>Rocket League fans jebaited the broadcast this weekend to show how they truly feel about Epic Games
OK this is Epic
Good on them
Hope more people stand up to the Chinese menace!
Dirty pinkos btfo
What the hell is "jebaited"?
What the fuck is a jebait?
No one cares about fat steam drones, grow up
>hey look at us with our sweet hats!
>*all stand and show back of shirt instead*
kys, tim.
twitch emote
jew bait? idk this zoomers retards speech
This is what Epic was afraid of since the beginning.
Being able to voice your opinions is toxic as breeds accountability issues for developers. This is not conducive to dominating consumers like livestock and therefor must be done away with.
What the fuck?
it's zoomer slang for twitch cunts.
$0.05 Steam credit were just deposited to your Steam account.
>Be Valve
>Hate free speech
>Pretend to allow user reviews
>Whenever I don't like certain reviews, I will lock people's account, saying that these accounts were behaving in an non-human manner
>Deny humanity of my customers
>Ignore certain reviews for overall game rating (only do so for negative reviews)
>Call users that are calling out developers to be review terrorists
>People defend me anyway
>be angry at people voicing their opinions
>talk about valve
Like clockwork.
Why are you guys talking about Steam out of nowhere?
climate is changing, racism is peaking, tyrants like trump and putin rule the world and people complain about video games
*le epic facepalm*
>Get paid by the fat Gabe fuck
>See a way to shill against the new based game store
>What is this Steam thing you are talking about?
Thanks for reminding me that the golden age of memes is gone for good, and things like win and fail will only ever be used post-ironically
>>be angry at people voicing their opinions
The Steam men with small hats are angry about something obstructing their way to more shekels.
>My entire drive for coming here instead of tumblr is my addiction to fabricated outrage
What the fuck is jebaited? Why not just say baited?
Because when you use the wrong words on here, or on Steam, you will get banned.
because zoomers and general twitch cancer, which is relevant to rocket league.
let me remind you of a website famous for putting the French definite article "le", and that "je" is also a French word meaning "I".
But user. Now we have pepe and wojak. And we can say cope based seethe. Isn't that funnee? XD
>its a twitter screen cap thread
Die OP
Ironic since this thread is fabricated outrage at Epic
We truly do live in a society.
What does it even matter anymore? This board is fucked beyond repair. You know a better place to talk about vidya? You let me know.
was it mit die OP?
CEO is this weekend and that's Jebailey's tournament, 3rd largest in the FGC. [spoilers]Zoomers don't actually know this part though, they just like the ebin twitch emote. Zoomers appropriate FGC culture the same way they ruined Gooteck's emote PogChamp. Fuck zoomers and fuck twitch for anything but a tournament broadcast[/spoiler]
Yeah, bro. It's fabricated. In reality people love being bent over and mercilessly assraped. How can anyone pretend to dislike such a thing?
It's tardspeak for "baited"
Rocket league tournaments are not sponsored by steam
See this post proves its fabricated, steam drones see opening another client as being physically raped in the ass
EGS absolutely jebaited and btfo
Sounds like a made up nigger word
I only come here to funpost.
If I actually want to talk about vidya I'll go to 8/v/.
People don't talk about their topics of discussion there, though.
They just sniff their own farts and talk about how great they are for posting a different image board.
I dont speak jive, can a cool cat translate for me?
Not really, I can actually have a fucking thread about Lobotomy Corporation or RoR or Rainworld without the shitty fucking mods banishing the thread to /vg/ like cunts. Not to mention an honest to goodness TF2 thread without retarded shitflinging and derailment.
Not to mention most console war shit is banned on sight and the mods actually use the board instead of leaving it to fester and stickying some fucking e-celeb dying, making the board even worse.
PLUS there are ALWAYS little weekend events where everyone just gets together and plays a game, something I pretty much never see on Yea Forums nowadays.
Yea Forums is great for shitposting, but shit for anything else.
What is this low energy subterfuge supposed to be?
>95% of Yea Forums won't understand this reference
Holy based. Gamers are finally rising up!
Am I going to be put on some kind of list for using 2×Yea Forums? Why was it removed from google search anyway?
for being the flipside of the radical muslim coin.
Fuck you
I use GoG
Surely you can't be serious.
>There are actual zoom zooms on Yea Forums who want PC gaming to have exclusives
This site and generation can't collapse fast enough