Isn't it funny how DOTA never managed to reach LoL in quality or popularity and the same thing is happening again with autochess?
Isn't it funny how DOTA never managed to reach LoL in quality or popularity and the same thing is happening again with autochess?
valve cant make games
So games that mostly play themselves are all the new zoomer rage?
it's like they're watching twitch
this actually looks pretty fun, it's coming out tomorrow on live servers
have fun in your adobe air client with your queue system and 2002 web browser game graphics and sound quality u dweeb
>this looks fun
New? Cookie Clicker is six years old.
League is what crossfire is to counter-strike you chinese copycat
but nobody outside of Yea Forums gave a shit. This autochess shit has been gaining steam for a while now
I guess this is what it means to be old. I just don't get it.
Go back to pokemon threads.
sorry for being intrigued to try out a new genre of game
>too stupid to get into tactics games
It's okay, they're already making a new Zelda game for you
As someone who only played dota [spoilers] and hots, but that doesnt count [/spoilers] i can safely say TFT looks way better, at least from videos. Does it have its own client or is it baked into lol?
you are literally arguing for MOBAs lmao
calling this chess cant be farther from the truth lmao
what's with you defensive zoomers and Nintendo? Why is that where your mind goes instantly?
baked in to league's terrible client
I’d take being the second most popular game over kpop and waifus desu. That shit is cancer.
Yeah, no. I play actual "tactics" games, not retarded zoomer phone-tier automated games.
>further shitposting
Ah, okay. Bing bing etc.
shame, would have tried it if it was standalone, dont care enough to download the entire lol client
>he thinks this is tactical or requires anything approximating skill
slapping the name chess on it drew you tards in hook line and sinker, huh?
MOBAs are literally that, they're RTS for people who cannot multitask
>grand snoozefests
thats fair enough
>no actual point to make
like clockwork. Keep calling it "chess" to try to make it seem like there's any kind of skill or mastery involved
>I play actual "tactics" games not automated games
>posts goy4
tomorrow is the day underlords becomes shartifact 2.0
>not tactical because it's boring XD
>automated games
>tactical and not boring
the mind of a zoomer is a hellscape
Even the worst Zelda games are legitimately more thought-provoking than any form of Auto Chess.
>have to land skillshots
>have to learn cooldowns
>have to play as a team
>have to know how to counter-build
>spawn best units
>select them all
>attack move them to enemy base
And don't > at me, that's literally how every competitive RTS is played, BW and AoE2 especially.
way to go, mustards. This shit is even less of a game than Snoy movie games.
>kpop and waifus
But that's the only good things about League!
its just a card game with slightly different presentation
you definitely are getting old if you were unable to discern this at first glance
only the chinks are calling it chess, and it was only called auto "chess" because it's on a chess board and the ranks are chess themed
BOTW isn't, and it's hardly the worst Zelda game yet.
No, cookie clicker and idle games got pretty big.
>t.someone who would be hard stuck in bronze if he ever played LoL/DOTA
Underlords is better
This looks like unpolished garbage.
>people hard shilling this
>people defending ASSFAGGOTS in this thread
video games are doomed's not a card game.
it's an over simplified randomized almost tower defense like game.
It is shit but it's better than mobas, that's why people play them.
It's better to play autochess rather than playing LoL or Dota2 and having to deal with a team of litteral 12 yo.
Must be tough fitting in these days, huh zoomzoom? MOBAs are boomer genre, people were playing them when you were still sucking your moms tit.
Haven't tried the LoL one yet, what are the main differences with Underlords?
its not a mobile game
I played the actual Aeons of Strike you retarded "sekrit klub" nigger.
That doesn't change the fact that ASSFAGGOTS are for gays and children.
it has more zoomer and normie hyper, thats it
>MOBAs are "boomer genre"
holy fuck get the fuck out you LARPing 16 year old
Hey since this is a thread made by the actual Rioters as a promo for the new mode (it's very obvious). Can you say if we'll get Pool Party skins this year and if one of them is Graves tier hot man?
