>he hasn't taken the Dancer-Pill yet
He hasn't taken the Dancer-Pill yet
Most dancers are going to be garbage.
Video games are not allowed in Yea Forums - Video Games because that one mod is can't stop fucking up.
No thanks, bro. I'm actually GNBpilled.
Dancer going to be gr8. Im going to learn everything about it.
Haha, that's funny OP. Why would I want to dress my character in beautiful, exotic clothes that expose their body and perform amazing and enthralling dances for my teammates? Why would I want to feel the cool silk slide across my almost naked body, the sun beating down on my exposed skin, moving with seductive rhythm and knowing all my groups eyes on on me, I mean my character, of course. Haha.
I don't like suppositories.
I don't play ranged dps out of principle, I'm not the party's buff bitch
If I have the game on ps4 and steam, can I get early access for both or just one if they share a character?
I don’t know user, how can I be confident as DNC when everyone else is going to be frothing at the mouth for a taste of my 30% crit buff?
>I'm not the party's buff bitch
Don't worry bro. BRD won't have any of that come Shadowniggers.
I bet you play a real DPS, like NIN.
>thread in auto sage already
Why can't I get his clothes in game? Squall, Cloud, Zidane, and even Firion got their outfits in.
I'll give it a try.
Do you need to have expansions for both? As long as you have pre-ordered you should have early access though
I'm not a TA bitch either, I play the jobs for well endowed men
It's in the game, but only for Samurai/Monk. Drops from the second SB 24man.
>he didn't do the Ivalice raids
Based MNK!
You can. It's a MNK/SAM set in ridonara.
I hope you guys have your gas masks ready.
>playing viera/hrothgar
But DPS are all for boys that are too afraid of responsibility. A real man's job is tanking
So DRK then, the most important and plot relevant tank?
I'm pretty sure mogstation separates the two versions completely so you would need to buy the expansion twice.
Get outta here with that gutted job dicklet
Huh, I figured those stuck to the FFT armors, need to get around to them.
Post your UI
A fellow fisherman I see!
You colorblind, doc?
Thanks doc
I may actually pick up this game since it was on my list for some time now and I'm the rare FF8 loving faggot, going to probably play on ps4 and take it easy.
Will Seifer's clothes and Hyperion be avaiable in the game?
>That new Zenos outfit
I think I need a dose, doc.
for me, it's hrothgar whm
T-Thanks Doc
So FFXIV has legitimate support classes, if I'm understanding this correctly. DPS that provide buffs and useful skills as their main benefit. Does this actually work out in high level play? I like to play support but lately it seems every single multiplayer RPG relegates support to be a healer, and although I don't mind, I'm really more of a hands-on support player.
Thanks doc
I've started looking into NIN's new tools and there's one skill I literally can't understand the use of since it's always a DPS loss: Meisui.
When the fuck are you supposed to use it? If we consider that we're gonna use the extra Ninki for Bhava, the whole Suiton+1/2Bha is only worth 350pot which will always be strictly worse than just doing a Raiton with your ninjutsu since it uses one less mudra (so less GCD clipping) for more pot.
Cool controller
Friends, how can I get a EU pre order code outside the Square store?
Controllers SAM's where do you put your sen and kinky gauges?
Danced and Dancerpilled
I hope we get a list of headwear that can be used by viera/hrothgar
"buffs" as in passively handing out some crit rate to others, nothing really dynamic beyond that.
Seifer's Clothes aren't a thing yet and neither are Hyperion. We're only getting the Squall gunblade so far and only by getting the collector's edition. His clothes can be obtained by just playing the game.
Snow's outfit is a thing but it's not really the same thing, sadly.
The raid "metas" usually have 2 support classes. Healers arent the "support class"
Support classes are MCH, BRD and now DNC but it seems DNC will also have DPS numbers like a melee dps.
I love this edgy fight autist.
Is this spoilering his ShB outfit?
AST andDNC are probably the closest you’ll get to what you’re looking for. aST is a healer than cam gives buffs to allies and the whole part by drawing cards from a deck. DNC is a ranged DPS that does pretty shit damage but has a large focus on dancing to buff allies.
The last of the 3 also has Basch's set for aiming
*steals your waifu*
It's mostly skills you use on the party or by targeting others, often you need some third-party tool to see who is even worth buffing. Dancer, for example, can put crit and direct hit on a single target, like a Black Mage.
Healers mostly heal but Astrologian can also buff the damage of party members by drawing cards and using them on one person.
Will we still be able to get the highest tier script from custom deliveries once SHB releases? I mean, you can get yellow scripts from HW customs.
why isn't that a samurai armor yet
Probably. When he was first revealed for dissidia, iirc, they didn't show off the alt costume because of spoilers i believe
I want him to steal me
Reminder servers go down tomorrow NIGHT for the 24-hr maint so you really only have today and tomorrow to wrap up your loose ends before expansion drops.
This is like the only hairstyle I'm happy with on female Elezen.
>we want to make the bad guy unlikeable because too many people liked gaius
>make this shit
if i remember right the high tier scrip was time gated for sb, so probably just the uncapped scrips for now
when will the servers be up on friday for EU?
Fuck I have so much I have to do. I have to get one of my healers to 70, I have to clean out my inventory/saddlebag/retainers, I gotta clear out my journal, get my goldsmith to 70, get a few glamours, get my pyros wep...I’m so fucked
pretty ironic how the first named character whm in the series is a dude
Shouldn't have made him so handsome then.
