old thread hit bump limit, hostan below
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3/4 rex monsoon
Bros I think Rex is bad :(
Rex's seed & feed
Rex seems like he'll really blossom into lategame
He gets way stronger the more enemies are around
So is this hacked or did the update already occur? Mine says scheduled for tomorrow at 5:28am.
How do i unlock the new fella?
The thing he is carrying keeps shaking
No way. You're bad. He's easily top tier. What are your issues with him?
Update happened man.
what causes the fuel thing to explode?
US EAST monsoon
why do I always have to host
Pick up fuel core from the pod when you spawn and take it to Abyssal Depths where you'll find REX somewhere on the chained platforms
Shrine of Blood.
Is this game as shallow and overrated as the first one
Losing 50% of your health.
What makes you say the first game is shallow and overrated?
>Mine says scheduled for tomorrow at 5:28am.
Can't you click the arrow to download it now?
how do you unlock rex?
Found the dude what do I do? Haven't beaten the boss yet.
It being fucking boring to play and revolving around item pickups.
How is the new music? Did any existing tracks get changed? Cause I know that the ingame tracks aren't complete
Thx bro
getting the fire DoT's
>It being fucking boring to play
Play with Glass on.
>and revolving around item pickups.
You will not like Risk of Rain 2. Goodbye, user.
Start over because you don't have your fuel cell
Wagied report in
This is torture
The music guy took Hopoo's money and ran
the new guys abilities only tickles enemies :(
i think the menu theme has more oomph now, maybe it's just because i'm using headphones
new stage theme is neat.
They're gonna nerf him, arent they
He's pretty busted
You need the fuel cell from the escape pod at the start, don't get hit too much or it'll blow up.
I'm getting kicked out from joining/spectating.
Finally, arti has mobility.
do not lie to me. the only man who'd do that on the RoR team is Randy Pitchford
If they do, they're retards. He's probably the closest to perfectly balanced.
You're really bad at video games, user.
ah okay thanks
>when having so much attack speed huntress shooting animation looks like her smacking her own ass
3/4 US East Monsoon
I feel ya bro.
EU monsoon
do items that multiplayer lobbies play with depend on the host's unlocks or on everyone's?
Is it just me, or did they nerf the blazing fuckers? I'm not instantly dying if they look in my general direction anymore.
pls join
Damage across the board seem to have been adjusted, both for players and enemies. I've noticed that Commando now kills beetles faster than ever before. I've also noticed that blazing enemies don't melt me anymore.
Some of the old tracks are changed yeah, not bad
Merc chads, report in. How fucking easy is this character now?
Blazing was fixed ages ago dude
He has his invuln frames from Risk of Rain 1, so he's OP or perfect depending on who you ask. He's perfect, for me.
How to unlock the new characters and stage stuff?
In my experience everyone's unlocked items add up. I played with a buddy and we both had items drop that we haven't unlocked yet.
Oh, was it? I haven't been paying attention to the game for a while
Blind-retard-tier. Enjoy being the new Mul-T.
rex sucks dick bros
he's so fucking slow and does shit dmg
his healing is also mediocre
still gonna test out some builds but it's not looking good
I think the i frames was all he was missing to be perfect, as well. But he also was my most consistent Monsoon character prior to this buff, so he feels really easy to me now.
I havent been able to play and wont be able to play in a while.
What's new?
What does the new survivor do? Is it shit?
You probably had the fuel thing and activated a shrine of blood.
Nah you'll get guys who'll try to eviscerate into an imp overlord's face only to die.
What does pressing Q when you have the fuel rod do? I'm too scared to do it i don't want to fuck up and lose it
>You probably had the fuel thing and activated a shrine of blood.
oh thats why then
It's still dangerous, but it wasn't supposed to be dealing nearly as much damage as it was. I think blazing is capped at 5% of your health per tick at most, rather than 1 hit KOs from a single tick
EU Vanilla
any EU normal for unlock?
he's consistent at dodging things now
stage is unlocked by default
new character you have to lurk the thread its not difficult to figure out
>picked up crown as rex
>m2 costs money
3/4, one more spot left
don't waste your allotted 15 minute break time for this user.
I'm on my phone, but the answer is in this thread.
I would guess it makes you jihad everything around you
>they fixed the stuttering issue when picking up items
The music is electric, as always. Don't speak ill of Christadolou
New track added, and you'll get to hear the best parts of existing tracks now, because the music system that would calm the music down when enemies weren't swarming has been disabled, assumedly because it was making the music seem more boring
open again, 2/4
Tips for Rex:
-Holding M1 and tapping M2 allows you to rapid fire your M1. Throw your plant siphon into a group of enemies and do this, and you're guaranteed to slaughter them extremely quickly. Works amazingly on bosses, too.
-Use your Shift to herd enemies together for the plant siphon
He can actually fight blazing enemies without dying.
Definitely stronger as a character and can survive past loop 2 on his own now, but not retard mode since the invuln doesn't really last that long.
Wait, really? What the fuck I liked the hit stop. HOPOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Long Rex
Speak in controller terms, it's what real people use.
how do I properly utilize REX's dash?
