Remember when Steam sales were good?
Remember when Steam sales were good?
They don't do flash sales anymore so there's no real reason to check them more than once or twice each time.
Thank the EU for forcing refunds.
literally cherrypicking. There's sales up to 91% off. Just because it's not on your game, that doesn't mean the sale sucks, chump.
Up until the coal sale you could get recent AAA games for $5. Now only old games or indie garbage gets discounts that high. I bought Mass Effect and Mirror's Edge for $5 each in the 2009-2010 holiday sale. And now look at the price of Nioh or Ass Creed Origins or Shadow of War.
Did you see those flash sales?
>wanted DMC HD
>no sale for it
They go to the trouble of highlighting different categories of games. You click on the category and less than half of the shit is actually on sale.
this is pathetic
steam doesnt choose sale prices anymore, it's up to devs now
Trips of truth
Blame normies hating on flash sales because it made them neurotic
The first nuWolfenstein went exactly that low on the sale immediately following its release.
They put it up because of renewed interest from the sequel. Devs have been doing this since the steam sale has been a thing.
>miss flash sale because working nights
>last 3 days of sale is all flash deals
Wow i lost so much sleep not buying those 99% off indie pixel shits.
Poorfag goberment bootlickers BTFO
Fucking regulations ruin everything
Nintendo sold Hollow Knight for less than Steam. What the fuck?
The problem is I already own most of the games I want to play on PC and if I dont most of the discounts arent low enough to make me jump on them
I'm buying Bayonetta and thats probably it
Valve doesn't set prices, you fucking mongs.
>Mafia 3 DLC costs more than the actual game
>costs as much as the deluxe edition
valve can't force devs/publishers to apply better discounts
>spend $50 out of steam wallet
>buy games
>still $50 in steam wallet
based valve
I can't fucking buy a game the store keeps freezing
I beat DMC: Devil May Cry and both Metro games while only looking online twice for some things but with my condition
i've only gotten 4 hours into some games with my brain not figuring out what-to do and I can't keep buying these games
with only getting 4 hours into them. I've been able to beat some games but after I left my teenage years my composite
has reduced to me-not being able to finish most games. Btw isn't there supposed to be a Steam Summer Sale around-these
is anyone able to get credit for doing those quests?
uhhh might wanna check that paypal account
>early access shitty battle royale game
>gets like 20% discount
Wow amazing, thinking of pulling a killing floor 2 again with hunt showdown, buy in AE, when it comes out refund it and buy it a year later for 6 bucks
The store page won't even load for me. I'll get the main page but then it just crashes if I go to anything.
>all id games -25% to -50%, even if they've been -75% multiple times last year
Americans enjoy corporate fuckings confirmed.
>Darksiders III still over $20
I'm a class 7 patient gamer, it's not gonna happen, THQ.
>no paypal charge
I think steam glitched and sold me the games without deducting from my wallet
fucking steam niggers reeeeeeeeeee
>tfw looking at old prices on steamdb
>attempting to make purchases using servers you KNOW are getting clobbered by thousands of people
You only have yourself to blame.
base price is lower at least in case of doom 16
from 220$ lmao. pc kiddies fall for that??
Doom has gone as low as 10€.
how brainlet are you that you get angry over a sale
>he buys games
Come on, man
it's legit
probably getting everyone prepared for 3
>no discount for iGrow
Steam is dead.
>store still unusably slow because of le ebin race smashing the servers
Just wait for Quakecon.
>Yea Forums's best friend gaben gives them 20% discounts
>meanwhile based tim sweeney gave me all these games for free
Feels good to be a epic chad.
>the consolefag's cope when he sees an actual sale
Granted there's a fuckload of DLC in there but that's the regular price.
>literally nothing but oldass humble bundle shit
Why the FUCK is Borderlands 1 more expensive than 2 with all the DLC and the Pre-Sequel?
>It's real
Gearbox managed to out scumbag Rockstar.
Dont you have a 20% off game to buy
>nothing but indie game trash
the only actual game on there is ut
I agree, friend. Thank you, Tim, for paying for my copy!
Slime Rancher worth picking up?
I need something to waste hours on and also appease my Autism
Corporations help society more than retarded commie government shits
>not having World of Goo and Super Meat Boy from 0.01$ Humble Bundle
Zoom zoom.
They would have to pay me to play fucking Boredlands.
Slime Rancher was free on Epic Store.
Should I buy I buy the full Darkest Dungeons package now? I played the base game but I wanna try out some of the Steam workshop mods and new expansions
Tales of Zestria is finally 75% off. it's time to begrudgingly add it to the collection.
tfw can't even access my wishlist
>DOOM is still 20 leafbux
The sale is so shit. 50% at most.
Fuck this I hope Epic grows and puts the fear of customer back to gaben
It's been 75% off during sales since 2016 user.
bullshit nigger faggot do a flip wtf ar eyou talking about anonkin uWu
Can't help but be a little disappointed with the Steam Sale at the moment. Bethesda still not giving us new lows & some stuff that I bought at new lows earlier this year are now at newer lows.
I should dig through the entire listing but, for now, looks like I won't be parting with much money this time. Shame.
Brainwashed retard.
