Is Yea Forums ready for Aussie eSports Anime kino?
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They wont fund video games but they will fund a shitty "anime" about video games. Fucking boomers I swear to god.
>tax payer funded
I fucking hate this country. This is almost as bad as them """""rescuing""""" 8 terrorist little shits and bringing them here when they aren't even Australian.
>anime abbos
>Government funded
>Epic Funded
>ADM funded
>gov't funded entertainment
>3D anime
Is this the pinnacle of aussie shitposting
this has to be fake.
please god, let this be fake.
Why Aussie have to be such meta shitposters everytime?
Australians shitposting with government fund
That headline alone is worth a thousand words.
It's not:
>Meta Runner has received completion funding from Screen Australia and is financed with support from Epic Games and AMD.
>Screen Australia
>Screen Australia is the Australian Federal Government's key funding body for the Australian screen production industry.
aussie shitposting is so ascended that we are as insects to them
It’s very real
But Aussie esports Kino already happened.
Go watch e-hero. And play reflex arena while you're at it.
I don’t get it
What are you referring to?
Normie journos
>Kevin “Did I Mention I Like Anime?” Lerd
I understand your confusion.
Kids of ISIS fighters who are now dead are being brought here. Even though 1 of them has been photographed holding a severed head and another is pregnant with her 3rd kid at 17, had her first at 13, different terrorist fathers for them.
This is an Onion article right OP?
>that trailer
>that emo music
>those shitty models and animations
>Villain is Trump
Nope, too intelligible to be him.
>capable of competing
fucking leftist propaganda
This AMD, right?
un fucking real
blue haired girl a cute
>Funded by the government
What in the goddamn?
If you’ve watched SMG4 beyond this point:
it all makes sense.
>those giant fucking lips on the black dude
Culmination of SMG4 running his show into the ground
How did they get Sean Astin?
You mean AMD.
>SAO shit
i dont even know anymore.
But I thought Aussie hated video games
So any form of animation that looks visually appealing instead of being CalArts vomit or recycled Pixar shit is anime now?
pfffahahahaha jesus christ
This isn't Yea Forums related
You already have a Yea Forums thread
>People still like Avatar: The Last Airbender, right?
But I can’t post about this on /out/.
>that thing on the right
Well, the got the cringe commentary of eSports down pat.
It looks like rwby but worse
What kind of RWBY are we talking about?
i hate my country. the only redeemable quality is that we have a moat
Someone needs to tell Alex Walker that outside of Japan we call those cartoons.
What moat is that?
the big one
What big one?
Will it be about huffing gas fumes?
Not even close
>In a world where video games, speedrunning & esports are everything, a cyborg girl named Tari finds herself in the crosshairs of world class Meta Runners as she discovers she has the uncanny ability to warp into video games...
That's what these young kids like, those japanimes
Did faggots forget the word cartoon exists
God I love Tari.
They did, gotta cash in on Evangelion on Netflix
Shit taste, desu.
I was about to say, "where's the Chinese representation?" but then I saw the Samurai armour.
>Oi! Ya cunt run down to the shop and get some durries.
>I need me some petrol for the car ya cunt.
>Let's have a walkabout in the old telly games. Cunt!
>The rugby game is on you can play your telly games after cunt.
God just imagine.
Yes, this guy
>CG cartoon about a going into games machine
oh boy
The guy who made this is being payed by the government with my tax dollars to make a shitty cgi cartoon about e sports and speedrunning? what the fuck
Has that been done before?
no wonder why their videos went to shit
Yes, same guy as this
To think someone made porn of her
That exists?
>cyborg playing esports
So it's the special olympics side of esports?
Worst thing about the anime arc is, I can’t easily forget it now
Yeah, it's on paheal
terrible art style
As an Australian, I can agree that we make some of the cringiest Youtube content on the site, but even I had no idea how low we stooped.
How do these videos have so many views?
Fucking hell
Good think i stopped watching their videos when they started with this shitty OC waifu pandering
>32 results
Because Mario
Tried to tolerate it, but the Anime Arc broke my patience.
It's funny because he said cunt.
She lost me when she turned out to be a walking advertisement.