-Holding Attack1 and tapping Attack2 allows you to rapid fire your Attack1. Throw your Attack4 into a group of enemies and do this, and you're guaranteed to slaughter them extremely quickly. Works amazingly on bosses, too.
-Use your Attack3 to herd enemies together for the Attack4
Am I crazy or do the maps have more small details?
>mfw picking up Transcendence on REX
I have giant balls
I think the beetle queen got bigger tits
Use it to herd enemies together for your R, or leap, whip the camera in the opposite direction you want to go, and activate it for a huge boost. Works when you point at the ground while jumping, too.
>playing a shooter with a controller
Do you like having worse aiming?
Use it on enemies near ledges for easy kills
Use it to push enemies into each other before launching your aoe skills
Use it after jumping to get away from shit
Wait a minute!
Is REX a mechanical spider from the first game?
Lava stage has more boxes spawning on the top part and sides now so it's actaully worth going up there now
Jump in air
Face away from where you want to go
3/4 still pls join
Some maps got changed so that low mobility characters can move around easier. The swamp level in particular has more pillars and trees that make moving about less of a pain.
Oh shit. Based hopoo with the lore.
huntress boob mod broken in more ways than just the different update version
killed this lizard nigga
Literally not an issue with huntress :^)
What did you get?
What in damnation?
Wait a sec what
Brainlet here, can someone explain the new "total damage" thing?
3/4 monsoon still, join pls :)
>in a third person shooter
fucking disgusting, get out of my sight.
>Acrid died for this
free passage to hell
>alt tab
>game crashes
Speaking of bandit
Have they changed his character at all in the files yet?
Reposting lore redpill.
>assumedly because it was making the music seem more boring
it was, laying today it felt like the music was good for the first time.
I'm sitll not happy though because Bandit didn't get patched ih.
>gilded coast challenge
gonna have to drizzle this. it's all about getting good items, fuck that
It's based on the characters actual damage stat, you know when you go to the characters page they have a stat "Damage" 20 (+5 per level) sort of thing. It's based on that now. I thought it was for awhile until I learned it was some other confusing kind of damage I'm glad they changed it.
Well it fuckin blew up anyway right before the hell level so cool
Now post the achievements for the other shit.
Any other new descriptions?
>he doesn't know you can rocket jump with Rex's Shift
lmaoing at your life
The audacity of these drizlets
Reminder these are the people who complain about the lack of content and objectives
Put it here.
Friend did this, not me. I'm at the gym.
>open 2 utilty chests
>both have rusted keys
I hope he's still in the game
>implying this isnt the point
youve won user just roll with it
can someone please tell me what Spinel Tonic does?
>open 2 healing chests
>both have harvester's scythe
Hm, nice.
Iktf, fucking scamboxes
Mistakes were made
exactly the same from what i can tell
the specialized chests are great, jsut a shame there's too many crappy offensive white items.
is the robot in a specific area? i haven't been able to find it yet
>acrid was a poison lemurian
>REX is a plant mechanical spider
RIP acrid, the playable monster slot has already been filled
what items don't do shit for you if you have more than one stacked? rusted key I assume, but what else?
>17x of that new shield on kill item
>constant 1500+shield on
They made these new stuff too strong so it would bring people back. Then they will nerf them.
It's an interesting direction, but I can see now that the game will focus less on enigmatic teleportation technology and more on whatever this is.
Shrine of Blood causes the fuel thing to explode.
>this webm
seriously why the fuck ain't he in yet lads, hotpoop better put him in
the purple ones are good because they tell me to save my fucking money
Keys pay for themselves a million times over if you only get the one.
I seriously think it's just out of spite at this point
>Actually unironically thinking rusty key is bad
If you don't get at least one you're a brainlet. If you get more, go for four
Your fuel array blew up. It blows up if your HP goes under 50%, no matter what may be the cause of this drop.
>Patch game
>Start it
>Pick Artificer
>Try out her new flaot ability
>It's okay
>Open a chest
>H3AD-5T v2
>Lose ability to flaot for rest of run
neat interaction there hopoo, really well thought out
Dumb mut got what it deserved
medkit, gasoline, bleeditem does that after a few because it only ups proc chance, chronobauble, basically any item that is dogshit otherwise you're good.
How was the jump distance?
Doesn't he look like a buff lemurian?
No, only 1. Fuck getting more. You never get anything better than white items in that shit box I swear
>bandit doesnt have the battery bomb tied to his model
>you couldnt see it blinking and showing you're about to die
keys are fine, what are the purple boxes anyways? I got a tough times out of them so i assume it's top tier.
Four keys is when the chance to get whites goes below 50%
I mean maybe a little
I thought he was just an unrelated genetic experiment though
>item that gives you shield when you heal over your maximum health
>laughs in mushroom turrets behind hueg shield
Rusted Key actually increases the chance of uncommon and rare items if you stack them.
Gasoline is godtier you're crazy.
I've gotten reds from lockboxes, but then again I have 180 hours so maybe the occurrence is that rare.
