Steam Summer Sale

What are you picking up?

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Other urls found in this thread:

not etika ;_;

nothing because the fucking store is fucked as is always the case with these fucking sales

a 502 bad gateway error

what team to pick?
I want to win, I never won in any team at steam
should I just pick whatever reddit picked?

this sadly

Epic store is up

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no it's not

If VC4 isn't on sale with the DLC I'm pirating it.

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this happens every single fucking year

why the fuck haven't they fixed it yet?

store wont fucking load

I don't know because I can't even look at my wishlist. Can anyone tell me the prices for Nier: Automata and KoF XIV?

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This is epic

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Might get the Kingmaker DLC, might get some CYOA, dunno. I'll need to see the prices to judge. I'm in a fairly spendy mood but there's also not a whole lot I'm worked up for so it's a bit odd.

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because gabe wont waste money on new fucking servers to support more traffic to his fucking store when it happens just twice a year

thye dont thave any money

Wishlist thread? Haven't had a chance to use Steam in a while due to work.
>pic from before the sale
Mine loaded for like a minute and I got a chance to see a couple deals on my wishlist. La Maluna was like 67% off.

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it is

like 60 off

can't go wrong with dusk and amid evil - they're in a bundle where you can save a little more getting both at the same time as a heads up

Instead of having the prices slowly update over 2 hours, I guess they figured that they might as well bring the whole shit down.

Good decisions. Better than listening to that constant whining about how game x isn't discounted.

>buying games when you can get them for free

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An Epic account, because steam and this sale is fucked as usual.

>no flash sales

i'm gonna buy Sekiro if it gets a good discount

there haven't been flash sales for years, why would you expect them now?

>not getting blood bowl 2 and playing in the Yea Forums league

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It's 48$

installers take up space and I'm too lazy


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is Rage 2 50% off yet?

remember when they "fixed it" by caching it just a little too hard and showing everyone some unfortunate BR's account?

FF7, once the damn store feels like functioning.

How the fuck is this STILL a problem?

>black screen

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100% off on torrents brah
Tim Sweeney already paid for your copy

>sticky for a dead nigger
>no sticky for summer sale
fuck this shitty board

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>Barely anything more than 50% off
>Mostly just 10% """sales"""

wow it's literally fucking nothing
steam sales are dead

Any good weebshit on sale?

it's a containment thread based retard


>steam still goes down at the start of a sale
Really nigga

This is a Nintendo board cuck

You can't legally buy niggers anymore.

have you played Catacombs of the Undercity (CYOA like fighting Fantasy). Humble bundle has a few that are not on steam too

Probably not worth fixing all that shit for a couple of hours of downtime a year.

>steam sales are dead
You say that like anyone else is offering better deals. Resellers killed good deals, even Humble is garbage now

Nah, gonna wait for 30$

So when it's launching?

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Why would they?
The store is unusable for like an hour and then works fine for the entire sale.
It would be pointless to invest in better servers for a single hour a year.

I prefer to own/have control over my games, so nothing

you better fucking go team cockatiel

This. REEEEE its my birthday and they don't want me to splurge on vidya.

weirdly relieved

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this is the longest its been down that I can remember

how do your servers get WORSE, you fat fuck?

it's steam sale culture now for it to happen

I don't even have any games that I want anymore. Sales lose all their charm when there's no good games in the first place.

I'm in

What game you want me to check?

>another steam sale
>still never played games I bought years ago
Any input on my backlog? I have way more but these are the ones I'm most interested in

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>all these kids complaining about the store being down
Was your newfag containment thread intentional, OP?

Shit's down, yo.

With the amount of shovelware someone should make that as a joke game.

>each fucking year the sales exceed valve's expectations
it's no good epic bros.......

don't forget to buy the GOTY

>you have received 4000 tokens from previous steam spend
>current token balance: 0
rectify this discrepancy, gabriel

up now for me

>30 minutes
2 years ago the store went down for like 2-3 hours

no one cares about your username you insecure lil twat

Is the original Insurgency still alive?

sims 3

Neverending nightmare

inb4 pleb, I'm buying games for my upcoming acid trip

Well it's your fucking lucky day friend


My wishlist loaded at least.
Void Bastards isn't on sale, gay.
Kenshi got a 20 percent off (better than nothing, I guess)
Elex is 60 percent off.

you better pick team cock you fucks

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RIME shouldn't be too long.

Hitman is fantastic and has untold hours of fun waiting for you

I have what i want

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Team COCK reporting in

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oh shit is out already?
is it based on the mobile version this time?
cause the pc version of one was almost a shitty web game while the cellphone version was professional as fuck

How to earn Grand Prix shit

Just got Dusk, after some in-game tweaking of the graphics it's pretty fucking awesome. Only a couple stages in and the ambient music is pretty good but I don't care too much for the big battle music, I'm more of a house/techno guy and wish there could be a more System Shock 2 sort of Dusk.

