work
God is this really what we’re going to have to deal with when ShB drops? More retarded WoWfugees that can’t read basic text.
uh how old are the elf twins, asking for a friend
There is literally no problem playing the steam version, the subscription is even cheaper for some regions because of steam pricing.
SE store is awful.
Okay. That's still fine! Hrothgar at pretty cool.
Heavensward is free now. Don't worry about the other anons giving you shit. It was an honest mistake.
Just don't feel pressured rushing through HW.
Lol console gamer. And thats still over €60 for a really old game. Plus a SUB.
They're still selling them separate. Also who clicks on a DLC? And thats literally under "Read more" trying to scam their customers.
Found the zoomer who cant afford a PC.
steam goes down or they ban your steam account, you can't play.
The game isn't going anywhere, take your time. But sorry in advance for your moogle quests.
>other formats PC download
Stop posting retard
Old enough.
Why does your “friend” want to know?
Late teens. Elves don't turn into giraffes until 20 or so.
Idk looks like a PS4 copy to me and you're not showing prices for other formats.
Still its €70 bare minimum for an old game with a new expansion. Meanwhile other mmos: €5 tops + latest expansion, totaling maybe €30-40 incl sub.
>Calls other people a zoomer
>Has microscopic problem solving and observational skills
Yeah you really don't know because you're braindead
Don't you want to seem them all grown up in 7.0?
>there are furresses in this very thread
>they're here right now
They gave out the base game and heavensward free for several months this year. Anyone who's complaining now is a retard trying to hop on the hype train a few days before release.
Still €70+ for a old game.
>Observational skills, not my fault steam sells two expansions trying to scam their users and the fact its included is hidden in some text under a "read more" bit.
Besides you're not exactly proving me wrong eithe regarding price point.
>You're retarded if you dont spend every hour of your day hunting for freebies.
Besides that was a Prime only thing no? Yeah not paying for that in EU.
>Still its €70 bare minimum
Starter edition is 10 euros while ShB (and comes with 30 days) and 40 euros for ShB.
Gets your facts straight:
DX9/32-bit will be unsupported in 2 days.
Please look forward to it.
Free trial with a throwaway email allowed you to redeem it scott-free
Not buying shit from their site.
And you cant do math very well.
Literally who?
And they still won't fix any of the horrendous textures
>server hopping to rp
>mods promoting a literal who eceleb's suicide
>while constantly trying to shut down threads about FFXIV's next expansion releasing in just a few days
Please stop posting this soulless trash goblin's face in every thread
Remember to drink your fantasia before logging out
Old enough for this dick
Don't complain, it got her to leave the Scions and now we don't have to deal with her.
Haha, imagine if they switched outfits, that'd be so silly haha.
She's not the leader though
Good thing they're both available on Steam. Not even close to 70 Euros.
>And you cant do math very well.
What? You're the one being a fucking retard that doesn't read the product page, just ZOOM ZOOM GOTTA BUY.
I remember the first time she tried to rally a small group of her people and their reaction was literally "wait, who the fuck are you?" Funniest shit in the entire expansion.
Really? What the fuck?
I agree. My first point of contact with the game might have been the OST, actually. Someone posted Locus from Alexander in a music thread here years ago. Probably listened to it 50 times over time after that. It made for good workout music.
When I picked up the game in 2018 my entire MSQ run was spent excited for Alexander so I could finally experience it in-context.
And then it turned out it was just one of dozens of stand-out tracks. I should have known better since it was an FF title, but I did not expect that for an MMO.
The version on the new Journeys album is really good too. 99% sure it's the same woman who did Dragonsong and Answers.
Why does everyone seem to hang at Limsa?
3 Words:
Closest teleport to a marketboard, unless you have a house or apartment.
market is close to the aetheryte and GC headquarters are easily accessible
Why's it even a surprise?
Runecape's been going on for the better half of two decades and had over 1200 tracks since 2017. They (rightfully) claimed their record mere months after XIV.
teleport crystal next to the marketboard and retainers
Reminder that even the game's developers don't give a fuck about White Mage
>GC headquarters are easily accessible
It's the least accessible of all the GCs.
what's the objective aoe damage tier list
Or WHM is fine and you're just bitching because you're fucking garbage.
It technically got the least remarkable shit again (MORE GCD heals but this time with a pay-off and a Largesse replacement since they removed it) but the way they handled AST and SCH overshadowed it and made it look "not so bad".
Holy shit. Does RS still make money?
I never really took it seriously since I only played it during class like 14 years ago.
>lore claims vieras are rare
>ShB drops
>viera population increased by 1000%
BLM > SMN > POWER GAP > Everyone else
S Rank: BLM, SMN
B Rank: Rest
How many of you are going to play DNC?
A lot according to reddit.
Between the market board and the old waking sands shortcut its a habit to teleport there if I need to do something in a main city.
Market board proximity is even more prominent now with world visit. Can hop over to another server and move about 10 feet to check the price of whatever I'm after and then hop again if the price isn't to my liking.
So what is going to be the MT of ShB?
Not during the MSQ, maybe when patch 5.1 drops.
All trannies will be DNC.
All faggots will be DNC.
According to Yea Forums everyone is either a tranny or a faggot.
it's always fucking WAR
I don't even play a healer you knee jerking faggot
It won't be the first job I level but it'll be the only DPS I play.