Would be a shame if your healing got disabled
all items do things when stacked.
the only item that is bad to stack is corpsebloom, which is arguably not worth taking in the first place.
is hotpoop that kinda guy, I know he lurks here you FUCKER
I literally always get reds from mine or useful greens with 4 or so
rip lil lizard nigga
>dutch oven connoissuer
US East
There must be something wrong with my game; the very first time I attacked that dude I had a good length of time to try and DPS him down before he teleported me away. Ever since then, the very fucking instant I deal him even 1 damage, I teleport out, no animation or anything.
I've even reinstalled the game and can't get it to stop doing it.
Anyone mind posting all the new items? I've played for hours and only found one so far.
Is rex good for unlocking Gesture of the Drowned?
anything is good for it since all you need to do is front on the crabs and they run like pansies. even easier if you have the black hole equipment to pull them over the edge.
Rex's hitbox shifts down slightly when he's sprinting, though not as much as it appears graphically.
It's enough to be statistically significant regards incoming fireballs though, a lot of them are going to be hitting the ground as you move where as they'd have hit the character with anyone else.
>been waiting for this patch to come out for months
>it finally does
>don't even feel like playing
I did a couple runs to unlock Rex and QtD. What an unexpected feel
It's because nothing substantial changed, a new character/stage and some items are not going to change much in the end. There was barely even any balance changes and most items are still shit and feel like dogshit to pick up.
>It's because nothing substantial changed
If I get the fuel array as MULT and keep it in my secondary equipment slot, will it still blow up?
I've already consumed all of the new content added by this patch. Time to wait for the next one I guess.
this is how all future patches are going to go, user. get used to it now and lower your expectations.
Now I know why my merc dash seems to be on cooldown all the time for no reason. The stupid fucking tweak to charges and cooldowns puts it on cooldown again if you only do two dashes and have it time out.
see you in 4 months!
for the gold golem challenge, is it just kill it before the shrine things run out?
I wish more stages had an atmosphere like Rallypoint Delta. It's like the face of risk of rain 2 for me with it's badass song to boot but now I get that scorched stage
Just wait for the artifacts, that's what I decided to do after burning out. Command in RoR 2 would be exciting enough to rekindle interest.
I wanna like RD but I can't because getting magma worm there crashes the game on my rig so I can never unlock merc
>Quad Overloading Magmaworm
Is there are more game ending condition?
Y'all aren't wrong, people noticed this a little while back, he is a plant that rides around on a mechanical spider. I assume he's somehow integrated with it.
new item unlocked for doing 3 challenge shrines in a stage
It happens if you don't hit your third dash on anything too, it goes back on a 7s cooldown as soon as the first ends. I'm literally shaking and seething right now. Why the fuck did we have to wait this long for QA when they don't even test a single game of Merc TO TEST ONE OF TWO CHANGES HE GOT?
>Overloading Stone Titan
>Horde of Many
hasn't this always been the case
why does rex feel so shit to play? both shit damage and shit movement speed, what the fuck hopoo
I unlocked the challenge but I didn't see what the item was
Anybody have a completed save file with the new logs and items? I got REX the proper way but I don't give a shit enough to do the rest proper, I just want to play the game with everything in the pool.
it looks like a warhorn, im still on the run with the unlock so i dunno what its called
Absolutely not. It used to go on cooldown if you missed. Now it goes on cooldown if you miss, then when the cooldown hits 0 the icon changes back to blue, then goes on cooldown AGAIN starting from 7.
eu monsoon 3/4
>game now crashes at stage 2 for me
Well lads, I guess this is it.
I've had fun with the game, but I'm too poor for a new GPU. Hopefully I didn't just nuke the lobby.
does ocular hud work with turrets?
if it does, do i have to use the item then place turrets or doesnt matter?
Doesn't work with turrets. Equips in general dont work with turrets
EU Monsoon
It does SOMETHING to them but it doesn't make them crit, the damage numbers change to yellow while under the effect of ocular hud. What that's meant to signify I don't know.
i just tried it and it didnt change it to yellow, nothing happened actually
hmm, guess it just doesn't work
Engi chads and Rex chads form a bond beyond anything that could ever stop them
do u guys think its ror2 is gonna go on sale?
topaz brooch is pretty insane mid-late game
soon? probably not
im guessing they might do a small discount on 1.0 launch maybe
then like most games itll go on sale after a while e.t.c.
just speculation
any secrets on the new stage?
is plant boys blast dodge omni directional?
Guess those two extra weeks of QA really paid off!
where is the new stage? I died at level 7 but still no new stage
sometimes replaces stage number 3
It's the third stage, it shares a slot with the ice level
His mobility is a bit iffy starting out, but past that, he becomes a God once he starts getting AoE items and Backup Magazines. Meat Hook is a 20/10 item on him. His Flower becomes a proc nuke. The damage on his Mortar just doesn't seem sane, I ended up having 9 Backup Mags and was able to instant kill bosses just by spamming them all at once, the lost HP seems to work off current HP or something as I never went below half with those spam bursts.
Then there's the fact his M1 basically becomes Commando's with enough attack speed since he has no range limit. He's ridiculous.
>tfw you can't hear full version of tracks if you rush the teleporter
Explore chads win again!
It literally says current health.
No, Transcendence doesn't work, it counts health and shield as a combined health pool.
No. That's how I did the unlock.
