The Cave Story game with robots called A.N.N.E is now live on Steam.
A.N.N.E is now up on Steam
Other urls found in this thread:
Looks promising! Anything with giant robots is cool
So Metroidvania then?
Here's the shake, marketer: your game needs more dinosaurs. Come back when it has dinosaurs.
> Dat Metool helmet
> Dat Crystal Man body design
It's another janky looking 2D indie platformer with no interesting gameplay
I don't fund people's calarts degrees, sorry
>A.N.N.E is an exploration game blending fast paced platformer and flying (shmup) gameplay mechanics. A.N.N.E’s style is inspired by 8-bit and 16-bit era games; an anthology in pixels that will take you back to the early days of video games using modern technologies and a refined yet simple visual style. A handcrafted retro adventure on an epic scale.
hard pass
>cave story with robots
nigga cave story already has robots what the fuck you on about
Look I'm okay with small devs doing a bit of shilling here, just be clear about it and give out a few keys for some goodwill. I might play your game.
>The Cave Story game with robots
So Cave Story.
never tie your real world identity to this place
Maybe super fighting robots?
Show me what the protag is meant to look like outside of its sprite and I'll consider it.
Fuck off retard
based studio full of white males
Acting like that will just make you look like a weak faggot. If you don't care about it and never acknowledge it, it will literally not affect you at all.
Tough day at work?
So no SJW bullshit then? Hmmmm....
> MFW when I get to motorboat Curly's metal titties
stop trying to bait some canadian indie fags into bad decisions
The level designer and the guy filming look literally the same.
Nice game collection in the background of the studio
Really small team it seems
Post a screenshot with a dinosaur and I'll buy it right now
>I'm going to shill on Yea Forums but I don't want to associate with them teehee :)
Tell your boss to make better decisions.
>Cave Story game with robots
>Flash tier animation of just moving having sprites to simulate animation
Fuck this shit.
>The Cave Story game with robots
So cave story?
These guys look alright, no pink haired brain drain
They're no Reikon Games, but they'll do
i don't have anything to do with this game smooth brain
unless you reply to this post with a picture of your unredacted state id and this post number written on a post-it note don't bother
Looks like they are based out of Montreal.
Pretty much sex and rock n roll then.
They will get a click from me
I am always confused by modern indie devs because they make the same game over and over: a 2D "Retro" (it doesn't look retro) sidescroller with basic shooting and platforming and an enormous art budget.
The same game, over and over, ad nauseum. This is not what indie gaming is about. The point of indie gaming is to make something unique that the big guys are too safe to try.
Here, let me shill an indie game I'm actually looking forward to:
Now THAT looks terrible
>if you don't reply to this post with your SSN + mother's maiden name you can't call out shills
ok retard. Next time just post keys in the first few posts rather than trying to bump your shill thread with bait.
have coding
>a terrible game with a terrible opinion
acting like that will just make you look weak faggot
also you are some kind of neet if you think your state id has your ssn on it
Noita is a pure indie game with unique and interesting gameplay. "ANNE" is literally a cut-and-paste "art platformer". Get better marketing tactics, you'll need them.
>indie gaming isn't about making unique games
The game does look like utter trash but saying that's a shitty opinion to have is retarded when there are way too many 2D platforming games already and it's got the shitty "retro graphics" too.
The movement of the robot fuselage does not go down when its legs go down
How do you fuck up an animation this basic
This game looks fucking awful and this is some of the shittiest shilling I've seen in ages.
so this is the power of the terraria final patch
> Enter thread to learn about robot indie game
> Thread becomes a 101 on how to be a cool indie dev and hip kid on Yea Forums
Man fuck this website, I'm going back to Instagram you incels.
I agree. Indie games are getting just as stale as AAA games. You're out of luck unless you want a roguelite or a "retro" action adventure/platformer. They all seem to have the same artstyle too. Games didn't used to look like this. Is it cheaper to go for ultra low res pixel art or something?