Fucking this, RTS shitters btfo. No longer can you lan with the boys having fun with cool armies, its all optimized strongest boys versus eachother with 150 APM. At least in Mobas I can pick my best boi and HAVE FUN.
zoomzoom mad?
Hexes instead of squares, "competitive" drafting of sorts.
Learn to micro, pleb.
>retarded 16 year old calling other people zoomers for not liking his ADD ASSFAGGOTS game
>Learn to micro
So korean BW pros need to learn to micro as well? Only reason people even watch SC these days is due to Tastosis banter, you know it's true.
That wasn't meant to complement Zelda, it was meant to shit on Auto Chess.
The fact that you didn't pick up on that immediately tells me that you're the audience for Auto Chess.
does lol still make you grind for stupid runes and stuff?
only thing I hated about it over dota
>lol :)
>kneejerk laughing picrelated
Got a bingo. What did I win?
>DOTA never managed to reach LoL in quality
Stopped reading there. Fuck off, Chinese bugman. DOTKA isn't a good game, but it's a billion times better than league of normies.
champions not runes anymore
That’s kind of my point. Games like LoL and OW just shit out these things that appeal to money-wasting casuals instead of actually making their game’s interesting or...good
hopefully a bullet to the head
I think that's the most generic marketing music I ever heard
like a parody
why do they do that
just play some background video game music something at least
>phone games are now creeping on to platforms
truly, the darkest timeline
LoL gameplay is dogshit spammy particle effects that deal damage. Almost 0 creativity in design bar few special characters like Yasuo.
LoL is carried by being first and having good art.
Valve is terrible at art. Dota is ugly as sin.
>good art
Sure as shit isn’t in the ugly ass game itself
>Create a mod for your favourite game
>Create game based upon a mod
>Everyone and their mom is creating copies of your mod and game
I kinda feel sad for auto chess chinks
>Higher skillcap
>More impactful abilities
>Denying, neutral stacking
>Terrain elevation
>Status effects longer than a second or two
>Largest prize pools in esports history
>Custom games (which spawned an entire new genre of videogames: auto chess)
>Objectively better client
>Objectively better engine
>Complex interactions between abilities
>Diverse strategies
>Not owned by Tencent
>Stopped reading there.
Hurt your feelies, Ivan?
Good to see RTS genre backing up to life.
How's the shilling going, Wu Long? Your game must really be dying, to have to resort to begging for players on a tibetan basket weaving forum.
>terrain elevation
This is the big thing that no one ever takes the time to mention. Terrain elevation is fucking huge and adds so much to the game. It drives me nuts that people praised smite for it’s perspective when it did nothing to take advantage of it and locked you to one of several flat planes
>Higher skillcap
>More impactful abilities
You mean spammable abilities that ensure dozens kills in every game for every player. LoL got a mode like that too, called URF. It's what retards play.
>Objectively better engine
Source? LOL
Go drink some vodka, beat your wife to death and relax, Michail.
>skillcap ... status effects
does not automatically make dota a better game
irrelevant to the game's quality
>custom games
irrelevant if you're comparing dota vs LoL
>better client
sure, but again nothing to do with gameplay
>better engine
neither game has any significant issues running, this is irrelevant
>interactions between abilities
not exclusive to dota
>not owned by tencent
only valid point on here not
No mobile.
He clearly meant things like Blackhole or Chrono, but I understand big, interesting abilities might hurt your little lolbabby brain
Do you really believe dota has more spam then league, i mean come on dude.
>ignored all the objective points having to do with gameplay
really actives my almonds
>I like playing low skill cap casual shit
So go play a mobile game while taking a shit, and leave the big boys to talk about actual videogames.
Spoilers: Neither will die, both will be popular
yeah, just like artifact lived together with hearthstone
Artifact performed poorly because it attempted to be radically different. Underlords and TFT are near identical to each other, and they're both near identical to auto chess.
Valve hasn't made a good game in a long time. Underlords feels amateur compared to TFT which is ironic considering the dev team for TFT is tiny.