No regrets
I hope they make a game of this movie.
It’s a web series
who is this qt so i can look for the porn directly?
>>itt: tonguelets that dont know the origin of the term anime
Meggy Spletzer, and that's not what she normally looks like.
I hope they make a game out of this web series
I would have actually never guessed it was supposed to be splatoon girl but thanks anons
Thank god you missed the anime arc
You're welcome user!
There's more than one?
>Government: video games is mentally ills
>Also government: Play more video games
Sega Hard Girls is better AND not using fake game IPs that are parodies of other more popular games.
I mean what era of RWBY?
Jesus fuck, I'm never voting again until somebody puts a stop to this.
Sega Hard Girls, except it uses actual Sega IPs instead of fake knockoff IPs.
But Meta Runner speaks English, clearly THAT gives it the advantage.
Is Australian gaming as bad as South American gaming? Heard Australia has really shit internet plus there's a ton of games getting banned there.
I think that’s why Yahtzee moved to America
Sega Hard Girls gets a Sonic episode and the first episode is Virtua Fighter complete with blocky polygons. What does this shitty wannabe have to make up for not having cool shit like that?
Waifu exploitation
Are you saying that you WOULDN'T a MegaDrive?
whats wrong with the guy on the right, when did big head mutants exist
>It's CG
Fuck off.
I think that's meant to be a game character
I mean SMG4’s waifu exploitation
apparently not
is forza horizon shit m8?
there ya go
The pacific ocean
Based SeHabro. Truly the best vidya anime ever after High Score Girl
jesus fucking christ this is lamest shit I’ve ever seen in my entire life
>Aussie anime
I'm confused but I'd watch the shit outta of it
>government funded
>Aussie eSports
>Kotaku article
There's so many layers in this picture alone
every fucking piece of entertainment is "tax payer funded", doesn't mean it's much, the grants are fuck all in the grand scheme of things but mate, you better hop on the plane to nz and shoot some cunts up
I thank God everyday that I wasn't born in the UK or Australia.
>Inb4 get shot
Loicence for your reply first.
>aussie anime
>an anime about shit posting
>power levels are literal Yea Forums power levels
that's not anime. that's western trash
NZ representation; a fat-head midget.
>wahmen protag as top e-sports gamer
>nigger quota filler
this is why Nippon will always be superior
fuck feminists fuck niggers fuck kikes and fuck the janitors
also government funded are you for real Ausland
But this is by two dudes
Enjoy the taxes
>are you for real Ausland
we're shitting on more levels of irony than you can imagine seppo
>aussie anime
>not even a cartoon
>which is a unique word for japanese cartoons
why are journos so fucking stupid
Post the crucified pic
me: there should be a hollow knight anime, it would be a sound investment
australian government: i freaking love league of legends
>that slut with her tits out
go the FUCK back to youtube comments you FUCKING zoomer
go back up your mother's balls
Why do boomer politicians in Australia have so much care and empathy for literal terrorists but don't give a fuck about us?
Australia is as Eastern as Japan, so all Australian cartoons are anime.
Well, we got Deltora Quest.
Look at how far western art has degenerated. Even dark ages art is better than this.
It may have been pretty shit but younger me thought that was pretty cool.
Jasmine was a super cutie and no one can say otherwise.
The actual show looks better, the poster is just drawn weird.
>Deltora Quest.
if it wasn't for deltora i doubt i would have read at school
was the anime any good?
>it's 3D shit that looks like it was made in the Fortnite engine
>the Fortnite engine
You can just say UE4
Nice concept for a show. What's next? A NASCAR anime?
LNP is pretty anti-refugee though.
>it's not even handdrawn
>implying it's animation from japan
So why hasn't anyone come up with a term for corporations pretending to make things "anime" for branding purposes?
>Hollow Knight
>made by white people
enjoy it while you can, but liberal parties will all eventually sell you out for foreign slaves to save money on labor costs.
it's as inevitable as your island turning into a giant desert
Cultural appropriation.
>>Government funded
>>Epic Funded
Why are you surprised? China runs both.
A bit cutesy, Jasmine is nice as otheranon says.. So-so; it's been a long time since I watched it, but I wouldn't call it a must see.
