Other urls found in this thread:
Oh fucker it's real
fuck it's real
Fucking pigs, why the fuck are they releasing this on Twitter? What about his family? They're going to learn their son died on fucking social media? Fuck the police
I hated this faggot so much. Fuck I am so happy he's dead.
Holy shit. Poor guy. F
what the fuck??? I didn't think it was real. FUCK
>it's real
also, literally who?
Oh wow, its actually real.
It's Real
nintendo nigger is not videogames
>he wasn't joking this time
Wow, that kind of sucks. Didn't watch him at all and would see him in random gifs but I didn't have anything against him.
RIP. Unironically I liked this guy. This is fucked up honestly.
If they're releasing it on twitter, then his family has already been informed.
the reason they didn't say it sooner after finding the body yesterday was specifically because they waited for the family to give the OK to announce it, retard
Sorry, but it's fake
More like Deadmond
Satanism not even once
Literally who?
Is this that Moot guy I keep hearing about?
The madman actually did it. Hope he's bing bing wahooing in heaven now lmao
>implying they didn't already notify the family
You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?
They told the family last night. They posted an update that they had the identity of the body found out but were waiting to release the name to the public until after they told his family.
>Trying to claim a guy that Yea Forums has had constant threads about is a literal who
based and dead nigger pilled!
this is all Masuda's fault btw
Rip. I almost feel bad for making fun of him these past few days, didn't think the dumbass would actually do it.
>Nintendo fag
I’m honestly happy it died, I hope it suffered.
Sweet, now we can stop having an endless amount of eceleb threads right?
unironically crying, rest in peace sweet prince
Oh great, here come the 20 different threads on the hour about it
finally the threads may actually fucking end.
Is this the "get that ass banned" guy?
>nigger screaming at children's games
Shame it wasn't a more painful death, honestly.
holy shit youtube will blown away about this
what a shame
Thought this was another bullshit, but I guess he's dead now. Okay then
he joins with the legends
F joycon boyz
Oh... Oh fuck....
You fuckin retard lol ill knock your pig nose off fatso
Yikes look at all these redditors invading and shilling some unknown ugly nigger.
Go back fucking retards
How did he do it? Is the Brooklyn bridge high enough to kill you?
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that rosterfags are mentally ill?
Should have been DSP.
Rest well
the internet killed this man
>tfw could do some nice trolling on twitter rn
I don't know who he is but he clearly needed mental help. The psych wards he went in probably just gave him a "how do you feel" survey and tossed him out. Mental health treatment in this country is fucked.
Because it's news and good or bad, everyone should know about potential dangers.
This can bring about witnesses that can help identify a potential killer or if it was a suicide, which brings closure to loved ones.
Who’s gonna break the news to Daddy Sakurai?
kek, I bet you are a nigger.
fake and gay.
There are 37 posters in this thread and none of you know you can fake a tweet in a screen shot. Thats why theres no link.
He was trying to do viral marketing for Mario Maker 2 by jumping off the bridge but it didn't go as Nintended.
rest in peace niggy
Yeah I get this is Yea Forums and we always have to be edgy, but I'm saddened to hear of his death.
A lot of people I've known have died recently. The world just feels more different every day.
Its real and I don’t care. Love Nintendo, hated this faggot
Cool no more overracting nigger faces
finally we can stop spamming this fucking nigger everywhere, good riddance
This is why you remain single, woman are assholes, especially black ones
Oh, Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling...
(((They))) got to him
I have to admit, of all the streamerfags out there the last one I wanted to see an hero was him
any links to his recent weird behavior? ive heard he was getting drunk on stream and saying weird ass shit for the pas few months. i didnt really watch this guy but id see his videos posted sometimes and i actually liked him. just curious if anyone has stuff that shows how his behavior was obvious that something was wrong.
i have a friend who has been havin a hard time for the past 5 months and it's worrying me. what were the videos and posts that really show he was losing it? it is interesting in a way we have someone who commited suicide and we have his last few months documented and can be analyzed
Just another fucking nutcase who got pity points because of memeing about Smash Bros.
Good fucking riddance you all need a reality check
>another young man gets radicalized
What the fuck is wrong with you keks
r I p maN NEver foRget
No sure if bait or too stupid to see the link
well, this explains that
>comparing terry to this pavement ape
Scroll up retard.
Song he wanted played at his funeral
Etika was a Yea Forums oldfag just as an FYI
Lazy faggot I looked it up myself
Can someone explain how jumping into water is lethal?
>hurr durr the height
People literally jump off cliffs and even out of planes into water and survive. It's water, not a bunch of jagged rocks
lol I like this image, mind if I use it?
