>Meanwhile on Yea Forumsbay....
Meanwhile on Yea Forumsbay
This nearly 10 year old PS3 game I bought for 60 dollars surely still is worth that exact price and I will not accept anything less than it.
>broken new n3ds xl with no working screens, dead battery, ripped ribbon cables on multiple circuit boards, blown microfuse which requires soldering
>"69.99 + 10.99 expedited shipping"
I fucking hate these jew cunts ruining my reseller repair business
I bought 7-8 games on it 3 days. Had to cancel an order of Platinum though, looked a big closer after ordering and found the fucker was selling repro's without mentioning it anywhere. Had to check his 2 negative reviews...
*3 days ago
>my reseller repair business
>bitches about having to solder
Level up or gtfo faggot
>Selling super mario sunshine
>Put an auction for $25, complete with manual, seems fair when its normally selling for $50 used
>Get an offer
>Meanwhile a copy of Pokemon XD already has $41 towards it
Are you fucking serious? I have 5 days to go and plenty other fish to bait, fuck off
>retard bricks his 3DS installing CFW
>buy it for 15 bucks, add a boot.firm from a couple luma versions, boot it up and then update the programs
Do you know how hard it is to solder in those tiny as fuck microfuses? They are mm in width and require precision else the flux will fuck it up
>List game as disc only
>add "TESTED, WORKS WELL" in all caps to header
>Get a question from buyer
>"I forgot to ask but does the game work?"
>Selling 13" retro gaming CRT TV, works great! *no pictures of it on*
>$400 +$300 shipping
selling my stout shako
Someone wanna trade a ps4 for a wiiu?
>25 bucks for SMS
I just looked out of curiosity and pretty much all used ones sell for less than 20. A good chunk for less than 10 dollars even.
Even an originally packaged one is only a bit over 50.
Are there actually people retarded enough to not follow the 3dshax guide? lmao just read the instructions
Yes, I do. Suck it up, faggot. I thought you wanted to repair some shit.
Git gud or get out of my business.
I'm sorry mr.chinaman but the 2 vita batteries I order haven't arrived yet and I'd like a refund. I've already checked the post office and the parcel ain't there. Thanks
crts are rare my nigga
I wonder how much his remains will go for
They absolutely aren't.
My countries equivalent of craigslist has literally hundreds of CRT listings that you all can get fore free if you drive there and pick them up.
Even a couple for the Sony Trinitrons that /vr/ keeps jerking off about constantly.
What the absolute fuck. These things dont even sell for more than 120 used/refurb
>tfw I ordered a privacy screen for my balcony and it shipped from China
>3 weeks later and I remember about it and check tracking
>it arrived in 4 other states with a "out for delivery" update before it actually arrived in my state
>It's supposedly at my parents house right now and I haven't checked yet
Did the chinks just write "America City, 1776 American rd." on the shipping label and the US postal workers had to make sense of it putting the pieces together with a name and address check?
>sold rare Dreamcast game to someone on eBay
>got a message from them a few weeks later because it was never delivered
>contacted USPS and found out that the truck it was put on caught on fire and they didn’t know if the package was salvageable or not
That was one of the weirdest things that ever happened to me.
>I'm selling a new switch , the screen is a bit scratched but you don't see anything once lit up, I don't really use it anymore so i'm selling it No offers under 300 dollars
Do people understand the point of second hand?
Cardboard costs so much
I had a package never arrive because it got caught in a wildfire once.
I also never heard from the seller again so...
They aren't rare, there's just like two specific brands that are sought after but every moron thinks their shitty Emerson is worth the same as a Trinitron, and if the Emerson actually turns on but gets no picture it's worth even more!
>Preorder game off Amazon
>Get it three days after release
>Preorder game off Ebay
>Get it a day early
I love you ebay.
God damn, I used to buy so many YGO cards of ebay way back then.
All of them pretty much worthless even back then.
>he hasnt jewed retards on Mercari or other phone seller apps
You plebs are losing out
>not buying decks off of amazon
shit taste confirmed
was the UPS driver okay
i bought a brand new Samsung CRT for my retro games and it works just fine. why the obsession with the sony CRT?
>Had a copy of mega man X7 that i didnt want anymore and sold it
>Remember kid me didnt get a case, so I went online and printed a case art work on the internet on a normal 8X11 paper sheet
>Item sells
>A week later get an angry response
>This case is fake, you just printed artwork, I want my money back
>Oh fuck, apologize and say I'll give the guy a refund
>Give refund immediately without a second thought
>Guy just keeps the game and doesnt send it back
Never using ebay again
Fucking asshole is claiming I sent him a box of rocks AND I have to refund him. Fuck this place
Dude it's not a structure deck
Lads how do I buy an unlocked iPhone on ebay? The last thing I want is to find out it's been stolen and the seller won't refund me.