At least there will be a lore accurate amount of male Viera.
Nobody is playing RS3 besides whales, but Oldschool Runescape is doing really well for itself, has a dedicated development team that constantly interacts with its users, was recently released on mobile and is really active.
It's very much alive.
It's tempting because I don't have any ranged DPS and femlala
But I'm a little too hipster to play something that popular
>Same picture get reposted in every thread
>It's never the same filename
Well, that's an easy choice to make at least.
Maybe not for MSQ but I want to level it and at least try it. Will probably level it to 70 first and ride the HoH train while everyone else is doing it too.
When are Squadrons getting a Job?
That's bizarre.
Anyways, how many unique pieces of music does XIV have?
Then why do you care? Fuck off, tranny.
>playing video games
>Buying physical version
Nigga why
>Or WHM is fine
Thats still over €55 with the sub though.
Expensive for an old ass game with dated visuals.
randomize filename is an option, user.
If you played from now for ever minute until servers go down then no. You definitely don't have enough time.
I'll try it, to learn how it play and what not, same for GNB.
I want to but only female characters really seem to fit the profile. I might go Hrothgar dancer, but that seems fucking stupid.
what prep did you do?
You certainly enjoy stirring shit about it though.
don't you have any other videogames to play, user?
The Starter Pack comes with 30 days though.
I'm so lonely on ultros, Bros. My fc is dead, and no one invite me to linkshell anymore.
SEX with ALISAE when?
Based nigga probably bought the collector's edition. What a stud.
Because I have friends that do, And you of course spew fucking tranny instead of attempting to actually engage in a conversation. Fuck off.
Quickened it gone. :^)
>Hotel Uldahnda
after sex with khloe
lala to viera time soon
>see a sick ass mch glam
>they're wearing Makai Marksman's Battlegarb
>look it up
>male only
Reminder that Lyse sucks you off every chance she gets, you literally had quest objectives to talk to every City leader and get your congratulations from them, and every Ala Mhigger in 4.1 calls you the liberator.
Lyse may not deserve her position, but the WoL got the props he deserved.
Who plays for just a single month
>Moving goalposts
Same as secrets of the lilly II.
Doesn't change the fact they started almost as the same trait but one got salvaged asap when the other was left to rot.
That trait is gone, and they're not even analogous.
Then you have whiny garbage friends. What exactly is there to discuss if you don't play healer and don't understand how they play? Why are you posting outrage if you don't even have context beyond whatever whining your shitter friends feed you?
>tanks no longer have to gimp their damage to hold aggro
>its not going to be uncommon for a tank to be the highest dps in the group because most dps players are shit
>finally the chad tanks will show the dpslets who the real main character is
>couldn't do research himself on prices
>lacks the ability to read properly
>brings up graphics
How old are you. Give me an honest answer
>playing a female character like some fucking homo
Try the /vg/ thread you'll fit right in
>tfw the male viera thread on the OF is still going strong
>its mostly some angry autist yelling at people and a bunch of fags who can't let go
honestly I genuinely hope they don't introduce male viera, I feel the air of mystery surrounding them is more appealing than they actual are.
whos going to say the titular line SHADOWNIGGERS?
kiss me
>tanks no longer have to gimp their damage to hold aggro
They already didn't have to.
The Heavensward voice changes are okay enough, but I really miss ARR Raubahn, and nu-Yugiri sounds awkward
I hope 6.0 has FFX cameos/theme
then play a singleplayer game or some free to play south korean garbage that tries to nickel and dime you at every opportunity.
Thank you, I don't care much for Lyse but she far from ever said "I did all this :)" and it's ridiculous that one cutscene (presumably one where the WoL purposely lets her walk ahead because she is the leader of the Resistance and it signifies more) makes people say "wtf she took all the credit"
What food will you be using to level up with to 80?
Not-G'raha will.
I hope theres a quest about finding a male viera and we never do
>and nu-Yugiri sounds awkward
her voice changes again since her VA died
Your nan's pussy
Yugiri changes again so don't get used to it.
on paladin if i switch to sword oath in a boss fight even while doing my dps rotation 100% correctly i can lose aggro. paladin being the only tank that doesnt have enmity gen on a damaging combo fucks them over hard.
It feels like GNB was supposed to be a dps tank, do you think they will buff it to the most damage out of the tanks?
wrong unless you're some faggot that doesn't have the game on a SSD.
I'm still stuck in the filler quests between ARR and Heavensward. Gonna take longer for me, too, since I've decided to level a new class since I rather dislike my current one, but at least it's a smidge faster with the bonus XP.
Probably because WHMs are used to be treated like broken housewives at this point that they don't screech hard enough and I'm pretty sure they keep trying to pitch WHM as the "beginner" healer job so they treat adding any sort of complexity or mechanics to it like an anathema.
I don't think it's any secret there's some job favouritism among the dev team though. I wouldn't be surprised if SCH gets an ED substitute 2-4 weeks into the expansion.
People skip cutscenes but act like experts about the plot, user. What did you expect.
WAR never uses his enmity combo while on DPS stance, my dude.
DRK uses his enmity combo once or twice and then he dSOULEATER SOULEATER SOULEATER SOULEATER SOULEATER.
>don't need to clip a GCD to turn off grit or waste a GCD to turn on sword oath any more
Take your time. Don't rush the MSQ too much, once you "catch up", you will be bored after 2 weeks of roulettes and relic grind.