>if a game isn't THIS complex it's casual shit
explain why league is casual without comparing it to dota.
he's so disgusting, i bet he fucking stinks, fat fuck
no, it's more accessible to casuals than ever
>client, engine
na, lol runs and looks nicer
>Spam everything 24/7 with barely any manage issues
>Very rigid game structure, just have to follow what the man on youtube told you and everything will turn out okay
>Dying is not impactful
>Positioning is not important
>Even Stacy can play the game without feeling like the stupid cunt that she is
>Mechanics have baby-tier complexity
every single point was wrong, impressive
League of Legends was too hard to play so they invent this shit.
White women do the same shit. All 3D women look like whores. I would rather fuck a trap than actual women.
still have to grind to lvl 30 to play ranked
have better ways to waste time than that
>lol runs and looks nicer
Objectively false. The water effects alone blow the fuck out of anything in league of tencent.
name three women who were born women and are in challenger.
That was such a blatant falsehood I wasn’t even going to reply. No one can be stupid enough to think LoL runs better, right?
you have no business playing ranked without at least that much experience. i'd make it level 50 personally.
subjectively it looks nicer imo, and objectively i get like 300 fps in league and it never stutters, dota runs worse
>but nobody outside of Yea Forums gave a shit.
You should get outside of Yea Forums more often. Cookie Clicker was very popular.
Every zoomer I know plays Goy4 try harder retard
I'm max rank in dotka underlords while I had fun at the beginning there wasn't enough room to fuck around in the game. I couldn't do big plays or anything cool. Your HP doesn't matter at all since it's just a timer for x rounds that allows you to reroll until you win or die. You can lose in the beginning on purpose just to greed the perfect team. TFT can't be any better but I might try it
Can't wait, underlords is incredibly unbalanced and vulva still hasn't released a balance patch.
>people still under the impression that auto chess just plays itself and takes no skill whatsoever
i might be a brainlet but you guys manage to be even dumber
It's a card drafting game sir
I don't understand this autochess trend. Isn't the game even more RNG reliant than TCGs?
Why is this becoming so popular?
try it and see for yourself, it's free
Riot continues to produce shallow versions of dota related software to distract from their company's sexual harassment allegations
dam bruh you just posted cringe
piss off sjw
>try it
I still don't understand the trend. Isn't the game even more RNG reliant than TCGs?
Why is this becoming so popular?
twitch marketing
yeah haha imagine playing a game around managing raw rng and luck it’ll never work
can you imagine people building entire buildings or even cities in nevada for this sort of thing haha what idiots
>i have more fps in it therefore its a better game
dota = boomer
lol = zoomer
its cause they hit the windows constantly and shit themselves when their necks snap
>tactics game
rng with shiny effects
who are you quoting
It's RNG in the way something like poker or mahjong is (hell, it's less because if you do you're economy right you can basically roll as much as you want). People good at making the right call consistently finish in the top spots.
nobody said that, retard
For once I think Underlords is a bit better than TFT, but probably not for long since the things that are shit in TFT is just RNG for the 3 1st rounds, and also not displaying synergies on the buy pieces panel.
The only reason casinos and gambling are successful at all in any way shape or form imaginable, is solely due to money, bets, and potential prices being involved.
If you stripped the casinos of all the money involvement, then casinos would die overnight. People wouldn't attend them to play casino games just for the joy of it. They're shit games.
Underlords would have a shot if it was even remotely balanced, or if the community trusted valve at all to get it balanced. In high rank games I see exactly 1 endgame build ever win.
Why do zoomers need to always "pick a side". They can't just like a game or dislike like a game.
Dota 2 is much better than LoL, but TFT seems to be better than Underlords.
>Riot took your shitty mod and made it playable, fun and successful 10 years ago
>They do it again
Dotards seething
Yeah but same for TFT user. it's 1 build on 2 variation, same with dota.
looks like a game to waste hundreds of precious hours of your life and waste hundreds of dollars on microtransactions. it's not a game, it's a cash grab like almost all multiplayer games nowadays.
>TFT seems to be better than Underlords
As of right now TFT is worse than Underlords due to how stupid the item RNG is.
Feels absolutely retarded that somebody can have like 6 basic items at the game starts, whereas I end up with none just purely through RNG.
