Huh, he actually has a point.
Huh, he actually has a point
do it
video games
Don't go to college, at least not in America. Move if needed, it's cheaper and better education without the shitty indoctrination.
Why do Americans who earn less than $150k a year vote against their own financial interests?
Yea Forums - deceased black guys and politics
can't wait for all the self-hating poor cucks to rush in: NOOOOO HOW CAN WEE PAY FOR THAT I WANT CRIPPLING DEEEBT
Meanwhile under Bernie's plan I'd get a tax hike
What game?
you haven't been to college have you?
Why do you believe what politicians tell you?
politics belongs on /pol/ you faggot
i want to fucking crunch anthony fantano's stupid head and face with my bare hands, i want to punch it over and over and strangle it until it's mushy and then i'll squeeze the remains like a wet towel and rip the gooey shit apart like putty and smear it all over his stupid fucking corpse
Whilst student loans are purely jewish vamprism to get people indebted early
>you paid to bail out the banks
>now pay to bail out universities too!
This is a video game board
You Sneed to talk about video games
no /pol/ is not about politics discussion it's about niggers and trannies
>no wall
>no border shutdown
>back to catch and release
>more H1B visas
>100,000 new illegals per month
We fucked up.
Oh boy, I'd sure love to dump Trump and get Bernie to raise my taxes. It would feel so good to watch my money involuntarily pay for the poor choices of people much younger than me.
Indoctrination is the main pastime on colleges, especially in the departments of useless degrees like sociology, liberal arts and language
You know we have archives on this website, right leftypol-kun?
No, we should continue gutting and destroying our culture while enriching defense contractors. That's freedom and capitalism I've been told.
Yeah, to an actual one in Europe, not a shitty adult daycare like you.
lol pleb here questioned his whole existence after Fantano criticized his favorite band/album
Why stop there? Why not just give everyone 1 million dollars? Take it from bezos he doesnt need all that
In fact, people who have risked their time and money should finnancially cover my poor life decisions. Its the systems fault i chose a worthless degree and didnt go to a technical school. pay off my fine arts degree richies
>pee pee poo poo on my videogames board
why are leftists so insufferable
Good, fuck you.
so you haven't been in one? muh marxist indoctrination is a joke. I've never ever come across one and no one ever talked about lib shit
>no wall
Blame dems. They threw a tantrum and wouldn’t include it for funding
>no border shutdown
Blame liberal federal judges who have too much overreach
>back to catch and release
Blame the liberal media (policy started under Obama FYI)
>more H1B visas
Ok, ya got me there
>100,000 new illegals per month
Blame Mexico and other Latin American countries
>100,000 new illegals per month
Nah its around 300,000 per year
Nobody fucking cares, burger
Presidents have no power besides declaring war.
If you want change, vote out all incumbents.
>Americans are so mentally cucked that they’d rather vote for a con-man who hasn’t paid his fair share of taxes for decades than for a man who stands up for their interests
Wow this sure is FUCKING VIDEO GAMES
>poor choice meme
why are boomers so scientifically illiterate
>Most powerful country in the world
>Somehow can't make college free
Lmao, he's absolutely right. Student debt is a fucking scam that is legally allowed.
Seething bernout, enjoy the art degree debt
What is "our culture"?
i'm not a Yea Forumstant
Yang Gang 2020
Workers and students unite!
You had a point until your absolute /pol/ bullshit. The only indoctrination is the never-ending push for "higher education", when most graduates cannot even use their degrees to get a job in the field they are going for.
Trump paid more in taxes in one year than Bernie has his entire life of living off the government.
While things are largely deterministic the illusion of free will and choice are important to help nudge people away from destructive choices
You must be at a pretty weird college
move where? Out of all the first world countries America is literally the least indoctrinated and the only one with a constitution that upholds free speech.
Canada, Germany, Sweden, France... Where you gonna go? All of them completely infected by Sjw's, overrun by sandniggers, full on censorship, some even straight up block Yea Forums and the sale of certain video games like it is the case with Australia, the home of censorship.
wait this isn't videogames
All politicians are con men. Doesn't matter who you vote for.
