Comes out on Friday

>comes out on Friday
>Still have no ideas for levels

Attached: download (2).jpg (300x168, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

daily dose pixel art

Just pick one or two new elements that compliment eachother and try to use those together. I think a level with all the ON/OFF functions (Blocks, Conveyors, Tracks) could definitely work well. Seesaws also look cool, and I could totally see a bunch of stuff with launching items by groundpounding.

Just copy levels from other Mario games, but from worlds normally skipped by warp zones. World 6 and 7 of Mario 1 are goldmines, as is Chocolate Island in Mario World.

just play other people's levels

Redpill me on Mario Maker. What's the point of buying it? Do you really just play other people's levels (fanfiction) and that's it?

There's also over 100 story mode levels to play, but yeah that's it. You'd be surprised by some of the creative shit that people can come up with, it's lots of fun. Mecha Bowzilla was such a good stage that Nintendo even uses it in their advertising.

>no costumes
Shit game. Fuck off, shill.

>Muh useless aesthetic
>Nooooooo now I can't play shitty Amiibo showcases

I wish they were in too, but from the sheer number of cool things that they actually added, you're fucking retarded if missing costumes makes the game shit.

Anyone else watching the stream?

Yeah. Cool that the hammer powerup can create blocks, sucks that it's locked to 3D world though.

>playing a game is fanfiction

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why did they put a random car in instead of the blue shell powerup?

what stream

Penis blocks


Do yourself a favor and sell your Shitch and buy a PC that can play actual games so Nintendo can go bankrupt and go third party and put their games on PC where they all belong.

>borrowed MM1 from a friend
>Decide to play some fan levels first
>Nothing but bullshit deaths and unfair levels they must've played thousands of times just to upload
I don't get the appeal

make a penis that shoots our the player into a butt

I'm going to make a level that is split horizontally and requires cooperation between two players -- one taking the "high road" and one taking the "low road."

Not sure what tools are at my disposal, but it'll be fun to experiment.

Maybe person up top needs to get a Koopa shell and drop it down below for the other person, maybe person on the bottom needs to hit an ON/OFF block, etc.

And maybe another horizontally split level that is a race where you can trigger ways to slow down the other player.

why is he so bad at this game?

this time you get to boo at the bullshit levels

>Deliberately enters thread he doesn't like
>Gets mad
Keep seething PCfags, keep seething. Mario Maker is only for us Switchads

Choose a handful of elements and build a level around everything you can do with them.

Can't wait until Nintendo goes under and all you Switchfags will be too poor to buy an actual fucking gaming device like a PC.

>Giving (You)s you a namefag
Just stop

will we get stuff like this again? jump

Nintendo has enough money in the bank to where they could have sales worse than the WiiU and still stay afloat for decades, keep dreaming.

No. I hope they add them in in an update

I'll give him credit for knowing what the run button does at least.

Lmao fuck outta here kike

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Costumes were literally a nothing feature.

what do i do with this

>Game comes out on Friday
>Still no Super Mario Bros 2 USA Extra Style skin
Super Mario Maker 2? More like Super Mario Stinker, P-U!

Attached: Mung_Daal.jpg (480x640, 23K)

Make an Etika tribute level.

Just watch a bunch of ceave videos and mash the ideas together.

trans flags EVERYWHERE


France got it early. Kinda like how Smash Ultimate leaked 2 weeks early in Mexico.

Would be cool if you could require players to play in real time synchronisation like perhaps one is stuck in a room of blocks generated by switch with falling platform floor until other player hits switch to open it up. Or some other time based thing

I was interested in this game before, but the confirmation of no costumes made me cancel my pre-order. Fuck off, shills.

one less retard to make shitty levels. thanks.

your levels wont be missed

I don't care that they added slopes, ON/OFF blocks, 3D world, seesaws, night themes, and so much more! THEY DON'T HAVE MUH QUIRKY SKINS

Here, have a (you)

You guys are not real mario fans, you guys are just being vocal, toxic and hateful. You are ruining the mario comunity. Super Mario Maker 2 is gonna gives us everything we asked for. We finally got slopes but you still hating these games. And restricting the online plays makes appreciate the other players more. Your hate is not gonna acomplish anything.