I do wonder how the Japan only DS game was.
Where's the outrage for Netflix culturally appropriating anime?
SJW's only care about shitty non-white countries.
I'm going to try to start an outrage asap
>For years get banned games because we didn't have an R rating
>Finally get an R rating
>Still have games be banned
>Still have games censored
>Australian vidya industry is just fucking dead in the water
>Government does this
You can try try it won't work, they don't really like the Japanese because they're pretty self-sufficient.
don't forget completely fucking up the nbn so our net is still a joke
But what's the purpose?
Is the aussie government just shitposting?
cultural appropriation
This is the most boomer thing the government can do.
>these fucking literal children watching gmod mario videos
how fucking old are you autistic fucks? how do you actually watch this shit? are you fucking retarded?
you actually laugh at this shit? what the fuck even is this board anymore
But do they floss?
feminists failed to defeat gamers but boomer politicians attempting to be trendy are about to commit a genocide
Some of their old videos were good
This means Damo and Darren is anime.
post the videos you think were "good" you fucking child
>china makes an esports anime
>japan in the middle of making an esports anime
>aussies want in on that zoomer dosh
>tell some broke animation studio to make RWBY BUT WITH VIDEOGAMES
Michael should've gotten his own proper show by now.
Not yet.
Now in all seriousness. It's pretty fucking good so I don't see an issue with it being called anime. This is peak Straya here.
Will need a beach episode.
Leb & wog bashing day seems a good premise.
>look at thumbnail
>look at your post
this is why australia shouldn't exist
>t. Cultural appropriator
Faggots are not welcome here you daft cunt
Have you ever met a ciggy butt brain?
but your entire continent was settled by banished faggots
>Universities trying to get "teams" together
>now this shit
>Banished faggots
Fags can only kill people with anal and giving people aids, we had real hard cunts who killed people with knives and shit.
My university only has one team for LoL and they are fucking terrible at it.
>will be a million times worse than The Kings Avatar
What’s The King’s Avatar?
>He doesn't know
Oh that.
How bad is it?
eSports cartoons are a thing now?
saki is all about playing league of legends now
it was the genre shift no one saw coming
Does NASCAR Racers count?
Kek underrated
Yeah and it was full of faggots that did both.
Taxpayers getting cucked as usual
I'm so fucking glad we can always just check what country made it. In the future when sjw's and normies try to get into anime, I can just filter by country.
Will each episode open with an Aboriginal elder welcomeing the viewers?
>western creator
When will the cultural imperialism stop?
>worthless anglo colony in northern antarctica
>not western
Autistic kids.
Literally my nephew and he is autistic.
Fucking loves the show.
As a genre, not really.
Japan is still really fixated on everything vidya related being a TRAPPED IN VRMMO story.
This and High Score Girl are really the only shows I can think of that are about people who just play games.
I guess there's also that Daigo manga and Someday We'll Make It, the latter of which was about "tekken" and got axed.
No wonder they called it anime, probably thought that they were Japanese.
So everybody use term "anime" instead "cartoon" now
It sounds cuter that way
trash is the correct terminology
Switch has better graphics.
The GameCube has better graphics.
It's all true.
plz dont give that cunt any more ammo to fuck us over, were already a police state
i get i, because its cunt upsidedown.
You only just now got that?
I’m still amazed two such shows even exist
Good lord the comments on that video.
SMG4 has one of the most ridiculously loyal fanbases I’ve ever seen
Fuck off
What do they call anime in Japan?
Don't be Rama Rama
Japan calls every cartoon anime.
Australia literally started as a dumping ground for British convicts
nonce island it was called
I don’t get it
>They delayed it just to make it look better
Why is there no movie about the Emu War yet?
this was the emu's 9/11
they bombed every city in australia in retaliation for that photo
And this is why Australians have so many delayed game releases
Again, weird poster
really shows the state western animation is in
>government funded
It's a marketing thing. Do your best to call it out whenever you can and complain about it and eventually they'll stop.
>its not anime because its not japanese
Wow guys.
Wth would you watch Government propaganda and brainwashing?
Yes. You fucking idiot.
I'll admit it's animated better than Berserk 2016.
