Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon
Now: Pokémon Crystal (4h btw)
Next: The Legend of Zelda Randomizer
Later: Deltarune Any% NG+ Race
Full Schedule:
Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon
Now: Pokémon Crystal (4h btw)
Next: The Legend of Zelda Randomizer
Later: Deltarune Any% NG+ Race
Full Schedule:
Other urls found in this thread:
First for fuck pokemon fans
Continued from last thread;
Could a Human REALLY beat a Gorilla in a boxing match?
I want to fuck this rabbit
I stopped following pokemon when I turned 9, give me reasons to return to it that don't involve porn
>oh nice pokemon crystal
>oh it's "glitchless"
>best gen 2 girl is a gen 1 girl
God Johto really does suck
one job, user
wait, did Toby release the full game or are they really speedrunning a demo?
>does glitches anyways
just the demo ofc
manipulations aren't glitches
>4 hour RPG speed run
Time to post Pokegirls I guess. Also the other thread is going blazing fast once more so I guess people got tired of shitposting in the nigger sticky.
how do i get a gf like this
Reminder that even though this runner fucks up and doesn't properly prepare he still always gets a run accepted because he's friends with the staff while better runners with better games get denied.
Pokemon attracts tons of shitposters I guess.
Can't delete what i dont have.
How long until he mercy kills it?
what makes cashew me good?
She's so dang cute, bros.
niggas keep posting in the old one till we hit the limit
Posting best girl
crystal runner sounds like jewish guy from big bang theory
Another 4 hours maybe because he never gets the Red manip or something.
is the gorilla following the rules of boxing?
>20 minutes in
>only level 9
the fuck? did they have to reset or something?
Indeed, but you seem to have posted the wrong girl.
sounds like intentional glitching to me, user
it's been hit user
just got home from work what did i missed?
Misty will always be best girl
why are glitchless pokemon runs allowed?
The game is piss easy a toddler can beat it with just the starter.
amazing speed tech
FOUR hours of this mindless shit where people clap for rng
Kris is definitely one of the most underrated pokegirls and what a shame that is, her design is top nice and her character in the pokemon manga was really fun and good.
Spats are always a sign of good character.
why is every gdq donator message some dumb 2009 reddit shit?
I know right? Shame I have little of her.
the fucking punchout blindfold
>there is literally nothing wrong with the black plague. Its staying here, get used to it.
Correct and based.
This. Transphobes are not welcome!
not cute enough to not be abandoned when hg/ss came out lmao.
damn thats a nice ass
god I want misty to cuck me
>comparing human beings to a plague
nice. this is why you are alone.
He did. This is best girl.
ratings so far (still waiting for megumin poster to wake up)
S/S: Split/Second
SS: Rygar / Titanfall 2
S: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier // Chasm: The Rift
A: The Hobbit // Tony Hawk // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM
B: Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN // Metroid Prime // Skylar and Plux // Kirby Air Ride // Kirby 64 // Ape Escape // Crash Race // Punch-Out (arcade)
C: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark // Slipstream
D: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey // Uncharted: Drakes Fortune // Monster Boy // The Textorcist
F: Super Mario Bros 2 // Ducktales 2
ZZZ: Borderlands 2
?: Metroid Prime 2
Reminder no one is forcing you to watch this, you can close the stream, thread, and go do something else until it's over.
ah, but im not a fucking pleb so i dont have any pics of her
I feel like putting a 4 hour Pokemon speedrun on right when normal people are getting off work is kind of fucked up
Whitney was ezpz, just trade hypno for machop
UH SourPls OH SourPls BANGER SourPls ALERT
>why are glitchless pokemon runs allowed?
same reason people over 12 are allowed to play videogames even though it rots their brain and makes them waste time posting on imageboards.
My young mind did have some problems with the milk tank, you're right
I agree, user. Also don't forget to dilate today.
Meguminposter just went to sleep a few hours ago
Maybe she does and you just don't know it
you can already put crystal in ZZZ tier unless the runner starts dilating halfway through
Superior design
>Spats vs Overalls
Its not fair bros I don't want to choose
HMs... poke
>mods delete pro-trans posts but leave this up
Another 4 hours of Pokemon posting then
So do you play as the girl or boy when you play Pokemon?
