The conductor begins the apocalypse.
The conductor begins the apocalypse
and ends with WAW and ALEPH weaponries right in front of his face
Need help with Gebura's 4th phase. She's insanely fast and I keep my noobs in the corner of Netzack and Hod's department so they don't get hit by spears and thrown weapons, and keeping them protected as she runs at top speed is hard, should I just let them die?
Also should I be working during this suppression?
user, don't you know that threads like these don't belong on Yea Forums - video games? Go back to the 300th thread about Tifa's tits
answer my question instead of shitposting bird brain
Use slow bullets on her while running the noobs away
When she tires out, order a gangbang on her
Does putting them to work keep them safe or will she break in, I saw a Noonbot break into a cell once
Her mark just completely makes an agent unable to do work, so you'll have to run them away while slowing her down as best you can
Just retreat everyone to an elevator when Gebura has a sliver of health left on phase 3, call in the rabbits to push her into her 4th phase, then have your agents go up and down the elevator until she tires herself out, then gang up on her
Any tips on how to deal with The Claw once he gets to 25% hp? The safe assumption would be to get everyone out of there but I do not know exactly HOW he works
just use myo
I think Laetitia is overrated.
Is it really that fucking easy?
have you seen her weapon
there are not many weapons that are rocket launchers
just imagine finding 12 wonderful friends who share your view of the world and you all are working hard to make it happen but that one fucker confesses to a floating skull ruining your plans
Man, this video is full of cool details
My favourite is probably Kali losing the arm after wha'shername shows up
Would puro be aleph
When she has a third of her health bar left on Phase 3 run all agents to one of the hallways between central and discipline dept, and send one agent to finish off her last health bar, my agent had melting love armor and nothing there weapon. When she decides to mark someone move them to the bottom portion of central and keep everyone else in the hallway, then when she murders them and tires out, have everyone beat the shit out of her. I got her on her first rest doing this.
No he would be KoS'd
Not saying shes bad, but shes waaaaaay over what she actually is worth.
Day 50 spoiler + hypothetical, for those not wanting to be spoiled here's a Hod
So we know we're deep underground which is why Blue Star doesn't really do much damage, but what if you're at the part where the facility is on the surface and let Blue Star breech, wouldn't that technically instantly be a 5th trumpet since now an entire city is getting owned by Blue Star?
Bend over and wait until she is satisfied.
yes if you get him to 50%
Not user but in in my runs he always makes his ultimate lightning step, no matter how fast damage I do.
Doing Geburah's "Suppress 3 different ALEPHs" mission on Day 37. I have Nothing There and Blue Star at Central 2 and Melting Love at Records. The first time I tried suppressing Nothing There with all my facility, he started doing black damage extended swipes, then everybody instapanicked when he went into coccoon form or something. When he blew up into his human form, all my employees had died and Angela would not shut up about how much I failed. Next time I had two chads with NT armor Justitia weapon and NT weapon Justitia armor grabbing Nothing There's attention while all my ranged weapon users fired on him and it was easier than I expected. Have not suppressed Blue Star or Melting Love yet though, probably will use sacrifices to trigger their breaches too, and put all my non-chads away so I don't risk them getting WHIRRRRR'd by Blue Star when he breaches. Any other advice?
>just started the game for the first time
>day 3
>this madoka looking faggot breaks out and kills everyone every time
The fuck am I supposed to do?
dude just do attachment work
dude just use white damage weapons
dude just farm up gear and have everyone geared up
dude read the manual
dude learn damage types and damage scaling
What other abnormal do you have, you probably want to get all of the gear from Skullbro and your second abnormal to try and deal with that one
Is this game genuinely hard for some? Like I haven't had to reset yet and I just finished up Geb and gonna go after Tiph and Chesed next.
thats because youre getting bad results, figure out which work he reacts to positively
read the managerial tips
I got skull and Old Lady.
I have 3 white hammers and a white suit.
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to farm more considering that fag kills everyone before the day is over.
I think he reacts best to purple? The others were either negative or the employee just died in the chamber.
Doesn't stop him from breaking out, however.
>reacts best to purple
In that case keep doing that work, and unlock his tips first and foremost like the tutorial taught you to do, I think
As for the old lady you should definitely buy out her gun since it's the best ranged damage you can have until HE/WAW start filling up your facility.
Am I just supposed to unlock a tip or two until he breaks out and kills everyone, then reset and unlock the tips I didn't unlock before until I know how to handle him?
Unlock Meltdown Counter
Send competent (BLACKED resistant armored) to do attachment work.
Make sure Clock counter does not hit 1 or below. Bam, ez
God, she looks cool
Yeah ok, how do I do any of that if I can't survive the day?
You'll have to do the hard thing which is microing agents to suppress him when he breaks out, pause after one-two hits to see who's taking damage and order them to get away while slowly whittling it down.
I think before you unlock Yesod's HP research, you'll have to use the abnormality work menu to see who's taking hits
Stop hiring bitch-made agents
That guy is on day 3 a bitch. I know that from experience.
If it keeps breaking out, ignore him as much as possible and work on the other two, so you can finish the day and buy armor and weapons.
You can suppress Gebura before Tiph? Since when?
Didn't get an answer last thread: I'm on day 46 now, my abno codex is at 97%, can I still get the 100% ending, or am I fucked?
>an agent with KoD's armor and CENSORED's weapon can survive working on WN
Nice, now my control chads can wear the best armor and kill things while this guy babysits
Doesn't matter if you do or don't get those last few abbos, you can start a new game after Day 50 and once you finish abbo research you unlock the best ending automatically. I hope you've suppressed everyone too
I guess I'll try microing them harder
Is there a penalty or anything for ending a day with a loose rampaging abnormality?
I think you can do each level however you like, as long as you fully completed the previous level.
I guess from day 46 onwards, there's no possibility of suppression?
No you're fucked if you enter day 46
Nope, well at least you can have fun with one of the bad ends before being booted to Day 1
The penalty is listed under the "end day" button.
Usually it is a few LOB points, but you have to proceed somehow.
>day 46
>I am forgotten...
dont worry old man I had to day 1 because i didnt forget you
dont worry ill have your bum suppressed and turn you to a box soon
do you even have max codex?
better get ready to supress all them alephs again
so it beginns
good luck, are you going to stream it?
wew lad
how did you not realize when all meltdowns were only in his department
We finally have that art work without water mark.
You can just post one and everyone can see the log for themselves via the pixiv code instead of you imagedumping and angering a mod.
She's a zero danger abno with a decent weapon.
Since when is image dumping on an image board bad?
no lad, my internet conection is far too unstable for that
missing one
Why does Magic Bullet have to be such a cool weapon but so fucking unusable...
have you tried not being a retard? It's extremely easy to use.
put the gear and outfit on one guy with a lot of justice gifts and EX and keep him alone in a department with no meltdowns
bam you've got a solo chad
Having one person solo an entire hallway seems counter intuitive to what the game wants you to do, and eventually is less damage against later abno's/ordeals compared to sending an actual team of agents.
Or maybe not, has a good point, might try it out since despite not being one of my first, she's growing on me since she fits the outfit so well.
