>incoming greatest game of this gen
Incoming greatest game of this gen
Other urls found in this thread:
Doubt you could even imagine it
>open world meme
>using GRRM lore as a selling point when the lore was already good and there's a thousand other things that need more attention
I'm honestly worried.
There's a very real chance it will be a downgrade from Sekiro in terms of polish.
Keep in mind DaS2 was originally planned to be open world.
that was maximum cringe
oooooooooooo the blood it sings to me
Souls II was made without Miyazaki's involvement, so it was destined to be trash anyway.
"Open-world Dark Souls" is literally the formula for the best game ever. If they execute this at a high enough level then it could be an instant all-time classic and the definitive game of the 2020s.
>generic soul shit number 8
yeah gaming is saved
I really don't see how open world adds anything at all. Even by Miyazaki's own words, it just means bigger/wider areas, which is an antithesis to Soulsborne's emphasis on strong level design.
>“Storytelling in video games – at least the way we do it at FromSoftware – comes with a lot of restrictions for the writer. I didn’t think it was a good idea to have Martin write within those restrictions. By having him write about a time the player isn’t directly involved in, he is free to unleash his creativity in the way he likes. Furthermore, as FromSoftware we didn’t want to create a more linear and storydriven experience for Elden Ring. Both issues could be solved by having Martin write about the world’s history instead.”
>By having him write about a time the player isn’t directly involved in, he is free to unleash his creativity in the way he likes.
>Storytelling in video games comes with a lot of restrictions for the writer. I didn’t think it was a good idea to have Martin write within those restrictions.
We will finally see GRRM unleashed because of based Miyazaki. GOTM (millennium)
How underage are you that you don't like open-worlds? You understand that linearity is not the historical norm, right? That's something that only became popular in the last 20 years and only became the standard in the last 10. Games used to have way more freedom and way less linearity in the 80s and 90s.
>another souls like game
bit tired of them but okay
>open world
lol fuck off
Wow you're so fucking stupid I don't even know where to begin.
Fromsoft games already had some degree of non-linearity, there's obviously a middle ground between hyper linearity and open world. And there were a metric shitton of "linear" games in the 80s and 90s, not everything was an RPG. You're so full of shit it's amazing.
still worth buying a PS4 for this or should I just wait for the PS5?
>Fromsoft should do something new
>They say they're making an open world game
Then we have
>Fromsoft should tell us an actual story
>Fromsoft makes Sekiro
>Nah fuck that we want the story presented like Dark Souls
>Fromsoft should change the aesthetic of the game
>Makes Sekiro
i liked that part in the ad. I hope everyone else liked it too and isn't making fun of it.
>Yea Forums is one person
Yea Forums has a hive mind you dumb shit.
no you fuck off and don't touch your ape hands on this game, I don't want to hear your whiny opinion. but if you do play it pirate it so you don't sound as whiny. thanks.
PS5 will probably be backwards compatible, so it's really dumb to buy a PS4 at this point if you've held out as long as you have.
>PS5 will probably be backwards compatible
Not him but that's a really naive assumption, why the fuck would they miss the opportunity to sell remasters all over again?
Theres still gonna be intricate levels like castles and dungeons but now on a more larger scale. And I dont know about you but exploration has always been one of my favorite things about souls games and open world could add alot freedom to that concept.
Next they should give us a mmo
>character creation
Hope we get something new. The options really stagnated after DeS and DaS.
I don't think it would be all too hard to implement, and Project Scarlett is confirmed to be backwards compatible so it would put Sony at a competitive disadvantage to not have it.
also all PS4 models should be a lot cheaper anyway after the new console is out so waiting is the right move regardless.
Souls2 had a lot of really neat ideas and content, they just fucked up the base game and never got it into a really "finished" state
If it had had a competent director from the start, and didn't have to get neutered to fit onto last gen consoles it could have easily turned out as the DaS to DaS's DeS
All this talk about open world shit, the game better have multiplayer and make it seamless to you fucking incompetent japs.
