>cyberpunk 2077 sacrificed different playstyles,classes and content all so they could hire a Zoomer celebrity
Please tell me you're gonna pirate that piece of shit game
>cyberpunk 2077 sacrificed different playstyles,classes and content all so they could hire a Zoomer celebrity
Please tell me you're gonna pirate that piece of shit game
Other urls found in this thread:
>want to buy it to anger trannies
>want to pirate it because of zoomer pandering
Which do I choose Yea Forumsros?
I'm going to watch gameplay post release first
No they didn't.
No I'll be buying it on release tranny :^)
>Keeanu Reeves has been a celebrity since before the majority of Yea Forums was born
>zoomer celebrity
Pirate but send 5 bucks to CDPR.
I'm gonna buy it because even without any of those it will still be the best game since Witcher 3.
That shit didn't have any classes either and it was excellent.
the only things hes known for are the matrix and john wick which are both zoomercore
Could have spent 500K on gameplay instead spent on getting Keanu Reeves
Yes they did
Aren't there different playstyles, though? Seems like there's a lot of room for decision making, but more ala Deus Ex rather than a CRPG. There probably won't be a complex character sheet, but the game would allow you to adapt.
Or maybe not. I don't know.
Due to the subject matter it would almost be rude not to.
Celebrities and graphics are a waste of fucking money.
lel its the quintessential boomercore
>nobody remembers sad keanu edits
fuck this place
Also Keanu is a cyberpunk nerd and a weeb do you really think he wouldn't give his everything to this project? Probably even took a pay cut.
Imagine not wanting Neo in your game, you're the zoomer OP.
graphics are not a waste of money
Theres no class system though. Who cares if shit like NV didn't have classes, if 2077 doesn't have it then it's shit. SHIT!
The Matrix was released 20 years ago I guarantee you it's older than most of the people who you post with and he was big from Bill and Ted which came out in the 80s
Nah, it's gonna be one of the best games ever and I've already pre-ordered.
>zoomed outs themselves in two posts
Fucking state of newfags.
Dilate, sweaty
Was Syndicate any good?
your conception of time is baffling
fuck off sweeney
No, they didn't. You're mentally ill.
Where did you hear about them sacrificing different playstyles? I heard nothing about it.
summer is here
>Not Johnny Mnenomic.
The Matrix is a hack fraud film that's basically a dozen films pressed into one incoherent mess.
Johnny Mnenomic is cyberpunk's finest cinematic outing.
>Bill and Ted
>Johnny Mnemonic
>The Devil's Advocate
Kill yourself, zoomer
I don't give a fuck about it anymore, but your pic made me think.
Why doesn't Japan cash in on the cyberpunk thing?
>Implying he wasn't just glad he could into another movie where all he has to do is use his monotoned boring voice and then just fucking leave like always
>implying I'm not buying to trigger trannies like you
Back to Yea Forums sweetie, won't be too long before you off yourself anyway :)
This is like saying Starcraft 1 or Baldur's Gate is zoomercore are you retarded
He's annoyed because classes from the tabletop that are focused on giving the player driving skills (useless in a game where your skill at driving is controlled by your gameplay ability and not by a stat plus a dice roll) and ability to convince others aren't present.
Trannies aren't gonna live that long. Just pirate it.
Boomers were 50 by the time the matrix came out you stupid nigger
>The Devil's Advocate
>mfw when at the end you see the chicks face turn demonic in the mirror
You can't pick a actual class you just put stats in what you want. It's more like deus ex then anything else.
>Mono-toned boring voice.
1. His voice wasn't monotoned in the two lines he said in the trailer, so that's you fucked.
2. Again, watch Johnny Mnenomic which is a gibson novel brought to life.
Imagine being a Jew who gets paid to shitpost.
You are actually fucking stupid.
You are fucking retarded.
japan cant make cyberpunk, it always turns scifi godzilla tier over the top garbage like Akira
Trust a weeb tranny zoomer to hate based Johnny Mnemonic
Ability to convince others over being able to shoot or fight well, mind you. Again, useless in a game where you will have to do what usually takes a four man party of players to do in order to make the game decent.
>Why doesn't Japan cash in on the cyberpunk thing?
What's to cash in on? Cyberpunk is not a huge genre that everyone loves. It's very niche.
Why are you worried about the celeb cameo when you should be worrying that the gunplay looks like ass, I seriously hope they spend the next half year polishing it
Photorealistic graphics are killing video games.
I haven't seen that movie in years, but isn't that movie where the main character fucks his sister?
Johnny Mnemonic is an absolutely garbage film.
>Japan can't make cyberpunk.
This game has brought out so many damn idiiots who have no idea about the genre or the works that comprise it and define it.
So he's crying because it's not a tabletop?
Why doesn't he just go play a tabletop lol
There's a new one coming out or is already out isn't there?
Can't believe I forgot that movie.
>this movie came out before the majority of current Yea Forums was born
>zoomer celebrity
This board never ceases to amaze me
I saw it over the weekend. It's a fantastic film. I only wish the proper full cut with the edgier aspects, like how the dolphin needs heroin due to the pain of being old and beaten up milsurp surplus essentially and the extra Takeshi scenes they put into the Jap cut existed.
