Where are the E3 videos guys?
Where are the E3 videos guys?
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I wonder how this guy is coping with all of this. He lost his career, wife, most of his friends and even if he tries for another job he will be shunned for being known for what he is now.
I took a picture of myself the other day and I looked just like Projared. It really spooked me.
>he was innocent all along
poor guy
what happened?
Maybe he shouldn't have cheated on his wife and hit on underage girls for nudes
I did too, what's happening??
Got caught cheating on his wif and messing around sexually with his underaged fanbase. Especially the latter cost him his head.
Which big youtuber will get cancelled next?
>I wonder how this guy is coping with all of this.
Karma is a BITCH.
Don't do DUMB SHIT, don't have to get PUNISHED
hell are you talking about
did him being a pedo get confirmed?
His wife falsely accused him of cheating on her and tge internet fucking massacred him.
Like 2 weeks later it turns out they were in an open relationship where she fucked multiple other men but when he fucks ankther woman suddenly she is very “uncomfortable” with being in an open relationship.
>Projared haunting
People don't tend to like people who cheat on their wives with underaged girls, along with the wife of another content creator he used to work with.
How long will his Twitter lay silent I wonder?
>he was innocent
Hopefully Digibro
Is that the brony pedo who wants to be a loli?
gross on both counts
It would be hard to cancel Digibro, he has already endured shitstorms for being a lolicon. And his open degeneracy makes me think he doesn't have any heinous acts to hide
He should just make more video. His content was great. It would be an elephant in the room, but good content > Bad people.
No he wasnt you retard. He still was a pedo
Game Grumps, moreso Arin
He had sex, the worst thing a millenial could do these days
but he fucked commander holly, and his wife got super jealous and went batshit nuts even though they were in an open relationship and she had a boyfriend
but because hes a MAN the internet tore him a new asshole and hes been in hiding for like a month and a half because men arent allowed to fuck cute people
Why? There are way worse videomakers on YouTube
Hbomberguy or Contra, I can dream
hollys like almost 30, dont believe that other shit just because some 16 year old roastie is jumping on the man hating bandwagon
>the internet fell for a roastie's schemes
fucking normalfags
Lmao, what happened with Slazo?
His headcase of a wife wanted an open relationship, which apparently translates to "I can date and sleep around but all you can do is support my life style."
Jared slept with this Holly lady and his wife threw the worlds biggest bitch fit and threw him under the bus. And apparently he totally sent a bunch of nudes to minors for real you guys, even though there isn't really and proof.
Honestly, the real victim here is Ross.
Isn't he a sexual harrassment and child abuse defender?
Apparently abused his teen ex gf
Apparently H is, I don't pay much attention to him
Well I guess Etikin now
It's funny how people say 'well yeah he did something horrible so ofc he is done for!' but people like Logan Paul can casually use a guy that committed suicide for views and subs and the criticism and disbelief blows over within a month, other people can fraud people of their money through a CS:GO lottery website and get forgiven within a few weeks because nobody cares to remember it.
I'm positively sure that if Projared just stopped giving a fuck and kept uploading videos like usual, people would eventually forget because the common person lacks attention span.
Hbomberguy is literally ex-Metokur goon
>even though there isn't really and proof.
There are literally photos of him with his cock in hand at various angles of his room that would otherwise be unavailable to viewers of his show
>I wonder how this guy is coping with all of this.
I'm legitimately wondering this too. The last video he posted was months ago, and he's dipped well below 800k subs now. He seems to ave dropped off the face of the planet, internet-wise
Now I really hope he gets canceled
Yea but Jared had sex, you cant come back from that. People will haunt him forever for putting his dick inside a woman
Because Logan has been a massive douche from the moment he started, Jared always seemed innocent
Doesnt prove WHO he sent them to user, thats kind of the important part, nobodys denying that he took dick pics. I have a hayley williams nude, doesnt mean she sent it to me
Isn't that Logan guy aimed purely at normie Zoomers? I spend all day on the internet and never heard of him until the forest thing.
>When Holly said she wanted a open relantioship and he said yes
He is a cuck which is worse
ProJared built his career on being a nice, relatable everyman. Logan Paul literally built his on being obnoxious
This. Digibro and people like him get away with saying nigga and being pedos because the expectation is there for them to be. The Overton window is closer to that for their audience.
>open relationship
Still deserves it