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lots of spikes and blind jumps
pick a pipe just before the level ends

Cool shitpost.

you are retarded. If you aren't already interested in 2D Mario there's nothing to redpill you on.

Never played the first game but I'm getting this one.

I have an idea for a sort of trollish level but I don't know if t can be made in this game. Basically put pipes in sets of two throughout the level with a few enemies scattered around. Each of these sets of pipes leads to an underground room with a few coins. One room for each set. You can go back up either pipe to return to the main part of the level. Past all of the pipes is a dead end. In order to get to the end of the level you have to go down into one of the rooms and go back up through a certain pipe which is a secret exit to the end of the level.

Is something like that possible?

Please do not get the game.

Very possible. But you a describing a low-tier and basic troll.

People make too many levels like that already but other than that yes.

thank you friend
i didn't think it was twitch because it didn't look like a username

All the game needs is the ability to make custom music and palettes. Then it'd be truly complete.

Ok thanks. I was just wondering it could be done. I don't consider myself very creative but looking at videos of this game it seems like making some basic levels is very simple. I remember trying to make a level in Littlebigplanet but just getting frustrated and having no idea where to even start.

I'll probably spend most of my time playing levels made by other people rather than making my own but I'd like to try and make a few levels at least.

based mungposter

NSMB speedrun levels
same as always

That's kinda what I'm thinking.
Any way for them to interact with each other without actually being together.

>comes out on Friday
Revealing your sexual orientation through a level is fine OP.

>level where you climb a vertical section using diagonal conveyor belts
>level where you have to defeat all the spinys, but each one requires working a different contraption
>level where you have to race a wiggler
Here's 3. If you need more just google mario maker idea generator

Bros, why is Night Airship so perfect. Seriously, why could they not just make new backgrounds for night mode instead of lazily slapping on the same background?

Attached: NigAirship.png (1362x777, 868K)

>Index comes on friday
>xiv expansion comes out on friday
>mario maker on friday

Fuck I dont know what I'm going to do

Lurk on Yea Forums, fuck video games.

How tall can we make vertical levels? Is it as long as sidescrolling levels? I want to make a tower level that's entirely vertical.

>tfw just thought of something devious
>going to hide a hidden block right above a pit so that anyone trying to jump over the pit as usual would hit it and then fall to their death

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user invents the kaizoblock - 2019 colorized

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Even better, make a pit with a power-up in it and then put invisible blocks over the pit so they get trapped when they try to collect it.

I want to make a simple level that you play through with a pipe at the end, and in the pipe is the same level but turned 90 degrees to the left in a vertical area

You can't force a flower. Just let it come to you in the moment

user who spent over 1000 hours in Mario Maker 1 here.

The removal of costumes is actually likely going to heighten the quality of user made levels. Tons of dumb stuff in the pool that make poorly idealized versions of the characters.

Is it a loss? Absolutely. Is it something to be upset about? If it meant something to you, absolutely. Is it going to make this game any worse? No. It has a far more complex level editor while maintaining the simplicity of the original with a huge console base as well. This will be a game you will be playing beyond the Switch's life span.

Get your self a multitouch stylus, buy this digital and enjoy hundreds of hours of comfiness.

What's the first gimmick level you are planning anons?

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haaaahahaha oh wow that's just EVIL!
but wait, there's a path out of that now walled off pit
it leads to a pipe
but if you enter it you come out on the other end and instantly fall into spikes LOL

Not allowing pipe stacking is a far bigger loss than costumes.

I need to know if you can pick up other players in the Mario U theme for my level to work, but basically I want to make a multiplayer battle arena where you try and throw people into pits

Any particular stylus you'd recommend? Very pumped for the game I didn't have a WiiU and it's the one game I really regret getting.

>he pays for his switch content

but before you hit spikes you get a star
and there's no way out of the pit so you have to wait for the star to wear off while standing on the spikes like an idiot

what is Yea Forums's favorite troll setup in MM1?

>Train level
>Starts in a snowy mountain then goes into a ghost house (or starts in the ghost house as the station, then returns)

>Ghost house level where you have to use pow blocks to build bridges over P switches that will kill you if they activate

>Overgrown forest level where lakitus throw piranha plants and blasters on tracks shoot munchers

>Ghetto mario galaxy, top subworld is space, bottom subworld is the bottom side of the planets using upside down moon

>Mario takes a comfy desert road trip, 2nd half at night.