Oh wow, you're actually retarded. I don't think this is the site for you.
wasn't there an entire "childhood hero" option in the character creator that was gone in the post e3 build?
i think the options included a jon wick stand-in and they just got keanu instead and scrapped the other choices, because why spend out the ass for keanu and not have him be a bigger focus
He doesn't even play the tabletop, he's just reaching for any possible excuse to scream that the game will be shit.
I predict that while not revolutionary the game will be quite good and scratch an itch many of us have had for years.
>I can make shit up because it's Yea Forums
Because Yea Forums is retarded and doesn't understand how much time and resources that would take. Plus they all want to rp as K/Deckard/the chick from that tranny shit OP posted.
I'm sure the game will be plenty fun. I preordered already, mainly to not worry about it at a later date and to piss off people whining over in game shit.
Sort of. He pretends he's willing to do so and gets started but kills himself during it.
That's been rolled into the lifepath generation which is more in line with the original character gen in Cyberpunk 2020. If you didn't realise the original character gen screen they showed in the 2018 demo was an obvious place filler, that's one you.
Japan brought cyberpunk back from the dead in the 90s with GITS.
Yeah but how many are you flipping
>Back from the dead.
>Oshii's bastardisation of the fantastic GITS comic was released in the same year as Johnny Mnenomic and three years after Snow Crash.
>cyberpunk 2077
tranny fellatio sim
>It's more like deus ex then anything else.
Why do you say that like it's a bad thing
you said graphics
and Photorealistic graphics are not killing video games its the type of person who likes that shit
I'm curious if they still gave any of the other background options or is it just the 3 they mentioned, Corp/Nomad/Street kid. Like the defining childhood moment choice or your reasoning for being in night city, or if it's just those 3. I can work with them but would like it if there was a cop option.
if you were porn before 60s ur zoomer
Keep trying to falseflag sweetie, I'm sure someone will believe you someday.
I'm not.
Wow, GitS is not cyberpunk, who knew
remake was alright for what it was, more of a less good dishonored, but i dont even rate that game very high
Spend some time on /tg/ and you will understand why class based systems do nothing but pigeon hole players into the same cookie cutter character types. Classless system are better and allow for a more natural character progression.
Literally everyone? It's post-cyberpunk.
>What is Speed?
>What is Constantine?
>What is Point Break?
>What is The Devil's Advocate?
the bigger issue i have is it looks like they're going to streamline customization into something simpler, the childhood hero shit is gone but even if they're reworking the backstory shit into something like this it still looks like they're going to force keanu onto you which still means they're forgoing potential options to bump some meme celebrity
Think logically. If they give you the option to start as a cop, then they'll have to railroad it so you're not a cop and have you forced out of the NCPD or essentially write a whole story about how you're undercover in order to make it actually work. Furthermore the whole point of the Cop class was to give you a ton of Cop style contacts and authority which again actively clashes with what they're going with here.
I hooe you get methodically shot in the head in a cheesy Russian operated nightclub while dubtep blares in the background.
God I hated the TV series
gpod this website is such dogshit.
>implyng people would remember Constantine of all things over Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
Oh boy I nearly forgot how awful summer is.
>Post cyberpunk.
Not a thing, GITS was done in 1988, well before the term arose (late 90s). it's cyberpunk and was written as such. Motoko is full on cyberpunk.
I don't get it, so we get neons and permanent night for cyberpunk, but afterwards we throw neons away and make the clouds go away?
It actually looks to me quite the opposite; they're expanding it out beyond what you got shown in last years demo.
so you're the whale i keep hearing about
>more of a less good dishonored
Huh? I can't even fathom why you would equate Dishonored to Syndicate. About the only thing they have in common is a first person perspective. One is an corridor based FPS and the other is a sandbox based "immersive sim" stealth game.
Pirate then buy official merch
Uh, cyberpunk never died in Japan. Akira came out in '88. Tetsuo The Iron man came out in '89. The original Bubblegum Crisis OVAs came out between 1987 and 1991. Plus a bunch of other stuff.
>GITS was done in 1988, well before the term arose (late 90s).
By that logic, Frankenstine isn't Science Fiction despite being, y'know, the legendary first Sci-Fi novel.
>Please tell me you're gonna pirate that piece of shit game
won't touch it, probably. TW3 wasn't good, this won't either.
I was joking. Plus from what I understand in 2020 the classes don't really lock you into being a specific role, they give a special ability and bonuses to some stats but otherwise you can still be a solo who's skilled at hacking, or a media who's good with a gun. I wish I had friends to play tabletops with.
Frankenstein is gothic horror, not sci-fi.
i suppose it's a bit of a stretch but i can't really compare it to anything else, i want to say crysis or FEAR but neither of those feel right either
if they do then i'll withdraw my bitching, im just cautious about it because i hate celebrity cameos in shit that said celebrity clearly doesn't actually care about, and his reveal coming with the removal of features didn't bode well
I'm confused. The actual trans people I know are excited about the game, so I don't understand how you nerds buying it would make them mad.
Cyberpunk is "high tech, low life"
GitS isn't low-life enough, the perspective is that of a top level government agent using national resources to counter international threats.
Post-cyberpunk is the nebulous middleground between cyberpunk and transhumanism.
The term cyberpunk has been in use since the early 1980s.
I'm gonna buy it and you not gonna stop me, Kurwa jebana.
Compare it to the Riddick games. It basically plays exactly the same because it was made by the same dev.
