>release a console that fails
>support it with exclusives nonetheless
>next console comes out
>does nothing but port away the easily-emulatable games you bought and asks you pay $60 AGAIN because "no one played them"
>people celebrate these ports as though they were new games and belittle people who bought the previous console
How the fuck is this not MASSIVELY anti-consumer and not a direct kick in the balls to anyone who bought a Wii U??
Release a console that fails
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Why would it be? I've been playing those games for the past 6 years and it's not like ports somehow take away from the enjoyment I had back then. It's also not like I have to rebuy them, and it's also not like I didn't hack my wii u so now I can play damn near any game released on nintendo hardware from the NES up.
Nintendo asked that I support their dying console, and then when they release a new console they barely release any NEW games and just keep porting shit away from the old console asking I pay $60 a pop.
Then don't buy it?
>still don't at least port over the good WiiU exclusives
I was suckered in by promises of games like Mario Odyssey, Pikmin 4, Metroid 4, ARMS, and Splatoon 2. But it's just turned out to be port town.
Sounds like a personal problem for morons who get suckered by marketing and are learning a valuable lesson about the virtue of patience. Me? I've been waiting for those games and playing pirated games on my Wii U and 3DS instead.
In 2019, a hacked Wii U is beautiful thing. And being able to have deluxe editions of all those superb Wii U games on Nintendo's new portable system is pretty sweet.
Nintendo made the switch hackable day one so they get a pass. I will NEVER buy another nintendo game.
didn't pay for the games on the wii u and I'm not paying for them on the switch
git gud
fuck you nigger
Xenoblade X port NOW
I used to be mad at you OP. Bought a Wii U for smash, pokemon, and fire emblem.
Didn't buy a switch because I was butthurt.
But then I saw the announcements for Pokémon and Three Houses and I couldn't couldn't care less. I will never play those games and instead I hacked my wiiu and now play it like a giant handheld in bed with injectables of my favorite wii and gc games. You mentioned yourself that everything was ported to Switch, but you can easily play those FOR FREE on the WiiU.
The true redpill is playing video games only for nostalgia. New games only disappoint.
For the rest of you, I have 500 GB of free space: please list me some great roms or wiiu games to put on my system
It was 6 years worth of play you gigantic faggot
So you’re admitting you’re an idiot then? Who buys a console without at least 5 games they want to play on it?
My issue is the price. I'm not paying $50 for games that came out in 2013. $30 for games that came out in 2014 is already a hard sell.
>people celebrate these ports as though they were new games and belittle people who bought the previous console
this is one of the most truly pathetic things the nintendo fanboys on Yea Forums have ever done.
right up until the last day of the wii u's lifecycle, they were shilling the crap out of it on here. there were daily "why haven't you bought a wii u yet?" threads, wild conspiracy theories about nintendo overclocking the wii u with a patch to "unlock its hidden power," constant whining that it was "the only true gaming platform on the market," etc.
then as soon as the switch came out, suddenly no nintendo fan on this board ever owned a wii u. all of the shilling they did was memory-holed. now anyone who owns one is mocked for even bringing it up.
Especially when they can be emulated for free on a PC with even middle end hardware.
As someone who HATES Wii U ports, the only one that was a complete scam was Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Not only was it cheap to add to Mario Kart 8 without expanding it further, but the original game had PAID DLC for everything Deluxe offered. Fuck that.
Good guies always lose
>port town
I fucking wish.
Usually its faggots at launch
How about when they sold DKC:TF at 10 fucking dollars more than when it released five years ago?
Switch lineup is pretty pathetic if you owned a Wii U, people forget that not even Breath of the Wild is an exclusive.
That's often the fags who didn't buy one anyway.
I'm glad I bought a Wii U. It was worth the money.
But I wish Nintendo didn't drop it so hard.
thanks for beta testing.
There is literally no reason to buy a Switch if you have a Wii U. Once the Switch gets actual games you'll be able to play them on Yuzu emulator.
the funniest part is that the wii u is by far the better console and the fanboys rage even harder whenever you list the reasons why. nintendo sold them a downgraded wii u and now they must shill it.
it is. i have a switch and several games for it, so i bought a switch and hacked it and will never pay for a nintendo game again.
