$5 says the nigger died to drug/gang violence
>it's real
Literally who
Somethin wrong
I hold my head
Etika gone
Our nigga dead
He killed himself by jumping off the manhatten bridge you retard. his body was found in the river.
Nah, this nig is a big eceleb who an hero'd off a bridge.
Just checking in before the obligatory "Yea Forums HAS NO RESPECT FOR THE DEAD" post.
why would a police department announce they've found a corpse on twitter?
Damn it's official.
Famous youtube gamer. had a serious of mental breakdowns over the years and he finally offed himself by jumping off the Manhattan bridge.
what did he think would happen, everyone knows blacks can't swim
Check for yourself
imagine being the guy who suggested he should kill himself on the 20th
Because social media is a thing now boomer. this is how news is now. its not just on tv anymore.
i had a tall weeb black friend in high school who hung himself. just thought i would say that.
oh no
another dead nigger
what a shame
(Just kidding. He did drugs. I know that. Did he really go gay and suck dix?)
Gimme my $5
Unironic F. damn this sucks
>29 yo
Lmaoo who the Fuck cares about vidya once they're that old
apparently him
>Did he really go gay and suck dix?
I hope he fully lived out all of his kinks before an heroing, because not even doing that would be incredibly sad.
in that he didnt
There's a lot more darkness in this video/social media culture than most people are willing to admit. I hope Etika's wish that his death be used as a warning to others comes true. F
Hopefully he inspires other youtubers to do the same
Too soon?
He didn't fly so good
>it's real
Rest in peace Guile kun
Damn, it's real.
What a strange video game, OP
Not video games. Not one cares about this literally who nigger.
damn he actually did it
peace out nigga
Holy kek
I don't know him, I don't care, all I know is that he did a flip and these brats are crying over his death. Now give me 5 usd.
>>>Yea Forumsrules/1
What a fucking legend
Nigga had the money to get all the hookers and blow he wanted but instead this nigga offed himself like a bitch.
Literally who
most schizophrenics kill themselves
gotta give him props for not baiting this time around
Who gives a shit about some e-eceleb cunt? This is video games, fucktard.
>Dead ecelebs
suicide b8ers are the worst. women are the worst offenders and the reason actually suicidal people aren't taken seriously.
I liked him but actual kek
The only nigger there ever was that couldn't get a gun?
He's known for smash bros and he jumped off a bridge
Im fucking going to miss his nigger so badly.
I fucking love how all of we say NIGGER NIGGER and as he fucking did we, we all fucking feel it, but we hide it and say, "NO WE DONT".
Face it user, he's gone.
Now there is a seat open.
Take it.
No he killed himself /pol/tard cough up the money.
Did anyone actually like this guy?
when the fuck did he do drugs? he was mentally unstable and had sucidal moments before. He actually went through with it this time though.
Really sucks that he had such mental illnesses. He got a shit ton of money in donations whenever he streamed. And he didn't even do anything, he just reacted to stuff and talked with his chat. He pretty much had it made.
he did too much acid and couldnt deal. many such cases.
reminder that jumping off a bridge is one of the worst ways to kill yourself. You have time to regret it on the way down and once you hit the water your bones break and you slowly drown
Ahahahahahahaha GOOD his STUPID fucking haircut deserves death
Hes a vidya gamer youtube you fucking cunt. fuck off you disgusting jannie and mod ass kisser.
It's what happens when you put a savannah monkey in a suit and stress him with first world expectations.
like i give a god damn fuck about some random screaming youtube/twitch nigger that put on a show for zoomers.
thats what you get for not beeing yourself.
seriously, why the fuck would you want to drown to death? just put a bullet in your head
>one youtuber less
Fucking neat.
thanks mr skeleton
fuck Yea Forumsros is enjoyed his reaction, this nigga was one of the good ones
Video games
I'd never thought seeing some black kid with an eraserhead hair cut years ago reacting to Mewtwo would lead to this.