Anything has to be better than Berserk 2016
That's not a very high bar to beat, user.
He should take over for Rick and Morty and make Bushland Adventures the main show
anything that so as much resembles chinese cartoons is anime. That's why you get retards that think Avatar, RWBY, Wakfu, and Netfliex Castlevania is anime despite being made by the west
Fuck this poofter country
at least it looks cheap
How do we stop this cultural appropriation?
By universal reset
Everything is anime now.
AOTY 2016 was a literal taiwanese puppet show.
How do you propose we do that?
Thunderbolt took craftsmanship and skill.
Season 3 when?
>westerners so ashamed of their shitty cartoons that they don't even want to associate with it
The golden age of western animation would be ashamed.
Thunderbolt isn't anime but is still more anime than the OP. Incredibly by the numbers but the presentation makes it.
find this faggot
What's the problem? I'm sure they'll grow up to be good members of your community.
>"She went INTO the video game!"
Truly original writing 100% never done before or thought of by anyone, my God this is the most novel and groundbreaking thing I have ever heard of she's actually RIGHT NEXT to Coconut Boy!!!! Wow such brilliance such sheer brilliance this is truly an amazing time to be alive so incredible A+ A++ A+++++!!!!!!!!!!!
The writer was Japanese, calling it anime isn't a huge stretch
In production I guess.
I'm surprised they managed to get more than 2 seasons especially since the studio seems to have so much going on with the taiwanese side of things.
>Paid for by Australians
>Farmed out to Chinks to actually do the work
I really dig australian accents on girls, so it can't be that bad.
If it's about esports then how come the main character is a chick?
girls are just as good as boys at e-sports
Could be a tranny
Google needs it's algorithm fixed again.
and i thought the chinese-american accent was annoying jeez
h8 speech
Everything is Yea Forumsnime, user
Yea Forumsnime is pleb tier entertainment now
Replacing shitty cartoon
sure does i don't see good guy fear anywhere
these results need to be unbiased
The only sane reaction to this news
The samurai hated the Chinese, I don't see the connection. If anything, it's anti Chinese.
I love you Australia, pls never stop shitposting
They play koala man on abc
The western world needs to come together and criminalize western "Art". It should be a minimum life sentence in solitary confinement, with an exclusive death penalty for the worst offenders i.e. tumblr, DeviantArt and Twitter "artwork"
well the mongol shitters did lead them to invade the samurai's country
Not that user, it's pretty generic but not offensively bad just kind of meh
The premise is a pro player getting forced to retire since his team is about to be kicked out of the league and he gets the blame since he's the captain, then he starts killing time with a new character and decides to prove he's still got it
Dunno about shooting anyone but I'm seriously thinking about going to NZ and becoming a born again Kiwi. Australia is going to fucking shit. It's just not the cunt-tree that I shitposted in defence of anymore.
this ugly shit is not anime
You're right, but the creators beg to differ.
best aussie "anime" coming through
>Liking bad girls
Found it hilarious when criti kal got butthurt about this and was too retarded to understand how decimal odds work
That is most anime now though.
the manga
the anime
Both excel in their own fields. I was waiting 14yrs for Samurai jack and to be cucked by a 30min fully animated and voiced Aussie shitpost was the best way to lose my shit.
They're not anti-importing cheap Indian and Chinese labour. Farmers would rather teach curry munchers English on the job than pay locals a fair wage.
there are so many things wrong with that headline. It's like something you'd see in the tabloids back in the day.
>3d style "anime"
I mean, there's nothing wrong with making a shitty anime wannabe, but government funded? Really?
government art subsidies are ok if they preserve culture or encourage tourism
so the main gimmick of the character is that she has a "going into games" machine?
It looks better than the moe garbage and slice of life trash Yea Forums always posts about. Aussies making better anime than Japan now lol.
someone got banned for naruto posting
>government is funding a show validating waste of space speedrunners
>Implying this show does either of those
Just import your games from, you don't need to pay VAT so stuff might end up being equal in price in the end even after shipping and whatever import fees.
maybe if you can convince people that australia is relevant in e-sports. if they wanted to represent their country they'd instead make it about women's teams comprised of men dunking on tiny asian women.
