You guys ready to meet Ilbred on the 1st?
You guys ready to meet Ilbred on the 1st?
Sup bros. New to the game. Any other Ilbros willing to help me through a dungeon?
More like inbred am I right?
I seem to have misplaced my katana, maybe another Ilbro can post it.
Since Balmung is full, which is the next best ERP server?
>8 ilberds gather for their raid night
>one dramatically gets knocked off to his death
>7 other ilberds in voice: "SLOPPEH"
can I get an anemos relic in time if I start eureka literally now?
Here you go, buddy.
Should I blow Mendacity and Genesis before the expac or should I be able to convert them to Poetics? Is the conversion going to be good?
Not a newfag, been playing since 2.4, just don't remember HW conversions.
but you can just make a character on any crystal server and world visit balmung at your convenience
What PvP modes should I queue for if I expect the queue to pop ever? I hear nobody does feasts.
If you go right this instant, you can complete all of Anemos in a day. Pagos will probably take you longer, and then Pyros and Hydatos will probably take one day each.
You don't have a hope in hell at this juncture of completing them all before the expansion.
Who else is going Dancer?
Mateus is actually a better straight up ERP server, Balmung is more social and genuine RP focus.
Anywhere on Crystal will let you world visit Balmung anyway, though.
Optimizing it a bit seems like it might be pretty cool based on what we've seen. I've already got the aiming gear from playing mch anyways.
Only 2 days bros.
Same and I am debating between going in with mch or dnc anyways.
Just 60 more hours, bros.
I can't remember any of these fucking characters anymore. Guess it's alt time.
seal rock
Cool that is the server I went with, thank you!
They are adding a NG+ system. I thought it was coming on release but I don't think so now though.
It looked so good from the reveal trailer, but seeing how it actually plays completely made me do a 180.
Going to main BLM, will try MCH very next because it looks cool and I might switch to it if I like it more.
MCH got flashier but the actual changes are overall meh to me so I'm taking it as a sign to finally move on since it was my main job since HW.
No problem man, have fun.
>They are adding a NG+ system. I thought it was coming on release but I don't think so now though.
Same here but I know the allure of MCH will always call to me. I tried dropping it in SB but I ended up maining it again after playing BLM, BRD and SAM.
Oh yeah Ilberd summoned that dragon that btfo Papalymo huh
Well no, dragon didn't do shit to him. Papalymo just killed himself to stop it.
The only thing I care about is getting rid of the need to double weave on MCH. I can't do it without getting a VPN, thankfully BLM doesn't really have any trouble otherwise so I can play that.
How could you possibly forget Ilberd?
probably got a little wet brain
Do we have any details how it will actually work? What makes it worth doing over just starting an alt?
Glad to be bringing him back
Sad that the average SAM player is sub 60 IQ and they had to remove hagakure due to it overloading their synapses
How will he travel to the First to bug the Beast Tribes there?
Just resets MSQ and Job quests and you don't have to level up again.
He'll have a Mystel version of himself.
He got away from the shark and ended up on an island with a Zone Eater.
>Do we have any details how it will actually work? What makes it worth doing over just starting an alt?
You reset all the way to the beginning of an expansion or a job questline. It's a separate progression tracker from the actual real MSQ so you can switch between two at will and not get locked out. Why can't they just let you pick up any chapter of an expansion even though they're all chaptered to begin with is the biggest mystery of the rocks. The only advantage is that you can replay HW without going through ARR, or replay a job story without leveling that job. The feature is neat but even then they had to go and fuck it up.
>Dia and Glare look kinda neat
>but SCH comes with the perk of having SMN tied to it and will also be the strongest healer in ShB
fuck which one do i level up first
SCHs lost everything that tied them to SMN.
All that SCH has for them right now is a fuckton of ogcd heal skills from the fairy which aren't even that great.
Haven't seen a thread this slow.
It's the middle of the day, and OP didn't put xiv in the title.
It's actually nice when all the insecure posters can't find it.
There's another one up
Night and day.
I'm going with Sch as having SMN is nice and the healing looks good.
No title in thread to avoid the WoW mod. He can't be bothered to actually search the archive.
Am i missing something? Isn't it coming out on saturday?
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