They realized they failed so they moved to making Varis do a full Hitler
I’m almost done farming poetics for the augmented shire gear. I’m just torn between doing the msq first before leveling Dancer or level Dancer then do the msq
Alright. I'm pretty sure but just to confirm, I'll be able to buy 350 weapon for my crafters with the uncapped scripts in SHB right? You know, the ones you can buy with weekly capped (yellow) today.
3 more days until monks around the world kill themselves.
and people still agree with varis
If you want a sporty look, you can use the WoL hairstyle when he's a SAM in SB promo material. Other than that, it's slim pickings apart from racial hair
I hate this faggot so much. His story should’ve ended at Royal Menagerie. Why does ffxiv insist on keeping characters who have served their purpose alive just so they can come back later?
Yoshi said Dancers were designed to be an easy class where there isn't a huge difference between low skill Dancers and high end Dancers (while GNBs were designed to be difficult compared to other tanks). Imagine RDM except a ranged DPS instead of a caster.
>people on Yea Forums* agree with Varis
>Most people have stopped playing to save up rested exp for Shad.
>Remaining population is abysmal.
Use your cooldowns oh my god. Please. Just use your cooldowns. No, don't pop half of them, just one at a time tank, dear lord. Stop running into attacks SAM, holy fuck.
As a BLM I'm expecting DNC's to prep me when I drop my lines.
10 am if you're a bong, 11 am for normal people
cooldowns are cheating
Going to be impossible. Job is EZ mode
No need for IR anymore because the 70% chakra makes up for it and because of even more chakra you don't need to do howling fist because you have a new aoe chakra as well as aoe skill replacing one ilm.
>tank uses literally all of his CDs before pulling
>Make Gaius
>seethe that people like him and his reasonable decisions
>Make Zenos
>seethe that people like him and his autism
>Make Solus
>seethe that people like him and his cuhrayzyness
>give up and turn Varis into Hitler
What is it with Yoshi P and his hateboner for garleans?
You respect the content if you want to, but for the love of god DPS and stop dying.
Someone has to tank for us when Thancred isn't around
>tfw still havent even unlocked EX Titan
>Radius 15
I can't wait for the shitty dancers who are not in range of the boss because they love to stay at max distance.
I finished a monestary run last night with 3 minutes remaining on the clock. I don’t even think the groups were this bad on orbonne’s release.
I just started playing this game is NIN any good?
Speaking of cooldowns, is there a specific "rotation" for them on DRK? I just reached 60 but it feels like i don't have enough of them desu.
People make the hitler comparison thing because of the perfect race stuff, but they always ignore that the theoretical perfect race he was talking about wasn't Garleans either
>Yoshi said Dancers were designed to be an easy class where there isn't a huge difference between low skill Dancers and high end Dancers
Yoshida lies a lot. DNC has a pretty low floor, but correct proc management and pooling, keeping dances from drifting and knowing when to buff are all way more involved than anything RDM can do, period. Comparatively GNB's rotation is very simple and easy to control, same as all tanks. It makes sense for Yoshida to talk about the skill floor but finer details paint a different picture.
Maybe if it was 70% of every weaponskills and not 70% of the time 15% of the time. TWO LAYERS OF RNG FOR THE PRIMARY OGCD WHEN EVERYONE ELSE ONLY HAS ONE AT WORST
I'm just not seeing how GNB is supposed to be the "experienced" tank. Being able to do renzokuken every 30 seconds? The 2 minor DoTs? I'm saying this even as someone hyped for it.
don't overestimate the general populace
>tank dies right at start of miniboss.
>pops literally every cooldown at once immediately upon revive.
These people are actually worse than the wow-transfer kids who jump potioned their way up.
Yoshi said before he’s an old school guy, he likes his villains being villains and his good guys being good guys. He hates that moral grey shit
MNK would be too OP if it was every weaponskill.
Do it with a DF party, so fun.
sorry buddy you missed the train, Astrologian and Bard get their support skills neutered in 2 days
wow classic
There is no such thing as a cooldown rotation. If you are doing mass pulls in a dungeon just pace them as you go through the dungeon and if its a boss just cooldown for tankbusters or if the healers are under pressure.
Very based.
Public Service Announcement to those modding your game:
Backup your mods into a modpack and use the "start over command" once the servers go down. If you don't, you WILL fuck your game's installation.
My first clear on release day had 5 minutes left
Get used to it, because in 48 hours you’re going to be dealing with a lot of tanks like this.
Jobs are designed around max level, it feels bad but you have to suck it up until you get TBN.
>starts spamming clemency when health drops below 90%
>still doesn't use cds
>uses all cds including Hallowed Ground when dropping below 50%
>uses Fight or Flight pre-pull
DRK is missing TBN which makes you feel weaker than other tanks. Once you have TBN you are basically invincible in dungeons but that will change in ShB because of how little mp you gain.
Just use one cd at a time. Don't worry about Awareness, Convalescence and Anticipation anymore. Those are going away. Just like Dark Arts Abyssal Drain which could keep you alive on large pulls with minimal healing.
Big pulls are good for Living Dead though, the healer will be spamming you with heals most of the time anyway. Just make a macro so they know you are using it.
>No need for IR anymore because the 70% chakra makes up for it
You still need to crit though, and only bootshine will crit reliably. And even having chakra building still be rng based is shit.
>you don't need HF anymore
The new chakra aoe is only for aoe. HF was used for aoe and single target. We're not just getting aoe damage consolidated, we're getting overall damage taken away.