It's not enough that I win. Someone else needs to lose.
When your fucking developers nerf a hero because people are playing them in unconventional ways because they believe the hero should be played a certain way then its a shit game.
agreed, but that last post was bullshit. there's plenty of real reasons to hate league, why make up fake ones
LoL looks ugly as fuck and the 'new' perspective and graphics makes me nauseous. I also feel "locked" while playing it since in Dota 2 you can take control of summons and illusions.
Is there any LoL character that is close to Zet (Arc Warden)? And can you actually control the clone?
i don't play dota but you could control annies bear since the fucking game released, and shaco clone too
>riot removed couriers in lol, kept them in tft
>valve kept couriers in DotA 2, but removed then in underlords
>riot kept rng loot in tft
>valve reduced rng drops in underlords
wtf am I in bizarro world?
if you're logged out of youtube you get pedo shit recommended, this is known.
Who even watches it honestly
there are aspects of his kit you can find on different champions, but you won't find anything as advanced as his ult. The extent of multi-unit control is movement, you can't cast another unit's abilities.
>It's fucking real
nvm it's like that even for me, wtf YouTube is so fucked
youtube algorithms everyone
remember when you could literally find childporn on youtube by making a new account on a new IP and looking for bikini videos
no i don't, kys pedo
Stupid fucking children.
what fhe fuck are these views? who? why? what?!
>child screaming
>parent gives ipad
>video designed to lure children does exactly that
>left on autoplay for hours
>ipad is now babysitter
3-6 year olds on the Youtube Kids app. On repeat. Nightly.
the views are from kids that just tap and watch random colorful videos with their parent's smartphone for hours so that their parents dont have to deal with them
a lot of it is pedophilic priming/programming, youtube is compromised by the elite pedo rings, if you actually look at the vids they're often bizarre and unsettling, look up elsagate
>>left on autoplay for hours
>>kid puts tablet/phone down after 15 minutes to go play with megablocks and barbies while app is playing to no one in the background as white noise
>>app continues to cycle through videos via algorithms and automation
>>jews writing out monthly checks to amateurs on a platform that hinges on angel investing thinking they're shaping the minds of the next generation of consumers when they're actually losing to old-timey wooden shit
league is just waifubait and pandering, what a surprise they are winning
>phone game
>not on phones
Reverse Blizzard.
>spammable abilities
that's a good way to out yourself as a lolbaby that never played dota
fuck me, if this shit makes it big we will get even shittier versions of it for years to come in the hopes of capitalizing on it on mobile and pc at the same time
>why league is casual without comparing it to dota
easy, it's one of the most popular games in the world
>not spamming your stun as Sven to kill creeps so you don't have any mana for AM to burn
wut r u a n00b?
exactly, you don't play dota
was just answering your question you autist
then we agree, dota is also casual.
wasn't my question but you don't play dota so you don't understand what controling other units means (protip: it's not just pointing where they're supposed to move)
movement is a form of control retard
a lot less but yes
sounds awful. desu the turning radius made me drop the game 30 seconds in, shit's cancer, i like the fast paced autism of league, it's snappier
it's not some gradient, dota is casual because it's one of the most popular games in the world.
lol you people are fucking predictable
yes, but you're comparing a game where you have two characters that can command another unit to move in a direction to every hero having the ability to have a creep with its own usable abillities, controllable illusions from an item or a rune, a hero that's 5 separate heroes with independent cooldowns and hp/mp, another that can summon a copy of itself that can use all the abillities and items of the original, sylla bear which is basically a second hero with his own items countless other summons, a bunch of illusion based heroes, two heroes that can control multiple jungle creeps, brewmaster who splits into three little pandas each with their own abillities
my point is you're aretard if you think these two are comparable
I'm not comparing shit, and I'm not the guy you even originally replied to.
If you think movement does not constitute control then units in RTS games without abilities are not under your control.
I hope this spawns more clones, I want an Auto Chess game based on an IP I actually care about.
>Isn't it funny how DOTA never managed to reach LoL in quality
rofl what banal bait
Not really, it's common for pleb things to be more popular.
