Some new(old) cuties just got released! They even have a cute song to go with them!
Oh, and the second community card pack dropped as well.
100% Orange Juice
Other urls found in this thread:
I spent a dollar on this game years ago, played it twice, then permanently removed it from my account.
Sad to hear. It's a fun game.
We idolshit now.
I still prefer Sora's old voice, but can't really do anything about it so oh well.
Calmly waiting for someone to translate the lyrics. I remember Magical Girl of Miracles not being all that happy.
from the pdf that comes with the song
Suguri 3 fucking when?
I played way too much 100OJ, I'm sick of this shit.
holy fuck i should get back into this game
It sounds like they're saying fuck you
We really went full idolshit, huh?
>pack includes poppo version of the song
Oh, right, I wouldn't mind seeing the winning artwork for the cards.
Alicianrone when?
Yea Forums used to have threads about OJ every weekend until last year when they became rare, what happen?
Planet Earth died for this.
Sounds fun
I think I've got everything I can out of the game. It was a great experience though, never forget
Who is excited for Tomommy?
Fruitbat started pushing hard with their shitty grindfests of events.
>Tomomo's mommy
Never ever
Who's the biggest prick in the series?
It's hard to discuss things that are not smash, politics or bad memes here now. Also 100% is pretty old on steam now and sadly there's not a lot of people here who cares about the other OJ games
People including me get extremely asshurt over Star Breaker but even then you won't see people raging that often. Store Manager can also get some people fuming. Basically anyone tanky and +2 Attack.
Not enough major updates. These new DLCs are nice, but after a few days the game goes back to being dead because content is small. Events are either hit or miss with some of them being too much of a grind. There's needs to be a workshop support for custom boards, 4 new characters, new boards, new field events, new panels, new colors, new accessories, and new cards all in one huge update. I know it's a lot to ask for, but the game really needs something that will last more than a few days.
In 45,999,999,995 years
Considering Hono's tweet yesterday, do you think this is build-up for Sumika?
>character song
>composed by DEKU no less
Midnight Juice 2
Suguri-SP when?????
I'd join but I won't be home for hours.
>DEKU reduced to idolshit
Wouldn't that cause issues with Rockin' Android? Pretty sure that's why they made Suguri V2, she was supposed to be SP at some point.
Oversaturation? Too many OJs?
We need one more!
Probably, but isn't Rockin' dead though?
RA a shit.
A board game is hard to talk about for extended periods of time, and most lore is largely untranslated.
On top of that, the average Orange_Juicefag on Yea Forums usually isn't skilled or interested enough to sustain the threads with discussion about the shmups or fighting games.
>most lore is largely untranslated.
Which is fucking criminal, because unless Google Translate had a stroke of genius fuckups, character like Shifu actually have some pretty damn good writing behind them.
Maybe people will start talking about AoS2 after CEOtaku if it gets on stream
And I will continue to eat up every single drop.
forgot pic
As far as I know it just gives you the songs as mp3s in your game folder, in which case you can grab it off Dunno if it actually plays the songs for Cuties/Poppo though since I already got it before testing it.
I feel like the easiest way to get people to discuss/play AoS2 might just be to start consistently hosting games in threads.
isn't just a nice bonus
Be poppo
Have idol in game
mimic hyper
Yea Forums is not where you can get people to play because nobody cares, if it was I'd make threads every weeks or maybe days
sent ;)
It's got a double whammy of
And Yea Forums doesnt play either because they're a bunch of casuals.
100% is a casual and comfy game and that's fine but only people that really care branch out to their other work
Honestly I prefer AoSX more than AoS2. It's more balance (if you ignore Shifu and QP) and awards people for playing aggressive and punishes those who camp for meter near the edges.
store page is being gay
I've looked at AOSX/2 but I'm afraid I wouldn't like it. I've played Suguri and I sucked cock.
How do you stop forgetting to discard gift cards. I keep forgetting I have a gift card every time I land on a home panel.
Kind of becoming increasingly clear over time that games where people have to host have a lot harder time surviving on Yea Forums than they really should, especially for more niche genres. Yea Forums's just too damn fast, and sometimes it's practically averse to actual video games.
Really wish there was another board for putting up servers/lobbies for games or something.
You play enough until you get so tired of it that you never forget it. There's only like 2 cards that do this anyway and they both affect movement. Windy Enchantment and Lost Child.
redpill me on this game. i fell for the meme years ago but hardly played it. do i need to grind for shit? is the singleplayer rng cheating shit?
