Bloodstained Switch Improvements Promised!
To address the concerns brought up by the community we are immediately shifting resources to improve performance and stability for the Switch.
Bloodstained Switch Improvements Promised!
To address the concerns brought up by the community we are immediately shifting resources to improve performance and stability for the Switch.
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They should have fucking done that in the first place instead of trying to shovel out a botched port.
Physical Items shipped to fulfill Kickstarter promises as soon as possible.
DO NOT BUY ON A PROMISE. Absolutely wait until all these patches are out and are proven to actually positively impact the game, because right now the Switch version is absolutely atrocious. In the mean time:
This is the GOG 1.04 version of the game. On MEGA once you exceed your free download limit you can just turn off you PC, come back in about five hours and continue downloading right where you left off, it's piss easy to do.
post more bloodless
I mean, yeah? It'd be great if no games needed patches right after launch not to have tons of game breaking bugs and issues but I feel kind of resigned at this point. That battle was probably lost 10-15 years ago as always-online/broadband became a thing and devs had to worry less and less about "once it's shipped you can never do anything again ever for most players."
This better be 7.5gb of dolphin porn or i'm gonna be mad
Switch physical version can't be started offline
Usually games like this have a fucking warning on the box, but not this one. I drove a long way to buy something I can't even play.
I see you posting this all the time, just wanted to say thanks.
No problem, just looking out for my fellow Switch backers.
>switch is online only
wat. for what fucking purpose? like even if you have broadband at home you might not out and about or at work you might not be allowed to connect or it might be firewalled, that defeats much of the value of even having it on the switch in the first place.
why do you lie on the internet
Thanks for the heads up. I guess I'll skip the physical version and just go for digital.
It's fucking bullshit, but I don't know if you always have to be online, just that it can't be initially started without an online Nintendo account.
I guess I'll be selling this piece of crap
I'm not lying. My switch is not connected to the internet and the game card won't start. It just asks me to link a Nintendo account. No other game I own does this.
>but I don't know if you always have to be online, just that it can't be initially started without an online Nintendo account.
If it's the latter that you should be able to work around, surely you must have somewhere you can go where you can leech a connection for a few minutes? If it's only for initialization that shouldn't be a huge deal. Not that it fixes it being an awful port right now, I mean like 6 months from now if it was in principle good.
What a shame though, that just seems dumb. Optimization is at least an actual hard skill budget thing, but merely not making it depend on online? Shitty. Sorry user, you're right to be mad.
I personally hope they dont waste any time on the switch version as it's a little kids console. Rather they put their energy into something worthwhile.
>the switch can't even run a game that looked like it came out in 2011
Your options are wait until a game is 110% done, then release it while people are complaining "what's taking them so long", and still end up with a bug fix patch eventually because one hundred thousand play testers are better than one hundred, or release the game as soon as possible and continue to test during the production run, then have a day one patch, as well as later patches. The success of games that got day one patches has shown players are, by and large, okay with the practice as it gets them games faster. Anyone who cares about getting a 100% bug free game will just wait and buy a game of the year edition or wait for the last bug fix patch and/or mods to fix anything anyways so they still win too.
dude the devs are shit, even the fucking ps4 pro i have and it run like crap sometimes
stop spreading misinformation ffs, you can play offline all you want if you have a linked nintendo account before. that's the only check, sure you can complain about it but it is far cry from actually "needing online to play"
also i don't get people who complain about online while you are posting on Yea Forums
>he success of games that got day one patches has shown players are, by and large, okay with the practice
What you're forgetting is that most games with day one patches aren't significantly worse without them. Those ones tend to fail.
My switch is always in airplane mode with wifi off.
Works fine for me.
>you can play offline all you want if you have a linked nintendo account before
>if you have a linked nintendo account before
hence why I said the switch version can't be STARTED offline. no other game has ever asked me to connect an online account to play it at any point, and the ones that do have a warning on the box
learn to read you retard
IGA must have been fuming when he saw the feedback. Some interns probably got fired. Literally.
I bought it on Switch before finding out that it runs like crap, so I just pirated it on PC. Hopefully they figure out how to fix the damn thing, but I got mine so whatever.
just pay panic button a small fee for consultant
also how come devs just don't come and ask nintendo for some guidance, they know the console best
Set interns on fire?
You have the 1.04 patch alone? I already got the codex version but i don't think it included the patch (im not sure 100% because it is still downloading)
But have you gone online before to link a Nintendo account? For some reason this game wants me to do that. I hope this doesn't mean that all games are doing it from now on.
So its good they're aware and issuing a statement saying they'll fix it.
Question is HOW will they fix it and by when?
Then he fired their souls because they couldn't even haunt right.
Yes. He is literally Dracula so he can do the triple fireball.
based & redpilled
MK11 also need a linked account, but to be fair there isn't much reason to play mk11 if you are not online anyway. I think it is an opt in for devs recently
Realistically how much can be fixed through patches?