I am just realizing rex is basically the SUCC cube and capacitor mixed into a character. His lategame is gonna be strong as f--
>malachite hoard of many lesser wisps
well that was fun.
so commando is trash now, yes?
>figure mul-t would be perfect since he has two item slots
>doesnt spawn with the fuel cell
Why wont they add fucking bandit already
He's basically finished and my favorite character, they could add him to the game as he is now and I would be happy
I don't wanna have to install some stupid mod to play him
post webm of the plant boy
I absolutely love rex, he's so fucking fun to play and remind me of my favourite Warframe Nidus. I obliterated myself just to see if there was anything gained from it, but man, that was a really fun run.
Do you need to stay inside green circle for Rex to heal from enemies?
>All these things grabbed in a moshpit of motar hell spam
Fuck it feels so good.
>All these fixes and nerfs
>All they did to commando was make his shots louder
Good job hotpoo you fucking retards. Those louder gunshots really help me get over his useless dodge and shit alts!
Clay templars are fucking bullshit
Always has been. But the real insult is his update is just sound effects because Hopoo are stupid and honestly think this will make him playable.
No, the green circle is where enemies need to cross into to get SUCC'd
Anyone else feel the new Aegis and Topaz Broach completely break the game? I got a bunch of Topazs' and two Aegis and never ever died, it was literally impossible for me to die and I decided to suicide my two hour run.
It's a panic button. Jump and hit it after.
Topaz Brooch: White. Puts a shield over your health every time you kill an enemy.
Aegis: Red. Excess healing gets converted into shield.
Those are the ones i found so far, I also unlocked a new blue but I have yet to find it.
How do you make commando better earlygame without making him more broken endgame?
Because, yeah, his earlygame is boring as soggy toast, but his endgame is basically godmode
he probably still has excellent mid-late game although hes got more competition now
no, that's the size of the damage aura
He basically dumpsters on anything that isn't flying with his Mortar, but shooting Wisps out of the sky will always be annoying. While his Mortar is practically hitscan, the first hit usually pushes Greater Wisps and Bells out of where they're going to land. But that's why it's also important to build up attack speed so his normal shot is useful.
The mortar literally disintegrates Dunestriders even when they do that high stand at low health before their WHIRRR move which makes me very happy though.
He's better early game, useless late game without stickies.
How do you even play him? His dodge doesn't work because no iframes and taking damage is inevitable, unlike the first game.
make his skills not do shit damage, that's literally all they need to do.
host eu?
Hes always been trash with no iframes on his roll and low damage on his autos. hes gonna be even worse now without chain critting.
The balance before this update was literally never getting hit twice in a row past a certain point by killing everything first due to the fact we had shit for defensive items and healing didn't matter since everything did full HP in damage.
Now, there are actually good defensive items that can carry runs. Though yeah, the Brooch might warrant an upgrade to green. It's way fucking better than a Buckler at least.
everyone is a god late game
make his r work like merc's where it's always the same duration regardless of attack speed, just more hits, give roll at least half a second of i frames, and make right click do more damage
all of his attack skills are pretty ass and gets redundant really fast
they just don't work in a 3d plane
Yeah, that's totally reasonable. It was really nice to see more defensive items being added that got rid of the "One shot and you're fucking gone" meta that was happening on monsoon.
>Always has been.
>Hes always been trash
Stopped reading there you turbo shitter.
Early game difficulty is 100% based on the items you get, no matter which hero you get.
I wish they would just buff the useless items like bleed dagger and the slow items and nerf the best items like stickies.
Highly telegraphed attacks and target prioritization help. You use the dodge to break enemy targeting as they are about to hit or to create space. Timing is important
How do I get my Bandit back?
Not Shure, if youre in this thread, youre a huge fag and never play again
I thought mags were useless on rex
us hostt pls
i thought hopoo said he wasn't going to nerf people, i seriously hope he sticks to that every fucking roguelite dev seems to fall into that brainlet trap of "i need to tune things like its pvp". It's what ruined nuclear throne for me everything was viable then everything but two weapon types got nerfed so if you wanted to go far you'll have to use those two.
This is it.
Not that guy, but a mag or two is the difference between waiting to spam and M2M2M2M2M2M2
You probably don't need more than 2 though. But they definitely do help.
US East
I would say he wants them more than even Artificer. Though he isn't completely awful without them. Spamming them doesn't really take you below less than 50-70% health especially if you fire the flower first and a barrage of it absolutely nukes the fuck out of anything. It basically deletes bosses and synergizes well with shooting enemy groups trapped in his flower.
However, by the time he becomes a God, the flower will just outright kill every mob it lands on and then some.
any south american hosts?
They already nerfed engie turrets. Literally anything useful gets nerfed to shit and annoying things get buffed, its like they're trying to irritate the players.
Aegis. Red item
Whats commando meta now? Every successful run I've had with him was barely surviving until I got some stickies. Now they're shit for him so now what?
Engie was overtuned, his turrets needed a nerf. He's balanced now.
Any art requests featuring the new character Rex?