>It's more balance
is it? Outside of Sham, Tsih and Alte, everyone is viable in AoS2
It's ok if you don't like it, but keep in mind that there's a demo for AoS2 in case you're still curious about the game.
I wouldn't mind either game, but AoSX netplay feels like so much more of a pain to set up because Rockin' Android are fucking hacks.
Don't really need to grind to play. Need to grind a little bit, just to afford the cards/maps but that's simple enough. All other grinding is cosmetic bullshit. Yes, the single player cheats.
It's most fun with friends, and pretty fun with Yea Forums. Hope the thread is still alive when I get home though, I haven't played for like a fucking year. I always miss these.
Just use them the next turn after you get them.
Don't forget about unlucky charm
>do i need to grind for shit?
Only the base characters via single player, and cosmetics.
>is the singleplayer rng cheating shit?
Multiplayer is fun if you have a lobby where everyone talks "almost" with no regards to what's happening in game. Of course if you keep getting killed back to back because of low rolls no one will get through that without rage.
>Don't forget about unlucky charm
That card doesn't prevent you from achieving norma. Original guy didn't say it but he was implying gift cards that prevent you for getting your Norma.
V is for shitposting
Vg is for circlejerking
Vr is for videogames
Getting anything grassroots going is taking a shot in the dark and hoping it hits and your success depends entirely on of it survives on that day if happenings are slow and people bored
Its unironically easier to get people into aos if they have a fightan background because a lot of anime fighter players will try weird shit for novelty and it's hard to get mad at someone next to you if you are a well adjusted adult.
You should just throw away all gift cards asap regardless
>not viable
You fucking what nigger? Tsih is one of the best characters in the game. She hits so fucking hard and has the best accel in the game. Not to mention she can build meter pretty decently fast.
>2 lobbies
>both full
lobby where
i need my daily dose of poppo cancer
The only thing she has for her is the rock loop, her accel actually is easy to avoid and nowhere near being the best when Suguri's and Mira's exists.
Her beams are fucking useless and can't be used as denials, rocks won't touch an experienced player even if you spawn a gazillion of them (I mean, even if you manage to since they're easy to destroy).
All of her hypers are shit too
It costs you way more to pass around Unlucky Charm when late game rolls around. Imagine paying 25 stars just to give it to someone who is going to toss it. Most of the time my hand if full so it's usually worth more to hold onto it until I land on a card space.
Price of Power is really fucking situational but but the times I've not immediately tossed it (being low level), it's given me some really good plays.
Lost Child is great for aggressive characters who are farming wins because you will on average meet up with other players twice as often.
Windy... It's okay if you're not close to norma or if you're farming wins.
Here's another reason why I prefer AoSX over AoS2. Everyone in AoS2 plays like brain dead and has no idea how to even play any character so they just pick someone who can spam shit. Tsih when played by someone who isn't brain dead can setup, pressure, and shit on most of the cast. When against experienced players, Tsih can still fuck them up. Yea Suguri's ranged mA can destroy rocks, but it leaves her open. Tsih can bait Suguri. Also Tsih's hyper is not shit retard. It's not as good as other people's hypers, but her rock hyper and invisible hyper are both great.
>sorasham has voice lines for wins Norma despite not being able to pick that
>Kyoko lacks evasion lines but the line attempts to trigger if she has Tsih hyper
lobby where
>>sorasham has voice lines for wins Norma despite not being able to pick that
How do you know?
>can setup, pressure, and shit on most of the cast.
Except she can't ? She has no setups possible with rocks because rocks are too slow to be thrown and easy to destroy, can't pressure because her ballistic are rocks (which are bad as I explained before) and her melee is easy to predict.
Don't come and say you're able to do miracle setups with her shitty spA because I know you can't, and no, hoping that a retard dashing into it and doing a rock loop afterwards isn't a setup.
Invisible hyper is a meme, you waste a full bar of meter to loose to autopilor ballistics like Sora's missiles and people able to aim
You two should fight to prove if she is trash or not. It's the perfect game to say
>1v1 then, fagit
can't escape from crossing fate
> She has no setups possible with rocks because rocks are too slow to be thrown
Stop throwing them randomly retard and maybe you'll hit someone.