>lore was already good
except not. Just a bunch of scattered ideas that were not even connected or expanded upon. It was basically just a couple of key words for fans to make up their own fiction around.
I feel like everyone who praises open world games hasn't actually played them, or maybe thinks that developers simply haven't tried hard enough yet and one of these days some magical game will come along that truly delivers on the concept. As it exists now "open world" basically means a bunch of oversized fields full of either empty space or repetitive busywork. The so-called "freedom" leads to a lot of tedium and poor pacing. Outside of DaS3 and maybe BB, Fromsoft's games already had a solid amount of freedom to them exploration-wise.
guess i'll go for the PS5, then. Bloodborne can wait...
>multiplayer fag
I hope we get different race options, since they said they will be focusing more on the role-playing element than previous games. And I need to play a dwarf in every game I can.
>single player virgin
I bet you haven't played through sekiro more then twice.
I'm interested in how MP will work (sorry anti MP fags, MP is objectively a major part of DaS, just KYS or git gud your opinion is objectively wrong you butthurt snowflake)
A large open world would make the summoning system less useful, players could be waiting a long time for another player to come across their sign. It would need a fairly major tweaking to work right, and I don't think they'd go for "seamless" as that would probably require hosting the gameplay on servers rather than Player to Player.
yo fuck those salamanders though, holy shit lol
>love dark souls 1-3
>really excited for this game
>read this interview just now
>"mounted combat"
FUCK no no no no mounted combat is never FUCKING FUN!!!! FUCKKKK FUCK!!!! FUUUUUCLK!!!!!
the way they talk about it, it's probably going to be more for getting around a big open world than focusing on mounted combat.
The bread & butter combat is gonna be DaS style, 100%. A bit of horse combat is just to mix things up while traveling the more empty expanses I'd assume.
Play it on PC, faggot.
>enemies horse teleport backstabs your horse
>it dies
>you get up
>enemy horse now teleports and backstabs you
neeeeighing personnel ashen chosen shinobi one
another one falls for the open meme
bitch, you know i want to lol but idk. all this chasing around for parts costs so much money.
I was going to finally upgrade my computer and its weird shopping now. I haven't bought my own parts since 2005 and my current PC is mostly just a hand me down from family members.
It's fucking weird with the internet not being so obscure now like there's no secret place to get deals anymore like back in the day I feel like I just woke up from a decade coma I'm so out of touch.
Elden rings in hand
Literally the Madden of third person action. Aren't you guys tired of playing the same broken and buggy shit every time?
Sekiro was just From trying to do something after Nioh BTFO of every Souls game made.
No, it's fucking good and shits on every game this and last gen. There's no other series anywhere near as good currently, and that's a fact.
s h a t t e r e d
AHHhhh the..Elden-Ring
upvoted also cope
MWahaaahh theEldenRing.
This but without a SHRED of any fucking irony whatsoever.
I played and finished all From Software games since Demon's Soul and I came in my pants when I saw Elden Ring trailer for the first time.
Their games are better than sex in my opinion.
>anything that isn't a linear hallway is open-world
yep, it's a zoomer
why does Yea Forums hate from software so much?
name one better developer
name one good game from the last 10 years that wasnt made by from software
you literally cant
It's consolewarrior faggots since the games they make can't be used as fuel.
You can't even fucking deny it though. It's without a doubt true. Best gameplay, best level design, best replayability, no cinematic bullshit that interrupts the flow of gameplay, great atmosphere, great art direction, etc. It's unrivaled in the modern game industry.
Open world + GRRM is what killed my interest on it.
It sounds like The Witcher and I hate The Witcher.
All the worst areas in Souls have been the wide open horizontal areas like giant swamps and lava fields, giving you a Witcher 3 teleporting horse wouldn't have made those areas any more fun.
You know that From advertised Dark Souls 1 as an open-world game as well?
This will be just another great souls game and that's a good thing.