>but it might do the same amount of damage
In that case, we're getting buttons taken away. I'm all for removing redundant or useless skills, but making our rotation less engaging is no good.
orbonne day 1 had people abandoning at thunder god cid.
He must be seething people unironically love the garleans.
No I'm not, I'm switching to maining GNB
Well obviously, but chakras can not be full RNG anymore, it's bad design.
How strong is the main character really?
>was running Ghymlit Dark on roulette
>RDM was hardcasting Verthunder and Veraero
>Politely suggest to him that he use jolt to get the dual cast proc, will be a dps increase
>He goes off on me and says I don’t know what I’m talking about, Jolt has way less potency than Verthunder and Veraero
>Does this for rest of the dungeon, doesn’t use jolt a single time
>Dies to almost every mechanic
How is it possible to be this bad. How.
>If you are doing mass pulls in a dungeon just pace them as you go through the dungeon and if its a boss just cooldown for tankbusters
Ok, just making sure since i recently started tanking. I do use them in succession and i haven't died yet in dungeons, just have to get used to pulling "wall to wall".
One CD per pack, if you have to use more than one CD your DPS and healers are shit.
anticipation + awareness, rampart, shadow wall,
Nah, no rotations. I usually just pop rampart and 1 other cd on the first big pull, another 2 on the second big pull before boss. Then on boss you alternate between cool downs when he’s getting ready to use a tank buster. As soon as you get blackest night though you’ll have a shield to pop every 10 seconds that nullifies 20% of damage or so, though these days I’m mostly using that on the healer or dps that can’t avoid eating AOEs
He's a singularity a literal outlier in the grand scale of things
Two DOTs with a damage buff you have to squeeze them into automatically makes GNB a little more stimulating than DRK and WAR. We just have to see if it's more complicated than PLD.
>Don't worry about Awareness, Convalescence and Anticipation anymore.
So i'm left with only Rampart, Shadow Wall and Dark Mind for magic damage untl i reach 70+ huh?
Imagine being so autistic you time out where every cooldown goes because of how scripted the fights are.
>WoL I am ready for our date
He is as strong as he need to be for the story, there are no actual power levels.
Can't wait to get my dick sucked by the other DPS simply for having minimal spatial awareness.
Not until I can make a dancer with a properly sexy species.
He’s only a literal god when fighting against primal and nameless goons.
But that doesn’t make sense, because he keeps fucking bringing them back. Nero, Gaius, Zenos, all have come back, two of which are currently allies.
>kill dozens of gods summoned and powered by desperate faith and abundant aether
>kill giant dragon that almost destroyed the world
>kill giant dragon that's been waging a war for over 1000 years. twice.
>defeat time controlling giant robot castle that could have stopped the world from being destroyed.
>get BTFO by blonde weeb with katana. twice.
As strong as the plot requires.
That's what i've been doing, so it's good to know i'm not THAT bad, thanks anons.
That RDM was so close yet so far.
You should avoid casting jolt as much as possible.
there's no reason not to use them for the next few days just be aware they'll be gone soon.
yeah, it's like poetics where you can buy the old shit
you still might need the collectable tho
>Two DOTs with a damage buff you have to squeeze them into
Are you nigga serious
They're all 60s.
>Male Viera live in the jungle and come back every couple of years to have a giant orgy
No wonder we can't play as them
I did this the very first time I tried savage raiding and there is nothing wrong with this in the downtime while waiting for everyone to show up.
WoWfugees and literal mouth breathers
>get nidhogg normal run in trial roulette
>pld has shield oath so I let him take the boss
>he proceeds to spam rage of halone
>not the rage of halone combo but just the single skill rage of halone
>loses hate to me
>say fuck it and take the boss myself
>tell him to stop fucking around and use his proper combo
>he tells me he knows what he’s doing since he’s been playing WoW for 12 years
>RDM dps chimes in with “yeah we can tell”
>not doing first day 24mans at 5am with the neets
cmon now, it's fun
>MNK new aoe rotation refreshes Twin Snakes
>SAM aoe rotation refreshes Shifu and Jinpu
>NIN aoe rotation refreshes Huton
I liked Anticipation too, that one was up constantly.
WoWfugees havent had to use more than 2 buttons for quite a while
>playing support
they know drg players don't use aoe
>puts sks on your gear
nice try kid but you're gonna have weird alignments
what are you gonna do about it, put on tenacity instead?
Lord Darkmatter's legend never ends.
>RDM dps chimes in with “yeah we can tell”
I don't know why i love it when mages shittalk others, is it the hats?
into the cuckshed your job goes
put crit on and stop being autistic
also if the fight's long enough for it to matter just buffer it with another gcd, main combo doesn't break
you're not very good are you?
does sks affect how fast dots tick in this game?
Who cares, only place you will be using aoes are dungeons anyways.
No, it simply makes them do a tiny bit more damage.
Hey man maybe they fixed it in the E3 build and nobody told you
it only affects potency
No, only how much damage they do.
SE is trying to stop people with SKS builds other than MNK.
but I did, I ran it more when friends got on to play and the normies ruined everything by being literal retards.
It’s because mages are expected to be blunt and call out shitters, it’s great.
i'm more bothered how other jobs get a single target version of their nuke (xenoglossy and senei) while stardiver is an aoe with falloff
Do I wait to do custom deliveries until Friday?