Grinding my miner right now.
On the guide it says that Light Kidney Rock has unlocked a collectable, but I can't seem to turn that in through the appraisers?
Explain how WHM is fine compared to the other healers then, since all I've heard the entire expansion from everyone I've discussed this with here and elsewhere have said that SCH and AST are both better than WHM and have been for the entire expansion except for right at launch, and SCH got its issues fixed before the first raid tier was even a thing.
>secrets of the lily II if done properly could allow WHM to drop assize and asylum more often increasing their pdps
>post buff quickened aetherflow allowed SCH to drop more energy drains effectively increasing their pdps
>not analogous
You don't even play healer, why are you even talking out of your ass?
>Playing a male character
Gay bar called, they said you left your blood stained boxer briefs in the stall.
I mean I'm sure it's mostly shitposting but you know what they say about pretending to be retarded.
That doesn't change the fact the other two are practically right next to their Aetherytes with no additional clicking or loading screens.
Lionmommies and Bunbois:
>never ever
What're you lads doing before SHB drops?
I'm just trying to get the normal alexander glam together for gunbreaker leveling
>quest starts off with you hearing that a male viera has been sighted
>quest takes you all over investigating
>eventually you finally come face to face with them
>its just an elezen with bunny ears and wondering why everyone is following him around
>quest ends with the quest giver musing that it was futile to get their hopes up on seeing a male in the first place
how fucking mad would male vierafags be?
Now! Go go go! Thrust as hard as you can!
Never ever.
gotta do the collection glove minigame
>Different jobs work differently
See you next episode post ShB when all the healers play exactly the same and you cry about lack of identity or something else retarded.
>on paladin if i switch to sword oath in a boss fight even while doing my dps rotation 100% correctly i can lose aggro
You play with shitters then. I don't use shield oath at all and don't lose aggro in o12s. None of the tanks have enmity modifiers on their dps combos either.
we've been getting of rumors of blitzball being added to the game since forever so its possible
Will dergoon be able to deal as much damage as other dps classes I wonder. Don't wanna be a tether bot anymore.
>normal alex
at least unsync and get the better set
>I'm pretty sure they keep trying to pitch WHM as the "beginner" healer job
That's what the community is trying to force WHM as.
If they cared about beginner classes then RDM and SAM wouldn't be as easy as they're despite being SB jobs.
just getting some 24man coins to upgrade my caster set, the queu claimed to be 8 minutes long about 15 minutes ago so it seems determined to waste my time.
Just get the chest from A12S and compliment it with some other pieces.
No I mean, I can get Yellow Copper Mine as a collectible and turn it in for exp. But Light Kidney Rock doesnt even show as a turn in
I hope we meet a Hrothgar Queen and female hrothgar remain never playable.
Is the Nier raid and gear from it always going to be available or is it a limited time event? I'm still working through Stormblood and don't want to miss it.
Prepping challenge logs and hunt marks so I can get a bunch of xp and start HoH on one of the new jobs quicker.
>tfw i skipped through the whole main scenario
>tfw i have no fucking clue whats going on in the story
>mfw there are people who did and still do
oh, well, rowena doesn't want everything every day. it rotates
it's the beginner job because a level 1 nublet can choose to be a conjurer, or eat shit if they want to start as a healer.
yah probably
How hard is it to do A10S and A11S unsynced?
Trying to gather others to do it is actual torture
It will always be available, it's the new 24 main alliance
I believe you, but I'm really hyped for playing a Gunbreaker. It's the sole reason I resubbed. Disappointed I've still got a ways to go. But at least I don't have to get all the way to Shadowbringers to unlock it.
>hrothgar queen is the sun or some light based entity
That would be priceless
>Actively single target GCD healing outside of Regens
You realize this is an overall potency loss, right? And no, Cures during downtime aren't going to net you an extra Assize.
A10 is a cakewalk
Different effects for the same goal dumbass. That's how every single dps plays slightly different and they have borderline the same dps levels be by personal dps alone or by using raid buffs.
If Yoshi gave me male viera this wouldn't be a problem desu senpai
we already know that isn't the case retard.
Why are lalafell players like this? They are so weirdly obsessed with lalas. I've seen entire LS dedicated to just forming groups around playing lalafell.
Nice. You get legs and arms from that, right?
What part of
>secrets of the lily II if done properly
Did you not understand?
>lore says males only show themselves when theyre looking for a mate or looking for males to take with them
>find a male in the story
>literally only looking for some viera ass to tap
>leaves and we never see another one again
male vieras are literally wood chads
Nah. I hope she's giant with a perfect hourglass figure, huge tits, wide hips, and literally everything lionmommyfags want. I also hope female Hrothgar are never playable just to spite them.
I wish they would add the opposite sexes of Ronsos and Viera, since neither of them were mono-gendered in their respective games. Female Ronsos were scattered around FFX, and although you don't see male Viera, IIRC it's mentioned they live in separate villages from the females because the two groups hate each other, and only come together to mate.
So they can organize cute and funny parties.
Hands and feet, yes.
I dont know how to tell you this, but you were playing it wrong.
wheres your source faggot
you guys ARE playing on SSD's right? I hope you are...
I'd be someone's bunny gf for gifts too.