Scientifically, why should I have to pay for someone who went to college knowing full well that it is overpriced?
Bernie's a parasite. He's suckled at the government teat so long he now owns three houses. He spews socialist garbage to keep the con going.
>only my college exists
European here.
Indoctrination is also a thing here.
>Move if needed, it's cheaper and better education without the shitty indoctrination
If people tend to become leftists after becoming educated, maybe there isn't some grand indoctrination plan and maybe they're just less prone to being retarded, intolerant pieces of human trash?
he's losing against fucking warren. never ever.
No you just haven't been in one. Either that or your /pol/ brains perceive anything as lib shit
he's one of the normalfags who actually takes on-campus classes instead of online classes
>will get btfo by based daddy biden
>The generation responsible for making college overpriced is criticizing people for using it
This is like poetry.
>going to college is a poor choice
>if you're a burger flipper making 8 bucks an hour the same people say you should've gone to college
Fuck you
nah you gotta wait for the dlc
>Yea Forums actually acts like /pol/
This board truly has gone to shit
but by bailing out students debt you're just giving money to the jewish vampires who put them in debt.
It's better to let every student fail to repay the debt so the jews don't get any money at all.
Wrong board
why is american education so expensive but so shitty?
>we should bail out people who went for productive degree like liberal arts
all of my keks bernie.
eat shit and fuck your videogames
> I've never ever come across one and no one ever talked about lib shit
Like I said, it depends. If you're majoring in something work intensive like economics, computer science or STEM, nobody has time for that shit. But departments of useless degrees have too much time to spend and no brains to use, so most of the time they end up as student activists(read:domestic terrorists and propogandists). Just pick up any newspaper and see what the latest college is upto
Nah that is a pretty recent development. Started around the 50's-60's with the soviets pushing for it.
That's not just me though. Believe it or not the more educated a person is the more liberal he tends to be :)
An excuse to say racism is justifed
>noooo muh culture
I'm a millennial, insult me as you will.
Get into a trade.
Where's the video game?
Because voting to give everyone in the country a million dollars would financially benefit me but also ruin the country and I'm aware that everything comes with a cost.
>Don't go to college, at least not in America.
This, but not because of the indoctrination meme. Because you can study for free in other countries with better education and then come back and have the goverment pay your Phd.
How about tell students to be responsible for the fucking debt they put themselves into. They signed up for it. When are these faggots going to learn trade schools are better.
Nigga the entire continent of europe is indoctrinated
At least america isn't 100% cucked yet
Big companies collapsing threaten the economy of the country. Students being in debt for years does not.
If I'm not supposed to go to school here and I'm not supposed to work a low paying wagie job, then what am I supposed to do???
Oh so you're a boomer cuckhold then. That's even worse.
Sorry, user, but people tended to become Leftist with education long before the 50s. That's because Leftism actually encourages intellectualism.
>why is american education so expensive but so shitty?
says who?
>Blame Mexico and other Latin American countries
For our shitty borders? Come on.
Fuck you nigger. All I asked for are comfy video game threads without politics and waifufaggotry and I can't even get that.
I'm on a video game board for video games.
White flight will lead us to space
The only constant in this universe is that white people will continue to move to escape the brown horde
Go into a trade, develop alcoholism, retire due to chronic pain at 55.
Not really, most academics before the 50's were pretty much conservative and racist, just not nazi-tier
Don't follow your ambitions, become an automaton trade-school slave like
want you to.
I've actually thought about this. Fuck paying +$10k for education
Is moving to say, Europe for college/university feasible though? Is it worth the trouble?
>Leftism actually encourages intellectualism.
You are not very well traveled, are you?
Yeah, listen to this man. You want to be a princess when you grow up? Go for it champ.
>They signed up for it.
Naive high school grads dont have psychic abilities, user. They can't see the future they're signing up for. They only realize their mistake after they graduate or drop out of university.