No, but you look like a retard dumb enough to pay for it (lmao)
I stopped having any expectations for Steam sales years ago, I'm just glad there is like one game I might buy this time
it was always up to them
the difference is that Valve paid compensation to them previously (like Epic does now) to lower the prices, but they don't do it anymore because Steam is already mainstream
n-no, you look like a well learned, attractive man. I have never been so wrong, forgive me.
You're retarded, refunds are way more helpful for the consumer than meme sales.
Why did you think it would be ok to post something straight out of discord? Please kill yourself immediately.
Remember like 5 years ago when you could spend a hundred bucks and get a fucking mountain of games? It gets you three nowadays lmao
My yearly Yea Forums summer sale giveaways are becoming harder to do
dab on these tranny steamniggers
ive never been to discord im just glad i managed to put you on tilt. never EVER respond to me again with obvious bullshit.
what the FART is square's problem?
I'm telling you to kill yourself, why are you still posting?
I have 9 boosts remaining but I can't boost. What is the reason for that?
Should I buy Terraria for $5 or buy Dark Souls remastered for $4 since I already own the 1st one?
the past two sales that i can remember it was more expensive than berseria so i didnt get it. I don't trust you and i don't like you. you are not my friend.
Is the Steam version of FF7 stable/worth getting?
next step let me turn games back into inventory items and allow me to trade them
>Indie game I've been waiting to see if it goes on sale for a decent price
Bloodlines only have 25% ;_;
>-20% on FFIX
>-50% on FFXV
I seriously don't understand.
>mfw spending five bucks on under 1$ games just to clear my wishlist from shit I've added there for memes or because I played those games as a kid
it runs at 480p in a non resizable window
it's literally the 1999 eidos pc port with no upgrades
ancient nippon judaism
wasn't that like 20 bucks last year? I remember buying it for somebody here but I don't remember it being that expensive
Flash sales made them engaging. Now it's just boring, but that's the price of refund policies.
it won't even let me gift it wtf
Don't buy IX, it's a phone port.
i already have dmc3 on steam so they basically want me to pay full price for dmc 1 with the god awful dmc2 stinking up the package
I bet this was an Activision thing. Fucking cunts, no wonder people pirate their shit now.
there's good mods for it and it's a pretty good game if you can look past the childish plot.
You realize this sale has been a thing for a few weeks now, right?
Should I get Danganronpa 1-3 now for $33? Don't see any better deals than this anytime soon.
>refund policies
Imagine spending 5 bucks on a digital video game and refunding it
Imagine making such a habit of this it changes a companies entire business model
Do people do research on what games their buying? Fucking idiots
>was just about to start shilling Dawn of War 2 in all the summer sale threads
>it's not even on sale
>not even Retribution is on sale
I don't think this has ever happened before
Same. I already have the package, and I want to buy it to play with some friends, and the piece of shit won't let me add it to my cart.
I just wanna excercise the Spirit of Giving, man.
Honestly I'm disappointed there's no reward for checking your queue 3 times a day anymore. I liked finding new games that way.
>Sleeping Dogs is $2
Probably the only decent thing I've found.
9 is a good game
15 was so bad its day 1 DLCs were cancelled.
-20% isn't bad for a big, popular and good game that has been released only 3 months ago though.
Yeah, they should just download the demo first
Sleeping Dogs is fucking underrated, at least as good as nu-GTA or better
Grabbed Surviving Mars and Lobotomy Corporation.
Steam doesn't let you buy bundles for friends because the price is usually discounted further based on what you own. My guess would be they don't have it coded to check to see what the person you're buying it for owns to discount your purchase so instead of letting you buy it even for full bundle price for a gift, it just doesn't let you buy it as a gift. Which is stupid.
word wagecages are great
I've gotten so many free games from Epic that you can't even see the earliest ones like Subnautica, Thimbleweed, etc
Is anyone else unable to get monster girl island to install?
Redpill me on Lobotomy Corporation, seen many threads about it and it seems interesting
>games everyone played years ago
thanks tim
based bugspray poster
dammit falcom why u fuck with me??
at least its not as stupid as the call of duty game sales. all of the games are disposable shit you can finish in one sitting and yet they very rarely are more than 50% off
Looking for one last game to take it up to £50, any reccomedations?
>>games everyone played years ago
>thanks tim
Then why are Steamtards buying them instead?
Not helping your case
based Tim and his free games
they are paying for a largely superior Launcher experience
It's XSeed in general. Their discounts are usually shit regardless of platform.
It's a creepypasta management game.
refunds are overall a good thing for most people
those that a smart about their purchases don't need it tho and miss out on the flash sales which sucks
South Park games are cheap right now and pretty good RPGs.
Is Dark Souls 3 Multiplayer alive on PC?
Do you speak english? People who already played them aren't buying them, they already bought those games years ago.
i don't even have the Trails series on my wishlist because every fucking sale they only shave a few shekels off, despite me wanting to buy them, they just are not worth the money.
It is. It's probably got the most players out of any Souls game on PC.