>It's real
>its real
feels kinda bad
oh well
Uh, I didn't know he was sick
Most bridges are
That's Low Tier God.
All Nintendies deserve death. Lmao burn in hell losers AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA
You’re trying really hard user. A+ for effort, but C- for execution.
Come on man
After 7 attempts, he actually did it. Madman
we have one of those
Poor dude. Poor dude's family.
For any suicidal anons out there, please get help. It's never worth it. Not for you, not for your family.
go ahead friend, it's free!
This is good bait, expect a few replies.
Don't you need to post "be gay do crimes" on twitter, you libcuck?
>It's real
God damn...
Reminder he faked his death.
He will be back for the second act
you know he would be still alive if didn't released last time
ill always press f for a fellow crazy
goodnight sweet prince
suicide leads you straight to hell tho
etika named the jew so he's just as based as terry
Have you ever landed flat on water?
so basically he was mentally ill? ok not video games
How fucking stupid are you
>I'm actually tearing up
>retarded_face.jpg as profilr pic
literally who for based zoomers
fuck this nigger
fucking good
one less eceleb to shit up the board
who is this and why should I care
This is what happens when you have a mental health system so fucked up it sends armed police to bust down someone's door instead of treating them as someone with a medical condition in need of treatment.
I seen this faggot being posted here a lot of times over the last few months
Who the fuck is he?
Do you know what surface tension is?
So it is Moot?
Yes, I have a pool
someone stir up these faggots
etika was a terrible person
/pol/ is a religion of peace.
Who fucking cares that a literal who died?
Why did he do it?
He was so popular he could get all the white pussy he wanted
made nintendo reaction videos
he never got to see how attack on titan ends. i'm the same way, i dont want to die because i want to see how it ends. i dont want to miss out on things
>NYPD is in on the ruse now
How deep does this rabbit hole go
Not Yea Forums, but RIP all the same.
isn't that a girl's name?
mods sticky please
Nah kill yourselves pathetic weak maggots. The world is better off without you scum
so he was a member of the band TOOL? never heard of him really but my dad loves that band. will this effect the release of their new album? fuggg. my dad says it as been like 12 years since they recorded anything and now this happens. fucked up
>/incel/ - Internet Celebrities
The water goes up the nostrils and detaches the brain, retard
Hitting the water at high velocity can severely fuck you up, even if you survive the initial impact you may end up tearing muscles or breaking bones that make swimming impossible and you end up drowning instead.
People who do that shit for fun come prepared, aren’t jumping from the same height, etc
>reaction videos
so mentally stunted zoomer shit?
yummy yummy leather boots in my tummy!
what the fuck caused his sudden downward spiral
F, although the guy clearly add issues
he doesn't deserve a sticky
based black man got killed by the kikes.
Fuck this actually isn’t funny though. RIP
Same here
>make some YouTube vids where you pretend shock at something
>entire world media and social media goes apeshit when you're gone
any idea why
he seemed successful
>xD we mocked someone menally ill
>woah wtf bros why did he kill himself
gee i wonder.
This'll be the headline for Wings next.
he play smash so guess what its zoomer god or something
Cuckey next please.
What a shame.
good ridance
just a coincidence goy
thats kinda sad actually
guy was legitimately sick
literally Yea Forums
The nigg actually did it? How did no one catch this on video? That fucking bridge has like 1 million fucking cameras
Mods please sticky this E-celeb thread so everybody can flip their shit.
What a dumb nigger.
Oh fuck that's good.
>nig nogs dies
You don't understand the short lifespan of a black man do you?
Etika death reaction videos when?
i really hate all those dipshits on twitter who post the suicide hotline in response to these kinds of things happening. virtue signaling retards ffs
Unironically RIP to the nigtendo man.
It was some psychedelic he took, don't know exactly what.
>Dunkey caught being an actual cuckold
>ProJared's career nuked by scandal
>Etika actually off'd himself
>GGGmanshills found to be an actual marketer (hence the name change to avoid controversy)
>Oxhorn found out to be a secondary fan (never played FO1-2 until way later)
ecelebs will be a thing of a past on Yea Forums. Now all we need is an autoban on any twitch links
this is sweet
fucking F
Who other then family cares about random one of million youtubers....
finally you autists can fuck off with this shit
how about you follow this dumb nigger?
Anyone know why he did it?
Oh boy. Here come the flood of e-celebs pretending like they give a shit and posting suicide prevention phone numbers. They are so fucking disingenuous it makes my stomach turn.
>break your bones
>can't swim
you sound like you watch cuck porn
>tfw I'm also a 29 year old African American with relationship issues and have thought about suicide
What do I do, bros?