I dm'd you the money
don't give a shit about him, but a loss is a loss.
both those estimates are way off. no idea where they got them. he was tall and /fit/
post proof?
>its real
holy fuck, mental illness claims another
I actually liked watching him, now im depressed and all I have left is Vinesauce
So it's real this time?
big F
I think that, legitimately, Etika brought a lot of happiness to the people who watched his videos. It's a sad thing that he didn't overcome those demons. He helped a lot of people with his content.
>le smash hero xDD
have sex
Didnt this absolute niggerturd say he was the antichrist? A nigger? Being the antichrist? Hahahahahaha what a bloated floating dead nigger
Never liked his videos nor his person, but damn, I'd never hope for someone to end their life. Rest in peace.
god damn with taste like that i hope you kill yourself too user
Press D to dab on this fag's grave
because if social media cops asks for help regarding the missing persons, they have to say if they found him or not
Absolutely sad. I hope this very real tragedy and the loss of a fellow gamer will make you idiots reconsider how you joke about and insult each other with encouragements of suicide.
>vacuum noises and party rock anthem multiplayer link goes here
>walks backwards
What did he mean by this?
>drown after jumping off of the brooklyn bridge
ya no, died instantly
We get it boomer, you like to play Playstation All Stars Battle Royale, go back to your Doom Eternal shill threads.
Never cared for him but F nonetheless
Nobody cares, stop spamming threads of this dead nigger. S
Never watched a single one of his videos, never saw a single tweet of his, don't even know what kind of a person he was, but feeling like suicide is the only option you have is shitty. Unfortunate.
Hopefully he'll be the next.
>bipolar man acts fake for his job
>everyone genuinely upset that a man who punches cops killed himself ‘b-b-because im also mentally ill!!””
oh fuck me
>That guy could had been Satan or one of you, Anons
I never watched his stuff but people I know are tearing up,fug.
didnt personally liked his videos as I felt he overreacted but sucks that he offed himself.
I dunno, I don't watch the guy at all and I thought he was faking it, even when they found his shit I thought he was giggling in a hotel room, but obviously I was wrong as fuck and his issues were very real because he's very dead.
Rip to the dead man
proof? have you looked at autopsies of people who jumped off bridges?
do a flip
S a good nigger is a dead nigger
and you e-celeb faggots should join him
We're all going to hell, arent we?
Turns out he was a hero.
>obnoxious screaming bro gamer YouTube faggot
Wow. What a loss.
Never really liked him all that much but f nonetheless
im sad and i like etika but holy shit kek
Black on black crime lol
fuck off to reddit if you care about e-celebs and niggers
holy shit, he actually killed himself
>announcing a report
Enjoy your ban fuckstick
R.I.P Ack
>one less eceleb
>one less smash eceleb
>one less nigger smash eceleb
>one less autistic nigger smash eceleb
Good riddance
So why did he kill himself? Too lazy to watch the video.
I don't know much about this guy but the pigs in question probably deserved it.
nigger you break all your bones when you hit the water and pass out from shock
>"No bitch ass niggas"
Fuck man, he passed on like one. I'm actually fucking sad.
Your bones shatter, it's like hitting concrete
This picture was his last retweet.
Fuck off edgelord. back to /pol/ with you.
>Place full of mentally ill people shames mentally ill people
Anti crack kun died?
Fucking based, that guy was an anal wart on this website
Honestly didn't watch his videos much and was feeling somewhat jealous on how he constantly gets so many donations while doing nothing but shouting at things but I guess money really doesn't solve everything. F
He wont.
I want to kill mostly all of these Anons anyway
mental health issues
people say it started when Howard Stern made fun of him and then his GF broke up with him
He was mentally diseased and the resulting outbursts he made fell on the deaf ears and blind eyes of his family, friends and his retarded fan base. The mental health system failed him.
Though of course fuck e-celeb threads and fuck you faggots spamming this shit every day this week and last.
how about posting proof. instead of posting that npc tier reply.