>It says tactics in the title
That means it's highly tactical right?
>adobe air client
what's it like back there in 2009?
>DOTA never managed to reach LoL in quality
Early Dota 2 was so much better than League it was pathetic to even compare them.
Valve beat them to mobile, and likely Riot won't be putting out a mobile version for awhile. They still haven't made a mobile LoL yet despite Tencent and other companies ripping them off. Tencent also is shutting down Arena of Valor to do a League mobile themselves because they need the brand.
I also feel like League's client would make it hard to do crossplay well. That shit locks up just flipping through the tabs on the collection or store
Yeah like Dwarf Fortress
Will LoL make a seperate game entirely for TFT like Dota did for Underlords?
unless someone picks you best boi's hard counter.
I'm loving this so much, you have no idea
I already know dotards are going to screech about it for the decade to come, I can't wait to browse all those 'lol vs dota' threads and see them foaming at the mouth for another six or seven years hahaha
How did Riot and Valve do it again? Former shits out a game that looks like a chink ripoff but gets the biggest zoomer hype
Latter is actually the better game but less popular
if it was better it would be more popular though
twitch shills and riotdrones
Pcbros aren't what they used to be some years ago.
>click 3 times
>wait 60 seconds
what exactly is the appeal of this """genre"""?
>ASSFAGGOTS gacha clicker
Please kill yourself.
>valve_drones is filtered
That's news to me.
I think in this case the roles are reversed. Valve shat out an unpolished Auto Chess version with an ugly UI and major balance issues while League's version just looks more polished. Being the more popular game and having character designs that cater to Zoomers more helps of course.
it still looks like a flash game from 2009 just like league as a whole
I guess it's for the players that lack the mechanical skills to grow, but like the strategic aspect and want to prioritize it?
why did football manager do so well for so long?
why do fifa games even sell?
why don't people just play football?
you tell me
TFT is mostly going to be successful because Valve fucked up royally and did a bunchof minor changes to autochess that completely unbalanced the game and made the whole thing boring (corner camping kotl 1 shots everything with no counter except hoping your corner camping kotl 1 shots the other guy first)
kotl giv me mana
you can talk to chat and not miss out on anything
Me cast annex spell!
Me am paint map my color!
Unga me smart bunga!
>why don't people just play football?
Because even if they were fit enough for sports scheduling a group of people to play a game regularly is already a fucking pain in the ass once you're out of highschool.
Not helping yourself there chief.
>newfags shitting on auto chess having never played dwarf fortress
You faggots never learned how to have actual fun.
The lack of polish and absolutely abysmal presentation killed it for me. Dota 2 prides itself on the fucking huge library of voice lines, and what does Valve do? Have less fucking voice lines than the mod version. The shitty bleak dungeon aethestic, awful soundtrack, and mobile tier graphical fidelity just seal the deal.TFT is just more polished, and it even brings its own spin to the formula. Draft pick, and getting higher priority pick the worse you do, are an actual come back mechanic.
is this fucking garbage going to be the new battle royale? what the fuck is wrong with you chinks, at least br and zombie survival and all those other fads had GAMEPLAY in them
Seriously? Why isn't this shit on mobile devices?
Hopefully these autobattlers do BR what mobas did to brown and bloom shooters. Fucking sick of you zoomers and your piece of shit genre. I'd welcome anything killing BR.
Because it's not even out yet.
Except it was aeon of strife...
are you retarded?
i played both i was 5k in dota and gave up lol without reaching ranked
i hope you enjoyed reading my blog
>valve cant make games
>Map painter simulators are great examples of "Tactics"
Maybe if you're playing with other people.
But Underlords is on mobile, as is the original Auto Chess. It's also a mobile game.
So I ask again, why isn't this shit on mobile devices?
Because it's not even out yet.
