It's Time
It's Time
no its not
Steam should be restricted to North America and Europe.
A bunch of 25-50% sales
Where's my BIG SAVINGS Gabe?!
I don't know if I want to buy anything.
What now?
>People unironicly buying games on Steam
Are you kids stupid?
Amazon offers the best deals since 2014
Epic is online
epic won again
Shut up you ugly ass nigger
Are their shopping carts online?
>he didn't see the hidden message
>be multi-billion dollar company
>have hundreds of thousands of neckbeards thirsty for steam savings
>still using the same servers from 2005 so it crashes under the load
>by being cheap we actually lose more money
Bravo steam. At least Epic is online and functional.
are you skeleton_jelly?
Get the store online ffs
who's this nginx I keep seeing?
I'm retarded pls don't bulli
Steam doesn't decide on sales, the publishers do.
Of course it is. No one is flocking to their store.
kys you ugly tripfag nigger
>who's this nginx I keep seeing?
Mythic jewish overlord.
>tfw broke
The Steam Store is down right when the sales start, as is tradition.
Should I comeback in an hour or two?
>hurr durr I must vaildate my identity on an anonymous board
The sad part is, if the servers didn't go down now people would say the sale is a fail
It would be bad PR to put more servers up.
Hoping Witcher 3 is $15 again
>tfw 80%
based, do people still play rising storm 2 btw?
Yakuza 0 $10 boys
>gladiator tonsil stone tries to sound intelligent
>recommends paying for games to begin with
Who designed this shit?
come on its fucking 1 am at chinkland
let me see whats on sale so I can go to bed
which one i should buy?
>25 and 50% off
I've seen enough.
Probably someone that knows less CSS than I do yet has a job.
Far Cry 2.
>The fractured but whole is only 6 dollars
>A 60 dollar game is only 6 dollars
I'm ready
Is Tyranny any good?
standard, dlcs are terrible
Hat In Time have any discount?
we need you bros
>4X Games
>Zelensky vs Poroshenko
>Supreme Commander
i'm too lazy to do these quests they better be pointless so i don't regret
Where do I see all the games on sale? wtf
>FF7 only 20% off
>It was 50% during last year's sale
>uses steam community profile to validate his identity
oh no
liked it better when it was down
Is flight simulator x on sale?
66% stalker franchise
Got Toukiden 2 so far. Any other decent deals?
Just pirate it for free and get all of it?
imma buy killing floor 2 and witcher 3, cuz fuck you!
if the store would load that is...
Square Enix are jews.
It's oscillates between laughably bad and very decent, but they don't deserve your money tbqh
>released like almost 3 years ago
>only 50%
>it's cheaper on the grey market
what's the point?
Is pubg really as hack filled now as the reviews are claiming? I wanted to give it a try but I"m thinking about just going with overwatch instead. I have paladins a try since it's similar and I loved it. How often does overwatch go on sale?
Literally everything is 20-35% off only, Steam is dead
get xbox game pass pc its on there for a buck
>RE2 is 34% OFF
Should I get it now or wait?
fucking black screen. just shut the store down until it's ready for fuck's sake and tell us when we can shop
Stop supporting that fat fucking Jew. Thought you guys were smarter than this
Any opinions on Unheard?
Arkham City or Arkham Knight?
is there a reason not to join the corgi?
yeah, I waited like 5 minutes thinking that store page didn't load proparly. That's what you get for those diversity hires.
if you haven't played it, spending 2 bucks on Sleeping Dogs is super worth it imo
Get it from GoG.
I just pirated it, but if you want to pay you may as well wait till it's 50% off since it's just a remake of an old game.
Please tell me ass creed origins is on sale
Imagine buying games on pc
Probably some underqualified tranny who got hired due to quotas.
Never heard of it.
how long does the sale last? I want to buy a weeb game but don’t get paid for two weeks.
Any other good games on there?
Overwatch is on not Steam and Yea Forums doesn't like OW so you won't get much information about Overwatch here, check Reddit for that kind of stuff.
Go to sleep tim
Definitely worth it, especially if you played the original. Still good if your new to it as well, very polished.
The Stick of truth is just 6 bucks
Little Witch worth under a tenner?
>All games I’m interested in have only 20%-30% off
What a load of shit
yeah, actually quite a bit
multi BILLION dollar company cant even get a sale running right after years of experience jesus christ
Whoever makes this are a bunch of scumbags, Can't even discount it for the summer sale. $60 for a year old game with dead MP. I bet these fuckers even have the audacity to wonder why people pirate their games
I know that feel
Reminder that when Valve inevitably goes out of business you will lose access too ALL of your games.
Sucks because the first game was better than it had any right to be. I've been waiting for a while to catch this one on sale cause they're charging 70 fucking euros for it for some unfathomable reason.
>that summer sale lag
every year. God damn.
>only 20% off on XII
that's just not cool.
i am really interested in ark, should i do it Yea Forumsros?