I can get it on a key website for 2 quid cheaper. DMCV came out the same time and is down to £30
A Steam drone was literally asking about Slime Rancher (which was free on Epic Store) in this very thread you dumb nigger
I got L4D2 for free from Gaben
Nice. It is worth to take with both DLCs?
dark messiah, fallout 3, FF 4,5,6 are all really cheap rn
Go back to china
any good indie games ?
i got only 14$ help
Should I pick up squad
Everything on my wishlist is 50% off or more. Not Steams fault you expect brand new AAA titles to have a 90% discount.
will trade risk of rain 2 for amid evil
Yeah. Both of the DLCs are pretty solid. Go for it, user.
always get the version of from games with all the dlc, and they sell the season pass for more than the extra price for the complete edition.
dlc 2 is the best part of 3
Any good rts games around $15? Was considering frost punk
Should I get AMID EVIL?
I got DUSK last year and I still haven't finished it.
Also, asking again, was the Portal Bundle taken off the store for anybody else? Searching for it just kicks me back to the main page.
is this the thread?
Three must go.
Two must stay.
The fate of these five games is in your hands Yea Forums.
Decision Game: Start.
These, I just wanted FFVII in preparation for the remaster and a new Ys game; Dragon Quest XI isn't even on sale.
r8 and h8
I know JSaB is barely discounted but I pirated and really enjoyed it so I wanna buy it anyways.
What team is the Yea Forums team?
>oh man Epic is putting a lot of pressure on Valve how are they going to hit back
Frostpunk is a survival game not a RTS. Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance along with Forged Alliance Forever (free fanmade multiplayer client) will fill all your RTS needs.
Ys Origins, I & II Chronicles, and Oath in Felghana are 75% off.
There won't be any changes to prices right? I want to get Blood Fresh SUpply but I'm assuming it won't go any lower than it is
already own those bad boys playa, but nice watchin' out. church.
What's a good game I can get for $15 or less right now on steam?
You sure? Do I get anything for being on the winning team because it seems like Corgi is going to win?
Amid Evil is fucking great in my opinion, normal is too easy but other than that it's awesome. Level design is stellar
I disagree. If i drop 4 dollars on a shit game, big deal.
Now I have to spend 70 dollars on a shit game that might be worth more than 2 hours.
Aztez is a cross between mechanically-complex 2D action and a basic turn-based strategy game with a Sin City-meets-Aztec look. It's normally $20 but is $5 now.
Oh no, bros, how will valve make more money now?
Alright, so far thinking
>Stellaris + Leviathans, Distant stars, Ancient relics, Utopia
>Mankind Divided
>Quadrilateral cowboy
>Banner saga trilogy
Gor a couple of other idea's but I'm bouncing around on what I want
IX most people would agree is either good or great, XV is an unfinished piece of shit you need DLC to literally complete the story over.
None of the newer Ys games have attractive discounts though.
Fran is so cute
How important/how much gameplay is there in the DLC? Any reason whatsoever it should double the cost of the game?
It's $3 on GreenManGaming
The winning team gets free video games from their wishlist.
He was being sarcastic, user
>be european
>be imprisoned for thought crimes against my wife's somali bull
>get out of prison
>somali gang seeks revenge by splashing acid on me
>i try to sue them and get jailed again for discrimination
Don't buy dlc for a paradox game. Use creamapi.
Duskers is neat.
It WAS $3 on gmg
Is mhw worth double dipping if I have it on ps4? Is the pc version still behind on updates or w/e?
This has been thare for over a month. I bought it.
What are your opinions on Divinity Original Sin 2?
I assume you're joking but is there really any reason not to join the obviously stacked team?
There's 100+ hours worth of content in the base game alone, you could always buy the DLC later on a different sale if you still feel like you want to play more.
These aren't the discounts we were looking for.
Oh well. Thoughts?
I played Baba Is You, Papers, Gunpoint, and Necrodancer for about an hour each and promptly dropped them.
Bastion is the gem here. Great OST as well.
if you already have it then you should be able to answer your own question.
if you want to play it with friends on pc or you like the idea of higher frame rates or res then sure probably worth.
Yes, behind on updates but it's worth it to get rid of that shitty haze/fog
A very few randomly chosen people on the winning team get a free game. The more people on the team the less chance you'll be one of them.
>play a game of mordhau
>get lots of decaps and assists
>no points on the grand prix
how long does it take to give me points lads
why valve support piracy so much? First they do nothing to stop shit like creamapi from working. Then people realised you can use steamworks to play pirated games with multiplayer and now they keep making sales shittier and shittier.
It's like they are actively trying to push people into piracy.
Extremely brainwashed retard. Literally living in some weird alternate reality.
I'm putting together a list of worthwhile action games that are both
heres mine wishlist incase i win the race
Origins, Napshitsim and Felghana are all sub-5. I wonder if Ys 8 will ever see a sizeable price drop though.
Valve doesn't control the discounts. The publishers do. It's almost as if they want to suck Steam dry before running to Epic.
Just go pick whatever you like. I chose Corgi because I like Corgis and the orange color. I don't give a shit what Yea Forums thinks is and what isn't reddit. I advice you do the same, they're going to pick a couple of random people out of millions of participants from the team that wins, there's no way neither you or me is going to get chosen anyway.
im going in
Anyone play Fell Seal? Ive had it in my wishlist for a while hoping for a sale but 15% is that inspiring
Ditch Prototype. Keep Manhunt, maybe.
What do a man has to do for a copy of Parkitect
Worth it?
Is Rage 2 a good port lads?
that doesn't explain the other shit.
Not that I'm complaining though, having DLC unlockers is the reason I bought games like Cities in the first place.