Well that's why I'm saying it as a background, I imagine as a Corp they'd do something similar in you working for a Corp and then getting kicked out for one reason or another.They could do that for Cop as well.
What do you call the cyber joints/cracks in the skin? It's my fetish.
I want to make A2.
neither. Wait and see. Watch actual gameplay before buying it.
I bet you think Metropolis is cyberpunk as well, you idiot.
Please stop making up stupid bullshit. The people here are dumb enough to believe it.
Why dont you think for yourself you fucking slave
GiTS is def cyberpunk. Even if it's from the perspective of an elite government counter-terrorist team, they get deep enough into the grime and decay of the urban landscape to more than satisfy the "low life" qualifier.
>collectors edition no less
>Jedi fallen order
I'm properly gonna play 2077 but go back.
Yes, exactly. Not postcyberpunk which isn't even a damn genre as cyberpunk works dealing with people who are involved with corporations and the status quo have been around since the genre was created.
are they really going to top the witcher? I seriously doubt it, this game is just too overhyped, the reason why the witcher was so good was because it was low-key and took everyone by surprise.
>. Even if it's from the perspective of an elite government counter-terrorist team,
This is literally what makes it post-cyberpunk you dunce.
Classes are for queers
Plus consider the context. Section 9 is a barely legal, only justified due to a ton of politicking private death squad where most of the people on it are only on it because it's a nice legal way to kick the ass they want to kick and get their bodies paid for and serviced for free. Motoko explicitly is part of it because she likes Aramaki and likes not having to pay for repairs as well as having a legal license to kill; she smuggles and uses illegal nanomachine drugs, she streams herself having orgies online and when she gets in shit with the government herself, she fakes her death and gets the fuck out in order to avoid being Mossad'd.
post cyberpunk isn't a real genre. just like tech noir
>witcher 3
u avin a giggle m8
Nope, that's an artificial delineation argued by a tiny handful of people. Just because something has a wikipedia section on it doesn't make it real.
This. Alphaville was part of the noir revival of the 1960s for instance. There's plenty of noir stories that are space operas and so on.
I'm assuming he means before release. Witcher 2 did well compared to the cult classic that was the first game but I don't think people expected it to blow up as much as it did.
>that's an artificial delineation
All delineations are artificial.
technoir is the steampunk of cyberpunk
What's wrong with steampunk? I know fuck all about it.
It's a delinieation which argues there was a shift of cyberpunk works where people were working as part of the system to protect it against forces seeking to destroy it and make things worse. Which doesn't make sense because there's been books and comics and more about that going back to the early 80s, and have always been part of the genre.
Steampunk doesn't exist. It's purely an aesthetic based on extrapolating from some Moorcock novels and stuff based on the Barsoom series.
the ultimate zoomer
I try to forget about Johnny Mnemonic. The book is great, but the movie sucks.
and while we're at it, here's another terrible Keanu flick.
Did you actually watch the film or did you just see some e-celebs review of it?
constantine is kino
>Which doesn't make sense because there's been books and comics and more about that going back to the early 80s, and have always been part of the genre.
That just means post-cyberpunk is well established as a genre.
It's a clear and distinct difference from cyberpunk.
Constantine was a good film but it wasn't a good Constantine film. They should have called it Extrecorcist.
No, it isn't. Even within the Sprawl Triology there's examples of what you would call post cyberpunk and things like Americann Flagg and more actually predate things like Neuromancer. It's not a different genre, it's not distinct, it's part of it.
The fact that you pre-ordered Jedi Fallen Order makes me sick. I hope you lose money flipping those CEs on eBay.
>cyberpunk 2077 sacrificed different playstyles,classes and content all so they could hire a Zoomer celebrity
prove it
>it's not distinct,
You can pinpoint examples of it from memory without even trying, that's pretty damned distinct.
Everyone always sucks Peter Stormare's dick for his portrayal of Lucifer in this film but I think Tilda Swinton was way better as Gabriel.
>thinking that it would've had classes in the first place
You're arguing with a person who views a genre as only being able to be one thing and only one thing ever and anything possibly looking at a different viewpoint or facet of said genre as some arbitrary post/sub-genre. Right or wrong; it will not be a fruitful endeavor, user.
Or i actually know the genre unlike you and so I can actually bring up plenty of examples which go against the idea that post-cyberpunk concepts emerged after cyberpunk was established to try and bring an antithesis or develop new themes rather than being part of the genre and have been so from the start. For fuck's sake, even Blade Runner was about this, and that was one of the most important proto works.
Yep, but maybe one person will see it and not rabbit that bloody stupid wikipedia article and continue the Yea Forums mark of not knowing anything about the genre.
What a film
Blade-runner isn't about an international secret agent, it's about a beat cop who may or may not be a robot slave.
Oshii’s ghost in the shell is overrated.
I'll pirate it day one, yeah.
Maybe I'll buy it later down the line. Way later. At third of the price. If the DLC is good. And by good I mean huge and consisting of cut/RPG features such as more classes, multiple apartments, more districts, factions, more customization, 3rd person view, bunch of cosmetic packs, flyable cars, multiplayer features etc. And if they release REDkit. And if the modding community is active, especially in Asia.