Wtf no?
Alright guys, how am I doing? Anything I should skip or add?
need to secure revenue to fund part 69 of final fantasy 7 rehash
>buying singleplayer games
And we will all be dead by then, your point?
>only game i wanted was rimworld
>its not even on sale
>not even a little
>buying overpriced anime games
>decide to get this
>the devs advertise it to be like fallout
>theres no role-playing
>can beat it in 5 hours
>ends on a cliff hanger that leaves nothing answered
im never buying a game again
hollow knight is nice
Shouldn't you be crying about the dead black eceleb right now?
I understand he was some nintendo fag like you, but at least he had the sensibility to kill himself
Why has Okami HD NEVER been on a good steam sale? I bought that game for 75% on PSN the same year it came out
I only plan to get Forgotten Gods expansion for grim dawn
The devs a bitch about his game going on sale.
Ruiner is literally a meme shit game. Fucking retina burning screen effects for no apparent reason.
you're not gonna finish both tis-100 and spacechem
get baba is you instead
Fantastic choice user
If you're a dev and you don't put your game on for at least 40% off your shit is getting pirated, no fucking excuses.
I can finally buy Audiosurf
no he should get those because they are better games
DS Remaster is so fucking cheap
Far Cry 2 + 3, don't bother with the rest
>FFXV is already cheaper then FFXII Zodiac Age on PC
Why though? I actually want FFXII but holy shit I've never seen the price of that game go lower then $40 on PC before
I like autistic puzzle games, I'll go with Zachtronics here.
>if you click on more games like this it just opens the genre tag
Couldnt they at least bother with a sale specific window?
>Grim Dawn's DLC is still 4x the cost of the game itself
Piss off already.
>wanted to get
>Phantom Doctrine
>Wasteland 2
>Atom RPG
>VA-11 Hall-A
>highest discount is 60%
OK, fine, some of those are recent games, but Wasteland 2 is five fucking years old, why the fuck is it still at 50%?!
We can scare away epic shills with the china pasta but how do we do it with valve cucks?
It's worse than the original.
Am I supposed to have this many points from a single game?
then I can pirate them, guilt free. I've already paid for them.
>Gang Beasts, a shitty abandoned game is still getting a 20% discount instead of 75%
eddy wally wow
>tfw poor
>still buying games
Who needs food anyway?
lol just noticed that. It was 20% off a week ago.
>va11 halla
biggest meme game ive bought. I wouldnt spend more than 10 on it
There's a conversion rate for $$$ spent, user.
$1 = 100 points so you bought a $46 game?
>Rimworld not on sale
how jewish
Chapter 7 when MangaGamer. I already know Japanese I just want to buy the fucking gamee aaaaaa
mount and blade warband is 75% off is it worth it?I got 7k for a hat in time with only half the achievements
says the jew that won't just buy the game because cheapskate
>60% off Shadow of TR
>85% off Rise of TR
>91% off entire Eidos Anthology
And it's probably still not worth it.
what the fuck? Its only 60 USD so id imagine it would only be like 50 Euro. That's beyond fucked. Wouldnt doubt if the game was like $100 CAD at that point
It's never going to be on sale user, it was cheaper on early access and that's it
VTMB is only 25% off.
Activision are mega jews
based fellow poorfag
>paying for VTMB
user, the devs don't get anything from that. Anything at all. It is more morally correct to pirate VTMB than it is to pay Activision money for it.
50% off rocket league and terraria... never tried these popular games are they worth it?
more importantly will there be a better sale than 50% if i just wait?
>GoG's weekly sale is better than the Summer Sale
Jesus fucking Christ...
Hey, there's plenty of good games on the eidos anthology that are more than worth it. But the newer TR isn't one of them.
If you gotta pay for it, go for GoG.
Considering publishers set prices, and games that recently got a discount elsewhere are at the same level of discount as they are now, I really fucking doubt it.
Nothing really excite me. Might as well drop 30 bux on the Umineko collection
is it fun?
rate & recommend m8s
Terraria is amazing, RL is e-sports garbage played by 3rd worlders and children
I've seen Terraria go for as low as 75% but that was back in 2011 when I bought it so
I love that Eidos has the gall to charge $5 for THIAF. I got it at the $1 tier in a HIB with other games, and I still felt fucking ripped off.
terraria is good
especially with Yea Forums
we host servers sometimes
which hitman bundle do I get? I've never touched this series before.
Actually, I'm gonna go look at humble roight now m8
Amazon is also evil
And you've got to install mods yourself to make it actually work, it shouldnt be supported
Look, user, I'm going to save you the disappointment that those of us who were old enough had to go through in 1998: Forsaken contains no naked ladies that vaguely look like Kate Winslet in Titanic.
don't listen to Rocket League is fun
>25% off
what the fuck todd
Any games like pokemon on steam?