>her melee is easy to predict
Wanna know how I can tell your just a brain dead spammer?
>hoping that a retard dashing into it and doing a rock loop afterwards isn't a setup
It's main purpose is pressure the enemy away from that area. No one is going to want to stay around there and would just dash around or away. Use that to your advantage.
>Invisible hyper is a meme, you waste a full bar of meter to loose to autopilor ballistics like Sora's missiles and people able to aim
Why the fuck are you using it against Sora? It meant to be used against other characters with weak autopilot attacks. Also it's not meant to be used repeatedly like a wasteful retard. It should only be used sparingly.
where's the loby? also this sale is shot, all dlcs went for like 1$ on indiegala couple weeks ago
lobby where
Make one. It's hard to play this shit for more than an hour or two.
I'm glad the coop is over
Same, but get ready for last year's rerun :^)
>Why the fuck are you using it against Sora?
I'm not, I speak as Tsih's opponent since my first post I'm explaining why Tsih players almost never manage to win (either against me or other people, there's a reason why you never see her being played in online tourneys)
Btw are you that finnish Hime fan? If so I hope everything's going well in your life since I haven't talked to you for a long time
>It's hard to play this shit for more than an hour or two
I'm always willing to play for 4+ hours but there are no lobbies or everyone dies after two games
ill play after i set up my card decks
most of them reset for some reason
>played Sham 39 times
>only won once
same, gotta play at least 2-3 games with dumb ai before anyone joins
Lobby's up
that filled up fast
>Shifu will never be a DLC character because most 100%fags thinks NoName and Shifu are the same character
>NoName will forever overshadow Shifu despite being a joke character
/ourguy/ didn't deserve to be left out. Shifu and his daughter when?
This doesn't seem like proper idol behavior.
Do you need the song DLC for this one?
Being an idol is a tough job. Gotta please your managers while still being pure. I think you'll understand what that means.
Remember us?
Still waiting.
Don't play on Icey Hideout
You are a little baby. Watch this.
How much would buying the whole game cost?
If you're a newcomer, get the Game of the Year Every Year Edition, it has an insanely good bundle discount on top of other discounts, you can get half the DLC near-free, including all the voice packs:
Holy shit guys. This new map is fucking awesome.
>that one arthurfag that who get up shop on the drop panels toward home
get fucked arufag
soundtest, nigga
I hope some madman eventually hand animates a video to go along with the character song.
This isn't early/mid 2000s
and that's why everything is shit
>no one releases Sherry got a voice in this update
I know, but let an user dream a little.
i have voices disabled anyway
dead thread
dead game
Christ, Beta Nath is uglier than her current one
fun and cute characters desu
You fucked up
pic related is a tastefully-naked OJ
I can't play this fucking game anymore. Shit is feeling way too monotonous.
because it is
it's a board game, man
Same. I only really play during a new update for like two days and drop it until the next. Really wish there was some huge update or something that will keep me playing like I use to years ago. God damn it Hono when is Alicianrone coming out?
The updates of the past year are actually massive compared to any of the earlier ones. It's totally normal to get tired of something after several years though.
Tell me where did you find all these man
I only return on events and such, I haven't bought the DLCs after Tomato & Mimyuu + Nath
It's a board game, user. No amount of new updates will suddenly change that.
I bought a fourpack to play with my friends, what are we in for? I know actually nothing about the game other than it's Mario Party.
I didn't really like those updates much. It was mostly grind. Sure there was a few fun updates like xmas, but it there was hardly many boards and no new cards or field events.
Yea Forums, the OJ booru, or pixiv
And? They could still add something huge like new field events and boards with fun gimmicks or something. Maybe a new 8 player mode where everyone takes turns simultaneously. Anything that doesn't introduce more grind or add tiny amount of content. Adding 1-2 characters wouldn't stop the game from dying in like a day or two.
I stopped enjoying this game when they added F2P-tier grinds for oranges and even moreso when they went all-in with gacha mechanics
>but it's just cosmetics
>but it's not using real money
it's a mentality thing, it's hard for me to enjoy a game when I can feel the game trying to skinner box me even if it's just for the sake of playing more rather than for the sake of giving it more money.
It plays nothing like Mario Party, whoever told you that has literally never played a board game in their life.
It's a cute deck-builder board game with dice combat. Don't take it too seriously and just have fun.