E bay is a fucking bullshit platform made for scalpers and gullible people
Trinitrons were the gold standard for consumer grade CRTs at the time and sony owned the tech behind it. Really any decent CRT made after 2000(?) is viable because by then sony's patent had run out and the tech was fair game.
Or something like that.
>Like New
>The analog nub and triangle button is clearly missing
does anyone still use ebay?
Easier to jew people buying nintendo games
>monthly Peddlers mall run
>Stumble on box that just says PS1
>Pick it up and go buy it at the counter thinking its just some old playstation with no cables
>Go home and its an N64 with basically every good game along with it
>Sell everything but mario 64 for nearly $40(got $20 for M64) and sell the console for $50 on ebay
>make like $500 or so
Always check your Peddlers mall, some people are straight idiots and sell stuff for NOTHING
Even after I told the guy what happened and gave a refund he asked if I could contact him if I got the game back, so he could buy it again. The USPS sent me a generic lost item message for half a year until they said my lost package request expired. RIP Jojo.
>Printed own SNES boxes and filled them with a bar of soap and an el torito menu
>Shrink wrapped them in vaccu-seal plastic, sold for about $50 each
>People who bought them are never going to open them, and will never know they bought a box of soap with nintendo artwork on it
I buy/sell digital codes of collectible stuff on it, that's about it.
>not documenting like a motherfucker
Won literally every dispute like this
Nintendo Switch, used, decent condition with some scratch marks on the back and screen, comes with Dock + joy cons
I only buy chinkshit on ebay. Some of those still amaze me in how good the quality is for almost nothing.
I do for buying broken shit. NEVER EVER buy from sellers with more than 1000 feedback, they WILL fuck you over with economically unrepairable shit. Always go for actions with sellers that have relatively low feedback.
Never found out
I still use it to buy books and shoes
Never buy handheldsbfrom ebay, they're more expensive AND worse quality than buying locally
I will need the serial number of that console you're selling.
This shit pisses me off to no end, are people that stupid? do they not understand what second hand market is?
Great for some things, less for others.
ORiginal microsoft Xbox
No controller,or cables,or gmaes.powers on but makes a buzzing noise n disk tray stuck shut.opened it up but cudnt see ne thing wrong.but maybe you can fix it.picture attatched.
comes from clean home , no pets.
$73.99 + $13.99 shipping
I'm selling mine for 400 with Smash, Odyssey, Pokemon Lets Go Pika, MK8, Labirynth of Refrain, Dark Souls and Cuphead.
is that too much to ask or too little?
I had someone claim payment fraud when they bought an old hentai game from me, but paypal sided with me because the item was delivered to their house and bought with their paypal account
I buy my retro games on it
bitch got his stolen hahahaha me too
Meanwhile here in taco country I can get an XD in mint condition for just $28
the best is when they sell it to you for a bargain price like $240, but without the dock (which costs another $80).
anyway, I managed to find one for $170, good condition and hackable (atechoutlet on ebay).
been waiting over a week for it already but that's because ebay's GSP is so trash.
H O W?
God sellers are such cunts about feedback.
>terrible experience with seller, leave reflecting feedback
>email after email of crying about how I'm ruining his reputation and why didn't I just blindly rate 5 stars
fuck off with that shit. If feedback is just going to be used to jerk each other off why even have it.
Any of you ever struck gold on eBay?
>got Ace Combat 1-5 and 0 with PS2 flight sticks for 60 bucks
>Nintendo Switch brand new for 220 bucks
>Doom collector's edition NEW for 50 bucks (1 month since release)
>Yakuza 1,2,3,4,5,Kenzan for 65 bucks
I recently bought some shit for two cosplay. For one, a cheap Sony Walkman, for the other, pic related. neither of them are vidya related. Oh and bought a Sony ghetto blaster from the 80s for shits and giggles.
I buy aux cables, batteries for handhelds and chargers. U?
Amazon took the market by storm. That's kinda bad because Ebay was pretty on pair if nor bigger than it in the early 2000s.
Selling souldozer for 15 reaction images.
Its the only viable place to getting used shit without being ripped off like in Amazon and with money back guarantee
My gf just moved in with her whole collection of vidya, which is basically the same as mine, so we decided to cut the fat by selling our extra copies and keeping the better ones. Made nearly 3 grand off the copies alone.
Doesn't seem worth it. Either it's easy to check if it's a fake by appearance or weight and you will get fucked eventually or you're a master in faking and forging and wasting your talents on small scale shit.
