Should we get a new Halo game with the campaign having multiplayer and you can make your own Spartan?
Should we get a new Halo game with the campaign having multiplayer and you can make your own Spartan?
Your priorities are retarded zoomer, how about a fucking sequel for Halo 3.
>with the campaign having multiplayer and you can make your own Spartan
Can you rephrase the question?
Why, halo 3 ended perfectly. They'd probably just fuck it up if they tried to make a sequel.
What I literally mean is, should we have the option for single player campaign mode and a multiplayer campaign mode where both takes place in the main story?
You mean kind of like two separate campaigns, one being solo and one being co-op?
So this is what the Halo "community" has resorted to. My God it's pathetic. Next the zoomers will tell you "BuT IvE BeEN PlAyInG SiNcE CE.
I hope halo 6 has Sprint, armor abilities, the whole nine yards just so the rest of the veterans and fanboys can fuck off for good. This series needs to die.
Based Baser
Based Based Baser Poster
Yes that's right
Based based poster posters
Based Based Based Based Poster Poster
Didn’t Halo 4 kind of do that? Had the main story with Chief and a side gig called Spartan Ops
Granted, Spartan Ops was just you and your pals in a map blowing up Grunts in an area of interest while that Spartan in White complains about ‘Eggheads’ or some shit
I really don't mind sprint. I've never really got the argument against it as long as maps are designed to suit it. Fuck armor abilities and loadouts though.
t. played since CE dropped when I was 13
Well I actually meant Co-op as in the co-op would have multiplayer online in the campaign.
I need a split screen campaign
I actually think Spartan Ops had a lot of potential. Would've been great if was Elite Ops or something and it told the opposite side of the story, but alas, muh eggheads.
Elite Ops would reign supreme over a lot of console games of this gen.
I’ve said this before like 3 times, but I still think an Elite spinoff taking place on High Charity during the Great Schism would be pretty nice if done right, first half is getting to know your Covenant squad mates in person while blasting Brutes, second half is trying to evacuate from the Flood
This guy knows how to make Elite Ops the right way.
I agree but it will never happen, 343i took the wromng lessons from the criticism from 5's plot and wants to minimize spinoffs and focus more on chief now.
How well did Halo Wars 2 do? Maybe granting permission to another studio with some more passion to their minds is plausible
it's called halo reach
I'm honestly not sure.
You never hear people talking about it but from what I have heard it's more active then people think
..... I meant a new one smartass.