You're the only one who cared enough to reply so I must believe you.
Eh, I looked at my wishlist and the discounts are either terrible or good but on games I don't care about anymore.
This might be the first sale where I don't buy anything and that's fine because I have a shit ton of games from previous sales I still haven't touched.
Hey anons, can you give me advice on Rabi-Ribi and Everspace?
Are these worth playing without DLC or it's obligatory to get them?
Summer sales haven’t been worthwhile for a few years now. I don’t know if it’s that I have everything I want now or what but I just don’t get excited anymore. Wish they’d bring back flash sales.
Are you implying those are good prices? Because they're not.
Yes, but I would first get Nonary Games to see if you even like the games.
Redpill me on this shit, i've never been into hunting but this looks comfy. It's either this or my time at portia so which should i get?
Wait, Prototype is good. Keep it and Ringo Ishikawa.
It doesn't really matter, I pretty much have everything I want already. Every other game on my wishlist is "looks cool, probably fun for a few days" tier.
Play Dangan instead if you have already played it only buy the first 2 games of the Zero Escape series
What should my 3rd Wishlist game be?
re2 2019 lowest was $30, now it's $40.
>no sale on Resonance of Fate
Robbaz is playing this right now, check it out if want to know more. I was always a fan of the old Deer Hunter games so I can't say about this one.
I want to laugh, it's been the same prices for the same games for 2 years now, both summer and winter, nothing changed.
Enjoy Witcher 3, user. You'll get your money's worth.
listen to the other guy, SupCom is great if you dont have it
If you go I hear that Deserts of Kharak is pretty decent and its 80% off now
Definitely check out ICEY if you haven't already. Looks like it's 30% off at $7.69. On the topic, has anyone tried out Rainblood Mirage Chronicles? I've seen mixed things about it but it looks good to me.
>Robbaz is still around
That's nice to know. I haven't watched his videos in about five years now, but always meant to.
It's a 2 week sale just fuckin wait
I'm also noticing A LOT of worse deals than previous sales. PC Building Sim is $2 more expensive, FFVII used to be $5, Tropico bundle is $20 more expensive, etc. Not even shitposting when saying this, this is actually one of the worse summer sales to date because of sale prices going up. I'm shocked Rockstar isn't following this trend and selling GTA V for $30 again, maybe they didn't get the memo. At least some vidya is still cheaper.
Get Prototype and Friends of Ringo
Ty user. Is the DLC post-story stuff or once I get it will I have to replay the game?
Thanks, I heard it was like 150 hours with the expansions
>Japanese games never got decent flash sales anyway
>more and more come to the platform each year since it's generally more stable as a result
Get fucked Westerncucks
I'm wondering if I should buy some of the cheaper games on my wishlist now and hope my team wins and I get the more expensive ones.
That sucks, I was hoping this year's gimmick would involve a rotation of some kind but the game's great anyways so this is still a good deal, thanks
Bros, I just bought Nioh and Bayo on the sale a few days ago, I don't need anything else.
>Mordhau not on sale
Okay, this is not epic. I wish it was on epic tho, i could get it with like 60% discount if it were on epic sale
It's comfy even if you aren't a hunter.
>mfw trying to understand the Grand Prix
>No good jp games on sale except Recettear
Sasuga nippon
It's because he only livestream on twitch now, he is a lazy fucker that can't be bothered to upload videos anymore.
also the cocksuckers give way more money to him on twitch.
This is literally the worst sale. Most of the games from my wishlist only have only 20-40% discount. Even last year's winter sale had more discount on games from my wishlist compared to the most anticipated "Summer Sale" everyone waits for. Now I'm regretting because I didn't buy my wishlisted games during winter sale.
no, just use epsxe
Redpill me on the civ 6 bundle. The massive massive discount seems too good to pass up
Someone gimme a rundown on the race thing, shit won't load for me.
Forsaken Remastered. Yay or nay?
One more game I want but with tax it goes over my spending limit feelsbadman
Don't have time to google fu right now, I assume short version is you get just dlc while already having the base game?
no they aren't. Just don't be retarded about your purchases. You would have to be fucking up a third of your purchases for refunds to have more utility than good sales
what are some cheap multiplayer games?
Why would you buy a shitty hunter game instead of a game that includes hunting like Far Cry or something like Sniper Elite?
>Nioh and Grim Dawn at discount
>still won't buy them because I'm going to buy my first Gunpla
Got this + Blood Fresh Supply. Wanted Lobotomy Corps, Shadow Tactics, Hollow Knight, Dead Rising 1 and Doom 3 BFG Edition but I'm on a limited budget and these games will last me a good while
not low enough
Fallout NV is 67% off right now, lowest it's ever been I'm pretty sure
>Nier Automata isn't on sale
Ok, I was going to pick it up if it was at least $20. I could always pirate it of course, but from what I understand you need to be online to get the true ending.
Gog does free refunds for like the first 30 days of game ownership and still manages to have great sales. Nice try corporate shill.
Honestly, this sale looks bad. A lot of older games are not even 50% off
is umineko worth $30
>can't even browse for more than 5 minutes because shit keeps lagging
Goddamn Valve, get your shit together, tired of having to reboot Steam.
It's not actually on sale but if I buy FFXIV will the 30 days you get with it start immediately?