>Lalafell name
Sounds great, go for it if you have $20 to spare, man.
Give >her your FAT BLACK COCK
Thanks for reminding me
can I play this game with a controller on pc?
>could allow WHM
>Meanwhile Quickened Aetherflow is absolutely guaranteed.
Yes, it's not analogous.
When do I get to strangle Lolorito?
I just rewatched those movies and Smith is so freaking based, He is the best part by far
I play every job so i'll play Dancer, eventually
Because they're named the Helions because they "orbit" their queen LIKE a "planet orbiting a sun"
We do get some game time for shb right? When does that start, I don't wanna renew my sub just yet, and I already have the game pre-ordered.
She doesn't say it.
The narrative does.
Nigga the flames are literally right next to the aetheryte
>Meanwhile Quickened Aetherflow is absolutely guaranteed.
Not on release.
yes, and luckily for you, it's designed around controller so there's tons of options and support. even button icons for your preferred controller.
Do you all think Gunbreaker is going to be overplayed (once the new class shine wears out after the first few months, of course) or will it just be dedicated autists like me playing them?
Is assize damage really being removed along with aero 3? Fuck. Whm is going to be even more boring
Really looking forward to fighting five years worth of muscle memory to not press the Heavy Thrust key every now and then
Do niggas play this game?
danke lads
this is why I'm no longer a lala
We're talking about how the traits changed. Try to keep up.
ARR Raubahn was the worst actor in the game.
die nigger
That doesn't answer anything
>going to get my gunbreaker to 70
>replay the main parts of the story skipping the parts i dont care about through stormblood
>then do shadowbringers as my gunbreaker to have proper continuity
considering ill be able to unsync everything pre stormblood this should be turbo comfy.
no. Dark Knight barely increased tank population, this will be the same.
Leftover sushi
No it will not be comfy and you know it, nothing about this game is comfy.
Really depends on how much easier tanking becomes overall. DRK was played a lot for the first couple of weeks of HW then it dropped off as everyone went back to their DPS jobs.
No be fair, the climate is different and we're getting two jobs instead of 3.
As a Lala player is its like a cult of cuteness and once you join there is no going back. We naturally gravitate to other Lalas and do cute emotes with eachother. Its like an addiction that soothes the soul.
Boiled eggs, they cost 5 gil.
there'll be a spike of dabblers, then "tankxiety" will set in and they'le go back to their mains.
No. They left assize alone.
It's not about her trying to ape the spotlight from you. It's the narrative aping the spotlight for her. She doesn't claim to be the liberator of ala mhigo but the narrative damn well wants you to think so.
I have a ton of leftover pretzels, so that
I dont want to fuck lalas
Well that makes one of us
Nice autism for "continuity" when it's canon your WoL only knows about the jobs at the level they unlock at. So you would only replay HW patch series and SB.
No we're not.
Both quickened aetherflow and secrets of the lily II started with a similar effect with slight changes to each job resource management. SCH got theirs fixed asap while WHM had theirs forgotten throughout the whole expac.
That's the whole point of picture.
Yeah I had to buy a new one because my old one crapped out and would not read any faster than 7mbs but would still write in the 300mbs range.
i have money saved up so ill be able to order out every day while i play. ill probably just eat a fuck ton of indian food like masala and probably some other lighter shit like pho.
It's literally £40 to get everything from scratch including a month of sub, then £7.70 each month you feel like playing (which unless you're a raidtranny will probably be about 3-4 times a year at most). Stop shitposting you fucking retard
>whm players
sch died because of them
it's almost like she's on the cover art or something
> In the MSQ, Urianger’s soul got plucked and he is unconscious
>Go to the waking sands
>He’s there perfectly fine as if nothing ever happened
The continuity in this game is ass
She shouldn't be. She achieves nothing of value for the entire fucking expansion.
He's gotta be there if you didn't do the EX primals and other quests where he shows up.
I just think of it as a flashback episode
You mean AST. WHM had 6 dot refreshes per min to 2.
listen here bitch if i want my warrior of light to be a gunbreaker fron the onset hes going to be
>”We did it. We liberated Ala Mhigo.”
They can't stop you from finally starting Mog EX.
Me either I want to be the Lala and get fucked by a strong roe who man handles me slamming my little body on his cock while I foam at the mouth with pleasure.
>helps liberate two countries, becoming leader of the military of one of them in the course of doing so
seems like a lot to me bub. In fact she's about equal to us in what she did, aside from us having to kill primals
tanks that have the lowest DPS should have the highest utility, and vice versa. PLD will always be king of utility, and should have the lowest DPS. GNB looks to have maybe just slightly better utility than WAR and thus should have the second worst DPS. Third is WAR, and lastly DRK, who has utter dogshit utility and thus should have the best DPS of the tanks.
have fun waiting until 5.1
The Waking Sands has been in a weird time bubble for like 5 years.
Me too.
In game you fat fuck.
Is there a way to get her outfit?
Dont do that you will get the shits and spend too much time on the toilet.
Try doing DRG quests after HW.
*clenches fist*
>She achieves nothing of value for the entire fucking expansion
that's not true, she got incrediably pissed when a bunch of poor and beaten down farmers wouldn't throw their lives away for the resistance, she also gained leadership of the resistance entirely through nepotism instead of actual merit or leadership skills (of which she has almost none) because her father and sister were important.
is ng+ not out on release? that sucks.
ass slider when?