>artificer's "hover"
wow it's fucking nothing
They buffed his turrets what the fuck are you smoking
God damnit, why every roguelite its a pve game why nerf things if everything is broken then its all viable a moba of all things understands this rule
>pinging teleporters still doesn't permanently mark them
>huntress dash still cancels sprint
>still no "don't lower mouse sensitivity during sprint" option
Literally my only 3 complaints ever since it launched. God damnit this sucks.
Actually I'm retarded ignore my post
Hey, I'm here to save risk of rain 2.
Your health bar matters now, sorry.
Coin save editing Shaped Glass stacking faggots can go home.
They nerfed the damage from 19 to 16, friend.
It's permanent flight with a milky chrysalis.
Also do we have stats on every item already? One-cycling the gold titan seems like it'll take a fucking while.
Open up event viewer, go to the applications tab and read the error ror2 throws when it crashes. Should give you an idea what's causing the crash. Also verify game cache in Steam and make sure all your drivers and your OS are up to date
>still no "don't lower mouse sensitivity during sprint" option
>gives her much more time in the air (where she is most effective)
Anyone else feels like the optimization is shit this update?
40 minutes until I get home AHHHHHH
>still no "don't lower mouse sensitivity during sprint" option
that was added you dumbo
Too late nigga. I already posted.
>They buffed his turrets what the fuck are you smoking
>base turret damage from 19, now is 16
>less damage
I'd imagine the mindset is "it's a multiplayer game and it's less fun if one guy's just inherently better than everyone else"
What the fuck is that clay templar horseshit
im trying so hard to think of something clever but im fucking failing. I have "give me the plant" running on a loop in my mind and I cant make it stop
I'm on Windows 7 if that's a possible issue
>pinging teleporters still doesn't permanently mark them
still dont get why they didnt do that yet
>huntress dash still cancels sprint
wait for modanon release as that has the sprint fix built in
>1.5 hours till quitting time
>3 less base damage for turrets
>On a ez mode class
Oh, it was in the gameplay tab instead of the mouse + keyboard tab.
Well, that makes 2 to go then.
I feel you. It's why I asked if anyone had requests, need ideas.
I hear bad things, and considering I was playing this on a toaster before I think I might be locked out from it now.
Funny, because a bunch of the patch notes is boasting how much they've improved performance.
Nah that shouldn't matter. I'm also running 7 and no crashes in any stage
nigga it's literally 3 damage on a character that's already the easiest/strongest in the game
>They already nerfed engie turrets
My toaster still runs the game just as well as it used to, you should be fine
>Rejuv rack
HOLY FUCKING SHIT, even doing nothing at all i'm growing stronger
Is it me or does Rex's M1 healing not scale at all?
Its literally just 3 less base damage. Along with the changes to how damage is calculated with proc items its not even noticeable cause with a few items your turrets still become death lords.
no us rooms? randos suck
throw a knurl on that bitch
>transcendence breaks rex
>Defeat the guardian of the Gilded Coast without any beacons deactivating
That is a TALL fucking order what the fuck
I'm pretty sure its the AMD drivers themselves crashing though. It happens when it gets exerted or whatever, I just wish it was any other game. RoR is literally all I play on PC these days, which really makes it hard to justify the price of a new GPU.
only the last hit of the burst heals and it's a % of damage dealt
Not so fast.
You absolutely must not take corpsebloom on rex, please listen to me I don't have much time. Do not take corpsebloom on Rex, you may think it sounds good, it's actually bad. Don't do it user.
I have to go now, they're outside.
what do you even get for that?
just notepad dumbass
The new Aegis item on Rex is awesome. Add that new turtle shell in as well, and you'll be overshielded at almost all times, even spamming your moves that drain your own health.
Rex a fun.
Can you even damage him without using the beacons?
Rex is pretty fun, my only issue with him is that I can't see where all the items are on him
they are tiny on him, for example, goat hove changes needle on his front right(?) leg, and others are equally small on him
rex is fucking based
having so much fun with him (it?)
host when
is this new? the flying shit
crown does too, since his kit relies on taking damage, meaning you are gonna be one broke ass nigga. Wouldn't be surprised about deathbloom either
Me and 3 other guys playing merc ALMOST did it
he was down to 300 hp and the shits turned back on.
>merc dash cool down reaches 0
>starts back over at 7s
>That is a TALL fucking order what the fuck
it's really not
farm money, activate all at once kill the golem
you have way more than enough time on a mediocre run
Deathbloom absolutely fucks him, since it hard-caps his healing at just 10% a second.
They're always there, even at launch.
>Stacking debuff
So is this thing not worth using at all or what
never noticed
auto sprint fucking when
Is it permanent?
I fucking hate new chests. So hard ti see them. What was wrong with old blues chests?
pair it with a couple gestures and i think its crazy powerful right?
That's two weeks of Gearbox QA for you.
>4 restarts
>still not getting the new world on stage 3
>malachite elite
this is hell
New map is shit.
retard new map is fucking amazing
This, it has absolutely fucking awful flow
I agree, I don't like it at all. Too many "floors" and shit
If you can refresh it before the effect fades you don't get the debuff.
Shit taste. It's the most interesting map so far.
On a scale from 1 to 10 how do you rate the update?
There's not too many ways to jump around the different levels and you end up having to go around large parts of it that look bland as fuck.