Regardless this is a good game.

>FF7 only 20% off
Fucking SE being kikes.

ugh picking up dead nigger

it was up long enough for me to put one item in cart and now its down again ;_;

What are the teams?

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The NBA and the NFL do it all the time, though.

>Cuphead still just -15% 2 years after release

Nothing because im broke af rn, i hope you anons will enjoy your new games

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Man I was really hoping for a discount on Dragon Quest XI. Other than that I'll definitely be getting Dragon's Dogma and Slay the Spire, might pick up Soul Calibur VI too

only the front page will load for me now


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Nothing. Site won't load.

75% off


Not for long you aren't


Yea Forums here, what are some good games?

Get on the site
>wishlist is now empty

I know you aren't interested in it but all that game has to offer is style. There's no real objective other than building shit so you can build more shit. Beautiful style though.

i driv

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>doing stuff in-game awards points

>2019 Steam Grand Prix! Team up with friends......
hehe... yes... friends....

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>Soul Caliber 6 is only $20
Is it really that dead?

how long is this sale? i will be able to check out steam 1st July

this game

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Shining Force Refrain

where do you pick teams?

But I already have Minecraft, user.

Things seem a little bit cheap
and im not talking about the prices

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Who /TeamHARE/ here

race with Yea Forums, bro

Only 20% for FF? motherfuckers

>actually becoming a NEET and not thinking you were getting memed

Ha. Fag. We all have friends here. Not you doe senpai!

Wanna be friends?

>Nier isn't on sale.
What the fuck

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Wow absolutely weaaak. It used to be most games had 50% off minimum.

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Are these kikes for real lol, I'm just gonna remove the game from my wishlist fuck them.

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Is Nier on sale?

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click on the big banner at the top of the store page and choose the cock

>was expecting steam controller to be discounted
>it wasn't
fffff I should have bought it in march

sekiro 20% off

Subnautica is neat, devs are absolute shitheads. Fires their awesome sound designer because they weren't a complete lefty drone. Don't give them your money.

EYE is grand. Grab the 4-pack and gift copies to friends, get drunk and start up a co-op server. The game is utterly retarded and nothing makes sense, amazing with some friends to blunder your way through shit. Worth the money.

FEAR is worth it. Perseus Mandate is garbage, but Extraction Point is good.

Darkwood is fucking weird and awesome. Get a little bit high before playing and you'll feel the creepiness twice as much. Worth the money.

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Someone who can actually get in. Is Microsoft Flight Simulator x on sale?

What about Street Fighter V DLC?


Its probably because the gimmick this year gives people games from their wishlist for free.

Cockatiel because it's second place, dummy.

>Nier isn't on sale
>DMC collection isn't on sale
>CIV V isn't on sale

Thank you.

Dragons dogma 70% off

cockatiel is the one

>Dark Souls 3 is 75% off
Sounds like it's finally time to get it.


Should I get pubg or is it filled with Chinese hackers like the reviews say?

dont know I havent played the mobile version
watch on youtube

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Post your wishlist links. maybe santa comes early

corgi is gonna win, im just riding the wave

Is it worth it?

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>Hat in Time Ultimate Edition 62% off

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Okay Yea Forums, you can spend your tokens on a badge or an emoticon, or you can spend it on a discount of an unknown amount. Which do you pick?

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corgi is reddit tier shit.

nothing because the site is crashed like always

>Shhh, do not speak, goy. Only give shekels to Lord Gabenstein.

hey guys

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i might get XANADU Next too

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just pick team cock and help us win

Please tell me these prices aren't updated yet. Hardly even a fucking sale

not the base edition but the bundles and all the DLC is


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>Stuff is on sale for less discount than they had in the winter sale.

Steam sales are so disappointing anymore.

why not just play apex for free?
and no, 1st person mode doesn't have many cheaters. i've only run into maybe 3 or 4 since the game came out

Is Below worth £13?
Is the Hex any good?
Praey for the gods?

cheers lads

warhammer 2 if the FUCKING STORE WOULD WORK

How the fuck do I play this shitty racing game?
t. retard

grand prix is annoying bullshit

Wtf Steam?

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characters/season pass 50%
costumes various prices from 30 to 70

Is mordhau on sale?

>it's all shit
Who would have thunk it.

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I would join cockatiel but those little fuckers are annoying as hell. Squawking at all goddam hours for no fucking reason.

i'm choosing 100% off :^)

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Corgi, of course.

Make sure to use attacks on Team Corgi


the jewing up

The race is rigged, isn't it?

I can't see it anymore but

Maybe when steam finally works I can see what's on discount

rate my cart list

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Pretty underwhelming.