If you're not a failure at grinding your agents, a Der Frei agent can easily solo all Dawn and Noon ordeals. Just move them out of the way for other stuff. My Der Frei guy is basically the janitor of my facility, cleaned up the trash that Green Dusk spawned all alone while everyone else bumrushed the spawners.
Being used to a literal wall of bug doesn't sound like something anyone should be used to.
damnit i could have flawlessed it if it wasn't for gebura throwing a spear at one of my fodder guys at the wrong time
it's funny though that the fixers are more dangerous than the red mist herself
Bros....It’s time to let go...
Despite winning againts the /vg/fags
Yea Forums is just so fast we keep getting archived...
I just finished this, I sent my main team at her which took out two phases and reduced them to 3, then I sent bunnies and hired little red on her twice, then sent the remaining 3 after her which took her to her final phase. I thought I was fucked because she slaughtered the 3 I had left, every employee was dead, but I had enough energy to hire Little Red one more time, and Little Red stomps the fuck out of her final form, the mission passed even though everyone was dead.
Congrats user, 1 dead on 48 is bretty good
I made the thread just to ask my Gebura question. I didn't realize Yea Forums was on speed mode today.
I almost did the same thing but the rabbits glitched out and left without even fighting Gebura even though she was taking a break in the department I called the rabbits to. FUCK Myo.
I bet they left because they were scared, what a bunch of pussies.
Myo probably pissed herself as well, fucking jobber.
Why is the violet midnight so powerful, the gap between it and the rest of the ordeals is absurd.
haha does anyone have a picture of Myo pissing herself? just for laughs haha
She entered, said her line, then said something about Red Mist's body, and they all immediately teleported out of the room Gebura was in. Bunch of fuckups, why did Angela hire them? They couldn't even take down King of Greed in my facility.
That one is easy once you get to the pillars.
Did one of these get deleted?
Yesterday 3 threads got deleted after about 2 hours of them being up, though two were at the same time for some reason. The Melting Love one got deleted i guess due to all the off topic fetishposting
Seriously? It's the only one I've encountered so far and it seemed underwhelming. I thought green midnight sounded impossible.
Green midnight is possible under two conditions
You have massive DPS
You know how to use elevators
our threads are getting archived as well and it doesnt help that a literal who nigger just died so naturally pol and reddit will chimpout
Unironically I think the whole of the the latex would be something like HE - capable of insta-death but easy to contain considering it's stopped by doors and can be starved.
like 16 times i play this and everyone just got raped murdered and kill by the big gay birb
Just ignore him until the next day if you really have to, he shouldn't break out unless you're interacting with him. Or if you hit retry you can suffle the EGO suits before you begin the day.
This is my first playthrough, am I doing fine? No guide.
Hurry up and do missions, all of them though asiyahs first probably
Not so great in general but good for a first run. Looks like you may need a Day 1 reset soon. I suggest doing the Dusk mission and the Core Suppressions ASAP (you'll know what this is when it becomes available). You also should grind more, Day 33 and agents below IV don't go well together.
>two tools in the training department
>Melting Love in the Central Department
>Only one Aleph
Else you do fine.
grab that ass user you need to be the alpha on this one
At least you don't have the plague doctor THAT SWITCH YOUR FUCKING ABNO AROUND
The headset looks so good on her but Yin's gift would give her way more Atk Spd. Should I trade it off?
wait is it possible to get two tools in a single dept without PD?
You have Melty in Central, she is your only Aleph, and you haven't done a single Core Suppression. Rush those missions asap and realize you'll have to day1 soon.
>one sin
I'm so sorry user.
Your WAW/ALEPH gear selection looks mediocre but otherwise if you've been doing fine thus far, it's alright.
Depends on whether you're going for stat stacking or fashion.
I could replace Schadenfreude's bloody meat hand gift on my Mimicry girl with the Gold Rush hand gift, but the meat hand fits better with the outfit despite the very small boost it gives (+4 HP I think).
Which abno causes this??
How? I promise I'll read the manual 5 more times if you tell me
Only if you say the C word
Everytime you expand Security/Training or Disciplinary/Welfare team you have the chance to distribute your abnormalities.
Just choose both times tools, when you expand one department.
>when you're about to confess but this happens
What do
Don't worry, you'll meet him again
Wonder how long the Manager's prudence is.
His prudence is EXXX
I don't get why none of the tips tell you about him draining your power. I mean he brings it back to 0 as soon the first movement is over and you only get to know that from the wiki.
Wrong it is actually pretty weak. Otherweise Censored wouldnt be censored and he wouldn't have the moe filter.
>first movement
no? It only drains after the 4th
I'm assuming it's a typo and it means the suit right?
>tfw beat both Binah "Get 5 EGO gear" mission and "Suppress 3 Alephs" mission on Day 37 before the game could lag me to crashing
Wew lad. Does Blue Star always teleport to Central or is it to any random big room in the facility? Because holy shit he went down easier than Nothing There. Melting Love was easy too. Is this the power of preparedness and swarming the fuck out of ALEPHs?
>had the choice of Snow White's Apple, Mountain of Smiling Bodies, and Silent Orchestra right after
>decided to go for Snow White because I don't want another "When the work result was Good/Bad, Qliphoth Counter decreased" abno, and because I don't want to risk Mountain at this point
>dumped her ass right next to Alirune in Extractions
I will relish the moment when I have no choice but to Day 1 restart. I'm just taking the rest of this run as prep for the next, collecting gear and doing the missions. The biggest enemy in this game so far is the lag and the memory leaking and my own craptop.
wait why did they die
Hod should have worked harder.
Looks like something other than the duel killed them, and the game counted that as losing the duel?
>bad RNG
>someone was wearing firey birb's armor
>portrait shenanigans
>jealous abnormality took their husbando's life due to going to ice queen
take your pick
And a fucking Food Chain came outta nowhere and killed her. Fuck my life.
Did Alex work on something else?
Pipe and ring decrease your HP tremendously.
Pipe and earring*
She was meant to be a glass cannon that would just kill anything before it reached her, but it's kinda hard to stop that when they just teleport behind you.
Not like the bonus is really worth using a TETH suit. Giving everyone Walkie Talkies is a must, though.
There are better brooches like Child of Galaxy's that heals you.
I just realized that Alex only had level 4 fortitude.
If I memory Repository, can I get back my dead agents?
Oh yeah. The number of PE boxes doesn't mean Alex didn't get hit, just that the fight is going well.
The walkie talkie is Brooch 1 with CoG's gift being Brooch 2, so you can look fashionable while having healing as well not pictured: CoG gift because I didn't pick him this run
Mod's out, second pack sometime later next month, will feature crumbling armor and some realistic ballistic weapons.
nexusmods com/lobotomycorporation/mods/6
He jumped to Control when he broke out for me.
Blue Star's thing is that the actual being is physically weak, but he'll cause huge losses if you have a facility with lots of low level or at least undergeared employees due to his instadeath vortex. He's never hard to take down, he's just costly to the rest of the facility. Low health, mediocre defenses, no defensive attacks beyond his white damage pulses.
Melty is always easy as long as you break her out via repression work and have some black shields.