>I've decided I must disband the Crystal Braves
Are you fucking serious, Alphinaud?
After everything that's happened you really think the organization even still exists?
whm are the faggots that screeched for heal only healers, not ast
Try doing almost any 50-60 job quest post-HW.
Not yet.
Pay up goyim
>Zenos is still alive
>Ala Mhigo shown getting fucked up in the ShB trailer
>Empire stronger than ever
>No peace talks led anywhere
>Nobody truly relevant died
>Doma is liberated but it barely matters and the only thing of import tat we got out of it was Hien who is a useful but otherwise bland character
>Now we are going to fuck off to a whole other world and fix shit there
What was the point of Stormblood. What was it all even for
Good argument, really getting the facts out.
>does nothing
>basically one hits lakshmi while shes trying to cause some bullshit and saves everyone
She had the value of a fucking footsoldier you fucking waifufag.
Gonna avoid datamining and spoilers, user?
The middle image is a (bad) shop, man.
He's being nice to them instead of blowing them off.
I would pay for it as long as its dyeable
We got to see Lyse run a country very poorly.
There wasn't one. Stormblood was filler.
I can't think of anything worth a damn she did. You got any specific examples?
>Ethys figured out all of the things that will be revealed in Shadowbringers 3 years ago
With the chat mode in Say...
>Eorzean alliance at war with garlemald now
Are the other mc outfits dyeable?
I fucking hate her, but she fought her own battles in every dungeon (can presume more ghosts jumped on the ship in Sirensong, she had to do her own Bardam's Mettle to be known as a warrior of the Steppe, fought in the battle of Doma, fought through Castrum Abania, and fought at Ala Mhigo)
You're also ignoring every cutscene where she actually does shit and focusing on "WHY IS NO ONE HELPING" and *clenches fist* shit.
>Got DMC5 to play during maintenance
lmao see you losers on sunday enjoy getting spoiled
is it worth going to the inn and rewatching the warriors of darkness and crystal tower stuff? since those are looking to be important plot points going forward
>play on a laptop
let the shits commence ill make it work
>Old game
How is something old if it comes out this fucking week?
>Level 35
>Want to swap classes but I can't cuz I start over from level 1
/s Suck my dick for free kupo nuts
>can presume more ghosts jumped on the ship in Sirensong
Fuck off.
You can't just say characters were useful offscreen. That's not how writing works. You could just as easily shove Tataru in that same position. What matters is what she actually does in story.
I'm going to do DMD mode, I S ranked all the easier difficulty missions.
You will get an xp bonus for leveling classes lower than your highest.
>I'm a bit skilled at archery now, cool
>man WTF why can't I cast advanced level spells? This is bullshit!
Why the fuck would Garlemald gas Ishgard of all places? They are farther away than Ala Mhigo and Gridania and its not like they're especially powerful to be worth eliminating first, if anything they should target Ul'dah for that. It makes no sense if you use in-world logic, if they do it it will be purely for meta-narrative purposes because we're invested in Ishgard as players
>Implying it hasn’t been forever
You get a permanent 50% bonus to exp up to your current highest leveled job
this all also applies to heavenward
the potato jew is still alive, ishgard is actually going to get fucked up and you'll have to rebuild it in 5.1, and now we're moving on to some other place that also doesn't matter
>Old ass game
>Literally hasn't even come out yet
Woah... so this... is the power... of korean mmo niggers....
papa john's pizza
>muh narrative
Just because she got to sing the song at the end doesn't mean she suddenly declared herself the liberator and queen of Ala Mhigo.
Let us re-iterate the facts
>Every GC leader recognizes you as the liberator of Ala Mhigo after you literally have quest objectives to talk to them to get your credit
>In 4.1, most Ala Mhigans recognize the WoL as the liberator
>Every single figurehead from every notable Ala Mhigan region gathers together in 4.1 to discuss how Ala Mhigo should be ruled
>In the end, Raubahn becomes leader of Ala Mhigo
Wow, the story is really pulling for Lyse here.
if Gunbreaker gets a bloodhound weapon I'll cum pant
yeah lyse really was overpowered as fuck
>lakshmi immediately loses over half of her hp bar
she might be the most powerful character introduced so far
you literally will get double xp on the new class, the main point is y ou can level every class on one character and switch freely, eliminating the need for alts.
>risk of rain update
we'll make it somehow
It's 100% what happened because people also scream she didn't deserve her position when she was helping Conrad since at least 3.0.
his whiskers
where do I actually level though
I dont have a problem with that retard
I finished the class quest and I am like level 4 with no more quests for that job, am I supposed to just grind monsters till next job quest?
Last time that happened was like 1.x
>everyone hates lalas
>lalas still want to have fun and make friends in an mmo
>lalas know lots of people hate lalas
>hey let's have a lala only meetup so we can meet other people that don't hate lala
>meanwhile Yea Forums's face when
You mean the boss I was kicking the shit out of until the game decided I was doing too well and made her stop taking damage? Really makes Lyse look good
I'm fucking off these threads the moment the patch is availible for download and i'm only coming back after i beat the msq. Playing Tarkov in the meantime.
creating an opening for a sharlayan landing, who will side with the empire
Side quests, FATEs, dungeons.