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Frost punk is 50% off
Ark is 65%
Jurrasic world is 70%
GTAv is 50%
vermintide 2 is 66%
monster hunter world is 50%
dark souls 1 is 40% lol
nioh 60%
dmc5 is 34%
resident evil 2 is 34%

Unfortunately yes, were in last

>DMCV only 35 percent off
>DMC HD not even on sale
>site crashed again anyways

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sounds like Yea Forums in a nutshell

>they put more effort with the chinese new year sale

>KoF XIV still 30 bucks
Let it go, SNK. It's dead already.

Cockatiel is the superior choice given the lack of team ferret.

Whatever the amount is it is worth infinitely more than the badge.



>Dead nigger bridge
>Steam summer sales

Is this the most based day for Gaming History?

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Just overtook Pig

does this sale have cards or other items i can sell on the marketplace

Play steam games to add points to the race. You earn tokens for filling up the boost meter. If you don't do the race, you'll get the full token payout on July 7 regardless. Spend tokens by July 9.

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I felt like I ripped off the Hollow Knight devs when I bought it full price

I got a pet cock and she whistles like an alarm blaring, she's the best

pirate it or watch videos on youtube first if you're unsure
it's pretty okay if you're into management games. expect lots of save and reloading if you want to go deathless, but it's easy enough to get by.

>Lets gonna expand our servers and increase our operations expenses by several million dollars to handle the user peak that happens for one hour per year. For the rest of the time those servers will just gather dust.
You are fucking retarded

might finally get skyrim kek

Dammit. My little sister was interested in playing with me. It's still relatively cheap regardless I guess.

Starbound or Terraria?

Can anyone hit me up with some good RPGs?

Already got Trails (Sky 1 and both Cold Steels), Tales of Symphonia/Vesperia, all the Final Fantasys, Ni no Kuni II, Fallout, Elder Scrolls,

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>san andreas steam version

>says I've been given 4000 tokens for my past purchases
>balance still shows as 0

I just want the badge.

The DLC isn't on sale.

Fuck these jews.

>You have to play video games to get tokens

What the fuck, I don't play video games

Oldfag here, AMA

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>tfw you never be roleplayin a real G

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Don't buy SA on steam it's missing content
just pirate

If you're at capacity no point in playing the games to get points right?

>le ebig doge memes

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>Whatever the amount is it is worth infinitely more than the badge
For me, I get 89 tokens per $1 CDN spent. That's $170 for an unknown discount on the next purchase.

I would rather take the badge that can be redeemed by the 100 points you start with.

Back when the UK was white

Remind that HARE is for trannies.
PIG is for chinkoids.
CORGI is for redditors.
TORTOISE is for mentally slow and handicapped people.
And COCKATIEL is for autists.

You choose your own standing.

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>game advertises it self to me like fallout
>theres ZERO role-playing

glad i pirated it

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>sekiro is actually on sale
I don't care if it's only 20%

Do the prices ever drop beyond these current prices during these sales?

Terraria no contest

what was the best steam sale ever

I don't get this shit. Do I just use all my boosts ASAP?

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>tekken 7 still 20 bucks

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Shit, I just aged hard.

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Psst. I started with 3000 tokens just from achievement shits.

>he doesn't drive for hare
fucking retardeds

So how big is the additional discount reward? Anybody bit the bullet yet?

It gives you all the tokens on July 7 if you don't play games.

Old tokens = meter capacity
You have to play games to convert meter to tokens early.
free me from pleb hell

Where's the boost meter and how do I fill it up?

reminder that you're mentally ill and should seek medication you fucking shitposter retard fucking nigger.

What the fuck, Team Corgi is on 892

Everyone else below 200

kys zoomer

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yo man, too soon. etika just kys himself

Who is /ourteam/? I want to race with my fellow raceists.

There's not much shit on sale what's going on?

>the reddit memes of all reddit memes is the most popular
much surprise many shockings

You can't, because the NYPD already did

Because it's not worth fixing. Would you pay for a ton more server capacity all year just so there isn't an error for 20min at the start of a sale? It would be retarded.

I hope Ys VIII finally has a decent sale, I've been wanting that for a while now

Mine said 4500, but I spent some tokens during the pig sale so I only got 1700 extra meter.

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Why did you fags tell me to pick the cock?

What's some good collection sells? I've got Fictional Collection which has SOMA, Amnesia, an Penumbra for $7.09

You can just use GTA Downgrader on the Steam Version and downgrade it to 1.0.

because COCK is GOD
unless you want to be a filthy retardditor

Alright, I joined team cockatiel. You faggots better not let me down.

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I don't get how meters/tokens/points work.

Will i like kingmaker if i love crpgs like fallout 1&2, underrail and dungeons and dragons but loath RTWP combat?