Otherwise no, what they've shown so far has been really disappointing and underwhelming. Their decisions and priorities are really not something that I'd want to support personally. They obviously opted to making a shallow, marketable game for the retarded masses instead of an RPG. Things like overpriced Jewylwood actors that can't act for shit and only take you out of experience as well as make the likeness licence renewal and preservation of the game more difficult; stuff like voiced protagonist with shitty dialogue that happens without the player's control and voice acting directions that makes their delivery cringe inducing as well as needlessly characterizing that make the dialogue options more shallow and streamlined; And finally the braindead copy/pasted console FPS gameplay complete with sprinting, aiming down sights, "enhanced movement", bullet time and spongy enemies that will get repetitive midway through let alone on repeat playthroughs.
With all of that said however I don't want this game to fully flop either. Yes it's a butchered vision of what an RPG ought to be but hey at the very least it's not a live service game. I'm counting that the shambling zombies that buy this tripe will at least fund a better sequel if the devs choose not to be retarded and instead just build on this foundation.
>zoomer core
Man you sounds like a self hating zoomer
This is why games are dead.
The movie is awful. The script is terrible because William Gibson is a shitty writer. And it doesn't help that Keanu isn't the best actor.
at least use that money and buy BP merch, they gonna become homeless soon from all the YG scandals lmao
>cut classes
>in a game with a no class system
Based retard.
Constantine is legit you monkey
It's just fake outrage galvanizing both retarded sides to buy the game to spite each other. Toilet cleaners know what they're doing.
To a degree. As long as it doesn't look like hot garbage i'm fine. I'm worried about the RPG elements and the gameplay
Legit shit
Dunno why they even bothered with the background options at all seeing how V will always behave like a retard. Why would a corpo have the same niggerish mannerism of a street punk or a nomad? What a waste.
>cyberpunk 2077 sacrificed different playstyles,classes and content all so they could hire a Zoomer celebrity
>and add more romance options than the Witcher 3
no, i will not purchase this dating simulator for trannies.
>devs talk more about naked tits and dateable dickgirls than gunplay mechanics
>sacrificed different playstyles, classes and content for Keanu Reeves
Please no
>sacrificed different playstyles,classes
In what way does changing from classes to point-buy inhibit differing playstyles?
>you point and click
Probably because the gunplay is ass and you can clearly tell it's nowhere near finished from the gameplay reveals.
I preordered the CE, it cost me $350 leaf dollars
Didnt pay for game in years but i am gonna buy this on pc xbox and ps4
T. Consolefag
you should pirate it and then burn down the next GDQ
>Why would a corpo have the same niggerish mannerism of a street punk or a nomad?
Because all the cool kids dress, talk and act like ghetto trash.
Buy it from GOG on sale.
Lol cut class system you stupid cunt there is no class system in this game
serious question: What do you do for a living? Where are you getting the money for all of this?
Did they delete your post?
You're going to resell those on ebay, aren't you?
Dilate, sweaty
Mods deleting posts they don't like. Yea Forums is going to shit.
Who are these international secret agents you're talking about? Section 9 is internal security as part of Shirow's reimagined-along-British-lines-totally-not-Japanese-Home-Office.
I can agree with that
Keanu is actually the product of a AMWF relationship, unlike Elliot Rodgers, who was the product of a WMAF relationship. That's why Keanu is an alpha male and Elliot Rodgers was a beta.
>disrespecting Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
Unironically kys joyless faggot
Keanu's like 1/16th asian
How can a game steal it's whole style and still look so unappealing
>Please tell me you're gonna pirate that piece of shit game
I'm not even going to bother pirating that turd exactly for the things you pointed out above.
CDPR are the most dishonest, most inguenine neo-kikes in this industry. They promised an entirely different game in 2012 What we are getting now is generic western dev open world trash Watch Theft Creed Scrolls by Bethesda/Ubisoft/Rockstar
it will be lowest common console denominator horseshit pandering and will automatically win all the Reddit and Twitch GOTY awards because that's CDPR's demographic.
You're a right little whore, aren't you?
>They promised an entirely different game in 2012
They didn't promise anything in 2012.
all they did was announce they had the Cyberpunk 2020 license and make a neat teaser to promote their hiring drive.
t. bioware fan
>I'm not even going to bother pirating
you wont have the self control nigga
In 2012, they promised us a game where we could shoot bullets at a lingerie-clad woman in slow motion.
No, YOU don't understand. They literally signed a contract with me personally in which they would do everything i imagined in my mind.
The trailer in 2013 is a completely different game than what we're getting.
The teaser in 2012 was not a game.
they didn't promise anything you fucking entitled knuckledragging incel troglodyte
The teaser trailer in 2013 was more Cyberpunk 2020 than what we're going to be getting
meant for
>the only things hes known for are the matrix and john wick
t. zoomer
>I have never actually played Cyberpunk 2020: the post
What we're getting and what the teaser showed are equally Cyberpunk 2020.
You're just mad they're not making ersatz Judge Dredd.
Well, yeah, Cyberpunk 2077 takes place 57 years after Cyberpunk 2020.
You're legitimately retarded if you think what has been shown is better than the initial trailer.
And zoomers were at most 2-3
Actual gameplay is always better than an announcement teaser with no substance.
>actual gameplay
>floaty target shooting with piss poor hit registration
>better than Blade Runner, the game
Do you have and argument or not
not him but I fucking love the first trailer fags because you just made up a game in your head and you get angry at the actual game
>better than Blade Runner, the game
There was no game. I don't understand why you are struggling with this.