>Assault Spy
>Enviromental Station Alpha
>Forgotton Anne
>Super Luckys Tale
>Touhou Luna Nights
Which ones are good? Steam reviews are not very helpful.
Has Fresh Supply finally caught up to the source ports? I read it had a bunch of bugs and wasn't nowhere near as accurate.
Get Higurashi or House in Fata Morgana instead.
>no questions asked refund vs. proving you have a game-breaking bug refund
>Doom 3 BFG Edition
10€ for this is just insane.
>tfw bought tokyo xanadu for full price on steam last august
Anyone knows if you can stack the token discounts?
Environmental Station Alpha looks like generic indie shit but is great if you're into metroidlikes. Don't know much about the other games.
Assault Spy is very similar to DMC gameplay-wise, just with a corporate dystopia aesthetic and character designs that look like rough drafts of Danganronpa characters. I've heard good things about Nelo but don't know too much, just that it's a very fast-paced action game that I think can transition into a top-down shooter.
My index comes on Friday and seeing Overload, Cloudlands Minigolf, superhot and Skyrim VR all on sale I'm actually pretty good
this was cheaper on fanatical like a week ago for $3-4 for the same thing
>scroll through multiple pages of games on sale
>none of them seem appealing in the slightest
fellas when did you realize you don't actually like video games?
>literally just give them the bullshit and they will allow you to refund it
>as opposed to 2 hour limit that automatically declines you
fuck off steam shill.
I guess Gaben understood the problem with megasales and people only buying games when they are 90% off.
>tfw just want to stack 5 dollar discounts and get Doom for free
Its a VN,pirate it.
You buy the base game, and you download the dlc for free somewhere else and activate it. It works for all paradox games.
Coolio. Saves me like $30. I'll take your word for it, sure there's a general or something I can read up on later.
>scroll through wishlist spanning almost 50 games
>don't feel like investing over 10€ on digital games
>of the games that are under 10€ over half aren't even at their peak discount
>end up getting 4 games
How does the the extra discount work?
They still are, with the problem that publishers don't want to lower prices that much and very few new additions of worthy games every year. I can't remember the last good co-op game I didn't already own
>tfw already have most of what I want
>half of my wishlist is stuff I played on ps3/vita waiting for super discounts
>rest of my wishlist is semi-old stuff that with shallow discounts
see you in the winter sale
You accumulate points, boost your team in the Grand Prix thing, make "Pit Stops" to redeem tokens, and every 15k points gives you a 5 dollar discount.
Yes it got patched quite considerably, I'm sure some hardcore fan will tell you some differences here or there but I don't really care for those, the game's playable now and even some of the nitpicks the fans made got fixed up as well
Agreed, I really want to give it a go but that price point just doesn't match most of the games on sale
I still don't have half-life 2
omg epic
The 4x general on vg will probably explain it to you if you ask, otherwise you can just google it and randomly stumble on your favorite russian forum. It's really simple.
I still haven't played the Portal games, user. It's alright.
>I can't remember the last good co-op game I didn't already own
Tried Temple of Osiris? One of the last games with a 4 pack
why is the store so slow
its like 4pm
I'm happy. Some of the games on my wishlist were 80% off. And it started on my birthday UwU
Environmental Station Alpha is a very robust Metroid derivative and far better than initial apperances might suggest
still not worth it
is it time to buy akko's game yet?
People can'e believe how terrible the discounts are and are refreshing to see if they get better.
Is there any point to the badges and backgrounds or should I aim solely for the discount?
Yeah I picked it up
Starbound any good?
Just aim for the discounts. Backgrounds are just there if you want to decorate your profile
Another one where they aren't even doing cards for the event. Also, not doing randomly assigned teams like they did in the past (2014, I think?) is retarded. Who's going to join a team other than the one that's clearly winning after today?
This the first chinese summer sale. It is tradition in my country to be the number one consumer in the world.
are they permanent or do they just vanish after the sale? I've never really bothered with the cosmetic shit ion previous sales
Steam sales haven't been good in years. Last time I remember it being truly worthwhile was when they did the christmas coal. I remember getting the entire FEAR series for free because of that, and also that was back when basically all games more than a year old ended up going for 5 bucks or less on sale.
Not sure what changed. My assumption is something along the lines of publishers limiting the sales because they don't want to upstage the console version sales too much.
Not until it's free and bundled with the Index.
>click something
>stuck on black screen
I can't even look at any sales that aren't featured.
502 Bad Gateway
What combination should I get for 55 dollars? Was thinking of getting Metro redux but the bundle page is broken or taken down I guess. Was thinking of getting both Ys and Chaos;Child so I could own all Ys games and finally play more SciAdv
Should I get Saint's Row IV or GTA IV?
Is FF XII worth the 40 bucks?
show me your badges Yea Forums
That's funny coming from you.
Yes, you get to keep all the emojis and backgrounds and badges and shit. Usually the cards that help you earn those have a time limit, but it seems there are no cards for this event
Terraria, remaster is unironically a downgrade.
Is the store broken for everyone else too?
I only see a vertical straight line
that ffvii deal is trash tho
Is the sale game this year even worth playing?
Any good JRPGs going cheap?
>Kingdom Come and FFVII
Honestly I'd skip out on buying those two just because of how insulting those sale prices are, might as well just wait for winter
Drop FFVII what the fuck are doing
Wait until Dark Souls goes on sale for 50% off and just nab it for free
Saint's Row is so much better than GTA IV.