He was bipolar and off his meds.
You should NEVER leave someone with a mental illness alone after they've been released from the hospital.
I don't really get suicide sometimes. I'm always looking forward to seeing something in the future. Maybe if your life was completely in the trash it was a fine option, but didn't he have a successful streaming career and several fans? Could've at least lived to see the rest of the smash DLC
rip bitch nigga
You fucks are absolutely disgusting.
They shouldn't have ever left the hospital. Reopen the asylums and get this trash off the street. Not only will we have less insanity thrown in our faces but Democrats will lose a lot of votes
I wonder what makes a man say this, is it autism?
He didnt have a good relationship with his family.
People tend to forget that with the delusional manic episodes there's also the delusional depressive episodes. He really thought there was no hope left. The only way to save these people is to monitor him and his family didnt give a single fuck and helped get him out of the hospital. Shocking because his brother suicided too, you'd think they'd keep an eye on him
Thread Theme
He was retarded
Yep, I'm thinking he's dead.
Reminder that money does not make you happy.
He's just shit talking the dead because it makes his peepee tingle, ignore him, user
Don't feed them user.
Maybe a bit of that, maybe a bit of typical Yea Forums humor. Would be nice to see less of it for now but you can't change assholes who grew up as assholes.
fuck off back to /pol/ you cringy edgelord faggot.
Low IQ retards. There are many reason to hate someone, so hating someone for something they can't controls is the stupidest shit I've ever heard.
>died from jumping into water
lmaoooo how do you even become this retarded
I can tell you don't know anything about the nigger """family""" unit and that's also why you seem sympathetic.
I knew it Yea Forums i knew you still had some humanity left
Now lets mourn together
>inb4 edgy Yea Forums
You might hate etika, but at the end he was one of us a Yea Forumstard
Another Smash hater. CRINGE
Go back to your containment board /pol/tards
>drug violence
he was a shut in nerd ffs.
not ever black man is member of a gang
Anyone who makes reaction videos deserves to burn in hell
someone post it
F for the ZOOM ZOOM
Come on guys, there's a chance someone hacked that twitter account right, he can still be alive right
>but at the end he was one of us a Yea Forumstard
I doubt that but it's obvious he was genuine, even if some didn't realize he was being genuine until the very end
go back
Poor Banjies. Dropping like flies, they are.
>vidya gamer youtube
yikes and cringepilled
>taking the bait
>Picking the low hanging fruit when insulting him
I thought you all were great at insulting people. Throwing nigger left and right isn't creative at all.
Psych wards only care if you're stable while you're in the facility (on heavy drugs). I've been there. They do not care about your longterm health
>user, how do you feel on this 150 MG of Seroquel we're giving you?
>Well then, you're free to leave!
I'm the pollest pol mamajama on this whole board and I'll say this sucks. I thought it was just a hoax to try to drum up attention, and I'm very surprised he actually did it. Then again, I don't even know who Etika is aside from seeing him spammed here for the two months.
Its part of the grieving process, we are in shock and posting nigger.
Give us a few hours
you dont even deserve a (you)
this nigger died before finishing part 2 of jojo lol
>all those fags posting hotline suicide numbers in the twitter replies like it's gonna magically cure people of their depression
Can you get a refund in this case?
Yeah. I know. Hence why I want the asylums reopened so we can just out of sight out of mind all the defectives
I'm black. And sympathy is a human emotion, I feel sorry for him and his friends/family, this was something preventable.
>reddit spacing
>broken english
Go back.
Wow Yea Forums has been completely co-opted by reddit
People would say nigger less if there wasn't a concerted effort to prevent people from saying it. Censorship turns the use of the abhorrent into an act of revolution. Ironic you don't understand that considering you posted a picture of a revolutionary leader.
No, he seriously was. He used to talk about posting here in his old videos.
What's worse
>Dying knowing that your dream came true
>Living long enough to know that your dream will never happen
If it saves even 1 it means it helped.
he still outlived your chances blockboy