Nothing There is extremely rough though, he takes a long time to beat even with proper kiting.
Looks really damn good mate, nice job, especially on the ones for WN and QoH.
I almost forgive you for the self-promoting furfag mods. But not quite.
provided that your agents didnt die before the memory imprint then yes
If they were around yes. You lose any items you lost while mem repping though
When I took him on, I had my two Aleph melee chads there outside his room ready for when the sacrifice gets killed and he breaches. He did breach but he faced the other way on coming out and attacked a clerk, so I had to brief micro to get my other melee chad on that side. Once they were both in position, all I did was click Nothing There and select everybody with ranged weapons one by one and have them roll in and begin the DPS. It helped that I had ALL my facility literally next door in Disciplinary department main room too, because I wanted to prep for all three ALEPHs early. Like I said, the true enemy is the memory leaking and game lag itself.
He tends to use his flesh dart if I have ranged units and they get gibbed, even if I have The Smile, Gold Rush, and Mimicry beating on his ass right up beside him.
Of course if he gets out and you can beat him as an egg like that one user's webm, then he's basically just nothing.
Oops, didn't mean mimicry, meant Justitia
He was too glassic with just an HE armor.
Worst one for how fucking boring it is. Jesus christ that was tedious as shit.
>Lobocorp has been repeating this shit for 100000 years
I'm offended, how would I even fuck up that much? That's over 35 million day retries or over 600k complete restarts, What the fuck has A been doing?
I assume compiling information on all of the abnormalities for you, how else would CENSORED be CENSORED already when you get him, for example
this is an autistic solution but set a timer on your phone
I just hit day 45, is it too late to memrep...?
Nope, you're on the very last day to memrep
46 is no turnbacks, just don't finish day 45
Already one it, I wanna finish all the core supress before I continue. I don't care about not getting the best ending on my first run but would like to get AN ending. From what everyone's saying the last days are uhh, really something though.
Really? I'm terrified to do that one, I've still never done a Midnight.
How the fuck does one do Tiph at day fucking 44
For starters you won't even be able to SEE all the days unless you suppress every core, last 5 days are a whole shitload of Day 50 was great, it's really fucking worth it. On that note since I recently finished the game I'm confident in saying it's GOTY for me
Violet is the hardest one, but Rabbits can solo half of it and the rest can be microed, while Amber and Green get cheesed really hard by elevators.
Or just skip the midnight by sending everyone to work at once when you only got 1 left to trigger it. Reaching meltdown 10 will immediately end the day.
Was busy with missions instead and doing Geb first, Tiph's rewards didn't seem that important so I was setting them aside.
Tiph's Midnight thing is easy because you can skip it by sending everyone to work and pushing the meter 1 last time. Hokma's midnight is the hardest because you can't really do that.
Using the rabbits near the end of the day just seems like such a steep energy cost, maybe I just need more Alephs to get power from
you need alephs my dude
I didn't get Alephs til I had welfare and discipline dept's unlocked, it was really killing my momentum. I wasn't even trying to avoid them, I was just going in blind.
Anyone has a webm from that video when Gebura caused an explosion?
Will get his bear machine in LoR?
I can make it real quick, what part did you want? When Chesed walks in and the explosion happens?
Reminder to always make skin contact with the drawer
I don't mean to brag, but I totally do.
Question, did that weapon on the LoR preview was actually justitia? Because damn having my favorite thing of the game already confirmed is awesome.
Oh fuck.
>Had given up on living once while alive and again while a box
>Finally decided to just try, persevere and have hope anyway
>Promptly backstabbed, sabotaged and again forced to work another job he's bad at and doesn't care about, this time by his betrayer
>The one who denied him the bear machine in the first place
How could they possibly portray this man as even more depressed than they did in LC?
Take it, he's super easy to work with as long as you only use V units on him with high work speed. Extremely lenient with work results, good gear, great gift.
enjoy having to restart the day because all your low insight employees died when he breached
and of course MOSB, AiB/P, QoLaH and red hood breaching because of all the clerk death
>having low insight employees by the time you roll 3 alephs
The Library looks swanky as fuck, I'm sure Angela will install a bear machine for him so he can shut up, she didn't go through all that trouble of taking over just so a seed can die
>find a game on Yea Forums
>it's actually really good
This board is okay sometimes
>wake up
>back in a real body
>but you have to work in a library
>the slave driver overlord girl is still there, bitchier than ever
must suck to be him
That stat check is brutal, but the good thing is that getting a bad/neutral result won't fuck your facility beyond recognition like other ALEPHs
music man has one of the best gear/gift combos
just get a normal result LMAO
>must suck to be him
Yes and only him. It's not like there are also other Sephiras kept prisoners.
did any part of my post imply the other sephirahs were living it up and having a grand old time
Anything special about this? I'm pretty sure I had every abno observed, tools included but I didn't get it completed for some reason.
I feel worse for Yesod, at least Netzach can drown his woes in bear, Yesod still has delusional parasitosis and is basically immortal just because Angela is a huge bitch, imagine hallucinating your skin is diseased and must be scratched off FOREVER
Some tool abno have tips up to 4~3 but you still have to use them until you unlock the 5th observation level.
tools have 5 observation levels.
Angela could probably "cure" that but she probably doesn't just because she likes watching him squirm.
In order of "life sucks even with a real body not being used as a robot training dummy"
Most to least
>Yesod (constant agony)
>Netzach (wants to die)
>Maybe Chesed? Idk. (Guilt)
>Gebura (even with her physical power, she's still a powerless slave of will)
>Hod (dunno, do they bully her?)
>Malkuth (should be fine now that she's not suffering a horrible death)
>Tiph (no longer needing a replacement cycle, so their main problem is fixed)
Dunno where to fit in Hokma.
Fuck Binah she can be a janitor. Angela's living it up as lord and master.
Well, the others have some hope, like
>A possibly alive for Hokma and he's probably still happy to go to any length to help him
>Binah finally gets to hear her favourite music again
>Tiphereth(F) is probably enjoying attacking unfortunate people, this time physically with a sword
It's not like Netzachs biggest concern was working for Angela again. That's Chesed.
Hod has guilt over what she was supposed to do
she wouldnt cure no sephirah, she needs them to be the way they are because thats what they were when they were alive
wasnt it because she was a failure?
Hod came to terms with it though, and was one of the people helped most when you suppress her.
We don't know if that holds true for LoR though.
tl dr sephirahs are also abnomalities that need supression
likely it will be a necessity like a book with no drama or major plot point being mostly useless or bland
I really want White Night's EGO gear but losing 12 employees seems horrible. Can I memerepo them back? Or should I just sacrifice 12 rookies.
if you do it right you can memrepo them
Some of the key components are just incompatible though. Kali has her body back, she's not forced to live in a shell where she could have a fucking stroke out of how upset she was. She may not have freedom, but she's back. Same for Binah, she's no longer a basement box.
Gebura went crazy because her purpose of protecting the people around her became virtually impossible so she went bonkers and searched refugee in sadistic tendency of hurting abnormalities.
Yeah, hence the powerless slave aspect despite her physical power. She had to find an outlet for her frustration.