I know about Final Fantasy World but eeeeh
>t. third world child
You're right, but he's also right. If you don't have a group of friends to play with/against, the rando community is horrible.
never trust (((swedish developers)))
Been years since I bought something during the summer sale. I know flash deals aren't a thing anymore but are daily deals removed too?
>Buying games
Pretty good, yeah. The spellcrafting system is fucking great too.
funny you should ask.
Humble and Fanatical/Bundle Stars make me reluctant to buy indie games now. Far too often I'll buy a game because it's 75% off, only for it to be in a bundle like a month later.
Even the VTM:Redemption is not in good deal even though it usually goes down to 1-2 bucks. My guess is that they're keeping the prices bit higher for now in hopes that the hypetrain will get people paying more for the old games.
i played it for 1 hour. Worst experience of my life
i was looking forward to this but
if you want rocket league, you should get it now because the publisher will pull it out of steam in favor of epic games
Yeah, steam sales are the same now from day 1 until it ends, so you can buy everything you're eyeing from day one and not lose sleep over it being discounted further or having to wait for the last day for everything to go back on it's lowest sale price.
>You thought games would get cheaper over time? What an idiot
>octopath hasn't been cracked yet
>no discount at all during summer sales
fuck square
Hola jorge ¿Cómo estás esta hermosa tarde? Esta bien??
Hitman collection, it has all the classics. If you're on really tight budget, just get Hitman 2: Silent Assassin and Hitman: Bloood Money
aaaand its still down for me.
what site shows the price history?
Any of the new ass creeds worth a look? Haven't followed the franchise since black flags
probably because base price is $15
no point in having bigger discount
thanks yeah sorry i literally saw it in the image a second after asking
>Played the demo for BioShock 1
>Enjoyed it
Worth getting the complete BioShock collection? Don't know too much about 2, and I know Infinite is lost potential
recommend me games with cute girls
BioShock 1 and 2 are pretty good. Very light immersive sims if you will.
It's only an MMO in the sense that you can interact with dozens of people online, trade, and battle seamlessly.
Ruiner is dope, but I'd pirate it
2 is even better
fuck this shit, fuck steam, I'm saving my money and buying mario maker
1-2 is basically the same. 3 is worth a playthrough but storywise not as good
Corgi since they're going to win
Yes they're the reddit team but winning is more important than having fun
>Torrent it
>It's free
1 and 2 are worth playing, but don't expect too much from them. Infinite's ending is probably the worst ending ever and the whole game is just a clusterfuck. Most people prefer 1 over 2, but I liked 2 more.
fitgirl bro. It's 100% off today.
Here are the games I bought, in case you were wondering.
Not bothering with whatever the fuck this Grand Prix thing is.
how the fuck did you not have half life
No, MAYBE origins but its a big maybe and that's only because I have an autistic obsession with Egyptian themes.
Was waiting for a good sale.
>mining buttcoins for the russians
Big yike.
>Shadow of War def edition is cheaper than the normal edition
is it any good since they did the big final patch that stripped out all the lootbox trash?
I played the first and it was alright
baste. These are the same fags that will bitch when gay ben pulls a google and fucks them.
fuck back off, underageb&
Pretty sure I bought the whole valve collection for like $5 a few years back.
Best game for $15. Go.
Total War: Warhammer
>spouting memes that you don't understand
Big kikes from me dog.
It's fun enough.
>is this game any go-REEEEE
it's more of the same, a lot more, to the point of feeling like a chore
based hambro, we're gonna make it
>literally no good sales
Hello customers I have a new game for you, it's a competition to see who can give me the most money! Isn't that fun? Now pony up, you fucking sheep.
fuck off, I said no and then REEEEEEEE'd
Wanted to get a steam controller but it's not on sale.
What's the dollars spent to tokens earned ratio?
I always play against randos, no problem.
Any way to see all discounted games?
Bummer, thanks for the heads up though. Was kinda interested in the latest one since I have a bit of a soft spot for Ancient Greek stories and mythology
Unless you plan to play it right now, don't buy it. Wait for a couple years, for a 50% discount, and it'll be free
>only two games show up
Standard Ubishit open world rules apply: Pirate the fuck out of it
1 has some godtier art/sound direction, voice acting, writing, and atmosphere. If you're coming from Deus Ex or System Shock 1 you'll find it to be simpler in terms of gameplay. It's more like Thief, Dark Messiah, or Dishonored in terms of Immersive Sim complexity.
2 has better combat but worse everything else. Even graphics.
Infinite is fun on your first run if you just go along with it and enjoy what's happening. Doesn't hold up to close inspection but can be a nice experience.
The collection is absolutely worth $15 and the time to play them.
I wish pigs stayed that tiny and cute their entire lives. Even designed "minipigs" eventually turn into gigantic fucking regular pigs.
Reminder the 5€/$5 discount stacks
>67% off
Not bad
Tried it out at my locals and it seems pretty fun
Evil Genius is on sale and i want to try to because of the one announced at e3 is it any good?