Damn, dissidia vaan is hot
>Bought some redbull, Monster, powerful coffee and Sparkling water
>Got 45M gils
>Did all the quests in my quest log beside The Greatest Story Never Told because I'm too much of a brainlet
>Crafted 300 food for exp
>Charged 8 rank 3 FC buff exp
>Sorted my inventory and all my retainer
>Got some upgraded ilvl60 gear for GNB and DNC
>Did all the weapons that I wanted in Eureka, got all the mounts and minions from it too beside the Cassie one
>Got all the raid mounts
>Made my playlist of music in case if we need to grind fates because of another bug
Shadowbringer, here I come.
SAM looks like it's gonna have the best aoe dps after BLM
You may as well, they won't give hardly any exp but it's better than nothing.
seeing cgr fall apart was a real bummer
yes, but prepare the items now
I just bought the game for the first time.
What eu server should i unironically choose to play with normal people and interested are people in doing "old" content now?
Mages actually pay attention to the fight while melee spends more time looking at which direction the boss butt is facing and pressing the glowing button in their 1-2-3 rotation.
Odin or Phoenix probably. Light in general, really. Avoid Chaos like the plague
They only got Kaeshi: Gokken, removal of TP, buff extenders, and Guren with no fall off. Still pretty weak overall compared to SMN.
Zodiark is full of faggots, that much I can tell.
>was going to buy Bloodstained since it was also 40 but without the tip to YoshiP
>roommate randomly buys me 60 days so he can get the black chocobo
>commissioned to do something for a quick and easy 20
>effectively can pay 60 for both
Looks like you can have your cake and eat it too. See you back on Eorzea, anons!
>doesn't know about new Bane
oh no no...
Is there a place where I can see how much aoe damage every job does?
Yeah well, that's usually what happens when you're a European country.
Since i bought the eu version i am forever stuck with eu servers.
Could I see your art? I'm looking for someone to commission and it could be nice if they were also an user
Fuck off Omega and take your powerlevel discussion with you
No you're not, just pick another server on the main menu
Please no bully, EU isn't that bad right?
When i made my character i didn't really notice the server and ended up on Lich, is it bad?
Okay, so what are some good, normal US servers?
thanks senpai
It's not like it's worth playing on NA unless you have some kind of weird schedule otherwise you will playing during "dead" times.
Not Crystal
EU is fine, americans are just obsessed as usual.
define normal
>When i made my character i didn't really notice the server and ended up on Lich, is it bad?
It's fine, datacenter matters more for doing content. You can meet decent people in every server.
There are some spectacular shitters running around right now. I’m seeing tanks pull mobs using Ultimatum/Provoke, then rage because they’re losing aggro. Some tanks refusing to use even their dps stance. Healers that just spam their basic heal only. DPS that spam a single combo, but don’t finish the full combo.
It’s crazy how any of these people even make it out of ARR content.
Lich is on Light so you're fine. Just stay away from Chaos.
>wanting to play with amerimutts
might as well roll on Lamia to jack off on ecelebs
Normal people that play the game and not erp with catgirls like faggots, and no tryhards.
But he is my waifu
Yea you dont have to queue with Moogle so you rolled good.
My SHB glamour is ready.
And now their shittery is being vindicated by the provoke changes. Wowfugees need to be stopped
>that one retard who runs counter clockwise in orbonne
Fuck me it never used to be this painful, these retards could barely get down mustadio
>the skill of the Regend himself for double Midare
>single target new Guren
>shorter Iaijutsu cast time
>meditate to release another Shoah
Are you as excited as I am my fellow SAMbros?
Are the Chaos servers that bad? This makes me wanna make a character there just out of morbid curiosity.
Tfw I purposely fuck up mechanics just to see if I can bait any fugees into dying
Why even bother? You'll be able to buy upgrade items for 100 poetics on Friday.
>Not going full black
>I am the warrior of darkness
>wears all white
depends on your tolerance for salut ^^ o/
>you still might need the collectable tho
What do you mean?
There’s a reason they call it morbid curiosity and not “it’s totally gonna be great” curiosity. You already know the answer to your question.
It's filled with the french who have a habit of being shite at the game then just plain ignoring any help offered and getting pissy when it all goes tits up.
Is it possible to paint white the DRK armors? I dig the White&Red aesthetic.
Chaos is in a pretty strange place, you have Arabs, French, eastern europeans and supposedly majority of Italians are there too.
Ah fuck it's french-infested? Now i get it, not touching that one.
You can normally upgrade all the Job gear to a dyeable state.
Are dungeons lagging for anyone else?
Predictions on the way we get dyable af gear this time around?
It's already begun, the great Pre-expansion launch server overflow.....
I still have no idea why they decided to give us the obviously level 80 skill four levels early, but I'm not complaining.
Light if you can speak english. If you're german or scandinavian.. again, Light. French, arabic, nigger, hardcore raid autist go Chaos. Server wise go for Twintania since it's a new world and you'll have a retardedly good bonus to xp until 60 (even for crafters far as I know) and get 1mill gil (small if you've played a lot and such but pretty damn big when you're new) and 15 days free playtime at level 30. Seriously it's really good, especially now with world visiting letting you go to Odin and other worlds anyway. Odin is the second best choice due to size but seriously just go Twintania since you can play with all the other worlds anyway. Welcome to XIV, user. And no european servers aren't that dead now. You're only fucked if you try to pvp in odd hours.
No, but there are times where i get randomly disconnected and im positive its not my connection. Possibly server stress but i have no idea.
>tfw got ps4 shb digitally for 20 bucks because amazons pricing error
>they shipped my bloodstained copy but still haven't charged me after refunding the charge a week ago
>also recieved free fantasia
Perhaps it is luck of the poor
They will lock it behind the next Eureka again.