So maybe if I get the 12th apostle to happen on the day of a new repo, I could do the event then repo the next day? I'd hate to fuck this up though, that's a lot of people and equipment to lose. Fucking terrified of this teleporting molester.
just never field them fuckers or flat out use rank 1 cannon fodder
A deal is a deal, manager.
restart, build your departments up again, then send level 1s to WN, when he transforms he "calls back" previously blessed employees to turn into his mooks, therefore you lose no one
You cannot memory repository blessed employees those are permanently blessed, don't listen to that guy
Ok, tonight is the night.
Binah suppression.
Post 'em
that's the wrong little girl, you're thinking of Scorched Girl
Laetitia gives you a rifle, and a pretty decent one at that
How do I even do anything to Last Helix
elevators. like indigo noon, you gotta be prepared before it happens, and use the teleporting elevators to cheat on the ordeal
i had goddam train to a slightly better place, lost 2 dudes trying to get the ticket because the whole problem lasted almost 4 minutes
Threadly reminder to read the manual.
This better be worth it Gebura
I better get to touch her thighs for putting up with this laser bullshit
Man Hod's supress makes it easier to deal with dying employees. Holy shit now I understand why you guys are losing 20 like its no big deal
Literally the easiest Midnight and none of them are all that hard really
Violet is absolute buttfuck if one of the shittier ones spawns in Atziluth's halls
Easiest to hardest it's
this generator can allow for some truly donut steel looking characters
hard to do in the main game what with death around every corner
The only reason Gebura's mission to beat one exists is because most players wouldn't ever have it get that far before ending the day.
The only one I could think of as difficult in that situation would be white since that shit has massive reach. Anything else would just take a bit of time and managing a few ranged dudes since you can't actually get hurt if you leave the hallway when the others do their defensive attacks.
Update on the Binah mission for having full abno observe in the facility, it was the shelter, I'm scared of that thing.
Achieving maximum powerlevel autism is a good thing!
this chad whole job is to fuck a slime girl on the clock and basically he won at lobotomy corporation
This is Angel. She’s my first and best employee
As you can see she’s not too thrilled about it though
well your fookd
the best thing you can do is stick a meployee in, wait 9 seconds and pop him out. repeat until something bursts
Yeah, that's one of the shittier ones.
Honestly though, the worms are just so easy that theres no point in going for the other ones, they're just a hassle in comparison. Midnights are just a punishment for taking too long to finish a day anyway.
Why yes of course,
Im the team captain of the Extraction Department.
How did you know?
You look like you wanna throw yourself into Singing Machine, that's why.
Doujins of the cute AI's when?
Imagine being the most alpha mother fucker able to take on Geb and you just chuck yourself into the singing machine all because your manager said "work on this abno."
Anyone can do a good edit of this with an agent going into singing machine or maybe blue star?
>beat the bird
>this happens
Oh shit ah fuck
Oooo that looks like fun. I can do it if nobody else does, but it'll be a while, I'm working on a Melting Love animation.
That huge gap where the Sephirah text should be makes me laugh, because you know it's about to be overflowed in a split second with death notifications.
>it keeps getting worse
Manager, your Prudence...
Eat the loss, beating the bird is worth it for those wings. Suppressing monkey man, greedball, MacTETH, and fattest bird should not be too bad for someone able to crush the fusion bird.
>its only his first time the facility fell apart
keep it up, you gotta save them ego gifts
I'm going to ask my sister to draw a Sephirah which one should I ask for
My personal choice is Gebura since she loves girls with nice legs but it might be easier to convince her to draw Hod
>no deaths
All that mattered was keeping the big WhiteNight baby happy
Don't look at it, manager. It's an empty shell. Stare into my eyes. Don't think about it. Sex is temporary, but the Corporation is eternal. It's trying to lure you in and kill you.
What's a good time to do your first dusk? I'm at day 25 and I've managed to get the gear from everything, including my first aleph Nothing There. I just got the last upgrade on central command and I'm not actually getting new abno today, is this a good time to go for it or should I just train and gift farm today?
For me, it's the Big Bird.
You can do both today, get good gifts and grind, and when the Dusk approaches, hides your newbies and have your chads ready to do battle.
Easiest Dusk would be Green since you have NT's armor
Can you say you really love him if you don't draw him fanart? Even if it's bad like mine, it's the real first step.
For me, it's the Judgement Bird.
I really want her to give me that face while raping me.
What said. Here make an edit of this card of big borb and punish birb
t. everyone ever trying to do good
That's where you're wrong.
A world of monsters sounds pretty comfy, though. No?
I never said you didn't and if you have, you've already proven yourself!
Big Bird is a great bird.
She is currently drawing Gebura using a pencil lead shoved into the side of an eraser
I told her you guys said Chesed though and she likes coffeeman so she will
I proposed Gebura fucking Chesed is that ok or just solo Chesed
Someday I'll git gud at art and draw my 5 agents.
is that pegging because then yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes
I mean we do need more lusty content, so my vote goes to sexytimes.
You don't need to git gud to draw. Most of us suck here anyways. I for one would love to see what you could come up.
We all want to user
Gebura is fine
saying just 'git gud' to yourself is not so helpful when arting
I would say draw them anyways
and no matter how fucking humiliated you feel after, keep that art
and then come back as you git guder and see if you can do them more justice, or at least feel better than what you've done
that would be a good way to go about it
just saying as an ex-artist, I drew the Judgement Bird earlier with my mouse after not having drawn in almost five years
Gebura on coffee it is
Just leaving it up to her discretion as to how
However, she is drawing Big Bird now
Why does this game have so much soul?
Just did Hokma's suppression, the skill did not beat me, the lag did, lost 2 newbies and 1 chad, feels bad man...
I feel like longboi only gets extra art because he's associated with two super poplar birbs
just has the feeling of 'fun work' put into it
just look at fucking Rudolta, what the fuck is that shit even
and then you see it next to La Luna and it's even more like wtf
and then the story unravels a bit, and then it's like
oh. that's cool. Literal reasons for hard thematic differences in design is a very, very fucking cool thing.
Because the devs cared. Failing a kickstarter, getting scammed by a "translator" and only receiving a minor amount of attention for their project didn't dissuade them from completing it and polishing it up.
Well she's drawing them having a picnic so long lad is probably going to be there. Probably.
speaking of long lad is there actually any reference for his mouth
His head is always pointed down, so his 'face' seems more oval when that's more the top of his head. That's why we assume there's a 'beak' of whatever design you want under there, it's just not shown in-game.
Pic related for the similar mouth design.
Apparently she just drew him holding the sandwich so it's fine anyway
What would be the deadliest Abnormality to set loose in the real world?
Blue star, theres no other answer.
some would survive
melty cant be controlled, and she kills based on time, not stats or damage
just hit it bro loooooool
Shes awfully easy to suppress tho.
CENSORED would rapid-fire chain assimilate at such a vast speed it would be ridiculous. Anyone surviving the initial bleed of their sanity will immediately suffer CENSORED's progeny immediately driving them insane.