Can you get a free game out of the discount? Or do you have to spend it on something 10 dollars or more or something like that?
>serious sam in the JRPG section
am I missing a joke?
>AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH in Nipponese intensifies
How's Bioshock 2 remastered? I heard it crashes often
Anyone know if Little Witch Aca is worth it?
>nothing loads
It's been fifteen fucking years, gay ben, how are your servers still so shite?
Which one?
Also is the romance any good or does it even exist?
I need 9k tokens for a 5 dollar discount, how many dollars do I have to spend to get it?
Is Prey any good?
Buy Killing Floor 2.
I wanted to get Watch Dogs 2 but it had a steeper discount on Steam a week ago wtf
Why buy singleplayer games when you can just pirate them? You retarded?
Has it ever had a smaller discount than 75% during a sale this decade? They aren't even trying to be subtle any more.
the base price is $20
>want to buy Quake 4 because I lost my physical copy years ago
>want to buy a couple of old shooters that I pirated and enjoyed years ago like Timeshift, Singularity and Frontlines FoW, they're not good games or anything but I still want them
>check them on steamdb
>they literally got more expensive over the last 2 years
Well, looks like they'll sit in my wishlist forever because greedy kikes are trying to jew me again
You might get some enjoyment out of it if you like Greek stuff. Like I said, I got enough out of origins cause I really love Egyptian stuff so the Greek setting might do it for you. It wasn't bad but it's basically the exact same gameplay loop as Origins so it felt stale to me. Like the other user said though, pirate it first and see.
>an event where you can actually win free video games
wow, its like old steam again
The new one? I hated it though it seemed like something I would love. Others loved it. Iguess it depends on the level of reddit buildup in the bloodstream. Are you a zoomer? Then you are most likely not smart enough to dislike it.
The Random Encounter
they ruined the atmosphere
>Pirate Warriors 3
Is that okay on PC? I heard the PC version an awful port of the Vita version.
Which Sniper Elite is the best and why should I play it?
None, play a game you completed all achievements for 30 minutes. Therarer the better.
>doom 2016
>25% off
bit stingy lads
I never had any issues with it crashing. Although, I never actually finished it because I thought it was boring.
i have still so much shit from steam sales 5 years ago. i dont really buy games anymore
Unironically kill yourself.
they keep lowering the base price of the game so they can give it smaller discounts
Just buy it from g2a for 50% off if you're not going to pirate it
Best girl dies in the first one and you can't romance the loli twins in 4. So no, the romance isn't very good.
I think I enjoyed 3 the most. The linearity of 2 didn't mesh with the stealth gameplay they were going for, and part 4 rarely give you opportunities to use the sniper rifle.
The perfect wife for a goblin.
My goty 2017. Don't get it expecting a shooter. I liked it much better as a Shock game then Bioshock.
yeah holy shit the new layout is fucking ass
i don't get it. you would think they'd want to build hype for eternal buy giving away doom for a great price. it's been on sale for $10 before. wtf
>parkitect 20% off
guess i'm not buying anything this year, it's not even an exciting sale, it was 20% off 2 weeks ago.
It's trash
I had $50 to spend, i got
>Oblivion deluxe edition
>Lobotomy corp
>State of decay
>This war of mine
>Endless legend
r8 but no h8. I think i did good with what little money i had for this sale.
Best calibur desu
Make sure to install HD feet mod
reminder that if you pick cocks to try to get second place us Corgichads are just going to attack you until you drop to 6th place.
I've got 20 euro left. Recommend me a rpg.
I wanted to get Beat Saber but it isn't on sale. I can't remember the other games I wanted to buy either.
All of these discounts are awful
fuck this shit
I have 2k in Steam money from selling a csgo item, what should I buy? Big fan of puzzle games
jade empire
Are all prices final or is it possible that some shit that now is 20% off will be 50% off or does this sometimes happen?
Get those free points for a $5 discount
is 50% off for MH:W a good deal?
throw KoA in the fucking trash
amalur is shit
$15 here
different region i guess
torrent links
>all the big forum sites join the same team for free games
man valve really is dumb
new games might drop more
older games usually stay the same or become more expensive
Checking it out
I think i've played it already
At least give me a fucking reason
>There's a dog team
well no point in picking anything else
I might get MHW and GTAV. Is GTAV worth buying? I'll only buy it for the online. Is Elder Scrolls online playable without spending a shitton on expansions?
I'm out of work for the next 8 weeks so I was looking for an MMO to nolife into
I can't figure out how the fuck this grand prix game works, where do I see all the participating games?
so, uhh what's a good game for the sort of cunt who likes their games to have at least somewhat of a sandbox element?