>Continue my quest to make a water level that's actually fun.

>In the same vein, make a traditional smb1 overworld level using only smb1 items that's interesting and fun

Remind me what pipe stacking is exactly? I heard someone mention it before but I don't know what it means.

The most impressive stuff I've seen are those levels that transform CP1 by blowing up blocks so people don't realize what happened until it's too late.
Also stuff like twice twice that are made by someone who got into somebody else head.

My favorite is when offscreen thwomps trigger when you jump high enough and drop fish on you

Putting two pipes on the same tile. It allows for some crazy shit. First of all, just aesthetically, it looks nice to be able to connect pipes without an annoying pixel wide gap in between. In addition, it can be used to spawn multiple different enemies at a time from the same pipe. Best of all though, it's able to be used to make it so you can go through one pipe, reenter it, and go to a completely different area. It's crazy in some troll levels, and it even has a lot of aplications in other levels as well. Honestly it's the only thing that I truly dislike about SMM2. I can live without costumes or the weird mushroom, but stacked pipes were so versatile.

i wonder how annoying building in docked mode will be

twice twice was an insane setup
there is no way to not get confused the first time you play it

Will it be available at midnight? Unfamiliar with how nintendo does things.


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>muh troll levels

I want to buy it because I love the first Mario's aesthetic sense, but I'm not interested in challenging levels, competition or elaborate gimmicks at all. I want to use it as a tool for making contemplative, exploration-heavy forays into games I've mostly appreciated for its interesting fauna and such. Does anybody have that kind of intention? Or do you all want to build levels based around pushing certain buttons and timing and that kinda thing?

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>Good (slight pause) bye *Kevin McLeod intensifies*

I like his videos, he's like the pannenkoek of Mario Maker

Unfortunately now you can't cover the arrow. Shame.

Just play LittleBigPlanet

>hurts aesthetics
>hurts functionality
>destroys many creative setups

Yeah major releases usually unlock at midnight


fuck creating shit, im a chad
slaves do the levels for me to play


True Chads create something from nothing, virgins leech off what Chad creates.

yeah whatever, create that level for me you filthy slut

Alright, made you a stage

y-yes master...

I'm personally gonna try and make some neat Castle levels, maybe some weeb Japanese style castle with ninja. Possibly a race track? Since cars are gonna be in there too. Or just make troll levels, those sometimes give me a chuckle.



>Waiting for leaks
Where the fuck is it Yea Forums? I told you put it on my desk yesterday.

Have you not seen that french guy who is streaming story mode?

how did this dude get so popular so quickly?
I was subbed since pretty early on, but around a year or so ago his channel exploded massively in popularity

>japanese NSMB speedrun
almost as terrible as 500 second "speedrun" levels

Same. I think it was that trend of beating Mario games coinless/jumpless since he did a lot of those. He deserves every sub though, fantastic youtuber.

How long does it take you to make a stage?

Depends on the type of level. A good traditional level will take 2-4 hours ish.

maybe, he popularised the concept afaik

>doesn't like nintendo
>wants to play their games

Is there a comment system in lieu of miiverse?
How am I going to shit on troll levels and warns others about it

>Bros, why is Night Airship so perfect
almost perfect if it weren't for the shitty, ill-fitting tinny music box bgm

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Possible, but they limit the number of pipes you can have in a level to a super small number so you end up with like maybe 32 pipes (16 ends) which seems like a lot but it's barely enough for two rooms.

>Doesn't know the difference between a tripfag and a namefag
Hello, newfriend = ^)

I'm probably going to play gusty garden on every single night stage I make because I hate that music box so much

I imagine it will be in-game or linked to social media or something, because we know it exists

People won't get the joke if they don't use /vp/

>still no music editor


Just place boss music (Final/Mini Boss) that outta do it

2 hours minimum for a good stage
sometimes a multiple of that

His videos came up in my recommended videos for whatever reason, I watched a few, I said "I like this" and I subscribed to him. Presumably whatever caused it to be popular in my recommendations caused it to be popular with others and the same thing happened.

post the video

has the nsp leaked yet or not