Blue Star can be fought, but would instantly slaughter a massive amount of the populace because they're probably mostly weak-willed cows willing to become stars at the drop of a hat. Would get taken down fast.
Melting Love it depends heavily on if the initial infected can be rapidly quarantined. Assuming a dead drop in an urban center, Melty will reproduce so incredibly fast she'll likely end up falling to serious long-range bombardment(which would be an answer to most of these major breakouts)
Melting Love or CENSORED.
While the other ones are all single entities, Melting Love and CENSORED multiply the threat by tenfold if unchecked.
>weak-willed cows
there is literally nothing wrong with becoming a star
Rudolta is cute! CUTE!!
kinda true if you have anything thats not red damage
but on supression itself you can have people getting second and first hand infections
imagine being the rudolph part
unable to really move much, eyes stitched to the front of your face and incapable of blinking so they'd always be dry, organs in a sack on your back while your poorly stitched skin lurches around
The sleigh sounds fun though
Since there are higher levels of trumpets we never see in game, it's probably safe to assume that none of them would result in an apocalyptic event. They probably keep ones that could cause the end of the world under lock and key.
Minus the whole story behind the game's birth the game itself is amazing because it actually uses game play to give facts to the player instead of spelling shit out, or being too obscure
A small thing I enjoyed is that Big Bird came from the main dev's mini story about a girl and the bird and the forest, its a cute personal touch
Or just have the Rhinos deal with them.
it really falls on how much rabbits are resistant to melty infection
and she regenerates from red damage, regular bombs wont do shit to her
Rudolta is dead skin and organs stitched together, I think he himself feels fine, the homeless dude is dead
considering special ordinance exists, there is no doubt in my mind long-range missiles or bombs capable of white/black/pale damage exist, but are just considered bargaining chips most of the time and would rarely ever see actual use due to extreme cost in a very greedy environment
Aren't the organs still perfectly functional as if they were in a regular human?
Is there anything super important I should know before buying this game?
>city overtaken by Melty and her spawn
>a black nuke is dropped
>those who survived the slimepocalypse are now either mentally fried or blown to shreds depending on their resistance
either way the hypothetical city is fucked
Don't you dare look shit up on the wiki, if you need to figure something out just dedicate a day to it. The manual explains most of the mechanics.
Only the developer's Great Love For Us.
everyone is a yandere
yes, everyone, even you.
even your cactus
restarting from day 1 is totally fine, you retain all research, gear, and weapons
download the exp numbers mod on modb
complete all missions ASAP
don't use the wiki, LITERALLY every abnormality mechanic is explained in game
unlock managerial tips first
ZAYIN gear is weak against TETH and above, so scale up everyone's gear as soon as you unlock more armors
fuck clerks
You can use e-boxes(think of them like currency you get for every Work done on an Abnormality) the moment any work is finished to purchase information on the abnormality in question. The Manager Tips, while worded quite bizarrely(and sometimes outright wrong) often contain critical information on dealing with them.
Each abnormality does its own 'color' of damage. If you don't get new EGO equipment(purchased with E-boxes after you research enough info on the abnormality) you won't have more resistance to damage to handle stronger abnormalities.
All Work types increase the corresponding stat a little. The greater the disparity between the Agent's stat and the 'rank' of the Abnormality(as well as the Work's particular success rate) this stat can be raised quite fast if they can survive.
The red boxes that fill in the lower bar(under your power requirement for the day) are your markers towards a Qliphoth Meltdown(abnormalities are marked, if you let it count down without doing Work on them, they'll instantly drop counter to 0 and breach or activate any horrible effects immediately) or an Ordeal(monsters of varying types spawn in the halls)
In this video, a local girl tries to catch a strange dog:
Black forest tale is pretty sad.
>drink grape soda
>get sent to work on a boat with jolly burly men
I would like to buy a gallon please.
Special note on EGO Gear - an agent who dies will remove their copies of gear from your inventory - you'll have to purchase them again. Make sure to revisit abnormalities here and there even if they've become 'irrelevant' due to low power productions or whatever, so any lost equipment from them can be repurchased immediately. You can also purchase from the pre-day screen as well.
it's the secret way to escape this horrible place. You get to go live in Wellcheer's Land forever with your fellow lucky agents and super-friendly shrimp people.
>gets back as soon as back to repository happens.
>Butterfly's coffin moving as if it's walking
>abbos ordering elevators with clerks chilling outside
I kind of miss Legacy
Legacy looked like a jolly ol' time for sure. But I've come to appreciate having teleporters for elevators.
It makes me appreciate how cute the employees look now at least.
>Alriune is made of ceramic
This is the kind of "doll" that sits on a shelf for years and is never bought because it looks fucking horrifying even with eyes and no overgrowth. Why the fuck would a little girl get a spidergoat ceramic doll.
those are her ribs
A lot of girls who'd buy dolls are into the "creepycute" deal
If those are, then she's got a huge neck
This doll is huge though, it's more of something an adult would purchase as a standalone art piece for their home.
What, where does it say that
well actually nowhere but i noticed they must be her ribs
shes a human doll with no limbs, they fell with time, so that must be part of her torso
those are very good friends.
gj user's sister, you did the good thing
It sounded like he was just sent to a regular shrimp boat and decided on staying since he was sure he was fired from the lab anyways.
its a slavery gig
hes the safes he can ever be
even safer that the poor sod that forgets his express ticket to a slightly better place
>in 5 years there is a lob corp remake and you're the head of it
What changes do you make?
endless mode with all the abnos
more lore abnos from godforsaken countries like russia and vietnam
a multiplayer mode, everyone is employees and y'all abandoned in a facility fully populated
Trade 666 boxes for a guaranteed gift
>get to grind my agent cool gifts while everyone else is waiting in line to talk to Laetitia/Der Shootman
Wood b fun, and then everyone forgets to either get a ticket or talk to WN and everyone dies
>raid mode
>another facility has gone bonkers
>walls cemented, chads dead, abnos playing poker with heads of dead clerks
>you unlock "the swordvan"
>assemble a team of ~6 chads to clear the facility and bring it to functionality
sounds fun to me
I am the head? At first I give Binah the boot and hire a new Eye.
Give the game some actual micro managing ability. Be able to make employees stop at specific points in the hallways, give them orders to stand their ground, go on the offensive or to retreat.
>Let it Die with Lobco abnos
>start game
>get Mhz right off the bat and none of my baby employees can deal with it
g-guess I'll just die like a casual
Can someone make this LC related?
literally one of the best starting abnos my dude
get a suit of armor from skull jesus while using repression(it has no negative effect) and use that agent to repress 1.76mhz. It gives a fair gift, is excellent for raising a stat(Justice) and has a great armor on it.
I just bought the game. Should I read the manual or is the tutorial enough to get me going?
sounds like benefits for a new sephirah unlock
its when the 4th begins, not after
read it anyway
There were some PROTIPS given in the thread, give them a read. has responses with those tips.
Read the manual. Avoid the wiki.
I should make sure I do all the doable missions before moving onto the next day, right?
Sounds like you should increase your agents brain power by having them be insightful with Skull Jesus, and then metaphorically repress a soundwave located solely in one room.