If your body is spread out or improperly aligned before hitting the water, the water molecules don't have enough time to separate to let you pass through, so it's like slamming into concrete.
The internet
Which was more tragic?
The death of Etika or the death of Billy Mays?
You know this site is truly lost when a literal nigger is getting shilled. What the fuck is wrong with you retarded redditors?
Mental illness is cancer of the mind. You think you're good now? Get ready, because your brain is a ticking time bomb and will corrupt itself at any given opportunity.
That survey is how the UK does it too. Nobody cares, user, it's a shame.
This is a cry for help. Someone please watch this Aussie.
You should start donating to SGDQ. You'd fit in more there.
Make it
>Dunkey caught being an actual cuckold
>mad that now one will remember you or even care when you die
he nailed the impression then
I read that as Super Shame
>the only eceleb Yea Forums constantly jerks off over is dead
whats the fucking problem?
>he's just doing it for attention!!
>he's an attention whore!!
look how fucking stupid you look now
genuinely seek help
he's next
context on dunkey please
Unchecked mental health issues. It wasn't sudden there were signs for years and at some point if mental issues go unchecked they build up and eventually snaps.
Of all the things in the world I would openly support a social program for, it would be proper mental assistance for those that need it
literally who
no idea, we need a spirit medium to ask him
What a surreal feeling watching someone go from normal to descending into madness until it leads to their death. I usually see the aftermath, but its crazy watching it happen in real time.
Return to physics class
zoom zoom zoom
Gamers egging him on
Well you can't prove he didn't kill himself for attention.
Erika is a girls name
Etika isnt a name
Reminds me of Ethics
He actually is a retard
>one e-celeb streamer fag less
he was acting crazy and his friends stopped talking to him
Yeah, this. I didn't really make fun but I figured it was just him being a bit whack again just like he's done several times before. I didn't really take it seriously. I guess I should have figured when they found his stuff that he did it.
twitter people are pathetic
Psychedelics don't turn you into suicidal schizos.
>t. takes shrooms and mescaline regularly
Fuck man, I saw it coming but I still wasn't ready
Talk to people more
Discover more
You have to be too curious to kill yourself
>i am miserable and think about suicide often therefore everyone is the same
It's actually him as the profile pic: twitter.com
get help dude, I know we're all annoying faggots but nobody deserves that shit. Hope it's all good, user
I hope there is a better place for all the souls, rest in peace
>Waaaaaah I am le soooo depressed!
Grow some balls loser
FPBP. Fuck e-celeb cancer.
Reminder bros to hug your loved ones and if you feel alone, we are always here for you.
So what's up with him?
Goddamn I never liked the guy or his content but this is just unfortunate. RIP
why did he dieded
It was an edited video
Do a flip nigger.
Nah its a fake. Someone took an existing video and tried to added Dunky's voice to it.
famous last words. should see how furry haters end up.
Wasn't this guy legit mentally ill though? Seem to recall you fags talked about him going crazy and the cops busted him on livestream
There was some porn circulating eight and kiwifarms that was supposedly of Dunky watching Lea get fucked, but it was confirmed not them shortly after. Still gets posted from time to time.
Meanwhile /r9k/'s patron eceleb Mumkey Jones broke up with his gf who basically took care of him to get married to a furry pedophile chick he wad been seeing on the side.
I watched his suicide note video again, why did he think he needed to "pay the consequences" for doing dumb shit by killing himself
Ever belly flopped in a pool?
its called mental illness user.
fuck all the normies who never experienced any.
he unironically has a retard face as his normal face, he is disabled
Not everybody has pussy as their life's endgoal
Holy fuck that edge
Not trying to shitpost here, but what do you guys like about him? What's his thing?
>implying that Yea Forums making constant threads about someone means they're not a literal who
Lets hope dunkey will do the same in future
that sad
>open this thread
>didn't even know the guy at all
>it starts pouring raining outside
a profound sadness
He must be a pencil.
is he right?
>he wasn't joking this time
So wait he's attempted this before and no one ever I don't know put him on watch or anything?
>it's real
Holy shit
rip nigga
You know that's what he really looks like right
Kissing a grey garden
Shadow and shade
Sunlight treads softly
As bad as bad becomes
It's not a part of you
Contempt is ever breeding
Trapped in itself
Time it's time to live,
Time it's time to live through the pain
Time it's time to live
Now that it's all over
Time it's time to live,
Time it's time to live through the pain
Now that it's over,
Now that it's over,
Now that it's over
As bad as bad becomes
It's not a part of you
The wicked and the weeping
Ramble or run
Time it's time to live,
Time it's time to live for living
Time it's time to live
Now that it's all over
Time it's time to live,
Time it's time to live for living
Time it's time to live
Now that it's all over
Now that it's over,
Now that it's over
Now that it's over
Now that it's over
Rest your head
because he'll take advantage of it now right?