>eastern europeans and supposedly majority of Italians are there too.
Huh, these are closer to me. Still won't roll there cause i can't stand the French.
why are people calling them all of a sudden
That's Susano's katana
Eureka 2: Aetheric Boogaloo
Probably problems with pre order charging.
Black chocobo codes, they take forever to arrive.
Eureka 2
people are too dumb to understand the mog station and everyone is trying to get preorder codes set up before expansion.
Not surprising, I remember having hard time with mogstation when I started to play.
Honestly XIV's had a lot of likeable antagonists. Especially by the end of their arcs.
Only exceptions I can think of are Lahabrea, Nidhogg, Asahi, Thordan, and Ilberd. And even some of those except Asahi might be liked by some people.
It also has Louisoix which was the first Road to 60 server on EU which means it's full of people who started playing in SB, wowfugees and various other brands of retards
Will you use this or hide it and wait for the balance to give out the rotations?
>friend wants me to do his 68-70 msq for him
should i bros?
fucking kek
enjoy getting DC every 30 seconds
plus trannies playing tank for first time ever.
Nah he can do it himself.
>not likeable
I had issues with connecting to the login server a while ago, it's probably blizzard making sure their ddos machines are up and ready to go for friday
Thordan was a stupid old man and Ilberd was fucking retarded
I liked how much of a piece of shit asahi was, and its one of the only villains that made me audibly go "fuck you". I also found it really funny that the WoL just tells everyone that asahi is putting on a big act, since i thought for some dumb story reason they wouldn't. It's literally "so yeah when you weren't looking he threatened me, what a prick".
Who /loggedoutingridania/ here
I have one hundred percent for five years just played crafting by ear and never looked at a single guide or rotation. It's no fun if you don't figure it out for yourself.
ilberd did nothing wrong
I'm going in as a SCH first
No waiting for me my dude
I'm not really accepting commissions at the time, but you can probably find a few good anons to comm on /aco/ or /xivg/ (assuming they didn't chase ALL the artists away
I’m logged out in the rising stones, fuck GNB and DNC, I want to know wtf happens first in the story.
Oh well
I want more pics of kebbe
or just figure it out; it's pretty self explanatory
To be fair, Zenos has a really powerful fake echo
GNB starts in grid right?
Are you seeking good art
steam retards buying the square store version probably
Because the writing team focuses on the villains instead of the heroes, which is why we got *clenches fist* the character
Depends what you mean
I'm so fucking nervous someone is going to leak the story, once we can download i'm out of here.
Thordan was a senile old man and him trying to act on his own only made everything worse for everyone.
We killed nidhogg for him the first time and were working with both ishgard and dravania to bring both parties together, he killed haurchefant, he brought the dragon eyes together allowing nidhogg to be resurrected and he activated azys lla which forced us to shut down the warring triad.
All he did right was to kill lahabrea but at the end of the day if he just sat his ancient ass and waited we would've done exactly the same thing and the ishgardian closed mind mentality would've been gone once he died of old age and aymeric took the throne from him.
>and Ilberd was fucking retarded
Stay mad Alphinaud, he accomplished more than you ever could
>tfw no marketable skills aside from baking/karate
Feels bad man. Nice bun tho.
tell me your worst experiences with expert roulette
Odin is lagging for sure.
I personally liked Thordan, but I recognize that he was more on the edge than the others.
Ilberd did everything wrong and didn't have a single redeeming quality except overwhelming patriotism. Not enough to make me like a guy. Especially when he's patriotic for such a garbage place as Ala Mhigo.
Sure, but you were liking Asahi's place in the story, not Asahi himself. Having a truly detestable villain is good. Like Umbridge.
Sorry. I put him in the likeable list first then reconsidered and forgot to take him off.
You are wrong sir.
>Did 10 years of Judo
>Still average at best and a fat fuck
>XIV threads get deleted
>some dumb black e-celeb commits suicide and gets a sticky
sort it out.
>be me
>Get anything but Ghimlut dark or zhe burn.
Oh the story will be 100 percent spoiled within an hour of the patch download going up, jump ship immediately once that happens.
You are going to be playing an armored male Dancer, right Yea Forums?
What do I do with crystal clusters now that they're obsolete
welcome to Yea Forums - e-celebs and social media
Trash them
Retarded question, but do I need to buy the expansion to play dancer?
No, I'm going Vanu vanu.
Just avoid Yea Forums, reddit, and other places where there is a datamining community.
Both Chaos and Light have an even newer road to 60 server now though, with even newer shitters and wowfugees just starting now for Shadowbringers.
Holy rainbow hat died pure white with a full white suit
Hell no, I’m rocking the fro and disco glamour.
Reminder not to give any people comms now until SHB.
Just rename Yea Forums to /incel/ - internet celebrities at this point
Yes, you need to buy the expansion. If you dont have the other ones, just buy ShB, you'll get the rest for free if you do so.
Crafting. Crystal Clusters are really good for alchemist and culinarian if you still need gil for Shadowbringers.
hroth naked with penis mod of which I take 246 screenshots of and ALWAYS link it in the party chat right at the beginning of the instance.
It's up!
meant cracked cluster, i'm tired as fuck
>those heels wont actually be in-game
I just find it hilarious that Asashi could have gotten away with it or at the very least, been a much better position to fuck over the WoL and friends if he didn't take the time to shittalk the WoL at the last second.
This isn't the patch note reading what the heck
The Burn, 5 days in a row. 2 of those ended with me soloing the last 20% of the mist dragon, once as PLD and once as DRK.