>a guy in a korean community got the Q&A ticket
No such luck for leople here it seems.
What would you guys ask PMoon if you were chosen for Q&A?
I'd want to ask if there was supposed to be a lion&dorthy for the wizard of oz abos, and if they all breach something special happens. Same for magical girls.
dorothy is the red shoes
lion is nowhere to be seen indeed
I'm not sure if a raid battle thing would work very well for the Wizard of Oz trio, but I do wish the magical girls got some weird raid boss thing where they all instantly become friendly and help you suppress some actual evil, or become that evil or whatever magical girls do.
would be interesting to ask for whenever or not LC broke even
I mean it varies, some missions are really difficult to do in tandem, but generally yes. Also try and complete every core suppression as soon as possible, they can get harder to do later and they are extremely useful.
No, the Red Shoes are based on a Russian fairy tale of a girl who can't stop dancing because of these cursed shoes, and even when they were cut off her feet kept dancing. No relation to the Wizard of Oz.
Speaking of which it might be cool if Oz was implemented as well. He'd be a WAW or ALEPH that maybe gives a special gift to your agents, and if an agent with the gift interacts with the Lion Woodsman or Scarecrow it has a special effect.
>king queen and knight beach
>they summon the devil
>aimlessly run around facility while devil fucks shit up
much unfunny would face
Better translation of the game out there? I know it's a nitpick, but I'm not a fan of the constant typos and grammar inconsistencies in the official translation of the game. I often find myself skipping the story segments because of this.
Wasn't the Wizard already accounted for? He was executed by the woodsman.
I already love the skullthing just because of this.
Read the manual bit for bit.
All in one go can be overwhelming by all the information.
These are all the things you need to know
>Unlock Managerial Tips first
>A Qliphoth Meltdown occurs after a certain amount of works are started, some containment units will gain a timer, if nobody goes to work with the abnormality before the timer hits zero, its ability (if it has one) activates and you lose some energy. Most of the time this ability will be it breaking out
>Temperance is the only stat that directly affects the likelihood of getting a good work result, higher Fortitude does not necessarily mean they'll do better instinct work
The rest is fairly self explanatory
Tutorial will suffice for most of what you need to know, I forget if it asks you to get Managerial Tips or not first, but those first ALWAYS.
Intricacies like ZAYIN vs. TETH and such are described in detail in the manual so if certain things still confuse you, skim the manual until you find the topic.
Oh right one more thing
If an employee instantly dies when doing a work it's usually because they have a stat that is either too high or too low, usually if this is the case it will be the first tip unlock
I'm going to get attached to my employees.
>A Qliphoth Meltdown occurs after a certain amount of works are started, some containment units will gain a timer, if nobody goes to work with the abnormality before the timer hits zero, its ability (if it has one) activates and you lose some energy. Most of the time this ability will be it breaking out
Thanks. This was the one bit that didn't make much sense to me in the tutorial.
You gotta let go...
You'll be able to create Gigachad Agents eventually, and those will probably be the ones that hurt the most to lose.
just, like, don't.
That last tip isn’t exactly right. Most abnormalities work success rate for a given work changes depending on the level of the agent’s stat. For example, Singing Machine has low success rate for Fortitude level 1 and 2 but common success rate for levels 3 and up. High Temperance can boost said low/common up to high/very high though so it’s still useful
The temperance thing has one single instance where that's not true, but by that point you hopefully have a chad with 100 in each stat so it doesn't matter.
Yeah but it's not a universal rule, there are plenty of abos that lose success chance as the stat increases
Exactly, meaning raising a stat to high levels can be detrimental, this proving my point that Temperance is not the only stat that directly affects the likelihood of good success. It can help boost your chance for sure, but you have to check how each abno reacts to different stat levels
But just look at how cute and chipper they are. I can't just let them die.
>The sparkle in Tim's eyes are gonna fade
Oz could be a tool, like a projector
I forgot how cute the employees look without E.G.O. suits.
my dude you might as well have posted a pic of rudolta success chance
Did my employee just go crazy and free the slime waifu what the fuck
Can I see the employee's SP somewhere, or do I just have to infer it through their looks?
You get it as an upgrade later on
Is the abnormalities' weaknesses such an upgrade as well? I recall something about it in the tutorial, but I can't see anything about it on the cards.
You can find their weaknesses in their info page on the top right. It's called "escape information" if I remember correctly.
Well that explains it. I don't have any breaching ones yet.
So what do we know about the sequel? Release date when?
>Da Capo is even better if the agent has fuckton of attack speed
This thing's broken, now if only the infinity gauntlet wasn't detrimental during Green Midnight, it'd be a fun omegachad weapon too.
Two big changes:
1: No more trading PE boxes for information. Everything is unlocked through in-game observation only.
>learn all work favors by doing each type of work and learning the consequences.
>learn tips by meeting their criteria.
>learn escape information by letting the thing get loose and catching it.
>drop EGO extraction observation level requirement by 1 or 2 to compensate.
2: Each Abnormality is slightly randomized each run. >the tips may get added or removed from.
>thresholds, stat checks and counters vary.
>work favors vary (while still staying in-theme for the abnormality)
>the threat level and rewards vary.
>most abnormalities have escapable and non-escapable variants.
Diving into the unknown is the most fun part of the game for me and I wish it stayed with me on consecutive runs. I also like the idea of rewarding pain instead of prompting a reset.
Isnt it on really early state?
chad harder
Finally got to the point of core suppression and trying to do Malkuth's. This combined with Queen of Hate and Nothing There whilst microing that tree that infects people is raping my asshole. Send help, reading the manual isn't saving me.
Honestly didn't know Nothing There had an AoE in his first form until earlier, which is why I shielded my agents in Long Bird's gear.
It how it be with core suppressions
Also you found out her gimmick right?
I want to teach this adorable monster what love is and teach it how to live among humans without hurting them!
>Gameplay changes that makes it so spoilers don't completely trivialize the game.
You got good ideas user. It may be difficult to implement across so many Abnormals, but that would be really cool. It can be framed as "mood", or even a "difficulty", with each abnormal varying in how troublesome they can be, or how the interact with the environment in general.
Speaking of that: Abnormals interacting with other Abnormals would be a very nice, even if unnecessary addition. It's already neat to see that Melting Love and Nothing There will fight each other if both are loose, seeing more of that would give the game even more flavor.
More cute Laetitia
Finally did dusk ordeal for Malkuth's mission then finish the upper core suppression consecutively on my fourth reset. How hard are the other core's? I heard one core suppression punish you for pausing the game, will it be annoying if I'm forgetful to get my train ticket
>one core punishes you for pausing
Yes. You also need to either beat or survive a midnight too, so you'll have something overpowered to fight while needing to remember your ticket.
Nothing There would be the most horrifying abno in real life because of how many people will fall for that shit. Humans truly have a weakness for feigned affection. It's why it's such a kino abnormality. The Thing is fucking great.
I'm supposed to complete the Ordeal of Dusk, but the qlipoth counter rising isn't starting it and I don't want to end the day in case I miss it.
What do?