>chaos child
Based, really hope you played C;H before it though.
The store is down because valve didn't expect any increase in load for sales as shit as this.
>renew interest
This. I actually literally have a buying strategy of buying all the games Yea Forums relentlessly talks shit on that are obviously not that bad. It works out pretty well. They all get massive discounts in the first few months and you never see it again because all the children realize they were just being contrarian and start buying them. I got Prey, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and a few others for under $10 and they haven't seen a single sale like that since. Feels good to not be an NPC.
>what if we made the event missions require even more api calls
GTA IV ran like shit on PC last I heard. Saint's Row IV is fun if you like superhero games like Prototype.
thanks m8
I might be in the mood for some adventuring and was thinking of buying the Witcher 3 to see what the whole hoopla is about. But every time I see a gameplay video, the combat looks so godawful I get immediately put off by it. I won't lie, I can be really fucking picky when it comes to melee third-person combat. Even Dark Souls has spoiled me and I can barely see any redeeming qualities in most Western games. What do?
Tell Spike Chunsoft to localize it and I will
May do just that, the lowest its been on sale is half off maybe in Winter they will do so
>Monster Hunter World
>Kingdom Cum
>Pathfinder Kingmaker
Which 2?
I was going to buy an Atelier game but they're not on sale? Maybe I looked too early.
get the best melee combat game ever made
emulate the psp version on ppsspp
lol no
it's just not worth with the refund system to have 10 cent games
Seems they wont be on sale this time around. Koei doesnt have many games on sale this sale anyways
remember when indie developers weren't entitled shitheads who think their trash is worth >$10?
prices aren't up to valve. it's the scum that choose to make the consumer pay more.
Is for me too. Managed to load front page a couple times but it took a shit every time I tried to go to a game's page or anything.
Pretty sure there's no flash sales again, so safe to just give up and wait a day or 2 for it to straighten out.
There's really no point in buying Kingdom Cum in this sale, the price difference between the original price and the current deal is meaningless
what game
>tfw asking myself same shit
I'd like to try MHW but I'm scared to have another life-sucking grindfest in my library and also fucking paying for it.
Its never time to buy her game, it sucks
It's 18 bucks, I don't think that's meaningless
I didn't ask you for financial advice either, pal
>poor fags
if you dont buy games at full price you shouldnt be gaming
jedi outcast
jedi academy is also good, it improves a lot of the combat but the level design is really dumbed down compared to outcast
Thanks. Purchased saint's row
you can get the royal edition for the same amount off g2a right now
Will Pillars of Eternity ever have a worthwhile sale price?
For the base game, you might as well buy the royal edition for 35 because you will end up paying even more for the DLC down the line
crop better
Thinking about it, but isn't the game huge? Like 200 GB or something?
Unless you intend on spending a bunch of money, no. You have to do specific things in games in order to earn points, but your "boost" level to spend those points is capped unless you spend money on games, which will increase it
I get that this is a moneymaking service, but shit sucks compared to old sales
I got a key for the GOTY edition for 11 schekels from fanatical :^)
Haven't even touched it yet hehe
post the top 3 games on your wishlist
prove you're not a degenerate
>I just wanted FFVII in preparation for the remaster
it's right there bro
No. FFXV(with the 4k textures) is the only giant one like that I know of.
MHW is 25GB. 50GB if you download the high res textures.
>nier 0% off
is thronebreaker good?
Yeah the games used to be funner than that sounds, even if they were kinda stupid like the ones shooting aliens.
Guess I ain't buying the thighs girl one then.
>masquerade 2 after those god awful trailers
They're still decent. You just already own everything you want by now, so steam sales look less amazing now.
Flash sales were BS, forcing you to wait until the last day and check every X hours to make sure you don't miss a certain game you want. "Don't buy anything unless on flash" is kind of a terrible idea for a sale. This way is just overall better.
It just seems like shit's worse because you don't get the satisfaction of "oh it got even cheaper". But the truth is: Flash sales didn't increase a sale from max potential to overdrive, they increased from half sale, to full sale. So now games are just as discounted as they would have been in a flash sale anyway.
Sale was good to me so I got to empty my wishlist quite a bit. Have only pleb games remaining.
I just want to acess my fucking wishlist to remove shitty meme games from it.
>Epic is being predatory and you have millions of other gaming launchers trying to take a slice of that Steam pie
>Steam summer sale happens and the average discount is ~20%-30%
I feel like if they don't get their shit in gear they're going to start losing customers. At least they have weeb shit market cornered.
dark souls 3 season pass
csgo skins
Allow second hand digital sales NOW. Fundamental consumer right
tfw you're done purchasing and you're just refreshing to fuck with everyone else
>implying i have them organized
it's a very good military sim but prepare to play with a lot of yuropoors
Steam doesn't set the discounts you dumb fuck weeb
>Want to join cockatiels
>Corgi is buttfucking the competition
Shit. What do? Stay true to myself, or join the winning team?
>Epic is being predatory
>the monthly sales are better on playstation
>zoomer: the game
>antifa simulator
>some weebshit
100% degenerate.