Top taste
that's kinda hot
That Sabrina episode was probably the first time I'd been aroused out of fear.
Just enjoy both.
we wait till its over user
Girl since the choice has been available.
Always the girl
Vampire milk.
Feet are god tier but your art is fucking shit
victims of the black plague are humans too, asshole
Did he skip sprout tower?
your """"speed""""run isn't impressive or fun, it's shit a 6 year old can do
it's awoken several anons' I believe
female (male)
The girl, I like the idea of a cute young girl going on fun adventures with her animal friends and becoming the champion.
The bigger question is what the fuck has to be wrong with someone to spend hours upon hours of their life speedrunning Pokemon without actually doing any cool, skill based stuff?
I can understand Mario, Spyro, Half Life, stuff that is interesting.
But spending literally 1000s of hours playing and replaying a fucking Gameboy RPG just seems insane
You don't self insert?
>your favourite pokemon gen
>your fetish
gen 3
Why would you not pick the girl?
It really makes you think.
Being insecure about /pol/ calling you a tranny.
>apologizes for following the punch out run with this trash
To think Keizaron was a Megman Battle Network 2 runner
why would they put a 4 hour run in the middle of the day?
>4 hour ""speedrun""
Why is 3D pokemon so soulless?
pokemon is an enormous moneymaker. this run accounts for $30,000 of the donation total so far.
>Have to leave for errands and miss out on comfy poke stream.
If you have the choice between playing as a female character and a male in a game, and you chose male, you are a homo. Enjoy staring at male ass.
casual nudity
This thread got pretty slow when this run started.
what am I coping about you stupid retard.
>sightseer never gets much art
Pokemon runs are kind of boring.
They should do it blindfolded to make it more fun :)
gen 4
My waifu since 1999
Girl bodies are strictly better than male, there's literally no reason to have a male body unless forced to.
girl since I started mastubating
Boy (female)
How comfy is this pokemon run so far?
They delete threads bitching about speed run trannies all the time, if you don't realise this it means they are doing their job. Make sure to thank the janitors, irl or Yea Forums
dammit I'm doing nofap this fucking thread is pushing me
There is not much execution to be had in glitchless runs of early Pokémon so most of the interest is found in the routing phase. The speed runners are more or less competing for who has the most optimized route throughout the game
Sex as a way of resolving conflict
Pretty comf.
Whew that guy in the blue shirt has some autism doesnt he
you are kidding yourself if people didn't lose their shit when pokemon stadium came out and you could see mons in 3d.
also all 3d pokemon are better than the hilariously bad tweening animation mons had in gen 5, holy fuck that was embarrassing.
female body hair
keizaron/10, so constant mentions about reddit, self deprecation far past the point of comedy into the realm of cringe and awkward forcedness, and of course, he's shit at every game he plays, and has fucked up every manipulation so far.
Name a better protag in Pokemon.
Please let him get mercykilled
Normies eat this shit up.
Gen 2
Loli panty shots.
Gen 1
wew I didn't know sean was so cringe
>this is a fun zone
>shitty fucking puns
GDQ staff needs to fuck off and get actual humor
>4 hours of pokemon
Jesus Christ
Damn, just fucking kill me now
yep, check singing from the bingo card
>puns and songs
Immediate mute.
Gen 4. Mind control.
>Girl bodies are strictly better than male,
lmao. fuck off you homo. male bodies are 100 times more aesthetic
I mean there's not really any mechanical reason to do so, so not really. Girls are cute too.
High-tier cringe right here.
Anyone else cringing rn?
please stop singing kill me
Gen 3
Yike, pure cringe, not even cringekino
Gen 2
Shortness, shortstacks, lolis, thighhighs, ghosts, autopaizuri
>Lame ass puns
>This is a fun zone, guys
>despite popular belief
lmao this amount of cope
how can I sexualize an "IT"?
dude, stop
for me, it's Sabrina
Stay strong bro
t. brainlet
Guys have a penis to fuck me with and a butt hole to cum in
Mindbreak or feet
God, Johto is so boring.