From what I understand, it isn't available until a certain day, if you're early in the game.
new player here, should I ever wear the twilight bracelet? It's really useful for tending to anomalies that would otherwise kill people but the regen seems to slow down a lot, or completely stop after a while. How does it work? The wiki seems out of date.
What stats should I concentrate on? They all seem useful but I've been neglecting justice since it's hard to build up
I'll trust you and end the day then.
Yes, thats why it is so tough since I am juggling like 3 things that need specific activities or else bad things happen.
It isn't able to be done until Day 20. And be careful what you desire.
I'm sure my employees can manage it.
fuck off already you faggot
I remember when I was optimistic like you.
Newbie from past days here! I just made it to Day 11 I'm so proud of myself. I think I get the hang out of it now. This game is amazing and I will buy it on Steam the next few days. Is there an option to transfer my illegal save to my steam save then?
This is Hannah she's a Beast in my facility right now and I'm so happy I have her!
Man that Day 50 sequence was so cathartic after the Day 49 hell. The ending answered lots of questions I had about the sequel trailer too. Sequel can’t come soon enough
I like the Little Prince one a lot but what the fuck is the one between red hood and naked nest?
why the FUCK is fetus such a pain to deal with. i want this retarded baby out of my base
Get his gear and memrepo him into eternal fuckyou land.
Should I get EGO gift doubler or gear recovery chance first?
Also my sister says she's not satisfied with the angle of the Chesed/Gebura pic and will redo it
I think the files where the game saves are the same across pirated and steam versions, so if you buy it, it doesn't notice.
Just a list of shit I remember ideasguying
>Abnormality Qliphoth Overload, a mechanic where not interacting with an TETH/HE Abnormality you've researched fully and are able to deal with easily for a long period of time, changes into a higher risk level variant of itself
>Complete overhaul of Abnormalities so each one has a distinct trait to them, so a few of them aren't simply just monsters that slap shit hard until they die or you. So most HE's and TETH's.
>Abnormality HP behaviours, so they behave differently according to HP and may gain access to new shit
>Facility Upgrades, minor temporary ones that increase energy requirements for the day or cost energy to use like Rabbit Squad, or major permanent ones that cost LOB points and a few days dedicated to a Department for the specific related upgrade.
>Environmental effects on the Facility, caused by Employee's, Abnormalities or Ordeals, ties back into Facility Upgrades. The higher the risk level, usually the more drastic these effects are
I dislike the "it has to breach before getting the escape info" bit, but the variants of abnos part is good.
Also need something more to do with PE boxes in your changes, especially if the early boxes people get aren't going to be usable on any info.
your sister is truly based
get gear doubler
11, you Christ fag. At least one wasnt a fucking dumbass and called your bullshit
Thanks! It would be really sad, if I have to start all over.
It's up 2 you, if you're still losing agents at this point in time, keeping gear might be better.
But still, turning shitty odds slightly more in your favor is nice.
>that agent is not having the best possible time
would instantly execute afterwards tbqh
Every single stat is extremely useful, Justice especially so. As you say, abos who like repression aren't as common so it's harder to grind early on, but if you do find one you really need to abuse it, as high Justice as possible on as many people as possible is vital.
Looks like Apocalypse bird
Just bought the game, really digging it so far.
I think I got lucky with my first specimens because out of four so far all but one are benign.
One thing to make sure I understood how shit goes down; the qlipoth counter is basically like an attention meter and if it hits zero that abnormality will have a meltdown right?
And the counter up the top left will cause a meltdown for random abnormalities?
I have one that apparently can't escape but it has a counter all the same.
Come to think of it I have three that can't escape but they still have meltdowns, what happens then?
Gift doubler it is. I only lose agents if I try the fusion bird. I'll tell her in the morning, she enjoyed drawing the birds.
>what happens then?
You lose all energy.
You lose energy depending on their risk level (i think) if you ignore it, whether its Escapable or not, with some Abnormalities its better to just take the energy loss rather than do works on them.
If it has a counter, it has an effect that activates when that counter hits 0(usually.)
Even a non-escaped object can have effects - it just won't breach.
You also lose energy for each meltdown not attended to.
This sounds like an amazing way to do an "Endless" version of this kind of game.
Would never ever work in current Lobo with it's limited day count and actual story events, and I'd rather story in Lobo2
Dunno what it is about it, but Justitia is just so fashionable looking
Gotcha, thanks.
Got to Quiloth level 4 on Malkuth's Core Suppression and thought I was finally going to do it. Nope. Some asshole giant bird with a bunch of eyes gets loose because I missed it on the last meltdown. And of course it all goes to shit from there.
Was this game made by Japs who were into SCP? I know there's absolutely a bit of a following for that wiki over there, especially since there are JP exclusive articles.
Don't neglect the borb.
It just has the right blend of endgame-looks and properly placed bandages for fashion. Definitely something for your A-team.
Like, you can tell Paradise Lost is absolute end-game but it doesn't look as good. Apocalypse looks a bit busy too.
Bad luck. Just wait until Hod, my guy.
Hit him in the bum, if he raises his lantern then pause and move everyone to a different department. Clerks shouldn't matter too much unless you're packing Army in Black as well.
That Bird is a very nice boy who just wants to be super helpful.
His counter increases with Good Work done with him. It'll decrease every 5 deaths, including clerks. It's so easy to get good Work on him, though. He also gives excellent rewards, gear and gift alike.
It was made by Koreans, Japs just really liked it
Twilight is budget Justitia for when your other one is being used.
Paradise Lost just looks ugly in general, like a slightly uglier version of Punishing Bird's gear.
He is all the way to the right of my facility and with all the core suppression shenanigans I was too distracted trying not to let emo magic girl and skinwalker doggo escape while making sure no more clerks hugged the friendly tree.
Oh well shit, if it was anything else, of course it would be Koreans.
>Carmen tumbling rather than rolling after Enoch dies
Bit of a shame endgame armor doesn't all look as outstanding. I know there's not much to work with with some like Nothing There and Mountain, but something amazing looking came out of Red Riding Hood and Der Shootman (helps they had a similar level of design).
I'm sure equally as nice looking ALEPH stuff could've been made.
Nothing There's isn't really fashionable but it at least looks distinctive, what with the eye in the middle matching the soul edge (SC2 ver.) weapon. Goes well with Schadenfreude's gift.
Mountain's is just kind of lame, you can't really see the tiny details and lines on it most of the time. Useful as fuck though.
I'm currently on day 45, about to do Binah's meltdown. After I beat it can I still somehow go back to day 41 or will I be locked at day 46? She is the only sephirah I have left to supress.
Once you enter day 46, that's it. But as long as you do Binah relatively deathless you'll be fine, at worst absolute shitters you never bothered to train will die (after a few retries to get the hang of the battle)
For how useful Mountain and Nothing There's armor is for general purposes and specific things, I hoped for a tad bit better in the looks department.
But it's fine really, they help you reach a lot of the other gear more easily since 0.5 ALEPH resist is fine for lots of things.