New map is great, faggot.
Watch out for the jewglued bug, just cost me a run.
Ah, then yeah with enough gestures it'd probably be one of the best use items. I wouldn't wanna risk the debuff otherwise though.
5 because it seems very mediocre. Also because of this .
>jewglue made it over to RoR2
How the fuck does this even happen
>jewglued bug
Speedrun optimizers
Idiots gawping with their mouths open
How the fuck am I supposed to take the fuel thing without it exploding every time I try to fight a boss
t. hopoo
>T.fags that don't start with 4 dashes
Don't get hit
Objectively wrong.
Don't type when you load into a level or you'll get stuck and won't be able to do any actions. I just said jewglue because that's what it felt like.
Don't go below 50% of your health.
It isn't hard.
About Rex
Tougher Times actually can save him from doing self damage
Is he also, or he is on par with other character running speed? His sprint also seems slower, but mb it just animation
>thought stickies still had some damage scaling and printed 39
Whoops, not going to make that mistake again. So this means they start worse AND have dimishing returns from there compared to increasing. Did Hopoo think 1 sticky was OP?
Stop getting hit, dummy
8/10. New content is all fun. Balance changes are very welcome. Some really stupid bugs have cropped up though, like shit that really should not have made it through QA.
considering all speedr*nners are trannies, neither one of those is a good thing... so youre attacking both sides?
Hopoo have thrown all idea of sense out the window when it comes to fun and balance.
Are you having fun? Stop that, immediately!
>So this means they start worse
>have dimishing returns
dont worry engie bros
turrets are still op and will carry you into late game still every time on monsoon
Alright user, you have one job:
Make corpsebloom at least worth considering picking up
It doesn't have to be a great item
It just has to be literally-not-current-corpsebloom-tier.
Here's my take
ANything in your AOE that dies (Even if other players kill it) drops a glob that will heal you to 100% hp in 20 seconds. These stack. 2 = 10 seconds, 4 = 5 seconds.
Your hp regen rate cuts in half, after items are factored in.
A stack of 20 means the globs heal you 100% instantly, but nothing else does
is it good? Probably not, but at least it's not current corpsebloom.
>pre nerf stickies
Stop posting you stupid nigger, you've been whining about every single balance change in this patch so much in this thread.
If you stack crit chance high enough Rex will crit himself. Hopoo genius programmers
Acrid main here. Gonna kill myself later.
I don't understand how the item nerfs work. In fact I didn't understand how it worked before the update.
Just fucking raise the 10% cap and it'll be fine, even extremely powerful HoT still gets killed by ridiculous enemies in two taps so it's not like corpsebloom would be game-breakingly OP even without a heal cap.
>Brittle Crown log
>Its forshadowing what sounds like Providence's brother or sister, shitting on him for protecting dangerous monsters and predicting something will come alog and kill him.
>implies this person is coming for the planet when this happens
Final boss confirmed, I don't care about the gameplay changes, I'm hyped for the lore.
Just pick up another use item.
You don't have to carry the fuel cell the whole way. you can dump it for another orange as soon as you get the money and pick it up after you fought the boss.
It also kind of implies he's on the moon. At least that's how I read it.
WHERE'S THE ITEM FOR THE NEW CHARACTER TO CARRY? Can you only get it through RNG or is there something to look for on the map?
US host when?
It's on your pod at the start of the run. Check the back of it and hit E.
i think his heals are based on the damage you do so if you crit an enemy with his healing attacks you can heal more too
but i agree that is still stupid
how the fuck? 3 combat shrines? the purple ones?
so are runalds and kjaros the true chad damage items now?
It's in the shuttle where you spawn at the beginning of the game dum dum
>Providence: Bulwark of the Weak
>Brovidence: Slayer of the Powerful
>i frames for merc
>but not for commando dodge
yeah, fuck you
They always were, sticky bombs aside.
True lovers items. A tender story of illegal love.
Its pretty significant, especially with a feather.
I just wish you could sprint while doing the flamethrower on the ground. It feels so clunky
180% total is worse than 250% additive unless your average hit is massive. Maybe Merc, probably Artificer, certainly no one else.
Same effect as MULT - the bigger character the slower he seems. That's why MULT initially had higher speed than other survivors and I still don't understand logic behind that retarded nerf.
am I missing something or do I really have to hope fucking 3 of them spawns on the same map?
Merc, Arti, and Engie. Mul-T mostly gets fucked (rebar and boost aside), Commando and Huntress got super fucked.
i had a level earlier this morning that had one chest, six combat shrines, and no other items besides drones
Get to work, Hopoo
besides the low move speed, i like the new character
interesting mechanics and he feels pretty strong
rip acrid though :(
Playing with other increases the chances of multiple shrines spawning
>snow stage 6 times in a row now
No fun for me I guess. If it's truly a 1 in 2 chance to get the stage then this scenario has a 1.5625% chance to occur.
Everyone runs at 7m/s
FOV is just playing tricks on you.