You imagined a game which isn't real.
Do you earnestly expect reality to match your wildest fantasies?
Pondsmith lists Blade Runner as the main inspiration for his table top game, don't give me that shit.
I'll take what the creator of the setting thinks on board over you user.
>matrix is zoomercore
i fell for the bait, but here's your (YOU)
inspiration doesnt mean 1 for 1 copy and it must be done one way
>shit is better than nothing
Eh, I don't know. Not really.
Main inspiration means you can suck a fat one when they say they're making a Blade Runner game and don't, faggot.
>kurwa jebana
zbazowane i zredpilowane
They never did.
a) He lists the book Hardwired as the main inspiration for his tabletop game
b) "otherthing influenced me to make thing, if your making a game about my thing you should ignore everything I did and make Otherthing instead" is the stupidest thing I've read all year.
>b-b-b-but tHeY aRe ActUaLlY cAlLeD rOlEs!
Yes kurwa, I know. But this game doesn't have roles either so your demented counterargument falls apart in its cradle. In no way could you make a generic cookie cutter FPS appealing to anyone who expected an actual RPG.
heres your blade runner bro
Yes they did, and if you don't think they did you're lying or grossly misinformed.
In what universe is Keanu Reeves "zoomer"?
blade runner isn't cyberpunk
blade runner isn't cyberpunk
blade runner isn't cyberpunk
Yeah no, he said Blade Runner was his main inspiration. Blade Runner came out 4 years before that book.
>all actual RPGs have class systems
Do you even read the nonesense you type or are you just shitposting mindlessly, stream of conciousness?
Hiring celebs at all is zoomer & cringe.
>The Matrix was released 20 years ago I guarantee you it's older than most of the people who you post with
This is frightening to think about.
I'm not even going to play it.
Are they paying you in toilet brushes at least?
You are retarded if you did that this early. CDPR is just going to increase the stock come april. Resell price won't be significantly higher, you're just wasting your time.
He liked Hardwired so much he made an official splatbook for it and you're still ignoring the second part of my post.
>that pic
Pity CP2077 won't even have 5% of that.
>don't know what cyberpunk is
>create an incorrect assumption about it from watching too many retrowave videos
>get ass blasted when an actual cyberpunk game comes out and it doesn't fit your objectively incorrect assumption
Buying it to save the hassle of patching it by myself. I want to enjoy it and not worry about it crashing every hour like W3 did at launch.
I will buy it.
>crashing every hour like W3 did at launch
i think you are mixing games
kill yourself zoomer
The second part of you post that says the game can be nothing like the source?
He isn't.
So new Vegas isn't a rpg then?
Nah. W3 crashed once an hour like I said you filthy nigger. The doctor mixed you with an actual white baby in the hospital, nigger.
yes he is, witcher 3 was one of the least buggy and least crashing games ever to release on launch especially for a big game like that
NV at least has factions.
The things that influenced Pondsmith are not the source.
The thing that Pondsmith actually made is the source.
If you make a Bladerunner game, then you are not making a Cyberpunk 2020 game.
You are missing everything else that influenced Pondsmith and, most importantly, Pondsmith's own original input.
if it did it was cuz of your shit PC, probably burned your whole GPU, seethe more lying faggot
Absolutely based and redpilled
Yeah but it doesn't gave roles or classes and I can't actually join said factions dumb tranny.
TW3 was buggy as fuck on release. That said, very few of the bugs were game-breaking and as far as I know, the game was very stable. It's just that spawns, A.I., Pathfinding etc... tended to get really silly REALLY often in the first half a year.
Tone it down. You're being too obvious.
nobody cares about factions or nv, i understand its your first RPG and you want more games like that, but you wont
Cyberpunk 2077 has factions
Delusional niggers. Google it and save yourselves the embarrassment.
there were no game breaking bugs, it was mostly harmless shit which you had to go out of your way to do for them to work
this is fucking sad.
For your sake, I hope you can get a refund once the game releases and it sucks ass.
Yeah but it doesn't have a incredibly simple X liked/hated that system in place so it's automatically not a rpg.
I didn't mention NV first. Read the reply chain you subhuman.
They aren't joinable.
google for me nigger
Is this a joke? You can get that uncut version on piratebay, vhs quality though.
It does. It has "street cred". But you can't join them and you're railroaded in the dev's idea of what's supposed to be your character.
Pretty lame.
No way I'm refunding anything. Every CDPR game so far has been absolute objective KINO and even if CP is underwhelming those guys deserve every penny. I plan on buying a few more regular editions for some friends :)
NV is dead and u wont get to play another game like that never ever, cry more zoom zoom, maybe if you make more todd posts he will go backwards and downgrade his games for you
>the matrix and john wick are keanu reeves only movies
Zoomers calling other zoomers zoomers
Oh, sorry for calling you a nigger you chink
No you didn't retard. You worked for them like you do in cyberpunk, you never outright joined the NCR or Legion dumb zoomer.
yeah u better apologize honky
Average toilet shill everyone:
All videogames are railroading, you can onl ever do what the dev has built for you to do,
Nice arguement tranny, go dilate and cry about CDPR oppressing you on your discord :^)
Jesus christ what do they put in a £250 collector's edition to even pretend it's worth the money?
never ever, imagine your first RPG came out 8 years ago and you think its the best RPG ever, pretty sad zoomling, but after 8 years games have to become better, i hope you understand
You're talking about a p&p rpg, no game is going to have the individualized depth of what you and some friends can make with your imagination
>play kotor
>railroaded into being Revan/Exile
>play planescape
>railroaded into being the nameless one
wtf why can't everything be like oblivion or NV?