Might be worth checking for whatever game over the course of the sale. Back during the Winter Sale I remember a couple games (Kecmo games funny enough) not going on sale until a couple days after the start for some reason. Not sure if store was just glitching out for me or what.
luna knights is everything you would want it to be
you guys don't like free games?
I know but I heard that PC has a few advantages over the original psx version.
poorfag that stresses out over every game purchase, none of these are getting bought before the 9th
What's a good anime game, preferrably online/co-op that isn't FFXIV?
>baby didn't join based team cockatiel so he's mad he's going to come in 4th
How do you fucks have so many tokens? Do you earn them by spending money on the sale?
You don't know shit about me. The only things I've posted are the posts calling you brainwashed. You truly are insane.
Clearly dumbass.
That begs the question, why were discounts higher in the past?
Higher base prices?
> Rimworld
> STILL not on sale
imagine the jewry involved in never having a sale, AND relying on your game community to produce content and fix bugs for you (for free)
I'll keep checking then. This might be a bad comparison but I feel those games are like Rune Factory except the dating aspects so I am interested.
>he doesn't stay tuned for all things gaming news reviews and discussions
>gta that isn't gta 5
>any racing game that isn't sonic
>ask for top 3
>only posts top 2
>csgo skins
>pretending to not be a degenerate
>modern era western rpg
They were just letting games go too cheap.
This. How the fuck does this racing shit work? I've bought 3 fucking games and I still have 0 tokens.
>asscreed origins still 24 bucks
jesus christ. i was hoping to try it out, but still too much
>he already bought shit without even getting the discount
oh no no no NO NO NO NO
it was $12 on humble monthly
Mordhau or Monster Hunter?
I've still got more shit to buy buy HOW THE FUCK DO I EARN TOKENS?
Why can I only claim achievement points from the last 2 games I played?
depends what your friends are playing
and if you have friends
this desu
fuck sega
I love how this sale exposed all the plebs that don't actually play videogames
You can pretty much do all monsters+story in like 80-120 hours.
It only turns into a huge grind if you grind for decos. You could also just cheat them in with the shop mod and save yourself like 200+ hours of grind.
>steam sale going on
>lets check out the denuvo list on wikipdia so that I don't end up making a huge mistake and accidentally buying some denuvo infested garbage or miss out on a now denuvo-free gem that has removed denuvo
>the entire fucking denuvo list has been removed
What the fuck? What the fuck? Why? Why even? Fuck this.
They can just fuck off! And they can forget me ever spending a single cent on anything with denuvo! Fuck!
bayonetta is 5 bucks, nice
>>>gta that isn't gta 5
you mean free
Have you ever played MonHun? World is a fine introduction, but it's severely lacking in content and the endgame is just praying for RNG to tick while grinding out the same things ad nauseum or learning to speedrun them I guess. This is much less of an issue if you're new.
how does waiting until games go on discount = not playing vidya? all it means is you're a poorfag
>never on sale
>prices constantly goes up
>reviews score permanently stays at Overwhelmingly Positive because all icons hoarding brainlets are filtered
based retard
Patrician games need not discount
r8 and h8
its 5 bucks for me
I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth buy why does my shopping cart have twice the amount of tokens my pitstop says it does
You have to buy shit just to get a boost meter big enough to get the $5 off fag
>he literally doesn't know
oh no no no no no
nice retort
>pc building simulator
this can't be a real game
>price is fair
>went up once because the content in the game increased a lot over time
>overwhelmingly positive because the game and devs are amazing and nobody buys it on sale without informing themselves about it only to call it shit when they realize they have adhd and can't play it
>no .99 bullshit
The least jewish game on steam.
site is fucked, says i should have 4500 from past money spent, and i should have got some from buying a game, but i have... 10
why retort something that has literally nothing to do with the topic at hand?
Someone recc me another couch multiplayer game.
>Valve Complete Pack
Look at this zoomer without Orange Box and laugh.
redeem the other discount and you literally got a free game
site is broken. It won't let me
>i am too dumb to read posts
It is
It's shit.
>steam sale thread
>answer YOUR comment about how sales expose plebs who don't play video games
>not on topic
if I'm not on topic you're not on topic
based retard
literally the only thing I wanted, time to put my eyepatch on
>when memes form your reality
your brain on /pol/
>have friends
i don't
but at least i could play with randos so i could feel less lonely h-hehe
yeah I played some MH3U and Generations on the 3DS, love the games but I hate playing on the 3DS, tiny ass screen and couldn't get used to the controls at all
I don't think that other guy is going to help you out, but since you're clinically retarded and I feel bad for you, I'll go ahead and explain: the sale gimmick this time around rewards consumers for having played the game by giving them fake points to redeem for discounts if they've achieved certain things in various games. The post you originally responded to was mocking people who didn't understand this by implying that if they did actually play the games, they would have already achieved many of the things that offer points.
Then what appears to have happened is that your ignorant ass came in, completely misunderstood the conversation, made some banal, useless, utterly unrelated comment and then became smugly defensive when called retarded.
In the future, try to remember that when somebody says something that hurts your feelings it might not just be a falsehood crafted to upset you. It is always possible that you're just fucking stupid.
They mobilized it.
Why Mhw get mixed review?
im disappointing subanutica is still 18 bucks. i was hoping for lower
Kingpin and Manhunt.
Friendly reminder to never buy things above the historical low or else you encourage jewry.