>ctrl f "ana"
>ctrl f "dota"
>0 result
what the fuck? you guys are pathetic for not knowing the most successful aussie esports player.
Name:Anathan Pham
Birth:October 26, 1999 (age 19)
Country:Australia Australia
Approx. Total Earnings:$2,870,201
meanwhile, what have you done in your life?
cringe i bet it contains tranny shit.
>Australian govt funded
remember euclideon
>Aussie government funded
What are the odds that this is some weird propaganda thing regarding how they want their citizens to see video games?
media grants are nothing special anyone can apply for it and a lot of grants have went to failures.
Wait, I thought this wasn't even out yet?
Guess now we know what became of it, huh?
Quit gaming like a noob
yes, it doesn't make much money anymore
Holy fuck our government is fucking AIDS.
>Liberals are mostly against immigration but are massive Israel supporters and are best friends with the CIA, mining and media Jews
>Labour support the people but are massive commies and most of the politicians there regularly "interact" with Chinese politicians, and will most definitely turn us into a Chinese satellite state.
>Everyone else are either massive hyped up memes that get sub-100k votes or actually know how to run a country but get sabotaged by Labour and the Liberals
Can we get a military coup-de-tat please?
I legitimately didn't know ana was an aussie.
Just vote for these guys!
Teach me user, how do I rise above noobdom?
post good aussie shit
mein negger
Looking forward to whatever the new series they're working on is
I love my wife Talia!
Seems that way. The channel that made at least calls it a animated series. Also looks way better than RWBY.
speedrunning is in the trailer. they even say frame perfect at one point.
how about you just think a little, chump
Not looking like an insectoid azn for example
french anime is in a league of it's own
What the fuck, this is being made by that guy who ruined SM64 bloopers
Code Lyoko was kind of like that.
Aussie mecha anime when?
>ban critically acclaimed games like Hotline Miami for being too violent and sexual
>instead make an anime about video games
The reason boomers and politicians prefer terrorists and shitskins is because they will never let us rise through hard work and we are too timid to stand up for ourselves while your kind will literally bitch and argue over 15m of overtime.
Add ontop of this the fact that you whites could literally easily replace them at their jobs. Jobs offer full time contracts less frequently nowadays and you are a threat to the boomers comfy villa and yacht lifestyle.
A shitskin like me will always just say yes to everything and any attempt to rise above my station will be met with sabotage. I legit was sent to retard shitskin lower end high schools with an exam score for higher education and better schools and colleges.
Chinese pseudo-anime about a ex-eSports player having to start from the bottom. Based off a novel.
Why insist on calling it anime (the japanese word for animation/cartoon) though? Do they think no one will take it seriously if they don't cling onto the term? That's pretty fucking sad.
God this fucking sucks.
>You went into the video game
>"That's unheard of!"
Laughing Isekai Protagonists.png
Because anime is the shortened version of the word animation. Japs refer to shit like Spongebob as American Anime. Hell, the Taiko no Tatsujin has Let it Go from Frozen in the anime section of songs
Australia is so cucked by china is laughable. Whenever Australia tries to raise coal prices to chinks, they make Australian coal ships wait at the docks and say they aren't taking the coal unless the price is dropped. To return a full load ship back to home port would be expensive logistically so they take the underhanded price cut to drop off load and return home. Fuck chinks!
The guy behind this (SMG4) makes a living off of Super Mario 64 Bloopers (same one who made the scatman video). The quality of his videos turned to aids once he started introducing new characters.
>we could have had Romper Stomper: the video game
This has a bit of a ReBoot feel. Kinda digging it.
You havent mentioned the part where they were born here as Australian citizens and then kidnapped by their terrorist father when he decided to flee the country to join ISIS.
you neglected to mention this because you are a disengenous little shit attempting to misrepresent a constitutionally mandated duty of care over orphaned Australian citizens in order to push your personal political agenda.
>Story about "e-sports"
>The protagonist is a woman
This social engineering shit is getting tiresome.
just wtf mates
I believe we should call creative Australian media Cunce comic/shows
No chance a can of VB would show up in an Aus nuclear power plant considering the strict OH&S regulations.