I'm going to buy hitman 2 because these seem like great games, if i want everything I need to buy the gold edition AND the legacy pack for the hitman 1 levels right?

the gold edition does not include the legacy pack?

Your fault for not looking at the stats before joining a team.

>picking anything other than Corgi
Enjoy not getting free shit, faggots.

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Only real deal I've found so far is Two Point Hospital: Healthy Collection which currently has the lowest price ever offered across all key sites.

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No if you hate RTWP combat stay as far away as possible
>he thinks hes going to be the lucky one

You get the legacy pack if you own or buy hitman 2016
Hitman 2 gold doesnt have it tho

Why would you pay for an incomplete/gimped game, and then go out of your way to mod it back to the proper version, when you can just pirate the original for free? steamfags are fucking mentally stunted i swear

Buy caves of qud

Help me to not buy Dark Souls Remastered just to complete my collection and because it's 4 bucks

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Divinity Original Sin 2 is good with friends if you can convince them. Disgaea is a game worth checking out if you like tile-rpgs. Ys is worth a shot for action rpgs, Valkyria Chronicles is unique.

Is Space Hulk worth 12€? Kind of looks like it plays like Serious Sam.

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>DMCV only 35 percent off
It's only been out a couple months, anymore would fuck over people who bought it at launch

Doesn't even tell you howe much. Fucking Gayben

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35% off

can you give me free shit please :(

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okay thank you. i pirated the game a while back to make sure it ran okay and the hitman 1 levels were really fun, easily worth the five bucks or whatever. what a great deal

Was going to buy AOT 2 wings of freedom but those Jews wouldnt even drop the price. Really not looking forward to having to play it on console if i want to get it for less than $60

You don't have to be on team rebbit, you can be a cockachad and still win

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I guess that's about it. I'm still not completely sure about Bioshock. The remastered versions botched the originals in some ways, and even though the old versions are also included in the package, getting them to run and play properly is a pain in the ass.

I joined team Corgi but I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to do now. There's no way I'm going to grind for points or any of that bullshit.

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Didn't they do this before? I don't think it was that much.

How the fuck is it that cheap for you? Only 40% off for me

Buy GOTY Hitman 1 to recieve GOTY Legacy Pack on 2.
Its cheaper than just buying the legacy pack, somehow

yep, im waiting for the game to be 50% or more to finally get it, probably won't be until next sale.

Its $5.

You might as well win the lottery.

In the mood to solve crime. What are some good detective games? I've already got LA Noire

reminder that you have to earn points for your team to be eligible for the free shit, don't just join a team and afk

Because I have the prepare to die edition

how the fuck do you not have terraria yet

>DMCV only 35 percent off

DMCV released three months ago that's pretty fucking good

tell me why I should care about this year's meme event

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I personally love it but many people don't
It plays nothing like SS, you're far less mobile in this. It plays more like being a minigun heavy armor guy in EYE, if you played that. Just look up any gameplay video and see if being as statioanry as the game is would still appeal to you
I can tell you though that they fixed the performance so any reviews complaining about that are obsolete

This sale is pretty awful

happy birthday

If you ever feel the urge to replay it, it does make life easier, and the online won't be as dead. So buy it.

Why would you buy street fighter V dlc

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Its 5 bucks

How are the new Tomb Raider games? Are they worth getting or are they just discount Uncharted clones?

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its lots of game and im not sure which to choose from

Not their fault you already own everything you manchild

>Don't have enough money right now to grab both Trails of Cold Steel I and II
Ah well, I was hoping for a better deal on them, but I can't say I'm too shocked.

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What else can you buy with 4 Pakistani dollars?

how to gain this?

Lads, hear me out, it is a good thing that plebbit is going for the dog team. This means if you join ANYTHING other than Corgi your chances of winning free shit increase, because it will have less participants. All the shithead ebin memers are digging their own graves.

The last one that still had flash sales
Too bad people are too retarded to properly handle them

Fuck me, only 40% here

>tfw even if we win there's way too many of us to have a chance at being randomly selected to win games

Thanks. I actually wanted to gift some Anons with games but I got b& for fifteen minutes for making a thread.

Pretty sure Nier didn't even get a discount

random members of the group. Means more people, less chance even if you win

I regret getting the 2013 one. Too many QTEs, too many cutscenes and the camera is weird (too shaky).

All I did was have Bloodstained cheevos give me some points and then I used up all my boosts and attacks in the racing game and I earned enough. It took like 10 minutes tops.

Slow and steady boys, slow and steady. Where my fellow YEB! lads at?

