>here's your game bro
Here's your game bro
Other urls found in this thread:
I know it’s Sinai but how did they get ace squad with 5 Scouts
>Sends niggers to die in some desert war instead of their own soldiers.
Based bongland
germany? yeah make half the classes from africa thanks
>go woke go brok-
Ops looks like it sold millions :)
The fact that the cover of this game is a negro is so disrespectful
half of every other squad was also playing scout. we lost that game
cool playerbase bro
>Sold millions
>no one plays
Eh, i dont care. As long as its fun.
Scout in BF1 is powerful as fuck, remember?
>"historical accuracy doesn't matter, as long as it's fun"
>How history will remember Europeans.
This shit is hilarious, actually.
Support isnt a nigger hes just tanned. The lighting is just shitty cuz frostbite and makes him look a lot darker than how he actually is.
He isn't wrong, the game should value it actually having fun and interesting gameplay over historical accuracy.
Nope, pretty sure he's supposed to be of middle eastern or African ethnicity.
>misleading image by not putting servers with most players on top
Thousands playing right now moron
There's your problem, bro
>game has no players 2 1/2 years after release
That's a fail
Honestly it is hard to tell, but he isnt a full blown nigger. Maybe mixed race
I'm upset I didn't get into BF1 when it was actually big, the aesthetics and faction variety was pretty great.
>misleading image by not putting servers with most players on top
user thats litterally what he did, look at the arrow
Too bad battle field doesn't have mod support anymore to fix this.
Imagine being too busy dilating to instead of googling bfv sales to make a more accurate statement.
Wrong dumbass, he searched by lowest ping
they took it too far. bolt actions made up 90% of the small arms, yet the only ones available are for the sniper and come with an unremovable scope.
i took that image at peak time, australian servers are literally dead
I wish Verdun wasn't so janky because its a really good take on how to do a WWI shooter.
>instead of googling bfv sales to make a more accurate statement.
>when the thread is about BF1
Holy mother of cope
All rifles can be used with ironsights, don't lie
Remember when console shooters would last 4-5 years easy?
Their sequels weren't getting pumping out as quickly as they are now.
Cloaks are aesthetic as fuck
CoD was getting a sequel every year and still was topping the charts
>We need more diversity in our WWI/WWII game
>Should we include lesser-known, colonial theatres like East Africa or Burma that don't get any exposure in pop culture as it is?
>Nah, just put brown people on the Western front
Every damn time
the only rifles with ironsights are the medic's semi & full auto rifles. i wish i could use comfy irons on the bolt action rifles
I don't understand why they didn't just let people pick their face model
Even so, what's fun about having a team full of niggers?
HoorayC and CrazYKIng in my squad pls
to be fair, the bf1 reveal trailer was amazing
it's not till you boot up the game that shit starts to smell
Because hillary was supposed to win and BF1 would let little zoom zooms dab on evil whities
>sits in the corner of the tavern, silently waiting for you to approach
What the fuck you on about mongoloid, almost every bolt action rifle has an "infantry" variant that has ironsights only.
And they have neither fun or accuracy anymore
Hi, Yunyun
oh you're right
Is there a mod or some other way to change the skin tone? I really like the WW1 setting but it triggers my autism seeing stuff like this.
>dab on evil whities
While playing as black nazis?
So i brought my PS4 to play BFV my dads house, hes got a 4k tv. I set it to game mode, adjusted color settings, and messed with some ps4 settings. And on his ultra big super nice TV it looks blurry and makes me want to puke. I put it back on my shittier old TV today, and the resolution has some jaggies or whatever the fuck, but boy it's nice and clear and I can actually see enemies and distinguish everything. Whats the deal? The same with Battlefront 2 and RDR2.
yes actually
Blacks served in WW1 though.