I have like 7 euro in my bank and I unlocked the 5 euro discount, I am going on holidays tomorrow recommend me something to buy for that cheap please.
lmao@all these autistic fags buying games that Epic gave away for free because they sperg out at the thought of having more than one games launcher
flash sales/changing prices have been gone for like 5 years. if a game drops price its usually done very quietly by the publisher.
You mean all those people are really dumb. 1000 people from the first 3 teams will get games. The first team will be 1000 in millions. They'll have a really really low chance.
picked up this game on the last sale, uncensored and has some gameplay, any other H-games similar that are on sale now?
eh, the DLC is going to be $40, and $60 for the whole game+DLC when iceborne comes out
>At least give me a fucking reason
sure, if you're that incapable of doing research on your own, have my response from the last thread:
HOLY FUCK this game is so bad. I cannot even comprehend why anyone would wanna play it or defend it. I'm too lazy to look up when ti came out but X years later I'm still mad
>combat looks like it might be interesting but you end up spamming just 2 or 3 spells/skills no matter which build you pick
>on top of that it's mind-numbingly boring because you end up being overleveled 3 levels in and never stop
>cookie cutter story that is so embarassingly cliche, I was waiting for any twist at all but it never came
>"""content""" is just fetch quests and samey dungeons that don't contain anything worthy of consideration
It's an offline MMO with everything bad that implies. I STRONGLY urge you to really think about whether you wanna play 50 more hours of that shit within the first 2 hours, and then refund it
Not him but almalur is extremely mediocre. You can tell they wanted to make an mmo but couldn't rake in enough cash to pull it off so they settled for a single player rpg. It's vapid.
So is there any way to auto-complete all the retarded quests? I want the points to get the $5 coupon faster but fuck jumping through hoops.
UnReal World
How is Dungeon Siege? There's a bundle for the whole series at $3. Not really getting much from the screenshots besides that it's a top-down ARPG.
it is 14.99
I can't even load my wishlist
god, fucking THIS i've been waiting so FUCKing long for this game to finally be on sale holy SHIT and they still sell it for fucking £55
I didn't want any random opinion why its shit i wanted YOUR opinion on why it's shit. Thanks tho removed,
1 is great, 2 is good
3 is an abomination that needs to be cleansed from this earth
>click button button to add game to cart
>goes to blank page
this isn't limited to steam by any means, but why do merchant sites do this? like seriously you're having a huge sale and your site just is worthless to buy anything. prepare some extra servers ffs.
Divide by Sheep
A Good Snowman Is Hard To Build
dragon age origins big dick edition. i got 100 hours out of my first playthrough of single character through the main game and dlc and there's a lot of shit to do for replays.
>Visual novels
But on the other hand
>Megaman clone
I r8 8 out of 8 m8
I played the first game, it's ok. Geeat that you can get a team of npcs.
I'd buy the new dawn bundle
>no discount on Factorio
what the shit
>literally not one thing worth while on sale.
Why are you guys so keen on buying games on day 1. Let the servers unfuck themselves and do it tomorrow.
user, thats not how servers work. No matter how many servers you have, if a sudden load is put on ALL of them, they all slow to a fucking crawl. A server is like a group of people running at the same pace holding hands, if one of them slows down, everything else is forced to slow down to prevent the people are the front from burning themselves out, while the people at the back attempt to catch up.
the devs specifically stated that they are never doing a sale on their game
You're never going to get the $5 coupon without spending money because you can't convert enough points
>want to get the Portal Bundle because they're the only Orange Box games I haven't played
>the bundle just doesn't load and sends me straight back to the frontpage
Fuck's sake.
Slow and steady, boys.
Because it's not economical. They already have enough servers to offset the usual spikes, buying more just to ensure 100% availability during these initial 2 or 3 hours a year (for both big sales combined) is just too expensive. Plus, people will just buy it later anyway, it's not like they're never coming back to the store
Who wouldn't pick team corgi?
It can go either way
>let's make it cheap to get more people interested
>let's make it expensive because more people are interested
People with taste
> using epic games launcher
anyway what teams are ya'll joining
Ruiner is on gamepass. Get it for a buck
How are you liking Evenicle? Worth picking up at the current price?
>Chrono Trigger is only half off.
Fuck off SE.
>price of game cut in HALF
you can tell who the children borrowing their parent's cards are
I didn't, but regret it. My thought was "Corgis are meme dogs, I'm not picking that," when my thought should have been "Corgis are meme dogs, which means most people are going to pick them, so I should too if I want to win."
That's my plan. Now sleep.
t. newfag that doesn't know that steam sales used to be good
i chose team pig because im a vegan
Devil daggers is fucking greatIts on gamepass, should've got it for a buck
>no flash sales
>no daily deals
>not a single sale of note AGAIN
damn they sure aren't worried about Epic at all
idk, 2d games don't often do it for me
>corgi gets a big lead
>every other team uses their debuffs on corgi
>>no flash sales
>>no daily deals
It hasn't been this way for like 5 years dude
I know that steam sales used to be great. They're good now
The only thing I want is 40% off at $23.99. Will it go down any lower? It's a 3 year old game that's really not worth the regular $40 price tag.