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>are they just discount Uncharted clones
Yes they are that

Sold 5 Immortal Treasures 2017 that I got by just playing Dota back in the day, and bought Kombat Pack for MK11 with 50% discount. I hope it's a bug and they are not retarded enough to sell it at 50% while just 1 character out of 6 has been released
Either way, NRS, Gaben and early DLC buyers got BTFO'd

Most the games I want aren't as cheap as I want them to be. But I can still pick up Jet Set Radio, and Endless Legend for a decent price.

damn it was only a bug, seemed too good to be true

>no nier sales

>bros just join the team that's gonna lose that way you have a better chance of getting games

>#1 game on my wishlist is not on sale

It has been 2 years since Neir released AAAAAAAAHHHHH

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Because I like the game

It's not like I'm getting any free shit anyway

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How'm I doing, lads?

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It's this birthday user

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No, there used to be flash sales befodsx snubbegbgu jdobvc kcx ijoajkla kj s

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Should gave already bought it at this point

any good

>boomer shooter

to pick?

endless legend is pretty good

>trying to add shit to my wishlist
>store keeps going down constantly

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Get Spacechem while you're buying Zachtronics games

>safe search on
You have to be 18 to post here.

What, you don't like RPGs or something?

Go away Matt

Which one of those Senran Kagura games should I get? They're very similar.

Look again, user ;)
Thanks though

wish nier was on sale

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spacechem is boring as fuck

Not, bad

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my pickups

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Looks like steam wants you to buy some RPG

You would think after nearly a decade the website wouldnt be godawfully slow/ crash during a sale.

>not having abused the 1 round survival mode to get hundreds of thousands of fight money while you could


I don't understand the boosts. I have like 9 of them, why would I not just use them?

But they stopped doing flash sales, right?

I'm autistic.


Holy shit I am a blind motherfucker

Picked up Kingdom of Amalur

What am I in for?
>The one game i want is not on sale.
Fucking Koei i swear to god

I went from a toaster running windows to a cheap but decent computer running linux recently. I know my choices are limited (i'm more of a consolefag anyway, only really upgraded because the toaster was on the verge of death) but is there anything decent that's come out in the last year-ish I should look into while the sale's going on?

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Cant think of any
Thank you come again

I was going to get Katamari, but it's $17 and I have $16. Then I checked DQXI and it's not on sale at all.

2013 was decent, the rest are forgettable

Why are Steam sales STILL getting fucking WORSE?

I thought they bottomed out when they removed flash sales, but prices are still getting higher and higher.

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>no more free cards/items to sell for at least a few steambux to buy at least one cheap game
>1/1000000 chance of winning something instead

fuck this, they lied, they said this was going to be a fun event

Any good RPG with good banter?
extra points for romance

That's why I'm getting it.

played both

Thanks man. I probably would have never found out that it was this cheap.

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Just wanted Nier. Fuck

pretty fun combat and class building, meh writing, repetitive quest design, big cartoony open world
7/10 rpg for me

>Nier isn't on sale
>Octopath isn't on sale


Holy shit these discounts suck

Why is the front page so ugly?

>Dark Messiah 75%
>Aztez 75%
All I needed.

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hope you like roleplaying games motherfucker

come on guys
help a dude out

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Randoms from the top 3 winning teams will get stuff. Obviously if 80% flock to #1, the smart move is joining the second or third. Retard.

cant fault your logic senpai

That's wrong though. Legacy pack is 6, Hitman 2 is 10. At least that's the price for me in euros.

God, I wish Parkitect had a better discount, fucking hell.

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Quite the opposite
They have the money, so why fix what isn't broken

HOLY FUCK this game is so bad. I cannot even comprehend why anyone would wanna play it or defend it. I'm too lazy to look up when ti came out but X years later I'm still mad
>combat looks like it might be interesting but you end up spamming just 2 or 3 spells/skills no matter which build you pick
>on top of that it's mind-numbingly boring because you end up being overleveled 3 levels in and never stop
>cookie cutter story that is so embarassingly cliche, I was waiting for any twist at all but it never came
>"""content""" is just fetch quests and samey dungeons that don't contain anything worthy of consideration
It's an offline MMO with everything bad that implies. I STRONGLY urge you to really think about whether you wanna play 50 more hours of that shit within the first 2 hours, and then refund it
Which team did you choose?

Never heard of that exploit. I got into this game too late, I guess.

The Sherlocke Holmes ones like Crime and Punishment and Devil's Daughter.

What should I get? I have $15 to spend. Was thinking about getting prey or even shelling out for Two Point Hospital.

>20% off
I miss old Steam sales

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have you played the bioware games? dragon age/mass effect/jade empire

Great fucking sale, thanks steam!

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It's rigged like all previous team based sales. Wins will be spread out mostly.

Literally me right now making a tantrum.