>ywn be a cute semi-omnipotent loli and mercilessly set people and places a blaze to prove who is the ultimate
always set game speed to max
u wot
Why is Aru so cute?
Remember you can now play as her in Rabi-Ribi through Workshop
Isn't her height almost similar to sugu's?
oj booru?
>Rabi-Ribi Workshop
haha time for lewd mods
The site is a burning pile for quite some time
Nice,thanks user
How tall is Suguri anyway? We know she's short. She was about 15-16 when the surgery began, right? Didn't age a day since then.
How new are you?
Kinda dead though so best way to find OJ pics is twitter, pixiv, or Yea Forums even then new OJ art is pretty much kinda dead. We did get a lot of Kae art on twitter not that long ago which was nice.
I see,gonna have to search then.
You can cheatengine all the currencies except the arcade coins. Can't cheat level either but you can cheat normas in single player and win on turn 1.
Yea she stopped aging though I'm not sure if that's because of the surgery or because she was born to stop aging after a certain point. Kinda forgot which reason it was because lol most lore is behind old Japanese posts.
Thanks to this Kaefag we got some nice Kae art
Kyupita never ever
QP Kiss isn't real
>he doesn't know
>she was born to stop aging after a certain point.
I don't think that's right. It's just too weird. How convoluted can Gun Mokou get?
What if I told you it's futa
>Smug Hime in the CD cover
It's yaoi
I expected more from Sham's voice, Sora's voice is cute as ever
Sora's old voice is better
Very. We know she was born with special powers and that the surgery was done to give her more to heal the Planet which she failed to do and went on to sleep for 46 Billion years because everyone died while Shifu's daughter, Sumika, carries Suguri and searches through space to find a new planet. Fun fact: The people on Shifu's ship colony were thankful for Shifu's leadership and intelligence. Kyouko admitted if Shifu wasn't borned, she would have died. And Shifu killed himself by a cyanide pill after realizing no one needed him anymore.
I wonder if one of the colony ships that escaped during the war landed on another planet which Alicianrone descendant from.
*descended from
>the war was so fucking intense that they placed all their funds on making space colony ships in secret in order to escape the burning heap that is Earth
This is why we can't have nice things
OJ will die after 3 more character DLCs
Who are the last 6 DLC characters Yea Forums?
Suguri's Father
Guild Master
Lone Rider
You also get to pick 6 Swimsuit costumes for pre-existing characters however no joke characters like Chicken and two of them must be male.
>one of them unknowingly returned back to Earth after thousands of years
>many years later Earth later on dies with everyone on it
Shifu + Sumika
Islay + Guild Master
Yuuki + Chris
Swimsuits for Marc, Aru, QP, Kae, Kyousuke, and Mira
>QP Kiss isn't real
I posted the CD with QP Kiss and a bunch of other goodies a long time ago. I'm surprised it hasn't been added to some OJ downloads pastebin yet, unless it has and I haven't seen it.
What would Mira's swimsuit even look like? Would Mira exposed her new body's chest out in the open?
There will be a bulge
The old OJ pastebin which contained translated sora and I think few other things too is dead as fuck and I can't find it anyway. There's a group discussion over on the Yea Forums juice steam group, but that has doujins and fanbooks. Not really a proper place for official stuff.
Don't die!
rip thread. Good discussions. See ya all in the next update thread.
Come back here! Help me keep this thread alive
Sorry user. I gotta stop procrastinating and start working on my homework due midnight. Maybe if this thread is still alive, I'll make a lobby announcement.
Damn, I guess it's up to me to keep this thread alive then
>which she failed to do
Pretty sure AoS 2's ending implies it was inevitable and Suguri knew it. Don't know why everyone says she failed.
Silly user, everyone's dead already.
What should I do then?
Make a videogame about them.
Oh, I know how to liven up a thread, worked like a charm last time.
christ are they still putting out shit for this game? time to re download i guess. look for the digger nick game lobby
Is it just me, or Hime looks an awful lot like Rumia? In fact, don't most weapons look lifted from something like Gundam?
don't you mean
*puts on shades*
Suguri (46 Billion Years) DLC when? She's not even a spoiler character when she's out of context.
That would just make me question even harder about where the fuck does 100 land in the continuity.
Tomomo pocket dimension
How come Sumika knows about everyone? Is it a single timeline or what?
100% isn't in the SUGURI continuity. Tomomo just looks at every OJ universe and recreated the characters onto her own universe because she's a lonely old hag.