I got it on the last sale for 50% off
I would say it is good but don't pay more than $20 for it.
>they stop doing flashsales
>a year alter I get my first job
>suddenly I don't care anymore
hi, poorfag NEET
i don't even know what a corgi is desu but dogs are the best animal
Factorio is always sold at the price it is worth.
user, steam doesnt set the sales the devs do.
In epics case, epic sets the sales and the devs don't. Which is why devs were pissed when their games were randomly 75% off during an epic sale.
Games I have selected so far:
Yakuza 0
Dead By Daylight
Mortal Kombat X
Kerbal Space Program
Darkest Dungeon
Fable TLC
Rabi Ribi
Dragon Origins
Thanks user.
Imagine paying money for a single player MMO.
thank u for the warning, this one was on my radar
>Dragon Quest XI
is killing floor 2 good now
Evenicle is a lengthy game with varied scenes and decent enough gameplay
It's worth it.
Call of duty then
Already removed it. Got any recommendation besides ATOM?
be aware that dragon age combat is pretty diceroll heavy
hows this looking Yea Forums, kinda on the fence about prey
>user, steam doesnt set the sales the devs do
hahahaha yeah all the devs banded together to stop flash sales
>want to look up gameplay footage of a game to see if I would like it/it's worth buying
>some faggot fucknuckle starts talking
Goddammit, I hate the fucking internet.
I guess I'm never paying a cent for their games then, if they're too good to be afforded by third worlders like me.
is A Hat In Time worth $15?
a corgi is a very cute dog
>Yakuza 0
worth it
this is the only answer
this is what a dumb white bitch or a nigger would say
What should I get rid of
no cards?
boi nuprey is good if you just need an "immersive sim" fix
flash sales died like 5 years ago, legit publisher partnered third party sites (which i still have no idea why people more don't use) have way better sales including flash sales.
Not really, downgrade from tales of
>Evil Genius
no. buy tropico 1 and 2 instead. much better.
do you like system shock or deus ex? then you'll like prey.
Try age of decadence.
This video explains why Dungeon Siege 1 is good.
Which Fable should I get? And is Monster Hunter worth the price?
if only they'd create some toggle that would remove sound
That's their plan, you can pirate their game all you want, you just need a valid key if you want into their official modding hub etc.
fuck off, i'm not that much of a zoomer
how's my taste?
any obscure fps i need to play?
>make videos
>don't use a mic
>nobody watches them
And that's why, user.
I'm still going to continue though.
is lobotomy corp a fun game the idea of it seems fun
publishers caught on that PC gaming isn't actually dead so now they're less keen on giving deep sales
CUTE i made the right choice
tfw 3rd worlder too
fuck them indeed
Bioshock infinite is hot garbage.
>Phoenix Wright
>Danganronpa Series
Everyone better have this on your wishlist to buy NOW.
go to sleep matthew
>reading comprehension
valve got rid off flash sales
but prices are set by publishers themselves
Whenever I tried terreria on the vita I never got far and was always bored? Is that just how it is until you get to the endgame or something?
All except doom and Bioshock
Only 3 euro so why not. Thanks.
Fable - The Lost Chapters.
I did the research and the enhanced edition is way shittier
rabi ribi reviews are massively skewed by weebs. The game is ok, but not some sort of masterpiece.
It's very fun. One of the games I spent the most time on so far this year.
Infinite is shit m8
prey is great and so is mooncrash. get both.
all of it
You automatically dismiss games because they are "2d" (despite sandbox games automatically being shallow if 3d), so I'd say you are.
d44m has a demo, play it first.
Thanks user
Is Monster Hunter World worth that price?
I havent fucked with these sales in so long, I'm guessing these discounts won't be dropping any lower than they already have?
Well, it is the best sandbox game on the market, so I think you can get over it if the gameplay matters to you at all.
Thoughts on Outward? I'll be playing alone.
Killing Floor 2 is pretty fun honestly.
Says the consolefag that has to repay for their games every single generation.
Factorio is worth every penny if you want a time sink. The mods are crazy too.
>Prey for the Gods is on sales
That game CAME OUT?
>have shitty internet
>all these fucking gifs and moving images on front page combined with increased traffic slow steam down to the fucking stone age
>By the time its loaded there's no good deals anyway
Get this shit out of here valve
I didn't like Mooncrash. Only get if you like roguelike shit.
Tfw not broke but getting mario maker 2 instead
>saying no to free games
I picked team cock.
>Nier not on sale
>2nd year in a row
What is that 5 euro discount?
I think over the years developers and steam have collected data and realized those huge sales they had years ago weren't maximizing profits. So you'll never see those again.
so, what's the official reddit team? just so i know to not choose it.
1 4 9 2 1 /9722 PTS
if the value on the right is my capacity, why is it going down as I boost?