>When are these faggots going to learn trade schools are better.
When the next generation of parents convinces their kids to go to trade school instead of university.
Leave any left ideology bullshit you have behind you and move to Texas if you're in the US, that's what I did. Entry job getting 15 an hour and the rent is like 300 a month if you get two other roommates.
And where will the white people, including ashkenazi jews, fly to? Mars? The Moon?
>has gone
>just move to Europe and go to school there bro
Why are people saying this like it's so easy?
Become a GangStar
Lol. Indoctrination at its finest. Australia > USA. Period.
>Why arent all threads on a video game board about politics >:(
Go fuck yourself honestly
>300 a month if you get two other roommates.
You see where you fucked up?
>the economy of the country
You mean threatens wall street.
Which has almost nothing to do with the "economy of the country."
This mental cuckery I swear to god
>tfw want to move out to Texas but don't know anybody there
>tfw all my friends keep moving out to Commiefornia
Feels bad man
Okay, now what is going to keep him to that promise?
>American education
Yea Forums is for shitposting. Videogames come second.
You've already got a tax hike, pussytits. You've been lied to all this time, and you're asking for more ass fucking.
Only retards don't notice that "free money" from loaners is not free money, they deserve to be in debt. It's not the parents either, I remember being in middle school and them drilling it into our brains to go to college. Government shoulda fucked off out of college.
>come to Yea Forums
>political threads
>try to ignore them and go to threads I like
>politics being discussed in vidya threads instead of the vidya
Welp this place is shit now, time to abandon ship
How does one acquire a stand to do so?
I'm sure Hillary/Bernie would've cut the visas and immigration numbers...
If the jews are coming with us then im piloting this ship straight into the sun
youre legit retarded if you got so much student debt you're paying it off for the next 10 years. i know multiple people including myself that have made it through with little to no debt.
there are people that get paid to go to school if you do it right.
>videogame takes place in the US
nice videogame thread you've got going here OP
that pic doesn't help, i'm thinking.
Stab yourself with an arrow or dig up the corpse of jesus christ, either of those 2 or win the genetic lottery and be born with one
Most retards that whine about free money don't realize its actually not free and has a fuckton of red tape and requirements to actual get it and how to use it.
How it is against their financial interests if they're paying less taxes? Why do you care that the government gets a few million dollars less from a billionaire every year? All theyre going to do is put it into the military to invade other countries and into giving free money to degenerates.
Are you guys actually arguing college is a liberal shithole?
You're the ones who've never been to fucking college, all the general requirements outside of STEM were basically pink hair recruitment centers
No he doesn't.
The banks paid every cent back. Obama said so years ago.
Student debt interest is fucked though. Just make that illegal.
>College don't indoctrinate people into becoming libs
>the more a people went to college, the more liberal he tends to be
Are you literally retarded?
Bailouts always help the rich over the poor.
>college is not confirming my own shitty beliefs >:(
go to prager university instead retard
It's almost like being around people of other races and creeds tends to dispel bigotry? Who'd a thought?
>jobs have no impact on the economy
18 and over sweaty
The right-wing libertarian side of me disagree's because this is a fucking retarded idea.
The even farther right-wing fascist side of me agree's because fuck the hooked nose banks.
fake autism for autismbux
>tfw my country gives free scholarships with salary for almost every country in the world including america
Feels good man
Funny how this thread stays up even though its off topic as hell
As a democratic socialist, there's nothing wrong with being rich as long as you pay your fair share of taxes, which most rich people do not.
We heed to go back to the level of taxation we had in the 50s where corporations were charged as much as 90% taxation that they pocketed rather than invested in expansion and job creation.(I feel 50-60% is more fair though)
Bido gam
You know central banks can just print money right, yes it causes inflation but it can be used to pay back any debt the bank owes while destroying your countries economy in the process, they are also owned by a private family the rothschilds.
why people gave them this superpower is beyond me but here we are in clown world
>If we can do bad then we can do bad
wow cant wait to play bernie's video game
Go to college of you want to do STEM shit but do it quickly and apply for as many grants as possible. College is a meme for the other 90% of degrees though.