Do you fucking retards really think the most underprivileged people in a country aren't going to be included in a draft? Do you think being infantry in 1915 was some sort of high class thing only white people did? What the fuck is wrong with Americans?
what the fuck is up with the helmets on the left?
why did this game die so fast
Nobody actually gives a shit about those lesser known theatres because most people who buy vidya live in places that were involved in the more famous ones. They had to force niggers and poo's in somehow.
wrong photo
the only people who support this or think its normal are skinny ANTIFA faggots or literal faggot trannies
>are skinny
FAT FUCK detected
Yes, I know they served in WW1. Nice strawman.
I would have absolutely no problem coming across the occasional ethnic minority if it were warranted and proportional.
Them constituting the majority of the fighting force however is dumb as fuck.
nope, i actually had a father who put me into sports. Being a lanklet is an embarrassment
Sure fat fuck.
Whoa look at all the niggers everywhere
>the thought of physical fitness is completely alien to him
I'm assuming you've never even seen a girl naked in real life
Im sure youve never seen your tiny dick under your belly fat folds
Why don't you actually look up the ethnic ratio of units and where they were deployed and used? Aside from a small handful of French colonial forces, some American units and Indian Army units, the Western Front was almost entirely white. Same for the Eastern Front with a handful of Asiatics. The African campaigns were where almost all black soldiers engaged in the first world war fought, with the Middle East seeing a larger amount of Indian Army units. But rather than having a cool set of missions set around Askaris fighting in Africa which would actually represent some of the most forgotten actual Africans, you pretend as if half of the British or French Army in WW1 was black.
More people are playing BF4 than there are playing BF1 AND BF5
>Implying a texture pack =niggers
>Implying every nigger character model is played by an actual nigger
Fuck historical accuracy, if it makes the game more fun or mechanically interesting then go for it.
If it means adding niggers to a game then do what you want because who give a shit, its literal textures and polygons and the people caring about that are retarded because theres nothing to be gained or lost in being a nigger in BFV, everyone still plays the same within their classes.
Hey man, who won The Cup this year?
Kids are going to grow up thinking Fukwan and Jamal were fighting in the trenches
I dont know wtf youre talking about fatty, what meme are you referring to and why do you have pics of people you hate saved?
No retard, kids are going to actually be interested in WW1 and WW2 now and read books and look up information about it instead of having 0 connection to it. When I played old games singlehandedly killing armies and taking over normandy beach by myself I didnt think that was like real life, you fucking propagandized retards.
it's not the fact that africans are there that's unbelievable, it's the quantity.
according to bf1, blacks make up:
>50% of britain's armies
>25% of germany's western forces
>25% of frances army
>25% of america's army
yet as total casualties (including civilians) they account for:
>6.2% of britain
>2.91% of germany
>4.75% of france
in conclusion, africans in ww1 were space marines that murdered white bois
The Stanley Cup you puny little ANTIFA nigger, thank you for literally proving you haven't lifted a weight in your entire life.
>Fuck historical accuracy, if it makes the game more fun or mechanically interesting then go for it.
But thats exactly what historical accuracy does, making a character a nig where it doesn't fit doesn't remotely make the game more fun nor does it make it more mechanically interesting. It just makes it annoying when you're even the slightest bit educated on the subject and makes it unbearably obvious the desperate plea to appease certain political groups (who don't even buy their games).
Why would i need to lift weights to watch hockey? Fat retard.
>No retard, kids are going to actually be interested in WW1 and WW2 now and read books and look up information
You can even see in this thread retarded millennials trying to justify having tons of niggers in a world war game "because there were black soldiers"
The best thing about Battlefield since BF4 is this Hugo Boss inspired filth cleaner outfit.
Fucking SS-tier right there.
Royal Kangenhelm
>you fucking propagandized retards.
>whilst defending literal propaganda
>the point goes way over your head
Not only are you a weak pussy you're also a moron too. Sad.
Kids technically shouldn't be playing battlefield fuckface.
If they grow up thinking battlefield 5 is history thats on their dumb asses.
Its not like simulation of a war meant for entertainment is gonna edit history permanently, just means kids thinking that Jamal seen that war are wrong and dumb.
How old are you? I guarantee you are a millennial.