Earn that 5 dollar discount first user

>What should I get?
This question makes no sense since we don't know what you already have or like
Get Pong

Don't bother. The only reason to play the game is for the waifus, so you might as well just go watch porn.

endless space 2

epic sale bro

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Trails of Cold Steel or Fate/Extella worth getting at these prices?

Can't open, how's divinity 2 price?

Murdered: Soul Suspect isn't too bad if you deactivate the stupid stealth sections

Only if they're free.

>load game in SAM
>unlock all achievements
>wait 30 minutes
>collect like 40000 points
ok gaben

Trails in the sky

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Sounds like communist propaganda

>historical low


As a Rome and Medievil 2 Total War fag: How good is Rome II Emperor Edition after all fixes and patches? I heard it was ass and I just never played it or bought it.


>Void Bastards not on sale
>No extra discounts for Amid Evil, Bloodstained, or They Are Billions

Fuck this ;_;

>$9 is too expensive
are you on food stamps or something?

If anyone bought or is thinking about buying Blood Bowl 2, some anons and I started a Yea Forums league last year and are still playing together. The game really shines in league format due to player development. We're about to start season 4, and will have a rookie division for any new players. If anyone wants to join us, here's a link:

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-40% discount

Immortal Redneck is seriously underrated.

DS:R has 40% discount. Will I get 90% off if I own PTDE?

Or should I wait a couple more years? If the game gets a 50% discount in the future, I will get it for free.

Yes or no?

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Rage 2 isnt even on the Epic Games store. Tim hasnt payed for it

Its slow paced, the environments are genuinely amazing and it really scratches that itch of wanting to rp as a 40k terminator. That said it does have some big problems.

The game doesn't balance based on your party size at all so it's hard as nails with any less than 4, and you won't get anywhere without a medic on your team.
The game shines when you're playing as a foursome with no prior experience of the game, the illusion is broken somewhat if you play with randoms because the only person still playing is lvl 999 gregor who will sprint off into the ship alone with lightning claws and cheese every encounter
There's not really any variety in the enemy encounters apart from one or two and the game's sound design is really lacking, shame since the visuals are so good


IIRC the consensus is that it was good now but outshined by Attila. You should ask the guys over on /vg/

>good but not at that price
>good but was free somewhere (forgot)

is X Com 2 any good? liked the first reboot

>dude just pay more money for no reason you stupid fuck

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holy fuck this is a 1:1 exchange too so i can get discounts easy as shit

is Below any good?

It's still the worst TW game besides Empire even after all of the fixes and stuff

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Fucking Square, just put that shitty port on the sale ffs i want to see 2B butt

You know you can do it temporarily, right? Elastic scaling is a thing you fucking mong.

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Any decent game with 80-90% discount?

Over-glorified chink point-n-click/visual novel hybrid. No.

world of final fantasy complete edition

>no Kenshi

Redditors love corgis so i think corgis will win

gothic 2?

i loved it, enjoyed it more than xcom 1. but some fans of xcom didn't like it as much due to the mission timers and way more shit going on.
it had quite an active modding community too, a lot of good community content

I'm not sure if I'll even buy anything in this sale, it's still being a laggy piece of shit so browsing is only half working. Nothing looks interesting and if it does it's only discounted 20%.

Please, user, I'm no secondary. I know good and well what I want to buy. I just don't feel like pirating them anymore every time I want to play them.

I don't think you understand.
If you want to play hitman 2, you buy hitman 2. Its price has nothing to do with anything.
If you want to play the hitman 1 missions, you can either buy the hitman 2 legacy pack (which allows you to play the missions in the new engine) or buy hitman 1 altogether, which also unlocks the legacy pack for free.
So its worth buying hitman1

fuck off, reddit

I do not control the boner

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Speaking of Empire, how's Napoleon? Does it consist of just letting the enemy run into your line infantry and artillery, just like FotS and Empire?

Why not give a price range instead of an arbitrary percentage? A game at 50% off could still be better and cheaper than another at 80%

Lucky ones from top 3 teams are getting games, so if you pick the team with a billion people you'll have a lesser chance than a 2nd place with 1000

I loved it. If you liked nu-com 1, it’ll be a safe purchase. Do note that the pace of missions is faster, so if you camped hard, you might not be in your element.
Of the dlcs, shens gift is good, alien rulers/hunters is meh, anrachys kid’s or w/e is cosmetics, and WoTC is goat, but not designed for a first playthrough.

To anyone that has gotten 15,000 tokens for the Pitstop:

When you get the 5 dollar discount, does it apply to any game? If so, can you get a free 5 dollar game?

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XCOM Enemy Unknown Complete pack or 2nd game? Which one is the better game?

yes, you need a decent pc to run it though

Void Bastards needs more content. Wouldn't spend more than $10 on it.


Good point
Any decent game in the $2-$60 range?