Gen 2
Women with big boobs
That wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.
so you can take a nap
Oh it's another "announcer kills the run"-episode
That was pretty good desu
>this post was made by straight guy gang
does any have a name yet?
>this announcer
Nice tomato
This is one of those games where it's more nostalgic than the original only because it's not referenced much. I haven't heard these songs in forever.
I forgot how slow and boring the pokemon combat is.
gen 1
prostate orgasm
>People here actually cringing at people having fun and singing
Jesus christ get outside and have fun and be a person for a change, anons.
the audience is so depressing
i dont even know why im wacthing this shit anymore
>90% of "its" porn gives Velocity a dick
>even the logo fucking art
based porn artists
Hex maniac.
ing kill myself.
literally anyone
Gen 2
Wet and Messy
not so bad
Doubles is so fun. Trick Room baby, and of course my nigga Stakataka getting cut.
the entire national dex
vanilla and handholding
Pretty sure that's Jigglypuff.
What if I break your mind with my feet
Yea Forums is cringe
Straight girls are an embarrassment, you don't even know how to please yourselves let alone other girls
The songs are nowhere near as memorable.
I want to be a cute pokegirl so bad
>vanilla and handholding
>make a girl
>call her an it
why do speedrunners do this?
They're not, but I remember them as a kid. Gen 2 is the last one I played and it only has one or two songs in Smash I think, at least far less than Gen 1.
Why tho
>play pokemon red on emulator
>speed up game 1000 times
>mash buttons through fights
>beat all world records
get on my level fags
Like this
>velocity_(gdq) on e621
kernel compilation
Why would you ever want to have periods.
I'm straight, and dudes are way more aesthetically pleasing than female bodies. Now, when it comes to sexual desire I am attracted to women (preferably ones with big tits and big asses) but I would not call their bodies aesthetic. Of course, I am referring mostly to physically fit men, not fat tubs of lard or twinks.
Water type undeniably has the best mons.
velocity they raptor
no not the jigglypuff, silly.
gen 2
>Legend of Zelda Randomizer
what is this? and how much more of this gay pokemon crap?
It only has the GS Medley if I'm correct, which is an ok song but nothing special.
>kernel compilation
You don't have periods in video games
Your post reads like someone desperately but poorly trying to stay in the closet
based and redpilled
Cursed image, I like both misty and Jessie, but that is just weird
>I'm straight except I'm not
i just want someone to hug really
I just watched the best of the Bonesaw run. Holy fuck that was amazing, how far we've fallen.
No, even the toughest person out there would be crushed like an ant by an average strength gorilla. They're insanely strong compared to us.
Stop @ing me
so boring
basically switched sprite and items are randomized
hot pockets
Kebab and fries
a cute gf (female)
>Don't you just love women with the big asses and tits fellow straight men?
I hate Jessie, she's gross and looks like a bimbo.
touhou posts
can I have some sweaty pits
The banter is refreshing.
Potato chips and chocolate
someone needs to shop the swimsuit off right fucking now
gorillas are walking muscles, they could snap any human in half without any problems
Depends on design. Though the male clothing options in the 3ds games are complete ass, so I pick female in those. Unless we get Wes tier design options, female
i am greek
>no comment
What Anonymous donation getting too obvious?
Presumably the original Zelda but randomised, as in all non-random items are swapped amongst each other.
I'd like to see an OoT randomiser at GDQ
a daily dosage, user
That's neither Steel nor Ghost.
this could have been a comfy run without the reddit atmosphere and jokes
get me a vanilla coke, thanks
My crush (male) to like me
Gen 7
Femdom, paizuri, oppai loli, body swap.
Do people really eat hot pockets?
>Bayleaf fucking shit up
this asshole right here
Here you go.
only if you ask nicely, user
you don't know how low i've gotten
salt and vinigger chips or crisps if you're stuck in Galar
This shit is getting mercy killed in the end.
I eat them frozen tbqh. Like a savoury popsicle.