>where the fuck does 100 land in the continuity
It sort of does, and also doesn't. And that also depends on what parts of 100% that you're talking about.
For example, the original main story is very clearly its own isolated setting/continuity, down to using a Tomomo backstory which is unrelated and mutually exclusive to her role in the QP Shu universe. Some of the stories/events that involve crossovers are either non-canon or take place in silly mixed worlds that may or may or not be real. The Arthur/Nico story is an X-Mas Shooting thing. The high school event is another one-off setting. And so on.
Like seriously, where did she get info on everyone from all series, including Tomomo.
Don't think of everything as being part of one big web. 100% doesn't connect to 200% or vice versa.
Hell, Hono probably didn't even intend for people to try breaking down how the crossover implications work in 200%, because you're not even supposed to take the plot seriously until Suguri shows up. Don't think about that particular part too hard.
My headcanon to sort things out is as follows. I am piecing bits together from hono's old website and trying to put them into order:
At some point before the events of Acceleration of Suguri 2, Tomomo makes a contract to become a magical girl in order to get a boyfriend and ultimately fails and is all alone. She is eternally 25 years old because of this. The Sham-specific credits song refers to a "Magical Girl of Miracles" which is of course Tomomo, which Sumika got the information of from the planet(???)
At some time between the events of Acceleration of Suguri 2 and 200% Mixed Juice, the board game world that Tomomo uses to entertain herself is created. At this stage in the timeline, Tomomo exists as a timeless entity (Sweet Eater) and can invite people into her pocket dimension as she sees fit (see: Events of Girl Power campaign. This also implies that the events of Alicianrone exist outside of the pocket worlds in both 100% and 200%). To acknowledge that both 100% and 200% can't happen with one or the other happening first since they both have references to each other, they actually exist in parallel and are free to borrow from one another because they exist in such a state.
The real monkey wrench into my headcanon is the end of the recent event, which implies that Tomomo has a "mama" figure and that just really fucks my entire timeline if it winds up being Sumika.
>I am piecing bits together from hono's old website
I'm pretty sure Hono has basically said on his twitter that you can ignore his old site when talking about Sweet Eater.
I remember an event in 100 ending with Suguri recieving a weird encrypted message. At that point I supposed both 100 and 200 are Sumika's games. Hell, Sham's ending implies Sumika fucking wrote Magical Girl of Miracles.
Or maybe she meant Accelerator? I don't remember that being a happy song either.
I mean aside from the origin story of Tomomo becoming a magical girl so she can try to get a boyband boyfriend and being eternally 25 there's really not much about her backstory to discard if you disregard hono's old site. The stuff I presented was otherwise entirely pieced together from circumstantial evidence and the contents of 200%, 100%, and AoS2.
What I'm saying is that Magical Girl Tomomo and Sweet Eater should be treated as distinct entities that can't be connected without doing a lot of mental gymnastics.
It's like how Sweet Maker isn't the same Saki from Suguri.
Sham is my wife!
I was thinking something that Mira would probably wear something flashy- like a open Hawaiian shirt.
cute background lobster
Then again, Sweet Breaker and Amami do seem to be one and the same. Not unlike QP and Sweet Guardian.
>sorasham has voice lines for wins Norma despite not being able to pick that
Can they not pick in co-op? I thought Starbo could pick stars in co-op, so it would make sense if they could.
I love my wife Sham so much and this update is perfect.
we have no real reason to divorce the girls from the sweet god personas, or the sweet devils(???) that hono mentioned like 1 time and never mentioned again
Don't worry, it got better.
Until Saki killed everyone over pudding.
Pretty sure he was fucking around when he mentioned the rice demons.
shed be better without the mark
Shifu must be spinning on his grave. Yukito is pretty much a perpetual movement machine by now.
>meh updates and DLC
>events are painful grinds now
>mystery bags and crates still shit
>steam market place linked gacha
it's just very tiresome after awhile
a new community card pack should have released a long time ago
I don't follow. We don't distinguish QP or Sweet Breaker because they're not alter egos or other people. They're not cases of characters being transplanted into other settings with different backstories or circumstances.
AoS implies some degree of connection between Saki and Sweet Maker, much like QP didn't know she was Sweet Guardian.