Remember when Pondscum said that Cyberpunk 2077 was going to be "true" cyberpunk and then went on to describe Blade Runner in detail?
I'm a fag and going to roleplay deckard anyway by doing a minimum augment trenchcoat run and it's going to be fun
>he thinks the boomer meme is referring to actual boomers and not 30 somethings who simply act like boomers
get a load of this newfag
Morrowind is the gold standard desu.
>expecting 1:1 of a pen and paper translated to vidya
This is your brain on Yea Forums.
Finally someone else that agrees with me that Oshii fucked the manga hard.
It's like he read the first story, skipped to the puppeteer case and them skipped to the end, making up everything else as he went based on what he read.
>im just pretending to be retarded
Back to lurking greaseball
you should play a game that I am currently working on.
nobody cares about your "gold" standard especially bethesda
I can't believe this many people are so unironically cringe.
Oblivion is the same as morrowind, you were just some fag who was a prisoner. NV was fine as well until Avellone tried to force the fact you were always a courier on your character through Ulysses.
No I expected at least something out of it. Not this parody-tier FPS set in vaguely similar setting.
Shh, you don't deserve anything you FILTHY fucking consumer. Get on your knees and suck CDPR's potato flavored cock right now!
Remember how Blade Runner is a separate and distinct property from Cyberpunk 2020?
If you want to play a Blade Runner game so badly, go fucking play Blade Runner.
>what is Minecraft
based retard
Remember when Pondscum promised that Cyberpunk 2077 was "true" cyberpunk and in no way would try and take the "easy" way out and then went on to describe blade runner in detail?
>parody-tier FPS set in vaguely similar setting.
when Yea Forums's main "complaint" is that the game isn't an ultimate video game 1:1 tabletop imaginary do whatever be whoever experience, you know it's gonna be amazing
Name a rpg that isn't railroaded in some shape or form.
Remember when Pondscum promised that Cyberpunk 2077 was "true" cyberpunk and in no way would try and take the "easy" way out and then went on to describe blade runner in detail?
>Cyberpunk 2020 is outrageously 80s
>Cyberpunk 2077 looks so lifeless and bland
What a pity. Even the music is AIDS. The track that plays during the gunfight in that 40 minute demo gave my a headache. "Hyper" is incredibly generic and wubby and both versions of "Chippin' in" are cringe inducing. The first version sounded like a castrated numale screaming into the mic and Keanu version is somehow even worse with him roughly yelling like a semi-serious retard.
Imagine something like youtube.com
Why are you constructing a strawman when you received a reply just a few posts up
Why the fuck can't Yea Forums just have a normal discussion about this shit? It's always people either shilling or shitting on it and calling each other trannies and nothing else.
>cheesy 80s garbage
no thanks zoom zoom
>the zoomers REEEE
When Yea Forums turned into a senior house?
>color theory doesn't matter
>parody-tier FPS set in vaguely similar setting
lol, that's genuinely funny, not an argument tho
I can never tell when people are shitposting or not on this board now due to how low IQ and the absolute abysmal taste I see so often here.
Because there's balding 25 year olds who think they're an authority on the subject and simultaneously have a boner for CDPR
Yea Forums has a resident genuine sperg autist who obsesses over one or two games every month and shitposts endlessly. Mods hate him.
cuz CDPR and their games are objectively better than their favorite devs and games and they know it, so they sperg out, they think if they convince the hive that is Yea Forums that CDPR is bad at least then they can pretend their devs and games arent shit in comparison, but they are and will forever be
Look at this samefagging schizo and laugh. Holy shit
>The track that plays during the gunfight in that 40 minute demo gave my a headache
too much onions in the blood, get that checked
If you're expecting normal discussion on the internet (or even IRL in 2019+), your hardware isn't up to date.
Because cultists keep getting triggered whenever someone doesn't dicksuck this game into entirety.
There is a lot of time wasted trying to go realistic, with how many fucking textures and shaders they're adding for PBR shittery, retopo fuckery takes a fuckton of time. For some reason they have to have a ridiculous amount of handcrafted animations because every retarded quicktime event has to have a super deluxe uncancellable animation so the onions and zoomer can have that epic cinematic experience. All that shit costs development time and money, which could've been spent on gameplay and AI. Realism Is a waste of time in most cases, and mostly serves as a marketing ploy.
See pic related.
That has nothing to do with what I said.
It's genuinely bad. You can get better noise than that for free off some literal who's soundcloud these days.
>Giving shit about shitty forced memes.
>thinking boomers are literal baby boomers
typical boomer behavior 2bh
>anyone who didn't imagine a completely fictional videogame and get frothed up into an autistic tard rage of reality not being what they imagined is a cultist
Sounds the other way around to me lad
how would you know with that sissy headache of yours
Friendly reminder THIS is the guy who autistically defends this game and rejects the smallest amount of criticism to the point of insanity. You can't even discuss this game because this guy will samefag you
It's a good movie, wipe the shit from your eyes.