Fucking rekt pokefags
based bayleaf
You're trying too hard. No one who has been browsing Yea Forums for more than a day will get offended by being called gay. To further add to my point there is a reason that male physical fitness, competition, and body building is celebrated but the same for females is ignored or outright reviled. I consider a body to be aesthetic when it is at its peak level of performance and that requires years of work and training. Keep in mind that ancient greek philosophers trained both their minds and bodies.
Iktf bro/sis
get fucked
can I please have some more sweaty pits?
A sexy Miku figurine.
How many generations of inbreeding
hell yeah poke girls
No, that's the girl's name. Her legal name is Jiggly Puff.
Sorry, I dunno who she is, but she's cute.
>not fat tubs or lard or twinks
>or twinks
outed yourself as gay
>Keanu saves us from awful pokemon run
Is there ANYTHING this man cannot do?
Every Pokemon ends up failing
Who is this foot goddess?
Is Punch-Out Wii really that good for a 1 and a half hour run? Was going to go back and watch it.
will we ever get such an amazing surprise run like tetris showcase at agdq 2015?
>No one who has been browsing Yea Forums for more than a day will get offended by being called gay
Nobody is trying to offend you
We're telling you that you're gay and can't accept it
Not difficult t accomplish when it's the most common type and in future gens it has motherfucking Scald as a STAB
oh wow
What does ORB even mean?
hm, maybe, who knows?
how are you enjoying the run anyways, user?
Why are these runs allowed? They always have to go to the back up save
erika is maximum misandrist dyke.
Reminder that Chikorita is actually a good pokemon, bulky suport capable of buffs.
Odds are she's a man, baby.
not as sweaty but I'll take them anyway, thanks user.
How is it weird, and if you like Jessie how do you not like Jessie in more skimpy clothing?
.Repel the gayness from your body, seek salvation.
>Calling someone an it used to be dehumanizing, but now it's somehow the pc thing to do.
>punch out blindfold
>perfect dk fight
>are you shitting me?
Have a child and a wife.
Is a no-kill blindfolded run, really good.
when's her run?
I just want to on an adventure bros. Real life is shit.
based slimed and pied user
>Platform: GB
Why does it say this? Shouldn't it say "GBC"? This game wasn't for the original gameboy.
Stockings, girl licking guy's nipples.
how has this run been so far?
This guy sounds like a paraplegic
Too soon
these long ones should take place at night
Imagine going crazy over a pair of feet, burying your face in them as they cover your mouth and nose haha, what kind of degenerate would allow that
old SMB3 joke that devolved into full autism after other runs borrowed it
I recently started a 9-5. end me bros.
Don't talk shit about Erika.
Then start learning how to backpacking user.
The fuck was that?
It was basically flawless.
mm what just happened?
>originally think Rosa's design is gaudy and ugly
>180 completely after looking at porn of her
What happened
>and dudes are way more aesthetically pleasing than female bodies.
How do you figure? I much prefer looking at curves
If you ever call me gay ever again I will smoke signal my team of privatized dinosaur cavalry to raid your cave and take your women, along with the aesthetically pleasing men.
who dis
>*gives u this look*
wat do
what the hell is this pokemon?
What, me or pic related? Cause pic related is from Layers of White.
Its night where i live.
huh? oh the run yeah, very enticing. it's getting me excited.
Do post-op trannies have a farty smell to them?
needs more remi
You could play it on the GB if you wanted. But you're right, it was intended for GBC.
You're gay
Been playing Pokemon for 20 years and it's legitimately a huge comforting factor in my life for that reason.
Annoying announcer doing dumb shit with donations, but runner is pretty chill. Its a pokemon speedrun so youre basically starting at D tier at best.
am I wrong?
The orb chanting started on the Celeste speedrun last event. There are a lot of orbs in that game so the repetition etched it in everyone's memory.
no way fag
how do i get a nerdy gf who likes to wear seifukus user?
Full of chokes, sis.
I think this user's post can be summarized as he wants to look like a male body builder, therefore he finds those bodies aesthetic. It's the same shit as the people who post pictures of bodies they want to have on /fit/
Gen 2
BBW, corruption, stuffing, mommydom, ryona, rough sex, pregnancy, pubio hair, dark areola…
Lick face
You grew some taste.