You sound like me. You can easily get forty plus hours out of it, I'm sure. Maybe more. But the end game is absolute garbage; a half dozen possible hunts, many of which are only available for short periods of time, where you're just hoping that the right decoration or weapon drops.
how the fuck are you lads getting points. I've been purchasing since the sale and I have 0 tokens?
Pirate it. Epic already paid them for your copy.
Lazy port with barely functional online that requires your friends to wait 10min before they can join your quest.
I think it ran like shit and looked like shit on release but they fixed it. If you check the steam page the newest reviews are positive.
Didn't run well at release.
They fixed pretty much everything now.
the kbm controls were shit but you can fix it in options now. I don't know why they don't make the new mouse input option default
Alright, should I get into the Tales series, and if the answer is yes then which game should I start with?
i have like 15k points from currently owned games but i can't redeem any of them because i don't have the capacity.
I was thinking of either getting Ace combat 7, DMC 5, or something along that price range. I did enjoy the holy trinity and DMC1, 3, and 4. Should I get AC7, DMC5, or neither, and if neither, what game would be better?
>GTA IV ran like shit on PC last I heard
yea like 10 years ago, not anymore
>Octopath isn't on sale
Welp that's all I cared about.
You should get your money back
>should I get into the Tales series,
I mean, they're alright. If you want to try them, try them.
>which game should I start with
Symphonia with fixes or Vesperia. Berseria is alright and very accessible but is also very different from the rest of the series.
Stay away from Zestiria.
It's still a shitty GTA.
jesus christ
>dragon quest no on sale
whats happening? it seems like nobody cares about these sales anymore
Well, here's the wishlist of game I wanna get with the money I don't have.
well, is my list any good?
the fuck is this shit
how big of a jew is the dev
Square is being jews, FFVII is probably not much off sale so try and get into the hype of remake
Same. Its price in Canada is outrageous too.
>Octopath not on sale
>DQ not on sale
Square, nani?
I Bought Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, is the PC port at least bearable?
you bought it
why don't you try it
>angry about not getting enough a discount
Some hardcore projection you've got going on there, friendo. Protestants actually earn what they want.
thank you. i'm still kinda interested but I think i'll hold off on it for now, hearing that it lacks content is a major bummer
buy games goy
we always say "omg this year sucks", but holy fuck this is really the worst one ever
Only if you want built in cheats instead of having to look up ancient gameshark codes.
It's really comfy, it has co-op too so if you have friends you can work together.
>wait for Quakecon
>they INCREASE the prices of old Quake games again
Fuck that. Quake 4 used to go on 75% off every month, now it's 50% off at best.
doesn't it only refund to your steam wallet?
I wouldn't call that a real refund desu.
Playing games with achievements for me
Path of exile gave me 36k points but my capacity only let me take 4k of them and the rest got deleted
industry of titans is an epic exclusive.
No, you can choose.
I'm surprised valve hasn't just made it free at this point
>Claim 8726/38306 Points Now
>You only have capacity to claim 8726 points
>Upgrade your Boost Meter's capacity or throw away the extra 29580
>not logged in
>specials category visible
>log in
>specials category completely gone
>cant search the store by games with an actual discount
>log out
>page dosent change, still cant search by specials
Is Divinity's OS 2 story tied to the first game? Do I have to play the first?
Aww shit, didn't know that.
Well, another one bites the dust.
they carried over the Lunar shit
now I got like 70K point capacity
this shit whack
Will the Steam sale gimmck allow me to get discounts towards another purchase?
The pit stop page says something about giving you points based on how much you've spent on Steam previously
Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, Planescape Torment, Sleeping Dogs, Mad Max and Deus Ex: Human Revolution, should i add or remove something?
This grand prix thing is confusing as fuck.
I hope you enjoy plastic crack addiction
Should I just join Corgi? The gap between them and everyone else is insane, seems like the best chance for free shit.
>seems like the best chance for free shit.
nah man mathematically it wouldn't be
teams placed second and third also have a chance at games, at with corgi having so many team members the chances of being a corgi and getting a game are much slimmer than being hare and getting third for example
no and no
>even tells me to collect shit and kill shit and Stardew Valley to earn points
>go play the game and do the stuff
>no points gained
top 3 teams get free shit
corgi would give you like a 300/9000000 chance
as opposed to 200/1000000 for the other teams
They will probably nerf corgi tomorrow.
>shitting on based Chad
buy his game
just play games and click BOOST
ehhh it really differs
some games on psn sales are better like mhw and team sonic while vc4 for example is better on steam
this sale is weird and disappointing because some old games that always get discounted are completely ignored for no apparent reason
thanks user
Good point. Well team cock it is, I own birds myself, so it seems fitting. Hopefully they stay top 3.
Same thing happened with me for path of exile
Pic confused is what's confusing me. I only have 1 game available? And its points are wasted because I don't have enough capacity? And the only way to increase capacity is to spend money?
It takes time to install it, and it's late at night
and someone who wants to be my friend to boot
nigga its 2 gigs. thats like 12 minutes in any 1st world
That's some other category for games with accumulated achievements.
You can see your capacity at the top where you have the speedometer. You can fill it by playing games and completing stuff listen below that.
Anywhere outside of America is third world.
America has shit internet compared to the first world.