>wii u
i'll pass
How is the Switch downgraded? It's like twice as powerful, has a 720p screen built in, and actually portable.
>actually portable
umm, excuse you, wii u was portable
>Metroid 4
But that was already on GBA, user.
>paid online
>no backwards compatibility
>most of the same games as the wii u, sold all over again at full price or even more
>no virtual console
>handheld mode is a piece of shit compared to the gamepad
>no asymmetric multiplayer
>no miiverse
>worse touch screen
>worse pro controller
>no soul
>release PS4 and Xbox one
>neither have backwards compatibility
>Wii U does
>neither PS4 and Xbone have free online
>Wii U does
>both PS4 and Xbone controllers are pretty shit
>Wii U Pro is the best controller ever made
>neither Xbone or PS4 get any exclusives
>Wii U does, year after year
Remind me again why the Wii U was bad? Trick question, It was actually the best console of 8th gen .
Marketing will always win. Marketing can spin a piece of shit into a gold plated turd.
>>Wii U Pro is the best controller ever made
No it absolutely fucking is not.
>>next console comes out
>>does nothing but port away the easily-emulatable games
>people celebrate these ports as though they were new games and belittle people who bought the previous console
Cool thread
>if I deny enough, it'll eventually become true!
You don't have to rebuy them. I owned a Wii U and the only Switch port of a Wii U game I own is BotW; and I don't own the Wii U version. There are more than enough Switch exclusives without Wii U ports. The Switch Ports are just an added bonus for people who didn't get a Wii U.
Name some good Wii U exclusives.
Protip: you can't
>>paid online
Everybody does this
>>no backwards compatibility
Ever6body does this
>>most of the same games as the wii u, sold all over again at full price or even more
Then play it on your WiiU
>>no virtual console
Legit criticism
>>handheld mode is a piece of shit compared to the gamepad
>>no asymmetric multiplayer
I don't even know what this is
>>no miiverse
Legit criticism
>>worse touch screen
>>worse pro controller
>>no soul
>k-k-keep denying 1+1=3!
Will do
>proper d pad
>properly aligned analog sticks for your thumb joints
>digital triggers mean instant reaction inputs into your games
>light weight, wireless, uses a 3DS battery so can be replaced if it ever dies
>matte back for grip with gloss top for style
>perfect for both 3D games and 2D games since the dpad and face buttons are aligned properly
It even works on Switch and PC through an adapter. All its missing is gyro controls and it would be 10/10.
mario kart 8
mario maker
>>proper d pad
Yeah fucking right.
>digital triggers mean instant reaction inputs into your games
Imagine bragging about only having digital triggers.
>light weight, wireless, uses a 3DS battery so can be replaced if it ever dies
Feels cheap.
>matte back for grip with gloss top for style
Feels bad and attracts fingerprints and dust.
It's a 6/10 controller.
You're right, with analog triggers and gyro it would be the ultimate controller.
>proceed to make list
>replies are "shit, shit, shit, got ported, gay game, shit"
Why are people so obsessed with having analog triggers?
Super Mario 3D World
Pikmin 3
Star Fox Guard
>not good, but still exclusive
Star Fox Zero
Nintendo Land
>gray area
Splatoon 1 (basically outclassed by Splatoon 2)
Smash 4 (same, but with Smash Ultimate)
Wind Waker HD
Twilight Princess HD (enchanced ports of GC games, that became the definitive way to play the game)
Eh there's Yuzu if you're THAT butthurt.
More control options are better. Games that don't need analog can still use the buttons as binary "if pressed" checks, but games that could benefit from analog then can.
>Feels cheap
God forbid you ever pick up a controller that isn't bloated with hardware. Do you even remember when controllers like NES and PSX were super light weight?
>Feels bad and attracts fingerprints and dust.
Wash your greasy hands and dust your fucking room.
Begone, thot. Why? So I could use those tasty analogs in all those great games that require them? Like Sim Race Shit 19, Sim Racer: Bullshit, EA Simon Racing 18?