Please post more pictures of your team
Pheromones are a powerful thing!
Tell her to get those cataracts looked into, jesus christ.
send cock
this run's been pretty shaky
Get the stream in background
Aaaaaand ruined
gee I don't know maybe take a selfie
Pic related, because he's going to be fucking his moth grandchildren too
no pls, not the orb shit again.
Are you an uggo? Send her a pic big guy
45 minutes, how are you holding up?
Please someone throw a grenade or something.
my mom texts me a lot too
is that so?
user, I can tell you never watched older GDQs because it originally started from kaizo SMB3 runs
thank you, that's a delicious pit.
Activate it.
In general, women have to do nothing for curves other than not be fat. While some do work out to help out their ass, the body type I prefer (pear shaped) pretty much just comes from genetics, luck, and cutting down on the pizza. I find it aesthetic when someone has to work out for hours every day to achieve the perfect mixture of form and function.
based spinner run killer
After etika's guest appearance
Pretty boring, squirt
I got something (you) can choke on
oh god, we're going over estimate
Having fun.
whatcha playin Yea Forums
Meganium was my Main Pokémon for Gen 3 UU in Netbattle.
Leech Seed
Hidden Power Ice
Why is mommy not in Gen 2?
Get her snap and post it hre
They are so perfect together!
werster died for this
I don't have too many more, but there's this pic of my main bromon and my trainer a nice user did for me.
BASED donation Yea Forums is SEETHING
Cringe donation
Doesn't Mashiro have a phone? She can just call other moth chicks and tell them to come over. But then that would be Moth NTR....
>official art
>flat chested and ugly
>curvy and attractive because of artistic interpretation
you cant be this retarded
mhm, it's getting more exciting by the minute. I'm so excited I'm kind of sweating from pumping my hand because I'm so excited.
>le woman power!
Yeah but how, this normally doesn't happen to me.
look for some shy asian girl user
Minecraft and Mordhau
do you want a fucking medal, blogposter?
Thank you
Risk of rain 2
It's pokemon so I'm doing alright.
>are you an uggo
im panicing wtf do i do its been 10 mins
>grow up a boy
>play video games entire life
>chop wiener off at 20
>not knowing about cutting grass as a kid
I am about to start Hallow Knight. Should I play with KB+M or with an Xbox One controller?
kys transphobe
Warcraft 3 customs
animal crossing
Get her snap and post it here
I haven't played anything since gdq started.
>we didn't know you could cut the grass
Fanart puts a lot of emphasis on her better assets, such as her long legs, nice chest, round ass and tight clothing. Also hairbuns.
you're the kind of guy that doesn't mind taking care of someone else's kids, aren't you
That fanart ruins her
Which pokemon should I look up pictures of?
Neko miko reimu~
Every Pokemon girl is perfect and fuckable. Prove me wrong.
God my furry nuts itch from this run
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines
Why hasn't this game been in the marathon for like a zillion years
Not today transphobe
Monster Hunter 3U.
I always play non-precision 2d games with controller.
the only way to improve girls is to change the definition of what girls are
Is this the only pokemans runner that does marathons?
Are you talking shit about my wife?
cuz ure gay
I'm about to try and get some fucking sleep, because tonight's survival horror block is what I've been looking to most and I've been awake for awhile now. I might just play some Bloodstained if I can't sleep yet. I really need to play more Pathologic 2, but that has to be saved for the night and I want my full attention on that.
better not have benis
oh? are you doing any%?
Thanks user. Anything I should know or any tips for the start? Nothing super spoilery or gamebreaky, but I gotta admit that I have no played a metroidvania game since Metroid Fusion.
would she be sub or Domme?
Take the Salandit pill
Oh boy
gen 2
mommies & lactation
Ugh... why do people keep making Kasumi_(Misty) have breasts?
rosa isn't flat.
wtf bro
I've been playing video games for two decades now and I still can't understand why people like pokemon
God, that was the hottest Dragonball chick I've seen in a long time. Is she in Super at all?
>opened image
I hate you.