Terraria is pretty much like Minecraft until you beat the first boss. You dig down and explore because you're too weak to explore anywhere else than directly under you. Kinda boring if you're not autistic.
Then shit starts happening.
>Have multiple "large" sales a year
>Steam fails to load for hours
Is it that Steam just refuses to upgrade their servers, or do we get so many more new "customers" between sales that the previous upgrade was useless?
Are the sexy scenes animated, or are they static ecchi images? I was sort of interested in it because the art is by Yaegashi Nan, and it's probably as close as I'll get to naked senrans.
are there any games you can compare it too in terms of gameplay?
Do not listen to the other user. Steins;Gate is fully worth your money as is Chaos;Child.
You should have learned your lesson and buy it during some other sale
i stopped caring about steam sales for the most part when they got rid of all the fun stuff. when it's the same from beggining to end it honestly doesn't feel much different from normal weekday sales, and most of the deals aren't much better either.
>tfw bought blood: fresh supply yesterday when it was $10
today is the day i'm gonna end it.
Thats not how servers work you dumb fuck. Stop crying and just fucking wait
I love Natsuki!
Good game overall but a poor entry into the MH franchise. More emphasis on the hunting and theatrics than grindan, which pisses off a lot of fans, but it's still enjoyable.
Thanks for the info.
Yakuza 0 it is
Yeah I thought so, most weeb games are.
Pic related.
>waste money massively upgrading their servers to weather a 5 hour chimp out a couple times a year
Yeah no company does that.
>so that I can't hear the sound coming from the video game
Yeah, fucking brilliant, guy.
Why would you spend a huge amount of money upgrading servers for a couple hours over the entire year?
Why would you buy anything when you know the sale is the next day
The beginning of a sale is a massive spike of activity far greater than at any other time.
Not worth it to spend millions on new server hardware and more bandwidth for just a couple hours a year.
this is literally why refunds exist you wimp
You can refund games if you bought them less than 2 weeks ago or played less than 2hrs.
some of the deals are actually worse than usual weekday stuff
risk of rain 2 isn't on sale but if anyone wants to save a couple bucks on it i'll trade the copy in my inventory for my friend pedro or amid evil
Dead by Daylight is pretty unbalanced.
KSP is unfinished.
Banished is a very casual sandbox game
Other than that your choices are solid.
Is Insurgency Sandstorm still shit?
>here are your casual 43k points for being an achievement whore
t-thanks Gabe, I'll take your free games
Katana ZERO 9 eurodollars, should i?
Minecraft was great because it was really comfy and just building stuff you with your friends and exploring in a 3d enviornment was really cool. Terreria never did that, but I always felt like if I just hanged in there, something cool will eventually happen.
hard reset is a cheap and nice little fps game
Just refund it. Did that with Hat in Time in minutes
“WTF THESE SALES SUCK THERES NOTHING GOOD” says the guy who’s been in every sale thread for the past 10 years
heh... nothing personnel....
i believe they mentioned if steam is ever to go down they would open a window of time for you to download the games you own, as in drmfree
>Atelier not on sale
>Nier Automata not on sale
Typical Jew Enix and Koei Tecmo
>Yakuza 0
Trust me user after playing Yakuza 0 you will easily want to buy Kiwami 1 and 2. That series is highly addictive.
it's obviously rigged for torties
>click purchase button
>50% chance the site will break
should i do it lads?
Yes, I've played several hours of factorio and I was ready to officiate the matrimony and get convenient patches and mod access, but they'd have to meet me halfway
I just want a wishlist game for free whiteboi.
>not choosing team hare
It's like you assholes have never heard the fable of the tortoise and the hare. They were supposed to race each other, and everyone assumed the tortoise would lose. The hare was so confident he would win, that he fucked off from the race to bang chicks. In the end, the tortoise won the race, but nobody cared, because the hare won at life.
what's the official Yea Forums team?
Elite Dangerous is is 70% off
>click on Metal Gear franchise on main page
>the list does not contain Survive
based gaben
>people can stack their £5 discounts
>it won't let me
what the fuck is this gaben
Yeah, which is why so many mp games are shit when they come out.
Just download a crack for them
Go pay for online 3 times consolefag
Guys, I need help!
Astroneer or Risk of Rain 2?
Katana ZERO is fucking amazing and everybody should play it.
They are not animated.
They are still really good.
Why are the current reviews for Elite Dangerous so bad? People seemed to love that game at launch, and I was looking for something to play with a HOTAS.
Just wait, user. The sale's gonna be the same until it ends anyway.
>You can refund games if you bought them less than 2 weeks ago and played less than 2hrs.