If you take the dream scenario at face value, I suppose, but that doesn't really change the base point either way. We're still talking about distinct settings here, unless we start doing a lot of fill-in-the-blank in order to conflate the two, which sounds beyond the threshold of reasonable assumptions.
he's saying Amami and Sweet Breaker are the same person
Same with QP and Sweet Guardian
Ergo there's no reason to assume that Tomomo and Sweet Eater are different people, or Natsumi and Sweet Blogger, or Saki and Sweet Maker.
I assume being a Sweet God doesn't mean you have to be aware of it. From that perspective, Sweet Breaker is just Krila except she does have powers.
Sweet Breaker's name is Amami, she's an enitrely different person from Krilalaris
If an android acting like the protagonist of a harem isekai is canon, surely the dream scenario can't be all that unreasonable.
As in, they're both chuni, except one really does have godly powers.
Let me apologize for being misleading and rephrase this then. I'm not claiming that any of the Gods of Sweets are alternate personas. I'm just using the title as a shorthand to avoid to having to say X character from Y versus X character from Z.
I'm saying that the Tomomo in the original Orange Juice campaign is not the same individual as the Tomomo who is part of QP Shu, and likewise for Saki. They're similar people in different and distinct settings.
Hell, Natsumi shares a universe with two other gods, so it doesn't make sense to assume she isn't Sweet Blogger.
I think I get what you mean, but I'm under the impression Sweet Gods are meant to link series. Which makes it odd there's none in FRB.
Then again, almost everyone there's named after booze, so that may be it.
I assume Hono hasn't developed the FRB universe because it's not even really his to begin with. FRB is Junpyon's brainchild.
FRB is entirely self-contained cover to cover.
The real clusterfuck is figuring out how the hell stuff from FRB makes it into the other games. Most notably Green Frog, Flying Castle, and a host of regular enemies like the zeppelins and gunner balloons. QPSD plays really fucking loose with any attempts at continuity since it not only has inspiration from QPS (obviously) but it also draws from Sora, Suguri/Acceleration of Suguri, 100% Orange Juice, and Flying Red Barrel all in the same goddamn stage.
Honestly, I just treat those as being cute meta nods for any fans or players who know where the designs are actually being taken from. These sorts of things are a lot easier that way.
I'm still pretty new to this game. How should I go about playing with people online?
Join lobbies and wait for them to add me in after their current game is over or just make my own and let the fags flow in?
If you're new, it's probably better to let other people host, since they'll have more boards. Otherwise, just join lobbies that people make. There's also a Yea Forums steam group that seems to get games going relatively frequently.
Not sure how I'd fit in in a steam group.I'm not from Yea Forums Haven't even opened Yea Forums up in almost 6 years, usually just stick to /tg/ and I'm only here because I assumed there would be a thread for the DLC.
This thread is surprisingly high quality though compared to what snippets I saw of other threads from the index so maybe it'll be fine.
Different user here, personally I use the group exclusively for joining in on games that are being hosted.
No one really uses the group as a platform for discussion anyways from what I can tell.
The thing about having threads about niche doujin games is that there's relatively little shitposting. Unfortunately, the flipside of having threads about niche doujin games is that there's little posting in general. I don't think we even get threads anymore whenever there isn't an update, and the other Orange_Juice games don't have a big enough community to sustain discussion otherwise.
I wish these companies would start selling DLC's in a bulk when they do things like this so the userbase can save money. If I wasn't buying the DLC's since day 1 I would be upset.
>No one really uses the group as a platform for discussion anyways
It sees use as a place to share links for music and other works associated with Orange_Juice, like the anthologies or the Love Love Star Breaker drama CD, but this is otherwise mostly true.
But you can, just buy the all stars collection whenever a new DLC comes out.
>Star Breaker lore
Got this from someone, would be nice to translate this
-そういえばスタブちゃんの誕生秘話とか ちょっとしたお話書けるくらいには設定があるんだ
-スタブの話書こうとしたけど諦めた。 そもそも文法怪しすぎて人に見せられぬわ…
//starbreaker setting?
-軍の偉い人は変な人だったよ! スタブちゃんを戦火の渦中に放り込むために連れてきたのに 無垢な彼女を手術で殺すのは正義に反するとかなんとかで
-死ぬほど過酷な手術が繰り返されたよ! でも技術はとっても進歩してたから、死んでも蘇生させて 手術を繰り返したよ!