Fuck no. I do love being blacked by Jamal and Tyrone, though
Close up spreads with rugae and cervix , light dirty anal presenting, olfactophilia/mysophilia, gangbangs with a hole free for viewer use, farts w/ anus focus, gynophagia/necro, toddlercon, large insertions, and a billion others that would turn the thread into a wall of text
dota underlords
>half expecting etika to yell at me
When they work out it just looks even better.
I admit though a nice toned guy is pretty neat to look at. I never really thought of it from the perspective of 'how much effort did they put in to get that body' and applying it to how attractive you find something. There are plenty of toned grills too though, remember.
Just enjoy the music and visuals. Try to follow the story if you can. It's very complicated, so don't worry if you don't "get it".
Is this Crystal run ending at Lance or Red?
does he know?
£60 for that literal shit?
i need fat pokegirl asses
Its a megaten game for idiots.
You know, just when I thought I couldn't get horrified to my fucking soul anymore this comes along
Kudos user, i'm one step closer to suicide
My dick likes pokemon, but I don't enjoy the games.
Did he just namedrop Etika what the fuck
Is this more of your taste?
should end right around the time the sun burns out
did they name the pokemon or the trainer etika or something
the absolute silence
seems not
he wouldn't joke about that
Please post more Courtney.
>master ball
wow, thats amazing
This run is boring anyone else just start jerking off instead
God I wish that was me
someone explain the laptop timer/count to 17 thing
What did he say about etika?
Wasn't paying attention
Doom 64 retribution
>laptop on uneven surface gets knocked a bit, and disconnects my external hardrive, causing me to lose save data after getting to the jungle area
Fuck off
Must seriously be annoying to have to stop yourself from swearing all the time, poor runner
sure, I enjoy doing any%s. they don't take too long and I always feel really ecstatic right after I finish them.
because they don't share your opinion.
>this a b cup at the most
>average porn cup size is d
>official is pear body shape
>porn is hour glass body shape
Artists made Rosa not shit
what the fuck
Red, reason why the run is so long.
Lots of us are, user.
nothing people just misheard eddaket for etika
>tfw only pokegirl pics I have in my computer are porn
>Something almost impossible
>I'll donate $500
Holy shit the Etika comment was legendary,
Doing shit at certain frames fucks with RNGesus.
>b-cup pear body is shit
0 taste user
Also, how is this an insult? Are you calling me a pedophile?
>Shes not a fat porn star so shes shit
nigger what
fuck man
I could never stream since I reflexively say the worst word I can think of when I make a mistake sometimes.
Resetting 17 times and doing some other thing that I didn't pay attention to manipulates the lottery making your ID number the lottery number.
And it gets you a master ball.
they keep shrinking her tits anyway
thanks flan, you didn't have to flash your panties though
interesting, what's your pb, user?
goddamn THICC
yes she did
how many runners achieve climax when saying time do you guys think
i think some
Pear shape is top tier, don't post my wife ever again
oh okay
You just listed her only good qualities
it's been literally one depiction since her game.
pokemon masters has her back with the noticeable original art tits.
retards, art like and is perfection
this is fucking boring holy shit
7:37, but I hope I can get better. I'd like to feel that pure, minbldowing bliss after I finish a run more often so I'm currently training on doing it several times consecutively.
Some of the negotiations destroy my sides.
>Ladylike demon
>”What does that helmet of yours allow you to do anyways?”
> -See women’s ages
>Music stops
>The demon suddenly attacked!
I also remember one in either 3 or 4 where they’ll attack you without another word for making an especially bad pun.
we didn't say it wasn't dumbass we said that pear body isn't shit
no no you just flashed them again. please be a little more careful next time.
Where can I find them?
awful tastes
>A cup on the Masters cover art
gonna be a yikes from me, family
>that dorky wryyyyyy
shut your whore mouth
Why do they always have a +4h run of Pokémon?
The Dio screaming totally won't get old.
Autists love repetition
ah, whoopsie
I'm not gonna start ass vs tits wars in the gdq thread, I simply do not agree at all.
thanks for supporting me user, I'm about to end my run actually. It won't be a PB this time unfortuantely, but I'll try again
gotta love how they just gave up on the fourth or something.