They become semi-popular
It's not the same as what they're trying with Elden Ring. At best it will be like MGSV, a game that ruined its series' characteristic level design with open world shit.
I don't understand Yea Forums's boner for boring 15 minutes walks / horse rides.
Wish they didn't get GoT author. B tier fantasy at best.
Imagine how much he charged due to being Game of Thrones' creator.
Instead of being invested into the game, they just made the fat fuck richer.
DS2 was directed by the same director of the Kings Field games that's why is less a Dark Souls and closer to a traditional RPG,or so say the DS2 fans.
wtf am i looking at here
Bannerlord developer chasing out the pestering fans.
>DS2 was directed by the same director of the Kings Field games
No, it wasn't.
Im not surprised GRRM instantly agreed to write for the game, fat fuck is desperate for any excuse to not finish his series
He didn't exactly "write" for it, he helped them develop the lore and mythos
well he did write, there's enough to publish apparently
Epic vs Steam
Get this hothead out of here
I curious how invasions will work this time. Because of open world
Look at his last books. Blood and Fire or something. It is basically raw "history" of dance with dragons war. So he's just in mood to write raw lore/setting.
There was one user who got upset at people spamming OOOOH ELDEN RING, so now everyone does it. Somewhere an user is seething, and that's a good thing.
>Keep in mind DaS2 was originally planned to be open world.
That's not actually the case, and more a product of awkward translating. What they actually said, back when Shibuya was still the lead, was that they intended for Dark Souls 2 to have a more open approach to world design, meaning they planned to deemphasize progression gating and give the player more options for choosing how and when to explore different areas of the game. Areas would still be confined, with specific entrances, exits, and routes for traversing them, but you'd have more options for where you'd like to go first. Nowhere was this more evident than in the idea of The Bridge. There had been a plan to create a method for skipping all the early game areas and bosses and jumping ahead straight to late game by crossing an obscenely long bridge, parts of which can still be seen in alpha mockups of the maps, that would be covered in difficult enemies.
Unrelated question: What is the best way to play Dark Souls on PC? Remastered or Prepare to Die edition?
PTD, Remastered comes with a lot of questionable changes.
The Remaster has QoL upgrades like using multiple consumables at once, and having a matchmaking server instead of being entirely node based peer to peer. It's debatable which has the better visuals, as they made some really questionable decisions.
Factoring iin that it's inconvenient to get a copy of PtDE and I'd say you're better off going for the remaster, bastard cashgrab though it is.
You guys ARE going to make a flaming celtic ginger.... right?
Pirate Prepare to Die
Get the remaster later if you enjoy it when it's on sale.
Remastered, it was 80% off the other day
>linking to ign
post a mirror and get banned
eat my elden ring, furfag
how did you know i was a furfag?
Aggressive turkish man with genetic disease, is something of a meme but i forget his name. He likes to fight people for little to no reason
It was a low-key jab at the game's future fans and people already so hyped for it. There's plenty of shit like that in Soulsborne item descriptions. Miyazaki is a fucking genius.
Bright red witch first playthrough. Kinda hoping the sliders are improved so I don't have to scour online for presets.
based and holy FUCK she's hot.
based OOOOHHHH poster
who is this?
Are you one of those fags who makes some plastic Asiatic looking cunt with neon red hair whenever there's a character creator? That's mega cringe you nigger.
kys faggot. He has good taste in women.
You guys do realize that it's not going to be a "sandbox" type open world game, right? He literally just means what he said: there will simply be larger more open areas connecting the intricate levels and such. This isn't going to be a Ubisoft game or GTA or something. I'm not worried at all, From continuously has proved their ability to make good games. They know what they're doing.
>mega cringe
>You guys do realize that it's not going to be a "sandbox" type open world game, right?
Yes. Miyazaki said in the same interview that he's using that label differently.
Ow my heart... I want to kiss her bros....
Who said they thought it was a sandbox? I'm expecting a Shadow of the Colossus type open world with Dark Souls dungeons.