Bloodstained is cheaper on GMG

If 75% is high enough for you then Dark Messiah of Might & Magic and Aztez are that much off, so they're currently $2.49 and $4.99 respectively. Those are the main two I'm getting this sale.

time to get into the Achievement Clicker series!

Nothing has any decent discount to make it worth buying

>Stardew valley and They are billions is only 20% and 10% off
this fucking kikes

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If you’re picking between the first and second in a series, just go with the first. The second will be cheaper later.

Is killing floor 2 any good?

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>WoTC is goat but not designed for a first playthrough
It is designed for first time players tho, fuck playing vanilla with the fucked loading times and fps.

Thanks for the catch user

I never played it personally, but from what I've heard it's just a more refined and polished Empire. It likely has the same problems as FoTS and Empire due to the fact

Again, are you on food stamps?

More importantly, HOW do you get 15,000 tokens? I'm at a complete fucking loss how any of this shit works. All I know is I don't want to click this button and lose 19,000 points. But I don't even know what the points are for. Are those GBP I can spend for the $5 coupon?

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I like them. 2013 and Rise are really good. Shadow is pretty boring. People who say they are Uncharted clones haven't played them. They are very different from Uncharted.

Sent some of you friend requests. Accept and you might get a nice surprise ;)

Yes, it's not as soulful as the first game but it's still fun

based tortoise

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God damn it.

What Total War do I get, user? I have Medieval, Medieval 2, Rome and Shogun 2 and I really enjoy all of them.

I'm willing to spend allot of money

buying sekiro and rage 2 what are some triple A games or hight tier games i could buy
already have the witcher, arkham, souls, farcry, assasins, dmc franchise lotr franchise or shadow of is missing

Is monster hunter any good ? i was thinking of buying toukiden 2 instead

What are some cute and funny games I should get?

very dated eurojank with an uncompromising difficulty curve. but if you like open worlders with branching sub plots it's still a classic of the genre

Servers can be made elastic user.. they scale with load, all they need to do is put the max constraints up...

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Buying Witcher 3, Cities:Skyline and Sundered, what am I in for ?

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I don't know

Salt and Sanctuary worth at -50%? Art style seems bad

Hidden Gems?


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>corgi niggers literally 10x ahead of everyone already

from what i can tell that's just your limit for today, you can do the same shit tomorrow to get more from the same game

Anyone played pic related? It looks great but Early Access is a giant red flag, just how 'unfinished' is it?

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It's a lot of fun, user. I paid 15 burgers for it ages ago and don't regret it. It's 2D Souls-meme.

Literally nothing. There are no good sales ad usual.
Fuck off, I can get better on allleyshop every day of the year

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>no friend request
aw well

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I used to be so hyped about steam sales.

What happened? Did I just get older or did the sales get less interesting?

If you don't mind the art style it's one of the most solid 2D soul clone around. Lots of contents, decent settings and no cringe shit.

Devil Daggers is the shiiiiiiiiiit

it's ok but meeeh

>not joining the meme dog team instantly for an easy win

user please.

Fuck off with eceleb shit nigger

Mods are the hugest cocksucking faggots that there ever were, god FUCK

Space Rangers

Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus is a good turn-based tactical game that didn't get a lot of hype but is pretty good.
Not much of a discount in this sale though.

Oh look another shitty steam sale. Good thing g2a and other resellers exist where for e.g. I can get FO4 GOTY for $15 instead of $30.

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pathfinder kingmaker or whatever, looks good, is it good?

Goddamn, user.

Despite the art style, it's actually pretty damn good.

Must have missed you. post it again.

Damn straight. Tortoise always wins baby.

You already have everything you want.

>you get the event badge by paying money for tokens
it's shit

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There has barely been any new historically low prices since 2013

Cant afford anything, my country economy is nigger tier

>thinking you'll be one of ones picked out of 4 million
>not joining the second or third place teams to be one out of 100000 instead

I want the last 2 civ v expacks but only one is on sale and the other is like $30

>tfw user delivered
Its not much but goddamn its still special. Thanks cock user.

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It says it'll "throw away the extra" though.

The artstyle is complete shit, and it's definitely a 2d souls like. The combat reflects it. If you go in expecting a retro style metroidvania you'll be disappointed. There's stamina and restrictions on spell casting and shit. There's also no map.

Pathologic HD is DIRT cheap

How’s Elite Dangerous? Worth it just for something comfy to play while I listen to podcasts?

Artfags where's my birb racing TM wallpaper?

The sale event should have been Codename Gordon Royale, not this shit.