>If people tend to become leftists after becoming educated
Fake news.
>Started going on Yea Forums around the early 2010s
>Feel like even the shitposting on Yea Forums has gotten worse these days, even though I remember there being more off-topic threads back when I was new here
I've been to college, and countless times I had to carry to whole group project because my diverse classmates were shit. So in my case it's literally the opposite.
And same thing at work. I work as an IT Consultant, and fuck pajeets so fucking hard.
sure I haven't :) you must have a cuck class where you must watch tyrone bang your gf, right? also mandatory diversity courses amirite?
your only education is prager university tard :)
I find it mind boggling that normies keep unironically discussing among themselves that a bachelors is essentially useless and you need a masters to be in the running to get anything. Like how in the fuck don’t they realise what a travesty that is, and that it’s completely unacceptable?
well how about a compromise
they have to pay back the loans but at 0% interest because usury is a sin
It doesn't need to be because he's Jewish, just that he has been irrefutably proven wrong by the entirety of the 20th century.
You are a fucking moron. If we just raised everyone's taxes by a small margin instead of cutting taxes by a whopping 100 a year you would actually save money. By cutting taxes we cut services which then you have to pay out of pocket for absorbent prices. Hell even if we did a flat tax increase of 400 a year which is nothing per paycheck, we could have universal healthcare or cancel student debt and have affordable/free college. But no idiots rather save a little money and then pay out the ass for services.
Not the answer I expected, I'll admit.
You went to college yet your spewing anecdotal evidence, the most worthless kind?
This is proof that the American Education System hasn't failed us yet
The Yang patch?
No you have to vote for the old socialist man socialism good reddit said so!
But then politicians would get less campaign and lobby money, and we can't have that.
most people I know that did master degree right after their bachelors were pussies that weren't prepared for the real work environment / life, and wanted to stay in their safe space payed by papa.
It's not that hard to get loans. Student loans are usually cosigned loans from parents, and if it's not student loans, banks only care about your projected profits since they want money primarily (banks would much rather have your money than your house or car) so as long as you have a steady job for two years, you can take out a small business loan provided you give them the right reasons.
Just don't reply to them. Are you such a mentally frail nigger faggot that you read a political comment and it actually effects how you feel, you actually let a comment on Yea Forums do that to you?
Maybe reddit would be more to your liking.
>I work IT
>fuck the pajeets so hard
This is a great and interesting video game discussion.
Let me give you the red pill of all red pills.
It doesn't matter who you elect, who you vote for. You'll always have the same results: You being screwed over.
This is a nice apartment complex, prob cheaper ones elsewhere. 700 for a 1 bed and 1 bath, like 800 for 2 bed 2 bath. Not my fault some of these autist can't man up to their social anxiety for like a week and then hermit themselves in their room. I'm with two friends and I barely interact with them in the apartment because we're all sheltered in our room usually.
There's websites for roommates, do it user, if anything wait out til the 2020 election and if TX turns blue from all the southern degenerates invading then fuck it, TX is lost and so is America. I would go say check out Maine but unfortunately it's being invaded by force refugee immigration.
Except wall street produces value, while students do not. I'd say debt is a fine test to see if the student will be productive, or just another wasted zoomer scum too lazy to make anything of worth.
His point is to lie to you and assume power. That's what socialists do.
Doesnt surprise me that one of the lowest IQ boards is advocating against going to college.
Biden or Trump are going to win bow to your boomer overlords
>all jews and whites die at once
Sounds like heaven
Tariffs have raised to the point of eliminating the money saved on tax cuts and is only going to grow.
Also remember the tax cuts for non-1% faze out within a half decade and become a tax hike eventually.
You Alabama yoohoos got cucked by your god emperor.
Obama was pretty cool desu i don't care how many sand people he bombed he never fucked me over like papa trump