And the my argument isnt because there were black soldiers, it's literally to appeal to a wider market. To sell more copies. Cause black kids and little girls want to customize and play barbie with their soldiers. Just like you fat retards do.
It's why when I go into a Mordhau thread everyone is playing dressup and posting their characters instead of tlaking about gameplay.
nu dice lacks soul
Oh it's a fat trumptard too. It's always so easy to spot the fat meme spouters.
>How old are you? I guarantee you are a millennial.
Nope, born in the 80s you faggot,
>And the my argument isnt because there were black soldiers, it's literally to appeal to a wider market. To sell more copies. Cause black kids and little girls want to customize and play barbie with their soldiers. Just like you fat retards do.
Wrong again fag, if you were actually alive during the earlier generation of gaming no one cares about having female protags or black people given context.
new dlc didn't come out for like a year. A lot of people that played the beta got their fill too and didn't even play the thing when it came out. Also, gunplay is fucking godawful.
Stupid fuck, look up the definition of millennial. Stop pressing enter needlessly, then kill yourself.
>Oh it's a fat trumptard
Wow, not only are you a dumbass weak pussy, you're also a r eddit user too. I honestly pity you
These fucking 'top' player lineups in every fucking multiplayer game now.
Why. No one gives a fuck.
Just show me the scoreboard and where I fit.
You are the one reddit spacing, fatty.
Are you new to Yea Forums? You do know that Boomers aren't referred to as literal baby boomers right?
it's for the serotonin hit when you see yourself up there. it's a cheap trick aimed towards keeping players playing.
wtf is reddit spacing? String bean
I thought fatties usually had thicker skin than this thanks to all the folds.
you know whats fun? Post Scriptum
no niggers and you can bants with your mates while screaming for Hans to get ze flammenwerfer
I mostly play the objective and get the most flags captured. feels good mang.
Too bad its Early access, has no content, buggy, laggy, and filled with trumptards.
They really didn't. At least not in any incredible amount.
British had some 150,000 INDIAN troops on the Western front, that is until they decided to specifically not use colonial troops in Europe and had them all withdrawn by 1915 (BF1 takes place 1917-18 on west front).
Germany did not have any colonial troops in Europe, in no small part due to their country being blockaded through most the war.
The only faction to use African colonial troops in a significant number were the French, and mind you these were entirely uniform regiments of colonial troops, they didn't mix in with your standard French infantry.
>ANTIFA faggot literally resorting to throwing a tantrum like a child
Like clockwork
Wow did you not go to school or something mumbumbum?
i think its great
i play on eu so havent met politicstards either
Oh the iron knee
while the politics are fucking cancer it's still the best battlefield since bc2
the nigger should never be on your team, only the enemy team.
>filled with trumptards
any fps and especially milsims are going to be filled with conservatives and bootlickers, but i don't find the squad and PS community to be that bad
It's still big and playable. Wish BFV had the aesthetic
truly an insult to history
They did in bfv
I always had a good time with EU guys back in Red Orchestra days, they were always crazy nice. Speaking of which I played Darkest Hour during one the updates 2-3 months ago, and I was so surprised at the end of the game. There was only 1 Euro server populated and at the end of the match ~40 euros all said GG at the same time. I hadnt seen actual humans behaving like humans in a decade.
I played Post Script right when it came out, used some exploit an user linked to get access to it even though it was a test for preorders only, and all the right stuff is there, the look the feel, but it was just too poorly done. imo. It just felt like Squad felt 2 years earlier. All the patches and minor fixes not there. Didnt want to deal with that again.
whats unironic is how predictable you losers are. Let me describe you:
>extremely weak and frail, likely was bullied in school
>dyed hair like a fucking twink fag
>thinks capitalism is bad because you cant afford a single bedroom apartment working 30 hours stocking grocery shelves
>unironically think in terms like "being on the right side of history" because you call man "she" because he told you to
>thinks the weather is scary and going to kill us if we don't invest a trillion dollars in windmills
>baby-sits drunk girls in hopes of getting action before they inevitably go on and hook up with someone like me
What am I missing?
this, i bought it for $9 a couple days ago off of origin. dunno if it's still on sale
>Im slightly above average and this slight change in an entertainment product is AGGRIVATING because "muh leftists are changing history"
Now to address the point about leftists, they didn't do it to appease them, they did it to PROFIT from them becuase it's EA and they don't see individual humans anymore, just walking piles of cash and will do anything to get that cash.