スタブちゃんの体は特殊で替えがきかないってのもあるけど 偉い人が「絶対殺すな!彼女は少女だぞ!」みたいな事言って無茶させたからね! 仕方ないね!
-その間偉い人の、戦争に対する歪んだ正義感を存分に語られたスタブちゃんは そりゃもう大層な苦痛のなかで濁った虹色の目になりながら ああ、戦争が正義、
壊すのが正義とか元々歪んでた正義感を 自身の中で更に歪ませていったよ
>-こうして、数回死んでは蘇生を繰り返した末出来上がったスタブちゃんは 己の存在理由=歪んだ正義=戦争という形で 皆様のお手元に届けられたのでした。
>I wish these companies would start selling DLC's in a bulk
They made the Orange Juice GOTY bundle for this, last I checked.
From who? Or where?
A buddy of mine, he got it from Honos
Sorry if I'm being skeptical, but is there like, any context to this?
Honos' old tweet
Didn't notice but that's good to hear.
Why does she do this?
why don't you?
Which one is the Yea Forums room? I can't find idolshit or midnight juice 2 anymore.
Ah yes, this does appear to be explanations he wrote on his Twitter back in 2015.
>Got the achievement today
You have it, right?
The encrypted message thing was from the cutscene after unlocking the Poppo dice, and it was mostly a teaser for AoS2 along with a discount coupon for preordering it. Doubt it could count as lore.
Wait how do you get that?
>tfw they'll probably recast Star Breaker when it's her turn for DLC
Thank you, the promise of lore is gonna make it harder to sleep, hopefully someone will have something by the time I wake up.
Otherwise, I'll ask a contact for help. Though he'll probably just give me the tl;dr.
Probably interesting to note that last sentence seems to mention a "happy end".
As far as I know, only Sora's VA went off the grid. Really hope they manage to get her again. The drama CD was really cute and I really liked her voice.
>the promise of lore is gonna make it harder to sleep
It's old news, really. There's a lot of stuff like this scattered around Hono's twitter that nobody's jumped on, seemingly because translators worth a damn don't exist in this community.
Glad to see the thread still alive.
Midnight Juice 3 DLC Edition
I'll try POORLY translating this if I don't forget to after I'm done playing.
cute kaetits
Animated sprites when?
>animating not only the base sprites but also all of the existing and future cosmetic items
fat chance
You want to kill Hono?
n e v e r
e v e r
M-maybe there'll be a reprint some day.
why can't iru be useful
Being Iru is suffering.
Don'5 die just yet
Okay, so now that we know that character songs are on the table (although probably not frequent in any way), which characters do you guys want songs from?
This might be my favorite game on PC.
>redpill me on this game.
Play with friends. It's literally the only option to enjoy the game. Even then, "enjoy" is a strong word for it.
Can we have a remix of Iru's or Kae's theme from SUGURI?
Is there a way to get all my faggot-ass friends to like this game? I know they all own it, but every time I mention it they play up the "Haha RAGE haha, ending friendships like Mario Party" shit. How can I get my friends to nut up and play weeb board games?
You might just be fucked, user.
Man, I've spent hundreds of hours alone and with randos, I just want those RL OJ boys. Shit.
Midnight Juice 3 DLC Edition
just play with Yea Forums, we'll be your new friends
Unironically this, it's chill as fuck with Yea Forums juice
Shit man I would, but it's already the Yea Forums Unist hour. I can't serve two masters!
>Yea Forums Unist hour
You wouldn't believe how jealous I am that UNIST gets both consistent threads and players.
>not playing melty
Who do you play? I usually plat Akatsuki, Nanase, and Mika
What're you trying to play? If it's Guilty Gear or Tekken on PS4, I could at least be your punching bag.
I bought it for five bucks and ran through Sion's story mode. I feel like I still gotta read Tsukihime, and that's holding me back. To answer the other question, I'm doing my damnedest to Yuzu well, and it's not working. Mika is funny too.
One day we'll get the Starbo voice pack, i'm sure.
>What're you trying to play?
I'd probably be down to play a lot of things if I was better at fightans in general, but I really want people to more consistently host AoS. Either of the AoS games, really.
Has anyone made the OJ girls for Koikatsu?
Don't let Tsukihime stop you from playing Melty Blood, but you should still read it anyways since it's a great VN. Good luck with Yuzu though.
Not that guy, but I'm up for some AoSX matches. Just let me finish this current 100% game I'm in.