>npc uses the lb
>one shot the boss at half health
>I use the lb
>lose dps
>calling someone else a retard when you don't know how to reach level 2
Potd if dps, dungeons if healer or tankl
Nice. Good luck with that user, I'll probably be struggling with devil hunter mode since I'm kinda out of practice and barely made it through son of sparda back when I played DMC4. Still, I'll see if I can finish it before maintenance ends.
>make a roegardyn qt fem
>all my friends (Aura/Catgirl) make fun of me
>constantly crop me out of group screenshots
I've just about fucking had it at this point
>you slowly widdle her down doing chip damage
>lyse says fuck you and drop kicks her ass to the moon in one hit
step aside "warrior of light" ive got this
I was told SSDs didn't matter, but it really is an improvement with loading into instances.
Or you can just be a normal person and not give a fuck what autists who sperg out over what race somebody picks to play as in a video game thinks.
Hunt logs, a guildhest or two at ~level 10 especially if you've never done them for the first time exp. You also unlock another tier of hunts at level 10 or so. If you're still short then some side quests or PotD. As soon as you hit 15 you can run dungeons/do your leveling roulette.
And people are mad that other characters and the narrative insist that Lyse will be a good resistance leader despite showing no skill in this field at all and ducking up a bunch.
What part of this do you not get?
I don't like femroes but thats a really rude thing to do, why are they even your friends
alright, this is how it works, for your first and main class you'll get the bulk of your XP from quests, which is good because you don't have any xp bonuses.
for any class underneath your highest class, you literally get double xp from fates and mobs, do fates until level 15, then spam dungeons, the mob xp in dungeons is far far higher than the overworld.
if your a DPS, you might want to look into unlocking palace of the dead which kinda plays like a ps1 roguelike but can give good xp while also boring you to death.
why do you play on a bad datacenter
>She was definitely fighting ghosts because she was doing other things off screen.
Are you retarded?
Hunting logs, FATEs, POTD
>roegardyn qt
Don't even bother posting it.
It's my old maplestory guild discord....
Tired as fuck so I messed my post up, more meant she was definitely doing things off screen, it's just how it is.
Post her.
Yea Forums wants to fuck lalafells? I thought they were too potato-bodied for the cunnyseurs here.
thick mommies when?
No, I want to fuck them bad.
Or be one and get fucked.
Data mine when?!
I just want to know if there will be Gordian/Midan/Alex GUN weapons.
>discount cleopatra with a fucked up nose
I usually like femroes but yours is a little off
Still, your friends are assholes.
this, when I started playing back in ARR, I just installed it on my HDD, but my friends noticed how slow I entered instances, so I eventually got an SSD and installed it on that
holy fuck, the difference was night and day, I don't know how I managed without it, I installed the benchmark on my HDD accidentally and man, its so fucking slow in comparison.
And my point is that's not good writing and off screen accolades don't mean shit if they aren't backed up by the actual story. It doesn't matter what she does off camera. What matters is how she's portrayed on camera.
Why does this look thiccer than my milf mod, did I get the smaller ass version for some reason? wtf.
Looks cute, actually, but I think your eye color clashes.
So now it's about being Resistance Leader? People were stating that the narrative was that she was stealing credit for liberating Ala Mhigo.
Anyone who unironically has video game racism isn't someone you want to be around anyway because I can guarantee you they're absolute retards in every other aspect of the game/life as well.
its more than reasonable to assume theres going to be shire / raid 60 weapons when every other job got ex primal gear at 50
possibly if they plan on introducing Alexander Ultimate, but likely not until later on
>story makes references that she is doing these things but we are just doing our own thing as well, almost like coordinated military plans
>that means nothing because we don't get to see it
a single cup of coffee. I'm dieting and and so should you.
but its because of shit like this people hate lalas, and their emote spam in town.
Let me guess: You're a girl (female) and they're all trannies (male)?
pretty much this
>takes the warrior of light with 7 other people to barely scrape by lakshmi in the story
>lyse just says fuck that and instagibs her without a second thought
we don't know, people says no because we didn't get coil weapons for sam and rdm but a lot more people did alex than coil so i'm hopeful
Of course.
>Its okay if a character is nothing but incompetent on-screen if we say she's a badass the rest if the time!
Never write a story.
The only drink for the Warrior of Light, Night milk
>lochs night theme
shire yes, raid no.
How popular do you think DNC will really be?
I want to play one but I don't want to play one if EVERYBODY is playing one.
Im gonna beat you the h*ck up
I might make a Dancer and glam up a military uniform so I can be the worst soldier ever.
"I promise I'm taking this war seriously guys, watch me throw this Frisbee at them!"
>Hien and Yugiri one-shot the Golem at the end of Ghimlyt Dark that you suddenly can't kill
>Alphinaud and Y'shtola get their own special LB3 during their instances in 4.3 and 4.4
>Yugiri can cast 4 Shadow Clones and cast 4 Limit Breaks
>No one complains about these
NPCs obviously get special snowflake privileges and yet people always complain about Lyse getting to LB a super weak version of Lakshmi
>BLM SB quest
>Lalai without hat is CUTE but not for WoL
>Shatotto is HOT bitch
>You beat golem ass with your bros. Again
SB job quests are comfy. Whats recommended spell speed for BLM? I have 1k and 2.39 gcd but it feels awful
we'll definitely get primal / shire gear
And now we're back to ignoring things she does completely fine on screen because it fits your meme, got it!