When TFT is on the official client with ranked available (1-2 patches from now) It will dominate the market, mark my words and screencaps this
>tfw boomer but still like these
sorry you're all jaded losers no one likes
zoomer? r u drunk? clicker / spec style games are ancient
>Friend thinks they're good at games
>Mostly play FPS
>They try League
>They get smashed so hard they can't keep their emotions in check and quit the same day
What is it about dying in League that crushes peoples hearts so badly? I've never seen it in other games. It's something unique to this game.
fuck srsly? i was about to try it but whatever i guess
MOBAs reward strategy, cooperation, reaction time, and being bold
RTS rewards autism, strategy, micromanaging, and multitasking
there is cross over obviously
right but the white women weighs 500 pounds and yells "If YOu cANt haANDLe me At mY woRST you DoNT deSeRvE mE AT My beST!" while the asian women says "It's nice to meet you! Sure, lets get a coffee :)"
but yah the hottest white bitches are hotter than the hottest asians, I'll give you that
>implying anyone with a brain thinks otherwise
it's hard to tell why you died. takes thousands of hours to really understand what exactly went wrong.
funny troll but platformers, puzzles, and IRL sports are obviously the only boomer tier games
Its because of the length of a game, if you make a simple mistake you have to suck shit over it for the next half an hour.
so because it's harder to understand why you died it's more frustrating? interesting, yah that makes sense.
It's not about age, it's about IQ. Yours is low.
and what said. you fuck up something early, and you suck it up for a long ass time, unless the enemy fucks up and throws the advantage
I've never played a riot game but the monetization on this seems dumb as hell. The avatar things aren't even good enough for me to be invested in their skins if I could just buy them, I'm damn sure not sinking money into random loot boxes to get a skin 3 times so it can 'level up'.
Like, I can see that shit working for the moba because it seemingly goes all in on the waifu factor, but come on.
Wow it's almost as if the game is still being developed and is in Beta!
>game takes place more in the head than on the keyboard
>low iq
You probably should at least play a game and get last place before your spout your shit everywhere.
It's definitely true that when you fall behind in a MOBA you're often behind and underpowered all game. The same could be said about RTS though, if you fail to expand early on you've effectively lost - and to a new player that won't be apparent.
Snowballing that kills all semblance of balance in first two minutes of the match so you have to autistically farm like a bitch for 20 more minutes to make the game fair.
Artificially extended match length.
Extensive game knowledge is more important than mechanical skill or strategy.
you're not the target audience. The monetization model will make bank off the hordes of retards who eat that shit up.
Why are you so insecure about your intelligence? Did your dad call you dumb as a kid or something?
In most games I can look at my loss as a lack of skill on my part and something to improve upon. A lot of times League isn't like that and you're stuck in a losing situation because of your picks/teams fuckups.
They definitely konw how to advertise. I bet there are people in this very thread who watched and went, damn that looks pretty fun. You've literally been emotionally manipulated into playing thier game, yikes. Get some mental fortitude you fucking faggot, the game is trash.
Is tft out yet? I've been practicing in underlords and I wanna try it out before I make a decision to stick with this tactical gacha bullshit
Sometime early tomorrow assuming you're in the US
Who are you quoting, nigger? ASSFAGGOTS are existing since I was in school and they were always shit for braindead degenerates, nothing changed.
>You probably should at least play a game
Fuck off, shill. Pic related.
Its a card game with animated battles. Does poker play itself too now? I get it, its streamerbait shit but stop calling everything zoomer for the dumbest reasons.
>zoomer fad
Every streamer who plays it is a 30 year old boomer
Why are some random champions using skins while others aren't? Draven and Vayne for example
Are they even going to implement skins into the mode? Would be retarded if you couldn't use yours
I have no idea why some Champions are using skins while others aren't. However they already said they aren't implementing the skins you bought for this mode.
Of course they will. With League as a main game people people mostly buy skins for their mains champs, the ones they use in ranked. Now all the casuals that don't play ranked have a mode where every skin is useful, it'll be a huge gain in profits.
>However they already said they aren't implementing the skins you bought for this mode.
Okay, that is just genuinely retarded if true, I mean they'd also kill their own monetization with it
>blobbing simulator
>actual "tactics"
Apparently different skins will also have different attributes given to them
That's why you're meant to buy little legends skins instead