In my experience amazon is also pretty shit for second hand items. Always $5-10 more expensive.
>looking for an xbox one for christmas 2014
>some seller was selling it at an unbelievable low price and it came with the master chief collection all brand new
>for $280 free shipping
>click buy as soon as i see that shit
>turns out their son had listed the xbox on ebay for way less than they were going to sell it for but i had already bought it
>they were pleading with me to cancel the transaction because they never meant to sell it for that price
>>tell them that i'm poor and just wanted a sexbox for christmas and that they had just given me a deal i couldn't pass up and that i was very grateful for it
>they gave in and just shipped the xbox for the price i payed
to this day i love those guys. i wish i remembered their Ebay ID.
>GF moves in (not even wife yet)
>you got rid of your vidya collection
I've actually ordered like 7 or 8 of them across multiple amazon sites
might even keep a couple of them for myself
Probably too much but it depends on the condition, if it's ACTUALLY like new and you can take good pictures then you might get a buyer
what game?
If you want to buy books then ebay is pretty good, ironic since amazon started out as a book store exclusively.
That and people buy stuff from aliexpress and flip it on ebay, but the price is usually still low and you don't have to wait 20 years for it to arrive.
i'll give 1 ref and 2 rec
You better hope you don't break up and she takes your shit user
I hope you marry that woman cause you won't be the one with the game collection if she leaves.
Fraud is a criminal offense. Harming collectors is largely a victimless crime. They were never going to open it anyways, they want to gloat about their complete in box MINT condition sealed copy. They'd never open it. It's like Shroedingers Cat. It doesn't really matter whats inside.
It's the guy that sells the tablet part only?
As soon as the New 3DS was announced, I sold my 3DSXL on ebay for like $5 off retail price so I could basically upgrade for a few bucks. Granted it was only a few months months old, I take care of my shit and I kept the box and everything. Some people will just buy it
>their house floods
>wtf where is all this foam coming from?
Washington State started adding sales tax to every online purchase. Used to be able to get no tax from ebay if it shipped from out of state.
I still use ebay sometimes on used things. Everything else is Amazon for online orders since newegg fell the same route with ebay on taxes.
We have no state income tax so we dont report use tax. I hope theres a special place in hell for the person who suggested to add sales tax on all online orders. Its bad enough sales tax is over 10%.
forgot to say that but yes.
i dont want to advertise here though, imo im happy with new joy cons but no dock's a bummer
>threw out the cardboard boxes and manuals for vidya when I was a young fag
>realize how much they're worth now
You guys clearly don't understand how moving in works. Theres no legal binding reason she could steal shit if he owns the house.
I've had something similar happen (someone selling a brand new PS4 slim for $120) but a few days later I got an email saying there was a stock error or something and a refund forced upon me.
>no dock's a bummer
Would i need one if i only play undocked, like the ac adapter doesn't get pluggedt hrough the dock or anything? Because i'm pretty interested in getting one, i'm tired of waiting for a new model
I'd say it really depends on the condition everything is in. If there's no scratches on the screen, the joycons grip into the console without slipping off, and the games all have their original cases then you could probably ask for somewhere in the $450 range
Honestly every time this happens I deliberately ignore that faggot. If they prove they're fucking braindead it most likely means they're bringing some trouble while trading anyway.
Is it even worth the risk to sell cfw nintendo shit on Ebay?
Have you been to a thrift store? CRTs are stacked up on the shelf, they don't even accept them as donations anymore. Same with VCRs.
I just bought some cosplay for an upcoming convention
bought a sword over ebay once but it never arrived because the seller packaged it shittily so someone somewhere down the line got stabbed by it and they cancelled the delivery
You'd only need the charger, then. Honestly, I'm not sure if you even need that because a USB C cable might just be enough, but then again there's been these reports of people bricking their consoles with third party chargers (and docks) so to be safe, I'd probably get a legit charger.
Also been waiting for a new model but I just said fuck it because I don't want to regret not having bought a hackable one while they're still available.
Also turns out you can hack patched models as of today, however only with this CFW and only for Switch consoles under 4.1.0 I think, so that might be an additional option for you.
Everything is in perfect condition but I bought it last year.
Yeah I was thinking about upping the price too but It might be too obvious for the people that already come in contact with me (they mostly just want to bargain the price)
Don't feel bad. If everybody was an autismo and saved them, they would be worth nothing
For example, ruby and sapphire pokemon games are worth nothing compared to emerald, same for diamond and pearl and platinum
oh it's just adipocere from the bit rot
>tfw used to make bank off of selling YGO cards
>tfw could actually make my hobby pay for itself by topping in tournaments and hustling in trades
Damn I miss that life.
oh yeah that reminds me I have a shitload of MTG cards to sell. I I wasn't so fucking lazy I could make some nice money out of it. Got rare lands and stuff like that.