The gameplay is literally indistinguishable from any other platformer
>presuming someone's politics based on their identity
>going YASS when you see someone of a certain race
Don't do that.
The HUD sure is busy. I'm guessing this game isn't copping the level up/level down weapon system Cave Story has?
Considering Cave Story is the absolute best run and gun game out there, I think it's worth reexamining. I'm sure there will be some gimmicks to it that make it unique, like the ship thing and climbing on the background. Noita is obviously more interesting, but the platforming and combat look weak.
>I'm guessing this game isn't copping the level up/level down weapon system Cave Story has?
It isn't taking any lessons from Cave Story, just using the name of an actual indie game for notoriety/marketing
>IP count doesn't go up
Fuck off with your falseflagging marketer
>The Cave Story game with robots
Ah yes, I remember playing Cave Story and thinking "Gee, I wish this game had robots in it."
and clearly the robots flux copasitor is not on clue with the common knowledge of compressed thermal dynamics within robot coding. Clearly the animator needs to go back to advanced social genre robot studies before even attempting to do another dating fighting sim about RPG dungeon crawlers. I totally agree with you, Adventure of Link really is the best Mother game in the Super Mario franchise.
Now if only Stan Lee was behind the next Halo game. RIP Miyamoto
A good indie game should center around some kind of good gameplay mechanic, not "art".
Good indie games examples:
Cortex Command
Crayon Physics
Nigga how can you forget Honey Pop!
this, I don't mind people trying to advertise their indie titles on Yea Forums as long as they're up-front about it. When you lie and act like a marketer it's just kinda sad, and blatantly obvious at that.
Did you reach over to your metrosexual bearded coworker and give him a friendly handjob after writing this post?
His name is Arin
I doubt this guy is a marketer, why would anyone promote a game on Yea Forums, the anus of the internet.
The female robot has no breasts or hips. I can't buy it on good conscience.
Canada really is just an American territory in denial, isn't it?
A good indie game should be a good game. No one gives a fuck if the concept or visuals have been done before.
And on a Tuesday during normal work hours
The only people on Yea Forums ath this time are unemployed neets or under age tards
>A good indie game should be a good game.
A good game requires interesting and fun gameplay. In indie games, this usually takes the form of completely new game mechanics, because trying to do an already-done game mechanic with a super high level of polish doesn't work on a low budget.
>No one gives a fuck if the concept or visuals have been done before.
Actually, they do.
that game doesn't look a damn thing like cave story in either graphics, sound or gameplay. If anything the only things it has in common with it is that they both have robots, the thing you try to imply differentiates it.
I hope you aren't a marketer or some dev trying to promote your game, because you're doing a real bad job of it. I know Cave Story is the ur-example of a popular indie game from back when being indie really meant something, but you've gotta sell your game on its own merits. Saying something is [x] with [y] is just a sad way to piggyback off another popular title, and it's even sadder when it's blatantly false.
It's 19:23 mate.
>ninety seconds after OP posts
why are you shills so fucking bad at blending in
this should be the easiest thing in the world
and tell your spriter to learn how to animate instead of just shifting static elements of the sprite around, it looks like ass
It's almost 1AM here in China, fuck you white dog!
>what are time zones
>what are night shifts
>what are work-at-home jobs
>what are lazy faggots that just browse Yea Forums instead of working all day
nevermind that if this was a marketer trying astroturfing then posting on Yea Forums literally is his job.
He is right, and I'm going to let him finish
But you do know that Mighty No. 9 is the greatest game of all time
Cave Story with robots sounds good. Hopefully next they'll make a Cave Story game with rabbit people.
Fuck you, I'm still waiting for a Cave Story game with caves!
Fuck you too Chang!
>>ninety seconds after OP posts
You do know there's no cooldown between posting a thread and posting a reply, right.
i don't find a single mention of cave story in the kickstarter, on their website, or in the game description, but i do see that silicon era makes this comparison each time it mentions the game
there's also a thread from the 13th
so i'm concluding that this thread consists of failed indie devs getting owned by "cave story with robots"