I was so close to buying Dead by Daylight until this weekend when it was free to play and I realized you only get 4 hunters and 3 survivors on the base game and you'd have to buy shittons of DLC to get anything else.
even if atelier goes on sale it's going to be a useless discount as usual. dump it on your wishlist and hope you're one of the 1/9999999 people who wins something.
are the "attacks" going to be strong enough to counter the corgi or should I just go team reddit
So you either try to luck out as one of the 1000 or try to luck out and pick another top 3 team and then luck out again trying to be one of the 1000. It's a crapshoot either way.
prey has denuvo in case you don't want to support it
i also like roguelites (nuclear throne is one of my top favorite games)
S;G is really really enjoyable but avoid 0 unless you're truly a fan of the series.
>No sale for Nier Automata
Fucking SE literally jews
I imagine there are a lot of lost sales because of this.
Kingdom Come worth it? Want a comfy RPG with forests I can wander in, was also considering Oblivion so I can spend the whole day looking at mods
I wonder what this little cuckold is saying.
you can buy all the non-licensed characters via the ingame currency
it's a bit grinding, but welp
Does the Humble Monthly drop before the sale ends?
Buy Katamari Damacy you fucking faggots.
What team i Yea Forums in?
with which team will i get free gaems?
don't open pic if epilepsy or tripping
Steins;Kino is always worth it
Yes you need to play DUSK and MEDI EVIl
I didn't realize we were supposed to defend this now.
risky rain just got a content update and there is more to come, astroneer is basically finished and abandoned
How does STEEP compare to the old SSX games?
Most people just try again later; it's not like they're going to uninstall Steam over this
Usually no. They always time the monthlies to drop as soon as it's over.
You're supposed to make the something cool happen by exploring nigger. It's not like Minecraft in which the world is completely empty and the most exciting thing is finding diamonds, there's shit to find and events to trigger.
Ham team, best team
knight has more enemies during combat and the best city traversal in the series with the new grapple gun and the way flight works but city has a better story, better stealth imo in some ways (I don't like the fear system vs the old double takedowns of city), and actual boss fights (i havent played the knight dlc so idk how that is). knight also forces you to use the batmobile a bit too much and it gets annoying
Wait, that's on Steam?!
Holy shit, did a neural network edit this webm?
cute dog. corgi is in the lead right now but that also makes them the biggest target, if you want to be safe pick second place.
you can hire servers service
considering a lot of people get hyped at the beginning and most likely will spend a lot at the start, it might be worth it.
Reminder that the top 3 teams get raffled into the free games. The more people on your team, the less likely you'll win a game, which means it's better to choose the team who'll be 2nd or 3rd.
Yes, both the full July monthly and the August early unlocks
Steins;Gate is great as is XCOM. I would also recommend Phoenix Wright and Danganronpa if you also like detective stuff.
i trust you mane, don't fuck me over
I wouldn't touch Banished. Bought it, put in 40 hours. "solved" it pretty quickly, so I tried hunting some of the more autistic achievements, definitely not entertaining at that point.
Rabi-Ribi and Darkest Dungeon are fantastic. You could easily put in 50 hours in to each. Never touched Fable TLC, but the original 3 were fun so might be worth it. No idea about the rest of that list personally.
Cock. Reddit picked corgi, obviously.
yeah but not enough to warrant the cost of increasing the load the store can bear.
Fun but overpriced
Dusk is a bit pricey but very worth if you like old Doom/Quake at all. It's a great homage while actually being a good game too.
I'll just add things to my basket and see.
Did the Portal Bundle get taken off the store?
Trying to load it just returned me to the front page, and now it doesn't appear on my searches.
meant for instead of myself
why not both?
don't talk back to your masters or I'll have you put in a camp
I have a better chance at being one of the 1000 if my team doesn't contain millions upon millions of redditors.
we truly live in the worst timeline
No, but believe me people will forget about it or feel less impulsed to buy because of waiting to buy. It forces people to really think about what they are buying and they will probably drop a few games they were considering. Based Gabe for helping consumers think about their purchasing decisions.
Rabi Ribi is garbage. Don't believe the weebs.
Too much?
Also should I just wait for the Christmas Sale for FFXII? I've already got some big rpgs on my backlog, but I've always been interested in XII for some reason.
Also should I just grab KOTOR2 now or finish 1 first?
It was corgi, but then reddit picked corgi so now we hate corgi.
Play killing floor 2 as a beserker with the electric fists, you won't regret it
Waiting on you, "Personal niche recommendations" user
oh wow did you miss the giveaway when it was free?
don't buy infinite
Glad to know I wasn't the only one who immediately went with the Cock.
Comfiness is the #1 thing that Kingdom Come will give you. The game feels like it trys to force you along, but if you can find moments to wander, it is extremely comfy. This is especially true of hunting in the woods. The woods are great.
I would've imagined they'd at least try to do something special and try to keep their spot secure, instead of letting a competitor make strides unchallenged.
see dude, Steam at least organises the flash sales. If flash sales have stopped, does that mean every single publisher collectively rejected them or that one group stopped organising them?
I am a poorfag
drop total warhammer