Judging just from the game on PC, there’s probably loads of bugs and system-specific optimizations to get through. Game is not well made so a few code monkeys can probably go through it and clean up dumb obvious mistakes.
iga will drive to your house and let you borrow his ps4 and copy of the game. he will fill in for you at work and read you bed time stories.
I'm picturing this scene.
Iga sits on his throne swirling his wine glass. The switch port coders get summoned into the room. He asks WHAT IS THE SWITCH PORT? A MISERABLE PILE OF BUGS AND GLITCHES
Then he teleports behind them opens his cape and shoots a fireball into each them
quite a lot if you are competent
the switch version is no doubt developed the last and it is IGA first game on it
and last but not least, typical jap devs are often very good at gameplay but when it come to optimization (esp multiple platforms) they are quite shit
A lot. If you know how coding and optimization work.
That's hope and a good sign right?
It is good, and they also responded pretty quickly, I expected them to respond tomorrow or the day after, and for how and when, we can only hope the answers are thoroughly and as soon as possible, respectively
How could they bring this qt back?
Someone please draw this
What exactly is the list of problems with the Switch version? Mine hasn't arrived yet.
They Censored her?
yes if they really do want to keep with their words and commit to it
and knowing IGA i'd give this a 70% chance
at the end of the day it is really on them and i they think expected this, the pr respond come out pretty fucking fast
You forgot to add him shouting "UHHHHN... ASSHEPTABLE!!!"
>It is their fault for the Switch's shitty hardware
what red wine did he drink, anybody know?
Perfect. I can hear it.
I bought physical switch version for the steelbook case, it arrived today and unopened. I pirated and beat the gog version of the game over the weekend. I doubt I'll ever open up the switch game itself.
poor framerate, resolution, textures and apparently an input delay? heard some or all of these are present, enough for me to list my special edition on ebay already and just buy a PC copy
No idea about first time start up, but I could start up the game even while not connected to the internet.
Blurry textures, bad fps dips, input lag
Got any comparison pics?
from reports the frame rate dipped in later area quite often (but people also said this happen on ps4 pro as well, although not as drastic)
visual is worse, which is expected
desu i pirated it for my brother's switch and he has been playing it last couple days and he likes it. the switch version itself has been leaked like 4 days
I'll hold out hope then. Thanks for the answers.
It looks like a 3DS game. It's so bad that it seems like a prealpha version. You fags better get a refund or a key for a free copy on Steam or elsewhere.
just download the pc and play it for now bro
they gonna add more shit and second playable character later on, so it is probably due for another playthrough
also so far most people are enjoy the gameplay so it is replayable, it is just the technical aspect that is shit
>IGA will never read you bedtime stories dressed in his Dracula outfit but also wearing his cowboy hat
yes, mirror of fate on 3ds
I forgot that game even existed
Nevermind found a video, oof I made a mistake. Is it like that in docked mode too?
anybody have only the patch for the pc version?
i google around but they all make you download the whole thing again
He actually could have
You just needed to back $10,000
Why live
Really should have left my choice as PS4 after the Vita was dropped.
It's actually worse in docked mode.
Anything can be done via "patches". You can "patch" an entirely different game into it if its using the same engine, technically speaking. The way this game looks, it shouldnt have a hard time running 60 fps 720p on ANY system today, the only reason it doesnt do so on amy system is because of either hasty/sloppy development or incompetence.
But in practice, it depends on how much time and money they will sacrifice. I'm willing to bet that they'll make a decent effort, enough to maybe get it looking a little better and running at a consistent framerate, but I doubt you should expect much. Its not as if they'll be paid for doing so in anything other than reputation. The damage is done and improvements at this point will not greatly impact sales.
then just pirate it on pc bro and wait for the fix
For buy/moralfags like myself, you can get the PC version on Steam via Fanatical for $26 with code GAMESPOT25.
First impression is really a double edged sword. I still see people on the internet talking about how horrible the deamon x machina demo was. Despite it was a very early build that sent out half a year old for feedback and they have shown improvement since then, people just seem to prefer to stick with the initial impression
In addition to the other problems mentioned, input delay is so bad that special moves are almost impossible to do consistently, I've had graphical glitches like Zangetsu's explosions having a pink and gray error texture, some room transitions take up to 10 seconds each way, and I'm currently stuck in the clocktower following the boss that gives you double jump because the game has crashed twice after chugging along at 15FPS.
absolutely disgusting how do you fuck up that bad?
I have problems with special move inputs and missed attacks during quick hops on a base PS4. Game's has frame rate drops on that console too.
Oops that was meant for
Miriam is a goddess
Does this game stand a chance of getting a sequel despite the Switch port shitfest?
Should I go trade it in before the store closes or wait to try and sell it? I know Gamestop will screw me over but I just want to get rid of this piece of shit tonight and hopefully get something else to play.