ALEPH armor fashion ranking
>High tier
Justitia, Da Capo
>Great tier
Twilight, Sound of a Star, Pinks (with gift though)
>average tier
Mimicry, Adoration
>low tier
Paradise Lost, The Smile
would move Sound of a Star to High tbqhf
Nope, better hope you do really well on her buddy, because you're stuck with whatever you beat her with. Her reward is really good though. Quick question, have you beaten WN once yet? If not I would advise you to do it when you do hit day 46, then after he dies memory repo during the day. That's the best chance and it's pretty good to do.
Yeah I was kind of mulling it over but I didn't want to put in another tier
It looks pretty good
I was kind of hoping for a massive gut face on The Smile, to better fit the name.
I dunno, they're not all that bad. Obviously Justitia and SoaS look fabulous. Twilight is the only suit with some bulk to it, which I like. Pink is a stylish army dude. Adoration looks super casual and chill, it's like an agent wore his bathrobe to work.
Mimicry is eh, it's bright red at least so it's easy to find, but I wish it had a special effect with moving parts. Paradise Lost is okay, it's thematic at least.
I don't like the Smile, the weapon looks BA but the armor is just a black blob and is hard to find. Personally I'm not that big on Da Capo either but that's just me being biased from my gifted agents constantly dying because it sucks against everything but white.
Actually on second thought I think I'll just revise it into 3
Justitia, Twilight, Sound of a Star, Da Capo, Pinks
>Passable or at least distinctive
Adoration, Mimicry
>Ugly or indistinct
Paradise Lost, The Smile
Imagine if the backer didnt fuck up and heroic monk actually helped you out like the other fanart heavy abnos. He needs more love
Got to level 5 this time before he decided to escape again and ruin everything. Of course it had to be the Fruit of Understanding ordeal which caused way too many deaths.
>Heroic Monk was supposed to be helpful
>brave Buddhist hero rushing out of containment units to smack abnos chimping out
>instead we get some deformed nigger who can potentially oneshot most agents and breaks out over fucking clerks dying
Atleast he's easy to handle, and requires more deaths before breaking out; Also seems to like staying in the department next to his for some reason. Still a certified negro though
I think it's pretty nice that all the backer stuff ended up being pretty good or at least entertaining, except Ppodae.
Melty is an obvious fan favorite.
Army is cool with great gear, more boss class ones are always welcome even if he's a clerk loving bastard
Monk is an average WAW, nothing terribly notablely good or bad. Looks cool before he breaches, then he turns into a chimp.
La Luna is great and so's her equipment.
Clock is one of the best tools
Parasyte is neat despite being a pain in the ass with the train.
Ppodae is easy to kill I guess? Garbage.
Overall pretty nice.
No way fag
>dummy rabbit is an upside down "recycled" deceased legacy employee
i wanna fug wall gazer
>tfw you beat it up in the tutorial
This fucking core suppression bullshit is breaking me. This time is was La Luna that broke out for some reason, and killed the whole Security division. Then the suppression of Queen of Hatred failed by 1 box. Which killed enough clerks during their chimp out to release Big Bird. Then Queen's hyperbeam killed my suppression team so there was no recovering this attempt.
Is there a written info about how Heroic Monk was supposed to work? I'm writing down various concepts for overhaul mods for the game including improvement of existing abnormalities for when Basemod adds support for full editing of them.
Dumb question probably, but how can I see the agent number? I want to add some of these gifts but I have no idea how to do it.
>dying to la luna
Follow the instructions on the modpage, you can see the agent number via console command.
Guys The Claw is coming up what do I do? Just rush him with all my Chads and pray?
>Angela won't allow a bear vending machine
God, what a bitch.
Nevermind, the aleph squad melted him before he could even do anything.
It would be great if that made it into a sequel as an abno.
Iirc it was nothing specific, but I do have the link to the lost made by the donor. Obviously it's korean but hope it helps
Why the fuck am I not getting -Army in Pink/Black? I'm at day 40 of my third run, he's the last one I'm missing, and I still haven't seen him.
Why is every single machine just a complete piece of shit?
That thing specifically is a piece of shit. Others at least have some beneficial uses if managed correctly.
Just use the portrait that diverts damage to someone else, stick the damage target in the shelter and the main dude in that. Free infinite energy.
Choo Choo
>just started playing today
>first tool i pick is this piece of shit
thanks, game
>want to write a fapfic of one of the brain hurty association femoids
>no matter what my autism demands i shovel in a gorrilian tons of backstory and """lore""" so it would make at least a shrivel of sense if it were to happen in the game world
On a scale of zayin to aleph how much of a retard am I?
How do you promote someone? Does it mean just increasing their stats until their Roman numeral increases?
You're just being wise, Manager. You should consider more realistic prospects than your employees
Increase the level of the agent, so basically raise their stats until they level up.
Hire some rookies and train them.
An Angela fapfic would be much better, don't you think?
>fap material
Go back to cactus duty, Angela
>a game filled with tons of qt slightly mentally deranged monster girls
>out of all of them chooses the human
Yes I know it's an AI but my point still stands.
Core Suppression
Who's the Sneed and who's the Chuck?
Do the levels rise midgame, or just at the end of the day? I feel like he should've been promoted already.
The only way to check is to end the day and read the report card.
Alternatively, there is a mod that lets you keep track of that.
Why would you want to?
I need a nice inviting face to tell me that i fucked up and killed 5 employees
Not a glowing eyeball
I just noticed
>Cigarette hole in the front
>set before LoboCorp
>Kali gets the urge after a good fight
>takes it out on whoever she gets her hands on first
There, easy, now get to writing the actual porn.
The problem is that:
>it takes place during lobocorp
>it is entirely within the facility walls
>it involves a relationship built up over several chapters (the most autistic part)
Well, who's the girl?
The wiki is a bit unclear on this: can I even get to day 50 if I haven't suppressed all the Atziluth sephirah? It says:
>To finish this day, the player must either collect all the energy and reach the Qliphoth Meltdown level 10 or Suppress the Arbiter. If the Player doesn't complete all of the Atziluth Sephirah Meltdowns or fails the Day, he will get the ending C.
>If the Player doesn't complete all of the Atziluth Sephirah Meltdowns
So if I get to meltdown 10 without suppressing the Arbiter, it gives me ending C? Or is it if I had not already suppressed Binah and Hokma prior to day 46 that I will get C regardless?
Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series & Knuckles
Angela's built up sexual frustrations for the manager explode, she breaks out of her aquarium and takes it out on a nearby clerk in a nerve-tentacle rape.
Actually don't do that that's not hot at all.
Well, does the clerk die?
Does not work. Both will eventually die.
It's an above average tool in my book, even if just because it doesn't meltdown so you can ignore it forever.
You have to complete both Hokma and Binah before day 46 to even reach day 49.
>no meltdown
It can't get any better.
Binah should be optional anyway to get the good ending.
>was sent fishing
>with justitia on
I went to sleep and this thread is still going?
I assume that if I do reach day 48, it doesn't matter because to get 100% ending I need both day 50 and 100%, and I won't get to skip the days I clear now next time, right?
Whose job is it to clean all the dead clerks from the facility?
Other clerks, obviously.
Extraction team
Say, if you let Little Red roam (mostly) free, would her appetite for suppressing abnos be sated which would also result in her not breaching? Win/win scenario if so.