Same. Avoiding these threads and i might filter shout and stuff too in-game. Don't go to plebbit from the get-go thank god so that's not an issue. Fuck normalfags and their capeshit story and worrying about Endgame spoilers/Game of Thrones/other onions media. Shadowbringers is where it's at.
Mutamix, keep them.
i have a 60 day time card does anyone have a psn card to trade for it?
Well we don't know if there will be Materia VIIs yet or not, so they may still be useful if they don't add them.
Who is the cute guy?
Can you use ikishoten outside of combat, can you use ogcds before tsubame gaeshi?
>people going out of their way to get a lazy recolor Mount
Just why? It's the laziest Amazon promotion they've had.
>Still no naming conventions
>we don't know if there will be Materia VIIs yet
oh I thought it was confirmed
So if I have preordered ShB and have early access will I get SB on the 28th too or will I have to wait until July? Only have HW at the moment.
>lmao no way this is real
ffxiv get constantly deleted or moved and yet they sticky eceleb shit, the fuck is wrong with these mods
They've been really coy about it, they've hinted there might be but no direct confirmations as of yet.
Objects spelt wrong, valley girl names and car brands.
It's becoming clearer and clearer every day at least one of them is either being paid directly by Blizzard or is doing it for free.
Unfortunately I have all the previous expansions, but thanks
Holy shit im still banned from the reveal of shadowbringers when I said ban all french players
july 2nd
Unironic brain damage
>Can you use ikishoten outside of combat
Probably not, it would make people have to wait every pull for its CD to come back.
>can you use ogcds before tsubame gaeshi?
Since Tsubame gaeshi is an ability and not on the GCD like the Iaijutsus I assume you are really meant to use them back to back.
63.5 hours remain
>the other eceleb shit is not videogames
>this eceleb shit is videogames
>videogames aren't videogames
if every other place to talk about this game wasn't worse somehow, i wouldn't come here
Fuck desu.
Rin's in Pyros!
sticky dead nigger is unironically comical. Yea Forums is no more
Almost as brain damaged as Etika, almost
What even led this guy to his death?
I don't get that.
There are already shoes with heels in the game.
Should I just stop trying to gear up my spare jobs and save tomestones now?
Go back to the sticky you fucking retards, don't shit up other threads
It's likely that your poetics will be able to buy Scaevan gear in a few days, so yeah, probably. And the Genesis/Mendacities will be useful when you hit 80.
>She's actually alone
>No one following/carrying her anywhere in Pyros
Nope you will just trade them all in for Poetics anyway
>Genesis/Mendacities will be useful
Challenge log. Need that XP boost.
Literally severe mental health issues and the lack of anyone remotely close to him IRL to stop him from being a retard, didn't help that he got taken into the mental ward and released the same week instead of being strapped down for being at risk.
Heels in the game don’t affect your height, they just shorten your legs so your characters height never changes.
Get to 360ish at the class you plan to level for ShB and save the rest of your tomes. There could be a dungeon right away on the launch of ShB that requires 360 gear. But yeah, poetics will be the main thing.
This is my chance to make her my GF, wish me luck bros!!
The xiv threads and smashfag threads do need to be pruned on the regular since we get invaded by literal /vg/ trannies these threads are around enough. the wow threads too when the homefags kept spamming them but that's already dealt with. I don't like it either but that's how it goes.
I am, something simple drawn of my WoL :3
Anyone got that autistic chart to show what challenges need to be prepared for shadownegros.
My memory is fuzzy, were there any "leveling gaps" in the SB MSQ or did you pretty well smoothly get through it assuming you just followed the MSQ and did the dungeons along the way?
Don't bother unless you're doing DNC/GNB first.
What's wrong with controller?
Japs play on console
>Why yes. How did you know?
Have people been getting random disconnects? I got two right after one another a couple hours ago.
Just logged out naked in Gridania in front of racial gear vendor.
Bunbreaker soon!
I sure as fuck am not looking forward to the shitshow around the DNC and GNB Quest NPCs when EA starts.
>Not going male dancer to make all the sluts wet themselves
>Gonna have to deal with shit tanks falling off gear wise just like the vault and doma castle again
Both fates CL are going away
The only time I had a problem was somewhere around 40-50 (can't remember exactly) and had to farm some FATEs in Northern Thanalan.
what weapons look best with the storm elite scale sets
>the MSQ literally hands out HQ gear
I really don't understand how this even happens
Remember to set yourself as busy and set up a separate chat with no say, yells, or shouts so you don't get spoiled by a random fucking retard.
i don't remember doing anything extra in sb, i did have to grind just a bit for hw tho
Retards just click on any of the gear and hit the auto reccomend gear button everytime
They don't play the MSQ on their tank duh.
>Like Umbridge
Hopefully they learned their lesson from Raubahn (Savage) and not put a solo duty too early in the MSQ.
Show wol
What is this?
I mean they've explicitly said they aren't, so they'd have to be straight up lying for this particular issue to rear its head again. I do however expect a plethora of other issues.
patch notes when?
In the last live letter Yoshida specifically mentioned raubahn memes, and said they have learnt from that.
New Crafting UI coming in Shadowbringers.