How weak is the Switch compared to say a PS3?
We don't know the sales yet, though I imagine they probably broke even.
Daemon X Machina didn't really bother me desu because I'm used to AC For Answer on PS3 which chugs like a motherfucker
Bloodstained's port though started off disappointing but playable, but then it started crashing and dipping into the teens so I'm glad they're fixing it. Would have been nice if it had launched like that but at least they aren't pulling a "better than nothing".
do you have ADHD
Whoever it is that fucked this up, they probably don't have a job anymore
Does anyone know what the Backer ID option actually does? I put mine in but I don't know if it changed anything.
I think there's a pretty high chance of it becoming a healthy, niche franchise.
I think so. Overall the game has gone over very well with both critics and fans. The botched Switch port will put a dent in their sales but it's already been very successful and has extremely positive word of mouth.
I have very little doubt that a larger publisher will be more than happy to fund a sequel when they're ready and obviously if they clean up the Switch port, it'll do a lot for their overall image.
Considerably stronger under good conditions. Though some engines just don't play well with a mobile chipset.
Yeah, similar here but i didn't get for answer but AC 5. Pretty excited for dxm, the cover is so fucking good
no I just don't want to play this buggy excuse for a >game
Despite it's performance issues it's a fun game that's just short of the quality of the actual IGAvanias. If they had a more focused development I'm sure a sequel can knock it out of the park or at the least be as good as the DS games.
Incredibly based
I'm going to fucking die if my shitty laptop that crashes when trying to play Doom 16 can run this better than the Switch
Yea the Switch docked runs at 512Gflops twice that of the PS3. There is almost no reason for this game to run like shit.
Yes, even as a Switch backer who sent all day seething over how shit the port is it's clearly a great game.
>There is almost no reason for this game to run like shit.
the final horseman of jap kickstarter gonna be shenmue 3
The incompetence of the persons working on this port really pisses me off.
Did they think they can get away with this shit in this day and age where people can hear complaints seamlessly?
Yes, they need to step up the visual game and they are sold
I T A L I A N studio
I really hope the next game is hand drawn. 3D models are just shit. Game is awesome to play but looks like ass. Cuphead and Hollow Knight prove that its doable, they're just being lazy and dont want to hire the 2D guys.
that's precisely the reason they won't do it
What the fuck?
Yes, it is their fault for not being able to make a properly optimized game. It's a 2.5D game, there are no excuses
She's a vampire, she'll be back with nose glasses just like O.D.
Aradia taught her well.
what did you expect? they got panic button to port this shit? cmon bro
even inti who got more experience with the switch development got reduced involvement
>it goes right into her crotch
It says a lot about the absolute state of optimization right now when a fucking Suda51 game is the best running Unreal Engine 4 game on Switch.
Hey guys
Is the metal slime stalking her with a telescope?
Man, he really wants inside that witch pussi.
BE mods when?
Brainlet here does this has the dlc from the fitgirl/codex version
i was about to ask if it is better than fortnite, but then i remember epic own EU4 and fucking fortnite so of course they know how to use it
also SE used it for octopath and DQ11 as well
Isn't there a naked mod out already? IIRC someone posted it in some of the previous threads
sorry for asking this but im a bit out of the loop
and i want to generate some discussion so what is exactly the extra character and other modes/ dlc we gonna get? and do they have a release window for them?
It only works on the old beta
Fortnite actually kind of runs like trash, 20-30fps and it has some really weird artifacting. IIRC they moved the Switch crossplay to mobile because the other consoles just ran way better.
Octopath runs fine, it's only 30fps and has a low res but the visual style works with it. The DQ11 port is looking pretty promising, if SE fucked it up there'd be riots in the streets of Tokyo.
Yoshi runs pretty good too - again a low res but it sticks to 60fps consistently.
I saw that get posted. I think it was the model under the clothes. Either way I'm looking forward to seeing what those wizards will produce.
No, someone else did another one
So... does she bath in white fluid if you change the blood color?
Miriam will also swallow gallons and gallons of white fluid if you absorb the fountain.
this is gonna spawn a bunch of cum inflation porn just liek the overeating is gonna cause weight gain porn.
Just watch the launch trailer.
>save game
>game freezes
It better have fucking saved.
don't worry it didn't
The Switch clearly isn’t powerful enough to run Bloodstained.
Buy a new console.
Thanks friend, I have the switch version sitting on my desk as we speak unopened.
I havent been following the development of this game nor do I like Metroid style games but they seem to be really handling this well.
Is it worth a play through? The last Metroidvania I tried was La Mulana and it was kinda shit
Have you played Symphony of the Night and Aria of Sorrow? If not go play them right fucking now.
Now, did you like Symphony of the Night and Aria of Sorrow? If yes you'll like Bloodstained.
this is bad advice, it would burn them out on the game they want to play