Multiple people, I believe.
I was trying to find out when they made another Ace of Spades. I just started hosting the second Unist lobby, but I woulda joined you.
I wasn't very good at MB anyway.
More Sham songs.
Ah shit you were talking about Ace of Spades. My bad. Been talking about Orange Juice all day which caused me to think about Acceleration of Suguri.
N-no, I actually do mean Acceleration of Suguri. Damned abbreviations.
That being said, I've never been able to get AoSX netplay working reliably.
I meant to post that I figured out what you meant, sorry. I think I bought both of those for OJ dlc or something, so I have no skill, but I'd be willing to play at some point. Can it be done on Keyboard?
Midnight Juice 3 DLC Edition
Needs 1 now.
I know how to make make TCP/IP matches work, but not so sure about making a lobby. I'll try making a "lobby" anyway and see if that works or not. Make sure you set your game's resolution to 1280x720, Input delay to 2, and window mode. Lobby should be up
I prefer controller because of the way that Suguri games play in general, but it's perfectly doable on keyboard. I wouldn't worry about being bad, either.
If this doesn't, we could try adding each other and setting up a TCP/IP match
Damn, I don't want to miss this lobby, but I can't leave Unist either. Can you spectate in AoS?
Aaah nice, thank you.
I will have to search I want some of those cards.
Who knows. I only ever used the TCP/IP matches.
Oh shit it's a sign, my Unist lobby imploded. Who's ready to get their ass accelerated, and what IP do I need?
"Lobby" works, but I'm not sure if it can fit more than 2 players.
I don't approve of Sora having short hair. Who asked for this?
>AoS lobby
>can't get my controller working
Never mind. Guess TCP/IP match is the only way to play. Had a good friend of mine just tested it out with me, and it desyncs on character select instantly. Guess we gotta add each other.
Wait are we talking X or 2? I don't wanna accelerate in the wrong direction.
>and it desyncs on character select instantly
Good old Rockin' Android netplay. Fucking wish they would sell the rights to Suguri already.
X, but we could try 2 if there is going to be another one playing since there isn't a lobby system and switching opponents for TCP/IP match is a pain. Your choice.
I'll try X I guess.
You sure you don't wanna try lobbies one more time?
based and orangepilled
I'm going in for the add, don't drag me into any underground furry rings or anything.
I don't think there is a real lobby system for AoSX. It seems like it's just a 1v1. Guess I could try once more. Might have to set yourself as player two in the settings. "lobby" up
Is the character song pack just music to download or does it get used in game?
Her hair is tied
Yea TCP/IP match is the only way for this shit to work.
I want magical girl of miracles to be added to the cuties playlist.
Rabu rabu Suta Bureika~
I made a AoS2 lobby
Midnight Accel
I think I might have to accept sticking with just AoS2, since AoSX doesn't seem to want to register my controls the way I need it to.
You didn't tell me you guys play at a professional level!
I get the feeling there's not a whole lot of middle ground between "people who are good at AoS2" and "people who have no idea what they're doing".
I'm usually the latter
I never got past the latter and it's why I quit
>people are actually in the lobby
So Yea Forums DOES play video games from time to time.
Can we get alicianrone already?
We do, it's just that we need some more buddies to host both AoS games and 100% or rarely, 200%
Is there some kind of scene for this game? Are you all practicing night and day? I didn't think anybody played these.
I forgot how fun this game was. I really need to get back into practicing.
I just get burned out on it more easily these days. I've got like 300 hours in it, which is pretty good given how much I've spent on it.
There's an "official" AoS2 discord server by FBF, so many vets in there
Hot damn, I'll stick to 100% OJ.
GGs, anons.
Fuck off Pedro
Where's the bosses, I like the coop mode more than regular mode
Your wife's cooking fucking sucks!
You could always try hosting co-op lobbies. People might still be burned out from the co-op event though.
is AOS2 active yet? been thinking of picking it up
Finding random players at any given time is up to luck, but you can find players pretty easily on the community discord, and there are official tournaments about every 2 weeks, with prizes and call.
It definitely has its players, but if you're not satisfied with the size of the scene, I don't think we're going to see it explode any time soon.
Maybe if someone brings it to an event or something. I can't imagine that the smaller fightans have run out of bathroom space to host games in just yet.
That is, unless someone steals user's laptop again.
sug's thigh