>running a dungeon
>party is 3 same face raens and me
>l-l-lots of s-stutter talk and owo shit from them
>get annoyed and tell them that they are grown men and should act like it
>total meltdown from all 3 of them, one insists it's a girl, tell them no real woman talks like that, only people that watch to much anime think that's what girls act like
>another just raging about how you shouldn't assume peoples gender
>one breaking down, crying about how people still know what they are in games no matter how hard they try to be the "real" them
Fucking christ, you guys told me this doesn't happen on primal
The moment the servers go down usually
new crafting ui
God I wish I could erase my memory and play as a new player again
These wow refugees and new fags don't know how lucky they are
I'm just gonna unlock DNC asap and immediately head for HoH. Fuck sitting in DPS queues for anything until I hit 71.
Lore names fucking when?
i'm actually pretty excited for ng+, if only to relive how bad the arr quests are
And then the whole free company clapped
I had to do some hoh to catch up near the end (67-70 somewhere) but otherwise roulettes+msq did the trick.
enjoy your ban
>implying you wouldn't have been kicked by then
Ask Koji on Twitter
Oh alright, thanks. It doesn't make crafting easier, right?
>say for years that Lalas are the biggest autists in the playerbase, making them simultaneously the best players but also the most insufferable to interact with
>the Ultimate clear rates validate my theory
Feels nice
decently tasteful, gj user
>implying it isn't always our time
Based. masterrace is able to spoiler and hold back to avoid screenfagging unlike catniggers and tran'ra.
Well when you hit 70 it's trust system time baby no queues only good times
It does, because it tells you exactly how much progress your Basic Synth will give which makes it a lot easier to avoid miscalculating.
I'm still pissed at those quests in one patch where they ask you to run Qarn for some bricks to use for the rising but didn't release hard mode qarn until the patch after, it would be be far better if they released it in the patch the quest is so it makes sense. fuck them making you run the old dungeons.
I really hope this is real
Nice proof
>Rushing to 80 to do no content
Why would people do this?
>no queues
it's either stuff that you could see ingame already (the buffs and shit) or could use a crafting sim to find out (which a lot of people used anyway), so no it's still the same
the only changes that'll make crafting easier are giving byregot's and steady hand 2 out to everyone and increased initial quality from hq items, but you still need all the crossclasses to do high level stuff anyway so it doesn't change much for omnicrafters
Thank you!
to do the content
the faster i run through this game the faster i can unsubscribe
Can't wait to shuffle with khloe for new rewards
They act differently. They have meltdowns or act passive aggressive and votekick you while acting smug. Decent attempt though but as someone that has had the displeasure of getting tranny au ra I know the difference. Also most of them are Xaela.
There is no end level content at launch though, no raids or anything
Ugly looking tranny faggot fuck off to /vg/ nobody cares about your special snowflake dyed hair bitch.
not right now
>playing Hrothgar
Why would anyone hide this? What?
I lost most interest in playin this game when i found out i couldn't transfer / make a character on Gilgamesh, where all of my buddies are.
I'm still kinda riding out the bonus exp of rolling on a preferred server, with hopes of transferring in the future. Rogue is p boring, but im only like lvl 19. What's a fun class to grind up to 50? I planned on going RDM asap.
>Also most of them are Xaela.
You know that's just not true, you must have some shitty waifu raen that you play
Got booted right after
I fucking hope not, if a GM contacts me I'll just act like I regret what I did and apologize and maybe weasel out of it
Eh I only do soulless noob anime art anyway
Rushing from 60 to 61 in the new jobs should help a lot speed up the 60 to 70 leveling, since you can start melting your grey matter with HoH from 61 onward.
Messed around and made one I think I'd like as an alt, I just wish the ronso horn wasn't so limited.
go back to wow
Lads should I go l finish up ARR, HW, and SB as a tank and go GNB or as BLM for my big numbers
Fuck off avatarfagging tranny.
stick with it, it gets good
The point is, the MSQ will very likely carry you to 80 or close to it. Why bother putting in all this extra effort?
the potatoes got to level 99
when will they let us sheath katanas on our back
>or could use a crafting sim to find out (which a lot of people used anyway), so no it's still the same
Not needing to use a sim sounds like easier to me.
ex primals, crafters\gatherers cap, glam, farming good logs and funding static for savage
Any deals on Shb anywhere?
isnt this that NPC from the 50 PLD questline
I've seen more xaela have meltdowns mid dungeon myself and I say this as a xaela player.
Dance dance
Because that thing is most likely for people that want to level up GNB and DNC right away instead of going though the MSQ.
never because
fuck re-rigging any of that
sheathing a katana anywhere but by your side makes no logical sense.
Im gonna pet all of them!
Hey there's a whole board for your mental illness
You'll never be a woman though.
I stole her look, yes
What a monumental waste of time. By the time you finish the hunts I'll have finished 2 HoHs and gotten more exp lol.
>done with every single bit of ShB prep that I care to do
>still three days to go
Honestly I like them. The hunch is fucking shit though. They'd look even better as well done kemonomimi.. or wolfboys. Why can't a fucking mmo fuck off with furries and cats and just let me play a wolfboy..or girl
What are the best minions for speedrunning the 4th verminion challenge
SMN bros ww@
You have to be 61 to get in HoH, that's the whole point of doing this.
fuck cant wait for fate train return
Dial back your 'tism just a little bit, bro.
Hildibrand, high speed and high attack and has a type advantage, just send a swarm of them at the boss
is WAR in the shed?
Seconded, it works really well.
if you're going to post characters at least post lalas
Nah go back to your containment board you axe wound.
Yup, PLD/DRK are the chads of the expansion
Do what I'm doing and organize your inventory.