My taxes!
we dont even have any nuclear power plants, dumb cunt.
your australian tax dollars at work
The damn bongs should have left that hellhole alone what have they done
Which is pretty dumb considering the uranium deposit we are sitting on.
>Jarring half-assed 3D
>Everyone's got dyke hair
>That positive reception
Y'know it's still probably better than all the other shit our funding is going towards, fuck this country is doomed
>Anti immigration
Hey nice one, with a dying retail and property industry immigration is only increasing, need to have those false GDP numbers to stop a recession which is already happening.
>military coup d'etat
Yeah I'm sure all those diversity hires are totally willing to go against the system that keeps welfare cheques in their pockets and anal beads up their asses
better than spending tax money on fighting and regulating the vidya industry.
I saw a thing where they discussed the lower requirements for women to join the military and a guy was making a point saying "This completely disregards looking for the right person for the job" and the cunt comes on saying "you assuming the right person isn't a woman???!!!!" despite the fact it has nothing to do with that but instead that women get an advantage.
Then again, this is the same cunt that claimed on national TV that the age of consent in france is 5.
Here we are, back to kotaku shilling
Fuck this board oh my god
Why? Did they run out of things to shitpost about and had to make something new?
what scared me the most was how high the like ratio was
i hate to use the word, but it was the cringiest trailer to anything i've seen in a good while, how can people enjoy it for real?
anyone watch The Tribe (1999)?
based laughing salesman poster
leftist maybe...
but not sjw shit.
look at those fake tits!
plus where is the trannies and abbos
Australia had some pretty unique live action kids shows. Other than nowhere boys, nothing like that exists anymore. I remember watching ship to shore and Around the Twist all the time.
never in australia.
>vote liberal
>they green light this shit
this is the future you chose you dumb fucks
The first season, is so goddamn painful.
Really, it's by that guy? Haven't watched his shit in a while but it was just dumb shit to watch for entertainment. Basic, but ultimately inoffensive. How the hell did he get this job?
Honestly we were fucked either way. It is either Libs and their outdated boomer economics or it is labour and their complete misunderstanding of economics in general.
Noah and Saskia had better 3d than this shit
looks kinda fun, hopefully its not as shit as rwby
sorry, i was wrong.
i found the abbo.
That theme is now stuck in my head, thanks cunt. On a similar note, even fucking Silver Sun looked better.
>their complete misunderstanding of economics in general
are we going to ignore the fact pretty much every worthwhile economic decision made by the government has been made under a labour government?
Rudd era Labour is different to Shorten Labour user.
>those comments
are they being ironic?
Hey California sorry about the fires lmbo
I mean, this is fucking shit, but take a look at this kino for one second.
Its actually disgusting considering that the graphics of their world match the graphics of the games, and it all looks like modded fortnite OC's
general trailer lacks sound effects, the VA's did a shit job, and the entire thing doesn't seem to be relate to gamers
this shit makes rwby look like boondocks in its prime
i unironically can't wait for the porn
>called Meta Gamer
>not a thoughtful commentary about the dangers of children going online given that this must be the target audience
>generic villain instead of a simple slice of life
It's called "like avatar"
And now britain has a higher crime rate then Australia, talk about irony
The king's avatar
Britain is a fucking dystopia.
I wouldn't want to live anywhere in any anglosphere country, but I legitimately can't think of any 'Civilized' nation that's worse than Britain in it's current state.
I'd rather live in China.
You shouldn't be, we deserve it
wasn't this hyped as the next SAO?
Explain in further detail?
>I'd rather live in China
I wouldn't go that far.
At least China has good food.
gutter oil
I fucking wish, i think we're verging on just straight up retardation at this point
its almost like the decisions are made by people with absolutely zero interest at all in the medium
How do I get a job in the esports sector? Not as a professional player, fuck that
I'm talking about the people who run this shit, who the hell are they?
they make holographic games now and are making mad bank
>SMG4 made that Scatman video
This thread is dead isn't it.....
Welp, who's posting porn.
Ah yes. He sure does look Australian
>not Little Fat Lamb
>tfw someone made a show about the going inside games machine
So it's all womens then?