Stromare's Satan is perfect in it though. But yes, the acting in that movie was mostly good. Swinton was 10/10 in it. I saw it when I was super young and was confused about her actual gender for years.
>shillbot can't into hyperbole
Gain IQ.
double sissy lala faggot
The only shit in his eyes is the disgusting digital colorization from that awful movie.
>it will be lowest common console denominator horseshit pandering and will automatically win all the Reddit and Twitch GOTY awards because that's CDPR's demographic.
can this be called "pre-cope"? as in preparing to cope hard?
>all the responses are people sucking off CDPR or shitting on the game
I don't know what I expected.
Was RDR2 a good game?
>tfw Keanu's been around long enough for multiple generations to claim him as their celebrity
reminder that you will die in Keanu Reeves' lifetime
i just wanna know if i can kill rich people in it
No they're not. CDPR shills take any discussion of the game that's not talking bout futa cock as hate. They're legitimately brain damaged.
You probably can't kill npcs
don't blame nature making you faggot on shills
you can drive them over with your car which can be stolen lmao
I'm saying that music that user posted is hot garbage and I'm so desensitized to the shitposting and brainlets here I can't tell if they were being serious or not on wanting it in the game.
Nice bait you colossal faggot. Want to talk about the game?
what's your problem with futa cock, tranny?
>You probably can't kill npcs
Uhm, sweety?
Every mook and grunt you kill is an NPC.
They are characters not controlled by the player.
thought so bitch, back to resetera with you
mother fucking CE PC mother fuckers
>Yea Forums sacrificed funny shitposting all so they could have a tic-tac-toe style "discussion"
they sacrificed funny shitposting decades ago
all the shitposting since then has been unfunny
Bubblegum Crisis OST is Godlike though. And very fitting for Cyberpunk 2020.
I hope you realize that Mike Pondsmith is a huge fan of Bubblegum Crisis, Akira and GitS. CP2020 carries lots of anime references including Kaneda bikes.
He also worked on Bubblegum Crisis Before and After RPG.
Keep quiet next time, secondary.
>spamming 50 posts a thread calling people trannies ironically is funny
Stop using GITS images to shitpost you fucking goblin
Bill and ted was the best.
give one (1) example of what you think is "funny" shitposting
Well if they're allowed to make a game that has nothing to do with Cyberpunk they can at least take out the shit music too.
we sacrificed funny shitposting but we gained cunny shitposting
stop posting things you don't believe
it's not, that's tic-tac-toe or tranny-dilate-cope
I mean Yea Forums was always shit but ever since basedposting Yea Forums is absolute worst of the worst
>a game that has nothing to do with Cyberpunk
For the last time, Bladerunner isn't Cyberpunk 2020.
They are two different IPs.
Pondsmith said the game was based on digimon though, I don't see any fucking digital monsters you massive faggot.
>ever since basedposting Yea Forums is absolute worst of the worst
u mad, bro?
You got BTFO senpai. Keep quiet.
>getting this butthurt because someone doesn't like thing you like
Why the fuck should I care what Pondsmith likes and doesn't like anyway? I make my own opinions on stuff, not blindly agree with someone else's, and in this case I dislike the ost and dont think it would fit 2077 at all.
Who are you?
Wow, you've already played the complete game AND beat it 100%? Because that's the only way you'd know if the game is shit or not based off of one hire.
Because everything pondsmith likes is good, but everything that pondsmith doesn't like and is in the game, is also good.
But you actually like it.
Let me sum it up for you
>CDPR good
>Pondsmith good
If you understand that, carry on
pretty good
>Please tell me you're gonna pirate that piece of shit game
Why would I ever play futuristic gta?
But I don't. Trying to say I do isn't going to change my opinion on the matter.
Because you already find that prospect exciting.
>trusting anything Yea Forums says about cdpr games
But your opinion is the opposite of what you say.
>repeating digits that aren't 00
Shit, you got me. I miss those fuckers.
Imagine being a goy who does it for free
>zoltan is voiced by eddy murphy
No, I find the idea of a Cyberpunk 2020 game exciting. If I wanted to play gta I'd load gta up.
What are you on about? I never suggested once that I liked it, only that I disliked it. Saying "b-but you're lying!" Isnt going to change that. You seem to be having trouble comprehending someone can have a different opinion to you on something.
>Why the fuck should I care what Pondsmith likes and doesn't like anyway
Are you retarded my dude? In my original post I brought up how CP2020 looked and how 80s music would fit it. That was the point of comparison. I was criticizing both the music and the bland aesthetics of CP2077.
>dont think it would fit 2077 at all.
Well yeah, nothing really fits CP2077 in its current state.
Back when Yea Forums was white
Well I disagree with you but that's okay, we can have differing opinions :) Enjoy your day user.
And yet, in spite of your best efforts, your actual opinion is obvious: you like it.
Nothing you say will ever be able to fool others into believing otherwise.
I'm going to buy it
sorry OP :(
this but unironically
I'm more into the Pondsmith good, CDPR meh camp.