>that spoiler
holy shit, don't do that to me man
Close, but try changing her to look a bit more like this one. She's still the best femroe I've ever found.
So i want to re-roll dancer. I have a level 70 that is like, not done with the main story at all. Do i need to complete that to get dancer?
Once was enough faggot, stop.
Imagine being warrior of light in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Lyse, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and obnoxious fucking voice. I would totally fight side by side with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is have another Leveilleur twin threesome in his lavender bed mansion. Like seriously imagine having to be the warrior of light and not only sit in that chair while Lyse clenches her scrawny fist in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing your immense rage, and just sit there, lie after lie, hour after hour, while she perfected that speech. Not only having to tolerate her complete bullshit but her haughty attitude as all the scions tell her she's AN ASSET TO THE TEAM and DAMN, LYSE DID ALL *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her exaggerate and outright lie about how much shit she actually did to help free Doma and Ala Mhigo, making up battles you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of prime elezen teenagers and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE ADVENTURING CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Gridania. You've never experienced anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can smell the hot breath that's coming out on her lying mouth as she smiles and turns to you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to sit there and revel in her retelling her “Massive Contributions” to the war effort, the contributions she worked so hard for by calling starving peasants cowards for not fighting heavily armed Garleans and then shaking her fist at said Garleans. And then Raubahn asks for another tale, and you know you could kill every single person in this room and Hydaelyn herself couldn’t put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're the fucking warrior of light. You hide your face and bear it.
>Whats recommended spell speed for BLM?
there's actually a cap of where you should stop but idr where
c-can i marry you?
name of armor?
that fucking animé advert is making me want to play. i played full time in 2.0 but only dipped into the expansions. something about it doesn't hook me for long even though i think the content is fun as fuck. can't put my finger on it, maybe the very bland itemization and gameplay design? so the raids mecahnics are really fun but not rewarding... like i'll get excited about playing RDM, AST, DNC, but its just boring tab target rotations and a soulless ilvl treadmill.
Based elfkid
Do you guys think SE will introduce lvl70 potion skip with ShB?
>I don't understand what Show, don't Tell is
Not the brightest kid in your class, are you?
Not exactly sure what the sweat spot is but you definitely need more.
Currently sitting on 2,2k and I literally cannot lose Enochian.
>can swap every mention of Lyse there with Alphinaud and it would fit better
Undead mike ciera
I've never seen a WHM ask for more healing, i've always seen them ask for more dmg.
U ok? Of course I'm not saying they shouldn't show things. I'm saying they don't HAVE to.
>delayed my final semester at university for family issues
>basically a neet until january
>live alone
>have all the time in the world
its going to be a fun xpac
What was the correct way to do this shit because every time I'd have to turn grit back on on to widen the aggro gap at like 50%.
I always pulled with Unmend >DA Plunge > Unleash > then DA Power Slash combo then go to town with souleater spam and more plunges, but they always caught up too quick.
I hope not but the answer is yes
so, how long will it take me to watch all the SB cinematic from 4.0 to 4.5
i skipped everything thinking i wouldn't have time to make it before ShB but here i am, with enough leftover time to get all the garo mounts and leveled 7 jobs to 70
>latest promo is of a big fat cock that loves eating chicken
How did Koji get away with this?
I don't care what any quest,lore anything says. That whm fuccboi wanted our dick.
>be tank in a dungeon
>don't pull until everyone says hello
"Look mamma (male)! I posted it again!"
Finally got a hold of this asshole.
>so, how long will it take me to watch all the SB cinematic from 4.0 to 4.5
>when you skipped everything beforehand
Why the fuck would even give a shit, you mong
faggots give all of those a pass because people like those characters more than Lyse
90% of whm play with their arms crossed, they pander to casuls not raiders, so they ruined all healers
salut o/
what serber
>Dubfag problems
WHM is Padjal/WoL only
>he thinks only WHMs do 0 dps
What's wrong with freckles?
probably to know what the fuck is going on you tranny
>ogres leaving their swamp again
hasnt that already been confirmed
But i'm a catgirl
Weren't they already confirmed?
please. any answer at all would be so helpful
Well, no, they don't have to write a good story or make compelling characters. Stormblood sold well afterall even if the story was complete filler and the only good character that was introduced during that time was Hancock.
It doesn't matter how much flavour text there is about a character being great at everything if we don't get to see them act in that way. If they are useless on screen, they are useless off-screen as well because that's the impression the on screen segments built.
Pretty sure he wanted lalai cunny. Not yours.
You're being a disingenuous fuck and talking in circles on purpose.
Off-screen accolades do not matter, especially if they don't line up with what the character does in the actual story. Backstory is not a replacement for character and nuance. You can't use "oh yeah she did a whole bunch of stuff off-screen" as a way to sidestep a character being treated as important despite not actually factoring into the narrative in a logical way. People didn't bitch about other authority figures because, while they took many actions off screen, their on-screen presence reflected those same traits and established them as either deeply flawed in ways other characters commented on or competent at their fucking job. See; Nanamo, Aymeric, Hien. It doesn't matter that they don't do much on-screen because we see some of what they do and they have an active role in the story, in which they execute those roles effectively or show us their flaws in ways that directly lead to conflict.