They changed something that didn't matter for sales because in the game it doesnt matter what the skin is, mechanically everythings the same and from EA's perspective its an easy con, trick the leftists saying they want the game but want more niggers into buying the game with extra mechanically identicle sets of skins that your teams can easily do and you get the cash, EA just thinks appeasing the loadest voices on the internet about shit that doesnt matter will translate to sales.
oh Fritz *bites lip* :3
>appeasing the loadest voices on the internet about shit that doesnt matter will translate to sales.
But you tards are the loudest ones. Some literal who on twitter isnt the driving force behind EA.
Cause that was given for free
nothing will ever beat bc2. that game was amazing.
honestly playing bf1 and experiencing the indestructable cloth walls makes me wanna go back
>they did it to PROFIT
not that guy but nah man you don't seem to understand that while some companies go woke to chase new demographics DICE is completely insane and celebrated bad sales with a pity party for bfv
why do you think that? Lefty progressive retards who waste their money are the ones flooding twitter with their silly bullshit every minute of every day
That's not even remotely what he said.
Is this game any good? Should I deal with the 70 gb download and just fucking play it?
lmao really?
yes they even put a bunch of tame twitter criticisms up on a giant screen so they could gloat and jack off to their own virtue for sticking it to those gamers
Because I never go to twitter and the only time I see anything about twitter is the people on Yea Forums screaming about some nobody on twitter and spamming their twitter posts.
And I'm 90% most of those Yea Forums posts are false flaggers on twitter, cause the names are usually fake as fuck. Like there was one the other day called docta ignorantus or something like that. And ~20 anons replying with generic shit you see thousands of times a day on here. It feels so manufactured.
ah sure
I just have a hard-on for the SS and Wehrmacht so it suits my needs something excellent
as game it's pretty good. if you're going in for the world war 1 setting you're gonna have a bad time. it's like a weird fanfiction where all the soldiers are equipped with the best, most expensive, experimental equipment. not to mention it starts off by shoving minorities in your face
What's the campaign like?
I'm the one saying fix the fucking games before they get released, not an SJW, and remember the part where it seems like an easy con from EA's perspective? this is a trap businesses fall into when trying to entice new markets, they don't know or care about who to listen to so they listen to what sounds good on paper, which is complements, ideas (well a publisher is supposed to be doing this bit but they all stopped long ago) and suggestions on random crap (The idea is the random crap leads to untapped markets therefor random crap is good, its why they used to do all sorts of shit, they werent just making good games, they were feeling out the market) which they half ass by just listening to SJW's because what they want is so easy and often hilariously superficial.
it's genuinely very good aside from the retarded political shit, great readability and great class/vehicle/weapon balance
yeah whatever homo
i only played the prologue, but that in itself is very good.
woops meant for
The missions after the prologue were a big pile of meh. Prologue felt amazing though, and i like the rest of the game. Always hated the SP campaigns though.
the rest of the game meaning the multiplayer*
>filter the game with the servees being empty or low populated showing up first
>Black people? In MY game? How could they?
Between this and the a hat in time flag, it seems like you snowflakes get triggered so easily by colors. It's hilarious.
Want women in bf5? Add the Soviet Union, not British female cyborg warriors.
>completely ignoring history in a game where the focus is the historical setting
cool game bro
Imagine a world where you could talk about your favorite loadouts for classes.
What specializations you use for vehicles.
The turn radius of the different planes.
The neat little exploit spot you found.
Favorite maps and tactics.
Instead of a bunch of people spamming nigger
What do you expect?
it's almost like all that information is more readily available elsewhere and won't be locked into an ephemeral thread.