I'm a based middie, fag. if I played a lizard I'd play raen though sure. Xaela appeal to trannies more due to being sociopathic unstable emos and xaela having dark scales. Occasional ones do go for the hyper cutesy style and in that case go Raen though yeah but most I've seen were xaela and acted passive-aggressive, bitchy, or was unhinged and freaking out. Sometimes the last one will act cutesy and passive aggressive. If xaela were like in the original concept art trannies would stick to playing cat or raen.
The guys a mouthbreathing wowfag dont give him any attention.
it's still going to be the preferred mt because of holmgang and having the highest number of personal cds
like they get rampart every 25 seconds what is that shit
Dance water dance
As long as WAR has its many reliable cds including Holmgang it'll be fine. Tank meta will be PLD/WAR unless DRK is stronger than it was in the media build.
How long until the whole final fantasy franchise is exhausted of villains in XIV and they start dipping into shit like KH?
Slightly related, but what do you think could be the next alliance raid theme? Assuming they keep the guest sort of philosophy. Could it be KH?
Nah, I'm gonna stay right here. Seethe about it.
>but muh TBN
Like usual, no. They have the highest opening aggro gen and the best personal mitigation.
That is a horrendous looking character.
To where?
I just realized that the 29th is on saturday, not friday and it made me sad
Is there a body that goes with the Namazu Mask?
Still waiting for some FFX, I want muh Anima. KH is a no-no cause Disney.
The pig body from the gold saucer.
Isnt it going to be a nier automata related raid? I thought the director of N:A was even designing the mechanics of the raid.
full plate armor is the only answer
>KH is a no-no cause Disney.
I see. What other big Japanese thing could SE do as a guest for next expansion alliance?
Of course. By next I mean, next after Nier.
Who the fuck even cares about aggro management in ShB, it's gone. Their mitigation is good (although pretty much on par with DRK since TBN is retarded strong) but their damage is lacking at the moment, especially since they barely have any ogcds which means they can't push a lot of damage during raid buffs. It's not looking too good for WAR honestly
Do I still need to grind the mgp or can I buy them with money? I've been wanting to get the fenrir mount for years now but I still have only 170k mgp.
Dragon Quest
Chrono Trigger.
Are we getting patch notes today?
I would if it wasn't for DNC.
i mean tbn is still really good tho, it's just weird that dark mind got nerfed and then they give the inner beast effect to war for free for some reason so war's even better at being the "magic tank" than drk. same with pld for that matter since shelltron works on magic too
>Want to come back
>Haven't played since Heavensward
Convince me
I have all crafters on 70 but never once did I bother with the "soul of the crafter" thingy. Is it worth trying to get into it now? I have 0 clue how it even works.
Grind them but right now there's a 50% bonus to mgp event so it's peak time to get it. You can get a ton of mgp from the challenge log. Go buddy, go. There's also a sale on a few items from the campaign npc near the other vendors but not the mounts.
Look at this fucking faggot.
Point at him and LAUGH.
Reminder that the Garo event armors are going away in 5.1 so get on that too.
you want to come back
it gives you a decent passive bonus. the extra abilities it gives you are only worth using if you are undergeared for the craft you're trying to do
>inner beast
guess nobody told you huh
Expansion soon and you're too late to make it before launch. Give up.
Event ended yesterday
>like they get rampart every 25 seconds what is that shit
And DRK has a 25% HP shield every 15sec
And PLD can have 100% block (29% mitigation) for 12 sec
Whats the quickest way to level up my chocobo? Mine's on lvl 7 but the only way I can see myself playing a dancer without looking like a faggot is with the chocobo suit and mask.
Oh so the only reason to play is the first day of the expansion?
Oh they told him. They told him it's just called Raw Intuition and it's a free 20% mitigation every 25 seconds if you're not actively trying to heal somebody/yourself.
yeah, it's worth it
basically it gives you a few extra points of stats just for holding it, and it gives you access to specialty:reflect which is super powerful. there are also a few specialist only recipes and those are more important at the start of an expansion
there's also a bunch of other actions you get which let you do super memey rotations but they're not really meant to be used regularly
I assume then it's going to be a good thing to have during 70-80 levelling, right? I guess I should look into it, though I feel ridiculously lazy whenever I think about doing research.
That ended on Monday.
Is this a good time to get into this game?
>want to have long hair
>but long hair clips horribly with fucking everything
how do you deal with this?
Shame about losing that other cooldown that was also called Raw Intuition though
Do the weekly 'kill 20/100 level comparable enemies' challenges. Fates level sync you so any will work. Otherwise have FC people feed your chocobo for your experience and a chocobo hat they can use.
level it up with blue mage exp
7 years hand drawn.
They can do a raid based on FF7, like the assault on Shinra at the end of disc 2, defending Fort Condor, or invading Midgar like in Dirge of Cerberus.
There's no point in playing a game that you don't want ot play. The SB story was way worse than HW but ShB might be better, who knows? The only other thing that might make you play are the new jobs you didn't play yet.
>29% mitigation
It's not though. Block % scales with the shield, and it resets to about 20-ish% at the start of the expansion, and by the end it'll be back to 30% like it is now with Omega Shield.
no you'll catch AIDS if you do it now
there's a free trial btw start there
When will we get romanticized samurai armor?
Don't think about it
Who's the real chad caster, BLM or SMN?
>Thordan personally BTFOing the ascians
We should have let him rule. It would have solved literally all of our problems with them.
1 - don't care
2 - use only glams that don't clip
3 - play viera
Get BLU to 50 and aoe down Lv45-49 mobs
it'll help but its hardly necessary. just saves you some gil in not needing full pentamelds to do shit, its more for endgame crafting than leveling
>what is genji?