If you use his sprint move, you can launch yourself pretty far, too.
more tend to spawn per player in lobby, but you could do it solo if you keep an eye out
wtf, how? I have 125 hours and have never experienced anything even remotely similar. most combat shrines I'e seen is 3 and that's been super rare
damn, I play solo like 90% of the time
new more for monsoon
US east
>Liked Arti before but her lack of mobility when it came to early game without mobility items sucked a lot
>Now she can hover all over the place without having to worry about them
>New proc system is great.
My girl a wizard now bros.
artificer mains on suicide watch
I absolutely hated arti before the patch and now I did a 180 and love her. it's so great
That really does kinda step on her toes, doesn't it?
Missed blazing titans? Because new gatling guys are as deadly when elite.
how the fuck do I go on the platforms on the right
What's the % threshold? How does it stack?
>these new gatling fags
I'll delete my steam acc if I ever see one of those in malachite
>give equipment drone foreign fruit
>it heals itself
>only 1 new enemy added
That's fucking pathetic.
cause thats what the item does
Because that's what Foreign Fruit does?
Strange use, but I guess you can feedback Hopoo on that.
Jump pad, you can see it in your screenshot.
Randy's embezzling their fund to pay his lawyers. Probably.
Thats adorable
Kinda. I actually expected whole new zone with all new enemies and we only got one.
i cant believe they made topaz brooch a common
this shit is so fucking broken when you stack them holy shit
oh no. to be fair
>standing still
how about just making the cap % additively increase by a small amount per kill and rapidly tick down back to the basic level
so kiting like a fag doesnt work but you dont suffer any real drawbacks during combat
then you could also change it so that stacks increase the amount of cap room you get per kill instead of the dumb shit it does now
Basically stickies suck and you should only stack attack speed, Crit glasses till 100% crit, and gasoline since the damage and radius grows. I can't think of anymore good white damage items but just know that damage got heavily nerfed this patch.
This, it's fucking retarded what with all the nerfing of things and then BOOM, tOPaz bitches, have hundreds of them!
>dagger no longer will spawn +3 for each stack
Why Hopoo killing the fun?
Arti is actually fun to play as now
You're not a high enough patreon supporter to be having fun, back to the mines with you.
>Fuel Array to Rex
I want to tell you all that this has rekindled my hatred for Wisps.
How i unlock Rex?
20% + 5% per stack
>only one new enemy
>some new randumb character
>some shitty looking stage that looks the same as the other ones
It’s fucking nothing.
>look at patch notes
so wait, =>180% damage with no mention of +per stack, is there any point in grabbing more than 1 anymore or am I misunderstanding something?
US East monsoon
pick someone who isn't mul-t
On the back of your drop pod at the start of a game, there's a plate you can take off to retrieve the battery
bring that to level 4
go to the top areas and look for a weird plant
give the battery to the plant
don't get hit along the way unless you want a good chance to get exploded
you don't have to carry the battery 100% of the time, swap it for another use item during the level and just pick it back up before leaving
are you serious ? that is op as fuck then wtf
>mul-t gets a unique drop pod
>gets nothing instead
Thank you
im getting close to staying at like 4k hp from the brooches
There's probably a cap.
Hermit Scarf in RoR1 is a chance to dodge but up to 45%
Probably some cap the same for this item. I'm more surprised Old Guillotine is a fucking white item
gesture of the D BB
Seriously, I'll miss it.
What the fuck? That's way too strong for a white.
Question: does the equipment drone use the item on you, or itself?
if i give it my ocular HUD, is that a waste, or does it transfer the crit to me? or does it have it's own attack that gets critboosted?
What was the point of nerfing stickies? They were only ridiculous when you got a bunch of them while looping. If the game is designed to end at stage 8 and anything past that is extra why can't we be ridiculous. Why couldn't arti have been huffed without absolutely fucking commando and mult. I'm so fucking mad
I just got a controller for some games with more controller centric gameplay and when I just played this earlier with it, it felt fucking awful.
It uses it on itself
t. shitter who relied on stickies as a crutch
Stickies weren't fun after the first few times. I deliberately stopped picking them up because they made the game trivial after you hit about 15.
I play with controller just fine. But I got really fucked with Arti's hover.
Im still a little foggy on why they removed the ability to stack. like if you have 10 stickies now, is it saying that you have a chance to proc up to 10 stickies each one individually detonating for 180% damage?
while i agree that they were overtuned, but now they are seemingly useless
It feels like Rex does no damage unless you're spamming your M2, but if you are then you have shit for health. Late game it feels like you can't kill anything unless you M2 it like ten times though.
How could I use stickies as a crutch? The game is over before you get a high number of them unless you find a printer and even then you don't have enough whites. Who the fuck cares what happens while you're looping?
Stickies only were a problem because of 3D printers. Those are fucking OP not stickies.
>tfw never got to stage 10
is it right to have fun in a game you are shit at?
says its invalid, did i mess up?
The chance of proc should be buffed to 10 + 5 per stack so that they can scale similarly to Tri Tip Dagger, but that's about it. The change to damage was good.
Don't see why else you would be so mad that an objectively broken item that trivialized the game's difficulty was rightfully nerfed.
Yeah, his M1 feels kinda shitty and unfun to use. Overall I can't really say he's that fun. But at least he uses medkits and stealth so it's something.