Because Nintendo dropped them so now analog triggers are "good" because they mean your console is better.
Also it supported Wiimotes + accessories for most games not just Wii games, so you could play 4p splitscreen MK8 without buying new controllers
>having the largest variable input option be digital
why would you ever want this.
>Starfox Zero and Nintendoland not good
I bet you play shit like Souls and Monster Hunter.
Honestly I hacked my Wii and really loved what you can turn it into. I don't get why switch hacking is better than a hacked Wii u since there almost the same. Plus the Wii U can play GC and Wii games natively. I'd really want to get one since the gamepad would be fun to play games off tv.
I'm just glad Xenoblade X exists, that alone validates the Wii U for me
Imagine caring about anyone retarded enough to buy a Wii U
I'm gonna tell on you to Bowser
>hating on analog triggers
GC analog tiggers were ultra comfy and used in lots of games.
>want to play Mario Kart 8 splitscreen
>on any other console an additional player requires a controller that costs the same as a full priced game
>on Wii U you can just go to GameStop or a garage sale and pick one up for $10
>most likely you already have one or know someone with a Wii
Also I hate how only one game on Wii U used the fitness board.
Analog only benefits games that use it. Every other game becomes worse.
Grats you just figured out that Nintendo are the most anti consumer of the three but are shielded by relentless fanboys.
Now cough up and buy OOT again on the eshop
>>>no backwards compatibility
>Ever6body does this
Yes, games that were designed for them. No game today has analog specific controls unless it's a racing game.
Also the GC hybrid triggers (analog spring, digital click) are max comfy however playing mGBA on homebrew makes me wish the triggers didn't have to be pressed in all the way for a L and R input.
And that's a good thing!
You missed pic related
I can't believe people believed this shit. Why the fuck would nintendo underclock the wii u so they could overclock it later? What kind of fucking marketing strategy would that be? "ah yes let's intentionally give everyone a terrible first impression of our product, then over a year later we'll fix it and then everyone will buy it" fucking retarded.
Eh I only owned a 3DS. Mostly because of the fact that I wasnt really aware in everything gaming when the WiiU was relevant.
Console wars aren't real you obsessed faggot
Nintendoland was fun if you could get five or six people in the same room at the same time, but at the time it came out I had just moved for a new job and wasn't physically close to my friends so I'll give you that. Were I a college student with roommates and free time we probably would have played a lot of Nintendoland.
Star Fox Zero, however, was a soulless reboot of Star Fox 64, which was itself just a retelling of Star Fox. Star Fox has the modern Star Wars or Star Trek problem; the people making it think it always has to be about scrappy rebels fighting an empire, or a ship named the enterprise flying around, or in Star Fox's problem, it has to be about Fox flying across Lylat and fighting Andross while occasionally fighting his rival Star Wolf. People complained about Adventures, Assault, and Command being weird and different, but at least they tried something new. Star Fox needs an overhaul, take the gameplay parts of 64, Assault, Command, and Zero that worked (branching paths, different types of vehicles, all range mode vs space shooter mode, on foot missions) and give it a new and unique story.
Only faggots emulate past 6th gen
>Everybody does this
the wii u didn't do this.
>Ever6body does this
the wii u didn't do this.
>Then play it on your WiiU
i did already. why can't nintendo make new games for their new console?
yep. it's less ergonomic and doesn't even have a d-pad.
>I don't even know what this is
zombiu, some of the minigames from nintendoland, stealth inc 2, etc.
yes, the switch's touch screen is an afterthought.
no, the switch pro controller has objectively worse build quality because of the awful d-pad on some models.
>I can't believe people believed this shit.
keep in mind that this is the same fanbase who also believed the grinch "leak" and thought persona 5 was getting ported to the switch because a literal who on twitter said so. they'll believe anything that tells them what they want to hear.
That's oddly specific, are you upset that your PC can't handle that kind of emulation?
Care to explain why?
>why can't nintendo make new games for their new console?
Sweetie they did
The Wii-U is unironically the best console if you hack it.