Dunkey is married and still loves video games
He won't do it
kill yourself faggot
i actually unironically mean it for the first time
>Tweet is real.
all gamers are racist, couldn’t stand seeing a black man be successful in life
kill all gamers
he had a severe case of bipolar disorder. one day he's acting like a nintendo fan, the next day he's acting like a crazy person.
Quick rundown please?
He was just a typical youtuber but he was unapologetic in whatever stances he took, even if that'd get a white guy "cancelled" or whatever the hell. Namely his stances on (((other minorities)))
No, fuck that, we cannot become socialists just because a few bad eggs are ill.
>My daughter and I...
*My wife's daughter and I...
>ugh girls ignore me because I am ugly an lazy, I am soooo depressed and mentally ill
You need a good beating you pathetic slob
Goyim knew
what loved ones
He made le epik funni reaction videos.
rip etika
here's got some sort of horrific genetic disfigurement but he's pretty based
>tfw 30
>half black if that matters
>lived alone for last 10 years
>only go outside when necessary
Ricky Berwick is actually disabled, user.
holy fuck man. why did he do it?
I'd say yeah if he went back on the cigs
just a coincidence goy
Holy shit, Mike Ross was saying the same thing about a month ago when he started doing some streams. I hope he doesn't kill himself either.
>all these zoomers crying because their overeacting nigger man is dead
This is a good day oh yeah it feel so fucking satisfying
this was like the FOURTH time he did this. not one person would blame you for thinking it was another stunt. thats why nobody gave a shit and just shat on him the whole time. he had a history of exploding and going silent and then coming back.
i mean it may still be a misunderstanding of some kind (water corpses get fucked up) and hes laughing his ass off in some motel. but its probably safe to assume he was identified correctly
He had some mental issues. Signs of bipolarism/schizophrenia.
Bodies of water are like straight jackets of responsibilty to blacks, they freak out out.
Alright fags. Catch me up, why did this nigga kill himself.
>sudden downward spiral
where have you been for the last few years?
if this has taught me anything it's to get off the internet more often and leave my house. social media is rotting peoples brains.
Look at all the fucks in this thread saying good riddance and shit because they want to look edgy. Now imagine being sent barrages of messages like that every day constantly. It would eventually wear you down mentally.
Why the fuck did he keep getting discharged from the ward?
this nigger i could consider my friend.
literally who
oy vey, it was (((suicide)))
he knew too much
Niggas die everyday B
>its real
oh shit nigger what the fuck
>It's real
That actually sucks.
>banjo gets announced for smash
>he pretends to be excited
>commits suicide later
Was he secretly a Steve-fag?
I'm actually pretty surprised, and admittedly a little sad. I just watched this guy react to Banjo the other day. It's weird to think he's just gone now
Your moms pussy is though
he's known to have manic episodes in the past so he's fucked up in the head and he killed himself.
please god no
Friendly reminder that even though he's gone, the fanbase that flocked around him still remains and will continue to pollute gaming as a medium. He was a symptom of a much larger problem, there will be/are more.
I don’t give a fuck what you think you little “depressed” beta bitch. Grow up god damn retard lmao
I heard he got involved with a cult and it just drove him crazy with there nonsense. Thats what all those posts about "stargazing" were about. This could have prevented if someone close knew about this and slapped some sense into him
He clearly showed signs of having some manic disorder and his retard fanbase kept always emboldening it. Also the American healthcare system failed him as well since he was admitted several times and they always found him to be "competent" enough to let him go
Threadly remainder, that mods killed Etika. We could have saved him with the power of autism, if generals were allowed.
You will never wash this sin off, niggers.
For the last time, F to pay for my depressed egoistic boy.
People told him to kill himself because he had breakdowns. He felt bad so he listened to them.
The internet fame drove him crazy.
water acts like comcrete at terminal velicity
I literally barely know of him and have never watched a single video by him and I'm still kind of sad. Maybe it's because I'm struggling with mental illness too.
You first.
>he was actually going to the bridge to kill himself in this vid
>doesn't completely break down
I mean, if he is really "tearing up" he should at least change his profile pic for one were doesn't looks like he is mocking the dead guy.
someone post the body
>he'll never know who the last two smash characters are
No you didnt you just wrote this so you can feel at ease....quit being a faggot and just accept that you do not care.