Soon all Switches will be hackable.
Got a used one in good condition with ALBW, DKRS, Pokemon Y, Lego Star Wars, Yoshi's Island. Kirby Squeak Squad, Mario Kark and Mario 3D Land for $160.
I think I made a good buy.
google's pixel chargers work like a charm. The dock is what can brick a switch thanks to nintendo's ass backwards set up for them. A straight USB-C in is fine.
It's breddy gud if you're a buyer. Not so much if you're a seller as you get fucked over by the 10% + shipping + buyer having unlimited power in the transaction.
I can't begin to tell you how much money I save by buying Switch games there instead of damn near anywhere else.
It was Jojo HFTF? Damn, that's painful
For years I kept all of my original Lego boxes. At a certain point my mom thought I should get rid of them. I found compromise by cutting off and keeping only the front covers
Got my PS4 slim from ebay. Pretty sure it was stolen, since it was a bit too cheap and the guy delivered it himself and he looked like a crackhead.
Still, it works fine and isn't banned from PSN so I'm happy.
Story time
>Selling some old DS games
>List AC:Wild world
>Remember all the fun times I had and all the time i spent on it
>But new leaf is out now, so I can make new memories
>Get a buyer
>sell for about $35
>Get an angry message a week later
>This game was broken into! It is not as advertised, and is not new! this was a birthday present for my daughter, I wanted a new one, so give me a refund for lying to me!!!"
>Infer this is a mother who obviously didnt fucking read and thought she bought her kid new leaf
>Despite the game saying "NO BOX, CARTRIDGE ONLY.
>Send her a message that she might have bought the wrong item, because this was a game from 2008
>go through ebay dispute, she gets her refund
>Two weeks later, Never get my game back
>Message her asking if she had sent the game back yet
>She sends me a message via email
>I threw your trash away, let this be a lesson to not scam people!!!
>She gets her money back meanwhile I lose everything
>buying used shoes
nigga what
>Also turns out you can hack patched models as of today, however only with this CFW and only for Switch consoles under 4.1.0 I think, so that might be an additional option for you.
Okay that's pretty fucking good, no jig needed either, alright thanks user
I really hope for you that you're baiting
Not all. This exploit was completely fixed with 8.0.0 but anything prior should work, however will take more time still.
A workaround for 4.1 (and lower) was announced a while ago and this is it. However, it has a lot of "problems" with it, especially lacks in terms of security as compared to an unpatched one (check the gbatemp threads).
This will likely not be available at all for the very new revisions (Switch Mini and shit) as they'll ship with 8.0.0 minimum, unless Nintendo is retarded.
I'll give you a rare pepe instead.
Nope. unlike Yea Forums's favorite cuck'd meme I've known her my whole life and we lived together for a while because of our parents, we just now live together for real. I trust her with my own life.
Mostly pencils, nibs, inks and small peripherals.
>looking for an out of print anime
>see it and it says brand new for a decent price
>get it and one of the cases is cracked which triggers my autism
>boxes has some dead ants in them
>seller: oh by the way i sent you some extra goodies bruh
>extra box with more dead ants and some anime figurines he blew his load on
>was about ready to chew his fucking head off but i decided to let it go because the anime i wanted worked and i enjoyed the hell out of it
Just be wary of the warnings on the site / thread.
Potential homebrew could fuck you over, and it will likely be better to get a Switch you can rcm jig yourself rather than something like this, at least for a while.
Is it possible to avoid this? How do you avoid this happening to you? I don't wanna get robbed by stupid people like this guy
Bruh the ants were the goodies he wants his figurines back.
>I trust her with my own life.
women are not to be blindly trusted ever
So you lost 35 bucks. Big deal. You sold the game anyway and got fucked over bu a retard. You can cry about being fucked out of 35 bucks but dont cry about losing the game you sold
My Dreamcast and all my games for it have been from buying on Ebay
I sold my banned Switch on ebay for almost retail price. I especially advertised it as banned because of using it with hacks that allow piracy and it sold better than unbanned second hand consoles because I got tons of requests about how to pirate.
Never trust a women, you are delusional
>he is fucking his sister
Not really. EBay almost always sides with the buyer unless it was clear as day the buyer was a complete retard that didn't read the description. Even then, eBay is more likely to side with the buyer than the seller because "muh customer appeasement".
Your best bet is to always take pictures of the entire process, including of you placing it in the mailbox.
I'm going to guess someone hurt you user. It's okay, you can tell us.