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I was the first guy, maybe the games I wanted were too much, but I'm:

The sales got worse and you already own all the stuff that still goes mega cheap or you dont want them

How is Darksiders 3?

worst case scenario you can idle a different game tomorrow using SAM to unlock all the achievements if you don't already have them

Warhammer 1. Besides Shogun 2 and WH2 (which is basically just a huge expac for WH1) it's the best nu-TW game. I understand if you might not like the fantasy setting though, but gameplay wise it's very fun.
Between WH1 and 2 I have ~700 hours so they were definitely worth the money to me

sure, if you want to listen to podcasts you can play it as a space trucker

Art is great. Pick up The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile while you're at it if you want a great 2D beat em up with insane edge. Same dev.

>still can't even open my wishlist

>Want to buy game on steam sale
>Never do because I know it will inevitably get a physical version on console and i'd rather buy that instead


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Alright it's been an hour and a half and I'm starting to get aggravated over how shitty this fucking store is still being.

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The company that made it is defunct and last I checked their website link ingame redirected to malware.

is there an economy to participate in or is it more just like NPC trading

>all these retards who picked cockatiel


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Yes, it plays like truck simulator in space. You can also mine and do combat, explore. game is really comfy but people aren't lying when they say "wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle"

pls respond

>store finally loads
>alright time to buy games
>black screen
>black screen
>black screen

Stop being poor

>basically everything I want is on sale
>still don't wanna spend money
>piracy is too much effort

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I have a shitty MacBook Pro that I use for work and uni purposes, can't install bootcamp as the driver support for my model is garbage. What vidya should I buy that won't turn it into a lava pit?

This. Fucksake.

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>The literal Reddit team

So far

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No. I like being poor.

would rather be in 5th than win by picking reddit

literally me
I might spend $4 on DS: Remastered though

>fable anniversary
refund that shit and get the original

The literal reddit team is winning. Enjoy not getting any free games

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I actually love fantasy though I know way more 40K than old school Warhammer. I'll give it a shot, thanks.

The top 3 teams win games. It's statistically smarter to join the second/third place teams to get a better chance of winning. But go ahead and join the first place and have that 1 out of 5 million chance, I'm sure you'll win.

Get MHW, pirate toukiden 2

>be me
>want to get crypt of the necrodancer
>its $15, thats way too expensive
>go on Yea Forums roughly an hour later
>see this thread
>its now $3
what did god mean by this

This, jesus christ. Not even a new bad old good. It's a legitimate true story.

>it's only 40% here

both, there's different kinds of systems that produce different products and the demand/offer changes depending on that also if they are at war and many other things, its mostly randomized but some are very popular spots for actual player routes, mostly slave and black market routes

>he didn't buy Prepare to Die edition years ago for like $5

>spending money in shitstain kagura instead of based Koikatsu Party

They never said if it's a fixed amount of people from each team that win games or a percentage. You're risking not making top 3 on a guess.

Finally bought Witcher 3
I played 2 probably six years ago, is there story elements I should remember from the last game that are important in 3?

>not picking cocks

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This. The normal prices for the old FF games in general are far too high. FF7 is over 20 years old and costs 12,99 € without discount.
Also shovel knight. On steam for 5 years and still only 20% off.
Dark Souls Remaster only 40 %, was hoping for 50% or 66%
The only good deal on my list is Soma with 85% off.

>none of the games i want to buy are available for purchase yet

It literally says that in the rules page. 1000 from each team.

20 euro left to spend of my 50 budget. Recommend me a rpg.

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>no new friend requests

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you could get the standard one even cheaper and just pirate the dlc

I never played the previous games and didn’t feel lost.

>coordinate to try to be second placed team
>corgis will use all their attacks on second placed team
>drop to 5th
>win nothing
Congratulations, you played yourself.

That's not how it works.
If you host yourself then you need to have servers sitting idle for most of the year, or if you use cloud services you pay fuckloads to an external cloud provider in surge pricing (ESPECIALLY for content delivery), and there's a longass lead time while your hundreds of petabytes of catalog is replicated into your cloud providers farms around the world

>Deadly premonition isn't on sale
fuck this
are there any amazing deals except for the remaster of dark souls?

You gotta be kidding me, it's the exact same as it was the last time it was on sale and I skipped it thinking it was too much then.

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

yea but its called cocks


Actually wanting friends. I got rid of mine 3 days ago. Feels good.

i can't even pick anything up because the store is shitting itself as usual on day 1

I got legendary edition for cheap aka under 10 euro.

Yes but the game feels kinda clunky at first and the soundtrack is no where near as good as the first one.


picked up baba is you and environmental space station alpha


ESA has a lot of controller issues. Hope you don't mind playing on keyboard

Enjoy the game user.
Anniversary added a bunch of really ugly graphical "improvements" that make the whole game look like washed out ass.

Which one are you? Please be patient, I'm still getting from my own wishlist and I can't purchase for everyone.

I was waiting on sale by the hours, guess i'll wait a litlle longer it's too fuckin hot ouside to play anything regardless