>call suicide hotline
>hear them rustling paper and realise they're robotic and just reading off a questionnaire
>Nurses turn up at my door two days later to ask if I'm okay
never again
Dude cmon now. HE'S BLACK. What did you expect would happen?
Why do people hate Etika, granted i didnt know him that much just from his funny reactions. What did he do?
it's a shame that he didn't livestream it
That just proves you have some level of empathy and you aren't soulless
I thought he was just boofing us please say sike
Untreated mental health problems worsened by social media and America's dogshit mental healthcare failing him.
Poor Gordan
>one day he's acting like a nintendo fan, the next day he's acting like a crazy person.
You just said the same thing twice
They can't really hold him. It doesn't work like that.
He posted a goodbye video talking about suicide
I was only aware he existed but didn't care about him either way
>Etika LITERALLY made millions of dollars playing shitty games
>still depressed enough to kys
What a pampered sissy.
im probably more attractive than the enterity of your mutt family you fucking braindead boomer nigger retard.
go back to your beer and grilling with your faggot family or something
Weird that someone who always seemed so excited for absolutely everything would want to die.
And here the cancer try to turn it into their politics like everything else because for a single moment someone isn't giving them attention
my condolences to the family, friends, and fans. rip in peace, young man.
I never really liked the guy, but RIP. This is why we need to give people suffering from mental health issues the help they need, especially if they’re clearly unstable on social media
Make it so.
All dropping one after another and yet the king still remain.
DSP is wining at life.
kanker :DDD
Probably had an effect of anhedonia for so long it didnt phase him doing this
Having unchecked mental illness. He's been in and out of mental hospitals several times and had a few public breakdowns. But for whatever reason they just kept letting him out despite obviously needing more help.
The medical and mental health systems in this country killed him.
I've called a few suicide hotlines in my time, nothing like this ever happened.
I am gonna meet this dude in heaven
Good, rest in piss nigger subhuman. I hope his last moments were pain and suffering. The world is now a better place with one less nigger and this genuinely calls for celebration.
You know, I'd usually be able to move on without much care, but it hurts that he saw everything he did - truly - and didn't want any sympathy.
Talks about never seeing those he loved grow up...
You know how often it is that people use suicide as a way to gain sympathy? Post mortem I mean. He looked into that camera and said exactly what he thought.
Hits a bit too close to home, but I'm too much of a bitch to go through with it.
It's that special kind of human fucked up, but him actually going through with it makes me sympathize with him so much more than if he ended up not being able to do it.
He really said everything believing he'd do it 100%, and he did it.
When you're at the point where you'll do it, you won't feel any emotion. That's how deep he was in.
Don’t do it man. You just gotta keep moving forward
Just seeing this makes me happy there's one less nigger.
Who the fuck finds this shit entertainment? Good riddance.
I always worry I'll see something like this about Jon CJG.
>the ironic weeb poster boy and fresh prince of smashfags is actually kill
lmao, hope they dump his ass in a Mario casket
damn, that's fucked
>He never finished a FE game
F. I'll miss him so much.
Don’t do drugs
welcome to mental health services in america
Legitimately seek help. Tons of states have suicide prevention services and help lines.
Just a coincidence goyim, don't think too much.
Epic, simply epic
>GGGmanshills found to be an actual marketer
sauce? that would explain why he was defending FO76
To me personally, he was a col and funny guy. Then he started to go crazy over money and that was cause my downfall for being a fan for him.
Imagine being this fucking stupid.
I bet he's a negro, too.
Good. Fuck niggers!
>defending the hook-nosed bastards that killed your ebic funny vidya reaction guy
Really nigga?
nah my existence is already justified just by making faggots like you seethe and cope.
and you cant do anything about it
at least he died young, being bipolar when you're old is a great way to be a schizo and thats a terrible way to live.
Well he certainly was a tool...
flame, retard.
>wtf? i love over the top forced reactions man now!
wish cancer, get cancer
don't risk it, user
You disgust me, all of you.
proof that humanity doesn’t deserve to continue.
moralfags fuck off.
Imagine being THIS much of a meme infested zoomer, incapable of seeing anything without his meme identity googles. This is how broken zoomers are
Show that you're stronger than that and persevere
So jannies, wanna explain why these threads aren't being fucking deleted? Or maybe moved to a different board? Why are you allowing this to stay up huh? There is already about 8 threads about the same fucking shit and isn't video games. Jannies, what the fuck are you doing right now?
His poor mother, his older brother killed himself too years ago.
>He is so chad that his tears can't be seen
He's had at least 3 major breakdowns and was hospitalized for each one. Some people you just can't help.