>having fun
thats all that matters as long as you are not directly impeding others ability to have fun in the process
MUL-T has much lower acceleration, and Artificer has accel between him and everyone else. That's why MUL-T sometimes can't walk up an incline. Rex likely has normal accel since he has legs like everyone else.
>bosses can use geysers
I guess you learn something new everyday
Find an item that DOESN'T break the game when stacked to 50+
Now look at your sticky argument and suck my dick.
Roguelikes\lites are all about the process so it's totally ok.
Reply to me directly, nigger.
Anyway, literally almost all of them. To satisfy you, I'll specifically name Chronobauble as that's the first to come to mind.
You're not even processing what I'm saying. That's fine enjoy your new artificer I guess
>Find an item that DOESN'T break the game when stacked to 50+
rusted key
Look at them all cry for fucking mercy
Shit's easy if your dps is facemelting everything. Was able to pull it off after trying to farm for the gold nigga's logbook.
50 rusted keys would be a free red every zone mate. That is broken.
Shit nigga, would you even find whites at that point?
2/4 US
Medkit, cautious slug, rusted key, monster tooth, chronobauble, infusion, crowbar, tri-tip dagger, bustling fungus (unless you're engi), bandolier.
you don't even find the rusted lockbox 95% of the times in a map.
you just ain't using it right
Maybe YOU don't but i'm out here finding the fucking cloaked chests nigga. Like, open your fucking eyes nigga.
>New Clay enemy is a literal Gatling Gun user
Guys, what the fuck?
50 keys nets a 70% chance to find a red.
new weapon
Same proc scaling l. Its now is worth 9% avg dmg at 1 stack, and 4.6% per item at 39 stacks. So it's barely okay at one at awful further on. Late game AoE vortex doesn't matter as you'll hit the instagib proc chain vortex without it, and you can't avoid a few as they're white.
Heavy Weapons Clay
They literally made the clay men from the first game into shit enemies in this game.
Also, there’s no fucking spitters, mushrooms, whorls, robot spiders, parents/children. All the memorable enemies are gone.
This game is a soulless cash grab.
>get to Firewatch level
>managed to take fuel with me
>see equipment drone
>give fuel to it thinking it was the quest
>robot spiders
Why the hell do greater wisps fire so fast now?
because fuck you
because hug you
I got 7 gunner drones on one map, I sure can't wait to lose them all to a Vagrant
>launch game
>get black screen
>crash to desktop
Well shit... no risky rain for me tonight.
>y-yeah the game is gonna go on sale bro f-for sure hahah
Trannies btfo
Lets think up ways to make drones worse since they're clearly not getting better.
Glad you're pushing all these balance changes Hopoo. Those guys whose asses I was kicking in my solo runs will really appreciate it
/po/oper here,since about a week after release I've been working in the dark on an engineer papercraft. last week I finally printed out some of it to test build and It can only be described as a stillborn at best :( and then I went to Atlanta for a week but now its back to the drawing board
You know what would be a soulless cash grab? Blindly copying everything from the first game. All the old survivors, all the old monsters, all the items. Nothing new. Soulless and shallow. We already have that game, though in 2D. I'm not saying that the first game is soulless, just that seeing it again would be boring.
They are doing new things this game, they are slowly furthering the plot and the atmosphere. This update was all about NEW things, there might be some old stuff returning later. Small development team and all that. I trust in their vision.
>tfw too shit to not get hit and blow up
Stupid fuel
No, user, you don't get it. It's not what he wants/likes, so it's a soulless cashgrab.
oh shit what the fuck
>artificer's hover
sucks to be a groundie.
calling all drawfags, this is an obvious edit we NEED
they have a max leash limit of 1 foot from your character
>have no idea what equipment drone does
>think it gives me an equipment or something
>Activate it while carrying fuel array on stage 3
>drone steals my array, gets shot, and explodes
you're not alone user
>Just got home
>Read patch notes
>Merc has i-frames back
It's time.
How do I make PLantbot absolutley broken?
Wot are "unique portals"?
there are 3 kinds of portals in the game
you need to use all of them to get the achievement
but he never left, he's still there in ror1
There's no way 50 gasoline is going to break anything.
>Yea Forums says brooches are now common
>tfw don't see any at all yet
>also just failed a shrine 7 times in a row
Incredible luck.
It's gonna go to town on your GPU pretty hard
So are you fuckers actually having fun with the new character? Haven't had a chance to play him yet.
I only know the blue portal, what are the other two?
The new stage is kino why is everyone complaining
Affliction only applies when you arent on its buff so just stay high.
He's an odd experience, but he's fun
Maybe not a full team of them, but one is prolly enough.
The new character is really fun, but you got to git gud a bit. If you don't move through levels fast enough he is really weak.
>Oh hey, a character whose primary trick is healing himself and so has pretty poor damage output to account for that, I wonder if they've buffed bots then?
the celestial portal spawns after you beat stage 7, you unlock mercenary there
the golden portal spawns when you give money to a golden shrine that looks almost identically as the shrine of chance except that it's made of gold, when you enter it you get teleported to a special stage with a boss
The new music is pretty good, I hope they add more soon.
i got 6 on my first run after the update