I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish here but I'm just gonna leave it at this. The music sucks and that's my 100% honest opinion on the matter. You can read into it however you want, but just so you know any other interpretation of what I said will be wrong, now I'm gonna go play something and leave this shit thread and board for a while.
everyone knows you're lying
give up
>gits is cyberpunk
People are fucking retarded, holy shit
pretty much
dude you've been trying this at least three times
first it was robocop isn't cyberpunk then it was blade runner isn't cyberpunk, now it's GitS isn't cyberpunk.
Tell me about it. The fact that people are saying GiTS isn't cyberpunk and inventing new genres out of thin air to justify this is peak zoomer.
>no data or facts to back this up
crying to pirate a game thats not even out yet
see name
>gits isn't cyberpunk
>blade runner isn't cyberpunk
Why are toilet cleaners so relentlessly demented?
they don't believe either of those statements, they're just pretending to be that retarded
Dumb ruinerfag, both are shit.
Bladerunner is technoir
technoir is the name of a club in Terminator, not the name of a fiction genre
You're retarded, sorry.
its cybernoir
Why do these threads always bring out the autists?
>t. incel
It isnt. What makes it cyberpunk?
Not cyberpunk at all, but contributed to make zoomers like think it is because "muuh neon and giant ads"
This sounds fitting in Batou's voice.
CDPR has angered this super autist so now no thread shall ever be free from his ire. You literally can't discuss TW3 here.
Pretty sure it's just one guy that likes to ctrl+c ctrl+v and quote multiple posts. He goes ballistic on threads sometimes.
The blue moe girl robots made me drop the fucking show.
kys OP
Jesus, mommy and daddy really don't know where the allowance goes huh?
This but unironically
>>cyberpunk 2077 sacrificed different playstyles,classes and content all so they could hire a Zoomer celebrity
prove it
He cant unless he meant that you cannot be a salary man or a waggie on a 5 to 9 in game
You're the problem with the industry. Fucking faggot r edditor.
sorry but i dont like your weeb and indie games :)
>all so they could hire a Zoomer celebrity
That's just a small part of a bigger issue. The actual problem is their focus on delivering a lengthy, non-generic narrative like they did with the witcher games. To make an rpg with divergent classes work(corpors, non corpos, musicians, journalists) they would either need to cut the campaign length or water down their story. Sacrifices that they weren't willing to make. Even the Iorveth/roach fork relied on Geralt's character being a stable foundation.
You retards are mentally ill, obsessed, seething, and you have gnomes living rent free in your brains.
Was the whole Lady Gaga thing fake?
It'd be great if the only thing standing in the way of the perfect crpg was an incompetent dev team.
That is the only thing stand in the way. Hell Obsidian committed suicide and their abortion is still playable.
No, they're going to reveal her at Gamescom
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I'm not buying or playing it ever. Might watch a bit of it on realse though
>What makes it cyberpunk?
the mixture of advanced technology, body modification, and a society that's basically and extrapolated version of our own (but with the shittiness amplified)
yeah but youll shitpost about it for years i bet
>He doesn't mention Bill and Ted, Speed, Johnny Mnemonic, Point Break, or Bram Stoker's Dracula
Who's the zoomer here again?
I won't even play it.
Rip patrick roadhouse swayze
Without shitposting, there's two elements to cyberpunk.
The first is the delusion that future society would be rich in technology, the second is the paradox of having the lower strata of society be extremely impoverished despite that.
It's a fairly broad genre, however Waterworld isn't part of that.
Robocop isn't Cyberpunk, it's just Dystopian Sci-Fi. I guess it could fall into the Techno-Thriller subgenre though.
Techno-Thriller - A techno-thriller (also known as technothrillers) is a hybrid genre drawing from science fiction, thrillers, spy fiction, action, and war novels. They include a disproportionate amount (relative to other genres) of technical details on their subject matter (typically military technology); only hard science fiction tends towards a comparable level of supporting detail on the technical side. The inner workings of technology and the mechanics of various disciplines (espionage, martial arts, politics) are thoroughly explored, and the plot often turns on the particulars of that exploration.This genre began to exist and establish itself in the early 20th century with further developments and focus on the genre in the mid 20th century.
>waterworld isn't part of cyberpunk
>jetski pirates
Shut your stupid fucking mouth
Techno-thrillers focus strongly on details, especially on the technology, which is frequently of military origin.[5][6] Techno-thrillers tend to have a broad scope in the narrative, and can often be regarded as contemporary speculative fiction; world wars are a common topic. Techno-thrillers often overlap, as far as the genre goes, with near-future science fiction, military fiction, and espionage fiction.[7] To the extent that technology is now a dominant aspect of modern global culture, most modern thrillers are "techno-thrillers", and the genre is somewhat diffuse. Techno-thrillers blur smoothly into the category of hard science fiction; the defining characteristics of techno-thriller are an emphasis on real-world or plausible near-future technology. There is often a focus on military or military-political action. Techno-thrillers also overlap with conspiracy fiction and apocalyptic fiction. While techno-thrillers borrow concepts and ideas from other forms and styles of other genres, notably science-fiction and its subcategories, It is a fresh and still developing style with it being more of a hybrid genre, more closely related to thrillers and technology. Since technology is always changing, that brings a fresh take on techno thrillers with advancement always on the scope.[
It's apocalyptic fantasy.
It's just Mad Max with a water instead of sand and a worse protag.
>t's just Mad Max with a water instead of sand and a worse protag
why would I download witcher with guns?