Lyse's off screen shit is all either punching shit or "maybe she did something leaderish I guess??????" and in the actual narrative the implementation is unconvincing. She doesn't show aptitude. She throws doubt on herself and other characters say "nono, you'll do better" without ever actually delving into her inadequacy or how she can improve or what she's apparently doing right. We don't see her actually do anything worth a damn that doesn't feel tailor made to show us that she's good at things, and even those are ALL about her punching shit. There's no agency. She doesn't actually take action in a way that's organic in the narrative.
It's bad writing, and if you can't see that you're a fucking moron.
>the literal tranny thinks he can post Seethe
That is completely untrue
based miqote and lizards.
I play on the Japanese one
Let's not be nega-
>care about knowing what the fuck is going on
>when you skipped everything beforehand that would let you know what the fuck is going on
I sure as hell hope so. You couldn't pay me to level DRK manually.
>Be Ninja in dungeon
>Run ahead, shadewalker the tank and pull everything.
Nothing personnel, dim one.
>tk rotation killed
>raiton instead of fuma since idiots used raiton
>haga removed since idiots didn't use it
>heavy thrust removed
>removed the rdps on songs since idiots didn't use them
>made blm even easier
>all the shit they did to drk and healers
casuls ruined shb
Not really, I can't remember seeing info on that anywhere.
Of course, I'm not a barbarian
I forget, did he die? I found him amusing.
Just bought the game. Downloading now. Not sure what to expect or class to play yet.
You're just proving me right, user.
>Made BLM easier
Rest of the post is correct but never post again please
Nah, you fight the big bad of the stormblood ninja quests with him in the level 80 quest, it's great.
Okay, have fun user
You are literally ignoring cutscenes to make things fit what you are saying. Just stop.
He's pretended to die about 3 times now
Pugilist/archer if you want to have fun
Gladiator/marauder if you want to tank
Conjurer if you want to heal
Expect WoW but good
Expect a slooooooooow beginning through the main story quests that only picks up near the end of the ARR storyline and into the first expansion.
You really gotta change that nose, man.
CUTE lala!
new player here
why do all of the Lalafels talk like Jewish Niggers? Is this bad translation? or canon?
>once again paladin chads get the best af gear by a mile
imagine being a fucking astrologian
user... enjoy it while it lasts...
After hearing about bitchy tanks that will let you die if you accidentally pull before they do, it's nice to know I can shove the enemies straight to them with shadewalker
No, they're actual jewish niggers.
Which cutscenes am I ignoring?
What part shows Lyse being a competent leader?
Fucking go ahead.
All hellsguard have the poopnose, it's unavoidable, but you can still make them look hot even with it. Sea wolves look hotter though
They are without a doubt the bigger insecure fuckboys and almost ALWAYS the worst player in the group if there isn't a samurai/redmage.
Can you just dumb crit? And retarded question but can you buy second Eureka set? My caster set geared up for SMN
And the ONLY reason WoL never does anything cool like this is because LALAFELL
It's a race of desert merchants what do you think
Who cares, it will be useful for like 2 levels then be outclassed by MSQ quest gear.
Do it when they nerf the fuck out of the requirements for the glam if you want it for that
>don't know if I want to play DRK or DNC
Fuck my indecision.
sure thing get behind my shield you fragile little manlet
Lalafels run eorzea economy and are long time educators of magic.
if the smn set is +2 you can buy a +1 set for blm, but its way too late now
They're a race of merchants that are hated for being subversive and live in a city in the desert user. Put it together
>needing a shield
absolutely pathetic, what's wrong? your body too frail to take a few hits bitch boy?
*doesn't heal you*
enjoy dying cuck, you are nothing without me. you will die eventually.
they really fucked over casters this expansion. not a single caster has good af gear. honestly only pld, war, brd, mch, and drg look alright. the rest are horrible.
>still a circlet cuck
the only good af4 are cul, gsm, alc
t. WARkek
Shouldn't you be prepping gorge
>Gets turned into a brainlet job
heh... nothing personnel... edgelord...
>constantly crop me out of group screenshots
During the game watch interview YoshiP stated SB jump potions will be up for grabs as early as ShB early access.
One more day left user.
*Casts clemency*
*Never runs out of MP because of atonement and riot blade*
Seethe harder healcuck. You're redundant.
You DO play in Borderless Window, right, buddy?
nin is fine
How well verse is Yea Forums with the lore?
>he thinks a paladin would live forever
ohnononono, maybe you should do some a ctual content expert roulette hero.
I don't, but I might get one. Aren't they much smaller than regular hard drives though? Plus reinstalling everything and having to move all my files over is gonna be a hassle..
>constantly crop me out of group screenshots
Do all triple triad cards that drop from dungeons have the same exact drop rate or are some easier than others?
>PLD player calling any other job brainlet
How long until the new WoW patch comes out and we can be free of them for a couple of hours or however long it takes for them to complete it?
ninja looks fucking horrible user
Find an xiv player that ISN'T an insecure fuckboy. These threads are constant validation seeking for the dumbest shit.
>Being a petty faggot in savage raids or extremes
Enjoy getting kicked faggot
>PLD calling anyone else a brainlet job
The most McDobalds hat training wheels tank job in any game throwing shade. Lmao
Yeah im sure people in relevant content are going to put up with a healer refusing to heal lmao