>plastic Asiatic looking cunt with neon red hair
Sounds pretty good lads not gonna lie
I really hope there is no multiplayer of any sort. Sekiro was miles ahead due to not needing to balance around autists and the games difficulty was perfect.
I agree.
No multiplayer no buy.
It was hard to learn easy to master. Definitely not what they should emulate.
asshole ring status: shattered
A daring synthesis
I don't know, it just feels like some people are misinterpreting what kind of open world it will be. From isn't going to make it too massive with randomly generated shit for example. Basically, they're going to design the game with intent like they always do and not have a massive open world with nothing in it just for the sake of it.
>imaging her saying that
>having a learning curve that actually feels great to master is bad
That was the most SOUL out of any E3 cinematic trailer, unironically.
MP was the vital component of the Souls franchise. It's one of the main features that gave them a long shelf-life and marketing power. I doubt they'd "go back to the RPG roots" and leave out the multiplayer.
According to the leaks Elden Ring will have the most weapon and armor selection out of all their previous games. What's the point of Fashionsouls and varied builds if you can't show it off?
Sekiro was balanced not because it was single player but because it was a straight action game with limited player freedom.
>You'll be able to go wherever you want, even the moon.
>dragon's dogma 2 never
She looks disgusting. Ask me how I know you're a compulsive masturbator who watches too much hentai and JAV you stinky bitch.
>he doesn’t know how fucking likely it is we’re getting DD2
Itsuno has a literal blank check.
My dude we're yet to get Special Edition for DMC5 let alone something bigger from Itsuno.
you must be gay user
How is DS2 closer to a traditional RPG?
it has shitty combat just like my traditional rpgs
>hentai and JAV
lol well you got me there.
Jokes on you I'm on nofap for 8 months now.
*donno how to write that lankey kong sound*
Fucking based. I saved up load while taking those pills for a month to create an ocean of semen to Miru tights
PTD if you intend to speedrun, Remaster for casual play
Consistently Good Game 8
Go make another smash thread
>“Light looks more beautiful in darkness,” said Miyazaki. “When there is something beautiful in the middle of a wasteland, we are able to appreciate it more. One jewel doesn’t look like much when you have a pile of them, but if you find one jewel in the midst of mud, it is worth so much more.”
>that guy who continues to pretend that seamless multiplayer wasn't one of the most influential parts of the Souls series from the beginning
Storyniggers already got Sekiro, let the big boys have their fun back
The game will 100% just be slightly tweaked souls combat and the "new" mechanics will just be open world mechanics copypasted from other open world meme games.
and that's a good thing
I hope there's jumping and less retarded rolling
and swimming
Plenty of swimming in sekiro. Also sprinting is much faster than other from games. I expect both to be in ring.
it won't!
elden ring
Well if they're talking talking about horses and mounted combat theyre either going to:
>Have huge area like witcher 3 to utilise the horse to get around (which I find unlikely)
>Have the horse as a gimmick for certain segments of the game with fields like Gael's boss arena scattered around the world
>The horse is a teleport npc and you use it for 1-2 gimmick bosses :^)
I was really hoping for Tenchu, but Sekiro just felt like a slightly better MGR
Look they should just make Armored Core
Yeah I have to assume it's a secondary gameplay mechanic because obviously there will be mandatory sections off the horse, entering caves and ruined castles and stuff. But he's stating very clearly that it's more than simply a mount. I'm trying to imagine From level design based around the size and movement of someone on horseback.
I'm curious what they stat spread is going to be
With an "open world" including shit like horse riding and a back to RPG kinda design maybe we'll see another Agility kinda stat, but better implemented than in 2.
One of the things I've been wanting to see from the series for a while is stats having more of an effect on how your character plays than just what weapons you can use.
ya it's almost like there are more than 1 person on this board
Fucken KYS faggot. You are too stupid to exist
I hope so too, because that means the bigger world will be bigger vertically too. But I think more traversal options for a bigger world will naturally include swimming and climbing.
I unironically want to see them in it